Presentation on the topic of the country of peru. Peru presentation

"FRG" - Business card. In terms of hop harvesting, Germany ranks first in the world. Munich-1.3 million Human. Million Village. The role of cities in the country. Attractions. By size industrial production Germany ranks fourth in the world. And to the European Union since 1957. Geographical position. Area - 357 thousand km Population - 82.3 million people

"Country Greece" - The largest of them - Ioannina (22 km?). About 44% of the territory is under forest and shrubs. Attractions. Map of Greece. Greece. Lots of karst lakes. The majority of the population of Greece are Greeks (92%). Large river systems could not form on the narrow and mountainous Greek peninsula. The territory of Greece is divided into three parts.

"Cities in Germany" - Berlin Wall. Completed by a student of 7 "B" class Kazakova Olesya. World clock. Reichstag. Population - 3 420 786 people. Koln. Administratively divided into 43 districts and 118 urban districts. Red Town Hall. The population of Munich is 1,364,980 people. The population is 1.5 million. The capital of Germany is Berlin.

"London Palaces" - Sights of London. Trafalgar Square is named after the Battle of Trafalgar, which was fought by General Nelson, whose statue stands in the square. Paul is the seat of the Bishop of London and the spiritual center of the City. Buckingham Palace Is the residence of the Queen. Madame Tussauds and Planetarium Westmine Abbey.

"Holidays in China" - The cult of food among the Chinese is huge. On this day, they eat "yuanxiao" and admire the festive lanterns. The finished dish is cut right in front of you by a waiter in white gloves. The project was prepared by a student of grade 8 D Dergacheva Alexandra. … Peking duck is one of the traditional dishes. Many national minorities have kept their traditional holidays.

"People of Malaysia" - Moist evergreen forests. Nature. Malaysia has a complex ethnic composition. The length of railways is 2.3 thousand km. Population. Federation of Malaysia. The length of roads is 17.6 thousand km. Malaysia. Rich in natural resources. Develop high tech. The area is 332.8 thousand km2. International trade.

In total there are 21 presentations in the topic

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This presentation gives you the opportunity to travel to Peru, and great photos will help you with this.

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reveal the originality of nature, population and economy of the country.

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Lesson plan:

1.General information about Peru. 2.Geographic location. 3. Natural conditions: relief, climate. 4. Population of the country. 5. Economy of the country.

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General information

Capital: Lima The population of Peru is 27.4 million people. The official languages ​​are Spanish and Quechua, Aymara and other Indian languages ​​are common. The head of state is the president. The legislative body of Peru is the Democratic Constituent Congress.

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Geographical position

The area of ​​the country is 1.28 million square meters. km. State in the western part of South America. In the north it borders with Ecuador and Colombia, in the east - with Brazil and Bolivia, in the south - with Chile.

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From north to south, the Andes mountain ranges stretch across the country - an area prone to earthquakes. In the west along the Pacific coast, a narrow strip of coastal plains. In the east - the Amazonian lowland, turning in the south into the foothill plain (Montagna).

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natural conditions

In the west of Peru, a tropical desert type of climate prevails, in the east it is subequatorial. The cold Peruvian current runs off the western coast of the country, because of this, the climate on the coast is arid. During the year, only 10 to 50 mm of precipitation falls here. The driest and hottest time is from December to April. Atacama Desert

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The climate in the east is humid, with large quantity precipitation. The average annual temperature is +26 - 28 C. From November to March - the rainy season.

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Ethno-racial composition: Indians 45%, mestizos 37%, whites 15%, blacks, Japanese, Chinese and other 3%. Indians

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Lake Titicaca

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Peru is an agro-industrial country

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The leading industry is mining: tungsten, gold, platinum, indium, cadmium, copper, molybdenum, tin, mercury, lead, selenium, silver, tellurium, zinc Platinum mining

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Oil is produced in the north of the country, on the west coast and east of the Andes. Gas production

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The main agricultural crops of the coastal areas are rice, cotton and sugar cane, tobacco and fruits: guava, mango, papaya. guava mango papaya cotton plant

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In the mountains, the main crops are potatoes, corn, barley, cassava and yams. potatoes corn cassava

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animal husbandry

Peru has developed fishing, meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, breeding of llamas and guinea pigs.

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  • Slide 20 flag of Peru GP countries physical map of Peru Peru /peru/photos/lima/2330/ Peru selva Indians http: // locals Lake Titicaca world?page=111 gas production platinum production potatoes http://www. cassava guava mango http :// dad aya llama,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=10&cntnt01returnid=90 guinea pig http://www. fishing Lima Lima Lima Lima

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    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Republic of Peru On the coat of arms in the first field there is a brown vicuña, it symbolizes the fauna of Peru. On the second field there is a cinchona tree, it is a typical plant of a mountain forest, personifies the flora of Peru. On the bottom field is a golden cornucopia, which represents the richness of Peru's natural resources.

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    Form of government - a presidential republic with elements of parliamentarism Consists of - 24 departments and 1 constitutional province. Departments are further subdivided into provinces, and provinces into districts. Country area - 1,285,216 km² Population - 30,380,000 people. Official languages ​​- Quechua and Spanish The capital of Peru - the city of Lima The official language is Spanish, in regions with a predominance of the Indian population, the official language is Quechua.

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    It was written in 1821 during the competition for the creation of the national anthem, announced by José de San Martin, and officially approved on April 15, 1822. Anthem of Peru Jose Francisco de San Martin - one of the leaders of the War of Independence of the Spanish colonies, the national hero of Argentina. He headed the first government of Peru.

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    Geographical position of Peru Peru is a country in the western part of South America It borders in the north with: Ecuador, Colombia in the east with: Brazil, Bolivia in the south with: Chile In the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the 3rd largest country in South America; 19th in the world Port cities: Lima, Iquitos, Ilo, Talara, Callao Largest river: Amazon Largest lake: Titicaca Iquitos is located on the Amazon, ships from the Atlantic Ocean reach it along the river

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    Economic and geographical location Main trading partners: USA, China, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina Membership in economic organizations: APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), Andean Community, LAI (Latin American Integration Association) Ollanta Humala and Barak Obama

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    Political and geographical position Membership in political organizations: UN, OAS Head of State - President The principle of separation of powers: legislative, executive, judicial 1947 - the Inter-American Treaty on Mutual Assistance (TIAR) was signed years. He in turn appoints the ministers. Legislative power belongs to the unicameral Congress, which includes 120 congressmen. The term of office of Congress is 5 years. executive branch is in the hands of the president of the republic and the ministers. Judicial power is exercised by the Supreme Court and local judiciary.

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    Wars Peruvian War of Independence Colombian-Peruvian War (1828-1829) Peruvian-Colombian War (1932-1933) First Pacific War (1864-1866) Second Pacific War (1879-1883) War against the Bolivian-Peruvian Confederation (1836-1839) Peruvian-Ecuadorian War (1941-1942)

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    Population Population: 30,380,000 Official languages: Quechua and Spanish Ethno-racial composition: Indians (45%), Mestizos (38%) Whites (15%) Others (2%)

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    Type of reproduction: second Birth rate: 18.57 ‰ Mortality: 5.99 ‰ Average life expectancy: for men - 69 years for women - 73 years

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    Natural resources Copper Gold Silver Oil Gas Iron ore Forest Fish Hydropower Peru is rich in mineral resources. The most important of these are zinc, gold, copper, lead and silver.

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    In the north, in the coastal part, oil is produced. Large reserves of natural gas discovered in the east of the country

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    Main industries Mining 2. Manufacturing Leading industry of the country Extraction of: tungsten, gold, copper, silver, zinc, platinum, indium, cadmium, molybdenum, tin, mercury, lead, selenium, oil, gas is approximately 40% of GDP. The main industries are textile, food, metalworking and car assembly.

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    Natural conditions for Agriculture Relief It is divided into three areas: Costa - a narrow strip of desert Sierra - the mountainous part of the Selva country - the Amazonian lowland, the coastal plains are covered with dense humid equatorial forest.

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    Sierra A little to the east - the Sierra. Behind the coastal desert, one of the greatest mountain systems of our planet, the Andes, falls out. The highest peaks covered with eternal snows (the highest is Aconcagua, 6962 m), powerful glaciers, deep canyons, vast alpine plateaus - this is the Sierra On the border of Peru and Bolivia, at around 3812 m above sea level, there is a high-altitude lake Titicaca; this is the largest of the alpine lakes with an area of ​​8446 sq. km. km, 59% of its water area is located in Peru. Here is Machu, Cusco, Puno with Lake Titicaca, Arequipa and Colca Canyon,

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    Selva Selva includes the lower part of the eastern slopes of the Andes and the flat plains of the Amazon basin adjacent to them. This area occupies more than half of the total area of ​​the country. The plain is covered with dense and tall tropical rain forests, and the only means of communication here are the large rivers - Ucayali, the upper reaches of the Amazon, which bears the name Marañon here, and Napo.

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    Natural conditions for agriculture 2. Climate In the west, a tropical desert type of climate prevails In the east, a subequatorial climate type prevails In the mountains, the climate depends on the height of the area

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    Coastal desert (Costa) Highlands of the Andes (Sierra) Selva Tropical desert type of climate Climate dry and cool Average temperatures from 15 to 25 ° C Statistically annual rainfall - 50 mm In winter, the sky is constantly covered with clouds, coastal fogs are frequent In the mountains, the climate depends on the height of the area Average temperatures are from 8 to 11 ° C. On the open eastern slopes, the annual rainfall exceeds 2500 mm, in closed basins it is much less, amounting, for example, in Cusco, 810 mm. The rainy season lasts from November to March. Subequatorial type of climate The climate is humid, with a large amount of precipitation Average temperatures from 24 to 27 ° C The average annual rainfall in tropical forests is 3800 mm The rainy season lasts from May to September Costa. In the west of Peru, a tropical desert type of climate prevails, the Peruvian Current (Humboldt Current) passes along the western coast of the country, because of this, it is very dry and cool on the ocean coast. During the year, only 10 to 50 mm of precipitation falls here, but in some years it does not rain at all. There is practically no rain throughout the year, in Lima there is high humidity, in other places the climate is quite dry. Sea breezes keep the average temperature 6°C below the latitudinal norm. In winter (from June to October) the sky is constantly covered with clouds, coastal fogs are frequent. At this time of the year, the foothills of the Andes are shrouded in a damp haze, locally called "garua". Garua stimulates the growth of low grasses and forb ephemerals, which together make up a community called "loma" and used as pasture. Sierra. Climatic conditions and the vegetation cover of the mountains vary depending on the absolute height. Average temperatures drop by about 1.7°C every 450 m rise. Perpetual snow and glaciers cover the peaks above 5000 m a.s.l., and agriculture is possible up to 4400 m a.s.l. There are often frosts at night. The amount of precipitation falls rapidly to the south, which greatly affects the nature of the vegetation. In the north and east of the country, the middle part of the Andean slopes is covered with a dense subtropical mountain forest, which gradually gives way to a more temperate forest type with height, called ceja de la montaña (“eyebrow of the mountain”), or simply “seja”. Among its species, the cinchona tree, the source of quinine, is of the greatest value. In the south, the alpine vegetation is formed mainly by drought-resistant feather grass, short grasses and the resinous shrub lepidophyllum (this community is called "tola"). The bottom and lower parts of the slopes of dry closed valleys are occupied by cacti, thorny legumes and deciduous broad-leaved trees, while the upper part of the slopes is covered by "sekha". Selva. In the east - subequatorial, i.e. humid, with a lot of precipitation It is hot and humid in the selva all year round. AT summer time daytime temperatures reach 34 degrees Celsius, nighttime temperatures drop to +24 degrees. In winter, during the day, the air warms up to +30 degrees, and at night it cools down to 20 degrees. In the zone of humid tropical forests, the temperature is high all year round, and heavy rains fall. The natural vegetation is represented by high-stemmed tropical rainforest, under the canopy of which a dense shadow practically does not allow the ground layer to develop. Of the thousands of tree species, the largest economic importance have acajou (mahogany) and zedrel. Grasses grow on poorly drained areas, while stiff grasses and low shrubs grow on loose sandy soils and rocky slopes.

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    Natural conditions for agriculture 3. Soils Semi-deserts (puna) Soils are infertile Mountain-steppe soils Soils are poor in minerals Coastal desert (Costa) Highlands of the Andes (Sierra) Selva Soils of the Costa and the western slopes of the Andes are infertile. In the mountainous region in the north and east, mountain-steppe soils predominate, in the southeast - characteristic of semi-deserts. of the Costa region are scarce, on the western slopes of the Andes - rare shrubs and cacti. On the inner plateaus, in the north and east, there is a high-mountain tropical steppe (khalka) with mountain-steppe soils; in the southeast, semi-deserts (puna). On the eastern slopes of the Andes and the plains of the Selva there are moist evergreen forests with valuable tree species (rubber plants, cinchona, coca, etc.). the soil of the selva is extremely poor in minerals washed out by tropical rains

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    The main agricultural sectors The main crops of the coastal areas are rice, cotton and sugarcane, tobacco and fruits: guava, mango, papaya The main crops in the mountains are potatoes, corn, barley, cassava (cassava) and yams The main crops in the lower valleys parts of the eastern slopes of the Andes - coffee, beans, cocoa, tea, coca the most important industry Peruvian agriculture, which employs 3/5 active population countries. By tradition, products are divided into export and consumer. In Kosta, cotton and sugar cane crops are mainly concentrated. Cotton grown in Peru is a long-staple cotton that is highly valued on the world market. There are coffee plantations on the eastern slopes of the Andes and in some valleys of the Sierra. Citrus fruits, mangoes, strawberries and cocoa beans are of export importance. In addition, about 10,000 tons of coca leaf are harvested annually. The coca bush, from whose leaves cocaine is produced, is a crop traditionally cultivated by the American Indians. In the late 1970s, when coca began to be exported to Bolivia and Colombia in the form of either semi-finished paste or fully refined cocaine, coca cultivation became profitable. Peru's plantations provide two-thirds of the world's cocaine production, and the annual income from the cocaine business ranges from 600 to 800 million dollars. The most important consumer crops include rice, maize, cassava, yuca, potatoes, and wheat. Vegetable oil is made from cotton seeds Wild yam extract creams are known for their help in the treatment of several skin conditions such as yellow skin, psoriasis, eczema and conjunctiva. These creams are also good moisturizers.

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    Transport Rail is the leading transport In 1994, the total length of railways in Peru was approximately 2,400 km. Railway system around Lima Central line - starts in Lima and crosses the Andes. It is the highest mountain in the world Railway with standard gauge. It connects the capital with the mining centers of the Sierra and ends in the high mountain valley of the Mantaro River in the east - one of the granaries of Peru. The southern highway - goes from seaport Mollendo, overcoming a dissected mountainous terrain, through the oasis where the city of Arequipa is located, to Lake Titicaca and further to Cusco.

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    Environmental problems Deforestation Excessive grazing leading to soil erosion Desertification Air pollution in Lima Pollution of rivers and coastal waters with industrial waste. Peru is the largest gold producer in Latin America and the sixth largest in the world. At the same time, illegal mining accounts for about 20% of all gold production in Peru increased against the backdrop of global economic crisis. And the reason for this was the formation of numerous illegal mines in which gold is mined among the mountain jungle. As scientists were able to calculate, the sharply increased demand for gold has led to the fact that about 6,000 hectares of forests disappear annually.

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    National holidays January 1 - New Year April 20 - Maundy Thursday April 21 - Good Friday May 1 - Labor Day June 29 - St. Peter and St. Paul's Day July 28 - 29 - Independence Day August 30 - Santa Rosa, Day of St. Rose of Lima, patroness of the Peruvian capital November 1 - All Saints Day December 25 - Christmas As in any other Catholic country, Peru celebrates a huge variety of religious holidays. Mass processions and ceremonies are held in Cusco and other cities, festive services and various cultural events are held.

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    Guinea Pigs Festival Once a year, Peru hosts a Guinea Pigs Festival. This tradition dates back to the 15th century from the Inca Pigs (or "Cuy" as the Peruvians call them), dress up in cute little costumes for kings, peasants and miners, etc. Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed guinea pig, the largest guinea pig or the fastest guinea pig.

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    Customs and traditions Don't get drunk Avoid categorical statements (don't say Yes/No) Talking about money outside of business can be construed as bragging. The form of compliments is more important than their content. Referring to "you" is not considered polite. As a rule, "Senior" + surname. Shoes must be cleaned. Ties are worn in winter. For dinner, it is customary to be late for 10-30 minutes. The eldest in age sits at the head of the table. Flowers cause a slight bewilderment as a gift, with the exception of anniversaries. White flowers are brought to funerals. On New Year's Eve, Peruvians eat 12 grapes, but one more grape must be eaten to guarantee good luck.

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    National clothes Each community has its own costume. Sometimes communities located in the same area have similar costumes. But each costume has its own characteristics, which make it possible to say which community its owner or mistress belongs to.

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    1 - fitter (hat) 2 - rainbow boa made of fur 3 - huyun (jacket) 4 - poliera (skirt) 5 - leiklya (shoulder) Women's suit

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    Lliklja is most often made with a predominance of shades of red. The weaver demonstrates all her skills on it, making the most complex patterns, which can be both geometric and contain images of people, animals, plants and mythical characters.

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    Keperina (k'eperina) - a large rectangular panel. It is worn on the back, tied in front, and used to carry loads.

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    Poliera (pollera) - a wide pleated skirt made of bayeta (bayeta) - a thin and rare woolen fabric. Women wear 3 or 4 skirts. On special occasions, such as festivals, they can wear up to 15 skirts. Often each skirt is trimmed with embroidered or woven patterned stripes.

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    Men's suit 1. Trousers - usually straight narrow dark colors from a bayette. There are options for knee-length trousers. 2. Chaleko - a short woolen vest without a fastener (sometimes with ties), similar to the huyuns worn by women, but without sleeves. 3. Chumpy - braided belt 4. Poncho - mantle Poncho is the most distinctive part of men's clothing. Almost every native male inhabitant of this country - both a boy and an adult male - has a poncho.

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    Women in Peru do not wear ponchos. Instead of ponchos, they have leeklys, the design of which must match the design of the ponchos of their community

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    Ahotas - sandals Sandals are worn by both men and women. They are cheap and durable.

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    Chullo - a hat with headphones, made on knitting needles (very rarely crocheted) mainly from alpaca wool, llama sometimes with the addition of sheep wool Headwear Sombrero - hat

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    Saltado National Cuisine Peruvian cuisine is replete with spices and hot herbs, especially red pepper. Peruvians love to add garlic to almost every dish. Vegetable ragout with spices

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    Juancaina papas potatoes, melted cheese and lemon juice with spicy sauce and green salad

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    Frog drink The favorite drink of the inhabitants of Peru is a cocktail of frogs. In a blender, frog, aloe juice, honey, bean stew and poppy root are mixed. This is the most exotic dish.

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    Fried kuy The Incas even had a saying: “Raise guinea pig - eat well” (“raise guinea pig = eat well”) Kuy in Peru is called guinea pigs, bred for gastronomic purposes since pre-Incan times. Many modern farmers living in the Andes raise kuy along with chickens, pigs, and other sheep. Their meat is rich in protein, they are unpretentious in feeding, they breed like rabbits, and they almost do not take up space - an ideal animal for breeding! Tastes very similar to rabbit. Cooking cuy is simple: rubbed with salt, pepper, poured over pisco (Peruvian alcoholic drink), and baked Fried cuy - a popular and inexpensive traditional dish - Peruvians eat more than 20 million porpoises a year. In Peruvian cities, there are separate restaurants specializing only in kuyah. Barbecue, or fried in in large numbers oils.

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    Attractions Cusco Cusco is one of the most ancient and extraordinary cities in the world. Cusco - the capital of the Incas, Cusco declared a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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    Coricancha Cathedral Museum of Pre-Columbian Art The sights of Cusco include mainly architectural monuments. The Cathedral (Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), which is located on the Plaza de Armas (arms square), it was considered the main religious center of the Empire of the Sun in Inca times. The bell of the Maria Angola Cathedral can be heard from a distance of 40 km and is considered the largest in Latin America. By the way, the temple itself was built for about a hundred years. Coricancha was the most important temple of the Inca Empire, built in pre-Inca times and used by the Incas. Dedicated to the highest deity of the Incas - the god of the sun Inti. The Museum of Pre-Columbian Art is a museum in Cusco dedicated to the art of America until 1492 when it was discovered by Columbus.

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    Sacsayhuaman Morai Sacsayhuaman is a citadel, a garrison station and a temple complex in Cusco (Peru). Only the Incas could enter the territory of the complex, since it was considered the house of the Sun, the house of weapons and war. Accordingly, there was a hierarchical structure that controlled the entire economy, headed by a legitimate Inca of royal blood. Morai is a city in Peru about 50 km northeast of Cusco, near the city of Maras. The city of Moray is famous for a large complex of ruins from the time of the Inca civilization.

    Republic of Peru The country's name comes from the Piru River, which means "river" in the language of the local Indians. Capital - Lima, Area sq. km., Population - 30.38 million people.

    Republic of Peru Administrative division: the state is divided into 25 departments. Major cities: Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo, Chiclayo. Official language: Spanish. Religion: 90% Catholic.Catholic Ethnic composition: 50% Peruvian (Hispanic, Mestizo, Creole), 49% Indian.Hispanic Currency: New Sol = 100 centimos.

    Climate The average temperature on the coast of Peru ranges from + 14°С to + 27°С, with precipitation up to 3000 mm per year, while in the highlands or in the sierra it is usually cool, sunny and dry for most of the year. From December to May in the Sierra, the rainy season, precipitation falls from 700 to 1000 mm per year. The jungle is hot and humid, °C. In the jungle, Lima suffers from a garua of dense, damp fog that envelops the entire city even in winter.

    Flora Rare shrubs and cacti grow on the western slopes of the Andes, on the inner plateaus, in the east and north, high-mountain tropical steppes, and in the southeast, semi-deserts. On the eastern slopes of the Andes and on the plains of the selva, tropical rain forests grow with valuable tree species (rubber plants, cinchona, etc.).