Business idea: Private production of milk and dairy products. Dairy business: who profits and who loses Trade in raw milk in bulk

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A business idea for selling milk from a tank is suitable for producing farmers. This method of selling your milk, according to reviews, is more profitable than simply donating milk to the nearest dairy plant.

What barrel size should I use?

A 500 liter barrel is best. Such a volume is interesting due to its fast turnover; if you buy more, you will either have to trade until late in the evening, or decide something with the balances. 500 liters are easier to collect from the population. From practice, such a volume is sold by 16-17 hours (depending on the location), since not every seller wants to work from 7 a.m. until the barrel is empty, and then go to the cash register, wash the barrel, and so on every day. Only a bad location or bad weather, such as rainy weather, can delay the sales process.

Barrel requirements

In order to start trading, you need to undergo laboratory tests of the equipment at the sanitation station, after which the barrel is sealed and documents are issued confirming the quality of the product. You can obtain them only upon presentation of a certificate of sanitary treatment of the barrel or an examination of the cleanliness of the container if washing and evaporation was carried out on your own. Washing or inspection services can be obtained from local dairies.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

The cost starts from 145 thousand rubles.

Requirements for the seller

Regardless of whether a hired worker or an entrepreneur himself sits at the bottling plant, he needs a health book with a mark indicating that all examinations have been completed.

For the peace of mind of the seller and the client, it is necessary to have 1 liter measuring cups, since sometimes the buyer comes with a non-standard or artificially inflated “egg box”.

Where to sell?

The sale of milk, especially if the seller is not going to provide his own container, should be organized in a residential area so that the client can quickly take a bottle or can from his home kitchen cabinet. It is desirable that this be a place with good traffic of people: an intersection, a bus stop, a small shopping area, a courtyard of high-rise buildings or an adjacent courtyard. Pensioners and young mothers willingly buy milk. There are no problems with sales - they are sold out quickly, and there is not enough for everyone.

You can also increase the number of customers by selling disposable containers - it’s easier to buy milk along the way.

Bottled milk suppliers

Ideally, you need only one supplier - a farmer with enough livestock to purchase the entire batch at once. In practice, it is difficult to conclude an agreement with a farm, so it is necessary to organize purchases from the population. You can collect the morning milk, starting the purchase around 5:00-6:00 in the morning, then trading will begin by 9:00-11:00 in the afternoon, or you can take the day's milk, but then you can go to the point in the evening, when people return From the job.

Taxes and legal registration

It is better to choose the patent system or UTII. With this type of taxation, the rate is lower, accounting is simpler and a cash register is not needed. The settlement document can be issued only at the request of the buyer, and then in free form.

When choosing UTII according to OKVED code 52.63 Other retail trade outside of stores, restrictions apply - when conducting retail trade outside of stationary retail facilities, the sale of: food products (except for ice cream, soft drinks, confectionery and bakery products in manufacturer's packaging) is not allowed. However, based on paragraphs. 7 paragraph 2 art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, this type of trade for the purposes of UTII is delivery trade (Article 346.27 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and can be transferred to UTII.

If we are talking about a patent, then this is a fixed payment and it is easy to calculate it in advance; if we talk about UTII, then everything is calculated using a formula based on the volume of revenue received. By the way, if a hired person does trade, then the costs will increase by the amount of taxes from his payment, and the obligation to submit reports for the employee will also be added.

Also, on a daily basis, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the Veterinary Control about the milk’s compliance with sanitary standards. You must present this certificate to the buyer upon request.

The most difficult thing when organizing trade in milk in barrels is to obtain permission from the administration to place such objects.

Promotion and advertising

You don't need advertising as such. In your case, it will be good quality of the product and a positive attitude towards the buyer. Always arrive at the same time and on the same days. Then people themselves will learn about you from others and will come. Be sure to place the inscription “Milk” on the barrel to attract attention.

Business profitability

Main expenses when starting a business:

  • tank-barrel - 145,000 rubles;
  • delivery of a tank from the factory - 15-20 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of 1 batch of goods - 7,500 rubles;
  • other costs - 10,000 rubles;
  • reserve amount, for 3 batches of milk, 500 liters each - 22,500 rubles.

Total: 200,000 rubles.

Please note that most of these costs will be daily. To protect yourself from losses, find a reseller, and at first sell the remaining goods to him, this will reduce the loss. Always keep a reserve amount for purchasing several batches of goods.

Possible risks

At first you will have few buyers, therefore not all the goods may be sold out. In addition, you may choose the wrong location for the point. The location should be in a walkable place. Another risk is that the batch may not pass the sanitary inspection; be more attentive to suppliers.

Most city dwellers originally from villages prefer to purchase natural products, knowing their true health value. In such conditions, selling milk from tanks as a business always pays off, as evidenced by the large queues that gather at the usual place even before the car with the milk tank has time to arrive.

What do you need to buy to start a business?

After completing the registration process and obtaining permission to trade milk, the business owner needs to buy:

  • tank made of special alloys;
  • a fairly durable car;
  • for storing goods;
  • auxiliary equipment.

In addition, the person conducting the sales must wear overalls and always have a health book with him. The latter is necessary in case of an unscheduled inspection by the relevant structures.

In addition, the entrepreneur must always have a conclusion on a veterinary examination performed, confirming the quality of the milk and its compliance with established standards.

Where to implement

When deciding to sell milk on tap, you need to take into account the level of competition in the chosen location. The largest number of buyers is guaranteed by two places: a stop near the market and in a residential area.

If you choose a market, it’s worth taking a closer look to see if there are too many villagers nearby selling a similar product in plastic bottles. As a rule, they attract the maximum number of buyers, thereby reducing the number of potential customers at the tank. In addition, quite often market management has a negative attitude towards entrepreneurs who do not pay a fee for a place to trade. Even if the tank is located outside the market and has no relation to it, it is better to avoid conflict situations.

The largest number of grateful buyers are concentrated in residential areas, where mainly retirees or young families with small children live. Both categories of the population need such a fresh natural product as homemade milk. Only elite neighborhoods should be avoided - their residents may refuse such purchases due to prejudices.

Registration of activities

A dairy business from scratch always begins with the preparation of documents indicating the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity. If a businessman plans to sell exclusively his own products, it is advisable for him to register his peasant farm.

From the point of view of the laws operating in the country, such activities are as close as possible in their specificity to individual entrepreneurship. The collection of documents - both basic and daily used - must be given great attention. They are the basis for trading without penalties, and neglecting them can lead to the closure of the business.

Opportunities to increase income

An entrepreneur does not have to sell exclusively milk. By purchasing products from the population, you can diversify your assortment:

  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir

Initially, they should be purchased in small quantities to determine sales prospects. If the products sell out quickly, then you can create a small supply and even produce cottage cheese and homemade kefir yourself for sale in the event that not all of the milk from the tank is sold out. This creates a waste-free production, and not a single penny of the amount spent on the purchase of goods is wasted.

Business growth prospects

It is difficult to find an entrepreneur who does not dream of future business expansion. The situation is similar in the sale of milk from a tank - having saved up some money, a businessman can rent several more cars, purchase special tanks, refrigerators and, if it is profitable, install them in various residential neighborhoods or places in the city.

To do this, you need to hire people who will carry out sales, monitor the condition of transport, and thoroughly wash the tanks every day. Generally, salaried workers are paid a specified rate. But, having decided to encourage his subordinates by getting them interested in increasing sales, a businessman can pay them a percentage of the revenue or reward them for their initiative.

About profitability

Costs incurred due to this are more than offset by markups made per liter of milk, cheese or sour cream: from 30% to 70% of the purchase price. It goes without saying that such a business, started almost from scratch, pays off in the first weeks even though the influx of clients is formed gradually, since it depends solely on the effectiveness of word of mouth.

Investments: from 230,000 rubles

Payback: from 5 months

Currently, the number of bottled milk lovers has not decreased, despite the attractive factory packaging that is replete with store windows. Therefore, selling natural milk on tap from a barrel, right on the street, can be an excellent business.

Business concept

The peculiarities of the business are that the company buys milk from private farmers, then takes it for testing to special laboratories, where it receives a certificate of safety, quality of milk, and its compliance with sanitary standards. After passing these procedures, the milk is transported to the final consumer.

Natural products have always been in demand, and by opening a business selling bottled milk, you can quickly gain regular customers and make a stable profit.

What will be required for implementation?

If you decide to open your own business in this direction, you need to solve several important problems:

  • decide on the place of sale;
  • purchase a large barrel for storing milk;
  • find suppliers of safe and high-quality dairy products;
  • go through all procedures related to registering and registering a business with the tax authorities and other services.

Step-by-step launch instructions
  • Registration . Registration is associated with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. For one point of sale of milk to the population, it is enough to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. As for taxes, you can choose a patent system or a single tax on imputed income. The patent system requires the payment of a fixed amount of taxes, and in the second case, the amount of tax deductions is calculated based on average revenue. You will also need to undergo a laboratory test of the main container - the milk tank. After the barrel is checked at the sanitary station, the institution’s employees will issue the appropriate permit and seal the container. You can obtain permits for the sale of milk only after the barrel has undergone a cleanliness examination or provided a certificate stating that the container has been sanitized. To wash the tank, you can contact a dairy plant operating in your locality.
  • Place of implementation. There is no need to rent a room. You need to find a place where the milk barrel will be stored. You can use your own garage for this. As for the place where the goods are sold, it should be a paved area with convenient access, located in a residential area of ​​the village, but with good traffic from potential buyers. For example, an intersection, a stop or an adjacent yard.
  • Equipment . The optimal volume of a milk barrel is 500 liters. This volume will be filled faster by suppliers and sold to buyers. As practice shows, it is possible to sell all the milk in the specified amount by 17:00 in the evening. Accordingly, you need to think about transport. Even a passenger car equipped with a towbar is suitable for this. The price for a tank will be approximately 150,000 rubles. You also need to take care of the container into which the milk will be poured to the consumer.
  • Milk suppliers. The best option is one supplier. For example, a farmer who has a sufficient number of livestock, the milk yield from which will allow him to completely fill the tank. If you can’t find one, you’ll have to collect milk from the population. When purchasing a product from the morning milking (6-7 a.m.), it can be sold from about 10 a.m. You can realize your lunch milk yield at the end of the working day. In some cases, this option is even better, because people are just returning home from work at this time.
  • Staff . The main requirement for a milk seller is that he has a health certificate. If the product will be sold at one retail outlet, it is enough to hire one salesperson. Salaries are usually calculated based on revenue received. You can set a fixed salary for the salesperson. For such workers, the maximum amount, as a rule, does not exceed 20,000 rubles. If you plan to sell milk daily, you will have to hire two employees and set them a shift work schedule. Accounting can be carried out by a manager or special companies that, for an amount of up to 5,000 rubles, will draw up all the necessary reports for the tax inspectorate.
  • Advertising . Conduct a standard advertising campaign in the form of advertisements in newspapers, distribution of leaflets, etc. you won't have to. The main thing is to supply only a safe, high-quality product and always arrive on time. This way you can quickly develop your own client base. To attract the attention of buyers, place the inscription “Milk” on the barrel.

  • Financial calculations Starting capital

    The main expenses at the initial stage of opening the business in question will be:

    • paperwork – 20,000 rubles;
    • purchase of a tank, its delivery from the factory - 170,000 rubles;
    • purchase of milk for the first sale – 8,000 rubles;
    • reserve for the next at least three batches of milk - 24,000 rubles;
    • containers for milk for the population - 3,000 rubles;
    • other costs - 5,000 rubles.

    In total, the implementation of a business idea for selling bottled milk from a barrel will require 230,000 rubles.

    Monthly expenses

    Current monthly expenses will include:

    • purchase of milk – 8,000 rubles * 30 days = 240,000 rubles;
    • salary for sellers - 30,000 rubles;
    • transportation costs – 10,000 rub.
    How much can you earn?

    The purchase price of one liter of milk will be approximately 16 rubles, and the cost of selling the product at retail will be 25 rubles. With waste-free sales, you can earn approximately 4,500 rubles per day from one barrel. Taking into account monthly expenses and taxes, the net profit will be about 50,000 rubles per month.

    Payback period

    The investment will pay off in an average of 5-7 months.

    Risks and disadvantages of business

    There are several risks associated with starting a business:

    • lack of the required number of buyers and the presence of milk residues after sale;
    • wrong choice of place of trade;
    • low-quality product that has not passed sanitary inspection.
    Bottom line

    Despite the possible risks, starting a business selling milk from a barrel will be an excellent source of income, and the profit received will allow you to recoup your investment in a fairly short time. In the future, you can expand your activities and purchase another tank.

    Documents for the sale of milk and dairy products

    1) It is necessary to have a passport for keeping a cow
    2) We obtain the necessary documents for the sale of dairy products at retail (Federal Law “On the quality and safety of food
    products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ)
    3) Documents for the sale of milk and dairy products obtained in the region:
    - For the transportation of controlled goods to the food market, a Veterinary Certificate Form No. 2 is issued. Issued by the regional station for the fight against animal diseases (“Rules for organizing work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents”, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 24, 2006 No. 8524
    4) Documents for the sale of milk and dairy products obtained at an agricultural market that has
    State Laboratory of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise (GLVSE):
    - Permission to trade.
    Federal Law “On Retail Markets and Amendments to the Labor Code
    Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2006 No. 271-FZ art. 12 p. 4
    - Result of laboratory examination of dairy products
    (Article 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine” dated May 14, 1993 No. 4979)
    5) When retailing raw milk by bottling it from transport or other containers, sellers are required to present consumers with documents confirming the safety of raw milk, as well as provide consumers with information about the need for mandatory boiling of raw milk.
    Separately, it is worth paying attention to the requirements for the transportation of milk, which must be carried out in containers with tight-fitting lids, made of materials approved for contact with milk, maintaining the required temperature. Letter of Rospotrebnadzor dated October 16, 2007 No. 0100/10418-07-32 “On additional measures aimed at stabilizing the consumer market” provides for the possibility of selling milk in clean consumer containers, but the following rules must be observed:
    - the territory of the trade organization must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards;
    - availability of sanitary clothing from sellers;
    - sellers undergo mandatory medical examinations when selling milk and dairy products;
    - compliance by sellers with expiration dates and storage conditions of products;
    - availability of documents for products confirming their quality and safety;
    - when selling bottled milk from tanks, they must be sealed, made of materials approved for contact with milk and dairy products, and labeled “milk”;
    - when selling milk from tanks, information must be provided to the consumer warning about the need to boil it;
    - sales of milk should be carried out only from farms free of zooanthroponotic infections and only into clean consumer containers.
    The sale in markets of milk and dairy products coming from animal farms free of infectious diseases is allowed, which is confirmed by a certificate from local veterinary personnel. The validity period of such a certificate is one month from the date of its issue. Trade in milk and dairy products is permitted to persons who have undergone a medical examination in institutions that conduct routine examinations of food enterprise workers. Typically, such workers are given permanent health certificates or appropriate certificates.

    "Private production of milk and dairy products"

    The production of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, and whey in private farmsteads is quite a common occurrence, but recently fewer and fewer people are engaged in this rather profitable business. I think it’s in vain.

    You can successfully start selling milk on the market with 3-4 or 5 good dairy cows. My option is a starting number of cows of 10 heads, producing at least five thousand liters of milk over the entire annual milking cycle.

    If you decide to deal only with milk and the sale of dairy products and your plans do not include increasing the number of livestock, water newborn calves for no more than ten days and sell them to the population. Usually they are readily bought up by those who have 1-2 cows and are not involved in selling milk.

    Cows go dry for 2 months, that is, they do not give milk at all, they rest and prepare for calving. Very often, high-producing cows are milked almost until calving, but this should not be done. When starting such cows, it is necessary to inject a special medicine into the udder into each teat, which promotes the restoration of the mammary glands and protects against mastitis in the future.

    We make calculations for a cow’s productivity and profit for 10 months: of which 8 months are full productivity, 2 months are partial productivity—before starting, the milk is reduced by almost half.

    One cow produces approximately 600 liters of milk per month, multiplied by 8 months = 4800 liters
    For two months it gives approximately half: 300 liters X per 2 = 600 liters. In about one season, a cow gives: 4800 liters +600 liters = 5400 liters of milk. Multiplying 5400 liters by 10 heads of cows we get 54,000 liters of milk. The average cost of milk sold per barrel is approximately 25 rubles: 54,000 liters X for 25 rubles we get 1,350,000 rubles. One million three hundred and fifty thousand rubles of total profit, but this is not net profit.

    Significant expenses lie ahead.

    1. Feed - it is more profitable to have your own plot of land with an area of ​​approximately 20 hectares, sown with perennial grasses.

    2. Buy feed grain from the combine (unrefined grain is cheaper from the farmer) or ready-ground grain, there is no need to grind, but it will be more expensive (about 25 thousand rubles

    3. It is necessary to purchase a milking machine (approximate price 25-30 thousand rubles, much cheaper from manufacturers). Purchasing a machine greatly facilitates the work of a milkmaid, saves time; instead of two people, one person can do the job just fine.

    4. Pasture: it is more profitable to let the village into a common herd; the need for daily control over the herd disappears and there is no need to accept a permanent shepherd and pay a tax for him.

    5. Significant costs for gasoline, diesel fuel, diesel fuel. oil (If sales are carried out at a distance of 20 km from a populated area, then the cost of gasoline per year will be approximately 150 thousand rubles. If you harvest hay yourself, then the cost of diesel fuel will be approximately 25-30 thousand rubles.

    In addition to the main costs, it is necessary to plan small expenses for salt, medicine, electricity, medical care, and one-time assistance from the people involved. For all this you will have to spend approximately 15 thousand rubles.
    We bought cows for 300,000 thousand rubles.

    Let's calculate the net profit: The total profit was 1,350,000 rubles - 25 thousand rubles (fodder) - 30 thousand rubles (milking machine) - 25 thousand rubles (grazing) - 180 thousand rubles (gasoline and diesel fuel) - 15 thousand rubles - 300,000 thousand rubles = 775,000 thousand rubles of net profit per year from the sale of milk + profit from the sale of calves (1 calf costs 6 thousand rubles) for 10 calves -60 thousand rubles = 835,000 thousand rubles of net profit for the first year of work. For the next year the profit will be greater by the amount for which you purchased the cows, i.e. for 300,000 thousand rubles.
    Beginners need to know: If you start selling milk on the market, you must undergo a medical examination and have a health certificate.

    Market workers are required to provide a place for sales either free of charge or with a minimum payment (according to the regulations), depending on the region, it varies.

    It is very convenient to sell from a barrel, but if you don’t have one, you can attach a tap to an ordinary forty-liter flask and pour it.

    It is more profitable to sell milk without processing.
    If you have registered with the tax office as a peasant farm, then you can count on state subsidies for 1 liter of milk - approximately 1.5 rubles (in different regions the amount is slightly different depending on the local budget). Part is paid from the federal budget, and part from the regional . But at the same time, you will be required to pay taxes on profits and funds required by law.
    Without registration with the tax office, you don’t pay anything anywhere (only if on the market it costs about 50 rubles per day for a place). No one has the right to control you, including your profit. Personal subsidiary plots are exempt from tax.

    Based on personal experience, it is more profitable to work without registration. Subsidies can be given and used for other more important purposes. Lately, this has been happening more often than not and it is difficult to consider it as additional profit. Although, if you comply with government orders, you can additionally receive at least eighty thousand rubles. But we don’t include them in profit; it’s more pleasant to receive money when you don’t expect it.
    All calculations and prices are given in relation to Bashkortostan.

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