Copy center business plan: cost calculation, necessary equipment and proper advertising of services. How to open your own copy center? Detailed business plan and calculations Open a photocopy department near the school

It will be interesting for a budding entrepreneur to learn how to open a copy center. To do this, it is enough to draw up a competent business plan with detailed calculations of expenses and expected income. Although initially it will be necessary to carefully assess the market and the relevance of the issue.

With a targeted approach in this area, you can achieve stable and constantly growing profits. The profitability of the project is about 30%, and sometimes even higher. True, such a business will not bring you millions, but it will give you a chance to earn enough to feel like a confident entrepreneur.

The relevance of the idea

Even with computers, laptops and printers, most people still need the services of a copy center. After all, in order for such equipment to work constantly, it needs maintenance, changing cartridges, refilling ink, etc. It is much cheaper and more convenient for many people to use third-party organizations to obtain duplicate documents than to do it on their own.

If you find a good location, for example, close to educational institutions, then you can count on a constant flow of the target audience. With a well-chosen range of services and additional products, high quality service and affordable cost, a copy center as a business will become popular among customers and bring tangible profits to the owner.

The main advantage of this direction is that a minimum investment is needed to start, and you can start a simple activity from one device. And only as income increases, a gradual expansion of the range of services, the purchase of new equipment and the growth of the client base are available.

Registration questions

It is not difficult to issue documents for conducting activities in the field of copying services. We list what you need to run a legitimate business:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). At the same time, indicate all OKVED codes covering the intended range of services - 74.85, 74.83, 52.47.
  2. Choose the appropriate taxation system - UTII or STS.
  3. With this form of activity, a cash register is not needed to make settlements with customers. It is enough to keep simple bookkeeping and use sales receipts. If you decide to purchase a cash register, then it will need to be registered with the tax office.
  4. Since complex and powerful electronic equipment will work in the room, you will definitely have to pass an inspection by the SES and the fire inspectorate, which will issue the appropriate permits. But for this, it will be necessary to initially prepare everything in accordance with the norms and standards. Particular attention is paid to fire safety.
  5. If you plan to hire employees to work in a copy center, you will need to register with the Pension and Social Funds as an employer.
  6. In the case of renting a room, follow a well-drafted contract. It is desirable that it dealt with a long term (at least a year) and indicated the amount of the monthly fee.

The target audience

It is very important when planning this business to consider which customers will come to you. Basically, in your calculations, you need to build on this fact. So, the following groups of people are distinguished who periodically require the services of a copy center:

  • students - the most extensive and permanent audience, is considered a "gold mine" for this direction;
  • schoolchildren, teachers;
  • office workers;
  • visitors to various government institutions (pension, social funds, tax, etc.);
  • clients of banks, notaries;
  • clinic patients.

But a lot depends on the services offered. If, for example, you engage in printing photographs, then the customer base will expand to the entire age audience of 35-55 years. In order for the flow of visitors to be as rich as possible, you need to focus on the needs of people and offer more various services for which there is a constant demand.

Room selection

The most important thing at the stage of organizing this business is the good location of the copy center. The number of customers, the demand for certain types of services, the necessary equipment and much more will largely depend on this.

After you have estimated your target audience and its size, you need to determine the main areas of their accumulation. For example, the best solution would be proximity:

  1. educational institutions.
  2. State and municipal institutions.
  3. Offices.
  4. Polyclinics and hospitals.
  5. Various financial enterprises.
  6. City center.

In some cases, it makes sense to locate a copy kiosk in a residential area with a large number of inhabitants, but then it is desirable to offer a wider range of services, including printing photos, cutting discs, etc.

The size of the room depends on how much equipment you need to work. Sometimes 10-15 sq. m. to install one copier and a laptop. With a wider range of services, more space is needed, so sometimes it makes sense to immediately rent an office for 30-45 sq. m.

It is very important to monitor the quality and power of the electrical network, as well as other nuances of fire safety. Most often, additional repairs are not required, as the owners of such a business are looking for a premise that is already ready for work, which is very convenient and saves start-up investments.

For a solid copy center, it is desirable to correctly divide the room into zones. Segregate the reception area from the area where the equipment is refueled, as this process is associated with increased pollution. You also need to take care of the availability of a bathroom and a utility room for staff, a warehouse for storing additional equipment, spare parts, consumables, etc.

What services to offer?

A copy center can perform only one function - to duplicate text or graphic documents. But the more different tasks you can complete, the more attractive your establishment will be for potential customers.

So, you can focus on the most popular queries:

  • photocopying of various formats of documents;
  • printing files from digital media;
  • cutting disks;
  • typing;
  • lamination;
  • binding of scientific papers;
  • printing photos;
  • scanning;
  • census of information on removable media;
  • printing of leaflets, booklets, brochures of small circulations, which are not taken;
  • creation of promotional materials, business cards, posters, postcards, calendars, etc.

You can also sell related products. For example, when entering a copy center, students often remember that their pen has stopped writing, their notebook or notebook has run out, there is no file or folder, etc. They will buy all these little things right there while they are waiting for finished copies. Sometimes it makes sense to set up a camera and take ID photos.

Purchase of equipment

It is very important to choose a successful model of the device to perform the main function. Your income depends on its power and speed of work. If the equipment is used or produces poor print quality, often breaks down or turns out to be expensive to maintain, then do not expect benefits from it.

It is better to initially spend money on a high-quality professional device with simple consumables than to constantly suffer losses from its improper functioning. For example, laser printers are much more expensive, but their maintenance is many times easier and cheaper than inkjet models.

It is also important to decide on the list of necessary equipment. Here you should carefully consider the range of services offered, the number of expected customers and other factors. For example, sometimes one copy machine or a multifunctional device is enough. But with a large influx of visitors and varied demand, it is advisable to have several devices in stock.

We offer an approximate list of equipment for a full-fledged copy center:

  1. MFP - can make photocopies, scan documents and print information.
  2. Computer or laptop.
  3. Xerox.
  4. Scanner.
  5. Printer for black and white and color printing.
  6. A similar technique for working with non-standard document sizes, for example, A3.
  7. Camera.
  8. Laminator.
  9. Risograph.
  10. Bookbinder.

Also take care of shop windows and racks for the sale of related products. Purchase at least the minimum amount of office furniture for staff - tables, chairs, cabinets. Do not forget about consumables - cartridges and ink, paper, tools for cleaning and refilling equipment, etc.


With a small influx of customers and a limited amount of equipment, you can cope with the work yourself. But as the center's activities expand, assistants will have to be hired. The staff may include:

  • secretary;
  • copier;
  • designer to perform various character assignments;
  • accountant - optional, since when registering an IP, the business owner independently fills out all the reports;
  • a master for cleaning, refueling and repairing equipment - may only come to perform certain functions.

With a successful location of the copy center, a special advertising campaign is not required. It is enough just to install a signboard, put up posters, you can put up a pillar or draw arrows leading to the kiosk.

In order for potential customers to know about you from the very first days, you need to distribute leaflets or business cards in places where the target audience is most concentrated - in front of the entrance to educational institutions, in the nearest cafes, near dormitories, not far from office buildings and government agencies.

Depending on the presence of competition, it will be necessary to very competently regulate the pricing policy and the range of services. So, if there are many other copy stalls around, it is better to attract visitors with lower prices. With a limited set of functions performed in neighboring establishments, it is worth offering something unique and in demand, for example, printing of non-standard formats.

Today it is also important to pay attention to advertising and using the Internet. To do this, create a business card website, where all the services offered and tariffs will be listed. Post ads on social networks, participate in discussions on local forums and groups that your potential customers use.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

Financial questions

Starting investments can be very different. It depends on how much the chosen model of equipment costs, what list of equipment is needed for work, the number of employed personnel, the size and price of renting a room, etc. You can enter this business with a minimum amount.

If we talk about a more solid copy center, then the following costs are assumed.

Also remember always about the regular costs of maintaining activities. Be sure to include them in the copy center business plan with calculations, since this largely determines what the net profit will be.

If you hire employees, then fixed costs will increase by the amount of wages and social benefits for each person in the state. But at first, in order to save money, it is better to perform all the functions yourself.

It is much more difficult to calculate the amount of income, since the profit will depend on many factors - the number of customers, competition, established prices, services offered, etc. Approximately in the first months, about 300 thousand rubles of income are expected from a small center, which is located near the educational institution. Even with such figures, it can be expected that in 4-6 months all investments will fully pay off.

In general, the profitability of the project is estimated by experts at 30-35%, which is a very good indicator. But a lot depends on how much was initially spent. To organize a solid business, large investments are needed, which will return to the owner only after a year. If we limit ourselves to one device, then the investment will pay off in 1-2 months.

Video: how to open a copy center?

The services of copy centers are still in good demand. Among the clients are students, employees of engineering and construction enterprises, citizens who draw up some documents, and so on. An entrepreneur who decides to open a copy center will not be mistaken, especially if the center is located near an educational institution, a market, a bus station, that is, where it is always crowded, and the people passing there really need such services.

Nowadays, the demand for photocopy services is growing, people have to make copies of various information materials, documents, print documents in electronic form, or vice versa - make electronic copies of documents, business documents. In this case, electronic copies are stored on memory cards, laser disks.

People visit copy centers many times, especially if the nature of their work, study, requires it. We are talking about printing term papers, school essays, document forms, in addition to this, such an office often provides services such as laminating documents, refilling cartridges, printing color photographs. It should be noted that the demand for photocopying services is always high, regardless of the season, weather conditions. The main thing is that the mine center is located in a busy place, in the center, as they say, of the city, not far from some university, business center, administrative office, school, and so on.

To equip a copy center, an entrepreneur will have to buy certain equipment, the type and quantity of which determines the list of services that his company will provide. In any case, you will have to buy a copier, personal computer, printer, scanner. Today it is not easy to buy this office equipment, in any electronics store there are several models of any of the above copiers. And we are talking about electronics from various manufacturers, cost, quality, performance level, functionality.

With after-sales service, repairs of the above equipment should also not be problems, service centers have been operating for several years, there is no shortage of consumables (paint, paper), components. In the event of a breakdown, the failed equipment can be quickly repaired, set up at the nearest service center, or even you can call the master to the office.

The price of services that implement copy prices initially depends on demand and the level of competition. The most popular services are photocopying, printing of electronic documentation, which is why it is advisable to stop competitive prices here, that is, the lowest. Services such as writing data to a disk, an external storage medium, and compiling forms are less in demand, so their cost should be a little higher. Refilling cartridges requires special skills, because the cost of this service is quite high. Nevertheless, people willingly use this service, because buying branded consumables is much more expensive.

The photocopy center is an enterprise that is subject to registration with the tax service. Registration is what an entrepreneur has to start with, that is, the first stage in the process of organizing a business. As soon as the "paper issue" is resolved, you can start buying the necessary equipment, which will "earn" money for the organizer of the copy center. It is necessary to choose high-quality, multifunctional, reliable equipment that will work for more than one year without a break for repairs. Cartridges must be designed for at least 1500 copies, no less. It is advisable to purchase a new standard computer, a high-quality scanner, a reliable color laser printer.

All this electronic equipment will pay off very quickly, in just one or two hard sessions, when there are more than enough student clients near such copy centers, and they often print up to fifty or more pages at a time. At such times, the load on the equipment is especially high. An entrepreneur can purchase the aforementioned copiers on a lease with the right to repurchase, if he can convince the supplier of the prospects and profitability of his business project.

Before opening a copy center, it is recommended to conduct a small advertising campaign, that is, place announcements in nearby crowded places, distribute information in nearby student dormitories, educational institutions, and make a sign. It is desirable that the range of services of the photocopying center be listed there, their cost, discount conditions, if, of course, the business owner accepts this.

Modern photocopying centers are usually stuffed with a mass of all kinds of digital equipment that allows you to design and correct documents in electronic format. To work with all this electronic equipment, qualified specialists are needed, although in principle this equipment is not difficult to handle, configure, and service.

An entrepreneur will have to spend certain funds to advertise his copy center. On a computer, you can type and print advertising flyers for posting, distribution in nearby educational institutions, government agencies. It is recommended to make a bright informative sign, hang it at the entrance to the room where the mining center is located. Near the building where the enterprise is located, you can put up an attention-grabbing billboard.

In our time, an incredibly large number of people regularly use the resources of the Internet, roam various sites, forums, weigh in social networks. The Internet, as a resource for disseminating information about a copy center and the services it provides, is incredibly effective, especially if the business is organized in a large city. In the online network, on your website, other people's online resources, you can publish a list of services, price lists, current discounts, some interesting information in order to attract the attention of an online audience.

Now a little about the costs and income of the photocopying center. Renting a room for a mining center will cost about $300, it all depends on the location of the building, the office of the enterprise. It is desirable that this be the first floor, the entrance from the front side of the building, so that people can find the mine center without problems, and its sign is visible from the street. For the purchase of copiers, PCs, and other office equipment, you will have to raise at least $2,000. About 100 dollars a month will be spent on the purchase of paper and other consumables. The salary of a photocopying center operator is somewhere around $200-300, that is, an entrepreneur will need at least $3,000 as an initial investment, plus something for advertising, making a sign.

On average, a copy center located in a good, crowded place, implementing a standard range of services, brings its owner an income of 1-2 thousand dollars (per month). The level of competition affects the size of the income of a copy center, that is, the farther from it the same copy center, the better. The payback period for a copy center is about 2-4 months. Good luck!

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The services of copy centers are still in demand and are very popular. This happens through the use of professional equipment, which is aimed at fast and high-quality results. At the same time, the cost of printing text is much lower than on a home printer, which periodically needs to be refilled and paper needs to be bought for it. It is also necessary to contact a copy center if you need to print color photographs and images. Rarely does anyone have the necessary equipment at home.

Business specifics

A copy center is understood as a special service that provides services to the public for copying and printing any type of documents in different formats.

Usually, government institutions for various purposes, including higher and secondary educational institutions, become clients. At the same time, students often require services not only for printing information on paper, but also for scanning, copying, and binding of term papers and theses.

Based on this, good copy center should provide the following services to the public:

  1. Copying of all types, sizes and formats.
  2. Lamination of important papers and documents. This is done so that over time the information is not lost and always remains in a readable and legible form.
  3. Printing documents. Moreover, it can be black and white documents or papers with color inserts. That is, various diagrams, tables that may be needed for the correct design of term papers, theses, as well as laboratory assignments.
  4. Making business cards. This process is not particularly difficult and will not take much time. But business cards cannot be printed on cheap and low-quality paper, so many customers turn to copy centers for such services, where there is always the right paper. Here, employees know how to use the necessary graphic editors with which you can quickly create good business cards.
  5. Printing photos. This shouldn't be a top priority for a copy shop, but having such a service can go a long way in expanding your customer base. Not every person can afford to install a printer with a color cartridge at home, since refilling it and buying photo paper is a very expensive pleasure.
  6. Printing of booklets, books and manuals. It is much more profitable to perform such a service in a copy center than in a large and professional printing house, in which it is very expensive to reconfigure all the equipment for the sake of a small print run.
  7. Manufacture of binding of term papers and theses. Without this, the student will not be allowed to defend his scientific work.

In copy centers, in addition to basic services, you can also provide additional services that will also generate income for small businesses. These include the sale of CDs of various formats, flash drives with various amounts of memory, and small stationery.

The more diverse services will be provided in the copy center, the higher the chance that customers will not only return here, but also bring other people with them.

Premises, location, target audience

To open a copy center from scratch, first of all, you need to Right choose a place for its organization. It should take into account all the features of the target audience that will visit it.

Usually these are students of nearby schools and lyceums, higher or secondary educational institutions. In addition, teachers, teachers, medical staff become clients of the center. Also, all those people who need services for copying, printing documents, photographs and color images become customers.

Therefore, a copy center business plan should begin with choosing the right place to operate. It is best if it is located in close proximity to:

  • higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • communal organizations;
  • medical institutions;
  • large residential areas.

The location of your copier should be easily accessible. It is best if it is located in a place where there is a large flow of people in any direction.

It is very important to know how to organize a copy center so that after visiting it, people have only positive emotions. It should be properly organized and include:

  • customer service room - 20 sq.m;
  • storage room - 4 sq.m;
  • a room for storing equipment - 15 sq.m;
  • utility room;
  • bathroom.

The best option would be a room with an area of ​​20-45 sq.m, which is located on the ground floor, for example, of a university, business center or shopping complex.

Necessary equipment

The organization of a copy center implies the purchase of the necessary equipment. But before you do this, you need to clearly define the services that you will provide at the beginning of your development. After the business pays for itself and attracts a sufficiently large number of customers, you can expand the list of services. Therefore, the mandatory equipment for the full functioning of the copy center are:

  • Laser.
  • Jet.

The first is much more expensive. But its further maintenance is much cheaper than that of inkjet models.

If there is a financial constraint, then for the first time you can purchase 3-in-1 multifunctional equipment. That is, in one device there will immediately be a printer, copier and scanner. But over time, there will be more customers and you will have to provide several different services at the same time. Therefore, the 3 in 1 device can only be used for a short period of time.

In addition to the purchase of basic devices for the provision of various services, it is necessary to purchase additional equipment for the copy center. It includes:

  • copier for A3 paper size in black and white;
  • color copier;
  • device for binding documents;
  • laminating equipment;
  • risograph.

The wider the range of services of the copy center, the more modern equipment should be present in it. You can not let the client go to another place for the necessary service. Therefore, over time, it will be necessary to install equipment for photo printing, making postcards and booklets. In addition to stationary devices, it is necessary to install special licensed programs for design and graphics on a personal computer or laptop.

To make customers and employees feel comfortable and cozy in the copy center, you also need to take care of purchasing tables, chairs, cabinets and various shelves.

Business registration

The activity of a copy center is not subject to licensing. That is, to start work, you need to obtain a certificate from the Federal Tax Service and conduct business as an individual entrepreneur. The expense will be 2,000 rubles. Additional documents for this type of activity are not required.


In order for a copy center to make a profit, it must be properly advertised. This will help attract a large number of new customers. correct and effective advertising consists of the following activities:

  1. Signage and outdoor advertising, which will be located near the copy center to indicate it to the flow of people passing by. It should be bright and colorful, but not irritating people.
  2. Flyers and business cards. They can be distributed among students, pupils, employees of nearby organizations, as well as customers who have already contacted the copy center. People will be able to transfer information about the copy center to their friends, relatives and acquaintances.
  3. Announcements on the Internet. Today it is very popular and effective to promote your business through social networks, specialized sites and forums.

Also, in the process, you can create your own website. So people can get all the up-to-date information about the services and the cost of them via the Internet at any convenient time.

Investments, costs and profitability

To know how much it will cost to open a copy center, you need to determine the prices for the services provided. They should not be higher than those of competitors, as potential customers can simply make a choice in their favor.

If 1 employee works in a copy center, then he must carry out his work with the following intensity:

  • printing and copying in black and white format - 800-900 sheets per day;
  • printing and copying in color format - 170-200 sheets per day;
  • printing photos - 200-220 pieces per day;
  • scanning - 80-90 sheets.

You will not be able to start working until you have a business plan with calculations for your copy center. If the norm is met, in 20-22 working days, the monthly revenue should be from 240,000 to 270,000 rubles in Moscow, 180,000 - 200,000 rubles in other regions.

In addition to revenue, it is imperative to take into account the costs that the copy center will incur in the first year of operation. These must include:

  • rent;
  • staff salaries;
  • cost of equipment.

Based on this, the total amount of expenses per year in Moscow will be from 2.5 to 2.7 million rubles, in the regions - 1.8-2 million rubles.

Comparing all the figures, we can conclude that the profitability in the first year of operation will be from 15 to 16%. After the payback period has passed, a copy center in Moscow will increase this figure by 1-2%, a regional firm - by 3-4%.

To achieve such results, it is necessary to have not only the most expensive and modern equipment, but also to properly serve each client. Without exception, all employees must be polite and attentive, try to provide any type of service with the highest quality so that the client is completely satisfied with the work done.

Copycenter will be a great opportunity to earn a high level of income. In order for it to bring maximum profit, you need to take care of Right organized work, quality materials and equipment, as well as to hire friendly and honest employees to work.

In order to attract a large number of new customers who may become permanent in the future, it is necessary to responsibly approach the advertising of your enterprise. If you draw up a business plan correctly, then in the shortest possible time your business will begin to make a profit.

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In this material:

The ability to purchase a copier for home use could not nullify the demand for such services. A business plan for a copy center will help you organize a profitable business with a small initial investment.

The services of a copy center are in demand enough to organize a profitable non-dusty business. The main thing is to choose the right location and not be stingy with advertising. There are always free places in this niche, the one who can catch the wave and meet the expectations of the consumer will win.

Business Benefits

Among the various areas of small business, the organization of a copy center is one of the most attractive. Business benefits include:

  • small starting capital;
  • minimum permits;
  • relatively low operating costs;
  • high profitability;
  • small staff (without special qualifications).

In fact, anyone can become the owner of such a business with a certain start-up capital and business acumen.

Demand analysis for copy services

The presence of copiers in apartments and offices is not a reason to believe that copying services are not in the price today. The need to make a photocopy sometimes arises very unexpectedly, and the easiest option is to seek help from a copy center, where the problem will be solved for a nominal fee.

In addition, the services of copy centers are not limited solely to copying documents. They have the ability to print files from the Internet or from digital media, amend finished documents, increase or decrease the size of documents. At home, it is not always possible to make an A3 copy, print large-scale drawings, diagrams, drawings, scan or laminate paper. Additionally, copy centers print out photographs, make collages, calendars, postcards to order, print on T-shirts, mugs and other souvenirs. The range of services is wide and varied, so the copy center, located in a busy place, will not be left without work.

Organizational matters


To open a copy center, it is enough to issue an IP. To do this, after submitting an application to the tax office, you need to obtain an individual taxpayer number - TIN and submit documents to the city government:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • application in the prescribed form.

As a taxation system, the USN or UTII is suitable.

Choice of location and premises

The main criterion for choosing the location of the copy center is high traffic and accessibility. A busy city street, an office center, a building in the immediate vicinity of large educational institutions (or in them themselves) will do. There should be a convenient approach and access to the copy center, preferably parking, including for bicycles. A room located on the first or basement floor is the best choice.

The size of the room is not important, even a small room or office will do. It must comply with the requirements of the SES and firefighters, be equipped with an emergency fire extinguishing system, a fire detector and ventilation.

Determination of the range of services

The list of services determines the choice of office equipment necessary for work. The wider it is, the more potential visitors the copy center will be able to serve:

  • copying;
  • scanning;
  • typing, editing and printing of text;
  • printout of documents from media;
  • lamination;
  • drawing pictures on products;
  • stitching.

Procurement of equipment and materials

To equip a copy center, you will need at least:

  • computer with multifunctional device;
  • copier format A 3;
  • risograph;
  • laminator;
  • paper cutter;
  • stapler, hole punch;
  • apparatus for stitching (binding apparatus);
  • photo printer;
  • plotter A1.

In addition, you need furniture - a table, chairs, racks, shelves, showcases.


To work in the center, 2-3 people will be needed, they do not need special education, it is enough that they will be confident PC users and will be able to handle office equipment. Such qualities as responsibility, sociability, creativity, accuracy are important.


It will take some time for the copy center to work at full capacity. The best advertising is word of mouth, but before it kicks in, it's worth running a commercial on local radio, on TV, placing information in the press and free flyers that are thrown into mailboxes. You can distribute flyers and business cards, hang a bright announcement in educational institutions near the center. Advertising on the Internet, social networks, and city portals gives a good result.

The copy center should have a conspicuous sign that can be seen from afar.

Financial plan

Initial investment

At the start, the main costs consist of:

  • purchases of furniture and equipment - 165 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork - 800 rubles;
  • advertising - 40 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rent and utilities - 20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of consumables (ink, refill cartridges, paper) - 70 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 5 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 50 thousand rubles.


Payback period

The profitability of the business is 18-20%, the initial investment will pay off in 12-14 months.

At the dawn of a business, it is not necessary to buy a large amount of expensive office equipment, you can start small, gradually expanding your capabilities.

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LLC “Microfinance Organization “First Financial Assistance” was established in 2011. Financial services for the provision of consumer loans were chosen as the main field of activity of the company. Through a thorough analysis of the loan products market, our specialists came to the conclusion that one of the simplest, most convenient and popular types of loans will be a loan secured by a vehicle title. In fact, the niche...

Investments: Investments from 250,000 rubles.

The Mozart House group of companies has its representative offices in Austria, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium and the USA. In Russia, the famous brand is represented by several full-scale projects in the beauty industry: the Austrian Academy of Style "Mozart Art House", Beauty Studios "Deluxe Mozart House", a network of professional stores "Mozart House" and specialized centers "Profi Service", created to support specialists beauty industry. Austrian Academy...

Investments: Investments 390,000 - 650,000 rubles.

The federal network "Professor Zvezdunov" is a network of regional full-cycle companies that implement business in the following areas of activity: - Production and sale of healthy food products for children and adolescents; - Services for the organization of commercial and socially oriented projects for the population of the region (popular science show programs with an educational bias, master classes for children of all ages, corporate sector); - Media business: production and…

Investments: Investments 100,000 - 300,000 rubles.

The company "VERBETA" was founded back in 1992 and is a provider of a range of telecommunications services, including access to network storages and servers for printing images located on them. The company has created a unique technology for processing pictures using the “Painting by Numbers” technique, which allows you to convert any pictures or photos into vector images in the appropriate…

Investments: Investments from 430,000 rubles.

The PrintInstvud machine appeared as a result of the return of fashion for paper photographs. This is the good old Polaroid format using the latest technology. We took as a basis the most popular social network Instagram®, which uses a format similar to Polaroid. With the advent of Instagram®, people around the world began to share their emotions, impressions and events with friends and acquaintances around the world…

Investments: Investments 25,000 - 450,000 rubles.

Interior Club is a unique model of work with a huge range of interior trends. Our site contains more than 10,000 wallpaper catalogs from more than 15 countries of the world; unique architectural ceramics that can take you back to the times of the Antique era; a huge selection of stucco decor of the most famous brands on the Russian market - and other, no less amazing materials, ...

Investments: Investments 80,000 - 180,000 rubles.

New Chemistry LLC is part of the DI-Group holding. The DI-Group holding is known for several innovative projects, including a milk vending machine for selling fresh milk, a SIM vending machine for selling SIM cards, as well as a line of 3D printers for printing 3D objects based on their computer models. The holding's successful projects include such well-known brands as "Coin attraction" - a network of points selling…

Study the demand for printing services in your city. Despite the fact that almost every office has a copy machine, a simple consumer feels a shortage. In some areas and even cities, making copies is quite difficult, and people have to travel considerable distances in order to find a printing service center. It is important to find just such a place.

The amount of start-up capital required to open this business directly depends on the cost of the equipment. It is his acquisition that is a decisive factor in the success of your activity. Be sure to find a specialist who will help you choose a reliable and inexpensive set of equipment. Start writing a business plan after you agree with equipment suppliers, find out the prices for consumables and the cost of renting in the selected premises. These items of expenditure will affect the cost to the greatest extent.

Main risks

In the month of the New Year holidays and from July to mid-August, the demand for the services of copy centers drops sharply. These are objective factors characteristic of the whole direction. You can’t do anything with this, just take into account the decrease in profits.

Significant risks are associated with the wrong choice of equipment. The greatest losses of printing centers are associated with breakdowns of copiers.


The minimum area for a copy center to operate is 20 m². Most likely, you will be subletting at a mall or store. It is highly desirable location on the ground floor closer to the main entrance. The cost of rent in this case will be higher, but the flow of customers will cover this difference.

When choosing offers, you should opt for the maximum proximity to potential customers. It goes without saying that crowded streets are important. First of all, it is worth considering buildings in close proximity to higher educational institutions. But you should not rely only on students. They provide excellent income during the educational process, but in the summer, when the holidays begin, you can sit out of work. True, during this period, applicants will come to you.

But it’s better to consider other options, so you can ensure a stable flow of customers. Great if there are government and medical institutions, office centers nearby. Be sure to study the situation with competitors. Try to stay as far away from the nearest copy center as possible.


The choice of technology should be approached with care. Manufacturers offer many models of copiers, but not all of them are distinguished by the quality and reliability necessary for large volumes of work. It is better to purchase equipment from official representatives of reliable brands. When studying offers, consider service and warranty repairs. Device breakdowns and downtime are losses, it is important that service centers are in close proximity to you.

First of all, you will need a copier. It is advisable to purchase 2-3 pieces. In the event of a breakdown of one device, you will not be idle. Also, the presence of several machines will ensure the speed of service for orders for large batches of sheets. One copier must work in A3 format. It is less in demand, but not found in all copy centers. This will become your competitive advantage. The cost of one device is 12,000-15,000 rubles. When choosing a model, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. 2 automatic paper feed trays.
  2. The speed of work is 30 copies per minute.
  3. Resolution - about 1200 x 600 dpi.

You should not buy the newest models, it is better to choose an option that has already been tested in practice and has good user reviews.

You will also need other equipment:

Modern computer. The cost is about 40,000 rubles. It is better to have 2 devices.
- A printer. The cost is from 5,000 rubles. It is desirable to have a laser.
- Scanner. The cost is from 5,000 rubles.
- Binder-binder. The cost is from 7,000 rubles.

The set of furniture is standard - tables, chairs and shelving. In total, the purchase of equipment and the first batch of consumables will cost 150,000 rubles.


The number of employees and their specialization directly depends on the scope of services. At the start, the owner of the business can also serve customers. If you are not technically savvy, be sure to hire an assistant who is fully familiar with the operation of copier equipment and, if necessary, can fix minor problems. Even with a service agreement, the time that passes while waiting for the master is a waste of money.

If you plan to print photos, you need someone who knows how to work with special image processing programs.

In principle, two people are enough to provide a small print service center. Salary - 35,000 rubles in small towns and 45,000 rubles in a metropolis.

Financial and tax reporting can be outsourced, on average, it costs about 5,000 rubles per month. Refueling of cartridges is also carried out by service departments. It costs around 20,000 rubles a month.

Documents and licenses

For this direction, the IP registration form is suitable, the taxation system is the simplified tax system (6% of profit). There are no special requirements from the SES, but there are still some conditions. Everything is standard, they are easy to perform. You should also find out the requirements of fire supervision.


You need outdoor advertising. Order a colorful signboard, install a remote structure. If possible, hang signs with the word "Xerox" and arrows at any point on the street and in the building in which you are.

By the opening of the center, make business cards or flyers and organize their distribution in your area of ​​work. It is worth thinking about the system of discounts. Lowering the price as you increase the number of copies works great. If a person needs to make more than 100 pieces, he will come to you even from another area.


Revenue directly depends on the flow of customers. In the first months, you should not count on big profits, working at a loss is a normal phenomenon. After 2-3 months, you will be able to reach profitability within 3-4%.


A print center is a very popular service and a great option for a novice entrepreneur. The main success factors are a good location and the right choice of equipment.