Business on artistic forging. Business organization

It is quite difficult to do blacksmithing in an apartment; there is no way to equip a workshop. But for the owners of the private sector, a forge at home with their own hands is quite feasible.

Of course, it is possible to equip such a metalworking workshop with the latest technology, but you can start learning blacksmithing art at home or in your country house without any special expenses.

How to make a forge on your site and what is required for this?

Having decided to equip the forge, you need to start searching for information. There are a lot of articles and videos on the web on this topic. The simplest and most primitive workshops for working metal using a blacksmith's method can be built for mere pennies. It all depends on the planned scope of work and the size of the products.

The first point is the room where the forge will be equipped at home. According to fire safety rules, such workshops should be located away from residential and other outbuildings. The area of ​​the working room is not less than 16 square meters, and the door must open outwards.

Equipping such a closed forge at home with your own hands, you need to ensure sufficient ventilation, preferably with forced air exhaust, and also ensure fire safety.

It is especially important to approach the flooring of the workshop. The material must be absolutely non-flammable. Previously, in the forges, the floor was simply earthen and rammed. Today it may be concrete or other similar coating.

It is also important to take care of sound insulation, it is unlikely that others will be delighted with the constant noise of a working hammer.

However, if there is no suitable space, a forge in the garage will also be a good option. In principle, such a workshop can be equipped in the open air, making only a canopy from the rain.

Having solved the issue with the room for the forge, you need to deal with its equipment and tools.

Equipment and tools

Any blacksmith workshop, even fully mechanized, must have the main element of the craft - the forge. After all, it is when heated that steel and iron become soft and ductile, which makes them malleable during processing.

It is important to take care of a high-quality hood that will remove the combustion products of the fuel!

The second device for the forge is the presence of an anvil. This is the "desktop" of any blacksmith. Anvils come in various sizes and dimensions.

But for full-fledged forging, additional holes in the surface and the possibility of fixing additional equipment (for example, crimps and trowels) will be required. Also, for bending elements on the anvil, there is a rounded horn. It is used as a kind of mandrel. However, a homemade anvil made from a massive piece of metal, such as a rail, is also suitable.

After that, you need to take care and purchase.

  • Handbrake.
  • Sledgehammers.
  • Ticks.
  • Vice.
  • Crimps and trowels.
  • Chisels.
  • Collars.

Handbrakes are small hammers with which the master does the main work. Their weight ranges from 500 grams to two kilograms. The hammer itself is mounted on a wooden handle, usually made of mountain ash (smoothes the impact upon impact).

The sledgehammer is intended for rough work, for example, crimping of overall and massive workpieces. Its weight is 2-8 kilograms, the handle, like the handbrake, is wooden.

Tongs are needed for manipulating heated metal elements during forging. They should be long enough and also strong. The grip is necessarily strong so that the part does not slip out with every impact and movement.

Vice, locksmiths may also come up. Quite often, the vise is mounted on an anvil, for more convenient work. The main thing is that they provide reliable fastening of parts during forging.

Crimps and ironers are special devices that, when hand forged, are mounted on an anvil. Their task is akin to a factory stamp - to give the desired shape to the workpiece and smooth its front parts.

They operate with knobs if it is necessary to twist metal parts, and they cut metal with chisels. Also, for cold working, you can mount a manual machine, where it will be more convenient to twist and bend the metal.

However, in a modern workshop, cutting is completely replaced by cutting using a grinder. The same applies to various punches. It is quite possible to replace them with a drilling workbench or even an electric drill.

However, even the presence of a simple device may well replace electric forging machines with your own hands.

If you plan to engage in forging at a more serious level, then you will need the appropriate equipment.

Modern machines greatly simplify and speed up the workflow. By equipping a more advanced forge with your own hands at home, you can install the following equipment.

  • Mechanical hammer.
  • Mechanical or hydraulic (electro-hydraulic) press.
  • Machine for cutting blanks.
  • Forming machine.

Mechanical hammers are able to forge the workpiece much faster. This will simplify the processing and also help speed up the processing in a single heating period.

Presses can be used for cold forging and. Such equipment is able to quickly give the desired shape to a heated blank. What power machines to choose will depend on the parts being processed. For small items, a hand press made on your own will suffice.

It is also better to cut metal using a cutting wheel, which is manipulated with a handle mounted on it. The bed of such a workbench provides reliable fastening of the workpiece.

The molding machine is used to twist blanks and give the product curling shapes.

It is also a good solution to install a drilling bench and a grinder in your home forge. These devices will greatly simplify many operations.

The drilling machine will be able to make a hole in the surface of the product much faster. And doing it more accurately and accurately.

On a belt grinder, you can both smooth and grind surfaces, as well as give the final shape to small forgings.

And, of course, the presence of a grinder will allow you to approach almost any workpiece from any angle. Also, this tool is indispensable for grinding welds and other hard-to-reach surfaces.

The presence of mechanized equipment will allow you to engage in forging at a professional level and greatly simplify the entire process. You can also make a homemade forging machine, for example, as shown in the provided video:

What can you add to the material of this article? If you have your own forge, share your experience in arranging it. What tools and equipment do you consider most necessary? Take part in the discussion of the material and share your experience.

  • Kind of activity: production of forged products
  • Capital investments from 230 320 rub.
  • Average monthly revenue from 429 000 rub. per month.
  • Net profit from 109 800 rub. per month.
  • Payback from 2 months.

Over the past two years, the demand for forged products has grown significantly in Russia. Every month, more than 300,000 people are interested in art forging items on the Internet, and this figure is growing by an average of 7%. The trend is explained by the fact that in the regions there is an active improvement of megacities and the construction of suburban settlements.

As a result, there is a high demand for all types of metal structures: from a small decor for a garden plot to massive fences in a cottage. In the next six months, the dynamics will be even more revealing. A blacksmith workshop, open during the “peak” spring-summer period, is an ideal option for a start and a quick payback.

Who is this business for?

Today, the blacksmith business is available to novice entrepreneurs. It does not require large investments, it is easy to organize and manufacture. The whole process is automated and carried out on modern machines. Producers willingly provide assistance in training and business organization. To purchase equipment that even one person can manage, just over 200 thousand rubles is enough.

At the same time, there is no need to go through licensing or certification, and production can be set up in any technical room, up to the garage. Making forged products is a great opportunity to expand an existing business. In Russia, construction and finishing companies, interior design studios, masters of furnace structures open their own blacksmith workshops.

Market competition

This niche is simply free. Unlike other business models with a low entry threshold, there is little competition here. In cities, the number of blacksmith shops is in the tens, while "popular start-ups" - trade enterprises, car washes, catering, tire fitting, are in the thousands.

Where to look for clients?

The first step in this direction is to create a website. To do this, you can turn to professionals or do the work yourself. Today, there are many free editors that will help you create it without programming knowledge. The site will attract the first customers within a month, and you can increase their flow with the help of contextual advertising. It is easily customizable and will allow you to attract the target audience even with minimal budgets.

The second possibility is cooperation with trade and service companies. Hardware stores, utilities, funeral service agencies, interior design studios - these and other organizations actively use forged products in their work.

Word of mouth is another effective way to attract customers. Finished projects are the best advertisement for the workshop, which means that beautifully executed works will attract new customers.

Additional channels for finding customers can also be the placement of information on websites with announcements (Avito, "Iz Hand to Hand", etc.), the placement of an open workshop on the through streets, or the opening of your own finished goods store in shopping malls.

What can a blacksmith shop earn on:

  • fences
  • Gates
  • Chimneys
  • Fences (garden, balcony)
  • Lattices on windows
  • Braziers
  • Interior items, furniture (tables, flower stands, hangers in
    hallway, etc.)
  • Other metal structures
  • Welding

Business plan "ECONOMY"

Suitable for those who wish to open a blacksmith shop with a minimum investment. Having one universal forging machine "AZHUR-1M", you will be able to arrange the production of: window bars, forged fences, gates, gazebos, forged furniture, canopies, stair railings and much more.

Technical characteristics of the machine "AZHUR-1M" .

The cost of the machine is 217,670 rubles. To expand the range of products, we recommend purchasing a set of rollers that allows you to make forged products from a profile pipe for 12,650 rubles. Of the additional equipment, you will need to purchase a welding machine and a grinder.

Calculation of the monthly profit of the blacksmith shop. ECONOMY option.


Production cost

(per sq. m. rub.)

Market price of products

(per sq. m. rub.)

Sales per month

Profit, rub.

Window bars

Stair railings

In parentheses are the prices of products made of solid rolled metal products.

We subtract the costs of maintaining the workshop from the profit: rent, advertising, electricity, transportation costs, taxes.

Business plan "OPTIMAL"

Suitable for those who wish to organize a large-scale production of forged products. To extract maximum profit, production is organized using a complex of machines. Some machines will give the blanks an exquisite expensive look, others will create forged elements from processed blanks. The resulting products will look expensive and sell faster.

Workshop equipment:

  • Machine "Openwork - 1M". Complete set No. 2, worth 307,160 rubles. Additional equipment in the amount of 28810 rubles. In this configuration, the machine allows you to produce the entire range of forged products. For more information, please contact our specialists.
  • Machine "Openwork -2" for 262,400 rubles. Additional equipment in the amount of 51,700 rubles. Covers the needs of the workshop in metal framing.
  • Hydraulic press "Azhur - 3M" for 335,000 rubles. A set of molds for the amount of 29,900 rubles. allows to produce forged products in large quantities.
  • Machine "Azhur-4" for 392,000 rubles. manufactures a decorative twisted pipe.
  • Cutting machine "OS - 7" for 71,000 rubles. designed to prepare blanks for production.

Total: investment in equipment will amount to 1,477,970 rubles.

Calculation of the monthly profit of the blacksmith shop. "Optimal" option.


Production cost

(per sq. m. rub.)

Market price of products

(per sq. m. rub.)

Sales per month

Profit, rub.

Stair railings

Window bars

Benches and swings

Magazine Reconomica offers you a rare but interesting profession of a blacksmith-gunsmith. Andrey, a knife maker, will tell about his work. Blacksmithing is not yet his full-time job, but he started from scratch, turned his hobby into a source of income and quickly made a good income. You will learn how to turn your blacksmithing hobby into a small business, how to sell finished products and how much you can earn from it, while combining a hobby with a full-time job. According to the author, this is a very good extra income, especially if you live in a region with a low average salary.

The economic situation in the country is such that almost all people are forced to look for opportunities to earn extra money. Retirees work to help their children and grandchildren, motorists taxi or deliver pizza, students hand out flyers or put up ads. It is unlikely that all these activities bring people positive emotions. As well as the main work, which most of us can hardly call a favorite. And how can you call a favorite process in which you are just a small cog, and if necessary, you can be replaced by another cog just like yourself.

That's just a hobby thing. This is something that everyone treats with trepidation and does with pleasure. Doing what you love and making a profit from it is the dream of millions of people, but now it turns out to be realized by a few. It turned out for me, although a couple of years ago I had no idea about what I'm doing now.

How I mastered blacksmithing, or how it all began

And it all started with the usual conversation in a sincere gathering with his brother, who is obsessed with all sorts of knives, brass knuckles and pistols. He began to tell me about the videos that he saw on the Internet, about making beautiful designer knives with his own hands from improvised materials.

Imbued with his enthusiastic exclamations, I also decided to see what kind of masters there are. It turned out to be true that making a cool author's knife with a minimum set of tools is not so difficult, and I decided to try it. I was also lucky with the fact that I work as a thermist in a machine-building industry, so I understand steel grades well, and there were no problems with materials for a knife - the presence of a professional thermals at hand in such a case is a huge plus.

How to make a knife with your own hands at home

I watched a bunch of videos on the Internet on this topic, I liked one of them, which I took as a basis as a guide. I used what was at hand to make my first blade. It can be said that he worked at home with improvised means.

The material for my first knife was an ordinary old Soviet file. Steel for a knife is not the most suitable, but it is affordable and easily processed.

I set up my workshop in the garage. My tools for work were a file, sandpaper and a clamp. For the manufacture of descents, I made a special device out of plywood and set to work. Grinding a large layer of metal by hand turned out to be a very difficult task. His hands were constantly tired, he sharpened for a minute, and rested for five. But, oddly enough, I had no desire to quit the whole thing.

Having completed the work with a file, I began to grind the workpiece sandpaper . A few hours of work - and now my blade is almost ready! It remains only to take to work and harden.

Here I must say that due to inexperience, I made a big mistake with the dimensions, the blade turned out to be very thick and massive, but I still decided to complete the work to the end, because my main task was not to make a good knife, but to understand the principle and subtleties of the process.

Next, I needed to make a handle for my “monster”. I went to a birch grove to collect dry branches and birch bark. Back in the garage, I started making the handle. Working with wood is much easier and more pleasant than with metal, so there were no problems here. The handle is comfortable and beautiful. And I decided not to stop there.

How to learn how to make really good knives

I approached the manufacture of the next knife more seriously. I picked up a workpiece from a more suitable steel and correctly calculated all the dimensions. The second knife came out much more attractive than the first. My brother, seeing the result of my work, praised me and asked me to give this knife to him. Without hesitation, I complied with the request, because it was with his suggestion that I began to do this.

My handmade knife

Then things got more fun. Having mastered some of the intricacies of the process, I improved with each new knife, and some acquaintances, having seen the results of my work, were already ready to shell out money for me to make a knife to order. But my activity has not yet gone beyond the scope of a hobby. After all, even though I spent almost all my free time in the garage, the productivity was extremely low - only 1-2 knives per month. You won't make money on this. And then I decided to take a serious step, since the manufacturing process itself gave me pleasure.

Blade production automation

To take my small production to a serious level, I needed to purchase a belt sander. The difficulty was that the simplest grindercosts about 15-20 thousand rubles. I had money, so I, enlisting the help of virtual colleagues in the shop, the same artisanal craftsmen like me, began to choose a machine tool that cost me 17 thousand rubles, including delivery.

After I installed grinder in my garage, I realized that the production of knives by hand and on the machine is like heaven and earth.If earlier on the manufacture of one blade with a file and sandpaper it took me several days, now in one day of work I could easily check out 5-10 blades, while saving a lot of strength.

In addition, the blades made on the machine turned out to be much more accurate and of high quality. Yes, and there were no problems with the handles, because on grinder wood can also be sanded.

This is what my workshop looks like today

In a word, the matter fell apart. In the first month of work with grinder I made 6 full knives. Having presented them to my friends, I immediately received several orders from them from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. The next month, I earned 10 thousand rubles in this way. I solved the issue of metalworking with the help of a grinding machine, but then another problem arose before me. I had to carry all the blanks to work for heat treatment or some kind of forging operations. To solve this problem, I was puzzled by the manufacture of a forge.

How to make a blacksmith's forge with your own hands

Even a schoolboy can make the simplest forge forge. I did not complicate my life and went exactly this way. Having collected clay, I blinded a small gutter right next to the garage. The basis of any forge is blowing . I decided to use an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function for this. I ran a metal tube with holes along the bottom of the clay gutter, connected the vacuum cleaner hose to it and that's it - the forge is ready. Fill up the coals and kindle. And although I still wore blades to work to heat, because the quality of the blade directly depends on the quality of hardening and tempering, then simpler operations, in particular forging and annealing. I made it right in the garage.

Where can a blacksmith take orders?

After I fulfilled all the wishes of my friends, there was a problem with new orders. This is where social media came to my rescue. I created a group where I posted photos of my work, as well as some tips for making, and quickly gained a small audience, since such things very well attract the attention of the stronger sex.

Examples of my work

Now, under each photo of my work, there are several requests for sale at once. I do not overprice my knives, knowing full well that I am far from the most skilled craftsman in their manufacture. The average price of one knife is 2 thousand rubles, it turns out to manufacture and sell usually about ten pieces per month. The process of their production has already been perfected to automatism, only now I put my author's stamp on each knife.

Payback for a knife making business

The profitability has been good. Thus, their costs grinder and I recaptured the materials in two months of work. Moreover, now I can afford not to wander around the shop in search of normal steel, but to order it from suppliers. As well as other necessary materials: leather for the scabbard, special oil for impregnating the handles, ribbons for grinder and much more. And the most important thing is that the very process of making knives brings me pleasure and no matter how much I earn on it.

Although during the holidays, when there is a lot of free time, my monthly income exceeds my basic salary and amounts to about 30-35 thousand rubles, but when you have to combine your hobby with work, the income is about half as much.

Youtube is the best client flow source for private master

Now my plans are to create a channel on youtube , where I want to post videos about making knives and share my experience with novice craftsmen. In order for the videos to be of high quality, you need to purchase a good camera and a tripod. All this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it. After all, the channel youtube - this is a large number of potential customers, plus another opportunity for additional earnings on the affiliate program.

How to turn your hobby into a profitable business

I talked about my experience of how you can convert your own hobby into a real serious income. After all, things made by hand to order have always had a special value. As an example, we can take consumer goods, which are made by prisoners in places not so remote. Zonovskie backgammon, rosary, cards, pens and much more are very expensive, not only because it is all incredibly beautiful, but also because it is exclusive handmade.The master puts his soul into it, so such things are highly valued.

Product worth 2000 rubles

My experience with knives by no means encourages you to grab a file and run to the garage. This is just an example of the fact that with the right approach and perseverance, you can easily make your hobby bring not only positive emotions, but also income. And you can do anything.

For those who like to work with wood, making chess and backgammon would be a good option, but for girls, various options for needlework are suitable: embroidery, knitting, beading . For each. a seemingly useless, but beautiful trinket, there is a demand, you just need to be able to present it correctly. And if you really like what you do, then nothing and no one can stop you from repeating my experience.

Since ancient times, the profession of a blacksmith has been known for its popularity and respect, but it required a lot of dedication from the worker. Years have passed, life has changed, but people still need the services of a blacksmith. Who is a modern blacksmith, what does he do and how can I make money in this area? blacksmith.

Blacksmiths and forge

There are different types of blacksmiths and backgrounds, but they all acquired their skills through the transfer of techniques from father to son, from teacher to student. There is a category of people who learned blacksmithing through self-development and training, learning all the hardships of this profession. People in this profession are more likely than others to deal with fire, so one of the qualities required to work with a forge is caution. Other qualities include excellent visual memory, an eye, however, it can be worked out, elegant taste, neatness and high endurance. To get started, you need to have a lot of capital for your forge, but if you don’t have the courage to start your own business, then you can work as an apprentice with a blacksmith, and gain technology and experience there. To open a blacksmith, you need funds in the amount of 15,000–40,000 USD. e.

Each forge needs to be equipped with: a forge, a metal water tank, a tool rack, a mobile table, an anvil, a blacksmith's hammer, a welding machine, a bench, a vise and a box of coal. Depending on the focus of the blacksmith, other tools may be needed for miniature work. First, the blacksmith must draw a plan for the future blacksmith, taking into account the scale of the tools. We must not forget about light sources, both artificial and natural.

Blacksmith earnings

What is earnings based on and what profit does blacksmithing bring- that's what I wanted to ask Yuri Semyonovich, a blacksmith from Pushkinskiye Gory. Profit depends on the cost of the metal, large firms buy tons of metal, so they win the tender and can count on big profits. Others have to get out to get a good profit.

From a ton of metal, ideally, you can get 500 different products. The income from production is 15,000 USD, but this is taking into account the fact that each product will be sold at a price of 90 USD. e., and it is very difficult. It is difficult to answer the question of what products are popular and what is better to manufacture. A fence 50-60 cm long with decor will be made for about a month. A square meter of such a product costs 3.5–5 thousand rubles. The cost varies depending on the complexity. The same applies to stairs. Income from them, on average, is 15 thousand rubles per floor. It's a different story for small jobs. The cost of forged furniture with a table and a mirror compartment is 20,000–25,000. The work takes two to three weeks. With such a job, you can earn about 20,000 rubles. But a fireplace set in the provinces can be sold for 3000-4000, of course, everything changes when it comes to selling in the capital.

In Moscow, they would laugh at that price.

A unique set can be sold for 9–11,000 rubles, that is, on average, 1 square meter of an item costs a blacksmith, taking into account the rent of the premises, about 110 USD. e. The price of products and the cost increases when decorative elements are applied. On average, working for yourself and creating various jewelry, you can earn 3000–4000 USD. e. In this case, all equipment and premises will pay off in a year and a half, but with one caveat. In the winter period and the first months of spring, there are practically no orders. The work in this business is very difficult and many leave to work for companies that have large demands and buy metal in large quantities. There are those who, in addition to blacksmithing, teach master classes. The average salary of a blacksmith working for a firm is 40,000-200,000 rubles per month.

Having heard all of the above, we can conclude that anyone who has the desire and desire for creative activity, who is not afraid of difficulties and hard physical work, can start their own business with the help of blacksmithing.