Everything will be fine bad already tired. Everything will be fine! Statuses, quotes, poems, wise thoughts, wishes to friends

Let me remind you of some clear signs...

When you wake up in the morning, you immediately begin to worry about what you will eat, what you need to do, what kind of people you should meet, and so on.

You worry about what others—family members, friends, colleagues, and strangers—may think of you. You walk past people on the street and, without even realizing it, you worry about how you look in their eyes.

You worry about your work responsibilities (emails, meetings, paperwork, etc.) and your personal obligations (family, meals, bills, and so on). It constantly seems to you that you are not good enough at something, you do not live the way you “should”, however, the moment when you will be satisfied with everything will never come.

Do you worry about comparing yourself to other people, about how much is left behind, about what lies ahead for you - good or bad, about what you lose sight of, about feeling guilty about what you, don't seem to get better, leaner, stronger, and smarter, all those things you shouldn't worry about.

And time goes by...

But you are not alone in this. We all get stuck in our own thoughts sometimes.

You must realize one thing: no matter what is happening in your life right now, everything will be fine, everything will work out.

We are constantly worried about what might go wrong, what other people will think of us, and so on and so forth. In short, we only focus on the negative options. However, they are only a small part all the possibilities available to us. The chances that they will become a reality are small. But even if your fears come true (say, someone thinks badly of you), they are unlikely to significantly affect your life.

The truth is that even if your fears become reality, 99 percent of the time everything will be fine.

Remember what you were worried about recent times. You've probably experienced all this before, haven't you? Yes, you were forced to solve the problems that arose, but your life did not collapse; on the contrary, you learned useful lessons that ultimately made you stronger.

If you always tell yourself that everything is fine, you can gradually release worries and anxieties and learn how to prevent their occurrence.

You can improve the quality of your thinking and life in general...

Start your day calmly, with a sincere smile on your face, and only then proceed to all things ...

It's worth practicing.

What to do in difficult times, when real trouble has come into your life?

How to deal with it?

“Today, on my forty-seventh birthday, I re-read the suicide note I wrote exactly twenty years ago, two minutes before my girlfriend Carol came into the room and said she was pregnant. Her words were the only reason why I did not commit suicide then. Suddenly my life took on meaning and I began to change it little by little. better side. It was not easy, but now Carol is my wife, with whom we have lived together in a happy marriage for nineteen years. My daughter is twenty-one years old, she is studying at the medical university. She has two younger brothers. I reread my suicide note every year on my birthday - I'm grateful that I was given a second chance at life."

This is an excerpt from an email I received from a student in my class named Kevin. His words reminded me that sometimes you have to experience "inner death" in order to be reborn and become stronger and happier.

Circumstances and people will sometimes break you. But if you focus on the positive, open your heart of love and keep going no matter what, then you will certainly be able to pick yourself up piece by piece, recover and become stronger and happier than you were before.

Angel and I have also dealt with turmoil in our lives - we lost loved ones and best friends, experienced financial crisis, the collapse of business ideas and so on. We have written about this for many years. But today, let me remind you of some clear signs that everything is going to be okay, even if you don't feel like it right now...

1. Change is happening right now. Nothing is certain. You are free.

Everything in life is temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Each moment gives us a new beginning and a new end. We get a second chance every second.

After the rain, the sun always shines. After the night there always comes a dawn - we are reminded of this every morning, but for some reason we refuse to notice it.

People from all over the world tell me similar heartbreaking stories all the time about how their whole life turned into an attempt to cope with one unfair event from the past. All the opportunities that are given to them, they burn at the stake with a fiery obsession with what cannot be changed. The main thing is to realize that YOU do not have to be one of these people.

You are a product of your past, but you should not be held captive by it. You become a prisoner when you cling to something that is no more. Be brave and say goodbye to the past, and then life will reward you with a new Hello! As hard as it is for you, you CAN, you SHOULD let go.

You have to let go and accept that you don't know how your life will turn out. Learn to love and appreciate this freedom. Only when you are hovering in the air, not knowing what to do next, will you be able to open your wings and fly towards the future. Yes, you do not know what awaits you, but it does not matter. It is important that you have finally opened the wings that will only carry you forward.

2. You have tons of amazing options.

As a rule, we seek only a tiny range of life experiences - good times, comfortable situations, experiences that make us happy. However, what we face every day in reality is completely different. Life gives us a wide range of very different experiences that cause anger and love, grief and joy, disappointment and delight, loneliness and confusion within us ... These emotions constantly replace each other. They are part of our reality - our collective state of humanity.

Question: how will YOU react to this?

You may rebel against injustice because you fail to get what you so desire. You may be angry at the whole world because of the pain and suffering you have experienced. You may try to resist and deny sadness, disappointment, embarrassment, and so on. Just remember that choosing the negative will only make things worse in the long run and lead to more despair.

A more effective option, perhaps, is the full acceptance of reality and the wide range of life experiences that you are facing. This includes all your emotions, all your ups and downs, all your happy and sad moments, and what happens in between. Life is not only rainbows and colorful butterflies. It is complex and unpredictable.

To embrace life fully means to open yourself to unimaginable possibilities, to be ready for unexpected changes, to show compassion and kindness to yourself in difficult times, to give love no matter what happens, and to be grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.

This means not expecting that life will always be calm and measured, but accepting reality as it is, accepting yourself as you are, and striving for the best.

3. You can take a small step towards change for the better at any time.

No need to build mountains in your head. No need to try to conquer the whole world at once. When you're looking for instant gratification (great, quick change), your life becomes painful and frustrating. When you take every moment as an opportunity to make a small, worthwhile investment in yourself, the results will follow.

When everything is destroyed, you can find many small things that need to be restored. When things seem to go wrong, even the smallest positive effort can make a difference. Times of great adversity are times of great opportunity. There are no problems that you cannot deal with. When things are going well, it's very easy to fall into a routine of complacency. It's easy to forget how incredibly capable and resourceful you can be. Remember to take one small positive step after another to change your life for the better.

If you want to start right now, don't delay, challenge yourself. Choose a specific area of ​​your life that you would like to improve, and…

Write down the specific details of your current situation. (What are you worried about? What happened? What do you want to change?)

Write down the answer to next question: What daily rituals will help resolve the current situation? (Be honest with yourself. Are you currently taking any action to help solve the problems you have encountered?)

Write down specific details of your ideal situation. (What would make you happy? What does your current situation look like?)

Write down your answer to the following question: What daily rituals will help you get where you want to be? (Think about it. What are the small, daily steps you need to take to move forward?)

The bottom line is that each moment of your life determines the next. This moment is the bridge between the reality of where you are now and the vision of where you want to be.

Reality actually comes to you every second. The amazing thing is that you can change it. You just have to decide what you want to do with it. The greatest mistake of all is doing nothing just because at the moment you are capable of only a little. And, again, it's far more effective to take small steps in the right direction than it is to take a giant leap to stumble, fall, and never get up again. The path to what you most want in your life is made up of a thousand small steps that you take every day. Decide where you want to be, take the first step and don't stop. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal.

Of course everything will be fine. We are sure of it. We pronounce such a desire on birthdays and under New Year. We are so encouraging each other in case of failure. Songs with the phrase "Tomorrow everything will be fine" become our real hits, which everyone knows by heart. And we are confident that this cherished dream will come true. Only life shows something else: we are in conflict with loved ones, we feel hostility and suffer from this, we are nervous and angry, we receive a small salary, and the country is getting worse and worse. And then we ask in disappointment: when will everything be fine? And how much longer to wait until this coveted "good"?

I hope that everything will be fine - why do our hopes not come true?
What needs to be done to make everything really good tomorrow?
When will everything finally be okay for each of us?

The other day I was lucky to be at the concert of the Okean Elzy group in Kyiv. From the upper sector, there was a beautiful view not only of the stage, but of the entire Olimpiysky stadium, one glance was enough to see - here it is, a real "full house". Tens of thousands happy people filled the stands and the entire field - to the famous songs they danced and shouted, applauded and staged flash mobs. Each song met warmly, but one - especially.

This refrain was sung by the entire stadium, thousands of hands went up either to the beat of the music, or in a kind of prayer for Ukraine. Looking around and back, I noticed thousands of eyes and many had tears in them, there were also people who wept uncontrollably. All the spectators, as one, at that moment dreamed and hoped that the time would finally come when everything would be fine for each of us. This song, always perceived by us as personal, this time concerned the general - the desire that tomorrow everything will be fine, is carried out throughout the country, because today we have a real civil war going on.

The concert ended, everyone went home with a cheerful mood. Many people sang "everything will be good" as they walked along the avenues and streets. But what's next? Has the situation changed in the country, in their families, for them personally the next day? No. Tomorrow came the same as usual. The war continued without even thinking of changing - the news every day reported the deaths of both civilians and military. I do not think that someone has radically changed his life and began to feel happier. How can this be? Why such a bright and simple desire to all was good, does not come true? And even vice versa - everything is only getting worse?

I want everything to be good - we are looking for the roots of desires

Belief in a brighter future, in the fact that "tomorrow everything will be fine" is typical for the majority of our compatriots. It seems that this is just a cliche picked up by someone sometime and spread because of the beautiful sound. But it's much more complicated...

Phrase " Everything will be fine even if..."actually carries huge layers that reflect our mentality, which has been formed over millennia. Difficult weather conditions, unfriendly forest-steppe mixed with swamps and mountains, many wild animals and more large quantity enemy nomadic tribes - under the pressure of all this, a unique mental superstructure was formed on our territory, which is not found anywhere else in the world. We could only survive by working closely with each other, supporting the weak, providing help to those in need. Many years ago, if a house burned to the ground, its owner could only hope for those who lived nearby, in the same village, for those who could find themselves in the same situation tomorrow. Something has always pushed us to do a good deed to someone who has suffered, to someone who is weak, who needs help. "Everything will be fine, I believe in it ..." the neighbors of the victim of the fire cheered hundreds of years ago, and everyone helped - some with bread, some with a corner in their house, some with clothes. And all this is built not on visual pity and compassion, as in Western culture, but on the urethral feeling of mercy, truth and justice in life.

Although outwardly visual compassion and urethral mercy very similar, in fact they have a difference. The spectator often, without realizing it, substitutes concepts, confuses where good and evil are, and does "good" deeds, which ultimately lead to a deplorable result. A simple example: humanitarian aid for the poor countries of Africa - flooding African countries with balloon medicines, clothes and food, Western countries have achieved a very bad result: instead of development, the people of Africa are demanding new portions of humanitarian aid.

Urethral mercy does not involve zealous help to everyone, but only to those who really need it. We, with our mentality, never try to just feed a person and forget about him (read: pay off), but, on the contrary, we have an inner desire to show deeper help, for example, give a fishing rod and teach how to fish. And this is manifested in everything, in our schools it is customary to pull up those who are lagging behind, at work - to help those who cannot cope. "Of course, everything will be fine," we encourage the other, showing participation in his life and fate.

Our society was formed in such a way that at the head of the pack there was always a urethral personwho took responsibility for everyone. By nature, such a person has a whole range of characteristics that allow him to perform his role correctly and without flaw. Given to society, its best properties live in the heart of each of our people.

Unfortunately, in the best manifestations of our mentality there are traps for consciousness that distort reality, deprive us of the right thoughts and actions. And one of them is the desire "everything will be fine tomorrow." Being muscularly patient, we seem to be stuck in a place where there is no way out. And instead of acting, we just expect everything to be fine. Forgetting that for this well something needs to be done. And the more good you want, the more you need to work.

The feeling that in the event of a tragedy we will definitely be helped deprives each of us of personal responsibility. We are all subconsciously waiting for what will come strong man(leader) and do something that will save us, change everything in the world. We expect that the whole society will change, and we - following - will definitely catch up. The terrible situation is that we, having shifted responsibility to another, ourselves continue to do things that lead to exactly the opposite result than "everything will be fine tomorrow":

  • we do not understand our own children, raising them on a whim, which is how we lose a whole generation of young people, simply simply not understanding them;
  • we have conflicts in families and the number of divorces is growing so much that it exceeds the number of marriages;
  • we are dissatisfied with our work, our wealth;
  • we take and give bribes, even at the smallest level, for example, to a doctor or a teacher, thereby increasing corruption in the country;
  • we get angry and offended, scream and hysteria, sit in our fears and depressions...

And we are looking for an explanation for all this not in ourselves, in our actions, but in someone else. The partner is to blame for the pair, the gaps in educational system- teachers, in poor health care - doctors, in the situation in the country - the president, corrupt officials or people of a different nationality. And so on and so forth. Wherever you look - someone is to blame, and not I. And I - this is the same husband, father, doctor, teacher, policeman, politician, a common person who blames everyone around, but not himself. And he waits, waits for everything to change and then everything will be fine tomorrow. It simply cannot be otherwise. But the mental superstructure assumed the actions of the entire flock for the good of the flock, and not just the expectation of help.

Collectivist thinking does not allow us to look at the world for real, but he has changed a lot. The new, skin era dictates its own rules to us, and they are in personal responsibility for everything around. You can't expect others to change if you don't change yourself. You cannot expect that everything will be necessarily good, because without your own action, this will definitely not happen. Moreover, while we wait, others act and benefit from our naivety and patience.

What to do so that everything is really good tomorrow

So, in order to change the world around you, you need to think about what I can do for everyone. As practice shows, not all actions, even with the best intentions, help to make everything go well. This is due to the fact that often we simply do not know what action to take correctly. The roots of our desires are hidden from us in the subconscious, and we are full of our rationalizations and are often mistaken.

Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe!

Stop wasting time worrying!

Smile! Everything will be alright, I've asked.

Everything will be fine, because it cannot be otherwise!

Everything will be fine wherever you go!

Everything will be not just good, but much better! Necessarily! Don `t doubt!

As spring comes after winter, so joy follows sadness. Everything will be fine!

Man is the product of his thoughts. For he becomes what he thinks about most of the time!

Everything will be fine! Believe in yourself and you will get through!

Wherever you are, tell yourself: Since I'm here, then everything will be fine!

Sometimes, in some strange ways in life, everything gets better by itself!

Everything will be fine: theoretically ... logically ... deductively ... yes, in any case!

Let it be bad now, but then everything will be fine. You just need to survive, wait, and then everything will work out. Necessarily!

Everything will be fine! Live actively, think positively!

If you wake up with the thought that something good will happen today, it will.

And you know, it still will. The south wind will still blow and the spring will still conjure and the memory will turn over.

Never regret anything - everything is for the best!

When it seems to a person that everything is going wrong, something wonderful tries to enter his life.

Believe, everything will come true! Everything will be awesome!

The sun is always behind the clouds. Yes! Everything will be fine!!! No matter what...

You have to survive the rain to see a rainbow! Everything will be fine!

If you feel very bad, find someone who is worse off and help him. You will feel much better!

If you have been offended, use the magic rule of three Ps: understand, forgive, bury.

Never take revenge on anyone. All will be! We are good, but they deserve it!

Believe me, all troubles will go away ... Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

The train goes to the final station "Success" with all the stops: Failure, Apathy, Betrayal, Mistakes, Actions ... Success.

Everything will be as it should! Everything passes ... this too will pass ... everything will be ho-ro-sho!

Happiness is when you don't have to lie that you feel good.

A strong person is not one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. You are stronger than you think!

Everything that happens happens at the right time. This is the best that could be!

The end of something bad is always the beginning of something good.

Don't be sad... everything will be fine, life is full of pleasant moments!

Do not grieve and do not be sad! All the best is ahead!

Everything will be fine in the end. If it's still not good, it's not over.

Everything will be as you dream, just wait. Remember, sugar is at the bottom.

No eclipse lasts forever. Don't be discouraged, everything will be fine!

The sun in the sky is good, but the sun in the soul is more important. Take care of your sun!

Look at your problems from a different angle! Relax, everything will be fine!

Everything will be fine! And even yesterday's mistakes will do you good!

I found the mood for myself to be lucky. Yesterday was good, but today is better!

Tasks for today: stand in front of the mirror, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, smile and tell yourself: “Everything will be fine!”

Go to the "Settings" of the soul, open the "Status" folder, check the "Happy" box and forget the password!

Everything will be fine, because bad does not suit me!

Everything will be fine, because that's how I want it to be and that's how it should be!

It is important to have a person next to you who will hug and say: everything will be fine. And it's you!

No one will feel good next to you while you feel bad alone with yourself.

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The mysteries of God... I cannot explain them to you. I don't know how to explain them. I imagine how you are amazed, frightened, do not know what to say in some cases. And when you ask me about these boundless and immense mysteries - “why is this happening, why is this happening, why is God leaving you”, I don’t know what to answer. And more than that, I agree with you. But what could I advise here - let's pray. Let us turn to God personally: “Lord, why are You doing this? Enlighten me so I understand. Help me to understand your secret."

One way or another, everything will turn out well. Now, perhaps, you are in pain, and therefore you say “but why, but how is it so.” And you stop for a while and do not rush! Wait a little, a few years. Let a few decades pass. See how easy it is for me to say, “Let a few decades go by”? In a few seconds! And you are protesting. And yet, in the end, that is exactly what will happen. Enough time must pass for you to understand why some events happened. And then you will feel at some point that there was a “plan” for everything. When I say "plan" I mean "why this or that should happen." The "plan" behind the disease, the "plan" behind your relative's death. Or why you had to lose your job this year. There is a wise “plan” for everything, which you, in simplicity of heart, should trust. If you find another way out, I will respectfully accept it. Usually, in such situations, when these unforeseen events occur, one goes crazy, the other does not believe in anything and does not know what to do in life. The man comes to a terrible dead end. But there is, however, a way out: to surrender oneself to the love and care of God. And then everything will turn out for good.

Learn to say in your life: "Everything will be fine." “But it’s not good now,” you hear a voice inside you. "Everything will be fine". “And what is bad now? And will it be good? “Yes, and this. Everything will be fine. Wait and see. You will see how events change. It takes patience. And in the end, something sweet will come out of the bitter."

One parable tells how the king lived and had a slave. Together they went about all the affairs of the king, and the servant helped the king in everything. This slave kept saying what I told you: "Everything will be fine, everything will be fine." “What will be good?” others asked him. The weather was cloudy, and the slave said: "Good, very good." “Look, it’s cloudy and drizzling!” - "Well very well". The next day the sun was shining. Slave for his own: "And today everything is fine." And then one day they went hunting, something happened to the bow that the slave was holding. And he fired, cutting off the king's finger. “What have you done to me,” the king shouted, “oh, oh, it hurts, it hurts!” And the slave turns to him and without fear again says: “Everything will be fine!” “How well everything is, madman, do you realize what you are talking about? Since “everything is good,” then go to prison for what you did to me, and there you will learn what “everything is good” means.” He put him in a dungeon, and he himself was left without a finger. However, he continued to hunt because that was his weakness. Once in the forest, the king went far from the others, he went deeper than usual, and there he was seized by the natives, who had the goal of sacrificing him to their gods and, in addition, also eating him. Because these natives ate people. So they led him, and on the way they sang and celebrated with cries and cries: "We have caught the king, now we will kill him and eat him." Meanwhile, the king thought sadly: “Look what awaits me. All my subordinates are afraid of me, and these natives will eat them alive, and I don’t know how to save myself.” And when they led him into the thicket, one native from the tribe noticed that the king was missing a finger, he was missing one finger. The native shouted, "Oh, oh, now we can't make a sacrifice and eat him, because he has a physical injury." So their “god” commanded them, so their tradition said, that only a person without injuries can be sacrificed to “god” and eaten. And the king was without one finger. “Oh, oh,” says the native, “what a pity. Okay, come on, get out of here. You don't deserve to be eaten by us." And the king left, crossed himself and gave thanks to God, saying: “Oh, oh, I was saved, I was saved! I was saved by the fact that I did not have a finger!” He was inspired by this and terribly delighted. And first of all, he remembered his slave, whom he threw into the dungeons. He immediately gave the order to release him. The slave was called to the king, who, in agitation, said to him: “Forgive me, my slave, for what I did to you. I brought you such torment, because of me you ended up in a dungeon. The slave turned to him and said again: “All is well, all is well, my king! Do not worry!" “Have you been in the dungeon and you say ‘everything is fine’?” “But, my king, and you think, if I weren’t in a dungeon, but if I were hunting with you in the forest, who would they eat then? They would eat me! You were missing one finger, and you were saved! But I have all the fingers, and I would not have escaped!” And then the king realized that in fact everything is fine as it happens. God knows how everything happens. And so it allows it to be. […]

When I was in Cyprus, I went to a monastery, and there I saw a photograph of one abbot, a very young man, who died in a plane crash along with the Patriarch of Alexandria, who was heading to the Holy Mountain. I was very touched by the story of this abbot, told to me by the fathers. I was told that he was a very spiritual and holy man, and the trip ended in disaster. I think there was another person who was supposed to go along with everyone. But at the last moment something happened, and the other one did not go. And probably to himself, the one who did not fly regretted: “Oh, how I would like to fly with my fathers. Elders, fathers, abbots, Patriarch of Alexandria, I could have such a blessing to be next to them. But okay, what can you do! They didn’t take me, there’s no place, my turn didn’t come!” What happened next, you know: the helicopter crashed, everyone died. That is, you see: they were happy to go and not just anywhere, but to the Holy Mountain. And despite this...

Anything can happen. We must be ready and open to everything. Sign yourself with the sign of the cross. And continue to live. And to accept whatever the Lord brings us, with the confidence that it is all for our own good. Everything will serve our good. Now someone will say: “OK, but how do you explain this? You tell us like this, you tell us one thing or another, in the end you see that everything will be fine. And some events are inexplicable at first glance. But somewhere in the depths of life lies a blessing. I'm into it.

You see the poor who suffer and suffer. One stroke of fate is followed by another. Blow, complete hopelessness. And you say: "Well, how is it - such good man! And all the cuffs on his poor head! How to understand it? And next to you you see another: he lives a prosperous, worldly and sinful life. God does not exist for him. He is healthy as an ox. He grows old, lives up to a hundred years, and at least he has something! People look at him and say: “What will happen to him? He does all the iniquity, lives far from God, and everything is fine with him. And the other, still very young, is already suffering from cancer. Another one: he lives to be eighty years old, smokes all day, swears and nothing!” This depresses you, and you say: “How can all this be explained, what kind of God is this! Where is he looking? How does all this allow? But God, as far as I can see, and probably you noticed it too, is not affected by what you, I, and all of us together say. He tells you: “Say what you want. I am silent. I cannot tell you what My secrets are."

I now remembered that this is exactly what God said to St. Anthony the Great. Once, when I asked Him: “Lord, why do one things happen to some and another to others?” God answered him: “Anthony, stop asking. But I will tell you something before you continue your questions. Do not try to penetrate the mysteries that pertain to Me. Whatever you ask is completely My deeds. Divine works that surpass your understanding. They are outside your mind. You better deal with Anthony and don't deal with what God does and how He does it. It's my business". God said this to the saint not out of contempt or indifference. It is as if He were saying, “Anthony, you cannot comprehend this. I have to tell you many different stories. I have to tell you a long story so that you understand the path of each person, and all the "how" and "why". I, who know and have greater wisdom than you,” God tells him, “and I have love, and power, and all divine, holy properties, I know more than you.” And one more thing: know that these people who have everything, but have no connection with God, despite the fact that while everything is going well for them, this does not mean that their life ended in complete prosperity. Because they are still alive, and you do not know their end in all details. After all, there are people who, although they are rich, but if their wealth, their well-being, their health does not serve as a reason for gratitude to God, for peace of mind, praise, alms, everything that they have will turn into a disaster for them.

There are rich people who are ruined by their own wealth. There are people who are drowned by the talents given to them by God. Therefore, you should not draw such conclusions when you meet "injustice" in life, and you should not be surprised. There are beautiful women or handsome men to whom God gives this gift of charm and bodily beauty. But this charm, this external beauty of them sometimes becomes for them what destroys their life. They get entangled there, entangled here, easily carried away and have no permanent connections. They develop bad tendencies and it torments them. And when you ask such a person, "why do you live like this", he will answer you "it's all because of my beauty." And although beauty is a gift, but it leads to death. And you look and envy: “And why am I not so beautiful?” You do your best to become beautiful, and even more beautiful (or beautiful). But maybe this is your external imperfection - there is God's protection in your life. Think about it a little. Because if this handsome man does not have humility, but brings suffering and upsets people with his behavior, then it remains to be seen whether this beauty will lead him to paradise.

(End to follow...)