Quotes about life and success. Quotes, aphorisms and sayings of great people on how to achieve success

Recently, while sitting in a hairdressing salon, I noticed a magazine with bright photographs lying on the table. It wasn't even a magazine, but a few shabby pages without a cover left over from it, so I can't tell its name.

The thing is that a little earlier I read an article on Natalia Litvishko's blog about how she performed the ceremony of attracting money, and the next day I came across this advertisement. I thought it was no coincidence...

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t dream of opening their own cash flow and I am no exception. I wrote down the phone number and decided to inquire about what the experts offer.

A woman with a pleasant voice answered my call, and the question I asked was not unexpected for her:

“Why do some people always get lucky with money, while others have to work hard to somehow provide for themselves and their families?”

It seemed like the Cashflow Discovery Specialist knew in advance all the questions I wanted to ask her, or maybe people ask almost the same questions?

I think that you, too, will be interested to know why some people do not like money, what the Cash Flow Discoverers think about this and what advice they give people.

I heard in response to my question that there is no injustice in this.

If money does not tend to your hands, if you receive it as a result hard work and sleepless nights, it means that there is no understanding between you and the energy of money, you are simply unattractive for the higher cash flow.

“How can you attract money?” I asked.

“In order to answer this question, you need to understand what money itself likes?” she replied.

After a pause, she continued:

“I have one piece of advice on how to please the energy of money, everyone knows it successful people, but the majority of people do not take into account.

When you pay your bills or pay off your debt, never feel negative. rejoice that you have the opportunity to enter into an energy exchange with cash flow!

The principle is simple: the more positive at giving money from your side, the faster the money will want to return to you, and in an increased volume. If you experience negativity when parting with money, thereby blocking the cash flow, and the source of money quickly dries up.

It turns out that there are many subtleties in dealing with money and there are many tricks to attract money.

I managed to find out one of them: “On the first day of the growing moon, put a stalk of clover or mint in your wallet (you can use the image of these herbs) and say these words: “I love money very much, I call it in my wallet. I attract and beckon, I give all my care!”

And in conclusion, she noted that in order to achieve a lasting effect in attracting cash flow, it is necessary to purchase a magic talisman for money. A money talisman, like a magnet, will attract financial energy to you. With a talisman, you will always be attractive for money.

I did not bother to find out what they offer as talismans and thanked me and hung up.

I am not an expert in opening my cash flow, but I have my own opinion on talismans, including financial ones, and I know what can be used as a talisman, but more on that another time.

Before the ceremony to attract money, it is important to clean the money channel. The fact is that things may not go up because of the negativity that you have absorbed from the outside or created yourself. Any rituals for the growth of finances simply will not work, if there is one.

So don't be lazy. First, clear your cash flows, then attract money.

What can be negative

Each person has a money channel, initially from a clean one, flows of financial energy flow freely through it. If the channel is open and not contaminated with negativity, then the person is lucky in material matters. If there are accumulated negative programs, then the flow of money is closed and the person loses his luck, financial income is weak.

Here are the main reasons:

Damage to money.

This is a targeted effect on you with the help of magic. Often induced by intruders, manifested in lack of money, in problems in financial sector. All was good. Money freely came into your life, and then something happened and the cash flows closed, luck turned away. And any attempts to correct the situation lead to an insignificant result.

This is also a negative impact, but not targeted. It is weaker and easier to remove. But life also spoils and leads to congestion in money. Arises with envy, with bad wishes, resentment against you, etc.

There is also a self-evil eye that also works against you. For example, you boasted to someone about your income, and they fell.

It is a frequent occurrence when someone is very envious of you, thereby unknowingly or maybe even consciously breaking through your defense and destroying your luck. If you are jealous, that is not good either. Financial flows are blocked with a bang.


This is a magical practice that is induced by a ritual method in order to take away luck or monetary success from a person.

For example, they took a coin from your wallet and whispered "magic words". Well, that's all, your luck is lost, and the one who made the kradnik, things went up.


You could accidentally find money, or other things on which the magician reset the negative. And the one who found it, he took everything for himself.

love spells

Often, during love spells, a person loses material luck, problems begin in the field of money. (And not only)

generic problems

Some are born with a weak financial channel. It goes by the genus. And only an experienced magician can remove it.


Someone could wish you not very good things. Curses work especially hard in a fit of anger.

Negative beliefs and emotions

A frequent occurrence when a person himself blocks his money channel with his thoughts, feelings, experiences, negative attitudes. All this needs to be cleaned. And not only by magical methods. But also with the help of affirmations, hooponopono, etc.

How to Diagnose

Before cleaning, it is important to carry out any available diagnostics. For example, with the help of runes. Or taro.

For beginners, I found this method on the net:

1. With the help of runes:

Take runes. Concentrate on the question: "Do I have a negative for money problems?"

And pull out the rune. You can specify the questions: "Do I have damage to money", "Do I have a thief for money"? Etc.

See what rune fell out. If Turs, Eyvaz, Perth is straight or inverted, Laguz, Laguz is inverted, Hagalaz, then there is a negative.

2. With the help of tarot:

The same procedure, the major arcana are used. Cards indicating the native: Moon, Hanged Man, Magician, Devil, Tower, High Priestess, Strength, Death.

How to clean

Before cleaning the money channel, it is important to carry out the usual general cleaning by any means.

(Of course, also carry out a diagnostic procedure beforehand).

The simplest and most effective are annealing, egg cleaning, wax casting, elemental rituals.

After the general cleansing complex, move on to local problems, in our case, start working with the money channel.

Candle cleaning.

Do 7 days in a row.

Take your photo (according to all magical traditions, it must be new and full height) Write on it "Cleaning the money channel from the negative".

Put a green tablecloth on the table (altar). Place a green wax candle on the photo, on which write the same note as in the photo. You can do it with a needle, a ritual knife. Light a candle and read the plot 21 times:

Wax casting

Place your image, put a bowl of water on it. Melt the wax with a water bath. Say the spell 1 time, while moving counterclockwise with a container of wax over a photo and a bowl of water.

Then pour the wax into a bowl of water, while saying the same spell 2 times.

When the wax begins to harden, use the following plot, which is important to say three times:

Ritual to do 3 times a day 3 for a row. You should get 9 castings. For each ritual, be sure to use a new wax.

Annealing with the Krada rune: cleaning the money channel!

On a wax candle (it should burn for 1.5 hours, so buy or make a larger candle), you need to cut out several Krad runes in the form of a spiral (on top of visas). This can be done with a ritual knife, a needle.

At the same time, say the spell:

Place a candle in a candlestick (pick one so that the wax does not get in the photo) put on your image. Light it up and say it

I light a candle, I turn everything that I have said to it into Reality! May it be so!

Do the ritual for 7 days, new candles every time. During the ceremony, it is not necessary to sit near the altar for 1.5 hours.

After cleaning the money channel, you can attract money with the help of rituals and conspiracies.

How to independently open your own money channel - the Golden Stream ritual

Many people have blockage of the money channel. Someone is born with a begging program, someone acquires it in the process of life. Such people live paycheck to paycheck, and even borrow. Bad luck with money is often accompanied by health problems, which does not help matters at all.

If this sounds like your situation, learn how to clear your money channel.

You can open and activate the money channel different ways. In practical magic there is always an alternative. You yourself choose how to make the money channel active, and how to get in touch with the money egregor. This egregor is strong, but he lives separately from us, regardless of our will and desires. Therefore, our task is to make the egregor more often and more willingly manifest itself in our lives.

Try to do the Golden Stream ritual - self-cleaning of the money channel, and its activation. Perform the ritual on Sunday, on lunar growth, on a clear sunny day. Cleanse yourself, let go of your unsuccessful past, take a shower. Forget:

1. about your troubles,
4.delayed salary
5.and other financial hardships.

Arrange 7 wax candles on the table. Take thin candles that burn out quickly.
Light these candles and open the money channel.

Stretch your hands in front of you with your palms up, and read the words of the conspiracy for good luck and prosperity three times: “As the sun goes across the sky to the west, so from this hour I (name) are lucky in everything. It will be the way I want. Whatever I want, I'll get. Amen".

Then, without dropping your hands, close your eyes and visualize money raining down on you. Gold and silver coins are pouring with a ringing, smoothly, like leaves, large denomination banknotes are planned - currency different countries, and your national currency, of course, too. Hold this vision for as long as you can, do not allow extraneous vain thoughts, and do not hesitate. Right now you are doing magic, you are opening a money channel on your own. Experience the joy of feeling your wealth. Do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out.

Hold this picture in your mind. Falling asleep, being on the border of sleep and wakefulness, return it, relive the wonderful moments of communication with money again. Money is a visible and habitual manifestation of monetary energy. But first and foremost, money is energy. Activate it in yourself, and sources of enrichment will open to you. In this way, you can independently open a money channel. It may look simple, but in fact, the visualization is not fragmentary slides, but the intention of the magician, which is read by the Forces.

I want to continue this topic not with the rites of black magic and not with advice on visualization, it's time to pay attention to the runes, to the opening of a money channel with their help. But, before we move on to rune staves to attract money, let's deal with visualizations. I know that beginners do not quite understand its essence. So visualization is intention.

About visualization and about cleaning the money channel with runes

Visualization differs from phantom fantasies in that it is emotionally neutral. To achieve desired effect, you need to put intent into the visualization. But, without emotions, since emotions tend to distort the fabric of reality.

Emotional outbursts create energy gaps, which is highly undesirable for magical action, if not destructive. When you make a rune to clean the money channel, you also visualize the result, and this is exactly what gives the stave energy.

The intention of the magician can be compared to the properties of the energy invested in the visualization. Visualization is a mental video of the result, while intention is the impulse that triggers it. To a certain extent, intention can be measured in relation to emotions in relation to something or someone. But while emotion is chaotic, intention has a clear message: what the sorcerer puts into the visualization and the outcome he expects.

Money channels can be polluted, blocked or closed with the help of negative magical influence; the task of the magician, using a certain runic becoming, is to clear and activate the channel, to enable the monetary energy to circulate.

How to put intention into visualization?

Here is a question that worries beginners. If to speak plain language, then the picture is as follows. During magical cleaning, for example, you keep an image in your head: how a dark veil leaves or black suckers fall off. When setting a love spell, it is also important what you keep in your imagination. The task is formed depending on what is required from the object: intimacy, cohabitation or marriage. In rites to obtain magical power, visualize a cloud, thick and dense, which penetrates you, making you powerful, able to influence reality. The same visualization can be done by setting yourself runes for successful trading, or for another purpose. When setting up protection, images may come as if a dome is covering you. This is just an example of images. Everyone has their own when performing magical practices.

All the same happens in the case when you apply a rune becoming in order to open a money channel. Keep the image, and give the desired message with a magical conspiracy or spell. Visualization is important because the Forces you work with read your mental messages. It happens at any time, which is why positive thinking is so important. But especially when conducting witchcraft rites, since at this time the magician comes into direct contact with the Forces.

Secrets of Magic. How to open a money channel yourself. Ways to open a money channel

Spiritual and physical condition of a person, his well-being in financial plan are dependent on energy channels. It is they who form a special relationship of the human biofield with higher powers. Energy deficiency can be the cause of the development of diseases, the turn of current events in a negative direction. Therefore, the financial flow is often blocked. Often there are quite definite patterns that reveal the connection of the blocked cash flow with the signals emanating from the physical body. People suffering from financial insolvency are advised to read the information on how to open a money channel.

Financial flow blocking and visualization

  1. Disruption of communication with other people. The body sends a constant signal in the form of frequent headaches. The person is in a state of constant search. Money and new ones are added to old failures. How to open a money channel on your own with such symptoms? It should be on inhalation-exhalation to imagine a beautiful shining crystal, which is localized in the region of the crown.
  2. If you are worried about problems in the oral cavity, toothache, money is earned, but practically does not stay, income is melting under the yoke of problems that need to be solved, then the crystal in this case should be presented in the back of the head.
  3. Frequent sore throats can be a sign of aggression and anger directed at another person. This blocks all opportunities for successful earnings. Visualization is done on the throat chakra.
  4. If a person is worried about pain in the spine, it can be assumed that he is trying to carry an unbearable burden. Debts are growing, but incomes are not increasing. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen where the navel is located needs energy study.

Method for the most desperate people with big debts

When studying how to open a money channel on your own, you need to understand that all things are done according to the Lord's blessing. Before starting the ritual, it is recommended to visit the church. You can also buy candles there, and it is better to choose the largest ones.

What to do?

  • For three days in a row, an akathist to I. Christ or the Holy Spirit is read. This first step already helps to open the money channel. Prayer from the heart works wonders.
  • The space in which a person lives is cleansed with incense.
  • One candle is lit.
  • The icons of the Kazan Mother of God, "The Lord Almighty" are placed.
  • Paper is spread on the floor, on which the wax will fall.
  • You should stand facing east and pick up three candles.
  • When the candles are lit, you can start the ritual: the prayers “Our Father”, “The Living in Help”, “The Song of the Virgin”, “To the Cross” are read three times.
  • Proofreading is accompanied by spiral movements of the hands, as if all the negativity is burned out by candles along the contour of the body.
  • Movements are made counterclockwise exactly seven times.
  • The candle is transferred to the other hand and the manipulations are repeated.
  • The ritual ends with the prayer "Symbol of Faith". Candles should burn themselves out. The course consists of nine sessions.

How to open a money channel yourself: a basic method

If problems have become a part of life, you can consider the presented method. It is very simple to understand how to open a money channel on your own using this method. It is necessary to equip a special corner at home. It will act as a magic magnet for money. To do this, a special place is allocated in the southwestern part of the room, on which several new coins are placed. The corner should be beautifully decorated and equipped. After a certain period, you can feel how things went up.

Meditation to stabilize the financial flow

This is another way to open a money channel. It is necessary to wake up at sunrise, stand up straight, facing east. The body must be exposed to the sun. Twelve calm breaths and exhalations are made, maximum relaxation is achieved. It is necessary to imagine that a shining crystal appeared in front of the body. It gradually envelops the entire body and gives protection from negativity with its sparkling energy. The exercise must be repeated day after day until clarity and distinctness of the object of visualization is achieved. The technique opens up new financial prospects, helps to successfully resolve accumulated problems, and pay off debts.

Moments worthy of attention

Any ritual that helps open a money channel may be useless if a person does not have a permanent source of income, such as work or own business. It is recommended to consider how finances will begin to flow into the house. Such magic must be taken as a worthy payment for one's own labor, but not as a receipt financial resources out of nowhere, and undeservedly.

Welfare Amulets

Ancient mysteries help you learn how to open a money channel. Magic allows you to create special talismans that increase wealth. In order for the financial flow to become inseparable, you should take three woolen threads white color, tie them together with knots. The number of nodes must be equal to the number of years. A fresh raw egg is wrapped with threads and boiled hard. It keeps in the refrigerator for exactly twenty-one days. When the time has expired, the thread is removed and placed in the left pocket. The egg is peeled and crumbled on the road. An amulet with a white thread will help you get rich.

Instead of a conclusion

The question of how to open a money channel on your own is one of the most relevant at present. The presented methods will help to eliminate most problems by stabilizing financial position both single people and married couples.


I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, today will tell you how to open your money channel with magic and attract good luck in your life. You can end financial dependence and instability. Anyone can help themselves. Just be careful, learn how to open a money channel and attract good luck. And use the magician's advice in your Everyday life. Even a beginner can master the skills of money witchcraft. This takes time. But, not so much. The key value is still behind the intention and desire to learn and change your life.

How to diagnose problems with a person's money channel

In order to achieve a sustainable result, and not to lose our achievements, not to slide back into the arms of poverty and financial instability, a complete renewal of the form of thinking is necessary. And, of course, as in any business related to magic, absolute faith in one's rightness and one's strength is necessary. The first thing magicians begin their work with a client with is diagnostics of the human money channel. It is usually carried out on the Tarot or Runes - magnificent powerful mantic systems.

You can apply the Money Channel Tarot layout, which will show how your financial channel works and whether you can gain material well-being. The layout is done on 6 cards.

  1. The first card will show the state of your money channel at the current moment, how open or closed it is
  2. The second position will show what is blocking your channel, preventing the access of money to life
  3. Next, you can find the answer to the question of whether financial difficulties represent a karmic problem.
  4. Fourth position will reveal the blocks that prevent you from getting rich, you can find out how money problems affect your psychological plan.
  5. The card in the fifth position will show you the ancestral karma of money.
  6. And finally, how to open access to the money channel, what methods will be the most effective

After the magician understands what is happening to the person, and in what state his money channel is, he begins preliminary work. At this stage, the real magician picks up strong rituals for opening a money channel which will be the most efficient. In each case, magical rituals are selected individually.

The human energy field has channels that connect it with the egregor under whose protection and patronage the person is. In modern techniques for making positive changes in life, they are often called the Higher Forces, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, prefer to call this Force an egregore. From the work of the channels depends on how full the life of the individual will be. The human money channel is perhaps the most vulnerable. From whatever side, and for whatever purposes they influence a person, the money channel suffers first of all.

Every person should have money. There are plenty of them in the world, even more than you need. If you have constant financial problems and material dependence, this is not normal. If there is no money, you can definitely say: you have problems with the energy field, and you need to take measures to clear the money channel.

How to independently activate a person's money channel - a visualization method

There is a continuous interchange of energies in the world. Energy cannot be stopped, everything that exists is included in this process. Of course, the energy of money is no exception. Money has its material embodiment, familiar to all of us and desired by all of us. With their help, our interaction with the world takes place, money allows us to realize our intentions, motivations and desires.

But, it is also an energy that exists in a thin, invisible sphere in the form of a money egregor. Connecting to him, getting under his protection is able to help conspiracies to clear the money channel with magic. Any egregor exists regardless of the will of man. If he does not see a person, then he will not influence his life in any way, and the person will remain in poverty, no matter how hard he tries to get rich. Therefore, it is so difficult to attract wealth into your life without synchronization with egregorial energies. When set up to receive money, the egregor comes into contact with the biofield more readily. Between the egregor and the person, an energy flow is formed, called a money channel.

To interact with an egregor, you need to understand the principles of its work and know how to open a money channel at home. Visualization is a wonderful technique. It is impossible to carry it out without willpower. In addition, you need faith in your own abilities and, of course, a developed imagination.

Visualization can be done when you feel the inclination to conduct such a ritual. This method is a magical technique, but does not depend on the state of the moon, on the time of day and other conventions. You need to relax, sit or stand better, turning your face to the east. Close your eyes and take 12 deep breaths in and out. You will feel your body relax and your mind clear. Imagine a shining crystal of pure energy in front of you. The light approaches you, penetrates you, and you absorb it. Try to see everything as clearly as possible, remember the feeling of harmony and security that has appeared. Mentally return to it periodically, be filled with egregor energy.

Now let's move on to the reasons for the lack of money. Nothing in this world happens for no reason. If you are poor, this is a consequence of an existing problem. And your task is this problem reveal. Understand why the money channel is blocked.

Rituals of practical magic and what harms money channels

So, what condemns a person to poverty?

  • There is such a thing in real money magic: karmic beggars. The presence of a generic program for poverty is the most common reason for the lack of money. People with such a program come into this world with a weakened channel of money. Their ancestors were poor, bankrupt nobles or dispossessed peasants in certain times. In the latter case, in addition to the generic program, there are also blocks: it is impossible to be rich, it is life-threatening to be rich. Of course, you can live without the support of the ancestral money channel. But what is this life? Poverty, constant patching of financial holes. What is easy for others, people who do not have the support of a generic egregore achieve with sweat and blood. Karmic beggars - in the process of life, degrade, changing the status of full members of society to the status of people social bottom. magical rituals clear money channels. You can get rid of the generic program for poverty thanks to complex work: magical cleansing, energy filling of human fields. In addition, it will be required psychological work in order to rid a person of old stereotypes of thinking.
  • The second reason for the lack of money includes negative magical effects. Magicians and sorcerers are remarkably aware of how to close the money channel. Damage to poverty, ruin, failure - all this can seriously ruin your life. The financial channel is vulnerable, any damage is capable of blocking it, even the one that is directed to other areas - love, health, luck, beauty.
  • The third reason for the lack of money is the evil eye. The evil eye is an energy thief, and its source is such a terrible human vice as envy.
  • The fourth reason for problems with lack of money is Negative influence marriage partner. It happens that people are so unsuitable for each other that over time their energy channels begin to collapse. Such negative metamorphoses can occur with both spouses or with one person who is more vulnerable in a couple. For such people, often the only way out of vicious circle is parting, which will allow everyone to open a money channel.

How to pump a money channel - money must be loved

It is to love, but not to make a cult out of them. In general, the money channel should be treated with respect and attention. And follow the rules of careful contact with money. Counting your money, surrender to its magic. At the moments of communication with money, your material channel is fed, which will allow you to increase your fortune.

It is impossible to express disregard for money. For this there is a severe punishment from egregor. A self-programming phrase - I will not have money, I did not live richly, there is nothing to start, and people like them also contribute to ruin and impoverishment. Avoid it like a dangerous disease. As often as possible, visualize yourself inside a red, green, or gold balloon as wealthy, happy, and independent. This visualization will help you open a money channel. You can sit down, close your eyes and imagine how money rains down on you.

You can't underestimate your abilities. “I would just like a little money, pay off my debts or buy a room in a hostel…”. With such an attitude, money will not open the way into your life. Ask for as much as possible. The forces will reduce the gift for some of your sins, so there is no need to do this yourself.

The money egregore will not patronize you if you give money to anyone - poor loafers and drunkards. Do not stop them from working off their karmic debts, otherwise the egregor will punish you.

Don't lend. In 99% of cases, people who lend money have financial problems. However, if you let the money work, for example, by lending money at interest, such problems do not arise.

How to independently open a money channel with magic

Money has to work. This is an indispensable condition. How more money you spend on yourself, the sooner they return. There are ways of magic, unique in their simplicity and effectiveness, that allow you to open a money channel.

To attract money into your life, make with your own hands such an amulet of monetary success.

  1. Sew a small bag of natural green or gold fabric and put peony seeds in it. Carry the amulet in your pocket or purse.
  2. Another option, a little more complicated: put a coin, wheat grains, pine nuts, juniper fruits and a magnet in a golden bag. Carry in your bag. It can also be kept at home as a talisman for success in financial transactions.

To open a money channel and attract good luck, do the ritual yourself to increase wealth. For this money magnet you will need:

  • a nickel or a banknote of 50 rubles
  • green yarn
  • eucalyptus or bergamot oil

Wrap the yarn around the money to make a small ball. Strengthen the thread, put 3 drops of essential oil on the ball, and hang it over the front door. Everyone who comes to your house will bring you money or gifts.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give another very good home ritual money channel cleansing and opening the way for money. This magical rite is done with the help of the Powers of white magic.

Three Mondays in a row, read before going to bed a conspiracy to open a money channel:

White conspiracy to open a money channel

An independent ritual to attract money can be performed on the new moon. Take a loaf of fresh Borodino bread, put it on the table and rotate it clockwise.

Read the conspiracy to open a money channel three times:

Within three days, the charmed loaf must be eaten by yourself.

Opening a money channel with the help of prayers.

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1 Opening a money channel with the help of prayers. on Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:17 am

Date of registration: 2013-10-17

If there is no connection to the Christian Egregor and the energy is at zero, read Akathist to Jesus Christ the Sweetest or Akathist to the Holy Spirit for 3 days in a row.

We clear the space with incense. Light one large candle, either a church one or a white household one, it will burn the remnants of the negative. One candle for all days of annealing. Arrange the icons of the Lord Almighty and the Kazan Mother of God, if not, then any other. so that the floor is not dripped with wax. Stand facing east, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take 3 church candles (not the smallest ones) in your hands, light the candles and start cleaning.

Our Father - 3 rubles, Mother of God - 3 rubles, Living help - 3 rubles ..

You will have to bend down and sit down, burning out the negative at your feet, as if stepping over the fire of candles, and between your legs, too, as if burning through the fetters that bind your legs. start to the left hand (palm) and in a circular motion counterclockwise, burn out the negative, reading the prayer to the Cross once. Then also over the right hand.

We end the ritual with a prayer.” I believe. “

Candles that were in hand, leave to burn out.

Usually 7-9 sessions are enough, in special severe cases - 18 sessions.

You can have 2-3 sessions per day.

2 Re: Opening a money channel with the help of prayers. on Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:00 am

Digital Fortress

Date of registration: 2013-10-24

3 Re: Opening a money channel with the help of prayers. on Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:32 am

Date of registration: 2012-05-07

I cleaned like this .. After 3 such annealings, things began to improve for a person ..

There are situations when you want to improve your life, afford more, pamper the children, finally relax like a human being, get a decent reward for your work. But no matter how much and no matter what is done, no money is added, wealth and well-being do not increase.

There are many reasons for this, and each specific life situation need to be considered separately. But there is something in common in all these situations - if there are financial difficulties, it means that monetary energy cannot flow to the person in the right way - something interferes with it. Below I give rituals that will help restore the money channel and attract wealth to you in the event that your wrong actions and / or negativity from the outside became the cause of financial difficulties. By negative, I mean envy, anger, scandals, gossip, intrigues, intentional evil against you. All this presses on a person like dirt and weighs us down, taking away strength and energy. By removing this from yourself and your home, strengthening yourself and strengthening the money channel, you can improve your financial well-being.

I want to warn you right away that money will not flow like water and that you will have to work and make efforts. Simply, "of course" a long-standing problem will be resolved, "accidentally" there will be opportunities for good earnings, "finally" will be promoted, etc.

Try, practice, do rituals repeatedly. If in your case the cause was something more serious and not even about you, but about your family, then in this case, from the performed rituals, you will feel better and the result will be. But in such cases, it would be good to find out the causes and eliminate them. I can help you with this, details at the end of the article.

The following rituals can be done for yourself, or you can do it for your whole family and home:

Ritual "Exile of all evils"

This ritual is needed in order to get rid of all the accumulated negativity that has appeared as a result of your wrong actions or negative influences from outside. It is better to make it a rule and conduct it at least once a month. But if you feel the need, you can do it more often. This ritual is done at dawn during the Full Moon, as well as on Saturday and Tuesday on the Waning Moon.
Light a red or yellow candle, mentally refer to the fire, saying:

After the fire is consecrated, take the candle in your hands, looking to the east, say the words:

God of the Sun, Great and Just. Almighty creator and destroyer, I (name) appeal to you. You destroy mountains, you destroy stones. Destroy my grief, failure, poverty, envy, illness, witchcraft, sorcery, hatred, deals against me, the evil eye, save me from a bad minute not for an hour, not for two, but forever. True.

Holding a candle in your hands, turn to the south and say the plot again. Then turn to the west and say the plot. Do the same by facing north. After you say the plot facing north, turn your face to the east, put the candle on the altar (or on the table, so that it "looks" to the east). Tell:

Thank you God of the Sun, Great and Just.

Let the candle burn out. This completes the ritual. If you have a good large candle, you can leave it burning for half an hour or an hour, and then put it out to use later for this ritual.

Ritual "Blessing of Heaven and Earth"

When you cleanse yourself of negativity by destroying it, you will need to fill yourself with life-affirming creative energy. This will “heal” the wounds of your Soul received from negativity and strengthen your spiritual forces. This state manifests itself as inspiration, the desire to act and achieve, the appearance interesting ideas, finding new opportunities.

Runtime - morning hours (dawn - perfect) on the Waxing Moon and on the Full Moon. You can do it at least every day. You can when you feel the need. But the more often you repeat, the more vividly you will feel the effectiveness of this ritual.

It is best to perform the ritual on the street, standing with bare feet on the ground. Look at the sun. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply and evenly. Feel the warmth of the sun on you, feel the earth under your feet. Tune in to that original spark that burns in your heart. Feel the warmth that the Creator breathed into you. Now tune in to the same warmth that is in the Sun and in the Earth. You need to tune in not to a physical manifestation, but to those Forces that manifest themselves in the form of the Sun and the Earth. You need to tune in to Father Sun and Mother Progenitor. You will feel the connection with them that has always been and is now.

Mentally address them, say:

Great Father of All, Sun, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the Righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live worthily in this World.

Feel how a stream of energy descends on you from the sky and fills you and your life.

Great Mother of All, Earth, please fill me with your strength, bless me on the Righteous Path, give me the strength to fulfill my destiny and live worthily in this World.

Feel how a stream of energy rises from the earth to you, filling you and your life. As soon as you feel full and full, say: "Thanks to" . This completes the ritual.

Ritual for cash gain

This ritual opens the way for money, as they like to say - it opens money channels. If you suddenly have thoughts that money is evil and it only gets worse with them, then apparently you don’t need to do such a ritual yet. It is better to first understand that the energy of money, like any other energy, is neither bad nor good. And it becomes painful and hard from the fact that she simply sanctifies what is already in a person. If you decide to do the ritual, first, come to terms with yourself, realizing that money is the equivalent of power in the world and an assistant in achieving goals and fulfilling desires.

It is better to prepare for the ritual on the Growing Moon. Choose three successful places where there are always a lot of buyers / clients and a good income. It can be, for example, shops, cafes, banks, etc. You need to buy something from them (not even essential), but in such a way that when you are paid, you would be given change. The equivalent of money is not important, the fact itself is important. And now you have money from three places where there is good cash flow and profit. It is this money that we will use in the ritual. You also need to sew a small green bag from any natural fabric with yellow strings in advance (the size is such that you can put money in it).

The time for the ritual is noon on the growing moon on Friday or Sunday, noon on the Full Moon is also suitable.

Materials: green candle, yellow flowers, money, green bag.

Light a green candle, mentally refer to the fire, saying:

God of Fire, please bless this fire with your Power.

After the fire is consecrated, mentally tune in to the fact that you need to turn to the Spirits of money. Imagine yourself in a golden or green stream that comes from space towards you. It consists of the energy of money, expensive things and jewelry. Imagine that there are also living beings in this stream - the Spirits of Money. Tell:

Pave the way to my house, to my life, to my wallet.
Be with me, come to me, teach me
Create and accumulate money and wealth.
Teach me to live in abundance and prosperity.
Let there be peace between us.

Imagine how money paths (channels) are formed from space moving towards you, your home and into your wallet. Put the money in the bag, place it in front of you, say, referring to the Spirits of Money:

Spirits of Money, Spirits of Wealth and Abundance.
Empower this money with your power.
May they attract new money, opportunities and wealth to me.
From morning to morning forever. Yes, it will be so.

Put the bag in the house, you can in the same place where you keep money and jewelry. And it is possible in the center of the house, so that energy accumulates throughout the house. You can initially divide the money into two parts. Before consecration, put one in a bag, and leave the second in a handful (pack) near the candle. After consecration, put this money in your wallet, but do not spend it, wear it like a magnet for money.

If you feel that the cause of your financial difficulties is deeper, write me, I'll see if this is so and tell you how to help in your situation.