What are the timeframes for planning cargo transportation? Freight planning

One of the important aspects of the cargo transportation process is planning. This procedure is necessary for the successful implementation of a particular project. After all, it is precisely the precise study of all stages of cargo transportation that can guarantee the absence of any problems throughout the entire transport process.

As a rule, the logistics department is involved in planning the transportation of goods. Not all companies involved in transportation are able to have their own specialists involved in logistics. Various organizations professionally engaged in such activities come to their rescue. Traditionally, the cargo transportation planning procedure is usually divided into several stages:

1. Measurement (determination of cargo parameters)

The length, width, height, weight, and design features of the cargo being transported are taken into account. Thanks to the data obtained, specialists can classify the cargo into a certain class - oversized, heavy, dangerous, etc.

2. Selecting a carrier (vehicle)

Depending on the characteristics that the cargo will have and what class it will be assigned to, logisticians select the appropriate transport. For example, for the transportation of oversized cargo, trawls or low-loading platforms are most often chosen, for transporting boxes, cylinders, etc. Covered wagons, trucks and gazelles are best suited. The choice of transport is based on the goals of economy and expediency. Agree, it’s stupid to use a huge truck to transport three boxes, or try to squeeze non-standard-sized cargo into a gazelle.

3. Planning a route

By the way, the choice of transport also depends to some extent on the characteristics of the route. Drawing up a route, namely laying a path from the place of loading of goods to the place of unloading, is necessary in order to calculate the time it will take for transportation, as well as to anticipate possible difficulties. When drawing up a route, various factors are taken into account - season, type of carrier, likelihood of vehicle repairs and traffic jams, etc.

4. Organization of support

In this case, the question of whether cargo escort is necessary is decided. As a rule, security is mandatory in the case of transportation of dangerous and some types of oversized cargo. Employees of private security companies or representatives of the traffic police may be involved in the escort.

5. Loading

At first glance, it seems that this stage is not necessary to plan, but this is not entirely true. There are often cargoes that must be dismantled before loading. And this procedure can take a lot of time, as a result of which the carrier may fall behind the delivery schedule. To prevent this from happening, the loading procedure must be planned down to the smallest detail.

Video: Rental of special equipment and cargo transportation services without intermediaries!

The main task of freight transportation planning is to establish upcoming volumes, structure and directions. The volume of work of rolling stock, operating costs and revenues of roads, as well as the contingent depend on the size of transportation. The structure of cargo transportation and turnover determines the need for different types of cars and the size of the supply of new rolling stock. A correctly drawn up transportation plan is the most important condition for the high quality of the entire transport plan. Therefore, on the basis of the transportation plan, the indicators of all other sections are essentially determined, i.e. rolling stock operating plan, operating cost plan, labor plan, logistics plan, etc.

In terms of transportation, we can highlight:

    volume indicators (departure, reception, arrival, delivery, transportation, cargo turnover);

    qualitative indicators (average transportation distance, average traffic density, net cargo turnover).

Departure(loading) is determined by summing the size of the departure (loading) for all stations and sections of the road.

Reception of cargo from other road sections is also calculated by summing up the size of cargo acceptance from other road sections at all junction points.

Arrival(unloading) and change cargo along the road section are determined by summing up in the same way as departure and reception.

Transportation- an indicator that determines the volume of transport products. They can be determined in two ways: by summing the departure and reception from other branches of the road or as the sum of arrival and delivery to other branches of the road.

Transportation is distributed by type of message:

    local- transportation between stations within the road;

    export- dispatch of goods to other sections of the road (defined as the difference between departure and local traffic);

    import- arrival of goods from other sections of the road (defined as the difference between arrival and local traffic);

    transit- transportation of goods received from other sections of the road and passing through this section of the road to other sections of the road.

Transit can be defined in several ways: reception minus import, or delivery minus export, or the total volume of transportation minus other types of traffic (import, export, local).

Planning transportation by type of message is necessary for the correct calculation of wagon turnover, as well as operating costs and income of the road department, because the road department does not perform the same number of operations related to the transportation of goods in different messages.

The correctness of the calculations for drawing up a transportation plan can be checked for individual stations and the road section as a whole.

Checking by stations and sections: .

loading + receiving = unloading + delivery

Road separation check:

unloading + delivery to other departments = loading + reception from other departments.

In the freight transportation plan, freight flows (density of traffic) are also established by area - general and by direction (there and back).

The densities are equal to the arithmetic mean of the densities at the entrance and exit of the site in each direction.

The product of the density of cargo traffic by the length of the section gives the volume of cargo turnover along the section. Freight turnover along a road section is determined as the sum of the amounts of freight turnover for individual sections. Net cargo turnover

– an important indicator of the transportation plan because it characterizes the useful work of transportation. Average density, or average load intensity

is the average freight traffic passing through a unit of line length per unit of time (year). It is equal to the net freight turnover of the road divided by the operational length of the road section. Average transportation distance

Any customer, turning to the services of a cargo carrier, expects that the process of transporting cargo will be carried out within the specified time frame. Delays or postponements in the process of cargo transportation play a negative role. Violation of delivery deadlines sometimes entails a shift in the delivery time of goods along the entire chain of participants in the transaction. For example, when ordering delivery of a batch of perfumes by February 14, the client plans to start selling goods in advance, on the 10th. If, through the fault of the cargo carrier, the goods are delivered on February 15, the whole point of planning trading activities is lost. The profit received by the client will be far from expected.

To ensure timely delivery of goods, as well as to retain customers, transportation planning is necessary. The first stage of planning is collecting data about the cargo being transported (name, volume, weight, features of transporting the goods). It is especially important to clarify with the customer the specific features of the cargo being transported. If the goods are classified as perishable, delivery must be carried out as quickly as possible, subject to a certain temperature regime. These conditions are met only when transporting perishable goods by special types of vehicles (refrigerators or vans with isothermal booths).

The transport of types of cargo such as oversized cargo or dangerous goods and toxic waste must be carefully planned. transported taking into account many factors, ranging from the quality of the roadway, the presence of power lines and tunnels along the way, to weather conditions. When transporting oversized cargo, special vehicles are used. This could be an onboard long length.

Transportation of dangerous goods by road must be carried out in compliance with all safety precautions. The negligent attitude of a cargo carrier can lead to damage to the environment, as well as the life and health of citizens.

Based on the received data about the cargo, a vehicle for transportation is selected. Small consignments of goods weighing up to 1.5 tons can be transported using light-duty freight transport. Motor vehicles can have either an open or closed body, and the body can also be isothermal. Larger loads are transported on vehicles with increased carrying capacity. Transportation of hazardous waste and petroleum products requires the use of specialized vehicles equipped with additional safety systems.

Transportation planning includes not only the selection of the appropriate type of transport, but also the detailed development of the route, regardless of what type of cargo will be transported. A well-planned route can save time and nerves for all participants in the cargo transportation process. The dispatcher or forwarder will not have to rack his brains over the difficulties that arose during the road transportation process; the client will be satisfied with the efficient work of the transport organization. A separate item in planning the upcoming delivery of cargo is such items as cargo insurance, as well as the possibility of accompanying it. Before transportation begins, these points must be discussed with the customer and the result recorded in the service agreement.

How to plan transport needs based on calculations of freight flows and cargo turnover (passenger transportation)?

How to organize uninterrupted supply of production processes with vehicles?

At a transport enterprise, the formation of a production activity plan is based on calculating the need for vehicles to fulfill the supply plan or transportation plan. Let's consider one of the options for calculating the need for vehicles to ensure a transport plan.

The calculation of any production plan should begin with an implementation plan. At a transport enterprise, this is a supply plan or a transport services plan, which is formed on the basis of concluded contracts for the provision of transport services. Let's assume that at the transport enterprise considered in our example, a transport service plan is formed on the basis of a plan for the supply of goods and the transportation of passengers to their destination (see the table in Fig. 1).

As you can see, the company carries out two types of transportation: cargo transportation and passenger transportation. Data on the transportation of goods and passengers is reflected in the range of cells H5:Q22. They will be used for further calculations as initial ones. The initial data for further calculations are also data on the distance to the destination (cell range H5:H22).

Rice. 1. Supply plan

Based on data on the distance to the destination (see table in Fig. 1), as well as additional initial data on the average speed along the way and the time for loading and unloading (unloading), we calculate the time it will take to make one planned trip.

To calculate the time for one trip, the following initial data are required:

  • average transportation speed;
  • standard estimated time required for loading and unloading cargo or unloading passengers;
  • distance to destination.

Rice. 2. Calculation of time for 1 trip

The next step towards calculating the need for the number of vehicles to carry out planned transportation is calculating the number of trips.

When calculating the number of trips, we needed a new important indicator as initial data - carrying capacity. In our example, in the case of cargo transportation, this indicator means the maximum weight of cargo that can be transported by a freight transport of a certain category used for a specific customer; in the case of passenger transportation, the maximum number of passengers excluding the driver intended for transportation by a bus assigned to the customer of this type of transportation .

Next, using the data obtained, we will calculate the required number of machine hours to fulfill the delivery and transportation plan. Pay attention to the table in Fig. 4. Here, in the range of cells H71:Q88, the time required to complete scheduled tasks is calculated.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the features of the calculations presented in the article, and first of all to the fact that the transport enterprise considered in our example operates in one shift. This can be seen from the column “Shift” (table in Fig. 5.1). Further, in our calculation it is assumed that the delivery time is not regulated, that is, it does not matter by what time the cargo or passengers will be delivered. The following assumption: the average speed of the vehicle is the same regardless of the day of the week and the time of transportation. And finally, each consumer of transport services is assigned a specific (one or several units) vehicle. If any of these assumptions are not met, then the calculation must be more detailed.


Transport operations are very important in the production process. Optimizing the use of vehicles is an important condition for reducing production costs and reducing production cycle times. Of course, the simple example of calculating the need for vehicles discussed in the article cannot be a regulation, but it can become the basis for developing your own calculation methodology.

O. S. Ilyushina,
Leading Economist of Spetsneftetrans CJSC

The material is published partially. You can read it in full in the magazine

Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation

Classification of transportation and transported goods

Classification of freight transport and transported goods

Tasks of Cargo and Commercial work.

Logistics, cargo and commercial work

Logistics is the process of planning, executing and controlling the cost-effective flow of inventories of raw materials, materials, work in progress, finished goods, services and related information from the point of its origin to the point of consumption (including imports, exports, internal and external movements) for complete meeting consumer requirements.

In other words:

Logistics is the effective management of material and related flows.

Logistics optimizes the next chain

· supply;

· production;

· transportation;

· service;

· distribution and sales;

Freight and commercial work can be considered as an integral part of the logistics process.

1. Operational planning of cargo transportation.

2. Registration and recording of all documents related to the acceptance, delivery, processing and processing of goods.

3. Reception, delivery, storage, loading of cargo into wagons and unloading, sorting along the route.

4. Mechanization of loading and unloading operations at all stages of cargo movement.

5. Organization of package and container transportation.

6. Organization of transportation involving several modes of transport (intermodal and multimodal transportation).

7. Tariffs and payments for the transportation of goods.

8. Lease and contract business.

9. Interaction with non-public railway tracks.

10. Preparation of proposals for the rules and conditions of cargo transportation, as well as technical conditions for placing and securing cargo in wagons and containers.

11. Operation of warehouse and weighing facilities.

12. Freight forwarding services.

13. Organization of transportation of perishable goods.

14. Ensuring the safety of goods and speeding up their delivery.

1. Improving technology to increase profits and reduce transportation costs.

2. Increasing the safety of transported goods

3. Compliance with established delivery times

4. Transportation safety

5. Branded transport service

6. Reducing costs by improving the use of carrying capacity and capacity of cars, concentration of cargo work, comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, routing of transportation, implementation of automated control systems

7. Effective interaction with other modes of transport

8. Fulfillment of all requests for cargo transportation

9. Compliance with transport legislation

Cargo delivery is carried out from the sender's warehouse to the recipient's warehouse by various vehicles under different conditions.

The entire railway network of the Russian Federation is divided into roads (Oktyabrskaya, Moskovskaya, etc.). Railways are connected to various modes of transport: road, water, aviation, pipeline.

1. By type of message

· Direct railway communication - transportation between railway stations in the Russian Federation with the participation of one or more infrastructures under a single transportation document issued for the entire route.

· Direct mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport under a single transport document (consignment note), issued for the entire route.

· Transportation in indirect mixed traffic - transportation carried out within the territory of the Russian Federation by several types of transport according to separate transportation documents for each type of transport.

· Transportation in international traffic involving railway transport - transportation in direct* and indirect* international traffic - between the Russian Federation and foreign countries, including transit through the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which passengers, cargo, etc. cross the State border of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation

*in direct international traffic, transportation is carried out between railway stations in different countries or several modes of transport in different countries under a single transport document issued for the entire route.

* in indirect international traffic, transportation is carried out through railway stations and ports located within the border area using transportation documents issued in the states participating in transportation, as well as transportation by several modes of transport using separate transportation documents for each type of transport.

· Special railway transportation - transportation intended to meet particularly important government and defense needs, as well as transportation of convicted persons and persons in custody.

· Military rail transportation - transportation of military units and units of military cargo, military teams and individuals undergoing military service.

2.By type of shipment

· Small – based on cargo weight from 20 kg to 20 tons, occupying no more than half the volume of the body of a covered wagon or container, half the area of ​​a gondola car or platform.

· Combined wagon shipment – ​​consists of goods allowed for joint transportation in a universal wagon under one transportation document.

· Group – there is enough cargo to load two or more wagons (homogeneous cargo from places of non-public use, addressed to one recipient).

· Route - to transport cargo, a train of a certain weight and length is required, passing at least 1 technical marshalling station without processing, i.e. sorting.

· Container - a shipment of cargo placed in a 3,5,10,21,24,30 t container.

3. By speed of delivery (urgency of transportation)

· Freight speed – the speed is given in the “Rules for the transportation of goods by rail” and depends on the transportation distance

· High speed in accelerated trains V=500 km/day

4. According to the packaging method or physical properties of the cargo.

· Container packaging - accepted according to the number of places

· Piece – without packaging according to the number of places

· Bulk - without counting places, but, if necessary, you can count the number of places, with the exception of coal, ore, coke.

Bulk (grain)

· Heavyweight, with a single piece weighing more than 500 kg

· Oversized

· Extra oversized

· Livestock

· Dangerous


5. At the place where cargo operations are performed.

· Common areas.

· Non-public areas.

6. According to the method of performing cargo operations

· By forces and means of railway transport (MC carrier)

· By forces and means of shippers, consignees

· By forces and means of industrial railway transport enterprises (PPZHT) in non-public areas

· By forces and means of transport and forwarding companies

7. According to the ownership of wagons and containers

· General park (property of JSC Russian Railways)

· Property of private companies.

· Property of companies in foreign countries

Defines the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the carrier, infrastructure, owners of international enterprises (enterprises, organizations, institutions) and citizens using railway transport services.

Brief historical overview.

1885 – General Charter of Russian Railways

1920 – Charter of the RSFSR Railways

1927 – Charter of the USSR Railways

1998 – Transport Charter of the Russian Railways (Federal Law)

2003 – Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation (Federal Law)

1. General Provisions

Definitions of the carrier, infrastructure, owners, MOP, MNOP are given, types of transportation are given.

2. Transportation of goods, containers and wagon shipments of cargo luggage

3. Interaction between the infrastructure owner and carriers in the preparation and implementation of transportation of passengers, cargo, baggage, cargo luggage

4. Non-public railway tracks

5. Transportation of goods in direct mixed traffic.

6. Transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo luggage.

7. Responsibility of carriers, infrastructure owners, shippers (senders), consignees (recipients), passengers

8. Acts, claims, lawsuits.

9. Final and transitional provisions.

Cargo transportation plans in modern conditions are developed for a monthly period.

“Monthly transportation plan” is an operational transportation plan


1. Complete and timely satisfaction of effective demand for railway transport services for the transportation of goods with the lowest transport costs.

2. Efficient use of rolling stock

3. Clear interaction with other modes of transport

Monthly planning of cargo transportation serves as the basis for technical standardization of operational work and determination of the following indicators:

· Traffic dimensions by rail and by direction

· Standards for the maintenance of locomotives and locomotive crews

· Fuel and electricity consumption

· Parameters for regulating car parks by type of rolling stock for each railway, for each inter-road junction point.

· Financial expenses for the purchase of equipment and rolling stock

· Carrying capacity of the railway

Monthly planning is carried out based on the following data:

· agreements on the organization of cargo transportation are concluded between large civil defense and railways;

· based on civil defense applications for the transportation of goods by all types of communications;

· based on marketing research and forecasting of loading by product groups of goods.

Applications are submitted to the corporate transport service system or directly from large shippers through the ETRAN-client system. All applications in the corporate transport service system are classified:

· For each departure station

· For each nomenclature of cargo

· By type of shipment (carload, small, container, route)

· According to the ownership of the cars

· By type of message

Applications for the transportation of goods in direct and indirect international traffic through border stations are submitted separately for each border station, and in the case of mixed traffic (rail-water) for each transshipment point.

The shipper of the shipment draws up an application for the transportation of cargo in the required quantity and submits it to the carrier no less than 10 days before the start of transportation in direct traffic and 15 days in all types of international and mixed traffic (in paper form). The application is valid for no more than 45 days.

The carrier is obliged to consider the application within two days from the date of receipt and give a decision:

· Agreed

· Refuse

· Partially agreed

The application is submitted to the infrastructure owner and is considered:

· no more than 5 days – for direct transportation

· no more than 10 days – in all types of international and mixed traffic

and returned to the shipper.

In order to organize the timely fulfillment of accepted applications for the transportation of goods, the carrier carries out continuous operational planning for loading on specific days of the application validity period.

The application contains the following data:

· carrier – name and its code according to OKPO (all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations)

period – the validity period of the application

· type of shipment (carload, container, small, route)

departure station, code

· nomenclature group of cargo

· type of message

· consignor – full name and OKPO code

· payer

· accessories of the wagon, container

· shipment date

· destination stations, carriage codes, type of destination country

Accounting for the completion of the application is carried out using the “Registration Card” of the GU-1 form. It is conducted by a representative of the carrier for each shipper on the basis of agreed applications. Signed daily or on loading days by both parties (shipper and carrier)

Freight railway tariffs,
their meaning and construction system.