Financial plan chocolate fountain excel. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery

When holding birthdays, weddings, corporate and other holidays, you want the event to be remembered. And be sure that it was delicious - you will lick your fingers! You can set the tables with dishes, invite animators, decorate the room with balls, flowers, arrange noisy and colorful fireworks.

And if you add a chocolate fountain to the holiday, then both guests and hosts will definitely have euphoria from being at an unforgettable event. Such a holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

What is a chocolate fountain? High metal multi-tiered structure, which is powered by the mains. But instead of water, liquid chocolate flows in cascades.

The design is installed in a special tray with hot chocolate, which constantly circulates. Imagine the smell in the room! This smell alone at the moment will set the guests on a holiday.

Place sliced ​​fruits and small skewers or forks on elegant dishes around the fountain. Dipping fruit in a chocolate fountain will appeal to everyone.

What is this business idea? You need to buy a dozen or two fountains of various sizes and rent them out for celebrations and all kinds of holidays. You can even install a point with a fountain near an entertainment or shopping center.

The production of chocolate fountains has been established in many countries of the world. The height of the fountains varies from half a meter to two meters, from 3-tiered to 7-tiered. They are constructed from stainless steel, wear-resistant and strong, you do not need to worry about breakdowns and repair costs. Depending on the size and the country of origin, the price of the fountain varies from 3,000 to 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

Finding and buying a good chocolate fountain, for example via the Internet, is not at all difficult. It is enough to write in the search line of any search engine such phrases: “Buy a chocolate fountain in Moscow” or such a phrase: “Buy a chocolate fountain in St. Petersburg” and you will be offered a large number of offers. Choose, negotiate and purchase. Honestly, you won't regret it.

To make the fountain work to its fullest, you need from five to fifteen kilograms of chocolate. Varieties of chocolate are selected by customers. For weddings, cascades of white chocolate will look symbolic and more beautiful, although, again, this depends on the taste of the customer.

An Internet search can also help here. Again, write something like: “Chocolate for a chocolate fountain buy” or “Chocolate for a chocolate fountain” and all your problems with finding the right chocolate will be solved very quickly.

For a children's holiday, milk chocolate is better, since not every child perceives the white colors of chocolate, he has a clear idea in his mind: once chocolate, then brown. The color scheme of hot chocolate can be diversified by adding safe dyes to white. Pastel-delicate colors are obtained.

The payback of a business depends directly on the region and, of course, on the number of orders. The costs can be recouped in the first two weeks, or in 2 months. The price of renting a chocolate fountain in the agencies of the capital varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles (this is for a large, 2-meter fountain for 120 - 150 people).

Each fountain pays off for two or three leases. Fountains take up little space, if we consider the business to be unstable, then you can make good money on it.

If you rent a point in the entertainment center by installing a fountain there, then the equipment will bring constant income. On disposable small plates, customers can be served fruits chopped on skewers.

The cost of dessert per plate, depending on the number of pieces and the presence of exotics on the menu, will vary from two to five dollars. Subtract from the income the cost of renting a point, chocolate and fruit, you get a net profit, which, I assure you, is several times higher than the amount spent on the business.

And when a larger customer appears, nothing will prevent you from renting a fountain for a day or two.

When you feel that they know about you and the business is on the rise, then you will need to buy fountains for champagne, juices or wines to the chocolate fountains. Believe me, these fountains will be the center of attention at any celebration or event. They will become a highlight that everyone will remember.

What else is a good business? To put it on stream, you do not need to have special skills and knowledge. Initially, it will be necessary to advertise in the local newspaper or on the radio, in the press, preferably with a photo - this will attract the attention of customers.

If possible, you can shoot a small video for outdoor screens - chocolate fountains always look more spectacular and bright, which will definitely attract attention.

Any celebration, whether it's a birthday, wedding, anniversary, corporate party or children's party ends with a tea party. Traditionally, a cake was always served at this moment, but now it is much more popular to surprise everyone present with a chocolate fountain at the end of the party. Indeed, millions of cream roses are no longer interesting. The chocolate fountain gives new impressions:

  • It allows everyone to prepare a dessert for themselves and to visit at least once in the role of a confectioner;
  • It gives you the opportunity to try new combinations of flavors, because it is not at all necessary to dip only a biscuit or fruit in flowing chocolate. You can take cheese, for example, or something more exotic;
  • Returns even adults, serious people to childhood, gives them vivid emotions and real delight;
  • As for the kids themselves, they get a fairy tale in reality - chocolate rivers and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive.

How to choose a chocolate fountain?

Installations for the chocolate fountain are different. There are configurations for commercial use, designed for a large number of loaded chocolate, usually with many tiers. In a word, high-quality professional equipment. But such an installation is also not too cheap, so if you want to buy a chocolate fountain for yourself in order to sometimes have cute home parties, then you simply don’t need such an instance. This option is suitable for restaurants, bars, cafes, where celebrations are constantly held, and there is a great demand for such entertainment.

For home use, there are practical, but simpler and, accordingly, cheaper modifications at a very reasonable price. Here you will be guided by the availability of funds and your personal preferences: whether you want the smallest model or a little more.

So, if you are tormented by the question of how to choose a chocolate fountain, just answer the following questions for yourself:

  • For home or commercial use, you buy the unit;
  • What height do you need, and how many tiers do you want to see;
  • How much chocolate should the fountain contain as much as possible;
  • Pay attention to the installation design;
  • And, of course, its price.

A variety of chocolate fountains from "site"

The website online store will help you find the chocolate fountain of your dreams. We have a wide range of installations of any price category and any configuration. You can even purchase a set of fountains, which will make a double splash at the celebration. You will be pleased with our democratic prices, attention to your order, prompt delivery and quality assurance of goods. Chocolate fountains from "website" will give you a taste of pleasure and a great mood!

I offer an excellent and interesting business idea - the manufacture of chocolate fountains for various celebrations and holidays. These celebrations include birthdays, weddings and more.

Chocolate fountains are a profitable business

The chocolate fountain will be a wonderful decoration for any holiday. So what are chocolate fountains? Outwardly, it is a high multi-tiered structure made of metal. This design is powered by electricity. But instead of water, delicious liquid chocolate flows in such a fountain. This design is installed on a special tray with hot chocolate. Liquid chocolate constantly circulates. From this, the room has a fabulous chocolate smell.

How to organize this business? How can you make money on chocolate fountains?

First of all, you should purchase about 10-20 of these liquid chocolate fountains. And then you will look for clients, and rent out similar structures for various holidays. The cost of fountains for liquid chocolate depends on many characteristics: height and design. The largest fountains, two meters in size, can cost about 15-20 thousand rubles. Small models, about half a meter in size, cost about 3,000 rubles.

Where to buy similar designs?

For example, you can see the range of similar designs in online stores. As a rule, the largest assortment of fountains is presented there. In order for the fountain to work at its maximum and look presentable enough at the holiday, you will have to spend from 5 to 10 kg of chocolate. Again, it all depends on the size of this design. The customer himself chooses what kind of chocolate he likes. White liquid chocolate will look especially impressive. A fountain of white chocolate is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

To make the fountain work to its fullest, you need from five to fifteen kilograms of chocolate. Varieties of chocolate are chosen by customers. For weddings, cascades of white chocolate will look symbolic and more beautiful, although, again, this depends on the taste of the customer.

Business payback

It all depends on the region and the number of orders. Payback can be from two weeks to two months. Each fountain pays off for 2-3 rents. Renting a large chocolate fountain is 6-8 thousand rubles. Now imagine how much money you can earn on such a lease?

Business Benefits

This business can be opened with a small initial investment.

Fast payback.

To organize this business, you do not need to have any skills or knowledge.

To find your first customers, use a variety of advertising: local newspaper, TV radio, Internet, social networks. In our country, people like to hold various celebrations and holidays noisily and expensively. Therefore, such a service will definitely find its client audience!

Starting capital - 48 thousand rubles.
Profit per month - 50 thousand rubles.
Payback period - 1 month.

The business idea is to rent chocolate fountains for celebrations, weddings, corporate parties, etc.

When holding birthdays, weddings, corporate and other holidays, you want the event to be remembered.
And be sure that it was delicious - you will lick your fingers! You can set the tables with dishes, invite animators, decorate the room with balls, flowers, arrange noisy and colorful fireworks.

And if you add a chocolate fountain to the holiday, then both the guests and the hosts will definitely have euphoria from being at an unforgettable event. Such a holiday will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

What is a chocolate fountain? High metal multi-tiered structure, which is powered by the mains. But instead of water, liquid chocolate flows in cascades.

The design is installed in a special tray with hot chocolate, which constantly circulates. Imagine the smell in the room! This smell alone at the moment will set the guests on a holiday.

Place sliced ​​fruits and small skewers or forks on elegant dishes around the fountain. Everyone likes to dip fruits in a chocolate fountain without exception.

The height of the fountains varies from half a meter to two meters, from 3-tiered to 7-tiered. They are constructed from stainless steel, wear-resistant and strong, you do not need to worry about breakdowns and repair costs.
Depending on the size and country of origin, the price of the fountain varies from 3,000 to 20,000 - 25,000 rubles

Benefits of this business:

Small investment
Fast payback
High profit
Opportunity to combine business with work
“Tasty” and interesting business that does not require special training and knowledge

What investments does this business require?
To start making money on rent, it will be enough to purchase several chocolate fountains, a fountain for drinks, and the main consumable - "fountain" chocolate.

Let's calculate in more detail:

Initial investment for the purchase of equipment
One Professional chocolate fountain (80 cm) - 24,850 rubles.
One Professional chocolate fountain (60 cm) - 19,250 rubles.
One Fountain for drinks - 3200 rubles.

Total: 47,300 rubles

We rent. (estimated prices used)
Professional chocolate fountain 80 cm - 9000 rubles.
Professional chocolate fountain 60 cm - 7000 rubles.
Fountain for drinks - 2000 rubles.

Total for one event (2-3 hours of rent): 18,000 rubles.

Special chocolate for fountains. (Quality Belgian chocolate Barry Callebaut)
For fountain 80cm. ~ 6kg - 3600 rubles.
For fountain 60cm. ~ 4kg - 2400 rubles.

Total: 6000 rubles.

18000-6000=12,000 rubles for 2-3 hours of renting your equipment.

It is enough to rent the equipment four times so that it has already paid off all investments.
12,000 rubles * 4 = 48,000 rubles (I remind you that the purchase of 2 professional chocolate fountains and one fountain for drinks will cost 47,300 rubles.)

Let's calculate the monthly profit.

Of course, it all depends on you, and on how often you rent equipment.
BUT if you rent at least 4 times a week (on weekends), because usually weddings and other celebrations are held just on these days, then the net profit per month will be (4 * 12,000) 48,000 rubles.
Agree, not bad, given that in this case, your task will only be to provide
equipment for the event, and pick it up in a couple of hours.

Additional services will also bring you profit, such as providing fruits, marshmallows, buns, drinks for the fountain, maintenance of fountains during the event and other consumables: spatulas, napkins, dishes, etc. You can make a separate price list for these services, or include them initially in the rental price.

I have been involved in chocolate fountains for more than three years and I constantly receive questions from colleagues on this topic. So I decided to collect the answers to most of them in one place, so as not to be repeated J
This information is intended more for those who are interested in fountains from a professional point of view, but if you want to rent a fountain, I think you will also find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

I'll try in order J

How to set up a business with chocolate fountains? For me, this is a difficult question, since fountains are not our only business, and not even the main part of it. Definitely issue an IP, from the documents you need certificates for chocolate and medical books for employees. But on taxes, OKVED and other things - seek advice from accountants, pliz. You can also try to contact the local Rospotrebnadzor to advise on the nuances of the work, and, as it turned out, they have their own in each region J

Which fountain to start with? We started with a household fountain CF-0401S 55cm high. The reason for the choice was simple: they did not want to risk money immediately by purchasing a professional fountain, at first they wanted to try whether it would work, since at that time this service was practically not offered in Samara. However, just a couple of months later we already bought a 60cm professional fountain, and then we reached 80cm. The advantages of this approach are obvious if the market is not formed, there is not much money to start and you want to practice first. If the competition is high, then I would recommend starting immediately with professional ones, since household models have a lot of disadvantages (they overheat quickly, chocolate does not flow very nicely). And we were completely “lucky” with the first fountain, on the one hand we had to refine it by increasing the degree of heating, since the temperature of the chocolate turned out to be insufficient, and on the other hand, to mount an additional fan so that the fountain would not overheat after 20 minutesJAlthough, to the credit of this fountain, I can say that it is more than 3 years old, and it continues to be used and works great. Here are our fountains:

Which model and from which manufacturer is better to choose? We work with Chocolazi fountains (China), which turned out to be quite reliable equipment. We have 3 professional fountains, they were not bought at the same time, but all of them have been in operation for more than 2 years and there were no problems with them. One immediately had to be soldered, the wiring fell off, but this can happen with any technique. There were no more problems. I can't say anything about other manufacturers, as I have not come across.

Which chocolate to choose?You need to take professional chocolate, you can’t use chocolate in bars! There are too many cocoa butter substitutes in bar chocolate, it burns strongly and curls up into lumps. Professional chocolate can be special for fountains, it's more convenient. It comes in dark, milky and white. If you need colored chocolate, then there are Belgian orange, green and pink. In it, as in any other chocolate not originally intended for fountains, you need to add cocoa butter to increase fluidity. Cocoa butter needs 10% by weight of chocolate. Other colors can be obtained by adding fat-soluble gel coloring to white chocolate, but keep in mind that you need to add enough coloring to get a rich color.

Can sunflower oil be added to increase the flow of chocolate? I highly recommend not doing this. Of course, it is cheap, and at the same time, sunflower oil makes chocolate more liquid, it flows better, but at the same time its taste and, in some cases, its appearance deteriorates significantly. That is, not only does your reputation and the general attitude of customers towards chocolate fountains suffer, but sunflower oil also cokes the details of the fountain and after a certain period of such operation, the fountain engine simply burns out. I am often approached with the question that the fountain stopped working for some unknown reason, and my first question, “Do you use sunflower oil?” 80% of the time I get a positive response. Friends, do not save on customers, because everyone knows that a miser pays twice.

How much chocolate does it take to start a fountain? It all depends on the size of the bowl and tower of your fountain. We must not forget that in order for the fountain to flow and completely cover the tower, it needs to fill the tower inside + cover it outside + a little more. Calculate, of course, based on your fountain, but the minimum that, in my experience, is needed is 1 kg (well, if you don’t consider crumb fountains at all). In our fountains, we take a minimum of 60cm - 2kg, 80cm - 4kg (although you can start with 3kg). Please, while working, do not forget that as soon as customers start to treat themselves from the fountain, the volume of chocolate decreases and if you start the fountain at a very minimum limit, then the chocolate will begin to flow badly very quickly.

How much chocolate can be loaded into the fountain? Again, it all depends on the specific model. The maximum is easier to determine: pour a full bowl so that the chocolate does not reach the top rim by 1-2 cm. Usually the maximum is about 2 times the minimum load. In our fountains, a maximum of 60cm - 4kg, 80cm - 6kg.

How to heat up chocolate? It is best to heat the chocolate in advance and do it in the microwave (take it out and stir it regularly and nothing will burn). If you correctly calculate the time, then it is quite possible to heat the chocolate up to about 50 degrees, pour it into a container (we use plastic ones) and for about an hour and a half, or even two, if it’s hot, it will still be ready to be launched into the fountain. During this time, you can travel far enough, collect and start the fountain. If you need to wait before the start of your event, then chocolate can be poured into the fountain and heated in it, stirring occasionally. This, of course, in the warm season. If it is cold outside, then we wrap the container with chocolate well and pack it in a thermo-box. The advantages of this approach are that you don’t need to negotiate with the restaurant kitchen to let you heat chocolate (they don’t always let you), you don’t need to bring a microwave or other devices with you to heat chocolate, and it’s very important that you don’t need to heat chocolate in a fountain. (this is very long, and not very useful for the fountain).

Can you heat chocolate in a water bath? I do not recommend it very much, since condensate, getting into chocolate, can lead to undesirable consequences. If solid particles, such as sand, can simply form in dark chocolate, then chocolate with milk fats (white, milk, color) can completely curl up, sticking together into a lump. If this happens, the chocolate is spoiled and it can be thrown away, and the question is not the quality of the chocolate, but the water getting into it.

How long does it take to heat up chocolate? It depends on the amount of chocolate, the power of the microwave and how often you stir the chocolate. One kilogram can be warmed up in 5 minutes, or in 15 J

How to start the fountain? It's very simple: set the temperature switch to the middle position, wait 3-5 minutes for the bowl to heat up, then pour the chocolate. If the chocolate is colder than 30 degrees, then you can increase the heat and heat the chocolate in the fountain, remembering to stir, only then return the switch to the middle position. Is the temperature of the chocolate right? Turn on auger. Use the legs to level the fountain so that the chocolate flows evenly, if done correctly, the tower should be visible.

Why doesn't chocolate flow well? There can be quite a few reasons:
- low flow of chocolate initially (if you did not add or did not add enough cocoa butter). Solution: add more oil, it is most convenient in this case to use Mikrio cocoa butter, it can be poured directly into a running fountain, but, of course, this is an extreme option, it is better to correctly calculate the amount of oil in advance.
- low chocolate temperature. If you had to wait for the launch and the chocolate has cooled down, then it must be warmed up in the fountain before the start. If the chocolate flows too cold, it will stick to the tower and a good flow will no longer work. There is no way to fix it on the spot, so check the temperature of the chocolate before starting the fountain. The temperature of chocolate should be at least 30-32 degrees. The ideal way to do this is to use a non-contact infrared thermometer (pyrometer)
- low ambient temperature. If you are working outside and the temperature is close to 20 degrees, then the chocolate will cool too quickly and flow poorly. The solution is simple - do not work in such conditions, but if this option is not considered - set the heating of the fountain to the maximum, this will partially save the situation
- There is little chocolate left in the fountain. As soon as the chocolate in the fountain becomes less than the required minimum (it is corny eaten J ) the tower of the fountain becomes visible, more and more, and then it stops flowing altogether. This does not mean that the chocolate is completely over, if the holiday needs to be continued, then you can turn off the auger, the chocolate from the tower will fall into the bowl and after that you can continue to use it as fondue. Well, or the second option: carry a supply of chocolate with you and warm it up in the kitchen of the cafe or restaurant where you work. Although this situation usually occurs if the amount of chocolate is initially calculated incorrectly.
- there is another interesting option, if you know for sure that the chocolate is suitable for the fountain, the temperature is sufficient, you start the chocolate, but it barely flows or is very uneven, most likely the air in the tower interferes with the flow. The treatment is simple: turn off the fountain, wait for the chocolate to drain and start again, sometimes you need to do this a couple of times in a row.

In the photo: the chocolate is over, the fountain is crooked, but I didn’t find it too thick :)

How to calculate the required amount of chocolate? There are different versions, according to our experience, the average formula is simple: if a buffet table is supposed with a minimum number of snacks or only with a fountain, then the calculation is about 60g per person, if it is a banquet, where the fountain is an additional delicacy, then about 35-40g per person

How much chocolate is left and what to do with it? The amount of remaining chocolate depends on the activity of the guests. In our experience, they ate everything and had to turn off the tower so that they could lick the bowl, but it also happened that at a wedding where there were 200 guests, they ate only half a kilo of chocolate. Although some amount of chocolate always remains, we pour it into disposable containers that we bring with us and give to customers, in my opinion this is the most honest approach. If you want, you can, of course, take it away, but I do not recommend reusing it in the fountain, since particles of juice and fruit give garbage that is absolutely not needed in your next fountain. Such chocolate can be eaten or used in some dish.

Which fruits to choose? And this is the simplest question - any J For my taste, sour ones are more pleasant, but many people like sweet ones like bananas. The only thing I do not recommend is oranges (their slices need to be cut and the pieces start to fly into chocolate) and fruits with stones.

How to prepare fruit for the fountain? Fruit must be cut into pieces of approximately 1.5 * 1.5 cm, that is, so that you can put it entirely in your mouth and do not have to bite. It is very sad to watch when the fruit is prepared by a restaurant or cafe, cut into huge pieces, and then the guests bite them and everyone gets dirty with chocolate. Why spoil the mood and clothes of the guests? In such cases, we ourselves, if we have time, cut the fruit in the restaurant, but, unfortunately, such an opportunity does not always happen. Therefore, I highly recommend discussing this issue with customers in advance, focusing on its importance, so that they talk in advance with those who will prepare the fruit. By the way, if you want - offer the service of preparing fruits yourself, then you will definitely cook them the way you need to use them with a fountain. I draw your attention to the fact that fruit compositions and bouquets for use with a fountain also need to be prepared in a special way. It is clear that fruits in large pieces look better in compositions and bouquets, but see above about large pieces and a fountain. For example, it looks chic like this, but it is not applicable with a fountain.

What can be used with the fountain besides fruit? What do you want J Usually additionally use marshmallow, ordinary marshmallow, marmalade. We also had such guests who used cheese, though everyone usually comes to sausage and bacon only in words J But I wouldn’t recommend cookies, biscuits and other crumbly products, crumbs fly into chocolate and spoil the whole picture.

How to decorate the fountain? At first, we did not decorate with anything, but then we realized that the bottom of the fountain, draped with fabric, looks much more beautiful. At first, I was advised to tuck the fabric with a regular clothesline, but I did not like it, as this design began to slip. Then we sewed special covers, they are sewn on the principle of an ordinary skirt, only it is better to use a wide elastic band. If you yourself know how to sew or have a budget to order -you can sew special covers for the Bride and Groom (stylization for outfits).From the fabric, you can use satin, crepe satin, rayon, they all fit beautifully and wash well. In a hurry, you can drape with organza and tie with a ribbon.
Only when you close the bottom of the fountain, try to leave the ventilation holes free so that the fountain does not overheat.

Just a selection from the internet:

How to determine the pricing policy? An interesting question and there is no clear answer to it. I would recommend that you first analyze the market in your city, then calculate the costs and make a decision based on these two points.

How is the issue with the restaurant where you have to work solved? In general, it is not solved in any way, that is, we come and work. It is assumed that the customer warned the restaurant in advance and took care to prepare a place for your work. The only complaint that restaurants have is dirty tablecloths. You can decide simply - bring your own tablecloths or at least a thin oilcloth, which in case of such difficulties can be put on top of a restaurant tablecloth. Although usually there are no problems, since chocolate is no more difficult to wash off tablecloths than wine or tomato, with which guests decorate tablecloths at the main table.

How long can a chocolate fountain run? Professional fountains, with proper operation, can work day and night. But if you want to work with homework, it’s already more difficult. They usually overheat after an hour or two of operation.

Why do you need a person accompanying the fountain? Many customers ask if we can put a fountain and not stand next to it, thenthere will be no need to pay the attendant. Usually we refuse such a question, and here the question is not greed. For yourself finding withfountain nearby - this is a guarantee that nothing has happened to the unit cheat Xia, but in fact, support is more needed for customers, even though they dream of saving money on it. The fact is that, firstly, not all guests know what to do with the fountain, some come up, look and do not dare to try. In this case, a specialist standing next to you will offer to come up (and many really need a special invitation), show, prompt, explain what to do. The second reason is obvious, but not for everyone. J Chocolate is liquid and if you just dip the fruit and immediately pull it into your mouth, there will be drops that can get not only on the table, but also on clothes. We stand and give out a napkin to everyone who comes up to carry fruit over it. It's funny to you? But in vain, many also refuse, and then get upset that they got dirty. There is a third, very important point. Do you think if you put an urn next to it, then guests will throw used napkins and skewers there? It was not there, usually they are thrown simply on the table. After some time, the table with the fountain begins to resemble a garbage can L And if you think that the waiters of the restaurant will clean it, then it is very doubtful, because the chocolate fountain is not their responsibility. I will illustrate this with a photo from a holiday where I was a guest and there was just a chocolate fountain.

Can the chocolate fountain be used outdoors? You can, if you have a special windproof cap. Without it, I really do not recommend it, since the chocolate is liquid and, with any gust of wind, flies anywhere, on guests, on you, on the table. Not only does the chocolate not remain in the fountain, but the whole district is in it. There is also such a nuance as insects, leaves and dust, all this gets into chocolate and swims in it very unappetizingly.

How to advertise and find customers? It all depends on your budget. If it is not there, post your offer on all available free classifieds boards, forums, city sites, there are a lot of places where this can be done for free. Deal with social networks, start groups and administer them yourself. Make special offers for holiday agencies and restaurants, walk around and talk. All this takes a lot of time, but it's free. J If you have an advertising budget, then you can already make a website, place ads on paid sites, in wedding magazines, in city newspapers, and participate in wedding exhibitions. In general, in this regard, it's up to you to decide. We started by giving a coupon for a 50% discount, this is absolutely unprofitable, but work for the portfolio. In addition, as you know, word of mouth is the best advertisement. J

What else should be discussed with customers? If everything is well organized,It takes literally 5-7 minutes to start the fountain. And for this you need not so much: a table and a socketJLittle things? It wasn't there. Somehow, not everyone thinks that a chocolate fountain is an electrical device that runs on a power outlet. We always carry an extension cord with us, but it also needs to be connected somewhere. Unfortunately, there is an original approach that a certain place is allotted for the fountain, but there are no sockets in the immediate environment and you have to move everything abruptly and the tables are not where you intended or entangle the entire neighborhood with extension cords that are under your feet.
The most amusing situation in our practice was when the wedding coordinator waved her hand at the clearing, where they laid the buffet table and poured champagne so that we would put a fountain there, but she ran away, not up to us. As a result, we ourselves were looking for where to find electricity in nature.JIn general, it seems that this is such a trifle, but it often results in serious losses of energy and time, so focus on this when discussing an order.

I tried to collect as many questions as possible, but I must have forgotten something. If there are more, ask and I'll try to answer.J