Fits for cormoran in eve. Fits for Cormorant in EVE Online

As soon as I saw that I stuck 75 mm railguns into the gun slots, I did not look further.

It is better for a beginner to put 7X 150 mm railguns in the upper slots. Prototype railguns, you need to upgrade skills on Railgun 2, but not on a prototype, they have the longest range of all railguns and the lowest resource consumption indicators. Well, of course, if you upgrade to Railguns 2 with its 2 special different charges, one is melee but very damaging to the point of horror, but Cormorant has a range bonus of 50%, and the second charge throws for 100 km, not so damage, but with Cormorant's bonus, he will throw at everything 150 km. ahaha.

Also stick a rocket launcher, not the cheapest assault one, but the installation of "light rockets" that experienced players put on rocket frigates like Condor or Kestrel, into the middle slots instead of 2 passive shields that gobbled up resources in the reactor, it is better to leave 1, and stick an active universal instead shield, it gives bonuses to reduce damage by 25% for all indicators of the shield., in the lower slot instead of Damage control, which gives a large bonus only to armor and hull, 50% like, it is very good for Minimatar ships. Plug in either some kind of capacitor or something else for the guidance system, if there is not enough energy, this is for beginners, then you can put Mark control to increase energy in the energy system and give bonuses to shields by 5% to increase shields and speed up regeneration, this is necessary look in engineering modules.

The smallest connectors are better "shield regeneration accelerators" can be 3 pieces, they will give an acceleration of shield regeneration up to 50-60%, the whole system will pull.

With such a Cormorant, you can cut Cruisers from afar in some PVE missions, if Iron charges are from 50 km, and Cormorant has a bonus to increase the range of hybrids by 50%, then you can cut somewhere from 75 km, and with Uranium or Plutonium charges you can cut 50 km, and even with antimatter charges, antimatter and plutonium charges are the most damaging, but then you need to put an active sight in the middle slot, which has 3 different firmware for all occasions, threw 3 firmware into the hold, and you carry yourself, change along the way. Then you can detect the enemy far beyond 100 km and you can take aim from 70-90 km., This is instead of an active shield, then a module for EMP shield resistance by 30% is placed in one of the small connector modules, instead of one shield regeneration module.

From 50-70 km, it is easy to disassemble some PVE cruisers with 7X150 mm railgun prototypes, it’s unlikely that NPCs in missions like 4-10, there NPC cruisers are too tough for Cormorant. But the range and damage of the Cormorant with 7X150 mm Railgun Protypes hitting at 50-70 km and in another slot a frigate crossbow that fires missiles at 36 km, then the Cormorant is very cool. Well, if someone pumps up to Railgun 2, which can fire 2 special charges, one is very damaging, but less long-range, although the Kormorant bonus levels it, the normal range will be and charges firing at 100 km in Railgun 2 150 mm, and with the Kormorant bonus it will fly for 150 km. Such a Cormorant will be very lethal and cool for frigates and destroyers.

Cormorant's EVE Online is the only spacecraft in the Caldari State to have blueprints from an outside developer. Rumors circulate about a possible creator, but the identity of the developer remains a closely guarded secret among the State's elite. Read more about this unique for its class sniper platform and destroyer piloting tactics in this article.

The tactical role of the destroyer Cormorant

Cormorant - T1 destroyer of the Caldari State. Due to his bonuses, he is best suited for using railguns, but a blaster fit is also possible. The ship has enough medium slots to carry stasis webifier modules (stasis webifier, warp scrambler/disruptor) and/or energy shields. The extended range of the railgun allows the Cormorant to be used as a sniper against frigates. In addition to this niche, the ship has enough narrow sphere applications in modern pvp. The ship is also widely used for passing missions of the 1st level, but for the 2nd “bowls” there are no longer enough defensive abilities.

As a "budget" sniper platform, the Cormorant really reveals its potential - with T2 "rails" loaded with Spike ammunition, it can shoot targets at a distance of more than 90 kilometers! For shorter distances, there are better options. If you haven't been involved in the big naval skirmishes in EVE before, start playing today with a free trial account!

Cormorant in EVE Online follows the general doctrine of destroyers and is an inexpensive, low-tonnage ship with high damage that can be "drained" in battle and painlessly replaced with a new one.

The ship's logbook in numbers

Cormorant bonuses include 3 positions:

  • 10% improvement in tracking speed for small hybrid turrets per level in Caldari Destroyer (i.e. up to a maximum of 50%);
  • 10% increased optimal range for small hybrid guns (accrual scheme is similar to the first skill, maximum increase is 50%);
  • Design feature (role bonus, applied regardless of the pilot's skills) - + 50% to the optimal radius.

Required skills to use Cormorant:

  • Destroyers Caldari I
  • Frigates Caldari III (destroyer gate);
  • Spacecraft control I (basic skill).

The total time required to sit at the helm of Cormorant in EVE Online from a clean slate is 9 hours 18 minutes and 20 seconds.

Fits for Cormorant in EVE Online

The most common body kit options for Cormorant are the following combinations:

  • For high slots: 7x T2 railguns (125mm or 150mm), can be replaced with T2 Light Neutron Blasters (also 7 pieces). In the second case, the Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer can be installed in the last slot;
  • The middle slots, depending on the tactics you choose, are filled with the following modules to choose from: afterburner / microwarpdrive, shield booster + invulnerability field, stasis webifier + warp scrambler. The specific choice depends on your learned skills and the role you play in the fleet;
  • Put a “suitcase” (damage control) and a magnetic field stabilizer down to increase damage.
  • Published: 05 December 2016
  • Updated: 14 March 2017
1 week ago

Noob comment in eve..
If he has such a chic range compared to drgumi (more NPCs), then why does he need shields and armor in missions.
Everything is in maneuver and range.

3 weeks ago

A useless comforting guide... Well, who are we fooling, ourselves!?.. Sorry, I won't check...

3 months ago

Much has become clear, now it is clear why I suffer so much from a lack of ship life, otherwise I completely fit Cormorant under blasters, dps is more than 130, which completely breaks the inscription of 1 agents, but the tank is really not enough, because the war goes on 1-4 km from NPC)))

3 months ago

500 thousand not millions

8 months ago

Hello. Is this build still up to date? Or are there better builds from you for this ship? Or maybe they would advise something to change here. Answer please

1 year ago

heaped garbage

1 year ago

I looked and read the comments. this video and installed equipment for the very beginning - when we received this ship. with an increase in skills - yes, you can change equipment. with an increase in ISK, you can change to more expensive ones. setting 150mm DOES NOT HAVE ANY SENSE!!! at the beginning. I will explain. my target capture radius is 39 km - does it make sense to put a longer range weapon? we start with 75 mm as in the video, then we set 125 (gauss) narrower and you can increase the cost of the equipment. after pumping the skill to the target capture range (I don’t know what it’s called;) it makes sense to put a larger caliber

1 year ago

You can also install anti-missile launchers on the Destroyer, this is a huge bonus for the Destroyers, though on omega, and they really don’t activate in sectors with high security, they can also be bought in Zhita for 2.2-2.5 million with anti-missiles.

1 year ago

And newbies, take note. where you can buy cheap Railguns Prototypes 150 mm or Railguns 2 150 mm. 7 pieces at once, in general, modules and stuff like that. It's all in Zhita in one place, go there and buy special charges and rockets like Caldari Nova, Navy and other rocket launchers, crossbows. Than spend at exorbitant prices in different places.

1 year ago

As soon as I saw that I stuck 75 mm railguns into the gun slots, I did not look further.

It is better for a beginner to put 7X 150 mm railguns in the upper slots. Prototype railguns, you need to upgrade skills on Railgun 2, but not on a prototype, they have the longest range of all railguns and the lowest resource consumption indicators. Well, of course, if you upgrade to Railguns 2 with its 2 special different charges, one is melee but very damaging to the point of horror, but Cormorant has a range bonus of 50%, and the second charge throws for 100 km, not so damage, but with Cormorant's bonus, he will throw at everything 150 km. ahaha.

Also stick a rocket launcher, not the cheapest assault one, but the installation of "light rockets" that experienced players put on rocket frigates like Condor or Kestrel, into the middle slots instead of 2 passive shields that gobbled up resources in the reactor, it is better to leave 1, and stick an active universal instead shield, it gives bonuses to reduce damage by 25% for all indicators of the shield., in the lower slot instead of Damage control, which gives a large bonus only to armor and hull, 50% like, it is very good for Minimatar ships. Plug in either some kind of capacitor or something else for the guidance system, if there is not enough energy, this is for beginners, then you can put Mark control to increase energy in the energy system and give bonuses to shields by 5% to increase shields and speed up regeneration, this is necessary look in engineering modules.

The smallest connectors are better "shield regeneration accelerators" can be 3 pieces, they will give an acceleration of shield regeneration up to 50-60%, the whole system will pull.

With such a Cormorant, you can cut Cruisers from afar in some PVE missions, if Iron charges are from 50 km, and Cormorant has a bonus to increase the range of hybrids by 50%, then you can cut somewhere from 75 km, and with Uranium or Plutonium charges you can cut 50 km, and even with antimatter charges, antimatter and plutonium charges are the most damaging, but then you need to put an active sight in the middle slot, which has 3 different firmware for all occasions, threw 3 firmware into the hold, and you carry yourself, change along the way. Then you can detect the enemy far beyond 100 km and you can take aim from 70-90 km., This is instead of an active shield, then a module for EMP shield resistance by 30% is placed in one of the small connector modules, instead of one shield regeneration module.

From 50-70 km, it is easy to disassemble some PVE cruisers with 7X150 mm railgun prototypes, it’s unlikely that NPCs in missions like 4-10, there NPC cruisers are too tough for Cormorant. But the range and damage of the Cormorant with 7X150 mm Railgun Protypes hitting at 50-70 km and in another slot a frigate crossbow that fires missiles at 36 km, then the Cormorant is very cool. Well, if someone pumps up to Railgun 2, which can fire 2 special charges, one is very damaging, but less long-range, although the Kormorant bonus levels it, the normal range will be and charges firing at 100 km in Railgun 2 150 mm, and with the Kormorant bonus it will fly for 150 km. Such a Cormorant will be very lethal and cool for frigates and destroyers.

1 year ago

It’s worth looting and salting) we pay off the cost of ammunition, which, due to loot, you can buy friction)

1 year ago

What is there to choose? I stuck the rigs on the salvag, the salvagers themselves, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and go for the babos!

1 year ago

signed up-liked-subscribed)) ATP