What does a nuclear power plant reactor look like? Nuclear power plant

The nuclear reactor works smoothly and efficiently. Otherwise, as you know, there will be trouble. But what's going on inside? Let's try to formulate the principle of operation of a nuclear (nuclear) reactor briefly, clearly, with stops.

In fact, the same process is happening there as during a nuclear explosion. Only the explosion happens very quickly, but in the reactor all this stretches out for a long time. As a result, everything remains safe and sound, and we receive energy. Not so much that everything around would be destroyed at once, but quite sufficient to provide electricity to the city.

Before you understand how a controlled nuclear reaction occurs, you need to know what it is. nuclear reaction at all.

Nuclear reaction is the process of transformation (fission) of atomic nuclei when they interact with elementary particles and gamma rays.

Nuclear reactions can occur with both absorption and release of energy. The reactor uses the second reactions.

Nuclear reactor is a device whose purpose is to maintain a controlled nuclear reaction with the release of energy.

Often a nuclear reactor is also called an atomic reactor. Let us note that there is no fundamental difference here, but from the point of view of science it is more correct to use the word “nuclear”. There are now many types of nuclear reactors. These are huge industrial reactors designed to generate energy in power plants, nuclear reactors of submarines, small experimental reactors used in scientific experiments. There are even reactors used to desalinate seawater.

The history of the creation of a nuclear reactor

The first nuclear reactor was launched in the not-so-distant 1942. This happened in the USA under the leadership of Fermi. This reactor was called the Chicago Woodpile.

In 1946, the first Soviet reactor, launched under the leadership of Kurchatov, began operating. The body of this reactor was a ball of seven meters in diameter. The first reactors did not have a cooling system, and their power was minimal. By the way, the Soviet reactor had an average power of 20 Watts, and the American one - only 1 Watt. For comparison, the average power of modern power reactors is 5 Gigawatts. Less than ten years after the launch of the first reactor, the world's first industrial nuclear power plant was opened in the city of Obninsk.

The principle of operation of a nuclear (nuclear) reactor

Any nuclear reactor has several parts: core With fuel And moderator , neutron reflector , coolant , control and protection system . Isotopes are most often used as fuel in reactors. uranium (235, 238, 233), plutonium (239) and thorium (232). The core is a boiler through which ordinary water (coolant) flows. Among other coolants, “heavy water” and liquid graphite are less commonly used. If we talk about the operation of nuclear power plants, then a nuclear reactor is used to produce heat. Electricity itself is generated using the same method as in other types of power plants - steam rotates a turbine, and the energy of movement is converted into electrical energy.

Below is a diagram of the operation of a nuclear reactor.

As we have already said, the decay of a heavy uranium nucleus produces lighter elements and several neutrons. The resulting neutrons collide with other nuclei, also causing them to fission. At the same time, the number of neutrons grows like an avalanche.

It should be mentioned here neutron multiplication factor . So, if this coefficient exceeds a value equal to one, a nuclear explosion occurs. If the value is less than one, there are too few neutrons and the reaction dies out. But if you maintain the value of the coefficient equal to one, the reaction will proceed long and stably.

The question is how to do this? In the reactor, the fuel is in the so-called fuel elements (TVELakh). These are rods that contain, in the form of small tablets, nuclear fuel . Fuel rods are connected into hexagonal-shaped cassettes, of which there can be hundreds in a reactor. Cassettes with fuel rods are arranged vertically, and each fuel rod has a system that allows you to adjust the depth of its immersion into the core. In addition to the cassettes themselves, they include control rods And emergency protection rods . The rods are made of a material that absorbs neutrons well. Thus, control rods can be lowered to different depths in the core, thereby adjusting the neutron multiplication factor. Emergency rods are designed to shut down the reactor in case of an emergency.

How is a nuclear reactor started?

We have figured out the operating principle itself, but how to start and make the reactor function? Roughly speaking, here it is - a piece of uranium, but the chain reaction does not begin in it on its own. The fact is that in nuclear physics there is a concept critical mass .

Critical mass is the mass of fissile material required to start a nuclear chain reaction.

With the help of fuel rods and control rods, a critical mass of nuclear fuel is first created in the reactor, and then the reactor is brought to the optimal power level in several stages.

In this article, we tried to give you a general idea of ​​the structure and operating principle of a nuclear (nuclear) reactor. If you have any questions on the topic or have been asked a problem in nuclear physics at the university, please contact to the specialists of our company. As usual, we are ready to help you resolve any pressing issue regarding your studies. And while we're at it, here's another educational video for your attention!

How does a hydroelectric power plant, for example, work? Everything is simple here. A dam is built, a large reservoir is created, flows of water under pressure rotate the generator shaft, which generates electricity. How are wind power plants constructed? Everything is much simpler here! The wind turns large blades that rotate the generator shaft, producing electricity. What is the operating principle of a nuclear power plant? It turns out that most people do not understand at all how they obtain electricity using nuclear reactors. For many, it’s like some kind of magic, something like that happens in a nuclear reactor, from where electric current is produced.

I think this is unfair; people should know how nuclear power plants work, because everything is much simpler and clearer than it might seem. I’ll tell you about the operating principles of nuclear energy using the example of the Novovoronezh NPP.

So, from the outside, a nuclear power plant looks like many industrial enterprises with technical buildings, taps and pipes. The noticeable difference is the large cooling towers, which produce large clouds of steam. Although there are cooling towers at ordinary thermal power plants, so nuclear power plants can easily not be identified.

Let's move on to the most famous part of the nuclear power plant from films and photographs - the control panel.
This is the control panel of the 4th power unit of the Novovoronezh nuclear power plant, launched in 1972. It uses a VVER-440 reactor with a power of 400 MW.

Novovoronezh NPP is one of the first nuclear power plants in the USSR and the world's first nuclear power plant with a pressurized water power reactor. The nuclear power plant supplies about 20 enterprises and more than 2 million residents of the Central Black Earth region, and also supplies the Voronezh region with 85% of electricity.

The well-known “round thing with diamonds” is a cross-section of the reactor core. Control rods are shown in red, fuel assemblies are shown in white. Briefly and roughly speaking, a nuclear reactor is a large vertical cylinder, inside of which rods of nuclear fuel and control rods are located.

Power units 3 and 4 were built in the early 1970s and were supposed to be completed in the early 2000s, but their service life was later extended. Since last year, active modernization has been carried out.

In total, in the history of the Novovoronezh station there were 6 power units, the first of which was launched in 1964, and the sixth in 2016. The seventh power unit is currently under construction, and the first and second units have already been taken out of operation.

The topmost part of the reactor, the lid resembles a large bell, and the rods themselves are located deep below. This is the reactor compartment of the 3rd and 4th power units, and a similar observation deck exists only at the Novovoronezh NPP. Yes, this is exactly what a nuclear reactor looks like from the outside.
A little behind the lid there is a device for changing the rods, which drives up from above when the lid is opened and does the work inside.

Block control panel of the 5th power unit, built in 1980. It uses a VVER-1000 reactor with a power of 1000 MW.

The power unit was supposed to be decommissioned in 2010, but the deadline was later extended.
Since 1995, Novovoronezh NPP has been modernizing power units to bring them into compliance with modern safety standards.

Since the power unit and control panel are newer, the cross-section of the reactor core is also displayed not in analog form, but on a computer monitor in real time. You can monitor the temperature and many other parameters.

The most important button, which completely shuts down the reactor in the event of the most dire emergency situations. We wish the NPP employees that such accidents never happen, and that this button always remains sealed.

In many places and rooms of the station there are special devices that measure radiation levels - Geiger counters or dosimeters.

The fifth power unit of the Novovoronezh NPP looks like a cylinder from the outside. Inside the unusual building is the nuclear reactor itself, surrounded by a special protective cylindrical shell made of reinforced concrete. After repairs and modernization, it was put back into operation in 2011, with a capacity of 1000 MW.

And now the main question: why do we need a reactor at all, how does electricity come from all this?
In reality, everything turns out to be not as “magical” as we would probably like. A nuclear reactor is actually a large boiler that heats water.

After heating, the water is sent to another closed circuit with water, which is already converted into steam. This steam spins a large turbine, which drives a generator that produces electricity.

In general, everything is simple: the reactor heats up, the water/steam turns the generator, and electricity is produced.
Machine room of the 5th power unit.

The heated water needs to be sent somewhere further and cooled; for this purpose, entire cooling towers have been invented - cooling towers. Water is pumped upward by a pump and then falls down, breaking up into small droplets in the sprinkler. An air flow is supplied from below, which evaporates some of the water, and some simply cools and falls down.
These are the cooling towers of the 3rd and 4th power units with a height of 95 meters.

The complete switchgear is designed to receive, distribute and transmit electricity. Roughly speaking, a large transformer. There are power lines inside special pipes, everything is reliable and safe.
This is the switchgear switchgear of the sixth power unit of the Novovoronezh NPP.

The central control panel of the 6th power unit, which is currently the most powerful nuclear power plant in Russia - 1200 MW. Built using safety technologies that became relevant after the Fukushima accident. Type of nuclear reactor VVER-1200.

The sixth power unit from the street does not look as infernal as the cylinder of the fifth, but you can recognize it by the top part with the pipes. In August 2016, the power unit was connected to the network and supplied the first 240 MW to the power grid. At the moment, this is the most high-tech power unit in Russia, meeting the most modern reliability and safety requirements.

Spray pools of the 6th block, which are needed for cooling the reactor consumption systems. In the background is the building of the sixth power unit, the cooling tower of the 6th and the 7th power unit under construction, and the construction site itself.

The seventh power unit will be a twin of the sixth unit, completion of construction is scheduled for 2018. The power unit will be resistant to earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, explosions, even plane crashes. Type of reactor VVER-1200.

Turbine hall of the 6th power unit.

The service life of the unit's main equipment is now 60 years, rather than 30 years, as was the case with older power units.

The cooling towers of the 6th and 7th power units are much larger and taller than the old ones, their height is 171 meters.

Now, instead of two cooling towers per power unit, one is used, but of a larger size. This made it possible to reduce the area of ​​the nuclear power plant itself, reducing the costs of materials and funds.

Control room of the 6th power unit. The power unit is scheduled to enter full commercial operation at the end of 2016 after various tests have been carried out.

Thank you very much personally

Nuclear power plant and its structure:

Nuclear power plant (NPP) is a nuclear installation whose purpose is to generate electrical energy.

– machine for performing overloads fuel(reloading machine).

The operation of this equipment is controlled by personnel - operators using a block control panel for these purposes.

The key element of the reactor is the zone located in the concrete shaft. It also includes a system that provides control and protective functions; with its help you can select the mode in which a controlled fission chain reaction should take place. The system also provides emergency protection, which allows you to quickly stop the reaction in the event of an emergency situation.

In the second building NPP there is a turbine hall in which the turbine and steam generators are located. In addition, there is a building in which nuclear fuel is reloaded and spent nuclear fuel is stored in specially designed pools.

In the territory nuclear power plant are located capacitors, as well as the cooling towers, cooling pond and spray pond, which are components of the recirculating cooling system. Cooling towers are towers made of concrete and shaped like a truncated cone; a natural or artificial reservoir can serve as a pond. NPP equipped with high-voltage power lines extending beyond the boundaries of its territory.

Construction of the world's first nuclear power plant was started in 1950 in Russia and completed four years later. An area near the village was chosen for the project. Obninsky (Kaluga region).

However, electricity was first generated in the United States in 1951; the first successful case of obtaining it was recorded in the state of Idaho.

In the field of production electricity The USA is in the lead, where more than 788 billion kW/h are generated annually. The list of leaders in terms of production volumes also includes France, Japan, Germany and Russia.

Operating principle of a nuclear power plant:

Energy is produced using reactor, in which the process of nuclear fission occurs. In this case, the heavy nucleus disintegrates into two fragments, which, being in a very excited state, emit neutrons (and other particles). The neutrons, in turn, cause new fission processes, which emit even more neutrons. This continuous decay process is called a nuclear chain reaction, the characteristic feature of which is the release of large amounts of energy. The production of this energy is the purpose of the work nuclear power plant(NPP).

The production process includes the following stages:

  1. 1. conversion of nuclear energy into thermal energy;
  2. 2. conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy;
  3. 3. conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy.

At the first stage in reactor kernel loading in progress fuel(uranium-235) to start a controlled chain reaction. The fuel releases thermal or slow neutrons, which results in the release of significant amounts of heat. To remove heat from the reactor core, a coolant is used, which is passed through the entire volume of the core. It can be in liquid or gaseous form. The generated thermal energy further serves to generate steam in a steam generator (heat exchanger).

At the second stage, steam is supplied to the turbogenerator. Here the thermal energy of the steam is converted into mechanical energy - the rotational energy of the turbine.

At the third stage, with the help of a generator, the mechanical energy of rotation of the turbine is converted into electrical energy, which is then sent to consumers.

Classification of nuclear power plants:

Nuclear power plants classified according to the type of reactors operating in them. There are two main types of nuclear power plants:

– with reactors using thermal neutrons (water-water nuclear reactor, boiling water-water reactor, heavy water nuclear reactor, graphite-gas nuclear reactor, graphite-water nuclear reactor and other thermal neutron reactors);

– with reactors using fast neutrons (fast neutron reactors).

According to the type of energy generated, two types are distinguished atomic power plants :

NPP for electricity production;

– ATPP – nuclear combined heat and power plants, the purpose of which is to generate not only electrical, but also thermal energy.

Single-, double- and triple-circuit reactors of a nuclear power plant:

Reactor nuclear power plant It can be one-, two- or three-circuit, which is reflected in the operating diagram of the coolant - it can have, respectively, one, two or three circuits. In our country, the most common are plants equipped with double-circuit pressurized water power reactors (VVER). According to Rosstat, today there are 4 operating in Russia NPP with 1-circuit reactors, 5 with 2-circuit reactors and one with a 3-circuit reactor.

Nuclear power plants with a single-loop reactor:

Nuclear power plants this type - with a single-circuit reactor, equipped with reactors of the RBMK-1000 type. The block houses a reactor, two condensing turbines and two generators. The high operating temperatures of the reactor allow it to simultaneously perform the function of a steam generator, which makes it possible to use a single-circuit circuit. The advantage of the latter is a relatively simple principle of operation, however, due to its features, it is quite difficult to provide protection against radiation. This is due to the fact that when this scheme is used, all elements of the unit are exposed to radioactive radiation.

Nuclear power plants with double-circuit reactor:

The dual-circuit circuit is used on NPP with reactors belonging to the VVER type. The principle of operation of these stations is as follows: a coolant, which is water, is supplied to the reactor core under pressure. It is heated, after which it enters the heat exchanger (steam generator), where it heats the secondary circuit water to a boil. Radiation is emitted only by the first circuit, the second has no radioactive properties. The unit structure includes a generator, as well as one or two condensing turbines (in the first case, the power turbines is 1000 megawatts, in the second - 2 x 500 megawatts).

An advanced development in the field of double-circuit reactors is the VVER-1200 model, proposed by the Rosenergoatom concern. It was developed on the basis of modifications of the VVER-1000 reactor, which were manufactured according to orders from abroad in the 90s. and in the first years of the current millennium. The new model improves all the parameters of its predecessor and provides additional safety systems to reduce the risk of radioactive radiation escaping from the sealed compartment of the reactor. The new development has a number of advantages - its power is 20% higher compared to the previous model, capacity capacity reaches 90%, it can operate for one and a half years without overload fuel(usual terms are 1 year), its operational period is 60 years.

Nuclear power plants with a three-circuit reactor:

The three-circuit circuit is used on nuclear power plants with BN (fast sodium) type reactors. The operation of such reactors is based on fast neutrons, and radioactive liquid sodium is used as a coolant. To exclude its contact with water, the reactor design provides an additional circuit that uses sodium without radioactive properties; this provides a three-loop circuit type.

The modern BN-800 3-circuit reactor, developed in the 80s and 90s of the last century, provided Russia with a leading position in the field of fast reactor production. Its key feature is protection from influences coming from inside or outside. This model minimizes the risk of an accident in which the core melts and plutonium is released during the reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel.

The reactor in question can use different types of fuel - conventional with uranium oxide or MOX fuel based on uranium and

Everything is very simple. In a nuclear reactor, Uranium-235 decays, releasing a huge amount of thermal energy, it boils water, steam under pressure turns a turbine, which rotates an electric generator, which generates electricity.

Science knows of at least one naturally occurring nuclear reactor. It is located in the Oklo uranium deposit in Gabon. True, it had already cooled down one and a half billion years ago.

Uranium-235 is one of the isotopes of uranium. It differs from simple uranium in that its nucleus is missing 3 neutrons, causing the nucleus to become less stable and break into two when a neutron hits it at high speed. In this case, another 2-3 neutrons are released, which can enter another Uranium-235 nucleus and split it. And so on down the chain. This is called a nuclear reaction.

Controlled reaction

If you do not control the nuclear chain reaction and it goes too quickly, you will get a real nuclear explosion. Therefore, the process must be carefully monitored and the uranium must not be allowed to decay too quickly. To do this, nuclear fuel in metal tubes is placed in a moderator - a substance that slows down neutrons and converts their kinetic energy into heat.

To control the reaction rate, rods of neutron-absorbing material are immersed in the moderator. When these rods are raised, they capture fewer neutrons and the reaction speeds up. If the rods are lowered, the reaction will slow down again.

A matter of technology

The huge pipes in nuclear power plants are not actually pipes at all, but cooling towers - towers for rapid cooling of steam.

At the moment of decay, the core splits into two parts, which fly apart at breakneck speed. But they don’t fly far - they hit neighboring atoms, and the kinetic energy turns into thermal energy.

Then this heat is used to heat the water, turning it into steam, the steam turns the turbine, and the turbine turns the generator, which generates electricity, just like in a conventional thermal power plant running on coal.

It's funny, but all this nuclear physics, uranium isotopes, nuclear chain reactions - all in order to boil water.

For cleanliness

Nuclear energy is used not only in nuclear power plants. There are ships and submarines powered by nuclear energy. In the 50s, nuclear cars, planes and trains were even developed.

As a result of the operation of a nuclear reactor, radioactive waste is generated. Some of them can be recycled for further use, while others must be kept in special storage facilities so that they do not cause harm to humans and the environment.

Despite this, nuclear energy is now one of the most environmentally friendly. Nuclear power plants produce no emissions, require very little fuel, take up little space, and are very safe when used correctly.

But after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, many countries suspended the development of nuclear energy. Although, for example, in France almost 80 percent of energy is generated by nuclear power plants.

In the 2000s, due to the high price of oil, everyone remembered nuclear energy. There are developments in compact nuclear power plants that are safe, can operate for decades and do not require maintenance.

A nuclear power plant is an enterprise that is a set of equipment and structures for generating electrical energy. The specificity of this installation lies in the method of generating heat. The temperature required to generate electricity arises from the decay of atoms.

The role of fuel for nuclear power plants is most often performed by uranium with a mass number of 235 (235U). It is precisely because this radioactive element is capable of supporting a nuclear chain reaction that it is used in nuclear power plants and is also used in nuclear weapons.

Countries with the largest number of nuclear power plants

Today, there are 192 nuclear power plants operating in 31 countries around the world, using 451 nuclear power reactors with a total capacity of 394 GW. The vast majority of nuclear power plants are located in Europe, North America, Far East Asia and the former USSR, while there are almost none in Africa, and in Australia and Oceania there are none at all. Another 41 reactors have not produced electricity for 1.5 to 20 years, with 40 of them located in Japan.

Over the past 10 years, 47 power units have been put into operation around the world, almost all of them are located either in Asia (26 in China) or in Eastern Europe. Two thirds of the reactors currently under construction are in China, India and Russia. The PRC is implementing the largest program for the construction of new nuclear power plants; about a dozen other countries around the world are building nuclear power plants or developing projects for their construction.

In addition to the United States, the list of the most advanced countries in the field of nuclear energy includes:

  • France;
  • Japan;
  • Russia;
  • South Korea.

In 2007, Russia began construction of the world's first floating nuclear power plant, which would solve the problem of energy shortages in remote coastal areas of the country. Construction has faced delays. According to various estimates, the first floating nuclear power plant will start operating in 2019-2019.

Several countries, including the USA, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Argentina, are developing mini-nuclear power plants with a capacity of about 10-20 MW for the purpose of heat and electricity supply to individual industries, residential complexes, and in the future - individual houses. It is assumed that small-sized reactors (see, for example, Hyperion NPP) can be created using safe technologies that greatly reduce the possibility of nuclear leakage. Construction of one small reactor CAREM25 is underway in Argentina. The first experience in using mini-nuclear power plants was gained by the USSR (Bilibino NPP).

Operating principle of nuclear power plants

The operating principle of a nuclear power plant is based on the action of a nuclear (sometimes called atomic) reactor - a special volumetric structure in which the reaction of atoms splitting with the release of energy occurs.

There are different types of nuclear reactors:

  1. PHWR (also called "pressurized heavy water reactor" - "heavy water nuclear reactor"), used mainly in Canada and in Indian cities. It is based on water, the formula of which is D2O. It functions as both a coolant and a neutron moderator. The efficiency is close to 29%;
  2. VVER (water-cooled power reactor). Currently, VVERs are operated only in the CIS, in particular, the VVER-100 model. The reactor has an efficiency of 33%;
  3. GCR, AGR (graphite water). The liquid contained in such a reactor acts as a coolant. In this design, the neutron moderator is graphite, hence the name. The efficiency is about 40%.

Based on the design principle, reactors are also divided into:

  • PWR (pressurized water reactor) - designed so that water under a certain pressure slows down reactions and supplies heat;
  • BWR (designed in such a way that steam and water are in the main part of the device, without having a water circuit);
  • RBMK (channel reactor with particularly high power);
  • BN (the system works due to the rapid exchange of neutrons).

Design and structure of a nuclear power plant. How does a nuclear power plant work?

A typical nuclear power plant consists of blocks, each of which contains various technical devices. The most significant of these units is the complex with the reactor hall, which ensures the operation of the entire nuclear power plant. It consists of the following devices:

  • reactor;
  • pool (this is where nuclear fuel is stored);
  • fuel transfer machines;
  • Control room (control panel in blocks, with the help of which operators can monitor the core fission process).

This building is followed by a hall. It contains steam generators and the main turbine. Immediately behind them are capacitors, as well as electricity transmission lines that extend beyond the boundaries of the territory.

Among other things, there is a block with pools for spent fuel and special blocks designed for cooling (they are called cooling towers). In addition, spray pools and natural ponds are used for cooling.

Operating principle of nuclear power plants

At all nuclear power plants without exception, there are 3 stages of electrical energy conversion:

  • nuclear with transition to thermal;
  • thermal, turning into mechanical;
  • mechanical, converted into electrical.

Uranium gives off neutrons, resulting in the release of heat in huge quantities. Hot water from the reactor is pumped through a steam generator, where it releases some of the heat, and is returned to the reactor. Since this water is under high pressure, it remains in a liquid state (in modern VVER-type reactors there are about 160 atmospheres at a temperature of ~330 °C). In the steam generator, this heat is transferred to the secondary circuit water, which is under much lower pressure (half the pressure of the primary circuit or less), and therefore boils. The resulting steam enters a steam turbine that rotates an electric generator, and then into a condenser, where the steam is cooled, it condenses and again enters the steam generator. The condenser is cooled with water from an external open water source (for example, a cooling pond).

Both the first and second circuits are closed, which reduces the likelihood of radiation leakage. The dimensions of the primary circuit structures are minimized, which also reduces radiation risks. The steam turbine and condenser do not interact with the primary circuit water, which facilitates repairs and reduces the amount of radioactive waste when dismantling the station.

Nuclear power plant protective mechanisms

All nuclear power plants are required to be equipped with comprehensive safety systems, for example:

  • localizing – limiting the spread of harmful substances in the event of an accident resulting in the release of radiation;
  • providing – supply a certain amount of energy for stable operation of systems;
  • managers - serve to ensure that all protective systems function normally.

In addition, the reactor can be shut down in an emergency. In this case, automatic protection will interrupt chain reactions if the temperature in the reactor continues to rise. This measure will subsequently require serious restoration work to return the reactor to operation.

After a dangerous accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the cause of which was an imperfect reactor design, they began to pay more attention to protective measures, and also carried out design work to ensure greater reliability of the reactors.

Catastrophe of the 21st century and its consequences

In March 2011, an earthquake struck northeastern Japan, causing a tsunami that ultimately damaged 4 of the 6 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Less than two years after the tragedy, the official death toll in the disaster exceeded 1,500 people, while 20,000 people are still missing and another 300,000 residents were forced to leave their homes.

There were also victims who were unable to leave the scene due to the huge dose of radiation. An immediate evacuation was organized for them, which lasted 2 days.

However, every year, methods for preventing accidents at nuclear power plants, as well as neutralizing emergencies, are being improved - science is steadily moving forward. However, the future will clearly be a time for the flourishing of alternative methods of generating electricity - in particular, it is logical to expect the appearance in the next 10 years of gigantic orbital solar panels, which is quite achievable in conditions of weightlessness, as well as other, including revolutionary technologies in the energy sector.

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