Icebreaker "Alexander Sannikov" - heading for the Arctic. New high-tech icebreaker "Alexander Sannikov" will go to the Yamal Peninsula

A big event in the truest sense of the word at the shipyard in St. Petersburg. The icebreaker "Alexander Sannikov" set off for the first Arctic voyage. It will cross the Baltic Sea and go to Yamal along the Northern Sea Route. In the Gulf of Ob, where the ice thickness reaches one and a half meters, and the air temperature drops to minus 50, a Gazprom Neft ship will escort tankers from the field to the Arctic Ocean. There have never been such high-tech diesel icebreakers in the civilian fleet.

An icebreaker is an exclusively civilian ship, but a maritime ceremony according to military canons: raising the flag, anthem, formation! It is named after a modest and talented engineer, under whose leadership the oilmen switched to the principle of the so-called "zero discharge", when any possibility of leakage of raw materials is excluded. The new icebreaker is so environmentally friendly. Before its laying, Alexander Leonidovich Sannikov did not live only three months.

No one in the world builds such icebreakers: among diesel ones, it is the most powerful - 30,000 horsepower. Replaces the whole flotilla - rescue, emergency response, evacuation vessel. And, of course, it cuts ice, not only with its armored hull, but also with its propellers.

The ship's propellers are actually a huge milling cutter taller than human height. Now they are covered with a special protective casing. The screws - two in the stern and one in the bow - rotate 360 ​​degrees. So the icebreaker can turn around on the spot, like a carousel. All this allows him to calmly crush ice up to two meters.

But that's not all: in case the icebreaker does start to freeze, another system is provided - filling the ballast tanks, the ship rolls to the right or left or back and forth, expanding the channel and splitting the ice floes in front and behind.

At the same time, thanks to automation, only 19 people manage this floating nine-story house. The captain's bridge is more like a space control center.

“This is not quite a steering wheel, these are rudder propellers that are used as a steering wheel, replacing the steering wheel. They are easy to operate and are no more difficult than a helm,” explains Alexander Kiselev, captain of the Alexander Sannikov icebreaker.

Back in the 60s, a unique deposit was found in Yamal - Novoportovskoye. Here the oil is cleaner even than the reference grades. But only half a century later they were able to develop and build a delivery scheme.

A pipeline was laid through the permafrost from the mining site to the coast of the Gulf of Ob. At Cape Kamenny, oil is poured into tankers and then they can go along the Northern Sea Route to Europe and Asia. But in this area, the river is covered with ice for nine months of the year.

“This is a very serious challenge, but we accept this challenge. Traditional fields are experiencing natural depletion while demand continues to grow, so the Russian Arctic and tight reserves are the future for our oil industry. Each project will ensure the receipt of trillions of rubles in the budget,” said the chairman of the board, CEO Gazprom Neft PJSC Alexander Dyukov.

The ship was laid down two years ago at the shipyard in Vyborg. Just a year later, they launched it, and now, after all the tests, "Alexander Sannikov" is setting off on his first Arctic trip. The sailors intend to travel seven and a half thousand kilometers to their place of work in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, the second icebreaker of the same series is already being prepared for the campaign at the Vyborg Shipyard. Together with Sannikov, they will provide a year-round transport corridor from Siberia to the Kara Islands.

On July 2, 2018, the Alexander Sannikov icebreaker, built for Gazprom Neft at the shipyards of Vyborgsky shipyard. There are no more icebreakers of similar equipment in Russia. The vessel is built to provide up to 40 days of battery life in extreme temperatures of minus 50 degrees. On-board computers fully regulate the life support of the icebreaker, start generators, synchronize equipment, regulate temperature and technological conditions on all decks of the ship. According to experts, the growing oil production beyond the Arctic Circle in the coming years will require Russia to increase the production of such modern ships of the Arctic class.

The flag is up

Oilmen are opening a new milestone in the development of the Russian Arctic. Last Friday, Gazprom Neft, the only company producing oil on the Russian Arctic shelf, received its first icebreaker Alexander Sannikov. The ship was built under the Arctic Time program, under which six tankers have already been launched and are in operation to transport oil from the Novoportovskoye field. The new icebreaker will begin their regular escort from August.

Thanks to such icebreakers, oilmen will be able to transport oil more efficiently and economically from hard-to-reach areas of the Russian north, Vadim Yakovlev, deputy chairman of the company's board, said during the flag-raising ceremony.

We have built a unique scheme for the export of oil by water along the Gulf of Ob and further along the Northern Sea Route. To solve this problem, the construction of modern powerful vessels is required, and today the Alexander Sannikov icebreaker is the new flagship of the Arctic fleet,” the top manager noted.

The second newest diesel-powered icebreaker, Andrei Vilkitsky, is expected by Gazprom Neft by the end of this year.

According to Gazprom Neft forecasts, by 2030 the demand for transportation along the Northern Sea Route will increase by a third. The development of its own Arctic fleet will allow the company to maintain leadership in the Russian Arctic in the long term.

Arctic innovations

The current generation of icebreakers is considered the most innovative in its class. One of the main technical innovations is a control system capable of completely taking control of the icebreaker's piloting for several days without the need for human intervention.

In addition, the vessel does not actually "press" the ice, as was the case on the icebreakers of the previous generation, but erodes and crumbles it with the help of a special hull and propellers installed both at the stern and under the "bow". Thus, in solid ice the vessel can move at an average speed of more than 4 km / h, and in clear water it can accelerate up to 30 km / h.

The icebreaker differs from its predecessors in terms of functionality. For example, due to the rather low draft (up to 8 m), it can work without problems in shallow water, where nuclear icebreakers usually cannot pass. If necessary, the icebreaker is able to turn around or even make a complete 360-degree turn in just a minute. Even in equal conditions the icebreaker significantly outperforms its comrades-in-arms both in terms of efficiency (on passages in ice 2 m thick, it needs only 22 MW versus 36 MW for nuclear-powered ships of the Taimyr type) and in terms of environmental friendliness (the principle of "zero discharge" implies the storage of all waste until the end of the voyage).

Own fire station, hospital, helipad, emergency boats, a powerful winch and a crane with a lifting capacity of 26 tons - the functionality of "Alexander Sannikov" surpasses most of the existing icebreakers. In addition to helping tankers, he can independently transport cargo, act as a towing vehicle and participate in rescue operations.

Technologies for oil

It was not possible for all, even the newest, shipyards of the world to build such a technologically advanced icebreaker. The Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant (owned by USC) invited the world's largest manufacturers from Europe, Japan and Singapore to participate in the creation of the icebreaker, but most of them stated that it was impossible to complete the order in such a short time. The Severodvinsk "Zvezdochka" undertook to equip the ship with the most modern thrusters. This is largely due to the uniqueness of the Russian icebreaking shipbuilding industry - no other country in the world has such a fleet. However, until recently, many of the Arctic shipyards were underloaded, and only after 2014 did Russia start a large-scale fleet renewal program based on investment quotas. For example, thanks to Gazprom Neft, the Vyborg Shipyard is fully loaded with orders until 2023.

"Alexander Sannikov" and "Andrey Vilkitsky" will go to the Gulf of Ob to escort tankers with Arctic Novy Port oil. Here, Gazprom Neft is conducting a large-scale operation of the Novoportovskoye field, from which shipments are made through the Gates of the Arctic terminal. This is the only oil loading terminal in the world in fresh waters beyond the Arctic Circle. Due to the fact that the New Port is located 700 km from the existing pipelines, hydrocarbons are exported from there by sea. With the help of the new vessels, the company expects to increase the efficiency and stability of year-round transportation in the Gulf of Ob, which is ice-bound for more than 255 days a year.

This is a very serious challenge, but we accept this challenge. Traditional fields are experiencing a natural depletion of reserves, while demand continues to grow, so the Russian Arctic and hard-to-recover reserves are the future for our oil industry,” Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board, CEO of Gazprom Neft, told reporters.

The volume of work for the new vessel is going to be solid - in 2018 alone, it is planned to produce about 7 million tons of oil at the Novoportovskoye field, and by the beginning of 2020 they want to produce up to 8 million tons annually. With the help of new icebreakers, the company plans to further expand the supply of Arctic oil, which is already exported to nine countries of the world, including the UK, France, Norway and the Netherlands.

Although Russia has the most powerful Arctic fleet in the world, there is still a shortage of new high-tech icebreakers on the market. Acquisition of a vessel for operating in the Arctic oil company quite logical: service oil terminal requires virtually year-round navigation, which is expensive to provide with rented icebreakers and not always advisable due to the increasing requirements for technology, said in a conversation with Izvestia the head of the Arktika department and the Shelf laboratory of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member Correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vasily Bogoyavlensky.

According to him, most of the tankers already operating in the Gulf of Ob are capable of moving through the ice themselves, but depending on the ice situation, they may also require escort. Thus, the new icebreakers, according to the expert, significantly increase the safety of oil and gas production on the Russian shelf.

A series of two multi-purpose diesel-electric icebreakers with a capacity of 22 MW of the Aker Arc130A project will be built at the Vyborg Shipyard (part of the United shipbuilding corporation) by order of Gazpromneft Novy Port LLC dated April 13, 2015.

April 16, 2015 JSC "Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant" (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation) and Aker Arctic Technology to develop a conceptual design for new icebreakers.

The main purpose of ships: icebreaking assistance to tankers, assistance in mooring and loading operations, rescue operations, ship towing, fire fighting, participation in oil spill response operations.

The ships will be built the latest project under the ice class Icebreaker8, which provides icebreaking up to 2 meters and significant maneuverability with a relatively small draft. At the same time, according to the contract, the vessels must also be able to operate continuously at temperatures down to -50 C.

Both vessels will be handed over to the Customer in 2017. The icebreakers will operate at the Arctic terminal of the Novoportovskoye field, located in the west of the Gulf of Ob on the Yamal Peninsula.

The conceptual design of the vessel was developed by Aker Arctic Technology (Finland).

Icebreakers of the latest generation Aker Arc130A will have a length of 121.7 meters, a width of the main deck (including fenders) of 26 meters, and a draft of 8.0 meters. Type of propulsion unit - diesel-electric (azimuth thrusters - 2 in the stern, 1 in the bow of the vessel). Propulsion power - 2 x 7500 kW (stern) and 1 x 6500 kW (bow). The constructed ships will be operated under the Russian flag.

According to a message dated August 06, 2015, the project of the latest generation multi-purpose diesel-electric icebreaker Aker Arc130A, designed to service the Arctic terminal of Gazprom Neft's Novoportovskoye field in the Gulf of Ob (YaNAO), has been successfully in the ice basin.

According to a message dated September 15, 2015, it received a new order for the supply of electric power plants, Azipod propulsion systems and automation systems for icebreakers. The icebreakers will be equipped with a diesel-electric propulsion system and a new Azipod propulsion system consisting of three columns - one at the bow and two at the stern - to optimize the icebreakers' efficiency and maneuverability in ice hummocks. ABB's scope of supply also includes an integrated command, signaling and control system (ICAMS) for the entire ship, an energy management system and a programmable remote control and maneuvering system.

Lead icebreaking support vessel "Alexander Sannikov" (IMO: 9777101), building number 233, November 03, 2015. April 08, 2016 the first block of the vessel on a self-submersible barge, the final check of mechanisms and equipment in the dock named after. P.I. Veleshchinsky Kronstadt Marine Plant (part of USC).

Each guest of the ceremony was allowed to walk around the decks, look into the captain's cabin,
to the bridge, helipad and, of course, learn about the fundamental differences between this giant and similar ships.

Bold ideas, big plans

The start of operation of the new vessel is confirmation that the Russian oil and gas industry and its partners are making confident steps in the development of the Arctic,” said Vadim Yakovlev, First Deputy General Director of Gazprom Neft, during the presentation of the icebreaker. - The oil of the Yamal Peninsula has been unavailable to the market for more than half a century due to lack of effective technologies its extraction and transportation possibilities. We have selected the necessary technological keys, created a unique scheme for the export of hydrocarbons from the Novoportovskoye field: along the Ob Bay, the Northern Sea Route. But to solve this problem, modern, powerful vessels are required. And such a vessel - the icebreaker "Alexander Sannikov" - was built by our partners. Soon we will start operating another icebreaker of the same series - Andrey Vilkitsky. In addition, Gazprom Neft continues to develop the Arctic tanker fleet, increase the resource base, increase production volumes. In the near future, the company will invest about 400 billion rubles in Yamal. What we are doing gives reason to believe that Gazprom Neft is the industry leader in the development of the Arctic. We see enormous potential in this region. We made a bet on him before others!

In the Arctic, Gazprom Neft is implementing three major projects: Novy Port and Messoyakha in the YaNAO, and Prirazlomnaya in the Pechora Sea. Shipment of Novoportovskaya oil through the Arctic Gates of the Arctic terminal, installed in the waters of the Gulf of Ob,
began in 2016, and now the field is increasing production annually.

In 2019, we plan to reach the volume of about 8 million tons of oil. In addition, Gazprom Neft received several additional license areas (geological exploration is currently underway on them). The plans include the construction of a gas pipeline from the Novoportovskoye field to Yamburg. We will invest about 75 billion rubles in this project,” added Vadim Yakovlev.

But back to the hero of these days, the icebreaker "Alexander Sannikov". According to Alexei Rakhmanov, President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, the new ship is the most powerful diesel-electric icebreaker in its class, which was built at Russian shipyards. “The share of domestic content in the project is especially important: metal, materials, navigation system, navigation bridge, generators - everything is ours. A multifunctional vessel allows you to solve a variety of tasks, up to rescuing people in emergency situations. Moreover, "Alexander Sannikov" provides the correct speed of penetration in ice - this is what the customer and navigators who work in northern latitudes need," Alexey Lvovich noted.

The name of Alexander Sannikov was given to the new icebreaker not by chance. Colleagues remember this man, an employee of Gazprom Neft, with warmth. Deputy General Director of the company for legal and corporate matters Elena Ilyukhina said that Alexander Leonidovich was a great professional, an excellent specialist, the owner of the best human qualities.

What's inside?

As Alexander Solovyov, General Director of the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant (this is an enterprise that is part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation and built a new icebreaker), emphasized, Alexander Sannikov is the result of the work of thousands of people, each of whom gave their knowledge and skills to the project.

The lead icebreaking support vessel is intended for operation near the Gates of the Arctic terminal in the area of ​​the Yamal Peninsula. There is a lot of work: duty, escorting tankers to the Northern Sea Route, assistance with mooring, loading and unloading, towing ships. But this is ahead, but for now, the Alexander Sannikov is laid up not far from the Blagoveshchensky Bridge. As they say, it rests - both before the season and after recent tests in the Baltic Sea, during which all the equipment and mechanisms of the ship were tested, including the possibility of the power plant to work without any human intervention in a 24-hour watchless mode.

Alexander Kiselev, the captain of the icebreaker, is not easy to persuade for an interview - he already has a lot of worries. But still, he shared his impressions:
- I am familiar with the Arctic - I came to this region as a sailor in 1991. My experience as a captain is over 15 years. I worked on different icebreakers, but "Alexander Sannikov" exceeded all expectations, conquered, honestly. It has excellent maneuverability characteristics: due to special electric motors, it makes a full turn on the spot in a minute. The dynamic positioning system allows you to stay in one point without deviation, if necessary during any operation. And it is controlled simply - joysticks.

First Officer Sergei Shchelokov led the guests along the "floors" of the ship. Boats are located above the main deck for clean-up operations. emergency situations, and spare propellers for propellers. Even higher is the captain's cabin. The surroundings are quite modest (nothing superfluous), but everything is certainly comfortable, pleasing to the eye. There is also an icon of Nikolai Ugodnik, the patron saint of sailors and travelers, which was presented to the team by Elena Ilyukhina, the godmother of the ship.

Let us add that both the Alexander Sannikov and Andrey Vilkitsky are designed taking into account the principle of zero discharge: solid and liquid waste will be stored on board and disposed of on shore.

At the end of July, the icebreaker with serial number 233 will go on the first working shift. As part of Gazprom Neft's Arctic Time program, he will lead tankers carrying unique oil from the Novoportovskoye field through the hard ice.