Awesome party. Hosting a party for friends

For a summer party to be successful, everything must be prepared properly. This article is just about that: what to eat and drink, who to call and what to listen to.

American Movie Party

That means a lot of guests, a lot of booze and a lot of noise. The more of this, the steeper. The theme of the party can not come up with, so as not to bother with costumes, food and decoration. Just call friends and friends of friends and have fun.

How much space do you need

50 m² - so that it is crowded and everyone pours beer on each other.

What to eat and drink

Pizza, burgers, chips, popcorn and alcohol. Yes, it's terribly harmful, but you only live once, so don't be boring. Stock up on alcohol, cola, water and mineral water for the morning. Prepare plenty of ice to keep your drinks cold.

How to arrange everything

Buy red cups and garlands. Red cups are the symbol of any American party, and under the garlands everything will be like in a movie. It is better to use disposable dishes, and do not lay a tablecloth on tables with snacks. Remove vases and in general everything that can break, stock up trash bags and napkins.

What to listen

To create an atmosphere of general frenzy, turn on something poppy, but not tasteless. No weird music and hard rock - just music that makes you want to dance to.

The best party music is loud, so make sure you have speakers. For example, ION Audio has a 100W ION Block Rocker Sport wireless audio system. The speaker produces a cool sound, it has special cup holders for drinks, it is not afraid of rain or spilled beer, and it works autonomously for 75 hours. Lifehacker has already written about this audio system, you can read the full review.

If you have a music lover friend, call him as a DJ. Let him play vinyl records, it will add style. For a noisy party, the ION PRO 100BT turntable is suitable. It has built-in speakers and the ability to connect to external speakers via Bluetooth.

How to have fun

Play beerpong and fizz buzz, table dancing and a wet t-shirt contest.

"Birpong" is a game of American students. Guests are divided into two teams, each has 10 glasses of beer. Players take turns throwing a ping-pong ball into the opponent's glasses, trying to hit. If the ball is hit, the player of the other team drinks the contents and removes the glass. The team with the most hits wins.


"Fizz-buzz" - funny game for attentiveness. Players take turns counting from 1 to 100, replacing numbers that are divisible by three with "fuzz" and those that are divisible by five with "buzz". And if the number is divisible by both three and five, then they say "fuzz-buzz." The one who makes a mistake completes the task or drinks the penalty.

As for the wet t-shirt contest, don't say you have to explain how to run it.

Karaoke party

Party for close friends. Get together in a good company and bawl songs into the microphone. All guests must be well acquainted with each other or very drunk, otherwise it will be awkward to sing.

How much space do you need

30 m² - to be sincere.

What to eat and drink

If you are having a karaoke party in your country house, combine the party with grilled kebabs or grilled meat. For a snack, buy watermelon, grapes and other berries - it's tasty and not harmful. If you don't want to spend time cooking, ask your friends to bring prepared meals from home.

How to arrange everything

Consider where the stage, dance floor and seats for spectators will be. The stage can be decorated with balloons and paper garlands. On the street you can hang hammocks and makeshift swings between the trees.

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What to listen

Each other. Think of a playlist and before the party starts, send the list of songs to friends so that they can choose songs in advance and get into character. We have collected for you playlist of the most famous karaoke songs.

To make karaoke successful, you will need a microphone, powerful speakers and, of course, light music. ION Audio has a Party Rocker Express compact audio system for home discos. This is a full-fledged karaoke center with two microphone inputs, a disco ball and a light panel that creates an atmosphere like in a club. Music can be turned on via the Aux cable or via Bluetooth from a smartphone: just open YouTube on your phone, search for desired entry and sing. And if you want a more powerful sound, choose the Party Rocker Max audio system.

How to have fun

Play "Repeat the melody", "Guess the melody" and "Musical hat".

“Repeat the melody” - the players are divided into teams of three people and the leader. The host chooses the songs, and the teams must play them. You can complicate the task and include frames from clips so that the participants repeat not only the melody, but also the movements of the artists.

"Guess the tune" - in the 1990s we all watched it. Participants are divided into two teams and a leader. The host turns on the melody, and the players must guess what the song is as quickly as possible. You can’t shout the correct answer, you have to say “Stop!” and then answer. The team that guessed the most tunes wins.

In the "Musical Hat" you do not need to guess anything. Participants stand in a circle, one of them puts a hat on his head, takes it off to the music and passes it to his neighbor, and so on in a circle. When the host stops the music, the hat player is out of the game. Whoever is left wins. Instead of a hat, you can use huge shorts or a shirt.

retro party

We are not talking about a boring meeting with one glass of cocktail per evening and languid looks. A real retro party is a crazy party in the style of the 50s and 60s, when people knew how to have fun. Rock and roll, carelessness and optimism - you forget about the problems and dance until your legs give out or the lights go out.


How much space do you need

100 m² - so that there is a place to dance the twist.

What to eat and drink

Light snacks, homemade lemonade and wine. Do not cook anything hearty, otherwise it will be difficult to dance. Cut fruit, cheese, make canapés and order mini cakes, cake pops and berry muffins for the sweet table.

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How to arrange everything

Retro posters, black and white photos, vintage items. If grandmother's suitcases, a vintage armchair or a floor lamp are lying around in the attic, get it. Decorate your walls with posters, photos and garlands from AliExpress. Arrange a photo zone and remove everything unnecessary from the dance floor. Put a vinyl player in the most visible place.

The ION Audio Mustang LP vinyl player is inspired by the iconic 1965 Ford Mustang

Warn your friends in advance that you are preparing a retro party: you need to dress accordingly. Let the girls come in bright dresses with puffy petticoats, the guys in tight trousers, colored jackets and bouffant, like Elvis Presley.

What to listen

Retro party is music on vinyl. Play Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones. At ION Audio you can find turntables with different prices and features. For example, the ION MAX LP player in a wooden case. It reproduces clear sound without noise, it can be connected to speakers or a laptop and digitize recordings.

The ION Audio MAX LP turntable has two built-in 10W stereo speakers. This volume is enough for a party for a small company

A more serious option is the ION PRO 80 professional vinyl player. From the characteristics: automatic control pickup, silent belt drive system, sapphire-coated ceramic stylus and RCA output for connecting to a stereo system.

ION Audio PRO80 turntable delivers the warm, deep sound of vinyl

ION Audio turntables in retro design will really brighten up your party: MUSTANG LP , MOTION and TRIO LP . They have built-in speakers, but if your company does not have enough noise, then you can connect external ones.

How to have fun

1950s dance is rock and roll, boogie woogie and twist. The first two are paired, the twist can be danced alone. It's simple: make a movement with one foot, as if crushing a cigarette butt, and simply wave your hands in different directions.


  • A party is a celebration of life. Good people get together to relax and have fun.
  • A party is not a feast with Olivier and jelly. Only drinks, snacks and good music.
  • The party is noisy and fun. Make sure the music doesn't stop. A large selection of speakers, turntables and audio systems is on the ION Audio website.

Having arranged a student party, you can make new acquaintances, strengthen relationships with your friends and just have a good time. No matter why you want to throw a party, it is important to give it enough time and attention to plan the event and make the party amazing! You're much more likely to make your party magical by choosing a theme, decor, and preparing treats and drinks.


Part 1

Choose a theme

    Think about a specific topic. What occasion do you want to have a party for? Are you going to celebrate reaching the semi-finals? Just a Halloween party? Or celebrating a friend's 21st birthday? Think about why you are throwing a party - this will help you decide what you are going to do at the party, who to invite, what drinks and dishes to prepare.

    • For example, if you want to throw a party to wish a close friend a happy birthday, first you need to decide whether this party will be a surprise for him, what kind of birthday cake is best to order, what drinks your friend likes, what kind of music he prefers, who is generally worth invite to a party.
  1. Pay attention to the time of year. To think over the party in more detail and prepare for it, you need to take into account the time of year. You can arrange themed winter, spring, summer and autumn parties.

    • In addition, the season will help you choose the most suitable outfit for the party. For example, if it's winter, you could have a winter themed party and ask all the guests to dress in white. If it's spring, you can throw a themed spring party and ask guests to dress up in pastel colors.
  2. Choose a topic according to your interests. If there is something that you absolutely love, you can make this addiction the theme of your party. Maybe you really like cooking, football, cinema or politics - all of these can be a great idea for a themed party.

    • Can arrange match watching party. If there's a big game coming up this weekend, invite your friends over and make that game the theme of the party. Ask everyone to wear the colors of the team you support, grab something to eat and drink.
    • cooking party. If you love to cook, you can host a recipe party. Ask each of the guests to cook something and take the recipe of this dish with them. Think about what your dish will go with (with beer or wine) and enjoy the evening!
    • Movie marathon party. Pick a few favorite movies (or a few movies you've never seen before) and invite your friends over for a movie night. Buy popcorn and cocktails, enjoy watching a movie and chatting with friends.
    • Debate Party. Invite friends to watch political debates together. Order a pizza and buy a case of beer. Many people like to play different drinking games while watching political programs.
  3. Choose a theme for your outfits. There are plenty of dress code ideas to make your party really big. The most popular dress code themes:

    Ask friends. Since you are inviting your friends to this party, you should ask their opinion and find out what kind of pastime they would like. If you are confused about what kind of party to throw, just discuss this issue with your close friends. Most likely they have interesting ideas!

    Make sure you have enough space. You may need to make some changes to the decor of the apartment in order to prepare it for the arrival of guests. Try to prepare everything you need an hour before the guests arrive.

  4. If you live in a house, prepare the entire yard for the party. If you have a backyard that you're planning to host a party in, take the time to prepare the yard for the party.

    • Arrange a few chairs and low tables there.
    • Arrange lanterns, small lanterns or solar garden lanterns to create the right atmosphere.
    • Try installing sprinklers.
    • Leave different games in the yard in advance, such as frisbee and cornhole.

Topic 1. Outdoor dining.
Idea: Elegant summer lunch (dinner) with a touch of rustic chic.
Decorations: Decorate tables with white linen tablecloths or dyed plaid, arrange vintage cutlery and delicate little lanterns. Wrap napkins in fringed ribbons and fill vases with wildflowers. Hang garlands with small lights on the trees, and with the help of kerosene lamps you can light the paths.

Food and drink: Serve simple char-grilled meals and colorful salads, fresh fruit in abundance, and sweets for dessert. Champagne or chilled white wine will go well with such a table, as well as a strong aromatic sweetened elderberry drink as a non-alcoholic option.

Theme 2. Arabian nights.
Idea: deserts, sand dunes, rich materials and soft oriental music - that's all that should inspire you. This is perfect for a summer evening party.
Decorations: Decorate your party venue like a harem with lots of pillows and draperies. Well, if you want to bring the real spirit of the East, you can even put up a beautiful Bedouin Tent, at the entrance to which you can put real torches. After sunset, only candles should light up your celebration. And ask all women and girls at the celebration to dress up as belly dancers (even if they don’t know how to dance it!)
Food & Drink: Serve delicious spiced meats and rice, as well as a variety of thick cocktails. Of course, Turkish delight on the table will not be superfluous!

Topic 3. Big company in swing style.
Idea: This is a real party in the full sense of the word, only music and dancing.
Decorations: Of course, the most important thing at such a party is to have a good dance floor. If you want to really light up, then you should order a musical group. You can also decorate the walls with silhouettes of jazz musicians playing the saxophone and photographs of jazz musicians. Arrange small tables around the perimeter of the hall, light candles, this will be the perfect place to take a break between dances.
Food & Drink: Variety of cocktails from Martinis to Cosmopolitans. And to keep your guests full of energy, treat them to a variety of large canapes.

Topic 4. Night in the Caribbean.
Idea: Who needs sunlight when you can bring it into your home!
Decorations: Of course, you can hardly make a real beach at home, but you can have an outdoor party, wear colorful clothes and even borrow a palm tree. Invite a noise orchestra or turn on music in the style of Bob Marley. And the entertainment for the guests will be to go to the music under the stick (which is held by two people), with each circle the stick goes lower and lower, and you can’t fall or touch the ground.
Food & Drink: Serve colorful cocktails in large tall glasses, fish in coconut milk, and plenty of fresh fruit.

Topic 5. Casablanca.
Idea: a party in the style of a classic movie of the 40s, pure romance. This type of party might be suitable for celebrating Valentine's Day.
Decorations: Create your own Cafe at Rick's with palm trees and cocktails. You can even hire a pianist to entertain you and your guests with tunes from the 1940s throughout the evening. And, of course, guests should dress in period clothing like Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
Food and drink: only champagne!

Theme 6. Children's party for adults.
Idea: We all remember our childhood years with joy, so why not have fun like children?
Decorations: School uniforms are the dress code for this party, and the hall should be decorated with simple, fun decorations: air balloons with helium and lots of confetti crackers. Entertainment for guests: hide and seek, tag, bottle and charades!
Food & Drink: Serve the food you and your guests loved as kids - cakes, ice cream, candy, etc.

Topic 7. Cocktail party.
Idea: It's James Bond style - time to dress up in your best suit and indulge in sophisticated elegance.
Jewelry: Anything will do as long as it looks classy! Candles and classical music. You can even hire several waiters to serve your guests.
Food and drink: Cocktails, of course! Take some time and create your own cocktail for this party! The food should take the form of delicious, gourmet little canapés.

Theme 8. Country holiday with country dances in country style.
Idea: Haha! Get cowboy hats, plaid shirts, and snakeskin boots. Find country and old western music and start dancing!
Decorations: A barn or stable would be ideal for this kind of party, but outdoors, this party will be a special event. Add a few bales of hay for entourage. And invitations can be printed on leaflets with huge letters: WANTED - WANTED!
Food and drinks: sausages in dough and fried chops, cold beer and carafes of lemonade.

Theme 9. Party in the style of Eurovision.
Idea: We all like at least a little international competition Eurovision. It is best to hold such a party on the night of the competition itself, because you can arrange your own voting and choose your winner!
Decoration: Assign each guest a country to represent, or let the guests choose! In accordance with the culture and history of the chosen country, guests should dress up and bring something to decorate the interior.
Food & Drink: As with decoration, guests are required to bring one small dish each from the national cuisine of their chosen country. OR you yourself can cook food of different peoples and countries, and guests must guess which country this or that treat belongs to.

Topic 10. Ron and roll of the fifties.
Idea: Fifties celebration - the party is on!!!
Decorations: Watch the movie "Grease" for inspiration - this is how your guests should dress up and this is how the hall should look like where you throw the most fun party! If possible, rent a jukebox for the party and play the most famous tunes from the 50s. Arrange a dance competition, a competition "Who spins the hoop longer" or "Who blows the most soap bubbles."
Food & Drink: Serve cheeseburgers, fries and milkshakes.

Topic 11. Grand Casino.
Idea: time for innocuous Vegas-style games.
Decorations: Buy or borrow poker and roulette tables. It will not be superfluous to purchase counterfeit money, as well as hire a croupier. This is a glamorous party, so there must be a specific dress code for guests.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapés. You can even make your own cocktails and name them after the games: Black Jack, Baccarat, etc.

Topic 12. Hawaiian party.
Idea: All to the Hawaiian Islands, grass skirts, flower garlands and dancing.
Decorations: If you can find an inflatable pool, then you won't find a better decoration. If the pool doesn't work out, have an outdoor party decorated with shells, sand, and palm trees. Pick up Hawaiian music to play in the background throughout the evening.
Food and Drinks: If you want to have a traditional Hawaiian party, your best bet is to order traditional Hawaiian food from a specialty store, or find recipes online. But in general, fish, sweet potatoes, pineapples, rice, etc. are great if you serve them with beer and tropical drinks.

Topic 13. Masquerade.
Idea: A glamorous ball in evening dress with an unusual feature - all guests must come in masks.
Decorations: The decoration of the hall and the whole party should be simple but tasteful, and let the masks speak for themselves!
Food and drink: only dancing and cocktails, no food!

Topic 14. New York, New York.
Idea: Get some inspiration from the Big City!
Decorations: Black and silver will transform your hall into Manhattan, learn more more ideas Breakfast at Tiffany's will help you.
Food and drink: Hot dogs, salted pretzels, cheesecake. And from donuts you can make a skyscraper, of which there are many in New York.

Topic 15. Pamper yourself party.
Idea: This party is for girls only, because they will watch tearful romantic movies and gossip all night long.
Decorations: optional. You may need a professional masseuse and manicurist, so hire them in advance and arrange everything.
Food and drink: Chocolate, chocolate and nothing but chocolate... and maybe some popcorn and champagne.

Topic 16. Sports match.
Idea: This party is for the guys, although if the girls are into sports and don't mind cheering for their favorite team, they can come too.
Decorations: optional. All you need is a TV and a comfortable sofa that will fit everyone. As for outfits, all your guests, most likely without your prompting, will come in T-shirts of your favorite team, with scarves of fans and funny hats with bells.
Food and drinks: at your discretion, snacks, sandwiches, chips, beer, juices, etc.

Theme 17. Party in the style of the 70s.
Idea: Were you born in the era of films like Saturday Night Fever and the music of the Bee Gees? Then this evening is for you.
Decorations: Multi-colored ribbons, disco balls, old roller skates, gel lights, glitter and clothes in bright poisonous colors.
Food and Drink: Make fondue for the perfect '70s snack.

Topic 18. After the shipwreck.
Idea: What were you wearing when the ship went down?
Decorations: If you're having an outdoor party, try to find a place that looks like a desert island. There should be a large fire in the center, guests come in rags, or in what they managed to save.
Food and drinks: barbecue, coconuts and pineapples.

Topic 19. Dinner on the road.
Idea: The perfect party for 4 couples - you will visit 3 times and be the host, everyone takes turns hosting guests in their house, and the journey ends in the last fourth house.
Decorations: not necessary, the most important thing at such a party is treats!
Food and drinks: Be sure to agree in advance what you will treat guests to so that you don’t end up with 4 identical tables.

Theme 20. Party in the style of the 20s.
Idea: Feathers, long beads and tuxedos.
Decorations: simple and elegant. Music in the style of Charleston, girls in dresses with long fringes.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapés.

House parties are very popular because the relaxed atmosphere encourages liberation, which entails fun and pleasant communication. When friends have gathered spontaneously, this does not oblige to special preparations, events develop with the flow. Everything changes if you decide to invite a group of young people in advance. And in order for the party to turn out really cool, the owner of the situation must think through a lot of nuances. First of all, weigh the pros and cons, including your organizational skills.

Pros and cons of a house party

The undoubted advantages of home parties are that:

  • you are not tied in time to the working schedule of a public institution, and the last toast can be made whenever guests want;
  • only pleasant and necessary people can be invited;
  • the whole evening proceeds according to your own scenario;
  • you are the master of the situation, it is possible to regulate and control the entire course of the event.

But there are no pluses without a minus, which must be taken into account even at the stage of making a decision on holding a party.

  • to make guests feel comfortable, you may have to sacrifice the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire apartment;
  • cooking snacks is a very troublesome and responsible business;
  • cleaning up after the fun and washing a huge amount of dishes will take a lot of time and effort;
  • a cool party without loud music is impossible, but the result may be trouble with the neighbors;
  • the lion's share of organizational concerns falls on the hostess, and the celebration itself will have to be constantly kept under control so that it does not turn out to be just a drunken feast.

All weighed and determined decisively? Then proceed to organizational matters. Perhaps you will become a pioneer if none of your friends have arranged such gatherings before you. Decide how you envision future fun. Maybe it will be a classic pastime of a noisy company or a stylized masquerade ball with a specific theme and appropriate costumes?

Theme parties

You can determine the theme of the upcoming party yourself or consult with the guests so that all the invitees feel comfortable. Be sure to consider their age. And there are many options. If there is no official reason, dream up: the first snow or another rain, read a new book that suggested the idea of ​​a costume party, or just good mood conducive to noisy fun. It doesn't matter, the main thing is to gather friends in an informal setting. Share your suggestions with them and listen to their ideas.

As a basis, you can take the most popular types of costume parties now, and the game of your imagination will tell you the further course of events.

  1. Homemade masquerade ball in anime style. The number of anime fans is growing rapidly, so adults and children will like this option. The thematic competition will also be exciting. The host shows one of the episodes of the film, and the participants at this time turn away. Whoever guesses first gets a prize.
  2. Party in the style of nostalgia for the past. Ideal for people who have known each other for more than one year. Warn guests to bring memorabilia with them, which will not only be a topic for discussion and memories, but also an occasion for fun. It will not be difficult to pick up the music that sounded at the discos then, and the preserved wardrobe items will serve as thematic costumes. Color will add bright accessories of past years. The Monopoly game will be part of the entertainment program.
  3. An impromptu beauty contest will appeal to both the participating girls and the judging panel of men. It is desirable that the program of the event correspond to the real show, just discuss the defile in swimsuits in advance. Diversify the holiday with musical and humorous numbers. This theme party will be remembered for a long time.

In addition, the style of one of the eras carried over to the party is a great option for home fun.

Thematic festivities promise a sense of celebration and positive mood from the first moment.

The design of the apartment should also correspond to the chosen theme: pick up or make attributes to decorate the walls, furniture, table.

an integral part and prerequisite such a holiday are costumes that match the theme. When this is not possible, it is not necessary to run around in search of a complete set of clothes. Some symbolism or a few accessories related to the theme are enough. One of the proposed competitions may be called "The most attractive costume."

Table setting

Do not panic, even when you expect a large company - show all your imagination. It is not at all necessary to make immense purchases and cut mountains of salads. A fun party will not suffer if, as an option, you take a buffet table as a basis. Various canapes, sandwiches, cold cuts, light salads will become an alternative to hot appetizers. Fruits are perfect for champagne and wine. For dessert, buy an a la carte option, such as small cakes. If this is not a target party to celebrate a birthday or other event, but a gathering of friends for a fun time, then you can safely distribute responsibilities and prepare snacks.

When choosing alcohol, consider the preferences of all guests. Diversity is indispensable here. Along with strong drinks, various light cocktails should also be present. If the party is organized in a themed style, try to work in this direction as well. For example, for a Mexican carnival, prepare tequila, and a Japanese evening implies the presence of sake and, by the way, sushi is a must. Also, the Italian theme cannot do without pizza, which is better to order with home delivery.

In table setting, try to deviate from the classic rules. Bright disposable plates that can be thrown away after completion will replace ordinary dishes, and pick up beautiful napkins on the topic. The youth company will surely appreciate your ingenuity. But this only applies to plates. Champagne and other alcoholic drinks will retain their taste in glass goblets. A similar situation with forks and knives, give preference to the classics.

Consider lighting for a party at home. In the dance area, the atmosphere should be close to the club style. If possible, arrange a disco light with highlights and colored lights. Or leave a minimum of lamps or sconces to create coziness and warm communication. Bright light will be needed in that part of the room where intellectual entertainment is expected, interesting competition or noisy games.

Entertainment Options

The dance evening is only part of the event. Think of other incendiary entertainment to captivate everyone present. Funny Games, beloved by all karaoke will help maintain a festive atmosphere. And small prizes for the winner will be a nice addition. The program should bring variety, then friends will mark the evening spent at your house as one of the best.

  1. Competition-entertainment "question-answer". Take two vessels, put leaflets with questions in one, and arbitrary answers in the other. One participant draws a question, the second answers.
  2. The classic version of “Guess the Melody” in a noisy company will acquire a new meaning and at the same time reveal the musical abilities of those present. The analogue will be "Guess the soundtrack".
  3. Any party where the "forfeits" are not forgotten, consider it a success.

A more comprehensive list of party entertainment ideas can be found online. Only you should prepare in advance everything necessary for holding contests or games. Make sure that the music is not deafening and at the same time not interrupted.

And do not forget to capture the events of the holiday on a camera or video. Each of the guests will want to see themselves in an unusual way years later. Everyone should remember a great party.

Holding such an event at home imposes a huge responsibility on the owners. The key to a festive atmosphere is their good mood and ability to plan everything.

When you start organizing a cool party at home, remember that the main thing is easy communication and a cheerful mood for all those invited. So arrange a soul feast for yourself and your friends.

Video: how to throw a party

Where can you have your party? What ideas will help you have a great time with friends? We offer a selection best advice for indoor and outdoor parties.

How to have a house party

First of all, decide how many guests you can host at home. It would be optimal to invite 4-5 people - this is convenient in terms of spending the night and allows you to gather friends who have something to talk about. You can do more, but then you will have to decide something with an overnight stay: someone stays, and someone goes home.

How to arrange a sleepover after a party?

Everything can be played in a fun and funny way:

  • guests bring with them pajamas, nightgowns and peignoirs, slippers;
  • you prepare bed linen, pillows and blankets, blankets;
  • it is best to arrange guests on sofas, beds, but it is also possible on mattresses and mattresses on the floor, just warn everyone in advance about such amenities;
  • clean the bathroom and toilet, prepare hygiene items and towels;
  • ask guests to take the necessary medicines with you if someone takes them all the time, as well as chargers for mobile phones;
  • provide lighting: instead of overhead light, place small lamps, sconces, flashlights around the room.

And what's an overnight stay without refreshments?! Consider main course, desserts, appetizers and drinks. If you are thinking how to throw a pajama party, you will need breakfast, as well as cozy drinks such as sweet milk, cocoa, aromatic tea, or drinks with alcohol - mulled wine or sherry. By the way, excellent mulled wine can be cooked not on wine, but on grape or apple juice.

An excellent menu for any get-togethers is pizza, dumplings, sandwiches, spring rolls, ice cream, crackers, popcorn or crackers.

How to Host a Hawaiian Party at Home

To create a special atmosphere and play with the Hawaiian theme, focus on decorating the house, food, and music. At a Hawaiian-style party, people mostly socialize, eat, dance, and sometimes play games.

You will need Hawaiian wreaths around the neck - lei, which can be made artificial or collected from fresh flowers. Bracelets on the legs, shoulders and flowers in the hair will also please the guests.

Decorate the room with an artificial palm tree (made of cardboard or inflatable), hang a poster with surfers or an ocean beach.

Hawaiian dances can be great fun, but you'll need a Hawaiian skirt to perform them. How to make it? Tropical-style clothes will turn out from a bright green ribbon, which must be wound on a 50x100 cm cardboard stencil or simply folded into skeins, then threaded over the elastic band around the waist and fasten the ribbon on it, for example, with a stapler.

Music for the Hawaiian mood is lounge, island folk music, but Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Elvis Presley will do. If you want real color, look for the recordings of The Sons of Hawaii and Israel Kamakawiwoole.

Dancing guests will love the idea of ​​playing along with maracas, tambourines, and other noise makers, so you can borrow them from someone or buy inexpensive ones from a musical instrument store.

How to throw a fun Hawaiian style party? Feed everyone Hawaiian treats! Make a special menu taking into account the main products: fish, shrimp and squid, pineapples. Organize a buffet: pizza, sandwiches, fruit salads, seafood snacks, cocktails in beautiful glasses or directly in coconuts.

If you are going in the yard and you can make a fire or light a barbecue, be sure to bake something: fish in foil, potatoes, sausages or marshmallows on skewers.

How to have a great outdoor party

There can be several reasons for moving out of the room to fresh air: it’s uncomfortable at home because of family members, it’s crowded or repairs are underway, and there’s no way to cancel the occasion for fun. So, it is necessary to relocate to the yard, to the lawn to the park or organize a picnic trip.

What can you do outdoors? Of course, communication and cooking goodies on fire. Take with you a brazier, firewood, a lighter, a grill grate and plenty of food and drinks.

What can you cook for a holiday on the street:

  • marinated barbecue on skewers;
  • grilled meat and fish;
  • sausages;
  • dried fish;
  • vegetable salads in disposable containers;
  • many sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, tartare);
  • hot dogs, sandwiches;
  • potatoes for baking;
  • bread, crackers, crackers, pies, pasties.

You will need a lot of plastic dishes and napkins. Take care of the music, tablecloths on the grass or take an outdoor table, bring mats or folding chairs with you.

If it's a birthday or wedding anniversary, bring decorations, flowers, crackers - anything you can use to decorate the party place for a few hours.

Thinking about the problem of how to have a party in the country, remember that tipsy guests will have to stay overnight or be taken home to someone sober.

It is very important to clean up after such a party: prepare large bags and take the garbage with you to the designated place for waste.

How to throw a foam party

Arranging a surprise in the middle of an incendiary disco is very easy if you add fun dry foam from a foam gun to the dance floor.

To do this, you will need: a foam concentrate and a device for blowing it, as well as a voluminous canister for water. It is best not to strain yourself and invite the foam gun installation experts, that is, order a service from an entertainment agency. Although there are other ways - to rent a gun and figure it out on your own, what's what, or even buy a unit.

When you please your guests, hurry to tell them that dry foam is safe and does not leave stains on clothes - it is not necessary to undress. Although ... you can beat everything quite the opposite!

The foam party is all about fun, so take care of dancing and entertainment.

Parties are great any time of the year, so a well-thought-out celebration or get-together can be organized in any weather, and with our tips, you will succeed!