Star Wars Official Comic Book Collection

The legendary saga in a unique collection of books " Star Wars. Official Comic Collection". publishing house DeAgostini.

Aside from the films that birthed the Star Wars legend, the power of the saga has lived on in other art forms for decades, illuminating the history of the universe. Comics have always played a leading role in the development of the history of the universe: since 1977, after the premiere of A New Hope, when the first Star Wars comics appeared, many works with exciting stories have been created.


In the world of comics, Star Wars characters appeared back in 1977, when Marvel released the first book. Since then, the events of the famous film have been supplemented with other stories, characters and situations that fans of the space saga have never seen on the screen. The best Star Wars comics are collected in this exclusive collection of books.
Where did the Force come from? How did the Dark Side come about? Who created the Jedi Order? What happened during the Clone Wars? What happened to Luke, Han Solo and Leia after the death of the Emperor? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the books of the collection!

When George Lucas allowed other writers to develop the history of the Star Wars universe, he could not imagine the extent of the creativity shown by even a few, but very famous people in the field of comics. The comic is the perfect, flexible visual medium for bringing the saga to life: writers like Kevin J. Anderson, Randy Stradley or John Ostrander; illustrators such as Jen Duursima, Rick Leonardi or Fred Blanchard have been able to create stories and characters that will be remembered for a long time.

  • The most complete collection of comics in the Star Wars universe, contains the best stories created over more than 40 years of the legendary Space Saga - from the first graphic novels published in 1977 to the comedians of recent years.
  • The collection consists of a series of graphic novels that allow you to go on exciting adventures with the heroes of the saga.
  • Additional material at the end of each book: information about the authors and the history of the creation of comics, original covers, timelines of key events in Star Wars, character portraits, information about spaceships and planets.

"The Force Awakens" on our site is waiting for more than the New Year. We are counting down every day until the premiere and have already booked tickets for the very first screenings a long time ago. We are actively discussing the theories that fans have built around the film, and also trying to get as much information as possible even from the musical track listing for the film. But in order for the picture to develop completely, you need to use the maximum of available information. Therefore, today we offer you a tour of the comics that managed to be released in the past year by the publishing house. In fact, many details and hints about the future of the galaxy are scattered in them. Be careful, the material contains a lot of spoilers and shamelessly points out those fragments that cannot be passed by without drawing attention!


Chronologically, this series about a galaxy far, far away is ahead of others released this year by . For those who watch the series "Star Wars Rebels", it will not be difficult to figure out that the main character of the series will be Kanan Jarrus - one of the main characters of the series, a former Jedi and mentor of young Ezra. The events described in the first issues of the series, quite expectedly, will unfold before those shown in the series. Readers will see Kanan right after Order 66 went into effect, and in front of the Padawan, former associates killed his teacher.

The young Jedi, who has not yet completed his training, will have a hard time in the new world: the pursuers of the "traitor" of the Empire will constantly hang on his tail, and the skills of independent survival in the real world are not included in the mandatory program of the Order. Reading the series, it becomes easy to mentally draw the route that made Caleb Dume (that's what Kanan was called before the sad events) by Kanan Jarrus. Readers will be able to understand both the reasons for his hatred of clones and his reluctance to get involved in major conflicts that might attract the attention of the Empire.

But the series is written so well that pleasant impressions await even those who are not yet familiar with the character and decided for some reason to ignore the series. The authors of the comic did not pursue scope, but focused their efforts on revealing the characters. Yes, most of the characters that appear on the pages of a comic book are basically formulaic and predictable. But issue after issue they show more and more depth. But Caleb was not the subject of numerous surprises, because fans have already met him. But the smugglers, in whose company the young man got, turned out to be colorful and not always simple characters. There are heroes and villains here, because not only the Jedi were forced to hide from the forces of the Empire.

It's also worth noting that an extra treat awaits those who yearned for the Expanded Universe comics. And the story itself, and the manner of presenting, and even painting more than once or twice will remind readers of the Dark Horse comics. If you've read all the licensed comics, you'll no doubt appreciate the weight of this compliment.

If you can’t wait to continue getting to know the character, and you are watching the series in ongoing mode, then you can turn your attention to the bookANewDawn. It was the first to be published under the new canon. Its events unfold six years before the start of the series and will tell about the acquaintance and the first joint mission of Kanan and Hera. They have to join forces to resist the industrialist Count Vidian. The book turned out to be much more interesting than it might seem from the annotation. In addition to meeting beloved characters, it sheds light on the economic situation in the Empire, which requires more and more resources to create a weapon of intimidation. Yes, although it is not directly stated, John Miller - the author of the book - managed to convey the feeling that the construction of the Death Star is already in full swing. But that's not all the strengths of the book.

Value for the fandom: A standalone expansion for Star Wars: Rebels. Like the series, the comic tries to expand the known boundaries of a galaxy far, far away without using long-familiar characters from films, thanks to which it can afford more than other series.

Princess Leia

The events of the Princess Leia mini-series, which included five issues, will start immediately after the Fourth Episode. Having rewarded the heroes of the Rebellion, Leia nevertheless decides to take care of the fate of her native people. In the Original Trilogy, there was no place for Leia's suffering at the loss of her home world, where her parents and her people were at that moment.

So, having retired from the Rebellion for some time, Leia decides to unite the surviving Alderaanians and find them a new home. The situation is complicated by the reward for her head, for which even friends are ready to betray, and the bad temper of some of the survivors. You can understand them, because the Empire decides to take a chance and exterminate the remnants of the intractable people.

Unfortunately, something went wrong. It's not customary among comic book readers to scold a drawing just because a character bears little resemblance to himself from a previous issue on which another artist worked. The development of the industry over many decades has instilled in readers that the conditional preservation of the main elements of the image is enough. This work falls not only on artists, but also on screenwriters. It's frustrating to think that a good creative team has failed, perhaps the most important part of their work. It’s hardly possible to recognize Kerry Fisher in Leia from the comic, but it’s not just about the resemblance. Leah Dodson is sometimes even prettier, and numerous outfits emphasize this. Throughout all five issues, Leia acts as the Princess, and not as the leader of the Rebellion on a dangerous mission. But this determined person has little in common with the Ice Queen that Leia was portrayed in the Original Trilogy. She is more reckless and soft.

Unfortunately, the authors failed to create an intriguing story that simply does not have time to hook the reader. Events jump wildly from one scene to another, not allowing any of the characters to reveal themselves properly. As a result, a group of static templates operates against the backdrop of colorful, but poorly developed backgrounds. Even if one of the main characters died, it is absolutely impossible to empathize with him.

However, many people read Star Wars comics not at all in order to get acquainted with a bunch of new complex characters. So if you close your eyes to what is happening (or explain everything, for example, by the unexpected conditions that Princess Leia found herself in), then some interesting fragments and hints from the story can still be pulled out.

First, the hint that Leia has the Force is given right in the second issue. Unable to resist the temptation, the authors more than once or twice played on the reader's sense of nostalgia. It's about the scene in which the Princess leans into R2D2, clearly copied from A New Hope, and Leia's dream of a twin. And in the second issue, Leia begins her rescue campaign from Naboo, her mother's home planet, which she does not yet know about. Of course, one of the colorful bas-reliefs of the planet was decorated with the image of Princess Amidala. When looking at the drawing, Leia sees a brief vision: the image on the wall comes to life and looks at the Princess with a sad look. What's this? Curtsey authors in the direction of the prequels, or something more? After all, do not forget that Leia is Luke's sister, although she still does not know this. And Luke has the Force so much that he is able to withstand two Sith Lords at once. So it can be assumed that Leia also possesses the rudiments of the Force. Within the framework of the Expanded Universe, several successful stories were written on this fragment of history. But judging by the promotional materials she saw for The Force Awakens, Leia hadn't mastered any of the Jedi's tricks. Perhaps her sensitivity to the Force helps her to anticipate and feel better decisions in those situations when a dry set of facts and statistics no longer help. After all, it was by relying on the Force that Luke was able to destroy the first Death Star. So maybe Leia will owe her successful military career to the Force as well?

Secondly, let's discuss General Leia in a little more detail. If you carefully read the latest interviews of the authors, you have already come to terms with the fact that Leia Organa has lost her status as a Princess and has long been known to the Galaxy as General Organa. A clear explanation of this is given in the comics. To begin with, it is worth remembering that Leia became a princess without a state. Despite the remnants of the surviving Alderaan, her state is irrevocably lost. Moreover, having gathered all the scattered groups together, she abdicates the throne on her own. Having taken the expected step towards democracy, Leia announces that now people are free to choose their own princess. It turns out that at the time of the Fifth and Sixth Episodes, there was nothing left of the title of Princess but memories and compliments. And by The Force Awakens, they will gradually be erased.

Value for the fandom: small. There are hints of Leia's abilities, the fate of the scattered inhabitants of Alderaan and a bit of mental anguish. Nothing like the other series.

Star Wars

We have already reviewed the first issue of the series, noting the talent of its authors. we decided to play it safe by giving a series with this name to true professionals in their field, so you should not be surprised at its high quality.

As we suggested earlier, from the first pages of the reader a feeling of nostalgia awaits. The comic carefully reproduces all the elements of the Original Trilogy, without allowing itself unnecessary innovations: the faces of the drawn characters are easily recognizable, the interior design of the Empire is still strict, and C3PO is still helpless. There is nothing to be surprised here, because the events of the series are located in the segment from the Fourth to the Fifth Episodes, so the heroes have to complete many more missions against the Empire before it falls. It is also worth noting that in the "Expanded Universe" this gap was not very popular, because the events of the series are doubly interesting. But let's be honest with ourselves: the constant stream of missions to destroy military installations with copying of all possible elements of the Original Trilogy would get bored by the third arc, and Jason Aaron would not be himself if he went down this road.

On the contrary, having finished with a pleasant prelude and hooked readers, he begins a whole series of unexpected somersaults! Some of them, such as Han Solo's wife, do not fit well into the already established picture of the world, but others unwittingly patch holes (for example, you never had the feeling that Luke too quickly reached heights on the path of the Force, having a rather limited choice teachers?). It is at this moment that you understand that the series is not going to turn into a boring filler about the everyday life of a popular trinity on the military missions of the Rebellion, but plans to take us with a breeze to all the interesting corners of this world. Does anyone doubt that there are enough secrets and stories in the galaxy for a good hundred issues? In addition, no one has canceled rare curtsies towards original films and even prequels.

But besides the fact that the quality of the series is in itself a weighty argument in favor of reading these comics, the authors little by little still add important details to the big picture. First of all, we are talking, of course, about Luke's training. Almost immediately left without the only one who could guide him on the path of the Force, he does not agree to give up. We already know that Luke is not the only Jedi in the galaxy. And although his paths have only crossed paths with Obi Wan and Yoda, there are many other ways to learn more about the Force. But in a world dominated by the Sith Empire, one should not even hope that the search will go right. Instead of the remaining Jedi, smugglers are waiting for Luke, and the Jedi Order will have to be temporarily exchanged for a gladiatorial arena.

Another important part of the story was the relationship between Han and Leia, who managed to touch many people with their joint scene in the trailer for The Force Awakens. But after all, not much time was devoted to their relationship before! A couple of skirmishes, a couple of touching moments, but isn't it too fast? Thanks to the comic, we can finally see the whole path of this relationship: from the first major misunderstanding to the first kiss right through a whole bunch of scenes of varying degrees of romance. And maybe due to the fact that we have our favorite characters in front of us, or maybe thanks to the talent of Aaron, watching this couple is a real pleasure.

By juggling completely different elements of history, the authors manage to create an original and unique story. From the period with which readers are introduced in the series, you do not expect any revelations and surprises. Therefore, each of them is perceived doubly pleasant.

Value for the fandom: we have already seen how the trio of main characters gained fame and respect in the galaxy. Now we have to find out what happened between these missions. This allows you to get to know the characters much better, and therefore become even closer to them.

Is it worth reading: Most of the outgoing Star Wars episodes now have a good storyline and high-quality art. But Star Wars is at the forefront of quality. From quite understandable and well-known ingredients, the authors were able to prepare such a delicious dish that it's time to think about magic.

Fragments of the Empire

“Shards of the Empire” is so far the only comic book released that somehow reveals the fragments seen in the trailers. The events of the series, which included only four issues, begin at the time of the death of the second Death Star and tell about the pilot Shar Bay. Shara is not only a talented and experienced pilot, but also the mother of Poe Dameron, one of the main characters in The Force Awakens. In a moment, we learn that the boy has already been born and now lives with the father of the heroine. But his life is somewhere behind the scenes.

And at the center of the story are several missions that Shara performs together with the heroes of the Original Trilogy. Left without Palpatine, the Empire refuses to believe in its own defeat, creating more and more dangers in the Galaxy. Alas, the missions are connected rather indirectly, so there is actually no complete plot with the beginning, development and denouement. Instead, we are slowly shedding light on the life of the beloved Trinity - Luke, Leia and Khan - after the event at Endor. Together with them, Shara celebrates the victory over the Emperor, flies with Leia to Naboo on a diplomatic mission, helps Luke get into the secret laboratory of the Empire, where very curious artifacts are stored. And each outing gives us new hints about the future of the characters.

For example, we are again hinted at Leia's sensitivity to the Force. And back to Naboo. And although each of the comics in the series is filled with nostalgic elements, the second and third issues have the most of them. We will have time to walk along the familiar streets of the First Episode, meet the current princess, see familiar outfits, and even return to the same hangar, from where young Anakin went into battle in a fighter. It is in the hangar that a new vision awaits Leia, but this time unpleasant and cold, because here Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Jin.

The comic is a must read for those who are intrigued by the future of Luke, who never appeared in any of the trailers. The latest issue is dedicated to an attempt to penetrate the mysterious laboratory where Emperor Palpatine kept valuable artifacts. For example, his Heralds were kept here - unusual messenger droids that outwardly resemble the Imperial Guard. But the target of penetration was two small trees. These trees once grew in the Order on Coruscant, so they managed to be saturated with the Force. Thanks to this, Luke was able to feel them. The question of why the only known Jedi in the galaxy needed the trees of the Order is already answered. So numerous theories about his transition to the Dark Side are once again being questioned.

Value for the fandom: high! Although important elements are scattered unevenly and chaotically throughout the comics of the series, many useful conclusions can be drawn from them about the events leading up to Episode Seven.

The Italian publishing house "DeAgostini" made your dream come true! Meet in April 2018 a unique edition of Star Wars. Official Comic Collection.

Five important facts about the Star Wars series. Official Comic Collection"

This is the most comprehensive collection of Star Wars comics ever made. By collecting all the books, you will know absolutely everything about the Universe created by George Lucas, even what people who claim to be fans of the Saga do not know about.

1. In the first issues, you will find original comics that were released back in 1977, that is, simultaneously with the showing of the first film in cinemas.
2. Graphic novels are combined into series - Empire, Clone Wars, Rebellion, Dark Times, Legacy and other parts of the epic that will not leave anyone indifferent. After reading everything, you will become a full citizen of the Universe.
3. All comics are designed in different styles. Legendary creative teams worked on the releases. From book to book, follow the evolution of the art of graphic novel writing over the past forty years.
4. The collection consists of 70 books, each hardcover with 200 pages printed on excellent quality paper. But that's not all!
5. In each issue you will find reprints of original magazine covers from many years ago.

When you collect the collection completely and put the books in the order of their release, you will see a beautiful drawing with the main characters of the saga. This series will become the main decoration of your home library.

Where to buy books?

Buy the Star Wars Episodes. Official Comic Book Collection" is available on our website. A new book will be released every two weeks. The recommended price of the first issue is 149 rubles, the second - 299 rubles, the third and subsequent - 499 rubles. If you do not want to depend on intermediary markups, we advise you to subscribe to the collection.