Essay on the topic teacher profession or vocation. A teacher is not a profession, but a calling Primary school teacher

Essay on the topic: “Is a teacher a profession or a calling?”

Parents give a person a body, God gives a soul,

and the goal and meaning of life is the Teacher.

(Eastern wisdom)

What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person.

What is a calling? The human race survives through labor, and therefore the practical application of forces and abilities, work, is almost the same for a person as life - “vital activity.” It is quite possible to say that a calling is a favorite thing. A matter in which a person lives his own life. Vocation is your personal meaning in life, transformed into a practical goal. Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession.

I think being a teacher is both a calling and a profession. A teacher is a person who is ready to give all of himself to children. This is when you go to work and realize that you want to go there.

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing between them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important.

Since ancient times, the teaching profession has been recognized as one of the most important and necessary.

Random people at school, as a rule, do not stay long. Great enthusiasts of their work work here. After all, a school is a living, integral organism that has a unique feature - the ability to push out those who are superfluous, leaving behind those who know how to sincerely love and empathize, be loyal friends and truly feel another person.

What is a profession for me? A profession is an activity through which you can realize yourself, experience a feeling of satisfaction from what you do, and feel needed and useful to society.

What does the teaching profession mean to me? This is a matter of my soul. Necessity and need are like food and air. There is no doubt that this is my life's work. Perhaps, if I had chosen another profession, it would also have become my favorite thing. In the present it is difficult to imagine.

What people dream of becoming: famous cosmonauts like Yuri Gagarin, brave firefighters, doctors to save hundreds of lives, singers to shine on stage, teachers to give knowledge... There are many professions, the main thing is not to make a mistake in your choice and dedicate your entire life to this profession. Not everyone can become a brilliant artist, great musician or actor. Not everyone can become a real teacher. At all times, a teacher is one of the most necessary and most difficult professions. By choosing it, a person connects his entire life with children. He not only teaches how to learn, not only conveys his knowledge, but also helps the child find himself in this complex world, influences his views, shapes his character and personality. Without a teacher you cannot become a good doctor, a pilot, or a military man.

In life you often hear that a person is faced with a choice: where to study, what profession to choose. For me, such a question has never arisen! I began to realize my calling as a child. I always knew that I would be a teacher. I couldn’t imagine myself in any other place. This is my family's business. Life motto: “I will be like my mother.”

Everything in our life begins from childhood. A teacher appeared in my life from the first days. This is not surprising, because the teacher is my mother, who worked at the school for 38 years. One day I asked her: “Mom, do you like your job?” And I heard:“I am a teacher and I am proud of it. It is this work that gives me joy, a feeling of fullness of life, a feeling of youth. There is no work in the world that is more important, more painful, more joyful, or more needed by people. She is the most noble and fascinating"
This is how my mother answered me. After all, I saw my mother “burning” at work. There is an expression “I give my heart to children” - this is about my mother and many teachers.
So, from childhood, I was “on fire” to become a teacher. I went to first grade. I liked studying. During lessons I watched the teacher and his gestures. Before I knew it, my school years flew by. I had no choice: where to go to study? Many people told me that being a teacher in our time is not prestigious; it is better to be an accountant or economist. I started studying to become a teacher anyway.Having received a higher pedagogical education, I immediately came to school: I couldn’t wait to get to work as soon as possible.

I'll write you a couple of lines

I'll tell all my friends about myself!

Name is Natalya, born in June

I love my job and my children!

In 1999, I studied in Stavropol

Graduated from university

And she became a teacher in our third school,

There is no sweeter or more beautiful one in the whole world!

A lot of time has passed since then, a lot has changed in my life, I already have 17 years of professional activity behind me. I myself stand in front of my students and teach them about life, I teach them what my teachers once taught me. And now I am a teacher! And not just a teacher, but the first teacher who enters the life of a small child and his family. Parents trust me with the most precious thing they have - their children. Every parent is concerned about how his child will do at school, what kind of relationships he will have with the teacher and peers, and how joyful and useful learning will be for him. And it depends on me, the first teacher, how the student’s school life will turn out. A teacher is not just a profession, but a whole life! It is a way of life, a way of thinking, a state of mind. This is a combination of professionalism and communication talent.

Nowadays, working at school is difficult, but interesting. You always have to not only teach others, but also constantly learn yourself. Schools use new ones: computers, interactive whiteboards,... We need to keep up with the times, so I study new programs, methods, and use information technology in the classroom.

School life draws you into a whirlpool of events, discoveries, emotions, squeezes you like a lemon, taking away your strength, and gives you a second wind, inspiring you to new achievements. And every time, when it seems there is no more strength left, a break comes - the long-awaited summer... At first you feel a feeling of bliss, familiar to every teacher. A school without schoolchildren... Peace and quiet... You can work on your developments, plans, submit all reports and documentation. But a strange thing... Soon you begin to miss the hubbub and children rushing like a whirlwind through the school corridors. Thoughts begin to come to mind about what interesting things to come up with for the class, where to go with the children next school year, or ideas on how to curb a bully. And the closer September 1st is, the more often such thoughts appear, often they even come in a dream...
Teacher... This word enters the consciousness of every person at an early age and remains there for life. The profession of a teacher is the most noble on Earth, because the teacher with his own hands creates the character, individuality, personality of the child and, ultimately, the future of his students. The teacher forms the foundation of their knowledge and skills, the foundations of their worldview, works for tomorrow, raising a citizen of his country.

I'am a teacher! And let in our time

It’s not at all fashionable to be a teacher,

I'am a teacher! And it's not a burden

Let them say otherwise, as much as they like.

And profession with a capital letter

I’m not singling out out of vanity,

I consider her the most glorious.

Why am I a teacher? I just love my job.I love my students: curious, inquisitive, doubtful, asking questions.Everyone has their own interests, their favorite activities, some have talent, and some are able to learn everything quickly and easily.One thing I am firmly convinced of is that a teacher is a person capable of doing the impossible for the sake of a child. Kindness should be the basis of pedagogical activity. And I can definitely say that if I were offered to start all over again, I would choose the life that I have been living for 17 years, because I would not be able to live without school, without these endless troubles, without my students.

Why am I a teacher?Now I can confidently say that this is exactly what I need.I am sure that every person will find his calling and will love his job, devote his whole life to it, it is only important to make the right choice, the choice of his profession!

Many people believe that teaching is a profession from God. It's not even a profession, it's a calling. Indeed, how many spiritual qualities should a person who wants to become a teacher unite in his character: strength of character, boundless patience, severity and gentleness, trust and the ability to be an example in everything. And most importantly - love, love for life, for the learning process, and above all, for children. L. Tolstoy also noted that a good teacher is one who combines love for his work and love for his students. Everything must start with love. It's impossible to do well what you don't love. You can't be captivated by something you don't love. But only passion, according to A. Einstein, moves a person towards knowledge. And who, if not an inquisitive, active, thinking, enthusiastic student, is the dream of every teacher?

Therefore, for me, love in the profession is primary; it is the key to the high educational and spiritual achievements of my students.

A profession is an activity through which you can realize yourself, experience a feeling of satisfaction from what you do, feel needed and useful to society and your country.

How much in a person’s life depends on who will be his teacher. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote that a student is a torch that needs to be lit. And only a real Teacher can do this. There is such a legend. When the teacher was born, three fairies flocked to his cradle. “You will be the wisest,” said the first fairy, “because all your life you will teach people.” “You will be the most beautiful,” said the second fairy, “because all your life you will be surrounded by youth and beauty.” “You will be the happiest,” said the third fairy, “because it is a great miracle and joy to make others happy and wise.”

Teacher! How difficult it is to carry this title with dignity throughout your entire life. What should a teacher be like? Firstly, a teacher must be a good psychologist who can look into the souls of his students. It is very important to become for children the person to whom they can open up. Secondly, the teacher must be a professional, always well prepared for the lesson, be erudite, know everything (and not only in his subject), and be ready to answer any child’s question. But the fact of the matter is that very often we are asked questions that are not entirely, and sometimes completely unrelated to the subject. And this is also the uniqueness of our profession. After all, they don’t ask, for example, a doctor about when to put a comma before “I”. And the teacher often deals with a variety of issues.

Teacher! He is always on the road -

In worries, searches, anxiety -

And there is never peace.

And a hundred questions are on the doorstep,

And you need to give the correct answer.

He judges himself more harshly than everyone else,

He is all earthly, but strives upward.

You can’t count, perhaps, how many destinies

Intertwined with his fate.

It is often said that all children are talented in their own way, and I think this is actually true. And the teacher, as an outstanding director, must reveal this sometimes very deeply hidden talent. And the teacher must be a role model not only internally, but also externally, so we must always look “excellent”: everything must be impeccable and beautiful - “...face, clothes, soul, and thoughts...”. Especially the soul.

The quality without which one cannot work in school is the good character of the teacher. The latter may be strict or not very strict, with a loud voice or with a soft timbre, but, above all, he must be a kind and generous person who has no bad thoughts or prejudices against children. Another important quality is politeness and tact in dealing with children.

Yes, life is not easy for teachers in our country. In general, it has never been easy for them. But perhaps it is precisely in such difficult conditions that the degree to which a person is devoted to his calling is tested?

Those who want to become a teacher in the future will have to go through a great school of life. And only those who feel a calling within themselves should choose this profession - to be a teacher, mentor, friend, adviser and example in everything. Considering the importance of the teaching profession, everyone who is preparing for it, first of all, must understand whether he has a calling for this type of activity. To have a calling means to be called. Who is calling us and to what? The calling of a teacher should be viewed as a gift. A sure sign of the gift of teaching is sincere love for children, love for teaching, and especially the joy and pleasure that a teacher experiences in his work.

Other positions and titles may attract with their benefits and amenities. The title of teacher does not promise either one or the other - it is the title of missionary. The teacher does not belong to himself. He devotes not only his personal time, but also all his strength, all his energy, all his abilities, all his thoughts, all of himself to school. And only those who give themselves completely will be able to overcome all difficulties and will be rewarded with the love of children, respect and cordial affection of parents, inner joy and pride in their work. A teacher is a profession of the soul. It makes it possible to live in the country of childhood, in the world of a child, to speak the same language with children, to understand them. And it’s so interesting and so fragile! In my opinion, the worst thing in the teaching profession is indifference to children. After all, a child cannot be deceived. That is why “teacher” for me is not a profession, not a job, not a hobby - it is my calling, my life’s work, the meaning of my life, a special state of mind, a way of life and thoughts, it is my work, it is my whole life.

The essence of teaching

Multifaceted, but simple:

Someone entrusted us to build

Soul from scratch.

If a physician treats a body,

The result is soon visible,

And teaching is

The years promise to evaluate.

A teacher's life is like a book -

Like the page, so is the plot.

There shouldn't be any bends here

Our most important subject is

These are little children

Life handed us a ticket,

The most important on the planet,

And it doesn’t get any more expensive!

The meaning of teaching work -

Teach and educate

Showing tact, care,

Give away everything you know.

And what a miracle it will be

If your student,

Saying: “I won’t forget you”

Gives you a high five in your diary.


My calling is Teacher!

Children must be loved with all our hearts...

Sh. A. Amonashvili

Childhood is the most important period of human life. And how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this, to a decisive extent, determines what kind of person he will become.It all starts from childhood. And childhood - from family and school. The family is, first of all, the mother, and the school is the teacher. Within the walls of the school, one generation is replaced by another, views, tastes, fashion, people, and power change. But the teacher always remains the main person in the school.

Is a teacher a job, a profession, a position, a philosophy or a vocation?

Not everyone can become a brilliant artist, great musician or actor. Not everyone can become a real teacher. At all times, a teacher is one of the most necessary and most difficult professions. By choosing it, a person connects his entire life with children. He not only teaches how to learn, not only conveys his knowledge, but also helps the child find himself in this complex world, influences his views, shapes his character and personality. Without a teacher you cannot become a good doctor, a pilot, or a military man.

Recently, a lot has been written and talked about the need to turn each lesson into a process of active and creative learning, during which children discover the wonderful world of spiritual values. More and more foreign teachers are gaining recognition in modern society, and I believe that our heritage is the richest! Our country has always been famous for its teachers. L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky,

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, Sh.A. Amonashvili is the pride of pedagogical science, people who have devoted their lives to the difficult task of raising and teaching children. Their work deserves sincere recognition and gratitude. Maybe foreign teachers are good, but Russia has its own culture, its own values, its own rich pedagogical experience.

L.N. Tolstoy ardently defended the need for the most careful, attentive attitude of the teacher to the personality of the child, his needs and interests, to his creativity and curiosity, he always strived to take into account the individual characteristics and inclinations of children, to develop their creative powers, using a wide variety of means of influence both in the learning process and and outside of school hours. It was this part of Tolstoy’s pedagogical theory and practice that was especially valuable for the development of Russian pedagogy.

K.D. Ushinsky argued that the education system develops and strengthens the most valuable moral qualities in children: patriotism, national pride, love of work.

A.S. Makarenko persistently searched for forms of organizing children's institutions that would correspond to the humane goals of pedagogy and contribute to the formation of a creative, purposeful personality.

The most important thing for V.A. Sukhomlinsky was to raise a Man. From the first days of the “School of Joy”, the great teacher sought to introduce into the team a spirit of family cordiality, sincerity, responsiveness, mutual trust, and help. Sukhomlinsky argued that if a child grows up in an atmosphere of heartlessness, he becomes indifferent to goodness and beauty.

Sh. A. Amonashvili: “You need to love children with all your heart, and in order to love them like that, you need to learn from them how to show this love. Every interaction between a child and his teacher should instill joy and optimism in him.”

I believe that a modern Russian teacher should take truths from the experience of these teachers, because they are real teachers, and they really gave their hearts to children. I think that everyone, if he wants to be a teacher, first of all, he must feel and understand children, and then the children will love their teacher and school.

In life you often hear that a person is faced with a choice: where to study, what profession to choose. For me, such a question has never arisen! I began to understand my calling as a child. I always knew that I would be a teacher. I couldn’t imagine myself in any other place. From early childhood, my favorite pastime was playing “teacher.” I played with my friends and “back to school” dolls. In class I was successful and active in the lessons, and after that I imagined myself in the role of a teacher: I tinkered with the kids from the class I supervised, “pulled up” those lagging behind. How good and fun it was then! It was an unforgettable time! School became a second home for me. I really enjoyed coming up with scripts, performing at amateur art shows, and taking part in classroom and school activities. In a word, my activity was so vigorous that the school teachers had no doubt at all that after finishing my studies, I would return to school. And after a while the game turned into reality. I became a teacher.

With great respect, I remember Tatyana Nikolaevna Korableva, a mathematics teacher at the Shatsk secondary school, who devoted herself to her favorite work for many years. Love and wisdom, professionalism and creativity, a smile and a good mood were her distinctive features. Kind and serious, attentive and fair, smart and beautiful, thoughtful and creative, she saw and respected each student as an individual. There was always an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual understanding in the lessons. Feeling a kind attitude towards themselves, the students responded to her in kind, sharing with her their joys, sorrows, dreams and plans. And how she explained the educational material! You will listen! She passed on to the children not only knowledge, but also her kindness and optimism. I can safely say that her students received a piece of their teacher’s soul as a gift. We were her own children. And she was a real teacher for us.

Probably, from that time on, I truly fell in love with my profession, which became the meaning of my life. Respectfully remembering all my teachers, I now understand that it is not easy to be a real professional, how much work and patience is needed to raise thoughtful young people striving for their goals from small, naughty ones.

My dear teachers, I am eternally grateful to all of you. God gave me a gift and talent, and by your example you taught me to be a teacher.

A lot of time has passed since then, a lot has changed in my life, I already have 17 years of professional activity behind me, I myself stand in front of my students and teach them about life, I teach them what my teachers once taught me.

Children enter the classroom with boundless trust and sincere joy. I peer into children's faces, listen to everyone, answer questions... My dear students! You are the best children in the world. You are active, open, friendly, believe in goodness, justice, and happiness. The bell rings and the eyes of my students turn to me. Their bright, clear eyes, curious, kind, believing, appreciating my every step. And there is silence in the class. The children sit with their arms folded obediently, ready at any moment to raise them and answer my question.

I always try to start the school day with a greeting. I tell the guys that I’m very glad to see them again. And I see their shining eyes. Now you can start the lesson. It's nice to see hands raised. How they try to please me with their answers. My dear students! Each of you is unique, each is a personality. You have so much sincerity and naivety. Your soul is still so pure and fresh.
A child’s smile and a child’s success bring me joy! A child’s victory becomes my victory, his joy becomes my joy. I always strive to know what my students live and are interested in. All this does not require much time, it just requires attention. Real, sincere love for children is sometimes capable of real miracles. I try to find an individual approach to each student, because every child is naturally talented, and the teacher’s task is to help the talent reveal itself. Children of primary school age are emotional and sensitive, and in order for them to enjoy school, you need to give them all the strength and love of your soul, study with them, live by their interests and dreams. Only then will the child reveal his soul to the teacher and justify all his hopes. I love everyone equally, I try to give everyone a piece of my soul, love and attention.

So, I am the first teacher who enters the life of a child and his family. Parents trust me with the most precious thing they have - their children. There is probably not a single parent in the world who would not care about how his child will study at school, what kind of relationship he will have with the teacher, with his peers, and how joyful and useful learning will be for him. And it depends on me, the first teacher, how his school life will turn out. For many years I will be invisibly present in the family of every student. And perhaps I will become their good friend for life. I know what I need to strive for in my work, in my life…. I'am a teacher! Every day I open the school door and come to class in order to teach children to achieve success without losing their moral guidelines: kindness, conscience, honor. Sometimes it can be very difficult. Sometimes I just give up, but every time I analyze the situation, I look for ways to solve it and continue to move forward with new strength. I teach children kindness, caring for those around them, and respect for other people. I try to develop in students such character traits that will help them become individuals and worthy citizens of their country. I try to educate

love and respect for the native land, native street, feelings of joy for the achievements of one’s country.

A child is the most important value in my work.

Of course, without a calling in the profession, effective teaching activity is impossible. This is a profession of the soul. It gives you the opportunity to be in the country of childhood, in the world of a child, to speak the same language with children, to understand them. And it’s so interesting and fragile! In my opinion, the worst thing in the teaching profession is indifference to children. After all, a child cannot be deceived. During my work at school, I understood one thing - children should not be deceived under any circumstances, they should not be pretended. You also need to be sincere and open with them. And then you will win their hearts. They recognize falsehood and react sharply to inattention, so the teacher in any situation must be honest with his students, the teacher must master his subject perfectly, be able to make each of his lessons interesting, effective, and most importantly, memorable. A teacher must love every student equally: noisy and quiet, obedient and capricious, well-groomed and sloppy, pretty and not so pretty. For the simple reason that they, the students, are children. If a teacher is indifferent to the child’s inner world, to his experiences, he has no place in school, even if he knows his subject perfectly.

So what does it mean to be a real teacher? First of all, I must answer this question for myself.

Find joy and satisfaction in everyday work. Empathize with children's successes and failures. Love and enjoy communicating with children. Be a problem solver and find ways to achieve goals. Helping every child learn and grow. Search and find new methods and forms of work. Realize the enormous responsibility. To be a teacher is to create the future.

I am a happy man. I do what I like.

“Teacher” for me is not a profession, not a job, not a hobby. For me

“teacher” is my calling, my life’s work, the meaning of my life, a special state of mind, way of life and thoughts, this is my work, this is life.

Teaching is one of the most difficult professions in the world. Anyone who has chosen the path of a teacher must devote himself entirely to education, otherwise he will not be able to instill in his students a love of knowledge. Not everyone is able to become a teacher, because to do this you need not only to get an education, but also to have a genuine desire for the profession.

So a teacher is more of a calling than a specialty. You must always remember this, and only after realizing the full depth of this statement, decide whether it is worth becoming a teacher at all.

Who is a teacher?

It would seem that everyone knows, After all, we all had our own primary school teacher, Trudovik, physicist and even a life safety teacher. It just so happens that education is now given to everyone, regardless of their race, gender and religion. And this, of course, is good, because without knowledge, he is not much different from his distant ancestors, who ran after a mammoth with a spear.

But what is it like to be a teacher? Just imagine the responsibility that falls on his shoulders, because the quality of knowledge depends on his teaching skills. And if he fails to cope with his task, then it turns out that his students are not ready for further tests.

So the teacher is, first of all, the link that connects the modern education system and the minds of the students. He, like a jeweler creating works of art from uncut stones, step by step turns inexperienced children into full-fledged citizens.

How to become a teacher?

Even if a teacher is a calling, a person without a proper diploma will not be allowed anywhere near the school. Therefore, the question is justified: “Where can I get a pedagogical education?”

Well, let's start in order:

  • In the hierarchy of the educational system, teacher training colleges are at the top. Here you can get a diploma as a teacher or primary school teacher.
  • Secondary technical education is responsible for producing specialists who teach general developmental subjects. For example, music, physical education or special preschool education.
  • Universities are an ideal place for those who want to teach at school. Among other things, here you can also receive education as a psychologist. In general, graduates are divided into bachelors and masters, while the second category is one step higher and provides much more privileges.
  • The final stage is postgraduate and doctoral studies. A person who has received this title has every right to teach in higher educational institutions, as well as work on various research projects.

Disadvantages of the teacher profession

But, before moving on to describing the advantages of this profession, we should dwell on its disadvantages. After all, no matter how you look at it, being a teacher is a job that is not suitable for everyone.

The biggest danger lies in the fact that teachers are regularly exposed to emotional shocks. Disobedient students, changes in the educational system, dissatisfied parents, the need for constant control over the situation - all this leads to stress. And if the teacher does not learn to suppress it, then soon he may develop depression and aversion to work.

Another disadvantage is low wages. Since teachers are supported by the state, quite often they experience budget deficits. This problem is especially acute in establishments that are located in small towns and cities.

Advantages of this profession

Probably the most positive thing is the opportunity to reach your potential. After all, working as a teacher, a person constantly improves himself. Each new day will be different from the previous one, as children will always find a way to excel.

And the working conditions are very attractive. Whether it's rain, snow or cold wind, the teacher will always be in a warm room. The working day is determined by the number of lessons allocated, and therefore quite often fluctuates between 6-8 hours. What can we say about vacation, which always falls in the summer and lasts a month and a half.

Prestige is also an important factor. After all, their work serves for the benefit of society, therefore, society itself is grateful to them for this.

Primary school teacher

In primary school, all responsibility for raising children falls on the shoulders of their leader. He is their language teacher, mathematician, and even psychologist. Therefore, this position is extremely important in terms of primary education.

It is these teachers who give children basic knowledge. Moreover, it is they who must instill in their students a thirst for knowledge. To convey to them how important studying is in order to achieve the desired heights in the future.

Humanities and exact disciplines

In general, teachers can be divided into three large groups:

  • General developmental. For example, a music teacher, art teacher, physical education teacher, and so on.
  • Humanities. Russian language, history, philosophy.
  • Accurate. Teacher of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the like.

Having chosen a path for himself in the world of pedagogy, a person will have to follow it to the end. After all, retraining will take a lot of time, unless, of course, these are related areas, for example, a Russian language teacher and, say, a literature teacher.

Choosing a place to work

As for the place of work, it all depends on education. The higher the rank of a teacher, the more opportunities are open to him.

As for payment, teachers who practice in private and elite schools come first. Then come teachers in universities and colleges, then school workers, and so on. However, much depends on the subject itself and the number of hours allocated.

Also in this profession there is an opportunity. Let's say, the same math or English teacher can work as a tutor. Moreover, sometimes such activities bring in much more income than the main job.

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important. What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person. What is a calling? Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession. A person’s calling is an inner voice that calls for oneself. The words calling, calling, call have the same root. A person’s vocation is a guideline for choosing a life path. Not everyone succeeds in finding their true path in life, their calling.




Educator: profession or vocation?

A teacher is a profession and a calling! It is no coincidence that I combine both these words. Distinguishing them is like trying to determine which side of a coin is more important.

What is a profession? A profession is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities inherent in a particular person.

What is a calling? Vocation is an inclination, an internal attraction to some business, some profession. A person’s calling is an inner voice that calls for oneself. The words calling, calling, call have the same root. A person’s vocation is a guideline for choosing a life path. Not everyone succeeds in finding their true path in life, their calling. The work of a teacher is based on love and kindness. It is on them that our planet Earth rests.

The teacher must be passionate about his work - only in this case will he be able to really teach something. The ability to find contact with those you teach is also a mandatory feature of a teacher. And of course, innate calm, boundless patience and an inexhaustible sense of humor are very important in this profession. The ability and desire to learn throughout life is a mandatory quality of a true educator.

Considering the importance of the profession, everyone who is preparing for it, first of all, must understand whether they have a calling for this type of activity. To have a calling means to be called. Who is calling us and to what?

The calling of an educator should be viewed as a gift. A sure sign of a gift is sincere love for children, love for work, and especially the joy and pleasure that a teacher experiences in his work.

Other positions and titles may attract with their benefits and amenities. The educational title does not promise either one or the other - this is the title of missionary. The teacher does not belong to himself. Not only his time, but also all his strength, all his energy, his abilities, all his thoughts, all of himself, he devotes to work. A teacher who has a calling will be able to overcome all difficulties and will be rewarded with the love of children, the respect and cordial disposition of parents, and inner joy.

A kindergarten for a child is a second home where he lives, spends most of his time, this is the world in which he lives. And to a large extent it depends on me whether the child will fall in love and will happily run to kindergarten.

The vocation of a teacher is to open the world for children, the world of fantasy, creativity, fairy tales, the world of colors, sounds and music. A child’s raised hand is a signal to the teacher, I trust you, I believe you, we are together.

We must be able to see the best that is in children, and help them see the best in themselves. Thanks to the teacher, children’s talents are also revealed: the ability to sing and dance, to achieve sports or artistic skills. How does a child grow up? Will he become a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person? This largely depends on me, on everyday work, tact and spiritual generosity.

You need to demand from children only what you can serve as an example for them. In order to teach a child something new, to cultivate good qualities in him, the teacher himself must possess them. A.S. said this very accurately. Makarenko:>.

I think being a teacher is a calling and a profession. This is a person who is ready to give all of himself to children. This is when you go to work and realize that you want to go there. Why? To communicate with children, because you know that every day will bring both the children and you something new and interesting.

A teacher is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches and helps to understand the world around us. I consider it my duty to pass on to my children, to instill in them the positive spiritual qualities that I myself possess. And these qualities, in my opinion, develop through love for the Motherland, for nature.

I love my profession very much, despite the fact that it is complex and difficult, it is always wonderful! And every day seeing the joyful, mischievous, inquisitive eyes of my children, I myself forget all my problems! After all, what could be more wonderful than returning to childhood every day!

Svetlana Badovskaya
Article “Profession “teacher”: by vocation or? ..."

Profession« Teacher» - "By vocation, or?."

“We teach our children first. Then we ourselves learn from them. Those who do not want to do this are behind their times.”

Jan Rainis

One of the most difficult professions in the world - teacher!

Probably not everyone is capable become a teacher, because this is not for you just need to get a higher education, and it is also necessary to have a genuine desire for professions. He who has chosen the path of a teacher devotes himself entirely to education, otherwise he would not be able to instill in his students a love of knowledge.

At a new stage of time, when the speed of development of science and technology determines the tasks of education, it is necessary to constantly learn everything: And For teachers, and Students. And first of all learn build fruitful interpersonal relationships with each other.

Real Teacher grows and develops together with students, taking them into the world of the unknown. Every child has abilities and talents. And for them to open, it is necessary to master the ways, methods, techniques of the mind, soul and high Spirit!

Teacher in a modern school there is not a single source of information with a single correct point of view. Therefore, he accepts the position of a person in the person of the student, his personal opinion, his point of view, his position, which often differs from others.

Love children "convenient" who don’t contradict anyone, sit quietly, get good grades - you don’t need a lot of intelligence and strength.

Necessary learn to love those too, who contradicts, who loses interest in learning, who does not want to go to school.

These truisms should be understood by teachers of schools and universities, as well as students who have chosen this noblest and most difficult profession.

Why do you often hear from schoolchildren: - Yes, some new teacher, young and angry. He yells at us, forces us to redo the work a hundred times, and cleans up the work area after everyone. The old man was kind and never yelled at us, even when we were late...

If you turn to statistics quality of the educational process in universities over a decade and a half, we can trace the trend of growth in commercial education and a decrease in the budgetary provision of universities by the state. What are the consequences of such trends? Is quality teaching possible in schools if "paid" diplomas and weak vocational training.

Here is a review from a parent of one of the city schools about teacher professionalism: - Yes, Lord, what will you take from her? I graduated from college in absentia for money, haven’t read a single book, and still give my child a C...

What do we have today?

Definitely a low level professional training of young specialists is due to an increase in the volume of commercial training for students! Hence the low level of competition among students entering the university. They take everyone in a row so that when it is really necessary study, many "weeded out". But global "dropouts" does not happen, since many universities have established a system for purchasing grades. Every year, issue after issue, a huge number of so-called specialists appear, including teachers, but only a few come to school, and even then without the necessary knowledge, talent and desire. Future university students are oriented in advance to the wave of commercial relations between teacher and student.

Arriving at school, a young teacher finds himself in a world of unknown relationships. teacher-student, teachers-teachers, head teacher and director, teacher-state. Lots of advice and recommendations from senior colleagues and administration, first failures and despair. How to build your pedagogical destiny in the flow of events and information boom, decide on the manner of communication with students and colleagues, and correctly navigate the process of creating your pedagogical credo?

You have to answer many questions, first of all, yourself.

How, you ask?

V. G. Belinsky said: “Without striving for something new, there is no life, no development, no progress”. These words were spoken a long time ago. But it seems to me that these words are about him, about modern teacher, about teacher who strives forward, who is ready to master everything new, innovative and successfully apply it in the practice of his work.

Modern society is inextricably linked with the process of informatization. Life itself forces us to actively use information and computer technologies (ICT) in the educational process.

The child’s brain, tuned to receiving knowledge in the form of entertainment programs on television, perceives the proposed teacher information using ICT. Hence, to the teacher It is necessary to master not only modern methods, but also new educational technologies in order to communicate in the same language with the child and continuously developing computer technologies. Before teacher The task is to educate children in such a way that they can quickly and flexibly respond to changing conditions, be able to detect new problems and tasks, and find ways to solve them.

A student of the 21st century, who came to school from the modern world, focused mainly on material values, is immersed in a completely different world - a world with predominant spiritual guidelines. Some guys express violent protest, others adapt to the demands of the school.

To the teacher It is necessary to show maximum patience and understanding, constantly improve your own level of education and organize the educational process in such a way that each student feels comfortable.

It’s difficult to be like this if you weren’t taught at university to think, search, study!

Is there a way out of this situation? Is the state ready? admit failure of the predominance of commercial education and outline ways to solve the problem? It is very difficult to answer this question.

But to answer the question: "What teacher is a calling or a diploma specialty?”, I’ll still try.

Let's try to figure out whether it is necessary vocation in the chosen profession or enough marks in the diploma of specialization.

And what is it vocation?

An inclination, an internal attraction to some matter, some professions, when you have or are convinced that you have the necessary abilities, there is vocation. Can you feel vocation to science, vocation to the music and follow your vocation.

At any profession is very important so that a person loves his work and receives spiritual satisfaction from it.

While working as a music director in a preschool educational institution, I met a very interesting person and a good teacher, Shulga Lyudmila Petrovna. Lyudmila Petrovna dreamed from early childhood become teacher and devoted her entire adult life to raising children in a preschool institution. Many dozens of grateful students remember with warmth and tenderness the years spent next to Lyudmila Petrovna. Why did this extraordinary woman and teacher fall so deeply into the hearts of her students?

To understand this, you need to be around for as long as possible and have the opportunity to observe the continuous pedagogical process, which is built on inspired creativity. These include extraordinary activities, creative projects and research together with parents, magical scenarios for fairy tales and show productions, and puppet shows before bedtime. And, of course, as a result - the excellent knowledge of the lucky children who attend group No. 9 every day under the simple name "Rocket".

Yes, this is exactly the case when They say: "Works according to vocation.

But why do they say this about rare teachers? What is the secret and magic of the real and talented teachers?

Maybe in his appearance, or in his rich arsenal of knowledge. Or maybe he was in the right place at the right time and was lucky?

How to figure it out? What is the guarantee that you will succeed as teacher?

Maybe it's good to know your subject? Skillfully use didactic and methodological developments? Love children?

Or maybe you need to be able to communicate competently and effectively?

Is there something more important and something less important from the above listed in teacher profession? Many and many teachers They know their subject well, know how to use the teaching methods of the subject, love children, but do not feel satisfaction from the work they do. We often hear that the reasons for this dissatisfaction are low wages teachers. It's hard to disagree. But let’s imagine that the situation changes magically and you and I receive a decent salary, won’t all the problems that torment us disappear from our school life? Is it possible to say that there is a secret in the amount of money we receive? professional excellence?

The educational process at school is a complex system of pedagogical interaction. Pedagogical axiom reads: may be professor in the field of its subject, but if there is no relationship between teacher and students, there will be no educational results.

A teacher is a representative of the profession, which refers to the “man-man” system, and therefore, no matter what he does while fulfilling his professional responsibilities, he has to interact, communicate with other people. The more effective teacher knows how to organize this interaction, the more pleasure he receives from the results and the labor process itself. The transition to personality-oriented learning, based on respect for the child’s personality, knowledge of his characteristics and the construction of education taking into account the characteristics and needs of each, requires a change in the style of relationships between the teacher and students. Relationships are as important as lesson rules. Mastering the rules of relationships is possible only in practical activities; it is necessary to analyze actions more often, conduct self-reflection on pedagogical activities, and then what is called cooperation in pedagogy, an active type of interaction, will gradually form and develop.

Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the more information, methods and tools he uses in his work teacher The more diligently he analyzes his teaching activities, the greater the effect of his work. After all, not even the most modern computer and the fastest Internet will provide to the teacher the main thing is the ability to create, study, work on yourself, experiment and share your knowledge and experience acquired in the process of self-education. Then, probably, many years later about this the teacher will be told: « Teacher from God! How lucky we are!”