How to write a business plan for opening a hotel? How to open a hotel from scratch Business plan for a hotel with 20 rooms.

  • Capital investments: 15,000,000 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 630,000 rubles,
  • Net income: 190,000 rubles,
  • Payback: 83 months.

An example of a business plan for opening a mini-hotel, which can be used as an example for obtaining investor funds, a bank loan.

Target: Attracting investments to launch a small city hotel.

1. Planning a mini-hotel

1.1. Project idea.

Currently, 5 hotels are open in the city "N", the total fund is about 400 rooms, the occupancy rate is 70-80%. In April 2013, it is planned to start work on the construction of a new cement plant with a capacity of 2 million tons per year. The completion date for the construction of line 1 of the plant is April 2015, line 2 - December 2017. Work at the new plant will be performed by both local contractors and contractors from other regions (both Russian and foreign). In connection with this circumstance, a significant influx of business trips to the city is expected.

To meet the needs of business travelers in housing, it is necessary to build at least 100 additional rooms. The construction of a mini-hotel is currently a very relevant business undertaking.

The hotel is planned to open at the address city "N", st. Stroiteley, 117, number of rooms 15. At this address there is an administrative building with an area of ​​430m 2, which is for sale.

To open a hotel, it is necessary to buy the building, redevelop and repair the internal premises and communications.

1.2. Marketing plan.

The cost of rooms will be in the middle price segment, the price per room is 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the season. Guests will be served breakfast (the cost is included in the price of the room).

1.3. Personnel plan.

The staff of the hotel will consist of 9 people. 4 people per shift (administrator, 2 maids, 1 cook)

Starting from 2015, the plan included an annual indexation of wages by 10%.

2. Project implementation plan

2.1. Calendar plan

The business plan for opening a hotel involves monthly forecasting of the implementation of the project, broken down into stages. Let's consider them in the form of a convenient scheme.

Stage name 07/12 08/12 09/12 10/12 11/12 12/12 01/13
Company registration
Purchase of premises
Repair, redevelopment
Replacement of windows, doors
Acquisition Furniture, TV, sanitary equipment, other equipment
Coordination of permission to open activities (fire service, SES, others)
Start of activity

The start of construction of the plant is scheduled for February 2013, in connection with this, the hotel should be open before this date.

2.2 Deciphering the stages of opening

Stage name: Who will be doing:
Company registration On one's own
Purchase of premises On one's own
Repair, redevelopment Repair and redevelopment of the premises will be carried out by a construction company. The selection of a firm will be done through an auction.
Replacement of windows, doors
Installation of ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing systems The work will be carried out by a special company. The choice will be made through an auction.
Acquisition Furniture, TV, plumbing0 appliances On one's own
Coordination of permission to open activities (fire service, SES, etc.) The issues of coordination of all permits for opening a hotel will be dealt with by a specialized company with experience in these matters
Recruitment On one's own
Advertising On one's own

2.3. The total cost estimate for the implementation of the project

To open a mini-hotel with 15 rooms, an investment of 15 million rubles is required.

Project investment schedule

Investment distribution schedule:

3. Calculations and forecast of economic indicators

Planned performance indicators of the enterprise for 2013-2020

3.1. Planned revenue and profit

Revenue is planned based on the room rate of 1,800 rubles per day and room occupancy by 65%. Starting in 2015, the plan included an annual increase in the cost of the room by 10%.

3.2. Expenses

Below is a schedule of hotel expenses, so the largest share (25%) is occupied by the cost of employees' salaries, the share of other expenses is less than 10%. The net profitability of hotel activities is 25-35%.

4. Calculation of project payback

  • Project start date: July 2012
  • Hotel opening: January 2013
  • Operating break-even: March 2013
  • Full payback of the project: December 2019
  • Payback period of the project: 84 months.
  • Return on investment: 14,29% per annum.


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* Calculations use average data for Russia

Owning your own hotel business is the dream of many entrepreneurs. Moreover, this direction is considered promising and profitable. The gradual development of the tourism business in our country leads to the development of the hotel industry. Moreover, not only large global concerns, but also small companies and even individual private entrepreneurs open their own hotels in Russia.

Experts believe that the most popular these days are not large hotel complexes, but the so-called mini-hotels. The cost of accommodation there is much lower, and the level of service is often not much inferior to the level of service in hotels that are part of a large chain. Moreover, economy class seats are of the greatest interest when it comes to large cities. Mini-hotels include establishments with up to fifty rooms. In addition to the actual rooms, guests can be offered a cafe-bar, a sauna or a bathhouse, billiards and even a swimming pool.

Russian hotel business operators offer two main options for their customers: accommodation in a first-class hotel, where the cost of a room in large cities can be over 10 thousand rubles per day, or two-, three-star hotels, where you can rent a room for 1,000 rubles per day. For this reason, it is this intermediate segment of economy class hotels that attracts the greatest attention of entrepreneurs who own private houses or cottages.

If you still decide to try your hand at the hotel business, you should decide in advance on the format of your future hotel and its location. The most common option is a small hotel in a large city (first of all, its guests are visitors and business travelers).

Renting an apartment or house as a hotel from a third party is not the best option. You will spend a lot of money on repairing premises that, in fact, will not belong to you.

Another problem is the high cost of rent, which will force you to increase the prices for your guests. And, finally, this option is associated with many risks - from increasing rental rates to changing the owners of an apartment or house.

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A slightly better option is to build your own building for a small hotel. Firstly, if you live in a large city, then there is a high probability that you will not be able to find a favorable place for building (ideally in the city center or at least close to it and a transport interchange).

For all these reasons, in most cases, a small part of an existing or former hostel, basements, several apartments located on the same landing or on two floors at once are used as a small hotel, and a part of a residential building or a detached building is purchased for these purposes.

Communal apartments are very popular for organizing mini-hotels, which are settled and then repaired. In this way, six to eight separate numbers can be created. At the same time, ordinary apartments are less convenient in terms of planning for restructuring. Accordingly, the costs of redevelopment and additional engineering approvals from the BTI will be much higher. On the other hand, having a separate entrance and an entrance with 24-hour security or a concierge will be your advantage.

Consider the total costs of such a hotel project. They are made up of the market value of the property itself, the cost of repairs and redevelopment (if necessary). Add to this the cost of buying furniture, conducting electrical wiring, installing plumbing and other equipment. According to approximate estimates, they will amount to about 10-13 thousand rubles per square meter.

Note that this is the cheapest option for organizing a mini-hotel, which does not fully comply with the requirements of the law. After all, if you do everything right, your hotel should be located in non-residential premises and meet a number of requirements of the SES, fire supervision and safety standards. A license to open and run a hotel business is not required, but many owners of mini-hotels undergo voluntary certification at the Rospromtest certification center. To issue voluntary certificates or not is a difficult question. On the one hand, certificates are necessary if you are aiming to develop your business, because they guarantee a high quality of service and the safety of your guests, and on the other hand, obtaining them involves considerable financial and time costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If the design of your hotel and its development plan assumes the presence of catering facilities, then you will also need to obtain a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages.

It will also take a lot of effort and time to transfer premises from the housing stock to non-residential, obtaining all the necessary permits and approvals. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many owners of such hotel establishments do not register and do not issue any permits, acting illegally. First of all, this concerns hotels, the number of rooms in which does not exceed four and which are located in small apartments. Thus, their owners reduce their costs through tax evasion and can set the cost of living in their "hotels" below the average market.

Ready-made ideas for your business

But this scheme of work has its obvious drawbacks. Let's start with the fact that this activity is illegal and any complaint from a dissatisfied client to the relevant authorities will lead to its termination, and the owner of the "gray" business will have to pay considerable fines. Add to this a sharp limitation in the number of your customers and partners. For example, you will not be able to accept corporate clients (travelers), as your company will not be able to provide them with documents for financial reporting.

For the same reason, you will be extremely limited when promoting your hotel services through the media, you will not be able to add information about it to various directories. True, many entrepreneurs are not afraid of all this, and they quite successfully get by with word of mouth. The capacity of such mini-hotels is extremely small, and the costs of organizing them are minimal, so the payback period for semi-legal establishments is much shorter than for those who conduct their business according to the law, and, according to various sources, are a little more than two years.

Demand for mini-hotel services depends on the season. However, the season may vary, depending on their location. For example, when located in a recreational area, consider the flow of tourists and vacationers. If the hotel is located in a large city, then the season falls on those months when applicants from the region and other cities come to enter the universities of your city. Partly among the competitors of mini-hotels can be called private apartments and apartments, which are rented by their owners by the day. However, hotels are still intended for longer stays and in this case are more profitable than apartments rented for a day.

As the experience of other entrepreneurs shows, the main factor that guides people when choosing a mini-hotel is still the price, and not at all a beautiful renovation or a very convenient location (although these two conditions are of some importance, especially if you are focusing on more paying audience). But if you count on a constant influx of customers and rely on mass character, it is worth minimizing costs and, consequently, the cost of services. Savings are achieved, as a rule, by optimizing costs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

There are a lot of different tricks in the hotel business. Even saving on small things as a result allows you to save a lot of money. Unfortunately, all these things are not taught anywhere, they are comprehended only in practice. But it is important to remember that saving should not turn into greed and in no case go to the detriment of the convenience of your guests. For example, you can buy liquid soaps and shampoos and put them in dispensers, which will help you save a lot. However, you should not completely remove the standard set of detergents from the room.

Experienced entrepreneurs who have been working in the hotel business for a long time know that their income directly depends on whether their guests like the living conditions or not. Therefore, they offer guests the opportunity to make free phone calls within the city (except for calls to mobile phones), Internet access, copying services (these services can be provided for a fee, at the request of customers).

The other two conditions for the success of your business are maximum cleanliness and a high level of service. This can be achieved without great expense. If you position your hotel as a budget establishment with affordable prices, you should not invest in the development of design projects for each room, in expensive repairs, furniture and utensils. But it’s definitely not worth saving on the services of a cleaning lady.

Another important issue is the careful selection of service personnel. Even if the entire staff of your hotel includes one administrator, two maids, a cook, a dishwasher and a cleaner, this does not mean that you can afford to serve your guests badly. The usual signs of attention, courtesy and helpfulness will create the most favorable impression about your hotel. As professionals say, the success and popularity of a hotel establishment directly depends on the atmosphere that develops in it.

Also make sure that your guests do not worry about their safety. Many, even the smallest hotels, install panic buttons, safes for storing valuables of guests, offer them life, health and property insurance services. In addition, if the client is going to settle in a hotel for a rather long period, its owners often offer to resolve issues with temporary registration.

Nutrition deserves special attention. Some hotels offer only partial meals (for example, only breakfast and hot drinks), some do not have their own kitchen, ordering all meals in a nearby cafe or restaurant, or even purchasing ready-made meals in grocery stores. As experienced hotel owners say, the cost of organizing a kitchen and preparing lunches and dinners rarely pays off.

Mini-hotels that exist in large cities can be divided into three main types - an ordinary apartment without much renovation in a residential area, a large apartment (3-6 rooms) in good condition and apartments in a private house. Accordingly, the cost of staying in such hotels also changes, which can range from 500 to 3000 rubles per day.

It is widely believed that the payback period for a small hotel for long-term leases is from 15 years. However, in practice they turn out to be somewhat less - from 5-6 to 9-12 years.

The cost of opening a short-term rental mini-hotel can be returned even faster - within the first three years of operation (subject to renting rooms by the day and renting for at least six months a year). When doing your calculations, factor in the monthly costs of maintaining your hotel, which will be about a third of its income. This amount includes payroll, utility bills, equipment repair and maintenance costs.

Previously, the word "businessman" made the average person imagine a respectable man in a suit, who is driving an expensive car. Today, however, one sixth of the country's population is engaged in business. Some trade in the market, others are engaged in large and risky investments. (See How to make money on). This article will focus on opening a mini-hotel or hotel, an example of a hotel business plan for 24 rooms (44 places to stay) is described below.

Building for a hotel

Hotel business: how to open a mini hotel, hotel

Today, the hotel business is quite stable and profitable. You can start earning income from the hotel business in any region of the country. It is the safest type of business activity. An investment in a (mini) hotel or hotel will guarantee a steady income, but only if the hotel is run by a knowledgeable person.

Creating a hotel should begin with the choice of premises. It is best to build or buy a suitable building, because renting it for a long time is far from the best idea. (See small town business ideas.) The building on several floors is perfect for creating a small mini-hotel. A well-written hotel business plan is needed for many purposes:

  1. It is used as a ready-made presentation for investors.
  2. It is constantly used for internal use as the main management tool.
  3. Needed to determine all costs, risks, "pitfalls". Approximately helps to calculate the future income of the business and its prospects.

Description of the business plan for a three-star hotel with 24 rooms

Project purpose: open a 3-star hotel with 44 beds (24 rooms)

Objective of the project: service and accommodation for a comfortable stay of guests of the city, tourists.

Demand: In Russia, the demand for hotel services is constantly growing. There are many reasons for this: a jump in the tourism business in Russia, an increased influx of foreign tourists, the opening of large enterprises together with other countries, holding exhibitions and seminars throughout the Russian Federation.

Given the deterioration of the quality of the environment, hotels located in clean, untouched corners of nature, far from civilization, are becoming more popular.

Marketing Campaign: In order to provide a sufficient number of customers, the hotel will be advertised using printed publications (newspapers, magazines), leaflets with advertising information about the new hotel, the Internet. Agreements will also be signed with several travel agencies to advertise our hotel to tourists.

Hotel production plan

The area of ​​the hotel is 1200 square meters. Includes 24 rooms for accommodation, of which:

  • Suite rooms - 4 pcs.
  • 2-seater - 16 pcs.
  • 1-seater - 4 pcs.

The hotel also has entertainment facilities:

  • Cafe;
  • Restroom;
  • Billiards.

The financial side of the hotel business plan

The duration of the calculation period is 2 years (the time of construction of the building) plus the time of subsequent operation.

A) The total amount of investments - 18 - 24 million rubles:

  • building construction - 800 thousand - 1.2 million rubles.
  • arrangement of the territory, construction of a parking lot - 3 million rubles.
  • design and pre-project work - 11.4 - 14 million rubles.
  • purchase and installation of equipment - 2.8 - 4.8 million rubles.

It is necessary to take into account possible unplanned expenses.

B) Current costs will consist of:

  • Wages and transfers to social funds.
  • Operating costs.
  • The cost of repairs, maintenance of the hotel.
  • Possible tax for the use of land.

The salaries of employees (manager and six or seven employees of service personnel) will amount to 1.44 million rubles. in year.

Operating costs consist of payment for electricity, water and heat supply. This also includes the purchase of products and detergents, payment for communications, and so on. The cost of operation will be 800 thousand - 1 million rubles. during the accounting period of operation of the hotel.

C) Main sources of income:

  • Income from renting rooms - 6 - 7 million rubles,
  • Income from food and drinks 1.4 - 1.8 million rubles.

Additional sources of income:

  • Billiards - 100-200 thousand rubles.

The total annual income of the hotel (hotel) will be: 7.7 - 9.5 million rubles

The project will pay off in 5 years, profitability - 60%. Using discounting in determining the payback period, you can name a figure of 6 years.

The discount rate in a market economy depends on the percentage of the deposit on deposits, however, in practice, most often, increased values ​​are used, taking into account the unstable economy and investment risks.

After a while, the hotel service sector can be significantly expanded by adding several innovations:

  • Pool;
  • Sauna;
  • Summer cafe;
  • Playground for children;
  • Bowling;
  • Massage room.

This example of a hotel business plan will help you open a mini hotel (hotel), as well as take a bank loan for business. Good luck to you!

The hotel business is an integral part of tourism and directly depends on the tourist flow. To open a hotel, it is important to consider the location of the complex and its appearance. A well-written business plan will help assess the risks and profitability of the project.

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The hotel business implies the provision of accommodation in compliance with the requirements prescribed in GOST R51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements". The service provided by the hotel complex ensures the performance of the main functions related to the accommodation of the client, and additional ones, which the guest chooses and pays for.

The main services of the hotel:

  1. Accommodation. Registration of guests must be carried out around the clock.
  2. Nutrition. Provides priority service to residents of the complex.

Additionally, the following service can be provided:

  1. Catering. It implies the presence of a restaurant, sushi, coffee shop or other similar place.
  2. Household service. Laundry, dry cleaning, hairdressing, rent (air conditioning, TV, car), luggage storage (for securities and things), loader (luggage delivery).
  3. Parking services (may be provided for a fee or free of charge).
  4. Tour service. Organization of trips along a certain route, accompanied by a guide or an interpreter.
  5. entertainment infrastructure. The presence of a shop, a nightclub, a gym, a children's room, a sauna and others on the territory of the hotel complex.
  6. Business Services. Provision of a conference room, organization of support for negotiations.
  7. Care for children. The presence of a nanny who speaks the language of the guest.
  8. Animal care - feeding, walking, training.

The services that the hotel will provide must be selected based on the concept of the complex, and prescribed in the business plan.

Types of hotels and relevance

Hotels are divided into the following types:

  • apart-hotels (apartment type);
  • business hotels;
  • boarding houses;
  • resort;
  • motels;
  • exotic (location features, for example, a glass room in nature, a hotel on a tree);
  • campsites.

According to the level of service and location of the complex, it is customary to use the international classification by star rating:

  1. No stars. Budget option, which implies the presence of a bed in a room (hostel) or a single small room (from 9 m2). It can also be apartments located in the same building. Additional services are not available or are paid separately.
  2. One star. Assumes a separate room with a bathroom (not necessarily in the room), a bed and a small table. For an additional fee, you can use the iron, TV and services provided on site (if any). It should be noted that calling an ambulance, taxi, transfer organization are included in the free list of services provided by the hotel.
  3. Two stars. Includes numbers of several types. You can pay extra for the use of air conditioning and WI-FI. The rental price includes daily housekeeping.
  4. Three Stars. The rooms are equipped with a TV, air conditioning and a refrigerator. The hotel has its own power plant to ensure uninterrupted operation. On the territory of the complex there should be additional services of a domestic and entertainment nature.
  5. Four stars. Room size and equipment are higher than in a 3-star hotel. On the territory of the complex you can get a greater variety of additional services. It can be various conceptual restaurants, sports complexes and entertainment venues. The rooms are equipped with a mini-bar, and the use of air conditioning, TV and Internet are included in the package.
  6. Five Stars. Hotels of this class provide a large arsenal of services on the territory of the complex, which includes such as a golf course, a massage room and others. Attention to each guest is given maximum.

The relevance of choosing a specific type of hotel complex is determined in the business plan based on market analysis and financial calculations.

Video about the classification and certification of hotels. Taken from the LH School channel.

Description and analysis of the market

The first thing to start organizing a business is to evaluate a business idea according to the following criteria:

  • characteristics of the target audience;
  • definition of competitiveness;
  • analysis of the share and dynamics of the selected market segment.

The specificity of the analysis implies an assessment of the riskiness of the enterprise and ways to minimize risks.

The characteristics of the hotel services market in Russia are as follows:

  1. Since 2008, the annual increase in hotels in the country has been 15-20% due to the construction of small hotels and the reconstruction of old ones.
  2. To date, more than 4,000 hotels of various types have been registered with more than 410,000 beds.
  3. 40% of hotels are rated 3 stars, 28% - 2 stars, 18% - 4 stars, 8% - 5 stars.
  4. The most popular areas for construction are the cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory.
  5. There is a tendency to reduce 4-5 star hotels in favor of less stellar, but fast-payback hotels.
  6. Increase in tourist flow from domestic tourists migrating within the country. The reorientation is taking place in connection with events on the world stage, due to which the load on the hotel business is growing.
  7. The largest world events held in the Russian Federation attract a large flow of foreign tourists.
  8. The state pursues a policy of increasing attractiveness by restoring attractions, resorts and tourist routes within the country.
  9. Since 2014, the number of domestic tourists has increased by 50%. The Krasnodar Territory is in the lead (67% of the total flow).
  10. Government support is on the rise. Taxes for the hotel business are being reduced in stages, and partial cost-coverage systems are offered to tourists.
  11. 20% of hotels operate under a franchise - Kempinski Hotels, Marriot International, InterContinental Hotels Group and others. The class of such hotels is 4-5 stars.
  12. Mini hotels in the central part of the city with convenient transport interchange are in the greatest demand.

The target audience

The target audience varies by region. One hotel complex can provide accommodation for different types of tourists, taking into account the requirements of each category.

The target audience of hotels is the following categories of visitors:

  • tourists;
  • travel workers;
  • athletes and their fans;
  • civil servants;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • students.

Competitive advantages

The main competitive advantages include the following:

  • the ratio of cost and quality of services provided;
  • service level;
  • extensive service on the territory of the complex;
  • targeting a specific category of visitors.

Advertising campaign

  1. Branding. Recognition of the hotel in a certain circle. To do this, you need to use advertising in the media and popular Internet resources. The cost of publication varies within 5000-7000 rubles for one advertisement.
  2. Performance. For example, contextual advertising is paid for using popular channels on Youtube. In this case, the customer focuses on a specific target audience. The cost of one click is from 1 to 3 cents. The probability of getting a client as a percentage is 2% of all those who clicked on the link.

At the initial stage, it is desirable to include both steps in the expenditure part. depends on well-designed advertising.

For this purpose, you can also use the following types of advertising:

  • placement of information at the airport, train station and bus station;
  • outdoor advertising along the road;
  • informing potential customers through social networks and using your own website;
  • registration on the world site of hotel services booking. com;
  • conclusion of agreements with travel agencies and taxi services.

Step-by-step instructions for opening

You can open a complex from scratch or purchase a ready-made one. In both cases, you will need to draw up documentation and take care of equipping the hotel and staff.


The form of ownership of the hotel complex is LLC.

To apply for it, you will need to contact the tax office and provide the following documents:

  1. Application for registration (Form 11001).
  2. The company's charter.
  3. Decision to create an LLC (if there is one founder) or Protocol of creation (more than one owner). If there are several founders, a fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles is paid to the state, a receipt for payment of which is attached to the documents.
  4. A notarized photocopy of the owner's passport.

Within a period of not more than 3 working days, the following package of documents will be ready:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • document on registration with the Pension Fund;
  • certificate of registration with the Health Insurance Fund;
  • document on the award of the code from Rosstat.

After receiving documents from the tax service, you will need to contact the following structures:

  • Rosstat;
  • Bank;
  • Company for the production of seals and stamps.

The term for processing a complete package of documents for opening a hotel business will take 14 working days.

Additionally, you may need:

  • licenses for the provision of services (for example, the sale of alcoholic beverages);
  • documentation on technical compliance with standards (ventilation, room size);
  • conclusion on compliance with fire safety;
  • planning permission;
  • document on the ownership of the land;
  • permission to use a cash register and others.

Room and design

The premises for the hotel can be purchased, rented or built. The choice depends on financial resources and the concept of the future hotel.

The main criteria according to which it is necessary to choose a room are:

  1. Location. If the hotel is aimed at tourists who come to relax by the sea or improve their health at thermal springs, you should choose a place near these objects. When the target audience is business travelers, walking distance to the metro station, bus stop and / or business center is important.
  2. Infrastructure. There should be a bank, a restaurant, a shop within walking distance from the hotel. The convenient location of facilities, parking and access are important for guests. The hotel, the windows of which overlook an abandoned construction site, is less attractive than a mini-hotel overlooking the cultural center of the city.
  3. Communications. If a lease or sale agreement is concluded, it is necessary to make sure that water, electricity, gas are connected to the building. Each room must be equipped with its own ventilation.

The most costly option is building a hotel from scratch. If it is not planned to organize a large complex with 3 or more stars, it is more profitable to rent a building.

Particular attention is paid to the interior, and first of all, this is the area where the guests are located - the hall and rooms (80% of the premises).

The following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Hall and reception desk. It is necessary to distinguish between an area for staff (behind the counter) and a recreation area. The workplace is closed as much as possible from prying eyes, and the waiting room is made cozy and comfortable. To do this, use warm shades in interior design, upholstered furniture, coffee tables with magazines.
  2. Illumination. It is important that visitors feel comfortable while relaxing and reading.
  3. Rooms. Room size, comfortable for living, is 20 m2. It is important that the interior resembles home - there is a bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, an equipped bathroom.
  4. Style matching. The inn may have themed everyday items. For example, decorative pillows with a pattern, paintings, stylized furniture, candlesticks, towels, wall decor with drawings or photographs. Flooring, curtains, carpets create additional comfort.

Equipment and inventory

Equipment and inventory necessary for the operation of the hotel include:

  • room furniture;
  • boiler;
  • computer technology;
  • cabinet and upholstered furniture;
  • safes;
  • lighting;
  • flooring;
  • household appliances;
  • everyday items (disinfectants and detergents);
  • means for personal hygiene (soap dish with soap, toothpaste and brush, toilet paper);
  • textiles (bedding and bath accessories, curtains, clothing for staff);
  • equipment for room service (special trolleys for cleaning and transporting dirty linen);
  • laundry service;
  • inventory for equipping a conference room, sauna, restaurant and organizing other services.


The reputation of the hotel depends on the hospitality and professionalism of the staff. The required minimum is 11 people. The salary fund per month is 300,000 rubles.

The staff of a small hotel must include:

  • manager;
  • two administrators;
  • two maids (minimum);
  • Chef;
  • assistant chef;
  • two waiters;
  • bartender;
  • technician (handyman).
Job titleResponsibilitiesRequirements
manager (manager)Provides round-the-clock uninterrupted maintenance of the complex. Engaged in financial activities. Solves business and personnel issues.
  • stress resistance;
  • knowledge of accounting, booking programs;
  • knowledge of foreign languages.
AdministratorDeals with administrative issues related to the design, accommodation and service of guests. Resolves organizational issues, conducts inventory.
  • confident PC user;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​and accounting;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to quickly respond to emergency situations;
  • stress resistance.
HousemaidCleans rooms and other premises, loads dirty linen into the laundry, completes rooms with everything necessary
  • punctuality;
  • cleanliness;
  • the average level of a foreign language.
ChefAccounting and issuance of raw materials, calculation of dishes, menu preparation, quality control
  • knowledge of the organization of various types of menus and cooking technology;
  • ability to keep track of products. and operate the equipment.
Assistant chefcooking
  • cleanliness;
  • punctuality;
  • discipline.
WaiterOrder service
  • grammatically correct speech;
  • the ability to dispose to oneself;
  • efficiency;
  • sociability.
BartenderPreparation of drinks and formation of dishes.
  • knowledge of the technology of preparing food and drinks;
  • sociability;
  • Foreign language skills
HandymanFor round-the-clock maintenance of equipment in case of malfunction.experience with specific technology

When choosing employees, you need to make sure of their competence, erudition and goodwill. Professional development courses can be organized free of charge. It is better to do this before people officially take up their official duties.

Financial plan

The financial plan is an integral part of the business plan, which calculates the profitability of the hotel business by analyzing investments and costs.

You can download the Business Organization Cost Allocation Template online.

An approximate percentage calculation looks like this:

  • 50% - building construction;
  • 25% - equipment and design of premises;
  • 15% - equipping the complex with furniture and other household items;
  • 10 - salary fund and other expenses.

Starting investments

An example of the development of an estimate of the main costs in the first year of opening a hotel with 15 rooms.

Recurring costs

Planning monthly expenses.


The profitability of the hotel is determined taking into account the following factors:

  • room occupancy rate;
  • cost of rooms;
  • revenue from the provision of basic services;
  • revenue from the provision of additional services;
  • expenses and taxes.

The revenue from a hotel with 15 rooms per month of operation can be 1,125,000 rubles with a full load for 30 days.

Calendar plan

Calendar plan for the organization of the hotel business on the example of a hotel with 15 rooms.

Stage1 month2 months3 months4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11 months12 months13 months14 months15 months16 months17 months
Market analysis+
Business plan preparation+ +
Registration of a package of documents +
Obtaining Additional Permissions + +
building construction + + + + + + + + + + + +
Repair work + + +
Purchasing and stocking +
Recruitment +
Hotel opening +

Construction of the building from scratch will take 12 months. Repair and finishing works of the hotel can take 1-4 months, depending on the scale of the work. Thus, it will take about a year and a half to open your own business.