Registered and valuable letter difference. Written Notice

Sending is a procedure that has not lost its relevance over time. Valuable parcel, as well as registered letter, has certain rules of departure (a list of items that are allowed for shipment) and allowable weight limits. You can use the services of the Russian Post on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is it

The declared value is a guarantee that the sent package will reach the recipient and its contents will be preserved. Most often, valuable parcels are declared those in which expensive equipment - Cell phones, cameras, laptops, tablets. In this case, declare the value of the transfer - required condition. For valuable parcels and cargo transport company and the post office is responsible. In addition, letters and parcels are financially protected against damage and loss.

If the terms of delivery of valuable items are violated or they are lost or damaged, the sender has the right to demand compensation at the post office. Send valuable items only from the post office. They must be registered.

The value is assigned by the sender. The postal workers indicate the amount on the envelope, package or packaging, as well as other information. The cost is indicated in figures and in words. For sending, the post office charges a commission, which is four percent of the value. The commission for express EMS is less - only one percent. If a valuable parcel is sent cash on delivery, an inventory must be attached.

How to send

Send a parcel with a declared value should be at the post office. Operators accept parcels, packages and letters properly designed. The parcel must correspond to the dimensions, weight, value and not contain items prohibited for shipment. Before sending the parcel, it must be properly packaged. Most often, you can purchase packaging (box, bags, envelopes) at the post office. Standard packaging has empty fields where you should enter the recipient's address and other information about the shipment (the amount of value and cash on delivery). The sender and recipient data looks like this:

  • Full Name.
  • Street name, house or apartment number.
  • Locality.
  • Area.
  • Region (region, territory, republic).
  • Country.
  • Postcode.

Other information is also indicated if the declared value of the parcel is high. Before sending, the postal worker checks whether the parcel is packed correctly, as well as filling in the fields. If everything is correct, the operator accepts the shipment after the final payment.


What does "declared value" mean? It is imposed on all sent items, the cost of which is high. It is determined by the sender. Parcels sent with declared value are always sent cash on delivery. The package may contain magazines, books, equipment, items. Permissible weight - ranging from 100 grams to two kilograms. The rules for sending a large parcel depend on which type of parcel is selected. It should be noted that the cost of sending parcels is lower than parcels. If the contents of the package weigh more than two kilograms, and its price is more than ten thousand, postal employees have the right to refuse to send it by parcel post.

The sender has access to the service of sending registered parcels. This is a registered parcel that requires confirmation of the signature of the sender and recipient after delivery to the specified address. In order to send a registered parcel, you must fill out a special form at the post office. If you need to send a parcel abroad, the rules for such a shipment are the same as in Russia. The only difference is that a bag should be used instead of a box, the weight of the contents can reach two kilograms. Tariffs for transporting parcels abroad are higher.


The declared value of the letter is a guarantee in case it is lost or damaged. As in the case of a parcel, in order to send such a letter, the sender must declare its value. If the envelope is lost, the sender will receive a partial refund. In the post office, the letter must be registered, and the delivery must be tracked using the identifier number assigned to it on the Russian Post website.

To send a valuable letter, buy an envelope of a suitable size (maximum size 229x324 mm, in the Russian Federation the weight of the contents should be no more than 100 grams, abroad - up to 2 kilograms). Then give the envelope to the operator at the post office and tell us how much compensation you would like to receive for possible loss.

In addition, the sender can make an inventory of the attachment and receive a notification of delivery of the letter. The sender is also available Additional services: air forwarding, SMS notification, inventory of attachments, cash on delivery, notification of receipt by the addressee.


You can get a letter with a declared value in the mail. When it arrives at the appropriate branch of the Russian Post at the specified address, the employees will send a notification to the recipient. The same applies to parcels. They receive parcels and letters at the post office or the postman delivers them to the door of the apartment. Often, due to a shortage of workers, the recipient has to independently come to the office for a parcel or a letter.


The declared value is the guarantee provided by the post. The fee for the parcel is collected from the citizen by the postal worker in the office at the time of receipt. The cost is assigned taking into account the amount of the parcel and is determined by the established tariffs at the post office. The fact of payment is confirmed by a check, stamps and stamps. International and domestic shipments have different rates.

The shipping cost is affected by the departure address (range), region, weight of the parcel or letter, dimensions. A parcel can have a maximum value ("Post of Russia") of 10 thousand rubles. A letter with a declared value - 500 thousand, a first-class parcel post - 100 thousand rubles. The entire list of services and prices is provided at the post office. For example, if a parcel weighs five hundred grams and is delivered ground transport, the shipping price varies from 70 to 100 rubles. Everything depends on the distance.

For a letter of value, the sender indicates a "declared value", which is fully or partially refundable if the letter is lost or damaged.

Like a registered letter valuable letter is a registered shipment, its delivery and delivery can be tracked using the tracking number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a valuable letter is handed over personally to the addressee against signature or to the addressee's representative by proxy.

To calculate the time and cost of delivery, use the postal calculator or check out the rates for delivering letters in Russia and abroad.


the size

the size

Maximum weight

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

Minimum size

110 × 220 mm (Euro envelope) or 114 × 162 mm (C6 format)

Maximum size

229 × 324 mm (C4 format)

Maximum weight

In the Russian Federation - 100 g

Abroad - 2 kg

How to send

  1. Buy any envelope of the right size, enclose a letter and write the address . You can buy an envelope at the post office.
  2. Give the envelope with the letter to the post office employee and state the amount of declared value in rubles that you want to receive as compensation in case of loss or damage to the letter.
  3. If you need a notification of delivery, take the notification form on the table at the post office (for shipments within Russia - the form f. 119, for shipments abroad - the CN 07 form), fill it out and hand it along with the letter to the Postal employee.
  4. If you need an inventory of the attachment, fill out 2 copies of the inventory form (f. 107) and send it along with the letter to the operator. Or fill out the forms on the website.
    ATTENTION! A letter with a description of the attachment is sent to the department employee in open form for reconciliation.
  5. If you need a cash on delivery service, tell the operator the amount of cash on delivery in rubles.
  6. If SMS notification is required, fill in the SMS notification form and hand it over to the operator.

Additional services

  • Delivery Notice. You will receive a receipt signed by the addressee.
  • Attachment Description. You will receive a confirmation of the contents of the letter and the date it was sent, certified by the postal worker.
  • C.O.D. To receive a letter, the addressee will have to pay the amount you specified.
  • SMS notification on the arrival of the item at the office and delivery to the addressee. The service is available only when shipping within Russia.
  • Air shipment- Air transport is delivered faster.

Please note that the Inventory of attachments, Cash on delivery and SMS notification services are available only for sending items within the territory of Russia.

Attachment Description- this is a document that is enclosed in a postal item and contains the name, quantity and cost of the items sent. The inventory of attachments is used when sending valuable letters, parcels, parcels. This document must be stamped by the post office before the postal item is sealed.

Attachment description form has standard form 107.

How to fill out an attachment description

Consider the procedure for filling out the form of the inventory of attachments to the mailing.

First, we indicate the type of departure: a valuable letter, parcel post or parcel.

Then in the line "To" we write the full name, in the line "To" - the mailing address of the recipient.

We proceed to filling out the table, in which we indicate the payment order number, the name of the items being sent, their quantity and cost (in rubles). The declared value affects the amount of compensation in case of loss of the postal item. But at the same time, it is important to consider that the higher it is, the greater the insurance fee for the shipment. postal parcel. At the request of the sender, it can be omitted.

In the line "Sender" we put a signature.

The position is indicated below and the signature of the postal worker who checked all the completed information is put.

The inventory of the attachment is compiled in two copies - one of them is enclosed in the postal item, the second is received by the sender along with the receipt. This document is written by hand or completed on a computer. Corrections are not allowed. Before sealing the postal item, a stamp of the postal item is put on the attachment inventory form.

You have decided to send a registered letter with an attachment description. It would seem, what could be easier? Come to the post office, take and fill out the form. But no! Take your time. There is one small nuance here.
According to the rules of the Russian Post with a description of the attachment, a registered letter cannot be sent. Only valuable! (Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia" on 06.07.2005 No. 261)

You will need
- the envelope,
- a pen,
- forms.


one). Choose which letter you will send - registered or valuable (if you have the right to choose). In some cases, the procedural legislation of Russia specifically indicates that documents must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. If you have such a case, then the inventory of the documents to be sent should be drawn up not on the form of the Russian Post, but in the form of a cover letter.

2). Collect all documents that you intend to send by registered mail. Write a cover letter on a separate piece of paper. In the upper right corner, enter the recipient of the letter. As a title, write: "About sending documents." In the text of the letter, briefly explain the purpose for which you are sending these documents. Below, as attachments, list the names of all documents you send. Put the date, your signature with a transcript and contact details.
Seal your cover letter with all attachments in an envelope. Write the recipient's detailed address and go to the post office, send it all by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt (if notification is needed).

3). Download the attachment inventory form Form 107 of the Russian Post (if you still decide to send documents by letter with declared value). Fill out the form in text editor and then print 2 copies. Or, by hand at the post office, fill out two standard forms according to the sample. One copy will remain with you, and the second will be sent to the recipient. If necessary, you can also issue a notification of receipt form.
Assign the value of documents as you wish. The higher the value, the more compensation you will receive if the letter is lost. (But the more you pay for sending it.) Typically, such letters are valued at 10 rubles. Separate attachments can be left without evaluation, in which case a dash is put in the corresponding column of the inventory.

four). When inscribing the envelope, in addition to the addresses of the sender and recipient, also indicate the total cost of investments. Usually it is written on the free space of the envelope on top. The amount of rubles is indicated in words, kopecks - in numbers. Do not seal the envelope with documents until the postman checks the attachments and certifies the inventory with his signature and the seal of the department! Get your copy of the inventory and payment receipt from the postal worker.


A Form 107 Attachment Inventory is useful if you have reason not to trust the recipient of the letter. For example, when you send a claim to an unscrupulous seller. Without an inventory, no one will prevent him from stating that he did not receive any claim from you, and that the envelope you sent contained advertising leaflets of the SPA salon. The signature and seal of the postal worker on the inventory form in this case will be proof of your innocence in court.
In other cases, the preparation of an inventory of sent documents cover letter is even more preferable.

Useful advice

The passage of both registered and valuable letters can be tracked on the Russian Post website by numbers mail ID indicated on the receipt.

Entrepreneurial activity involves the submission of reports to the tax authorities. To avoid queues, but submit a declaration or other document on time, you can use the services of the Russian Post. To do this, you need to send tax documents by letter with a description of the attachment. Let's talk about the description in more detail.

Inventory form for attaching documents to a valuable letter

Attached to this block is an attachment inventory form with the ability to individual filling straight from the file. Also, an inventory of the attachment can be prepared manually, for this, print out an empty form and fill it out with a regular ballpoint pen. An example of such a filling is shown in the figure below.


What is a description?

inventory is the list of contents enclosed in the envelope. An inventory is filled out on a special form of form 107, which is approved by the Order of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post dated May 17, 2012 N 114-p “On approval of the procedure” with the appendix “The procedure for receiving and delivering internal registered mail”.
In general, the description is embedded in

  • parcels,
  • parcels,
  • valuable letters.

We are interested in the last point.

What is the advantage of such postage?

Employee operating room branch of the Russian Post, when accepting the letter, will put a stamp with the current date on the inventory form.

Important! The date of acceptance of a valuable letter with an inventory will be equal to the date of submission of reports.

Thus, even if for some reason you do not have time to submit the report on time and the last day is left, you can send documents by letter with a list of attachments, thereby avoiding pennies and fines for late tax returns.

How to fill out Form 107 correctly?

Attention! The inventory form is filled in two copies! One form will be sent in an envelope along with the letter, and the second, with a date stamp, will be given to the sender.

In form 107, the lines are filled in:

  1. table nested documents:
    • serial number,
    • Name,
    • amount,
    • declared value (in rubles);
  2. The overall result(in pieces) items and declared value amount;
  3. sender(full name or name of the legal entity);
  4. signature sender.

So, attachment description example will look like this:

If there are blank cells left, it is allowed to put a dash. And if, on the contrary, there was not enough space to fill out, then it is allowed to continue on the second sheet of the form and make notes, for example, “Sheet 1 of N”, “Sheet 2 of N”, etc. The total of the quantity and amount must be given in total, for all documents enclosed in the envelope. Again, such a chain of forms must be completed in duplicate.

Important! Corrections on the form of the inventory of attachments to a valuable letter are not allowed!

What is declared value?

Since the inventory is needed as a fact of reporting, and according to the rules it is invested in a valuable letter, our shipment must be evaluated. Each nested unit is evaluated separately, and the evaluation amount is assigned to the entire letter. You can not assign value, but put a dash.

It should be written on the envelope: “With an inventory, the value of XX rubles.”

If suddenly the letter is lost, then the mail must return the amount of the declared value to the sender or recipient.
For forwarding the letter, the operator of the mail room will take an additional + 4% of the amount of the declared value.

How to send an email with an attachment description?

You need to contact the operator of the operating room of the Russian Post with:

  • unsealed envelope,
  • documents included in it
  • two completed inventory forms,
  • the amount of money in the wallet for the transfer.

The operator will verify the data entered in the form with the envelope, the correctness of filling out the inventory and the envelope, put a stamp on each sheet of the inventory with the date of acceptance, sign on each and give one copy to the sender along with a receipt for payment.

Speaking of which! For example, you can send a tax return in only one copy, your copy remains with you with the inventory form attached to it with the date the letter was sent.

Where can I get Form 107 inventory forms?

Inventory forms are always freely available at every post office in Russia. You can take them home with you and better with a margin, in case you have to refill the form due to a mistake.
Also, form f.107 is available for download on the Russian Post website and on our page.