Eye of divine wisdom meaning. Eye of divine wisdom - symbol meaning

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Application of mandalas and methods of application

Mandala is a mystical image in which the spiritual reality is present both visible and invisible. The light-bearers of the world together make up an amazing pattern of Light, which one day will shine so brightly that the Earth will truly turn into the Star of Liberty.

(from the Flame of the Rose website materials)

Application of mandalas:

Body healing, healing

Charging with water energy

Purification of space, food, medicines

Amulets / protection

Neutralization/reduction of harm in geopathogenic zones, electronics impacts, environment

Work with consciousness / subconsciousness, meditation

Activation of spiritual information inherent in human DNA Balancing and harmonization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain contributes to the opening of the heart and helps to follow intuition

Resolution of the situation, improvement of relationships (with relatives, children, team),

Attracting love, abundance, fulfilling dreams,

Elaboration of any qualities (elimination of negative ones and manifestation of positive ones),

Below are some practiced mandalas with a description of the purpose

The eye of wisdom, to overcome one's own weakness and laziness.
This talisman protects against mistakes and prevents weaknesses from taking over a person, helping to overcome them.

This is a symbol of victory over evil, directing the owner to the path of goodness and justice. It helps a person to avoid undeserved accusations, helps to discover the truth and shows the true attitude of the people around you towards him.

The “Eye of Divine Wisdom” gives a person strength and self-confidence, protects him from laziness, apathy, endows him with wisdom and a desire to know the world.

The eye of divine wisdom, inscribed in a triangle, symbolizing victory over evil and striving for good. It gives strength and confidence, helps to overcome one's own weakness, indifference and laziness.

The eye expresses the divine gaze into the soul and vice versa - the "gate" to the knowledge of wisdom and truth. The middle of the eye is the soul this person kept from error and evil.

Divine light of the Sun of spiritual consciousness. May it illuminate our minds as radiant sunlight dispels darkness. O earth, space, heaven and the majestic light of the revered Sun, our hearts are shrouded in darkness. Remove this darkness from us and help the divine light to illuminate us.


There is no better cleanser on earth than Gayatri. Chanting this one mantra once a day brings great results. It gives health, beauty, strength, energy, spiritual perfection. It destroys ignorance, unhappiness, low desires.
Gayatri can be chanted at any time, but is most effective at sunrise, noon, and sunset.

Mandala of Time
Many people say they can't be happy now because they were traumatized in the past, because they didn't do something they should have done, because they no longer have what they valued most in the world, because they hurt and because of this they can no longer love, or because something unpleasant happened to them and they cannot forget about it.There can be many similar reasons: someone once did something terrible and curses himself for it, someone is not able to forgive and forget the offense, etc. However, constantly remembering your past means hurting yourself even more. Those who are guilty before you do not care, they do not even know the extent of your pain. Therefore, there is no point in concentrating your thoughts on the past. It is gone and cannot be changed. But you can change your attitude towards him. Sometimes a change in assessment is very helpful in changing behavior, and vice versa. Here everything will depend on your desire.
This mandala heals wounds and teaches forgiveness and soothing. It will help you enjoy the present and relieve you of many illusions.
This mandala gives a person control over time and the ability to move into various dimensions of psychological time.

Twin Hearts - Double Luck Symbol: This symbol is very effective in activating romantic luck. It can be placed in the southwestern sector of the house or placed under the bed. If your life is desperately lacking in love, place a symbol of double luck in your bedroom. You can draw this symbol yourself and put it in the southwest sector, or in your personal romantic sector - in your bedroom, under the mattress and in your purse.

Inside the pomegranate are hundreds of scarlet, fresh, juicy seeds. It is not for nothing that the pomegranate began to mean the fertility and happiness of future children. Pomegranates are favorable and carry information “programmed” by nature about the well-being of the family as a whole, about obedient sons and daughters who will glorify their surname. If a woman eats this fruit during the celebration of the New Year, there is a possibility that this year she will become a young mother. Pomegranates will bring abundance, prosperity to the house, the desires and dreams of your loved ones will begin to come true at a breakneck pace.
Red fruits in general are energy, strength, power. If the basket is constantly filled with red fruits in the house, then wealth will come to you.

According to Feng Shui, peaches are a traditional symbol of longevity, prosperity, good health, and a successful married life together.

Phoenix - a symbol of feng shui - a bird of rebirth and opportunity, especially in a career, protects you from the effects of negative external forces. A talisman of good luck that enters the house through the front door. Love your talisman, it will reward you a hundredfold. In gratitude, the phoenix will do everything so that you reach career heights, live happily and richly.

Each of us dreams of ruling the world. Each of us wants all his commands, orders, requests and desires to be instantly fulfilled. And almost everyone is sure that all these dreams are from the category of fantasy. However, a powerful hypnotic effect on the interlocutor is by no means a fantasy, but a reality!

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The god of abundance Guan Gong is one of the most popular in feng shui. Once a god of war, he eventually became a protector god. Initially, Guan Gong defended only the oppressed, but then he switched to politicians and businessmen. In addition, he is able to cause rain during a drought, pacify demons, heal from incurable diseases.

Symbols of happiness (talismans-amulets) [photo] Oleinikov Anton

59. The eye of divine wisdom, protecting from mistakes and weaknesses

The EYE OF DIVINE WISDOM, inscribed in a triangle, is a symbol of victory over evil and striving for good. Gives strength and confidence, helps to overcome weakness, apathy and laziness. The eye expresses the divine gaze into the soul, it is also the gateway to wisdom and knowledge of the truth.

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Do you want to know how to become wise? It turns out it's not that hard. Mudra "Eye of Wisdom" will open your inner potential!

Mudra "Eye of Wisdom"

To become wise, to speed up thought processes, to reveal the inner potential necessary for learning and self-development, to open access to the vital reserves of the body - all this is possible thanks to the “Eye of Wisdom” mudra¹.

The art of wise originated over two thousand years ago. In the East, mudras are very common, and they are really called yoga for the fingers. They represent certain poses that the fingers take.

Performing mudras is the management of energy flows in the simplest and most accessible way, the oldest way of self-healing with energy emanating from the fingers, through the formation of a special design from them.

Indications for performing the “Eye of Wisdom” mudra:

  • cerebrovascular accident,
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels,
  • stroke prevention,
  • memory deterioration.
  • decrease in the speed of thought processes.

How to become wise?

According to ancient teachings, in order to improve the functionality of the brain and activate your creative potential, you need to perform the Eye of Wisdom mudra for 15-20 minutes daily.


The heart (ring) finger of the right hand is pressed by the first phalanx of the thumb of the same hand. The fingers of the left hand are folded in the same way. The rest of the fingers are loosely spaced.

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Eye of Divine Wisdom- this is the symbol of the eye located inside the triangle. Its meaning is interpreted as God's observation of man (Divine Providence). Those who wear it believe that the Lord is watching their thoughts and deeds and this should push them to do the right thing.

Religious use

Many religions have used the symbol Eye of Divine Wisdom. The earliest example is the Eye of Horus ( Ancient Egypt). However, the unification of the eye with the concept of Divine Providence did not appear until the beginning of the Christian era. During the Renaissance, it began to be considered a sign of the Christian Trinity. In 17th century images Eye often depicted among the sun and clouds.

US appearance

In 1782 the badge was adopted as part of symbols on the reverse side Great Seal of the USA. Use symbol Eye of Divine Wisdom proposed by Eugene du Simitiere, who at that time held the post of artistic consultant. In his original proposal to the committee, du Simitiere placed Eye above the shields representing each of the thirteen states. The version of the seal that was eventually approved placed the eye at the top of an unfinished pyramid of thirteen steps (13 being the number of initial states, but the unfinished top indicates the nation's potential for future growth). Above the eye is written the motto "He [God] establishes our obligations." It was because of the use of the Great Seal in the design that the Eye became very popular and began to be used in other symbols and seals.


Today, Eye of Divine Wisdom often associated with Freemasonry. It first appeared as part of the standard Masonic iconography in 1797, in the publications of Thomas Smith. Here he introduced the Eye as a reminder that a Mason's thoughts and actions are always observed by God. The Masonic Eye is displayed with rays of glory emanating from the eye, sometimes surrounded by a triangle. There are claims among conspiracy theorists that the appearance of the Eye of Providence on the Great Seal of the United States is evidence of Freemasonry's influence on the US government. In fact, this theory arose after the release in 2004 of the film National Treasure. Of all the founders, only Benjamin Franklin was a Freemason, but his ideas on national symbols were rejected. All Masonic organizations expressly deny any connection with the creation of the Seal.

Modern usage

On coats of arms and seals:

  • Braslav, Belarus;
  • Kalvaria, Lithuania;
  • Siauliai, Lithuania;


  • One dollar bill (USA);
  • 50 Estonian kroons (Estonia);
  • 500 hryvnia banknote (Ukraine);

The All-Seeing Eye amulet has a long history. It was known to many nations in antiquity and is popular now, in our time.

In the article:

History of the All-Seeing Eye amulet

The All-Seeing Eye amulet was revered by many peoples, especially the Egyptians. It has many names - ujad, udyat, wadjet, Eye of God, Eye of Horus and a few more. The Egyptians believed that his influence extends not only to the world of people, but also to the realm of the dead. Ujad symbolized the eternal life of the human soul and its resurrection.

Some civilizations depicted a symbolic eye on the tombstone so that the spirit of the deceased would not be lost in the afterlife. They were also found in Egyptian burials, it was believed that without the eye of Horus, the deceased could not be resurrected after his death. The talisman is also related to the god Ra, therefore it also symbolizes light, the Sun and victory over darkness.

According to Egyptian legend, one of the gods - Set, had a grudge against his brother Osiris and tried to kill him several times. The first attempt was unsuccessful, Osiris was brought back to life by his wife Isis. After this, the son of Osiris and Isis was born - Gore. During the second attempt to kill his brother, Set dismembered him into many pieces to make it impossible to resurrect. Horus began to take revenge on Seth for his father and began to fight with him. Other gods also participated in many battles, for example, Thoth and Anubis.

In a battle with Seth, Horus lost his eye, after which Thoth healed him. Horus gave his eye to the dead Osiris, but this resurrection attempt was unsuccessful, Osiris could not return to the world of the living and became the ruler of the kingdom of the dead. After that, the eye of Horus became an amulet that symbolized the return from the world of the dead, immortality, protection and healing.

The American Indians had a similar symbol called the eye of the Great Spirit or the eye of the heart. They believed that he sees everything and personifies all-seeing. The ancient Greeks considered the eye to be a symbol of the sun. In Iranian mythology, there are stories about a man who had a solar eye and was immortal. There are references to similar amulets among the Phoenicians, Sumerians and some other peoples.

In Christianity, this symbol has names God's Eye, God's Eye or All-seeing eye. It first appeared in temple architecture in the 17th century. Basically, the pediments of temples and government buildings were decorated with the Eye of God. He symbolized the Almighty, his light, holiness and power. The mog's eye was enclosed in a triangle and surrounded by radiance. In the 18th century, it appeared in icon painting, and there are icons of the All-Seeing Eye even now.

Freemasons have a very similar image of the eye. They call him Radiant Delta or eye of providence. This is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry, symbolizing the power, wisdom and vigilance of the Creator, the Higher Mind, which guides the students in their search. Currently, such images can be seen on banknotes and awards, on personal amulets and in the architecture of buildings and structures.

The meaning of the amulet God's Eye

Now exists in the form of an eye. This is a Christian symbol in the form of an eye inside a triangle, and the Egyptian Eye of Horus, and many others. In ancient times, different peoples attributed almost the same meaning to them. Now they symbolize the same thing, albeit in different contexts.

God's Eye has very strong protective properties. First of all, it is, which symbolizes help from above in difficult situations. He is in everything. Another meaning is healing and protection from diseases.

Such a charm has a very great power. It can be considered not only protective. The All-Seeing Eye endows a person with spiritual strength, strengthens willpower, helps in the development of intuition, clairvoyance, and teaches to feel the world. It is believed that a person who has been carrying such an amulet with him for a long time cannot be deceived, he is insightful, one might say, he sees through everyone.

The All-Seeing Eye can seriously affect your destiny. With its help, you can find the right path in life, see the situation from different angles and solve problems easier, learn to accept right decisions and achieve a high position in society or achieve any other goal.

How to wear an eye amulet

Eye amulets were common among most civilizations on our planet. There were many materials on which their images were applied. Basically, they depended on the country in which the talisman was made.

For the most part, this is a personal amulet. It is not quite suitable for the home, but some people use it in this way. Sometimes there are such amulets in offices. This is a good option, especially if the image is placed in a place that is somehow related to your goal that you want to achieve. If the qualities of the Eye of Horus are needed in a career, then it is better to place it on the desktop or in one of its drawers.

As a personal amulet, the eye is made from any metal, faience, clay, wood, stone. You can use absolutely any material. It can be a pendant, a bracelet, a ring, or even a high-quality drawing on paper that will always be with you.

In general, regardless of religious predilections. The talisman has practically no negative value.

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