What is a technical translator? Professional technical translation at RusPerevod bureau

Interpreter services

In Moscow, the Moscow region, and other regions of the Russian Federation, we provide interpreters for various events, work in any format

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Services of technical interpreters

Oral technical translation.

Technical translators are required at enterprises that install production lines purchased abroad.

Such specialists are always used. They help with setup, installation, and staff training. Not every translation company has versatile technical specialists who have been proven on many projects. We can help you.

Technically, translators work on business trips, going to the customer and working there for the required time. Whenever possible, we attract performers from the same region or city where services need to be provided. If this does not work out, then the issue of accommodation for a technical translator is resolved in agreement with the customer.

As a rule, the work period ranges on average from three to ten working days. But there are also longer projects lasting several months. The conditions for the participation of a technical translator are negotiated, the budget is determined, and compensation for overhead expenses is agreed upon - travel, accommodation, food.

The regions in which Trans-Universal LLC 8-495-720-40-23 provided its specialists to provide translation services range from the Krasnodar Territory to the Urals. There were customers who needed a technical translator who would accompany them for a long time while traveling to several cities at the same time, without interruption in work or downtime.

We are ready to work in any format, our specialists have the highest professionalism, they have participated in oral projects many times and there is nothing new for them in such work.

By contacting us, you are guaranteed to receive the service you ordered without any hiccups or problems.

Written translations

Written translations

Written translation of any volume and any subject. Instructions, contracts, presentations, commercial and statutory documents, etc.

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Written technical translation.

Technical translation always in demand.

Customers are manufacturing companies or commercial firms that sell or purchase foreign equipment and machinery in the Russian Federation.

Among the most frequently posted documents, the leading ones are:

  • Operating Instructions;
  • technical specifications;
  • presentations;
  • blueprints

Depending on the equipment for which technical translation is carried out, the volume of text can be very large - from several hundred to several thousand pages.

Very often this work is accompanied by translation - the development of images in which you need to insert a translation instead of the original text.

The natural desire of the customer for such a translation is that the format of the translated text fully matches the source document.

Trans-Universal LLC 8-495-720-40-23 has repeatedly fulfilled similar orders not only for specific machines or equipment, but also for entire production lines, mini-factories, wastewater treatment plants, etc., for customers who have won foreign tenders for the construction of complex engineering facilities, networks and structures abroad of the Russian Federation.

Cost of interpreter services.

The cost for the services of an interpreter depends on the duration of his work, language, working conditions, the need for his accommodation to live near the place where the services are provided, irregular working hours, etc.

The cost of a technical interpreter is calculated taking into account all the above working conditions.

Below are the basic prices in relation to the terms of work, in various ranges, depending on the language used (European, Asian, rare, etc.)

In case of non-standard orders with several technical translators or long duration of work, the cost can be discussed and set individually.

The agency provides technical translation of texts of any complexity. The offer is valid for individuals and legal entities. We are ready to provide accompanying documents to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

A team of translators is working to complete the assigned task. Each performer has sufficient knowledge and experience specific to the specifics of the document being processed. The translation of a scientific article or technical documentation will be completed while preserving the terminology used. All processes described in the text will be conveyed with accuracy sufficient for correct perception in the successor language.

The finished text is sent to the editorial department and undergoes a thorough check. If necessary, the material is corrected and finalized by the agency editor.

We have the best prices for technical translation

Professional technical translation of documentation requires appropriate qualifications in the subject area and linguistic skills in terminology. Engineers and developers do not always have a sufficient level of knowledge to independently translate text into English, German, French and other languages ​​of the world. A technical translation agency in Moscow is always ready to take on the responsibility of accurately interpreting information for foreign language users.

What areas do we specialize in?

  • Aviation and defense technology
  • Metallurgy
  • Information and computer technologies
  • Telecommunications
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Electrical and thermal engineering
  • Household devices
  • Other technical

Translation of technical documentation

Our company's arsenal includes translation services of all forms of technical documents.

    Operating instructions, manuals

    Technical descriptions, certificates and specifications

    Scientific publications and articles

    Drawings, diagrams, illustrations

Export and import of equipment, according to the rules, is accompanied by instructions in the user’s language. The accuracy of translation directly affects the further safety of equipment operation. Therefore, native speakers with specialized engineering education and knowledge of industry specifics are involved as editors in the bureau.

Technical translation of documentation is carried out on standard forms. Accurate transfer of terminology and full compliance with the requirements of regulatory authorities. The final document is certified by the seal of the bureau or by a notary, depending on the formal requirements of the law.

The exchange of experience between technical specialists contributes to progress and the achievement of scientific breakthroughs in all areas of human activity. Our company promotes the dissemination of accumulated knowledge between Russian and foreign specialists, supporting high-quality communication without distorting the meaning and terminology.

This type involves the use of specialized software for working with graphic formats. The translation is performed while preserving the font, size, location and other properties of the text.

Patent translation is interdisciplinary in nature and is at the intersection of technical and legal translation. In this regard, lawyers specializing in patent law are additionally involved in the work, which is important for high-quality translation and interpretation of documentation.

We guarantee high-quality technical translation

We do not make mistakes, maintain full compliance with the original, write clear and competent text

  • 1 A highly specialized specialist from our bureau works on each translation. Translators have work experience and specialized education in the required field. The specialist understands the topic and correctly translates any terms, abbreviations, acronyms.
  • 2 The text is translated by native speakers. Only they can make the finished text easy to read and understandable for residents of the desired country. These people know the language perfectly and will convey all the information without distortion.
  • 3 The translation is checked by an editor and a proofreader. The editor understands the topic of technical translation and checks the text for compliance with the original, removes all inaccuracies, and improves readability. The proofreader reads the text so that there are no errors left in it.
  • 4 We comply with the terms. Each term has only one translation option. This makes the text easier to perceive and eliminates misunderstanding. This document is easy to work with for both specialists and ordinary users.

The reliability of the translation of technical texts in our agency is achieved through the use of a multi-level proofreading system. Linguists, lawyers, technical specialists from various fields, including native speakers, participate in the work on the order. It is not possible to offer a similar level of quality at a low price to an amateur, so you can only rely on the services of certified specialists. In addition, our company offers individual conditions for expedited order fulfillment (urgency rates are calculated separately).

Expert opinion

Danilina Olga

Head of Technical Translation Department

1. Technical translation should be trusted only to trusted specialists. An ordinary translator cannot know all the terms and understand every topic. If he makes a mistake or writes something wrong, your reputation will suffer.

Therefore, for each translation we select a specialist with specialized education and experience in the relevant field.

2. It is important to use quantities correctly so that your audience is comfortable. For example, in the USA distance is measured in miles, and in Russia - in kilometers. If you indicate miles in a Russian-language document, the reader will have to convert them to kilometers using a calculator.

We will find out for which audience the translation is needed. We advise which values ​​to use for a specific country and specific readers.

3. Technical text may have a complex structure: tables, graphs, illustrations, multi-column layout. We not only translate the document, but also type it up while maintaining the original structure.

4. If a specialist is working on a lengthy document, he may use several translation options for the same term. As a result, the document is difficult to read and confusion arises.

We compile a terminological dictionary for each project and stick to it. Each term, abbreviation, abbreviation has only one translation. Therefore, it is easy for readers to understand.

You receive a text ready for publication

Based on the results of the work of a group of experts, the client receives a ready-to-use document with formatting and graphic materials preserved. In addition, all types of certification are possible in our office.

A technological breakthrough, invention, discovery cannot be tied to one country. The same car, officially first designed in 1886 by Karl Benz, was not the first at all. Throughout that decade, newspapers in different European countries were full of articles about how smoking “runaway strollers” were leaving various garages.

And there is still debate about who first created the remote control. The technology is simultaneously patented in the USA, Germany and the UK. The difference in dates is only a few days.

In this regard, the progress of technology and technology can be characterized as an international movement forward. And where representatives of different countries are involved in the case, a special role is played by translation agency – a link of communication between speakers of different languages.

Technical Translation Tools

Everything indicates the high requirements for such a participant in the process - his importance in promoting new technologies, the complexity and even novelty of the material with which he works, the abundance of terminology. Yes, a technical translation specialist must be a master in two areas at once - linguistic and technical. In addition, he must be fluent in the rich technical translation tools:

  • Inversion (rearrangement of words contrary to the rules of grammar), with the help of which important points are highlighted.
  • Terminology in a given area, set out in relevant manuals, reference books, and scientific works.
  • Special forms of language and constructions - passive phrases, impersonal verbs, impersonal definitions, etc.

Responsibility area of ​​a technical translator

The field of science and technology in which it operates technical translator , sets the key features of the result:

  • In the metallurgy, oil and petrochemical industries, a huge number of calculations are used with abbreviations and terms from Latin or old Greek.
  • In the IT field, new concepts appear, which can vary greatly in different languages.
  • In aviation, automotive, and instrument making there is an incredible number of diagrams, drawings, descriptions, and instructions with their own stable structure. Here the priority is the accuracy of presentation without loss of information.

A specialist who performs translation of large texts from English into Russian , must be able to work with a data array and consult reference books. In this case, as when working with short notes, annotations, and project materials, he is required to have exceptional command of both languages ​​and a clear understanding of the area to which the information is devoted. Plus, adherence to the 4 principles of technical translation - impersonality, terminological literacy, accuracy and unemotionality.

Types of technical translation

In a global sense, technical translation means one of two things:

  • Work with special scientific and technical materials - manuals, reference books, diagrams, drawings, etc.
  • Professional translation of technical texts – the relevant part of the contract for the production or supply of equipment, instructions, annotations, design packages.

In both directions, translation can be oral or written, full or partial. In the latter case, we are talking about abstract, annotative “translations” of material from one language to another with adaptation, according to accepted standards, of scientific terminology.

Price for translation of technical texts

An expert approach is the basis of technical translation. It sets the quality of the result, but makes it very difficult to place cost emphasis. Yes, we can't say for sure how much does translation into english cost? any technical text. But we can guarantee that our price will be justified by the quality and speed of the result.

Because the success of the entire enterprise depends on the timing of the translation - the launch of new equipment, the conclusion of a trade contract, the development of investments. We understand this, and our customers have already appreciated it.

To date technical translation is one of the most popular types of translations. This popularity of technical translations is probably explained by the fact that almost all equipment in Russia is imported, and accordingly, translation of instructions, operating manuals and other technical documentation from a foreign language into Russian is required.

In order to correctly perform technical translation of texts, knowledge of technical terminology on a given topic alone is not enough; you need to have a good understanding of what is said in the text, understand what technical processes are described in this or that technical documentation. Therefore, to perform technical translation, we involve not only specialists with linguistic education, but also so-called “technicians” - specialists with a technical education who are well versed in a certain field of knowledge: radio engineers for technical translation of texts on radio electronics, geophysical engineers for translation of texts on oil and gas topics, etc.

Translation of technical literature, books and even films made by philologists who do not have special technical knowledge, and most importantly, without understanding the essence of the issue, can lead to very comical and often disastrous results. So, for example, in the translation of the wonderful English-language series “Funny Mathematics” the faces of the cube are called “faces”, and the edges of the cube are called “edges”. This is because in English the word “edge” sounds like “face”, and the word “edge” in English is “edge”. That is, in this case, the translator-philologist, who does not know basic mathematical concepts, gave a formal translation of the above terms.

Thus, we would like to once again emphasize the importance of having technical translation performed by a specialist who has a deep and thorough understanding of his field.

Difficulties and features of technical translation

Translation of technical texts requires accurate and clear transmission of information into the target language. Vague descriptions, unclear terminology, and all kinds of interpretations are excluded.

  • Translations of technical texts performed by our translators pass mandatory editing before we return them to our customers. The cost of editing is included in the cost of translation.
  • Often when translation of technical documentation containing graphs, drawings, diagrams and drawings, clients expect the finished translation to look the same. However, you need to understand that bringing the translation text into line with what the original text looks like is a completely different service, which is called layout. Layout designer services are paid separately and the calculation is carried out per A4 page, regardless of how many graphs and drawings it contains.
  • Translation agency MAXIMA strives to build strong long-term relationships with technical translation customers. Cooperation with regular clients allows us to better understand their requirements, understand in more detail the nuances of the technical terminology of their particular production or industry, and therefore allows us to provide high quality translations.

Translation agencyMAXIMAperforms technical translations in the following areas: ·

  • Oil refining and chemical industry (oil and gas production, chemistry and oil and gas processing technology)
  • Automotive industry
  • Energy
  • Industrial electronics, automated control systems, instrumentation and automation, electrical engineering
  • Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
  • Food industry
  • Chemistry and chemical industry
  • Construction
  • Aerospace industry
  • Mechanical engineering, machine tool building, engine building
  • Agricultural industry

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