Book exhibition names how to arrange. book exhibition

Prepared by O.V. Serdyuk


 "Book-sympathy"
 "Assorted periodicals"
 "Library - open world ideas"
 “Library is a territory without
 "Library and time: new realities"
 “Library and society”
 "Library, book, I - together
faithful friends!"
 "Library under an umbrella"
 "Library Gathers Friends"
 "The librarian offers"
 "Library - with love" (book
exhibition of books donated by readers)
 “Libraries are the heart of
Information Society"
 "Library Symphony"
 “Big literature for little ones”
 "Drop the mouse - take the book!"
 “There will be a harmony in the family, if the book is happy”
 “On Knowledge Day, read with us!” (to 1
 "Together with the book - to knowledge"
 "In dreams, poems - as if in reality ..."
 "Two people are talking - me and the book"
 “I will read everywhere and everywhere!”

 “Great poet of a great people”
 "The whole world in one book"
 "In the world of interesting textbooks"
 "Wonderful world of magic words"
 "Here it is, book summer"
(summer exhibition)
 “Time, book, me”
 “Time to read!”
 "The universe in the genre of the novel"
 "In the country of Chitalia"
 "Find yourself in someone else's line"
 "Reader's Choice: Best Books
 “Where there is enlightenment, there is good…”
 “Where is the craze for reading
In honor there is a letter, a pen,
Where there is literacy, there is enlightenment,
Where there is enlightenment, there is good"
(P.V. Vyazemsky)
 "Let's open familiar books"
 "Let's read Pushkin"
 Long live reading! What can
be better than communication with a book?!”
 "Lines bestowed by heaven"
 "Faithful to the cause of the book"
 “The detective is on the trail” (exhibition
detective literature)
 « good world favorite books"
 “Others will follow the living trail
your path span span" (Pasternak)
 "Friends of the boy - and funny
 "Her Majesty the Book"
 If you want to know, read on! world out
learn books!
 "Women's Faces of Russian Prose"
 "Rubtsov's Star"
 “Here everything breathes with Pushkin and
 “Hello, hello, bookstore
 "Meet the New"

Prepared by O.V. Serdyuk

 "Famous librarians"
 “Golden Shelf of Books”
 "Golden scattering of poems"
 "Golden Pages of Classics"
 “Play, read, learn, grow”
(game corner)
 "Both girls and boys - all on
the world loves books"
 “And continues to live in descendants
eternal Pushkin"
 “And again the voice of the library
 "For good through the book"
 "What a beautiful book world"
 "Holidays with a book"
 “Drips of sonorous verses”
 Cool Classics
 "Book in the frame"
 “The book gives you revelations
 "The book is a step to wisdom"
 “Book from hand to hand”
 "The book is looking for a reader"
 "The book walks the planet"
 Book. Society. Reader:
modern aspects"
 "Books and people: century XXI"
 "Books and People"
 "Books that parents read"
 Tesky books
 "Books-anniversaries"
 "Book rainbow"
 "Book Rhapsody"
 "The book kingdom is wise
 "Book sails"
 "Book Treasures"
 Book BOOM
 "Book Golf Stream"
 "Book hit parade"
 Book Man (installation)
 "Book Express"

 “When a book dies” (exhibition
old and spoiled books by readers)
 "Kingdom of fairy tales"
 Great Writers Reading Circle
 “Where are the “Scarlet Sails” calling us?”
 "Wherever you look: Russia, Russia - rings
scar line"
 "Summer mood with a book"
 “Summer readings are interesting
travel and adventure"
 "Leaders of reading" (competition)
 "Literary map of Donbass"
(exhibition of native land literature)
 "Literary palette"
 "Literary Through the Looking Glass"
 “Literature knows no boundaries. Reading
 "Literary hero"
 Best friends of my soul
 “People stop thinking when
stop reading"
 “Little-known pages of Russian
 Marina. Reserved country"
(about M. Tsvetaeva)
 "The book opens the world of knowledge"
 "The world of books and the world in books"
 “My literary discovery”
 “We came to visit the poet”
 “We serve the book so that the book
served the people
 "On the podium - a book"
 “Our press is for all interests”
 "Week of active reading": 1- "Day
new book", 2- "Day of fiction", 3 -
"Adventure Day", 4 - "Day
author's literature", 5 - "Day
Forgotten Books”, 6 – “Poetry Day”
 "Unskipped Reading"
 "New items from the basket"
 "A new name in literature"
 "News-press"

Prepared by O.V. Serdyuk

 "New books of the new century"
 “Do girls need books and
 Society. Culture. Library"
 "Operation KIT (The book is looking for you)"
 "Open the book - miracles will begin"
 "We open the book - we open the world"
 “The Charm of Forgotten Books”
 What do the books say?
 “What did the schoolboy tell
 "Planet of Literary Treasures":
"Rivers of Poetry", "Mountains of Prose", "Valley
detective", "Island of Adventure",
"Ocean of Love", etc.
 "Under the white sail of the pen"
 "Under the Sign of Pushkin"
 “While Pushkin lasts in Russia,
blizzards will not blow out the candle!”
 "Glade of fairy tales"
 “On the pages of Russian classics”
 "Press from illness and stress"
 "Adventures on Reading Island"
 “Slow down! Read!"
 "It's time to read!" (exhibition clock)
 "Read it, you won't regret it!"
 “Let the books of your friends enter your
 Travel to the country
unread books"
 Pushkin. Life and destiny"
 “Rainbow Reading”
 "Let's carefully open the pages"
 "Repertoire for fashionable reading"
 "Russian poetry in music and colors"
 “The world is kinder with a book”
 "With the book the world is kinder and brighter"
 "With a book on life"
 "With a book on the bench"
 “With a new book - in New Year»

 "Daylight is the word of the book"
 "Date with talent"
 "A date with the stars of silver
 "Fairy tale - clever and charming"
 Fairyland
 "Treasures of bookshelves"
 “Thank you, beloved author!”
 "Old books in a new cover"
 "Handmade verse"
 "Poems grow like stars and like roses"
 "Land of Fairy Tales, Wonders and
 “A string that sounds like poetry”
 "Happiness to be a reader"
 "Secrets, riddles, sensations"
 “Your Majesty is the Library!”
 “You are not alone when there is a book”
 "Thousands of wise pages"
 "Surprise your parents - read
 Find out. Read. Win"
 “The book has no holidays”
 "Ural tales of the master"
(about P. Bazhov)
 « Successful people love to read!
 "Fireworks of children's books"
 "Festival of reference publications"
 "Photo selfie with a book" (competition)
 “A good book is my companion, my
 « good books- friends forever"
 "Temple of Wisdom: Tomorrow and Always"
 "Charming Classics"
 Let's read together!
 Reading. We think. We create»
 "Reading the classics in the library"
 “We read books all year round”

Prepared by O.V. Serdyuk

 “You read, I read, all my
 "Read and be a leader!"
 "Read with us!"
 "Read! Be smart! Live bright!"
 "Read and wonder"
 "Read better - only the best!"
 "Readers - admirers of books"
 "Reader records"
 "Reader's X-factor" (competition)
 “Reading is fashionable! Reading is
 “Reading is stylish! Reading is
fashionable! Read everywhere - read
 “Reading Russia in the 21st century”
 "Reading Kingdom"
 "Readers and happy"
 "Reading without coercion"
 "Reading for the Heart and Mind"
 Reading for Have a good mood»
 "Reading as a life strategy"
 “Reading is fashion for all time”
 “Reading is the knowledge of “revelations”

 “Reading is the way to success”
 “Reading is the breath of the mind”
(A. Likhanov)
 “What a charm these fairy tales are!”
 “Our summer is wonderful with the book”
 "Wonderful Book City"
 “A wonderful healer of our souls”
 “The rustle of book pages to us
accompanies life everywhere"
 "School library - center
 « Digital library, or
Library without borders»
 “This book is the best - it has
big success!"
 “These books are the pride of the library”
 “The anniversary of the writer is a holiday for
 “I read Pushkin with inspiration…”
 “I have read and recommend to you…”
 “I open the world with a book”
 "I'm looking for my soul in poetry"
 “I am a new generation reader!”

Names of book fairs

Helping the school curriculum

"Want to know everything"

"Helping Literature Teachers"

“Terrible is everything that is unknown”

"On the continents and countries"

"Geography of continents, oceans and seas"

"Rus. Russia. Russian empire"

"History breathes every line"

"History in faces"

"Two steps away from the textbook"

"My tongue is my friend"

"Your Friend Forever"

"Language is the confession of the people"

"With a book in the world of interesting sciences"

"Behind the Pages of the Textbook"

"For Know-It-Alls and Dunnos"

"knowing the world"

"Reference kingdom is a wise state"

About books and reading

"With a book for life"

"The book is in your hands"

"Creative Reader"

"Smart Reader"

"Read, Think, Discuss"

"Read, Discuss, Create"

"To you, book lovers"

"Foreign writers - for children"

"Humor in children's books"

"Holidays with a book"

"Aloud. Loud. About myself. About us!"

"Family Favorite Books"

"Open the book and miracles begin"

"Reading fairy tales, watching fairy tales"

"Encore Reading"

"The second profession is a reader"

"Each book is about you, each is for you, just look"

"Book news"

"Books Everyone Knows"

"A miracle is the name to which the book"

"Library - book - modern reader"

"Ethical Grammar"

About beauty, fashion and good taste

"A man of culture is..."

"Elegance, beauty, charm"

Fairy tales

"In the world of fairy tales"

"This Good Old Tale"

"A fairy tale is clever and charming"

"Visiting a fairy tale"

"Drawing a fairy tale"

"Journey to the Fairy Meadow"

"Journey to a fairy tale"

"There, on unknown paths"

"Let's play a fairy tale"

"In a certain kingdom"

"Wonderful world of fairy tales"

"The Magical World of Fairy Tales"

"Tales of the Good Wizard"

"Tales of the peoples of the world"

"Fairy Tales Travel the World"


"On the roads of fairy tales"

"Tales of the Udmurt people"

"Oh, these fairy tales"

About health

"If you want to be healthy"

"Healthy lifestyle"

"Beauty, health, youth"

"Your health is in your hands"

"Longevity Real and Possible"

"Take care of your health"

"Take care of your health from a young age"

"Grow up healthy"

"You will be healthy - you will get everything"

"Be healthy"

"Healthy every day is a holiday"

Nature and ecology

"With love for nature"

"Through the book - love for nature"

"A world to be understood and loved"

"Land of Silver Springs"

"Ecology and the book"

"We and our smaller brothers"

"About the native land with love"

"Live, nature"

"Live, Earth!"

"Living language of nature"

"I love Rossi forest noise"

"Man and Nature: Harmony or Tragedy?"

"Our four-legged friends"

"We only have one earth"

"The earth is our home"

"Our common home is nature"

"You and I Need Earth"

"Earth is the home of humanity"

"Environmental Bulletin"

"Words, colors, sounds"

"Man and Ecology"

"Ecology of the native land"

"Nature of the native land"

"Nature and Us"

"Nature and Man"

“Who lives around, what grows around”

"Forest and its protection"

"About our smaller brothers"

"In the fate of nature is our fate"

"Let's give the planet a chance"

"A land that is not more beautiful"

"Earth in Trouble"

"We destroy nature - we destroy ourselves"

"Know, love, take care"

"Man is responsible for the purity of the land and rivers"

"We and our Earth"

"Earth is a blue planet"

"Nature. Ecology. Literature."

"Secrets of the Green Forest"

"In defense of nature"

"Alarm Bells"

"Ecology and children"

"Ecology and Society"

"Ecology and life: look around"

"Environmental problems: the acuteness of the situation"

"Love and know the Udmurt region"

"The soul of nature is present in us"

"Caution - nature!"

"Enter Nature as a Friend"

"Under the roof of your house"

"Problems of family education"

About love

"Lines of Love"

"Love, love is a mysterious word"

"Love is the heart of everything"

"There is a book of eternal love"

"Poems about love"

"Song of Love"

“But we will still love ...”

"Writers of Love"

About Pushkin

"A poet for all times"

"Pushkin and his era"

"The poet through the eyes of contemporaries"

"Pushkin's Poetic Echo"

"Let my soul open"

"Hope and Love, Dignity and Honor"

"Pushkin in life"

"And life, and tears, and love"

"Pushkin and his Madonna"

"I loved you…"

"Beautiful and mysterious Pushkin"

"Pushkin and Natalie"


"Kaleidoscope of magazines"

"Newspapers and magazines for children"

"Children's magazines visiting children"

"Country Journal"

"What the Magazines Talk About"

"Journey to the Land of Journal"

"Hello Country Journal"

"Scroll through us, read us, and we will teach you everything"

"new periodicals"

"News of the magazine world"


"In the world of beauty"

"Journey to the Land of Inspiration"

"Journey to the land of creativity"

"Poetry and Painting of the Romantics"

"Learning to see beauty"

"Look at the world with admiring eyes"

"Good through beauty"

"Dialogue of true goodness and beauty"

"Surprise and Joy"

"In the World of Dreams"

"Beautiful around us"

Choice of professions

"In the world of professions"

"Who to be?"

"I choose a profession"

"How to Find Yourself"

"Who am i?"

"Entering Life"

"Choose a profession"

"Your future profession"

“We have a road for young people everywhere”

"Journey Through the Professions"

"Kaleidoscope of professions"

"All works are good - choose to taste"

Unusual, unknown

"Secrets Revealed and Unrevealed"

"Obvious but incomprehensible"

"Obvious - Incredible"

"Space trip"

"Secrets of magic and witchcraft"

Upbringing and education

"Pedagogical search: experience, problems, findings"

"Helping Teachers"

"Towards each other"

"We and our children"

"A lesson in a modern school"

"School: search on the way"

"From the textbook to the creative concept of the lesson"

"Path to the student"

We teach creativity "

"I am your student, you are my teacher"

Housekeeping and needlework

“Och. Skillful Hands »

"For skillful hands"

"Skillful hands do not know boredom"

"Do it yourself"


"We sew, we knit, we embroider"

"Good hands craftsmanship"

"City of masters"

"Home Needlework"

"Advice from Mary the Artisan"

“Skillful hands and painstaking work will not create this yet”

“Long winter evenings: we sew, knit, embroider”

"Under the roof of your house"


"ABC of a young pedestrian"

"Everyone Should Know This"

"On traffic rules for everyone without exception"

"Pedestrian alphabet"

"Red, yellow, green"

"Attention, dear!"


"Courage, courage and honor"

"Reflections on the Supreme Truth"

"Moral and Legal Responsibility"

"I, you, we"

"Journey to the Land of Rodaria"

"Under the sign of Zakhoder"

“Coming from childhood” (about S. Lagerlöf)

"CD in the Library"

"Reason for fun: Dunno and Deniska"

"Life of Wonderful People"

"About Miscellaneous"

"Your own psychologist"

"My childhood, the cherished country"

Everyone celebrates their professional holiday differently. However, everyone wants it to be successful and leave only warm memories. Librarians of our system this year, the Year of Culture, took an active part in the competition of book exhibitions about the librarian and the library"The best book exhibition for All-Russian day libraries."

We bring to your attention a galaxy of these wonderful creations, perhaps they will once again cause pride in our library work, viewing them will bring pleasant moments, and perhaps some of the ideas will be further embodied in your work.

Books make you stop near them, close your eyes with pleasure, as you close your eyes, looking at the sun, in order to look again with already open eyes.

K.A. Fedin

So, get acquainted:

It's no secret that many exhibitions have been named "The library is the wise house of the soul" , but you will agree how individual they are, despite the general heading!
Head of the Ilmensky library No. 7 MBUK "TsBS" (0.5 rate)

Exhibition sections:
Ilmenskaya - 2 library - 40 years
The library's best friends
And I open the book, like a door to a great life

History of the best events

A. de Monzi
fr. minister

Team Bolshov Library№33 MYUK "CBS" (1.5 rates) to80th anniversary of its founding libraries in 3 sections

1. If the library is alive, the village will also live!

2. The eternal keeper of wise books.

3.Library and reader: face to the face.

List of references for the exhibition:

Blinova, A. Adventures of Olya Iriskina in the book state: Scenario of a tetralized game program / A. Blinova / / How to entertain guests. -2011. - No. 12. - p. 26-30.

Buyanova, E.E. Dedication: poems about the Bolshov Library / E.E. Buyanova / / Library-pharmacy for the soul: Album.-2009.-p.1-2.

For the promotion of books on best practices in collective farms and MTS agriculture: from the experience of the Bolshov rural library of the Mikhailovsky district.-Volgograd:

Volgograd truth, 1965.-35s.

Kitov D.V. Together with the collective farm: from the experience of the Bolshov rural library.-M: Book, 1961.-50s.

Kramov V.V. Your Shart Cathedral: a teenager about the choice of professions / V.V. Kramov.-M: Education, 1979.-205p.

Sidorova S.I. Bolshov rural library//Out of the kindness of the soul: Essays, poems, stories.-Mikhailovka, 2008.-p.226-228.

Urakova O. We are poets ourselves, compose with us, or Welcome to Rifmo-city!: game-journey through the library / O. Urakova / / Scenarios and repertoire.-2009.-

No. 13.-p.40-54.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the book exhibition: Time period exhibition works - 1 month.During this time more than fifty visitors were at our exhibition: 14 times the book was published"Together with the collective farm"former librarianD.V. Kitova (from work experience in the 60s). They read it ataman of our farm O.L. Makarihin (there is material about his ancestors), the widow of a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad-Chuvilova A.E., farmers - Markova N.E., Pryanikova V.I., Trubitsyna A.T., Belyakova T.A. and many others - they all read she got into her youth ... etc. Many visitors of different ages reviewed albums - “Mass work of Bolshovskayalibraries. Nowadays". Some teenage girls were interestedprofessional books librarian.

Conclusions and perspectivesfurther use of exhibition materials:

The materials of the exhibition will not lose their relevance in the future - this is the history of the foundation of our library, the work of our "hotbed of culture" in various periods of its existence, and finally, the life of the population of the farm for many years.


Katason Library No. 35 M BUK "CBS" (bid) Exhibition catalog

Exhibition name"Pharmacy for the Soul"

The structure of the book exhibition:

-Sections "Medicines for every taste"

"Cure for boredom - creativity"

"Vitamins - fun" (fun books for children) "Gratitude of healed patients"

- Quotes

“A library is better than any pharmacy

Heal from spiritual hardships.

From depression and separation.

I read - nothing hurts "

Yu.A. Orlova

"What bliss to lie in bed

You read familiar prose a hundred times,

And everything is new to you - thanks to sclerosis "

- Illustrative material Presentation "Book-healer"

Images of medicinal bottles with stickers: Anti-sadness drops, Spleen potion, Love decoction, Adrenaline tincture, Balm for mental wounds. Books are holding these bottles in their “hands”.

- figures of Dunno and Bunny on the children's shelf

List of used literature for the exhibition:

1. Balashova M. Ya. Knitting: the secrets of magical patterns / M. Ya. Balashova. - Minsk: Harvest, 2010. - 255 p.: ill.

2. Knitting, cutting and sewing / ed. - comp. V. Nadezhdina. - Minsk: Harvest, 2009. - 479 p. - (Complete reference).

Specialists involved in the preparation of exhibitions divided them according to the form of organization into traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional and most used exhibitions:

new arrivals;


· personal;


to significant and memorable dates;

to help the learning process.

From non-traditional exhibition forms received the support and recognition of readers, the following groups are developing and improving:

1. Dialogues: discussion, dictionary, question, dispute, controversy.

3. Book collapses.

4. Exhibition - the best reader, - dossier, - benefit performance, one form.

5. Exhibition-concept; exhibition-mood.

6. Exhibition-surprise.

7. Exhibition-game: quizzes, crossword puzzles, contests, puzzles, games, lotto, hobbies.

8. Exhibition of one document: books, magazines, newspapers, articles.

9. Exhibition-travel.

10. Electronic (virtual) exhibitions.

11. Exhibition of printed materials of the library.

12. Exhibition-advice, -recognition, -symbol, -letter, -maze, object, -demonstration, -presentation, -treat, -court, -collision, etc.

13. Speaking exhibitions.

Traditional exhibitions

Popular in libraries thematic exhibitions. Their goal is to draw attention to a specific issue, problem, encourage reading books by recommending the best of them. Topics need to be specified: the narrower they are, the more interesting the exposition looks, the clearer it is for readers.

Thematic exhibition reveals the most valuable literature on a particular issue. The main criterion for choosing a title is the relevance and significance of the topic being declared. If it is very extensive and requires a phased disclosure, in this case it is advisable for libraries to use the exhibition cycle. It is better to plan it for a year, having determined in advance a place for shelving. If these exhibitions are successful with readers, they can be continued next year.

Book fair cycles allow you to provide the necessary information regularly and systematically. Their topics can be very diverse:

· ecology – “Let's change the color of the Red Book!”, “Crystal drop”, “Big problems of a small planet”;

space - "Conquered space" - for the Day of Cosmonautics, "In unknown orbits";

Local history - the theme of the motherland, Russia - "I love my land, I love my city";

current topics for teenagers: first love - “Love is the beginning of all beginnings”, “Teach your heart to be good”;

Ethics and etiquette - "Help your destiny", "The science of due", "The duty of a person is to be intelligent", "Save a person in yourself".

The purpose of the exhibition new arrivals - introduce users (children) to new documents - books, newspapers, magazines, audio, video, visual materials, CDs, etc. ("Parade of new books", "Attention! New books!", "Hello! I - A new book"). Most often, such exhibitions are universal in content. They present books on various branches of knowledge. Hence the peculiarity of the organization - the order of arrangement of documents should be systematic, that is, according to the LBC tables.

Target personal exhibition - to draw the attention of readers to a separate figure, personality, to arouse the desire to learn as much as possible about this person - an artist, writer, composer, scientist, politician, etc. Therefore, there must be three sections:

1. A story about the life of a person.

2. Dedicated to her activities.

3. Represents works, works, creativity.

Welcome and large quantity sections. In the 4th section, it is proposed to place creative work the readers themselves associated with the name of the personalities. For example: an exhibition dedicated to the life and work of A. T. Tvardovsky "Words that came from the battle" ("Barefoot childhood", "Following the trail of the war", "I lived, I was - for everything in the world I answer with my head") .

Exhibitions for significant and memorable dates are drawn up in order to provide information about some event, holiday, its history and traditions, give advice and recommendations on how to hold it (for the New Year - "New Year's patterns", "New Year's mosaic", "New Year's kaleidoscope"; to the Defender of the Fatherland Day; to the holiday of March 8; to Victory Day - “War was work ...”, “In the fires of victorious salute”, “War as it was”; to various Christian holidays - Christmas, Easter, Savior; to Mother's Day, etc.).

Exhibitions to help the educational process most popular in libraries. Their goal is to expand the scope of the school subject, to captivate them by telling what the student did not learn about in the lesson. An exhibition of literature to help in preparing for final school and university entrance exams can be called "Crib for the exam." In addition to the school curriculum: “We study perfectly”, “We need five like air!”, “Where music lives”, “Physicists are not up to lyrics”, “Let's do some chemistry!”.

Target genre exhibition - to draw the attention of readers to certain types of publications, to interest, to encourage reading. At such an exposition, one can present not only works of a certain genre, but also material about its origin and authors, compilers, interesting and little-known facts from its history.

Non-traditional exhibitions

In an attempt to meet the changing needs of readers, given the diversity of their interests, librarians have come to the conclusion that traditional types of exhibitions should emerge in non-traditional forms.

Book exhibitions have long ceased to make guests want to sit comfortably on the couch. Their goal is to surprise and push to learn new things. And although the Internet conquers the world, the book will always be. And the librarians will take care of what to read and offer us the best. This is a great way not only to instill a love of books in children, but also to learn interesting facts yourself.

First steps towards a library exhibition

Literary biennials are about introducing the audience to the best examples of works that deal with the same genre or topic. Exhibited may be books, magazines, newspaper materials, photographs, paintings, reproductions, audio and video media. The main task is to prove to the public that reading is important and necessary. Book exhibitions in the library are designed to acquaint visitors with the proposed selection and attract them to the study of a given motive. All presented works of the so-called action are selected with great care and systematized according to informational importance.

The organization of the presentation consists of several stages. The first and most important is the choice of topic. After, starting from the direction, you need to calculate target audience, to collect documents and auxiliary, accompanying materials. Planning an event should take into account three aspects:

  • Purpose of the exhibition.
  • The audience for which the action is planned.
  • An image that will help to reveal the topic as much as possible.

Relevance is the key to success

The choice of material for library exhibitions- the foundation on which the success of the event depends. It is on the topic that the relevance of the exhibition will be judged. When choosing a motif, it is worth considering the tastes and interest of potential visitors. The topic cannot be generalized, because the main purpose of the Biennale is to place accents. This may be an emphasis on a certain period of flow, style, social problem etc.

The effectiveness of the topic is also directly related to the age of the readers. What theoretically might be of interest to children will already be familiar to older students. Motives that are interesting for teenagers will not attract the attention of adults.

Not less than important aspect- title. It should be catchy, memorable, pushing you to come and see everything with your own eyes.

Name theory

Librarians can do a tremendous job of collecting and organizing material. Reinforce it with accompanying details, hold a wide advertising campaign etc., but everything will go down the drain if you choose the wrong title. Names of library book exhibitions are actually quite easy to come up with. The secret is so obvious that many do not even pay attention to it. The name should be bright, memorable and attractive to potential visitors. These are just a few words that will cause a storm of emotions and will not leave the audience indifferent. If the visitor is not interested in the name, he simply will not come, even when the theme of the exhibition is interesting to him. Remember, long titles are not allowed. Titles of library exhibitions should be concise. It is very important to make them intriguing, give a hint or raise a specific question that the person wants to answer. It is undesirable to use general expressions, clichés and scientific proposals.

Title work

It is not possible to approve the project name at the beginning of event planning. When organizing work, it is enough to rely on the topic. A successful name cannot be thought of in a minute. Do not work backwards. That is, building an exhibition based only on the title means not deviating from the framework, which in turn can close many promising roads.

It is important to take into account one more point. The titles of library exhibitions appeal to a specific group of visitors, not to the entire audience of readers as a whole. It is better to write several options, and then choose the one that fits the theme more than others. If you divide the work into certain stages, which will be dealt with by different groups of people, it is better to come up with a name for the project. Negatively "decorates" the exhibition with a name that will contain an excess of complex phrases, philosophical metaphors, and scientific formulations. The title should be simple.

Functions of forms and types of names

The name is the most important part of the presentation of the exhibition. It will stimulate the desire to familiarize yourself with the main text. The titles of library exhibitions are advertising for a given topic, so they must truthfully reflect the essence of the "product". The task of the title is to briefly, if possible, describe the project in a few key words. The optimal number is 4-5 words. Stamps and platitudes should be avoided.

Exhibitions are often supported by visual materials. But there is a certain system for working with the names of pictures and their number. At a book biennale, for example, dedicated to the works of a poet, one portrait is enough. Other artistic elements can be drawings based on his works, illustrations of places where he lived and worked, or photos at work or with friends. Library exhibitions, photos of which are presented in the article, demonstrate the variety of options for the visual design of the project.

Relationship between title and advertisement

Publicity is an important component of any event (unless, of course, the organizers want their event to be visited). It is possible to inform about the premiere and invite people to exhibitions either directly in person (during a conversation between a librarian and a visitor) and indirectly through the media.

It is advisable to focus on your audience and use the old and proven method - posting posters. Actual send out invitations via the Internet or place information in the library group in social network. But as winding as the path to the hearts of readers, this is only half the battle. Only a competent person can motivate to visit an exhibition. And it should begin with an intriguing title. Names of library events are the basis of the advertising process. Its main functions are to capture attention, interest in the topic and assure the expediency of visiting the exhibition.

Timeless classic

Over the decades of work, libraries have developed system themes exhibitions, and those have already become good traditions. These are proven motives, eternal stories. Among them the most popular are:

  • Exhibitions dedicated to memorable dates. Visual presentations never leave library shelves and are always up to date. It is interesting both for pupils and students, and connoisseurs of literature.
  • Presentations of new books will attract regular guests.
  • Book library exhibitions on topical topics.
  • Personal presentation for one book. This is a wide range of work that starts from the biography of the author and leads to the era when the book was written.
  • There are other topics on which you can base your exhibition plan. But in any case, librarians should start from their own reserves.

Exhibitions with a twist

It is harder to please the reader, not the one who goes to the library often, but the one for whom the house of the book does not carry any value. People who prefer television are almost impossible to get interested in a book. It is for such guests that unusual library exhibitions of books should be held. Certain auxiliary forms of exhibitions help with this. There are some of the most popular, among them: a crossword puzzle, a quiz, a dialogue, a chainword - this work is designed to amuse the audience. Exhibition-presentation - used to tell more about the subject of the vernissage. Incidentally, this is one of the most effective methods attracting guests.

Exhibition for the lazy - filmed editions

In order not to strain guests too much, who do not want to flip through the pages of books, they use a certain trick. The forms of library exhibitions are oriented towards a narrow audience. But there is a name that no visitor will pass by without attention. These are screen books. There are so many films and TV series based on literary works that a rack with copies will become bright and attractive to a passer-by. It is better to indicate in the title that films were made based on the books presented. This is how the themes of library exhibitions are chosen.

The first exhibition can be devoted to the works of foreign authors, the second - to domestic ones. Books can be divided into genres, eras, countries. Separately, make a rack with the writers most popular with directors.

Thematic exhibitions for the whole family

Opening days are also popular, where the range expands to the tastes of each family member. Such names of library exhibitions are of interest to different age categories. If you choose the right topic, the library visitor will go home with not one but several books. Literature should be arranged on the shelves depending on the preferences of each "client". So, for example, the male part of the family will be interested in detective stories, historical novels. Women will approach the section with romance novels, poetry collections and books on needlework. Students will give preference to philosophical and psychological theories. For teenagers, you need to organize a rack with adventure and fantasy stories. The youngest visitors will enjoy fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world. Names of library book shows for families can be more extended. And the header of the rack can delineate a narrow space.


Television, cinema, radio - everything passes. The book is forever. And even though the Internet is gradually replacing it, nevertheless, when the technology fails, real pages fall into the hands again. Reading has always been fashionable. And now, when it is impossible to live without self-development, the book becomes the best assistant. Therefore, the exhibition-travel is relevant today.

A librarian can be a guide to other eras, countries, traditions. The system for selecting such materials differs from work on other areas. When processing, you need to choose the best instances of a given motif. Divide the topic and approach it from all possible sides. The deeper the material is worked out, the brighter the emotions.

Such book exhibitions in the library can become a guide on a journey through the history of their native land, tell about the land on which library visitors live. Newspaper clippings are used about people the city is proud of, or Interesting Facts from life locality. The names of library events and exhibitions of this nature must necessarily emphasize that the guest really learns previously unknown information.