Mikhail Rybakov How to put things in order in your business. How to build a reliable system from unreliable elements

Who is this book for? Both for "bison" and for beginners. Having studied it, an experienced businessman will be able to sort out what he has intuitively done for many years, build a system - first in his head, and then in the company. Beginner - avoid many very painful mistakes, save years of "traveling the rake".

The main audience is business owners and top managers of private market companies. Those to whom business is really very important. Who daily fights for existence and prosperity in the face of fierce competition. TO government organizations my recommendations also apply, but they do not have a full-fledged customer for changes, and politics (in the broadest sense) often outperforms common sense, especially in Russia.

When I refer to you in the book, I mean that you are a business owner. If you are not yet one, you can still benefit for yourself. Although many thoughts may seem unusual to you: the thinking of a businessman is fundamentally different from the thinking of an employee of any level.

You may want to delegate your employees to read this book and get your business in order. However, I don't recommend it. In our experience, the debugging of the business and its development should be managed by the owner himself otherwise they are doomed to fail. You can delegate only the technical part of this work.

The book will be useful to my fellow consultants (as well as trainers, coaches, psychologists, etc.), it will add consistency and tools to their work.

At its core - my experience work as a business consultant since 2000. Many of the text fragments are taken from articles that I wrote in different years for its "Business Consultant Tips" mailing list (published since 2007) and various media. For several years, colleagues, friends, readers have been asking me when I will write a book. And here she is in front of you.

I always open for communication(on business).

You can get consultation on the topics of this book and beyond. The consultation takes place via Skype, less often in person (in Moscow or while traveling). On it we will discuss the current situation of your company, its tasks and problems, outline ways to solve them. Send an application to [email protected] with "Consultation" in the subject line.

We mainly work with management teams companies in the strategic sessions, we accompany in the course of changes. We fly and go to different cities and countries. For small companies there are economy formats.

Several times a year we hold in Russia and abroad business camps, where owners and managers of companies from different industries, cities of Russia and other countries gather. From holdings owners to individual entrepreneurs. In the business camp, you will practice the technologies described in my books and more. And also get a boost of energy for the year ahead, new business contacts. Details are later in the book and on the website.

Visit www.mrybakov.ru - there are many useful materials . Sign up for free newsletter"Business Advisor Tips" to regularly receive our articles on business and not only (continuations of our books), announcements of live events.

You can find on Facebook me, as well as our communities: "How to clean up your business" (tips for business) and "From Career to Freedom" (inspiration for every day).

I recommend to study my new Books: “Business processes: how to describe, debug and implement them. Practicum” and “Business strategy: how to create and implement it. Practicum". They were written 6 and 8 years after this one, they absorbed our experience over the years. New books do not repeat the one that you hold in your hands, they significantly expand and deepen the methodology. Now I recommend that clients use them together when debugging their business.