Ball of flowers script for elementary school. Scenario Ball of Flowers material (middle, senior, preparatory group)

Holiday script "BALL OF FLOWERS"

Mother Earth Cheese once lay in the darkness and cold - there was neither heat nor light anywhere. And one day Yarilo (the god of the sun, spring and fertility among the ancient Slavs) said: "Let's look through the pitch darkness, is it good, is it good, will we have to think?" He pierced the layers of darkness that lay above the sleeping Earth with the flame of his gaze. The red sun immediately shone, hot waves of light poured out. The Earth woke up from hibernation and basked in its youthful beauty, like a bride on her wedding bed. She greedily drank the generous sunbeams, gaining life-giving power to the full brim. Said then Yarilo, brightened wise eyes: "Oh, goy thou, Mother of the Cheese Earth! Love me, the god of light. For your love, I will adorn you with blue seas, yellow sands, blue rivers, silver lakes, green grass-ant, scarlet, azure flowers ..." This is how flowers appeared on our Earth.

According to ancient Slavic belief, every spring Yarilo wakes up from a long winter sleep, sits on his horses - on gray clouds, whips Mother Earth Cheese with a golden rein, scorching lightning. Mother Earth wakes up from that, gets younger, paints her face with flowers and cereals, bursts with strength and health. Everything comes to life - and fields, and meadows, and groves, and dense forests. All living things on Earth rejoice!

Presenter 1: Flowers are like people
Good generous
And, generous tenderness
Giving people
They bloom, hearts
warming up

How small warm

C. Janet

Host 2: Good afternoon, Dear friends! How bright colors of flowers, their graceful outlines delight our eyes! There is probably nothing more perfect in nature than flowers! They are decoration, and medicines, and food, and symbols. No wonder the poet said: “Flowers are the smile of nature!”.

Presenter 1: Let us open the Flower Ball.

(The waltz of flowers from the ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds.

At this time, children dressed in flowers enter.)

Chamomile: I am a white daisy

Yellow in the middle

Take me with you

I will decorate your bouquet.

Forget-me-nots: blue light drop

In a meadow colored pattern
Forget-me-not is interspersed with the sun
Like a bead in a carpet.

Snowdrop: Pigeon, clean

Snowdrop is a flower!

And near the see-through,

The last snow...

Lilac: From white, pink to gray, the color of the cloud,

Noisy lilac in bloom alive.

She calls fragrant coolness

And he waves his terry sleeve at us.

Peony: Look at the opened peony

With crimson cast petals

And he will remind you of a magical dream,
A magical dream from a fairy tale with miracles.

Violet: On the sunny edge of the violet blossomed -

She gently lifted her purple ears.

She burrows in the grass, does not like to climb forward,

But everyone will bow to her and take it carefully.

(All flowers merrily spinning, leave).

Presenter 1: Throughout life, flowers do not leave us.
Beautiful heirs of nature -
They come to us at dawn,
At sunset, they carefully come in.
They extend the time of meetings for us,
Postpone the breakup.

Host 2: We must protect our souls and hearts
From predatory hands, from evil and vegetation.
Any thought of a lofty dream
Then only overflows into jubilation,
When the flowers bow before her
Mediators of living understanding.

Presenter 1: You can talk about flowers endlessly. Each of them has its own secret, its own innermost secret, its own legend...

Host 2: Probably, no one can tell us about this amazing, charming, delightful world of flowers in such a fascinating and interesting way as the flowers themselves. Beautiful representatives of the flora are in a hurry to welcome you. And among them the queen of all flowers is a rose.

Presenter 1: Roses are the sisters of the dawn. Their color is equivalent to the color of dawn ...
Roses open only in the first rays of dawn,
And opening up marvelously, they either laugh or cry,
Sadness and joy, shaking in deep satin colors.

These lines are dedicated, perhaps, to the most revered flower among all peoples - the rose. What legends are associated with the "queen of flowers"? Let's listen.

(A girl dressed as a rose enters)

Rose: There are many myths and legends about the rose,

Considered the queen of flowers

They all come from different countries,

But there is love in all of them.

It is believed that the flower looks like women,

What can be compared with them

And so in all these legends

There are women and roses - symbols of love.

In the country that was called Gulistan,

What does it mean - Garden of roses,

Allah himself admired this garden,

Which is all overgrown with white flowers.

The Lotus was the king of flowers at that time,

But he was lazy and liked to sleep,

Then Allah created the Rose Queen,

So that she could command flowers.

She was pure and so beautiful

The sweet-sounding Nightingale fell in love with her,

Not thinking that Rose can be dangerous

He pressed the beauty to his chest ...

He did not know that she was with thorns,

They pierced the heart of the Nightingale,

Large drops of hot scarlet blood

The color of a beautiful flower has been changed.

There is a legend in distant India,

What about the most beautiful flower says:

One day a rose, at dawn, blooming,

Revealed the sleeping Lakshmi to the world.

God Vishnu saw a beautiful girl

And she was simply amazed by her beauty.

He woke her up with a gentle kiss

And he made the girl the most beloved of wives.

Lakshmi proclaimed the Goddess of Beauty

And rose petals shower all lovers

At weddings in India and today.

There is also a legend that says

That the earth itself gave birth to a rose,

Seeing the young goddess Aphrodite,

In beauty she created a flower equal to her.

The altar of the goddess was decorated with roses,

He was snow-white from those marvelous flowers,

And the wind carries the aroma around

Through a garden that was just as full of roses.

But one day, as the legend goes,

Goddess terrible news came

That he was mortally wounded by a boar

Young Adonis hunting by the stream.

The goddess rushed to her beloved,

She ran straight through the garden

From the bitter news just distraught,

Through the prickly flowers rushed.

Thorns pierced all the legs of Aphrodite,

Blood dripped on white flowers

That's how those roses quickly turned

In blood red from girlish love.

In fact, all those legends are tragic,

To be red from a white rose,

There must have been a misfortune

Someone had to shed their blood.

The Romans have a legend about two ladies,

That one man could not be divided.

One of them is the wondrous goddess Diana,

The other lady is the nymph Rosalie.

The object of their love is not a simple man -

The insidious Eros turned the heads of the virgins.

Jealousy was seething and not without reason,

To Rosalia, he, nevertheless, favored.

Insulted, angry Diana -

Goddess nymph Eros preferred

But she must kill the thorn with thorns

The opponent is worth nothing.

A nymph was beaten to death.

A lover found a lifeless body...

From the tears shed from the eyes of a man

Blackthorn bloomed with beautiful roses.

Love and rose are forever inseparable,

It has always been that way, from time immemorial.

There are worse and better legends

But they also contain roses and love.

Greeks think. that insidious Eros

Goddess Flora sought for many days,

Skillfully told her about his love

And generously complimented her.

It's done. He expected reciprocity.

Here they would live happily,

So no! Having achieved his goal, he was disappointed

And he began to look for love on the side.

It often happens to mortals too.

As soon as a girl loves with all her heart,

Like a cavalier running away somewhere

And he is looking for meetings with a completely different person.

Goddess Flora was drawn to creativity.

From hopelessness I had to create a flower,

Through bitter tears she breathed into him

Sadness, joy, regret and delight.

She saw her work

And from love everything stirred in her,

In excitement, she called out the name of EROS,

But the letter "E" sounded softly.

Embarrassed, Flora did not repeat.

Around heard only her second syllable,

Since then, those flowers have been called roses,

Symbolizing strong love.

The legend is very ancient about the rose

Says that in the old ages

There lived a wonderful beauty Rotunda.

Men were captivated by girlish beauty.

Her heart remained unapproachable,

Like the walls of the fortress where the girl lived.

The hearts of men burned with fierce passion

And they decided to take the girl by force.

They broke down the door and broke into the room.

The Rotunda began to invoke the gods.

Diana heard a heart-rending cry,

Deciding to punish everyone severely.

Who is to blame, she did not understand,

In his own way, he resolved the issue.

Diana turned the rotunda into a rose at the same moment,

Her fans - in the sharpest thorns.

Since pagan times, the Scandinavians have considered

that blooms rose petals,

When winter retreats north

Only Loki will laugh - the God of fire and young spring.

The flower became famous among all peoples,

There is a story about him in the Talmud,

That the scarlet rose was born at night,

Where Abel's innocent blood was shed.

Christians have a different legend

The fact that the white rose was created by God himself.

Eve saw her in the Garden of Eden,

She kissed and blushed at the same moment a flower.

Whatever the origin of the rose,

What myths and legends would not be added,

She remains the queen of flowers all the same

From the time of those distant times to the present.


Host 2: When the ardor of autumn swirling

Bread will turn yellow

Star of the meadows - earth aster

Hello to the heavenly stars.

Presenter 1: If you look at a star for a long time, you will notice that its star light is not the same. It radiates either blue, then white, then pink, then yellow golden colors. The stars seem to be calling someone, and without waiting they fall down. Ancient people, noticing this, began to look closely at the trees, flowers, trying to recognize the star interlocutor.

Aster! they exclaimed, which means “star” in Russian. This name has stuck.

(A girl dressed as an astra enters)

Aster: I came to Europe from China. In 1728 Father Inkerville brought my seeds to Paris and presented them to the famous French botanist Antoine Jussier. And then European botanists began to conjure over the breeding of various terry and multi-colored varieties, of which there are now more than 400.

Astra is the most ancient plant. When the royal tomb of two thousand years ago was opened near Simferopol, among the various garlands of acanthus leaves, laurel and pine cones, they saw an image of an aster. I was considered an amulet by the ancient Greeks.

Asters - the last smile of autumn, are beautiful and unpretentious, evoke various associations. Some, seeing them, rejoice; others are sad; the third think about the eternity of beauty, and the fourth shrug: winter is in the yard, and they bloom, withstanding frosts up to seven degrees.

There is a belief: if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a barely perceptible whisper - this is how the asters communicate with their sisters - the stars.

Everyone knows the autumn flower - aster,

Like a wonderful star

It is multi-colored: blue, white, red,

Rays will give sunny day.

Asters appeared, judging by the beliefs,

Of those dust particles that fell from the stars,

From distant heavens descended to earth,

They took root and succumbed to growth.

That's why they look like stars

They burn among the flower beds in autumn.

It is believed that the night is dark, late

They speak softly to the stars.

Presenter 1: On the lawn the dew is cold,
The water doesn't budge.
Lily throws white color
To the thoughtfulness of the pond.
And he does not know the dull night,
In the foggy haze
Either a month, or a lily
Quietly splashing in the pond.

Host 2: I don't know about you, but I've always liked white lilies. I always associate them with tenderness, and some kind of mystery. Lily got its name from the ancient Gaulish word "li-li", which literally means "white - white".

(A girl dressed as a lily comes out)

Lily: My first images are found on Cretan vases and frescoes from 1750 BC, and then among the ancient Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. In Persia, during the reign of Cyrus, the lily was the main decoration of lawns, patios and reservoirs.

The ancient Greeks, attributing a divine origin to the flower, considered it a symbol of hope. In honor of the lily, young Greek women competed in running at the festivities of Flora, where the winner was certainly decorated with a wreath of white flowers. According to ancient Greek mythology, the goddess Hera is dedicated to a snow-white lily or leirion, as the Greeks called me. According to legend, the lily grew from the drops of milk that the goddess fed the baby Hercules, the future great hero.

The ancient Greeks wrote legends
And, through the centuries, they reach us.
Fairy tales for adults remained imperishable,
And interest in them has not faded at all.

I will give you the story of this era.
The boy was born to the queen of Theban.
But, fearing the jealous Hera,
The mother of the baby hid - to hide the deception.

Knowing the divinity of the marvelous baby,
Minerva quickly found out about that.
She showed the way - such actions
There have always been. Everything is so useless!

But she did not say whose son the baby was.
Hera tried to feed him.
But, fearing what a catch,
He pushed away - the thread broke immediately -
The one that would connect the nurse with the baby.
Splashes into the sky - a stream of milk.
And, the Milky Way, beauty is very rare
Unexpected meetings - lay down for centuries.

A few drops fell to the ground.
Right there, they sprouted sprouts.
Lilies marvelous gentle drop
The color is snow-white revealed in the distance.

And, since then, adorns the neighborhood
A symbol of innocence and beauty.
Their gentle smell inspires all fidelity,
The meaning of mercy and purity.

An important place is occupied by lilies in the history of France. In the 5th century, King Clovis defeated the Germans on the banks of the Li River. The victors returned from the battlefield, decorated with lilies, and since then, three lilies have flaunted on the banners and in the coat of arms of France, personifying the three virtues - compassion, justice and mercy.

At present, I am a wonderful ornamental plant that fascinates any person. No wonder poets dedicate verse lines to me:

Ah, snow-white, tender lilies,

Where, under what rays did you ripen?

The swans brought out the white swans,

And you won’t understand where the chicks are and where the lilies are.


Host 2: Cold shadows in the blue field

White frost in the garden at dawn ...

Chrysanthemums bloom, chrysanthemums,

Autumn day stands in the yard.

Presenter 1: The last flowers of the year - chrysanthemums - appear with the first frosts and therefore are cold and attractive in autumn, just as the hoarfrost of the first frosts is cold and attractive.

Probably, in autumn days, when nature becomes poor in flowers, it is nice to receive or give someone a bouquet of chrysanthemums.

(A girl in a chrysanthemum costume comes out)

Chrysanthemum: More than ten thousand varieties of chrysanthemums exist in the world, and it is incredibly difficult to say with certainty when exactly the ancient peoples began to engage in my breeding.

I was brought to Europe from Japan in 1676, and the first country that had the good fortune to meet me was England.

According to Italian legend, chrysanthemums appeared from paper flowers with which a poor woman decorated her son's grave. When the next morning she came to the grave with new flowers, she saw that the flowers she brought the day before had sprouted and become alive. It is not for nothing that in the countries of the East white chrysanthemums are a symbol of mourning, therefore, there you can give and present flowers only on the day of remembrance or in moments of parting with dear people.

But in my homeland in Japan, I am the messenger of autumn, the symbol of the sun and the nation. A stylized image of a sixteen-petalled imperial golden chrysanthemum is the basis of the state emblem, and the highest award of the country is the Order of Chrysanthemums. The Japanese have long celebrated the chrysanthemum festival. On this day, they sing songs, recite poems, decorate themselves with garlands of flowers. According to the old lunar calendar October is considered the month of chrysanthemums. In Japan, there is a legend about me that I want to tell you today:

Long ago, in gray times,

In a country called China

The evil Mikado sat on the throne,

Solely reigned and ruled.

There was a rumor that there was such an island,

Where the sun rises from the bed

And there grows a golden flower,

What people called chrysanthemum.

Rumors about him filled the world,

They talked about his miraculous power,

About how to make an elixir

And stay young and beautiful for a long time.

But there is a catch - pick that flower

Could only those who were with a glorious soul,

Who had a very kind heart.

That's what the evil Mikado came up with then.

Sent for golden chrysanthemum

He is three hundred lovely young men and girls,

But for a long time - the evil Mikado waited for a long time -

Where they disappeared is unknown.

None of them came to China.

Days flew by and years passed by

The Mikado grew old and left this world,

He did not wait for the Miracle Elixir.

And the youth reached the place,

It was so calm and beautiful there.

That they didn't want to go back.

They decided to stay forever.

Fell in love with the island with all my soul,

We found that wonderful golden flower

And the Sun of the Rising Country -

The local island was called Japan.

There, every resident honored the chrysanthemum,

As if the Sun, everyone was proud of her

And the Order of the Chrysanthemum -

the highest award of that country,

It has been preserved until today.

We in Russia also love me very much, the romance “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago” is dedicated to me.

(sounds a romance performed by…….)


Host 2: Yes, the chrysanthemum is indeed a noble and amazing flower. But I would like to draw the attention of those present to one more autumn flower, which, with its appearance is not like any other. This flower is called a skewer, since its stem is very similar to a sword blade, and the scarlet inflorescences of some varieties are like droplets of frozen blood. Guess what we're talking about? Of course, about the gladiolus.

(A girl in a gladiolus costume comes out)

Gladiolus: An ancient Roman legend claims that if the roots of a gladiolus are hung on the chest like amulets, they will not only help to win a duel, but also protect in a duel.

Translated from the Latin "gladiolus" - "sword" and therefore among the Romans I was considered the flower of gladiators. The legend says:

There was a war between Thrace and Rome.

Rome, as you know, won

And the commander took many prisoners.

What will happen to them, not a single soldier knew.

There were two young men among the unfortunate,

One misfortune connected them with friendship,

Homesickness united the hearts

And took them, now forever.

The ruler of Rome was very cruel,

I found joy in bloodshed.

Trumpets blew in the Eternal City in the morning,

For people to come to the show.

That ruler promised freedom

To those who escape death today,

Killing opponents, not sparing them at all,

And in agility today will be the first.

Here again the trumpets blew loudly

And the audience took their seats

Rumble in the numerous stands,

Like a flock of frightened crows.

When it's your turn to fight

Those young men who became friends,

Then instead of a bloodthirsty, cruel battle,

To everyone's surprise, they suddenly embraced.

They stuck two swords into the ground

Those gladiators. Looking at it

The people from the stands shouted furiously to them,

For the slaves to fight without fail.

And the young men did not part their hands,

No matter how the angry crowd roared.

They killed them so that science was different,

So that the performance does not dare to violate.

The bodies fell into the wet arena,

But just touched the bloody ground

As on swords, stuck in this arena,

Suddenly beautiful flowers bloomed.

From the stands, like an echo, swept: "Ah!"

Everyone looked at the wonderful flowers -

The crowd called them gladioli,

Which means "SORD" in translation, believe me.

How many years have passed since the moment

Not months and years, but centuries,

But the memory of this friendship worthy,

Through time, still alive.

As a symbol of fidelity and nobility,

As a symbol of friendship, to the homeland of love,

Gladiolus is considered to be

The flower is wonderful, don't say it.

We gladioli are incredibly beautiful plants. About two hundred and fifty various kinds with the color of the corolla of the flower from white to purple - black delight the human eye all over the planet.

At the lake cape

Blooming gladiolus -

Swan sadness.

Animals retreat in fear

Don't call them to the plant

The stems are thinner than a thin sword,

In scarlet clusters, as in blood.

Presenter 1: A lily of the valley was born on a May day,

And the forest keeps it.

It seems to me: his back -

It will ring softly.

And this ringing will be heard by a beam,

Birds and flowers...

Let's listen, what if

Let's hear - me and you!

Host 2: Lily of the valley is a symbol of purity, tenderness and fidelity. In some tales, lilies of the valley are sprouted beads from Snow White's crumbling necklace, in others they are nothing more than sunbeams that dwarves use at night as lanterns. In England, they said that lilies of the valley grow in the forest in those places where the fabulous hero Leonard defeated the terrible dragon.

(A girl dressed as a lily of the valley comes out)

Lily of the valley: And in the villages of France, the old custom is preserved to celebrate annually on the first Sunday in May the "day of the lilies of the valley", which is accompanied by general fun, plentiful treats, games and dances.

There are many legends about me.

In Russia, there was a legend about this flower, associated with the names of Sadko, Lyubava, Volkhva.

There was a beautiful Volkhova

sea ​​queen,

Fell in love with a simple young man

named Sadko.

He was tall, good-looking,

Sounded many times in the evening.

Young Volkhova sighed

Coming from the waves to Sadko

And to the new underwater palace

She called him with her.

But for the young princess

Sadko did not go

Another girl wife

He called recently.

Favorite of the high forests,

Meadows, fields, flowers -

Lyubava - a blue-eyed maiden

I have long loved Sadko.

Went in the evening

Along the banks of the Volkhov

Tears hidden by grass

Dropped over the river.

In that place in early spring

The flower began to grow

He tenderness and beauty

He conquered all people.

He was a Volkhov from tears,

Princesses of that sea,

With pure, quivering love

Suffered from Sadko.

The great composer P. I. Tchaikovsky called lilies of the valley the king of flowers. While in Florence, the composer succumbed to the temptation and sang his favorite flower - but not in a piece of music, but ... in verse, little known to anyone! I cannot resist the temptation to repeat a few stanzas:

Rather, into the forest! ... I run along a familiar path

Have dreams come true, dreams come true?

There he is! Bow to the ground, I trembling hand

I tear off the wonderful gift of the sorceress of spring.

O Lily of the valley, why do you please your eyes so much?

Others have flowers more luxurious and magnificent,

And the colors in them are brighter, and the patterns are more fun, -

But there is no charm in them mysterious yours.

(an audio recording of “Lilies of the valley” sounds (music by A. Arensky, lyrics by P. Tchaikovsky)

Presenter 1: Cornflowers - blue, purple,
Pinkish - lilac - white,
Every year in a new way new,
In the spring, timid ones sprout.

And then they fill with dawns.
And I will say without concealment and honestly I:
No matter how rose lovers argue,
Cornflowers are a miracle of heaven!

Host 2: Cornflower got its name in honor of a blue-eyed young man named Cyanus, who was struck by its beauty. The young man collected these blue flowers and weaved garlands and wreaths from them. The young man even dressed in blue clothes and did not leave the fields until all the flowers he loved were collected to a single one. A beautiful young man was once found dead in a grain field surrounded by these flowers. Upon learning of this, the goddess Flora turned the body of the young man into a flower, and they all began to be called cyanus, which means "blue."

(A girl in a cornflower suit comes out)

Cornflower: Good afternoon friends! Today I want to tell you an amazing story.

There once lived in a village a poor widow with her only son, Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy, and many girls looked at him. But Vasil paid no attention to any of them. From morning to night he worked in his field, and returning home, he went down to the river - to wash, relax, admire the sunset.

He did not know that a mermaid lives in that river, that every evening she looks at him, parting the leaves of water lilies. He looks and sighs softly. - Ah, - the mermaid whispers, - if you fell in love with me, we would live with you in the depths of the river. Look how beautiful I am, how cool and beautiful I am underwater!

When Vasil saw the mermaid, heard her words, flatly refused to leave his land, his field, did not want to even look at the beauty of the mermaid. - Then, - the beauty got angry, - do not get you to anyone! Become a flower in your field!

A flower swayed among the rye. He was blue-blue, like Vasil's eyes, like deep water in a river! And people called that flower cornflower - in memory of the disappeared young man.

And believe the fairy tale or not, but one thing is true in it: the blue cornflower grows only among the rye, and if you meet it in another place, it means that once there was a rye field here. In those countries where rye was not sown, they did not know about blue cornflower, for example, in Ancient Egypt. In general, cornflowers - more than 550 species! Among them there are not blue at all: they are lilac-red, and pinkish, and almost white ... Here it is, a cornflower flower!

And among the ears of rye,
Where the moths circle
Yes, the grasshoppers are playing
They throw a friendly look
Blue cornflowers.


Presenter 1: Ah, those first tulips!

How I love their delicate color!

Hazy pink, deceitful,

Like an early, ghostly dawn...

I love to inhale the elusive
Innocent fresh scent
And mother-of-pearl of vulnerable flowers,
Cool clean rich ...

Nature's sincere gift,
Messengers of awakened spring,
Their first breath is radiant and bright,
Pretty, young and slender ...

Host 2: They were loved by elves in fairy tales,
Swinging in the corollas of flowers ...
And painters in marvelous colors,
Wrote watercolor winds ...

tulip pictures,
They were woven for panache,
On expensive and a little cutesy,
Brabant lush lace ...

The beauty of the tulip conquered Persia, Turkey and other eastern countries. With him, as well as with other flowers, in the east and in Central Asia, where the tulip comes from, many legends and traditions are associated.

(A girl dressed as a tulip comes out)

Tulip: During the time of tulip mania, people created many legends about me, wrote poems and poems in my honor. Perhaps, we can say with confidence that after the rose, not a single flower has acquired such an aura of worship and admiration as a tulip, and such poetic lines have not been created about a single flower. Here, for example, is what Jacques Delisle wrote in his poem "Gardens" about this passion for tulips:

So a resident of Haarlem alone, closing the door,

Without sleep and rest, for days, like a lover,

Waiting with trepidation for the buds to open;

He guards the garden, like a padishah - a harem;

He does not want to share beauty with anyone;

Trying to ferret out rivals secrets,

Ready not to regret any price for this,

And, like a miser with his treasure, invariably, all year round,

Exquisite tulip jealously protects.

From ancient times, a legend about the very essence of this flower came to us. It was said that happiness was contained in the golden bud of a yellow tulip. No one could reach this happiness, because there was no such force that could open its bud. But one day a woman with a child was walking through the meadow. The boy escaped from his mother's arms, ran up to the flower with a sonorous laugh, and the golden bud opened. Carefree childish laughter did what no power could do. Since then, it has become customary to give tulips only to those who experience happiness. The lines of Robert Rozhdestvensky are dedicated to this legend:

Wonderful guest of distant Iran,

Favorite of sun-scorched countries,

In the gardens of Hafiz, a fiery tulip

He opened his crimson rim like a bowl.

And here is what Théophile Gautier wrote about the craze for tulips:

I am the flower of Holland, a young tulip,

And I'm so beautiful that the Flemish curmudgeon will give

For a couple of bulbs, all the splendor of the archipelago,

All Java, if my camp is fresh and proud.

There was a time when an onion could buy a carriage with a pair of horses. They paid for flowers with gold, expensive things, herds of bulls, sheep ...

How beautiful he is - that fiery flower!
On a long stem proud and lonely.
The petals of a closed bud are beautiful.
For four centuries the world has been in love with him...

Presenter 1: Yes, you can talk about flowers endlessly. Unfortunately, today we cannot tell about all the beautiful plants, without which we cannot imagine our life.

Host 2: Flowers are the warmest and most tender gift. Flowers are a declaration of love. Flowers are the smile of nature...

Presenter 1: I'm ready to argue with the whole world,

I'm ready to swear on my head

That there are eyes in all colors,

And they look at you and me

Host 2: In the hour of our thoughts and worries,

In the bitter hour of trouble and failure

I saw: flowers, how people cry

And the dew is dropped on the sand.

Presenter 1: Who does not believe, I call everyone to the garden -

You see, blinking barely,

Looking at people with confidence

All flowers are like children in a cradle.

Host 2: Flowers give us a lot of pleasure. Treat them with care, let them always delight our eyes.

Presenter 1: Thanks to everyone who participated in this celebration. Thank you for coming to the party. We hope that you will carry a drop of warmth to flowers in your heart.

Music sounds. Everyone gets up and says goodbye and leaves.

Entertainment scenario in kindergarten "Journey to the land of flowers" farewell to summer

Target: enriching knowledge about wildflowers; the formation of the ability to see the beautiful around oneself, to contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of good mood.

Tasks: Expand ideas about plants, help children remember the names of flowers, contribute to the ability to solve riddles, consolidate knowledge of color.

Support the desire of children to take part in joint games, dances, competitions.

The course of the holiday

Children gather on the playground to cheerful music

The goddess Flora comes out

Goddess Flora: Hello guys! Did you recognize me? Not?!

I am the mistress and goddess of flowers - Flora.

They call me the flower fairy

I know everything about flowers, kids.

Now you know my name. But I would like to know your names too. But there are so many of you guys. Therefore, in order to remember all of you, I propose to play one interesting acquaintance game. Let's try?! Listen carefully, and those who hear their names, repeat after me.

Muses. 2 ( Music game"Acquaintance")

Goddess Flora : Well, that's where we met! Tell me, guys, what does summer give us?

Yes, that's right, summer is a wonderful time of the year, which gives us a lot of joy and beauty, for example, flowers. And I have good idea, spend our wonderful summer with a ball of flowers!

What flowers do you know? Where can we find flowers? And what color are the flowers? Well done guys, you know everything! But you probably do not know that there are magic flowers. Do you want to get to know them? Then I invite you to my flower country for a flower festival. And in order to get there, you need to turn into some kind of flower and dance a magical waltz with me. But first, you must close your eyes with your palms and, spinning in place, in chorus, together and loudly say the magic words:

I'll circle in place

I will turn into a flower!

Remember? Then let's start our transformation and dance the waltz of flowers!

Muses. 3 (Sounds "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky)

Goddess Flora: Here we are at the place. Ouch! (looks around) Where are my magical helpers? (calling to them) Rose! Dandelion!

(Rose appears with a mirror in her hands, admiring herself, does not notice the children and Flora)

Goddess Flora: Rose, we have guests! Rosa, wake up!

Rose: Oh oh! Indeed, guests! I completely forgot that we have a holiday of flowers today. And you didn't even warn me. After all, I did not have time to put on my morning makeup.

Goddess Flora: Rosa, you are so beautiful! The most beautiful of all flowers! Is that right, guys?

Rose: OK then. Reassured. Then let's have some fun! Ah-ah-ah! (looks around, grabs his heart)

Goddess Flora: Rose, what happened again?

Rose: The holiday begins, but Dandelion is still sleeping!? No, I can't do without him, I can't do without him. I need help.

Goddess Flora: Guys, let's call him in unison. Dandelion!

(name is Dandelion)

(laughter sounds, Dandelion appears, stretching and yawning)

Dandelion: Who called me? They distracted me, you know, from important matters! And, in general, why are there so many children here? What's going on here?

Goddess Flora: Dandelion, have you forgotten? After all, today is the holiday of flowers! And our kids want to have fun!

Rose: Yes, yes, Dandelion! And I can't do it without you!

Dandelion: I love to have fun! In general, I am a cheerful flower (to the guys) Are you funny? Clockwork? Naughty? Shubutnye? Then let's start! Do as we do! Do better than us!

Muz 4 (the song "Move" sounds)

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! You dance great!

And now I suggest everyone to recover on an unusual journey through our flower country. And for this we need 2 funny trains.

These are the rules.

Passengers line up in a column one by one in parallel rows. At the head of the locomotive is the driver.). Each team has its own song. For example, in the first one - “Flowers are good in the spring in the garden” (music by Mokrousov, poetry by Alymov). The second team has the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” (music by Dunaevsky, verses by Isakovsky

When the melody of the selected song sounds, the whole team begins to move around the site behind the captain, turning either in one direction or the other. Another song will sound - the team immediately stops, the other team starts moving to the melody of their song. This is repeated several times.

Drivers must lead the columns so that they are intertwined with each other in different directions. When they are completely confused, a whistle blows. At this signal, both locomotives must return to their original position as soon as possible, while raising their hands up. The team that does it faster wins.

Goddess Flora: Well, here you go guys! We ended up in a flower meadow.

But I don't think there's something wrong with her!?

Rose: Oh, Dandelion, didn't you decorate this clearing for the holiday?

Dandelion: (scratches head) Oh, I forgot.

Rose: And what are we to do?

Goddess Flora: Don't worry, my friends! Our guys will help us now. Is that right, guys?

Dandelion: Then get to work!

Muz 7 (Flower relay: "Collect flowers"; 3 teams of girls play. Props: hoops and petals)

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! Thanks to you, our flower meadow has become even more beautiful and elegant! Now beautiful butterflies and hardworking bees will definitely fly to us to feast on various goodies. Do you know what they eat?

Rose: And let's prepare a surprise for them and collect a lot of goodies.

Dandelion: To do this, we invite our boys, who will now turn into real bees and will carry nectar into these buckets. And all the girls will root for them!

Muz 8 (relay race "Collect pollen" Props: 3 ladles, balls, buckets)

Children stand in two teams. At the signal of the host, one participant runs to the table with a spoon in hand, takes one yellow ball with a spoon and runs back, put the balls in a bucket. The first team to complete the task wins.)

Goddess Flora: Oh, and well done our guys! Flowers were planted, nectar was collected. I wonder how well you know flowers? Really good? And now we will check it.

Rose: There is another game for you -

We will read poetry for you now,

We start and you finish

Answer in unison.

Dandelion: 1. Golden mean and rays all around,

It could be a picture: the sun in the blue sky?

No, in the sun on a piece of paper

There is a flower in the meadow ... (chamomile)

Rose: 2. Early in the morning dissolves

Petals their flower,

And as the evening comes

Extinguishes the red light.

Look, look,

What is a red fan?

This is a bright ... (carnation)

The new day is celebrating.

Goddess Flora: 3. Grow up - dress up

In a white dress.

light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.

And while standing dressed

In a yellow dress

And his name is guys

Just ... (dandelion).

Rose: 4. She sits on the sunny edge in the grass,

She gently lifted her purple ears.

And here ingenuity will help you,

Her name is a flower ... (violet)

Dandelion: 5. Spring nature is dear to us.

Cold snows are falling in streams.

Both needles and deadwood are cleared of snow,

And the first one appears in the thaw ... (snowdrop).

Goddess Flora: 6. In the thick, green grass, he looks elegant.

But from arable land, like a weed, he is driven out mercilessly.

The head is blue and the stem is long.

Well, who doesn't know him?

After all, this is ... (cornflower)

Dandelion: Here comes the summer

Let's not grieve.

Flowers and herbs bouquets

We will draw.

Dandelion: I suggest that you guys, in the cold winter, remember this warm and beautiful summer and this beautiful ball of flowers, save a piece of it and transfer our bright meadow of flowers to these white sheets.

Relay “Decorate the clearing” Children are built in two teams of 10 people. The task of each team is to decorate the “glade” with flowers as quickly as possible: children glue flowers on a piece of drawing paper with a painted “glade”.

Leading: Guys, look what a wonderful meadow we got. We will leave it in our group as a memory of the warm summer.

Goddess Flora: Well done boys! And you all know flowers. But among the simple flowers there are magical ones. If you find a fern flower, you can find a treasure.

Rose: Dandelions wake up and go to bed with the sun.

Dandelion: And marigolds, for example, close their corollas when rain approaches, clover shrinks, and mallow flowers curl up and droop.

Rose: And on the lilac bushes, pupils and students are looking for flowers with five petals to make a wish.

Goddess Flora: What's your wish guys? Guess it soon! Guessed?

Flora, Rose, Dandelion: Now it's time to say goodbye

And we want to tell you:

Everyone needs to love nature,

And save all the flowers!

Rose: Three months of summer flew by!

And the sun shone, and the winds roared,

Sometimes it's cold, and more often it's hot.

Now it's time to say goodbye to summer.

But we are not sad. A year will pass and again

Summer will invite us to play with it.

Let's loudly say to our beautiful summer "Goodbye!"

Goddess Flora: It's time for you guys to go back to your cozy, beloved Kindergarten where your toys, bright books and funny Games. We need to close our eyes again with our palms and, spinning in place, in chorus, together and loudly say the magic words:

I will circle around on the spot, I will return to kindergarten again!

Here we are right there! We will be happy to welcome you again! Goodbye, See you soon!


- learn to pronounce poems and riddles clearly, with intonation, expressively



MBDOU Komsomol kindergarten "Romashka"

Scenario of summer entertainment "Ball of Flowers"

2nd junior - middle group year 2012

Chebotova M.V.

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the diversity of flowering plants.

- educate respect for plants, the environment,
- replenish the children's active vocabulary,
- to develop the articulatory apparatus of children,
- learn to pronounce poems and riddles clearly, with intonation, expressively.

The children enter to the music. They walk around the hall and sit on chairs.

VED: Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the flower ball.!!!

Today we are waiting for many surprises and guests. Looks like some of the guests are already here...

(Waltzing to the music, the FAIRY OF FLOWERS enters).

FAIRY: I'm waiting for everyone today, I'll take you to the flower ball,

For joy and beauty, all flowers bloom in spring

But let's not tear them, friends, do you agree with me?

Children: YES...

Children in hats of flowers go to the center of the music hall. They become a semicircle, facing the audience, read riddle verses.

1. Child in a hat forget-me-nots
small, tender,
Right by the water
As if in the midday heat
Asking for a drink
They are friends with the blue of the sky
Those lovely flowers
I know them, Olya knows
Well, do you know them?

2. A child in a hat poppy
Poppies wandered along a narrow path into the meadow
"Who's the smartest here?
Get in the circle!"
And under the wind, the poppies took off their jackets,
Getting ready to fight, they clenched their fists.
These are the poppies
Macs are bastards!

3. A child in a hat Daisies
In the meadow and in the field
We meet chamomile
We count white petals on it
The core, yellow, of such a flower,
Like a little sun
Got into it.

4. Child in a hat dandelion
The sun dropped
golden ray
Vros dandelion-
First, young.
He has a wonderful

golden color
He is a big sun
Little hello.

4. Child in a hat cornflower
Rye in the field
Vasilek you will find there
Although it is not red, but blue,
It still looks like an asterisk.

5. Child in a hat bluebell
This bell
Doesn't want to be loud
Or not used to the noise
Or swallowed the tongue.

6. Child in a hat iris
I am a herbaceous plant
With purple flowers
But change the accent
And I turn into candy.

7. Child in a hat roses
There are various flowers
Field and greenhouse
All flowers are different
And they are all wonderful
But there is one flower
That you can't take your eyes off
This is a beautiful rose!
Like an angel is airy, gentle
At the ball at the flowers - she is a baroness!
After reading poems and riddles, children sit in the auditorium on chairs.

F: I suggest you play this game "Who knows more". I will make riddles, and you will guess them.
1. white peas on a green leg (lily of the valley)

2. ears of rye in the field,
There is a flower, you will find it in the rye.
Bright blue and fluffy
Only sorry. What is not fluffy. (cornflower)

3. Sisters are standing in the meadows -
golden eye, white eyelashes (chamomile)

4. Hey, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but there is no ringing (bell)

5.I am a fluffy ball
I whiten in a clean field,
And the wind blew
There was a stalk (dandelion)

6. The sun burns my crown
Wants to make a rattle (poppy)

7. The face is odorous
And the tail is prickly (rose)

8. Above the meadow parachutes
They swing on a twig. (dandelion)

F: You guys are so smart, quick-witted. You have solved all my riddles!
And I have prepared a game for you. Want to play!
Let's play - "Yellow game".

The yellow sun looks at the earth, (raise their hands up)

A yellow sunflower follows the sun. (shaking hands)

Yellow pears hang on branches. (flashlights)

Yellow chicks squeak loudly. (peck)

Yellow butterfly, yellow bug. (wave hands)

Yellow buttercups, yellow chamomile. (rotate hands)

Yellow sun, yellow sand.

Yellow is the color of joy, rejoice, my friend! (clapping)

F: And now you can dance! (an audio recording of "Waltz of the Flowers" from Tchaikovsky's ballet, "The Nutcracker" sounds)

F: So our holiday of flowers has come to an end! Did you enjoy the holiday?
And I enjoyed visiting you. I will definitely come to visit you again. See you soon! (Fairy leaves).

For 10 years now, a children's public organization"Sun City", whose residents are students elementary school. Each class represents a specific street. There are streets of Daisies and Tulips, streets of Lilies and Dandelions, streets of Buttercups and Lilies of the Valley, Asters, Carnations and Cornflowers. Many bright and exciting events are experienced by small townspeople during the year. These are sports competitions, intellectual marathons, knowledge reviews, creative festivals, social and environmental events, and much more, you can’t list everything. On the lines at the end of each quarter, the curators sum up and award the most active leaders and the best cool teams. But the main event of the outgoing academic year remains the Flower Ball, which gathers and unites all the children of the elementary school. On April 30, the assembly hall of the school was filled with the voices of younger students and was full of multi-colored ties, which are traditionally tied by students for such solemn events. Leading started holiday program "Talents of the Sunny City" with an invitation to the Island of Flower Mood! All the children unanimously uttered the motto of a large school family: “How many bright rays the sun has, so many interesting things we have!” The townspeople greeted each other with the roll call of their mottos. Under the "Waltz of the Flowers" by P. Tchaikovsky, the Flower Fairy appeared in the hall, who told the children the sad news - the evil weed Thistle imprisoned all the flowers in the dungeon, and soon appeared himself. He scared the guys and forced them to perform various tasks. Flowers, representatives from each class told their poems, sang the song together "" The sun is shining." The Sun itself helped the children. Then the Thistle, by cunning and deceit, tried to catch butterflies with a net and pick beautiful flowers. Weed made riddles in the hope that the guys would not cope, but the students turned out to be smarter. After several attempts, the villain gave up and fled the party. And the “Rainbow of Desires” lit up in the hall. These are girls of 6-7 classes performed their multi-colored dance. In the Sunny City there is a Znaika of Shkolograd, who awarded all the literate students with letters and diplomas. The winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads, the winners of the Golden Feather calligraphy contest, young kulibins in the I am an Inventor contest of children's inventions were noted by Znayka, the best essays were selected in the My Space Story contest. A 4th grade student Dmitry Shaverin was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree. He was awarded the title of "Leader of the 1st degree". Znayka ended his speech with these words: Long live the right to read! Long live the right to write, to draw! Everyone who studies at school has the right to know everything! Well, what is a Sunny city without Dunno. Soon, a cheerful lazy Dunno appeared on the stage and immediately began to give schoolchildren bad advice and offer to refresh themselves with harmful foods. He was scolded by the famous doctor Pilyulkin and had a fun exercise with the guys. By tradition, at the Ball of Flowers we accept the smallest residents - first-graders - into our friendly family. The right to tie ties for first-graders is granted to our graduates of elementary school, students of the 4th grade. Now new streets have appeared in the Sunny City: Violets, Daisies and Bells. The second graders hurried to congratulate the new residents of the "Sunny City" with the dance "Cornflower". And students of the 3rd grade introduced the kids and babies to the rules of the townspeople. Residents of the "Sunny City" know how not only to learn, but also to have fun. Everyone was surprised by the unexpected perky dance-surprise "Shrek" from 4th grade students. When we are small, we learn to make friends, play, be kind and be able to dream. Masha and the Bear took the guys to a perky flash mob. The journey to the Island of Flower Mood ended with the performance of the song “We are together” by all residents of the city, which sings that only together we great power, only friends, holding hands, will overcome all obstacles and achieve new victories. The world is so beautiful, colors are rainbow, Everyone has a dream to be always happy. Thin streams wide river, Let's be friends Here is my hand!

150.000₽ prize fund 11 honorary documents Evidence of publication in the media

Scenario for younger students. Ball of Flowers

Position: Educator of the GPA, School No. 63, Mariupol
For children 5-11 years old
Description: this scenario is suitable for educators, teachers, teachers primary school, parents.
Target: To generalize and enrich children's knowledge of flowers, to cultivate a respect for nature
- educational: to generalize and enrich children's knowledge about colors;
- developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, creative and artistic abilities
- educational: to cultivate a sense of faith in one's strength, miracles, respect for nature, love for good
Equipment: a festively decorated hall, air balloons, artificial and live flowers.
Characters: Children - flowers, Zlyuchka-thorn, Hare, readers.
The course of the holiday
Children dressed in flower costumes enter, parents, guests, take their seats.
Music plays softly (Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky)
We invite everyone to the ball
In a well-decorated room
Where there will be music and laughter
Smiles, dances and success!
The fragrance of flowers and the chirping of children's voices.
Opening the ball of flowers
Is everyone ready to dance?
A girl runs into the hall, dressed in gloomy clothes, on which dry branches and thorns are sewn, and angrily says:
- There will be no ball here! I'm against! I am the Angry-thorn! That one more thing!
I'll kill all the flowers! I don't like them very much!

The flowers were frightened, quieted down.
And Angry-thorn continued:
- Arranged here! Ball! And I was not invited (offended)
- Excuse me, please, Zlyuchka-thorn, but you are ... not a flower ...
- Just think, - Anger-thorn said angrily, - maybe I, too, in my soul ... a May rose.
- Then welcome! the flowers said in unison.
Angry-thorn was surprised (she thought that the flowers would drive her away), she entered.
Flowers have always inspired poets, artists, musicians. They dedicated poems, songs, fairy tales to them. Let's get to know the flowers better, look into their kind, beautiful eyes, and maybe we ourselves will become a little kinder, wiser, more beautiful.

- And I also want you to fulfill my desire ... No! Two wishes! Not! Three wishes!
- Good. What is the first?
- I want a story!
There is such a legend: Once an unfortunate woman with her little son was walking through the steppe. All her life she dreamed of happiness, but could not find it. Suddenly, among the empty steppe, I saw a tiny tulip. She came over just to look at him. Then the boy saw a tulip, and laughing loudly, rushed to him. At the same moment, the bud opened. It turned out that joyful children's laughter is happiness! Think about whether it is worth picking tulips, because maybe happiness is hidden in them?
- Dance for me!
And the flowers swirled in a beautiful waltz. (Music by S. Rotaru "Lilies of the valley") Holding hands, together raised the leaves to the sun and smiled at each other.
Zlyuchka - thorn:
- And yet ... I also want a riddle!
1. Grows through the snow
To the sun's rays a flower
Small and gentle
White ... (Snowdrop)

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts,
When nature still dreams
Forest snowdrop blooms
Flower of frost and spring.
There are no more tender petals in the world,
And the aroma of wonderful spilling,
Snowdrop from snow-covered fetters,
Grows, directing leaves to the sun.
The grass will soon lay like a carpet,
The forest wakes up from sleep
And the snowdrop will be the first to say:
"Hello sun and spring!" (S. Nevolina)

2. Snow fell on the yard, on houses and on us,
Probably, he will fill the city now.
Probably, the bitter frost will return to us
But dad came and brought mimosa.
He brought it and said: “With the awakening of you!
Today, folks, spring has begun!
My name is Mimosa
I'm the first to bloom
Well, where else can you see
Are you such a beauty?
3. He is a flower prince-poet
And so smartly dressed
An encore sonnet about spring
Will read to us ... (Narcissus)

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the earth
And the blue jar is blooming,
And they call each other cranes...
Young forest dressed in green smoke
Warm thunderstorms impatiently waiting
Everything around spring is warmed by breath,
Everything around loves and sings ... (A.K. Tolstoy)
4. In the meadow on all sides, light-light, thin-thin,
It sounds like I'm hearing a call.
Who is this? (Bell)
The blue bell bowed to you and me.
Bluebell flowers are very polite.
And you?
5. A wonderful creature, she is a charmer,
poets admiration,
Born by nature
the snail also looked:
what a miracle? (Daisy)
From gate to gate
Daisies have blossomed
White-pink dew
In the light of the morning star
Their pearl dews
These snowflake beads
The joy of the first spring days
In a sea of ​​sunshine!
little by little of the sun
Everyone in the palm of your hand!
Primrose Daisy!
Hello sunny spring!
6. Born on a May day, keeps him warm,
And it seems to be behind him - he will ring softly
And this ringing will be heard by the meadow, and the birds and flowers around.
Let's listen - what if I and you hear? (Lily of the valley)

Lily of the valley:
Hid happiness in the petals
At the lilac on the bushes.
- My lily of the valley, fragrant, - commanded a cheerful May.
7. Lily of the valley blossomed in May,
On the very holiday, on the 1st day.
May, seeing off flowers,
Blooming... (Lilac)
The branch is dressed up in bunches
purple color,
It's our spring day
Lilac blossomed in the garden!

8. Grow up - dress up in a little white dress.
Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.
In the meantime, she wears a yellow sarafan
Who is this? (Dandelion)

Dandelion, sunny flower,
Smiling honey smile
Spring is on the threshold again
Multi-colored, holiday card.
Scattered gold coins
Dandelion funny faces
Happiness shines in their eyes
Dandelions are funny cuties! (N. Samoniy)

9. She said: I promise: to bloom in early May
I decided to clarify: to remind you, to call?
Can drop SMS on demand in the forest?
Angry: What a joke! My name is ... (Forget-me-not)
Bluer than the sky, tender baby,
True, after all, beautiful, baby - Forget-me-not?
(it is possible to dance Forget-Me-Not to the song "Forget-Me-Not" by V. Dobrynin)

May 10, warm and soon summer!
Everyone is dressed in green
Like a fiery fountain
Reveals... (Tulip)
Hello! And I woke up! The sun smiled sweetly!
How beautiful it is here!
Just a miracle, just a miracle!
And how beautiful I am! Like a scarlet dawn!

11. It blooms in late spring:
red flower petals
A flower like a boiled crayfish
Learned? It's red (Poppy)
Look here and there
Red poppies bloom
Field poppies in May
Blossomed in all its glory
Captivating with its beauty
Appeared in the spring!

12. They were brought to us from China
They grow, admiring everyone
Lots and lots of petals
Delicate fabulous colors
How beautiful, like a dream! It is called ... (Peony)
Peonies firmly entered the garden
Found fans everywhere
Luxurious bushes bloom
Lovely delicate flowers!

13. White, fluffy, thick and fragrant hung the window.
As if it froze, as if a forest and a lake,
It's been covered in a blizzard! Who is this? (Bird cherry)
It’s not the forest that dressed up in white furs in spring
Bird cherry blossomed like a bride under a veil.
Young, beautiful, pure, happy!
- Bird cherry, Bird cherry, why are you standing white?
Bird cherry:
-For the spring holiday, for May blossomed!
-What are your leaves green today?
Bird cherry:
-For a holiday, for a holiday, for May, for spring!
Bird cherry:
Fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring,
And the branches are golden, that the curls curled,
And satin tassels under pearl dew,
They burn like clear earrings on a beautiful girl.
And nearby, at the thawed patch, in the grass between the stones,
Runs, flows a small silver stream.
Fragrant bird cherry, hung up, stands
And the golden green in the sun burns
A brook with a rattling wave pours over all the branches
And insinuatingly sings songs to her under the steep (S. Yesenin)

(The “Song of Earthly Beauty” sounds, the children sing along.)
Runs out Hare:
How beautiful is this ball!
I just fell into a fairy tale!
I love flowers very much
I recognize them right away!
14. Butterflies blue and yellow and white
A lot on the flower bed of the flower village
You will recognize them without prompting
These flowers ... (Pansies)
Warm and sunny joyful summer
blue and white and mixed color
Whispering cheerful, bright tales
Gentle cute pansies

15. By the winding path
The sun grows on a leg
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains
By the middle of summer the sun blooms
And his name is ... (Sunflower)

Golden sunflower, ray petals,
I am the son of the sun and a cheerful cloud! (T. Lavrova)
16. In a white skirt is
There is a secret about love
Can he say? Is it a blunder?
Tell me soon ... (Chamomile)
Hey Chamomile, give me an answer.
Where are you from? Not a secret?
- It's not a secret, - Chamomile answered, - I was carried by the sun in my pocket

Daisies have bloomed, summer has come
Bouquets are knitted from white daisies
You go for a walk to the daisies in the field
Enjoy the summer, sing and dance!
17. Beautiful, young, tender
Like a swan she is snow-white
And even you and I looked
A cute flower is called (Lily)
Lily-beauty everyone in the neighborhood likes
Like a tender bride, so white, pure, lovely!

Lilies have blossomed
By its beauty
Attract all guests
Adults and children
And stand admiring themselves all by themselves
Proud and gentle like no other.
Prickly-thorn (smiling furtively):
-La la la la la la. I like my friends here!
Thorn-thorn, so you are not a snarky at all! Don't get angry and don't get angry! Smile for all of us!
Angry - the thorn smiles, takes off her gloomy clothes and remains in a beautiful pink ball gown)

- Look, look, guys! A miracle happened! The thorns fell off, the rotten bark slipped off, and the Angry Thorn turned into ... a beautiful flower - the May Rose.
18. May Rose:
For a delicate pink outfit,
For the wonderful smell, aroma,
For the joy that brings people
Everyone loves a rose for beauty!
(It is possible to dance the May Rose to the music of “The Song of the Magic Rose” from the movie “Don't Leave”)
Yes, children, kindness can work wonders. She is able to melt any ice in the heart, inspire, give strength, save. And kindness can turn even the most evil thorn into a beautiful flower. Let us always do good and overcome evil with good!
Then the flowers sang out of happiness:
And from our warmth and from our kindness
All the flowers have blossomed!
She warms everyone
Like a ray from a window!

But I think we forgot someone? Oh yes!
19. She is the last of the flowers
Blooms until cold
Buds play with colors
Who guessed what it's called? (Chrysanthemum)
Cool breath already
Shaking the crowns of poplars,
October brought withering
For squares, parks and alleys.
But in October their poems
The autumn garden reads to us
And a branch of white chrysanthemum
Falling leaves call for a dance (V. Wanderer)
Chrysanthemums bloom in late autumn, with bright colors reminiscent of summer, the sun. Large and very small, white, yellow, pink, even chamomile-like - there are a huge variety of types, colors and shades of chrysanthemums. You can admire the variety of chrysanthemums in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea, where a chrysanthemum ball is held annually from October to December!