Is there lte in ipad 4. Why you should not overpay for an iPad with built-in LTE

Yesterday, the owners of new iPhones, whose devices communicate with the world through a black-and-yellow SIM card, had the opportunity to fully use Mobile Internet. Namely, . And while subscribers of other operators have to envy and wait for the results of negotiations with an American company, some users can already try out high-speed mobile Internet, but this will take a little effort. We have prepared instructions for connecting to Beeline 4G networks with iPhone 5s and 5c.

The first step is to make sure that the smartphone can work in Russian networks. Operator representatives report that 4G operation has been successfully tested and guaranteed on the following models: A1457 and A1530 for iPhone 5s, as well as A1507 and A1529 for iPhone 5c. Owners of other "tubes" should not despair - there have been reports that LTE also appears on 5s marked A1533. But if buying a smartphone is only in the plans for now, you should choose a device with guaranteed support for Russian frequencies.

A regular SIM card is not suitable for 4G operation on a smartphone. high speed internet requires a special USIM card, for which you need to contact one of the Beeline offices, and do not forget your passport to confirm your identity. As an option, take with you the person in whose name the contract was concluded. Of course, also with a passport.

Having received the desired “sim card”, you should look on your smartphone in the “Settings” section, then “General” and “About the device”. There, users will receive an offer by downloading a carrier settings update. The process is no different from installing new versions of the mobile operating system and will take a little time.

4G Internet is available on all Highway options that work in 3G and LTE networks. As for the connection speed to Beeline's LTE network, on average it is 10-20 Mbps, the maximum is up to 74 Mbps. Of course, in practice, everything depends on real conditions, for example, the user's location and network congestion. But in any case, the LTE connection is much faster than the usual 3G network.

On the this moment VimpelCom deployed LTE networks in Moscow and six regions Russian Federation: Kaliningrad Region, Altai Republic, Adygeya Republic, Ingushetia Republic, Kalmykia Republic, Astrakhan Region. In each of the places of presence, about 80% of urban areas are covered. The company's immediate plans include the active development of 4G in the Moscow region and the launch of the network in St. Petersburg in March 2014. In the new year, the LTE network will be launched in six new regions and million-plus cities across Russia.

For Muscovites, it is important that the metropolitan Beeline began to use frequencies in the 800 MHz band under LTE, which provide better indoor communication quality than 2.5-2.7 MHz. Support for CSFB mode is also present - the smartphone will seamlessly switch between 4G for mobile Internet and 3G network for voice calls. VoLTE technology, which allows calling in LTE networks and exchanging short messages, will not be launched in the foreseeable future.

Apple has established itself as a quality company that continues to delight its users with pleasant gifts from year to year, so in January of this year, the Lte network became available in Russia, also often called ordinary 4G Internet among people.

The LTE network increases the speed of the Internet several hundred times, compared with 3G, which allowed you to use speeds up to 3.6 Mb / s.

So the average lte network speed is about 350 Mb/s, which gives it an advantage, because you can use the Internet without any delays on your favorite gadget. Of the 2 currently existing coatings in Russia, the lte technology certainly wins, both in speed and reliability. It is worth noting the fact that lte beeline was the first network to operate, which gave rise to the spread of this network to iPhones.

But, the main question asked by Apple technology users is how to set up your iPhone so that it receives the lte signal? It should be understood that 4G Internet technology appeared several years ago, and only today it has begun to spread in Russia, the first thing you need to do is ask your operator if the network is supported in your city. Of course, if you live in the regional center or the capital, then you can easily access this network without any problems.


Then how to enable lte on iphone 5s? Everything is quite simple, first you need to check how the operator's network settings are configured on the device. First, you should check the Internet settings and their status provided by your mobile operator.

To check this parameter, you need to enter the section cellular communication and make sure you have 3G/Lte enabled. If the setting turned out to be incorrect, and you do not have this mode enabled, do not worry, this problem is easy to fix. To do this, you again need to go to Settings - then - Cellular.

This section must include, in order:

  1. Cellular data.
  2. Enable 3G/Lte mode.

After you have activated the settings, you should enable data transfer and check if it works. Turning it on, you should see in the upper corner the inscription above the reception scale, which will be written with the letter E, or 3G / Lte. If you do not have internet at all, then you should check its access in the area where you are, or take your phone to a service center to check the body of the transmission module that is responsible for the Internet in your phone.

If, however, everything is fine with your phone, then you most likely do not have an APN network configured, which depends on your mobile operator. Also, don't forget to update your IOS to the latest version available, because it is an important part of connecting to the lte network.

Setting up a mobile operator network

Most often, if the Internet network cannot be turned on on an iPhone, most likely this is due to the APN package responsible for receiving data from the Internet. Enabling and configuring this package will not take you much time, you literally only need a few minutes to connect it.

The data that you need to enter in the APN settings fields is individual, because all mobile operators have different ones, and if you enter the wrong data, then the Internet simply will not work for you. In this article, we will provide information about filling in the APN fields of the most popular operators in our country.

To set up an APN connection, follow: Settings-next-Cellular-next-Cellular data.

Next, enter the information of the telephone operator providing you with services:


  • APN:
  • Username: mts
  • Password: mts


  • APN:
  • Username: beeline
  • Password: beeline


  • API: internet
  • Password: [leave blank]


  • APN:
  • Username: [leave blank]
  • Password: [leave blank]


  • APN:
  • Username: bwc
  • Password: bwc


  • APN:
  • Username: motiv
  • Password: motiv

After the phone has been set up, you should check whether the 3G or lte network is turned on, if you don’t have it, then you should restart your phone and do everything written again by re-checking the Internet connection. If, all attempts were useless and did not bring results, then you should contact a specialist at the nearest service center of your operator.

Recently I wondered why LTE does not work ?!
I have an Ipad 4 series A1460. I have been using for about 2 years now. A friend works in Tele 2, after looking at my device he said that surprisingly, LTE does not work for you, despite the fact that everything on his Asus smartphone works with the inscription 4G.
By switching the tablet to LTE mode, nothing new like 3G happens. Dialogues with the mobile operator and Apple support did not lead to anything, the employee of the M-Video store where the device was purchased more or less clarified the situation. But he also said that LTE will not work.
Reason: The frequency at which American products are produced does not correspond to the frequencies of Russian mobile operators, which cannot be said about the same Apple products, for example, made in Hong Kong, their products support a large number of frequencies, including Russian mobile operators.

By comparison, I still found the compatibility of one frequency, the mobile operator MTS (Banbs 3 - 1800 megahertz), which, according to the characteristics of my device, is compatible with my antenna.


LTE 2600 FDD, Band 7 (2500-2530 MHz / 2620-2650 MHz) MegaFon and MTS networks operate as a virtual operator (MVNO) based on the Yota network.
LTE 700 FDD, Band is unspecified by 3GPP (742.5-750 MHz / 783.5-791 MHz)LTE 800 FDD, Band 20 (847-854.5 MHz / 806-813.5 MHz) 7 (2530-2540 MHz / 2650-2660 MHz)LTE 2600 TDD, Band 38 (2570-2595 MHz), licensed for Moscow and Moscow region only
LTE 700 FDD, Band is unspecified by 3GPP (720-727.5 MHz / 761-768.5 MHz)LTE 800 FDD, Band 20 (839.5-847 MHz / 798.5-806 MHz) Band 3 (1710-1785 MHz / 1805-1880 MHz) 38 (2595-2620 MHz), licensed only for Moscow and Moscow region
LTE 700 FDD, Band is unspecified by 3GPP (735-742.5 MHz / 776-783.5 MHz)LTE 800 FDD, Band 20 (854.5-862 MHz / 813.5-821 MHz) 7 (2550-2560 MHz / 2670-2680 MHz)
LTE 700 FDD, Band is unspecified by 3GPP (727.5-735 MHz / 768.5-776 MHz)LTE 800 FDD, Band 20 (832-839.5 MHz / 791-798.5 MHz) 7 (2560-2570 MHz / 2680-2690 MHz)
Osnova Telecom
LTE 2300 TDD, Band 40 (2300-2400 MHz)

And now the characteristics of the iPad 4 antenna
*Model A1460*
* CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1900, 2100 MHz)
* GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
* UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz)
* LTE (Bands 1, 3, 5, 13, 25)

Theoretically, with a SIM card from MTS LTE should work. At the moment I tried Beeline and Tele 2 in Moscow and Tula.
Finding out the characteristics of the antenna was also not so easy. Now on the official Apple website, only modern devices, such as the iPad 4, are already archived and their specification cannot be found there.
Now I will teach you how to find the specification of your device of this brand:
Here in this link after the last slash put the model number of your product (it is indicated on reverse side tablet) and following the link you will be happy. Here is an example of my device specification
Now we are waiting for me to buy a SIM card from MTS with 4G and continue the blog ...

A modern smartphone, be it an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch media player, is necessarily connected to the Internet. Without access to the network, the device turns into a beautiful and very expensive toy, unable to realize even a tenth of its capabilities. You will not even be able to carry out the initial activation of the device and will be deprived of the possibility of telephone calls. Therefore, setting up network access - the main task after purchasing the device. With the help of what mechanisms this access can be obtained and how to configure it, it will be useful for every user of Apple devices to know.

Types of data transmission in mobile and wireless networks

Cellular communication is a dynamically developing industry, the progress of which is by leaps and bounds, and one standard replaces another. Fortunately, they are all backwards compatible, so even in the "banana republic" you will not find yourself without communication with your latest generation iPhone. Since not all Apple tablets have a built-in radio, you will need a 3G router or an iPhone running in router mode to provide them with network access.


The first GSM terminals carried only an analog modem on board, which allowed transmitting and receiving data at a speed of no more than 14.4 kbps. Since the modem was analog, the session occupied the line in the same way as a regular voice call, which made the procedure inconvenient and very expensive. Therefore, Internet access mobile phone prior to the advent of packet data, was more of a curiosity than a common practice.

One of the first mobile terminals of the GSM standard was impressive in size and one could only fantasize about the presence of the Internet on it

GPRS/EDGE (packet data)

The introduction of packet data transmission by providers made it possible to send data and voice separately (and charge too), and the data transfer rate increased to 256 kbps. This is enough to check Email or opening simple web pages. The EDGE standard doubled the incoming speed, but was not widely used due to the victorious advent of the 3G era.

Absolutely all Apple devices with a built-in radio module, including the very first iPhone, can work in the GPRS / EDGE standard. At present, the standard is technically and morally obsolete, but in remote parts of the country this is still the only way to get wireless Internet.

Even the very first version of the iPhone can work with GPRS/EDGE


The introduction of 3G standards made it possible to raise the reception speed to 14 Mbps and finally declare a full-fledged Internet without wires and borders. Even this speed is enough to play streaming video and music, exchange large files and work with Internet messengers. It should be noted that in the USA (and most of the gray imports of "apple" devices come from there) two frequency standards coexist - CDMA 800 and HSPA. Terminals with CDMA 800 support will not be able to operate on the territory of the Russian Federation, since this frequency range is not licensed for civilian use and is used by the military. In the secondary market, such models are sold much cheaper due to the fact that they can only work with a Wi-Fi network - the telephone module cannot be used.

Be careful: if you buy a CDMA iPhone, you won't be able to use it as a phone in Russia


Long Term Evolution - further development of the 3G protocol, aimed at increasing the speed of reception and transmission. Now, for the end subscriber, the download speed can be up to 100 Mbps, and the transfer speed can be up to 50. Using this protocol requires a modified transceiver part of the gadget, Apple has provided LTE support since the fifth version of the iPhone. With the iPad, the situation is more complicated. AT different countries a strictly defined frequency range is licensed for LTE operation. In the US, Europe and Russia, they do not match. Therefore, the iPad 2, which works with LTE in the USA, will not be able to work with it in Russia, and no firmware can fix this - restrictions are at the radio module hardware level. Full-fledged work with LTE "Russian spill" became possible with the release of iPad Air and iPad Mini with Retina Display.

LTE on iPad 2 may not be available in all regions


Connect to WiFi networks you can at home, at the airport, train or shopping mall - wherever wireless routers of this standard are installed. The access speed, depending on the channel load and the distance to the router, can range from 54 Mbps to 300 Mbps. To connect, you need to know the network name (SSID) and access password. In most cases, there is no usage fee.

The main disadvantage of this connection method is the short distance effective work. Despite advertising claims of a range of 300-400 meters, indoors the effective range can be an order of magnitude smaller. Also in public places, the speed can drop significantly due to a large number concurrent connections.

iPhone or iPad will be able to use WiFi internet anywhere where a wireless router of the required format is installed


WiMAX technology is a kind of hybrid between 3G and Wi-Fi, providing speeds comparable to 4G. none of Apple devices it cannot connect directly to such networks and you will need a router that receives WiMAX data and distributes it in the Wi-Fi standard. However, WiMAX networks are exotic even in large Russian cities, since the standard has lost the race to its main competitor - 4G/LTE. Indeed, to implement the latter, it is enough for the owners of cellular networks to upgrade the existing equipment, and not to purchase and install completely new equipment.

Owners of iPads should be aware that only models with a Cellurar or 3G prefix carry a phone module on board and can work on 3G / 4G networks. The rest will be able to use only Wi-Fi networks or purchase an additional 3G router and always have mobile Internet.

Set up, enable, and use data transfer on Apple devices

Thanks to the exceptional friendliness operating system iOS to an unprepared user, setting up an Internet connection is quick and easy, with just a few button presses on the screen. For each of the modes (3G, LTE or Wi-Fi), the operating system provides separate switches that allow you to select the desired mode of operation.

Setting up cellular data (mobile internet)

Within ten seconds after installing the SIM card of a mobile network operator, your smartphone will automatically download and apply all the necessary settings to connect to the mobile Internet. You just need to make sure that data transfer is enabled in the system settings and 3G mode is allowed.

Enabling 3G mode not only increases the speed of Internet access, but also leads to increased battery drain, so turn it on only when you need it. high speed data transmission.

Video: how to set up mobile Internet on iPhone and iPad

Connecting to Wi-Fi networks

Connecting to Wi-Fi wireless networks is even easier than connecting to 3G. The main thing is to have a wireless router within range, to which you know the authorization parameters.

Some public networks do not broadcast the network name for security reasons, but require it to be entered along with the password. In this case, the network connection algorithm will be slightly different.

in public places, public organizations and educational institutions Internal Wi-Fi networks may provide access to a limited number of resources or only corporate content. If the network is paid, when you try to open any page in the browser, you will be taken to the payment system page.

Video: How to connect iPad to Wi-Fi

Mobile Internet in roaming

If you travel a lot, you will definitely face the problem of roaming. Indeed, when crossing the border of a country, and sometimes just a federal district, your tariff plan will be invalid, as a result, you may end up instead of unlimited internet with a tariff in which there is a per-megabyte payment for traffic. The same is true for voice communication, but if you control calls, applications use Internet access in the background. This can lead to unplanned expenses, in some cases quite significant.

If you do not know how the tariffing of your package changes in roaming, best solution will limit mobile data usage while roaming. Starting with iOS 7, this can be done with a special switch in the "Cellular Data" section of the smartphone's settings.

It is better to limit the use of mobile data in roaming if you are not sure about the exact cost of services

Owners of older devices with operating system version 6.1 and below do not have this option. Therefore, they should generally turn off cellular data transmission while the smartphone is roaming. You can do this by using the appropriate Cellular Data screen switch.

Owners of devices with iOS 6 should better turn off cellular data transmission while the smartphone is roaming

There are situations when it is impossible to remain without access to the Internet, especially abroad. A smartphone or tablet can often be used as a navigator, guide-interpreter or terminal for VoIP services. In this case, the best solution would be to buy a starter package from a local operator and use their network access capabilities. Such packages are sold at gas stations adjacent to the border, and at the border checkpoints themselves.

Despite the variety of protocols and data transfer mechanisms, Apple's family of tablets and smartphones is already "out of the box" equipped with necessary tools to work with them. All connections and switching occur completely transparently, in most cases - automatically. It is worth focusing only on the operation of the device in roaming, because careless inclusion of data usage in someone else's network can lead to additional financial costs, so carefully study the possibilities of your tariff plan.

The iPad is an excellent device for consuming and - surprisingly - creating content. Moreover, in my opinion, its potential is so huge that it is quite possible to replace both a smartphone and a laptop with it, transferring the vast majority of tasks to a tablet. The iPad is perfect for travel. With it, you can easily brighten up long flights or hours of doing nothing in a reserved seat car. It's lighter and more comfortable than the vast majority of laptops, it's bigger and smarter than the vast majority of smartphones. Moreover, it is cheaper than both, and in the “Wi-Fi Only” version - that's for sure.

It may seem to someone that buying an iPad without a cellular module is an action bordering on insanity and devoid of any sense. But I think I can find much more worthy use that one hundred dollars, which I almost overpaid for a feature that was practically useless to me. Of course, you have every right to disagree with me, but I think that after reading this article, your opinion is unlikely to remain the same. It's always nice to win people over to your side.

The first and most important advantage of the iPad without an LTE module is its cost. In the context of constant currency fluctuations, the value of the ruble is unlikely to reach its former heights, and equipment - the previous prices. Therefore, even 7,000 - 10,000 rubles that you save can be used much smarter and more far-sighted. For example, to report to the existing amount to the bank. Perhaps when the dark times come, you will thank yourself.

The second on the list, but no less important argument in favor of buying an iPad without a cellular module is the external aesthetics lost in the presence of an ugly plastic insert. Well, really, why couldn’t each tablet be equipped with antennas, similar to the new iPad Pro 9.7? However, even he sins with imperfection and literally makes you sharpen your eyes on the mottled body, personally causing me not the most flattering associations.

The third thing you should pay attention to when buying a Wi-Fi version of the iPad is autonomy. Oddly enough, but in Cupertino they preferred to hide from their customers that a modification with an LTE module, on average, works on a single charge for an hour and a half less - the load of 4G networks affects. Of course, the autonomy of the device entirely depends on the scenarios of its use, however, as a long-time fan of the iPad, I have already managed to make sure that I was right from my own experience.

So, the advantages have been found, it remains to deal with the shortcomings of the iPad, which does not have the ability to freely access the Web.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to watch your favorite series on a train or plane unless the flight attendant offers you free Wi-Fi for the entire journey. Forget about your favorite Apple Music. At least not unless you're as smart as me.

Before you go on a trip, stock up on a couple of seasons of your favorite series, which can be saved both on the device itself and on one like the one that we have already told you about before.

The second way personally seems to me incomparably more convenient. You don't have to worry about music either. Apple Music allows you to save your favorite tracks for offline listening, accessing them from anywhere and regardless of the availability of wireless networks.