What will happen in the place of the Tsaritsyno market. In Tsaritsyno, they decided to keep the market

To Moscow Mayor S. S. SOBBYANIN

Dear Sergey Semenovich!

In the Tsaritsyno district of Moscow, it is planned to build a transfer hub with a total area of ​​375 thousand m2 (according to other sources 274.2 thousand m2), 83 thousand m2 of retail (+17.5 thousand m2 food court), parking for 1600 m / places and a hotel for 1500 places.

Obviously, there is no need to build a complex of this scale to service the existing passenger traffic in Tsaritsyno (Tsaritsyno metro station - 96 thousand people / day, according to other sources - 78.5 thousand people / day). For passengers, such open spaces are simply not needed. We, residents of the Tsaritsyno district, do not need this transfer hub.

Any shopping center- this is primarily an object that attracts visitors, and the larger its area, the greater its attendance

What are these 100,000 m2 of retail space at TPU Tsaritsyno? Not a single large shopping center can successfully exist without access roads with sufficient traffic. And the planned complex in Tsaritsyno is not just large, it is one of the largest.

There are no wide roads near the Tsaritsyno metro station. Moreover, they are not in the entire area of ​​Tsaritsyno. The streets of Tsaritsyno are already overloaded, mostly by residents of East Biryulyovo, who have no other way to get home. It's scary to imagine how busy the district's roads will be when the residents of the newly built microdistricts in Biryulyovo are settled.

Considering throughput streets of the district, after the construction of the transport hub and huge retail space, we will have a transport collapse in the district.

After the demolition of the market, residents will have nowhere to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and sausages. These products of normal quality are not available in shopping centers, since in shopping centers there are only products of those suppliers who paid a kickback to put them on the shelves, they do not care about demand, as a result we have rotten potatoes in all the shopping centers in Moscow. And the market sells products that are in demand among consumers. In our area there will be unnecessary shops for the rich.

1600 parking spaces is too little for such a huge building. All park-and-ride parking lots near the stations are paid, ordinary people cannot afford to put cars on such parking lots because of the high cost, which means that all the yards adjacent to the Tsaritsyno metro station will be filled with incomprehensible cars and used as park-and-ride parking lots. We, the residents of the Tsaritsyno district, will have nowhere to park our cars. On the territory of the Tsaritsyno market, the park and ride car park has existed for about a year, and it is constantly empty, while all the surrounding streets and courtyards are filled with cars. The same will happen with the parking spaces under construction.

It is proposed to transfer traditional passenger trains of the southern direction to the future transport interchange hub near the Tsaritsyno station: to Tula, Orel, Kursk, Belgorod, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Adler, Sochi. Transit trains from St. Petersburg, Murmansk through Moscow to the south of Russia and to the Crimea will also be transferred there. A technical station for servicing these long-distance trains will be created in Biryulyovo.

That is, in fact, we will have a real station with all the "charms" in the form of homeless people, pickpockets, gypsies, thieves, mountains of garbage, used syringes, cigarette butts, bottles, rats, cockroaches, fleas, scabies, lice.

At the address st. Sevanskaya, 4, building 2 is located Kindergarten No. 712, it will be very close to TPU, which will have a bad effect on the physical and moral health of children.

We, the residents of the district, will be afraid to let our children go to school, it will be scary to play in the yards, it will be scary for women to get home in the evening, especially in winter.

Near the Tsaritsyno metro station, there is an installation that freezes the soil so that the subway does not flood. We have a swampy area, we cannot build such large-scale buildings, the foundation will be washed away (which happened with Sberbank on Luhanska Street), the building may collapse, there will be a huge number of victims.

We, the residents of the Tsaritsyno district, are against the construction of a transport hub, because:

1) There will be a traffic collapse in the area

2) There will be problems with parking in the area

3) There will be nowhere to buy inexpensive and high-quality goods

4) There will be dirt

5) Crime will rise

6) Collapse of the TPU building is possible

7) The residents of the district have enough existing public transport, in the Tsaritsyno metro station, even now, women with children cannot get into the metro car in the morning, but if there is a transport hub, then it will be impossible for the residents of the district to take the children to school or kindergarten by metro, there will be a crush.

8) Tsaritsyno Park, which is of cultural value, will be occupied by criminal elements, especially the Lower Tsaritsyno Pond, where they will kill, rob and rape, it will be dangerous to walk with children there.

We demand:

1) cancel the construction of the transfer hub

2) make park-and-ride parking near Tsaritsyno metro station free, since no one uses paid parking

3) expand the road along Kaspiyskaya street in the area of ​​Tsaritsyno metro station, make pockets for public transport

4) Leave the market as it is, simply by tightening control over compliance with sanitary standards and the quality of goods.

“May 27, 2011. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin made a tour of the Southern Administrative District of the capital on Friday. According to RIA Novosti, after talking with residents of the Tsaritsyno district, he assured them that he would not close the Tsaritsyno market, but would put things in order.”

We, residents of the Tsaritsyno district, were promised that the market would not be closed.

Tomorrow, on Saturday, February 15, at 12 o'clock near the main entrance, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will organize a meeting with the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from Moscow - Rodin V.R. about closing the market. For information, a meeting of a deputy with voters is a meeting of citizens provided for by law.

Do you want to express your opinion? You are the masters of your feet, and your words for the neighbors;)

Representatives of the district branch of United Russia, represented by M. Kazansky, seemed to show interest in this meeting, so deputies of the Moscow City Duma from United Russia in our district, Antontsev and Zverev, may appear. Perhaps they will tell you something worthwhile and promise if they find the time and consider it necessary :)

Yesterday, on news feeds there were two messages Moskva24 and ITAR-TASS., apparently, a reaction to the first disturbances.

MOSCOW, 13 February. /ITAR-TASS/. The fruit and vegetable market in the Moscow district of Tsaritsyno, which was decided to be closed on February 15 for the construction of a transport hub, will subsequently resume work in an updated form. About this corr. ITAR-TASS was informed in the press service of the Moscow Metro. The metro emphasizes that the location of the market of the new format will be implemented in such a way as to provide unhindered access for those who wish to purchase food and essential goods, without hindering the movement of public transport passengers.

The press service referred to the experience gained as part of the arrangement of a flat transport interchange hub near the Vykhino metro station last year. He showed that "the measures taken have significantly improved the accessibility of transport infrastructure facilities".

On February 11, the administration of the market reported that it was decided to build a transport hub in its place. In turn, the Department of Trade and Services of Moscow emphasized that the market is owned by the metropolitan metro, and it is this organization that should decide on the further development of the facility.

The metro explains that as part of the creation of the hub, it is planned to build a modern infrastructure that unites the station railway, metro and ground passenger transport. "As part of the transport hub, it is planned to create an eco-food market of a modern format, where Russian farmers will have unhindered access," the press service noted. Here they are convinced that such measures guarantee "the sale of high-quality environmentally friendly products and additional control over the quality of the products and goods sold."

And today the portal BFM.ru reports with

The market in Tsaritsyno will be closed for the sake of a transport hub

Construction is scheduled to start in March.
The food fruit and vegetable market in the Moscow district of Tsaritsyno will be closed. While they say it's temporary. According to the press service of the Moscow metro, the market (address: Kaspiyskaya street, building 36), which is owned by the metro, will stop working in last days February 2014. In its place, a capital building of a transport interchange hub (TPU) will be built.

The created node will unite the railway network, metro, land transport. Within the framework of TPU, a food market will also be created, but in a modern format, even a kind of “eco-market” is expected. Representatives of the metro say that Russian farmers will have unhindered access to it.

As noted in the metro, the space is planned to be organized so that the people who need transport services, and those who need a market did not intersect.

Recently, a similar transfer hub was built near another Moscow metro station, Vykhino.

There is no such press release on the website of the metro, just as it does not say about the construction time, today we are told about the start in March, in passing. tell "It is planned to create an eco-food market of a modern format, to which Russian farmers will have unhindered access." They were going to build in a month, but where is the project? In speculation?

Regarding the timing of the closing of the market, they seem to have been shifted to February 25, so the sellers say, and the market administration "barricaded itself" and does not answer questions and does not share official information.

Now let's get to the facts. In 2011, with the advent of Sobyanin, the city organized with Russian Railways under the leadership of Yakunin a joint venture RV-Metro, where it began to transfer space for the further construction of the so-called "TPU", and in fact shopping centers in convenient places, hiding behind the solution of transport problems, all this has been dismantled in our material on the example of TPU Tsaritsyno, in the same place in the comments there is a whole bunch of links to who and what will invest a lot of money, pay attention to the names. Of course, TPU needs to be organized and improved, but here the goals are clearly different. Moreover, if you ask yourself - what is TPU in terms of planning and design, then you will not find any sane scientific definitions with requirements, since they do not yet exist ...

And most importantly, we have at our disposal the answers to the request of our municipal deputies. They applied to Russian Railways on the issue of organizing the passage through the railway. way to the Tsaritsyno park opposite the street. Medikov and Yerevanskaya. And Russian Railways, represented by Mr. Misharin, also answered about TPU. Reading:

Public hearings on the TPU layout project are expected in the second quarter of 2014! Planning project - a document on town planning code, which indicates the limiting parameters and purposes of buildings and structures, and then, on its basis, a construction project is made. At these hearings, the residents will still express their opinion about him, and maybe even hack him to death if he does not satisfy them and they give him proposals.

What kind of construction can we still talk about in March, when buildings near the metro get into the development spot on which courts are won and they are not owned by the city?

There is a huge question why now they want to close the market? What do they offer in return? And when will all this happen?

Very big days are involved here, which is why there is such arbitrariness and haste. After all, soon the elections in the Moscow State Duma, and there will be a very difficult situation.

Don't switch ;)

It is planned to be reorganized as part of the construction of the TPU

Not so long ago, a decision was made to demolish the Tsaritsyno market and build a transport hub in its place. The indignation of the inhabitants became widespread. Two people's gatherings have already been held in the district. And in the Moscow City Duma a meeting of residents, deputies and executive power. Fortunately, this conversation did not turn into a bazaar, and the situation was clarified: contrary to previous statements, the market will not close and will work until official decisions are made.

It became known that the market would be closed in early February. Residents of Tsaritsyno learned about this from the sellers, who, in turn, from their leadership. Many merchants have already taken care of renting other areas. However, the residents were very determined. In two weeks, two large national gatherings took place, more than 500 people took to the streets, including veterans. At the moment, two and a half thousand signatures against the closure have been collected.

And on February 18, a round table was held in the Moscow City Duma on the question of the legality of liquidating the market. On the site of the market, the authorities plan to build a transfer hub, with intercepting parking, pedestrian space and the reorganization of retail facilities.

However, the shortage of shops in the area is obvious. "We are not against restoring order and improvement, but provide alternatives. This is the only place where we can buy essential products. There is no fish department anywhere in the district," says Albina Sargina, an old resident of the district.

In addition, there are fears that the TPU organization will disturb the habitat in the area. "What is a transport hub? It's 40-50 buses, minibuses, hundreds of changing people. The Zamoskvoretskaya line is already terribly overloaded," the architect-restorer present at the meeting noted. "Half of the trees in Tsaritsyno Park will die.

As it became known, the territory of the Tsaritsyno market was transferred to the ownership of the Moscow Metro. There is no talk about the final closure of the market: "We have never said that we are closing the market, its work will be suspended, and the market will be reorganized as part of the construction of the TPU," the official said.

According to the assurances of the first deputy of the Department of Transport, the market will work until the problem is brought to public hearings. In the near future, a meeting will be held with the deputies and the initiative group of the district, where they will be able to make their wishes and proposals on the proper organization of commercial, transport and architectural space in the district.

Meanwhile, the authorities undertook to provide legal documents that could clarify issues with land ownership, and it will also become known whether the construction of the transfer hub is planned in the general plan of the district and city, or is it infill development.

Deputies of the capital's parliament will find out from representatives of the mayor's office on what grounds the market in Tsaritsyno is being closed. As Sergei Selivankin, a member of the expert council of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Prospective Development and Urban Planning, told Izvestiya, if the information provided by government members does not satisfy the residents and sellers of the Tsaritsyno market, the Communist Party deputies will turn to the mayor with a request not to close the facility.

On February 18, we will hold a round table, to which residents, sellers from the market and government officials are invited: Alexei Nemeryuk, Head of the Trade and Services Department, Vladimir Yefimov, Head of the City Property Department, Maxim Reshetnikov, Head of the Economic Policy and Development Department, Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor, and the Prefect South Administrative District Aleksey Chelyshev, - said Selivankin. - Now, except for the decision to close, there is practically no information. We will find out not only the reasons for the closure, but also the position of the mayor's office: what are they going to offer in return - a market in a new place or a comfortable indoor facility. If the latter, will the sellers of the Tsaritsyno market be invited there and will price policy. If the proposals of the authorities do not satisfy the initiative group, the Communist Party faction will turn to Sergei Sobyanin with a request to take into account the results of the round table and cancel the decision to close.

According to Selivankin, the appeal may not be enough and it will be followed by protests organized by residents of the area and market workers.

There is an opinion that merchants are trying to lobby the preservation of the market through deputies, but many residents are actually unhappy - it was a close and convenient format for purchasing food, - commented on the situation Oleksiy Nemeryuk.

Recall that on the site of the market, closed on February 15, it is planned to build a transport interchange hub (TPU). As part of its construction, it is planned to create an infrastructure that will combine the railway infrastructure, metro and surface transport.

Lyubov Golubeva, a representative of the initiative group of Tsaritsyno residents, argues that the closure of the market will lead to the fact that local residents "virtually will have nowhere to buy fresh products."

In our district there is practically no full-fledged store - only tents where only cuts, canned food, etc. are sold, - she explained. - We ourselves learned about the closing of the market only a couple of days ago, and before that, representatives of the mayor's office told us that they would not close it - they would only put it in order. It is quite small by Moscow standards, it is always clean there, and we are satisfied with the quality of service.

According to her, the collection of signatures of local residents against the decision of the authorities is now underway - about 1 thousand signatures have already been collected.

She also noted that the need to build a transfer hub at the site of the market was not explained to the residents.

This is actually a shopping center, and therefore the center of attraction for cars, - said Golubeva. - And in this area there are very narrow streets - we are afraid that all this will lead to a collapse.

At the same time, Andrey Verkholantsev, head of the analytical department of Capital Management Company, also does not exclude that the scandal that is growing around the closure of the market in Tsaritsyno is the result of lobbying for their interests by business structures that are unprofitable for the liquidation of the malls.

But in this case, the prospects for such a strategy are rather weak, because if a transport hub is needed as part of a road network development program, the authorities will not back down: in this matter, Moscow is ready to sacrifice something,” the expert explained.

Meanwhile, Verkholantsev noted that Moscow is indeed unevenly developed in terms of infrastructure: some areas are experiencing a shortage - there are not enough shops.

Moscow authorities do not plan to close the market Tsaritsyno" on Caspian street. Trading rows will be saved until it is created new project his organization. Recall that next to the subway “ Tsaritsyno" TPU will be built.

Officials plan to keep malls, but organize them in a civilized way - for example, build an ecobazaar, as was done on Vykhino. Currently, the capital project has not yet been approved, and the design criteria will be public hearings, according to “ Moscow 24”.

A new market in Tsaritsyno will appear within a year. The company will be the designer RV-Metro ”, which is engaged in the implementation of transport hub projects based on railway stations and metro stations with the arrangement of adjacent territories and the organization additional services for residents.

/ Tuesday, February 18, 2014 /

themes: Underground

A market will be reorganized in Moscow on Kaspiyskaya Street next to the metro Tsaritsyno". It is planned to build a transport hub here.
This was announced on round table deputy head of the department of transport Hamid Bulatov, the agency reports Moscow Media.
The official noted that the market should remain retail space where residents of the district will be able to buy high-quality products of domestic producers at low prices. He assured that the market will work until the residents and authorities come up with joint solutions.
Earlier, residents of Tsaritsyno collected 2.5 thousand signatures against the closure of the market.
At the time of the reorganization of the market in Tsaritsyno, an alternative will be organized for residents, said Moscow Media JSC general director RV-Metro ” Ilya Shmygol.
"In any case, there should be an example of Vykhino, when a market was realized at the time of the demolition of the market" Eco farm ”, should be done in a similar way here. It is clear that you can not leave some area without food" he explained.
He also noted that the capital project has not yet been approved, and the design criterion will be public hearings. "As for the capital transport interchange hub, its construction will begin no earlier than a planning project is made, urban planning documentation is developed, relevant public hearings are held, and everything else is not a prospect for this year", - Shmygol specified.
Company " RV-Metro ” was created to implement projects of transport interchange hubs in Moscow based on railway and metro stations with the arrangement of adjacent territories and the organization of additional services for the population.