Business plan: how to open a mini-factory for the production of ready-mixed concrete. How to start a concrete business? How to open a concrete plant from scratch

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A competent and up-to-date business plan for a concrete plant can very well start a business that brings a stable income and satisfaction. And there is no doubt that concrete will always be in demand. Without it, the construction of new buildings and the reconstruction of old ones, repairs and redevelopment are indispensable, concrete is needed everywhere and the demand for it does not fall. That is why the production and sale of high-quality concrete is simply "doomed" to success.

We offer a document on the organization of concrete production, and not one, but two options at once, which you can study right now. They are about a stationary and mobile concrete plant, which will require different investments, but have one goal - to provide customers with high-quality building materials. A stationary plant is more productive than a mobile one, but it will take more effort and money to form it.

The submitted document can be used as an example. In it you can read the technical feasibility study, the stages of setting up the plant, as well as risk and investment assessment, calculate future investments, taking into account that over time it will be necessary to expand production capacity. All this will help rationally, correctly approach the issue of expanding the business of concrete production, and will also allow us to see its prospects.

The active development of the construction industry provoked a boom in another market segment - the production of building materials, including concrete. Such a business as the production of concrete, only at first glance seems gray and unpresentable. If you look deeper into it, you can easily understand what income is hidden under a layer of thick concrete mass.

An entrepreneur planning to create a business in the production of concrete blocks, first of all, needs to calculate his financial capabilities. Large-scale costs will be required for such production, and it is impossible to stop halfway, there is only one way out: either constantly move forward, or declare yourself bankrupt.

The next step is to determine what type of concrete will be produced at your plant. Much depends on this choice: the amount of financial costs, and, of course, the success of the sale of the final product. As the experience of successful production shows, the most popular now are ready-mixed and cellular concrete.

Ready-mixed concrete is the most demanded material in modern construction. For its production, sand, crushed stone, granite and many other fillers are used. Thanks to the use of modern additives, modern concrete can be used in the most extreme conditions, as it tolerates both the highest and the lowest temperature conditions. This material is successfully used not only in the construction of houses, it is the basis for pavement of roads and even runways at airfields.

All this explains the incredible popularity of concrete, and also opens up great prospects for entrepreneurs who decide to build their own concrete plant. The main thing is to master the production technology, or hire an experienced specialist who will not make unfortunate mistakes. It is important to choose the right components for concrete so that the products of your plant become competitive in the building materials market.

As for equipment for the production of concrete, here you can not reinvent the wheel, but buy a ready-made plant. Their cost is high, but the variety amazes with a wealth of choice, in connection with which a novice entrepreneur can choose the best option in terms of power and price. Perhaps you decide to build your business on expanded clay concrete blocks, or decide that the main product of your plant will be concrete from granulated slag or concrete blocks with chips. In addition to stationary production, the market also offers options for mobile concrete plants.

Registration of an enterprise, renting a suitable premises, obtaining permits for such activities - it will be easier for you to go through all these stages if you rely on a competent business plan for a concrete plant. Looking for useful information about a business like concrete block production in various forums, you are at great risk. Only the recommendations of experienced professionals will help you find the right answers to all questions and choose the right direction in business.

The concrete production business is considered to be one of the most profitable as the demand for it is always high, especially from the construction sector. Therefore, it is recommended to open a mini-factory at the beginning of the construction season - in May. Then by its completion, in November, you will be able to spin up production and get a good income.

Assessment of competition in the market

First of all, a concrete plant business plan should assess the competition and develop a pricing policy for doing business. The main buyer of the goods is the construction business, which consumes 94% of all concrete offered on the market. The coefficient of difference between the growth rates of construction and concrete production is 0.9.

At the same time, the production of concrete mixtures has a limited geographical focus. On average, it is profitable to carry them over a distance of about 50 km. Therefore, first of all, you need to assess the level of competition in your region. As practice shows, it will not be possible to win in the competition by reducing material prices. Moreover, the factories produce approximately the same brands of concrete mixtures with the same characteristics - the technology for their manufacture is simple and accessible to everyone. The level of sales will depend on how active construction is in your area.

The sale of other building mixtures that can replace concrete, and various reinforced concrete prefabricated products, can make you a significant competition. The only thing that will help to withstand the competition is long-term relationships with consumers.

Formalities of the case

The business plan of a concrete plant should first of all provide for the registration of an enterprise as an LLC. Firstly, if the enterprise is unsuccessful, you will lose only the authorized capital. Secondly, any enterprise will cooperate with a legal entity. Taxation can take place according to a simplified or general system. The first is chosen if it is planned that the profit of the enterprise will be more than 60 million rubles. But in this case, it will be necessary to fully maintain all accounting records.

For this activity, select the OKVED code: 26.63 - "Production of ready-mixed concrete." Manufacturing technology must comply with the following standards:

  • GOST 18105 - 86 - "Concrete - strength control rules".
  • GOST 10181-2000 - "Concrete mixes - test methods";
  • GOST 10060.0-95 - "Methods for determining frost resistance";
  • GOST 27006-86 - “Concrete. Rules for the selection of composition ";
  • GOST 26633-91 - “Concrete is heavy and fine-grained. THAT";

Business Features

The implementation of concrete mixtures is characterized by a significant problem - the transportation of goods to facilities. It must be quickly brought and unloaded before it hardens, and at the same time it has a low cost per unit mass. It is delivered to the site in special concrete mixer trucks. Or they prepare concrete molds, which harden at the factory, and then are delivered to the site.

It is desirable to produce it directly at the construction site. That is why the market for the product is extremely limited.

Raw material

The technology for preparing concrete mixtures in the classic version will require the use of the following components:

  • Water is pure, without impurities. The amount is determined based on the moisture content of other constituents.
  • Ballast - the so-called general mixture, sand and gravel. The optimal proportions are a part of river sand to three parts of gravel.
  • Crushed stone - it can be crushed gravel, preferably rocks with a diameter of more than 5 mm. You can use slag.
  • Sand corresponding to GOST 8736-93, no more than 0.5 mm in diameter of grains of sand.
  • Cement is the basis of the mixture, the binder. A gray powder that crystallizes and solidifies when moistened.

Equipment for the production of

Despite the fact that the construction mixture manufacturing technology is simple, special production lines are usually installed that are fully automated. They allow you to adhere to the established recipe exactly. The composition of such a line includes the following units (cost - thousand rubles):

  • Cabin where the control panel is located (100).
  • Dispensers separately for water and separately for cement (150).
  • Plate conveyor (50).
  • Rail loader (80).
  • Return conveyor (95).
  • Lift (50).
  • Reducer (100).
  • Belt conveyor with a capacity of 50 m3/hour (90).
  • Batcher of basic concrete aggregates (320).
  • Facial concrete filler dispenser (260).
  • Auger (135).
  • Basic concrete mixer (46.5).
  • Face concrete mixer (43.3).
  • Silo for 60 tons 40 m3 (477.9).

About 2 million rubles will have to be allocated for the purchase of equipment.

Brief business plan

The manufacturing technology of this building material involves the zoning of production areas into the following parts:

  • Auxiliary premises.
  • Administrative and household.
  • Raw material warehouse.
  • Boiler room.
  • Warehouse of cement.

Most of the premises need to be built and renovated. The cost of these works will amount to about 280 million rubles.

The most popular brands of cement with which it is recommended to start a business are: heavy concrete grade M 250 and grade M 350. The annual volume of the first should be at least 360 thousand m3, the second - 640 thousand m3.

Raw material costs

This type of cost is calculated from how many components per unit of production a particular production technology requires, or what will be the volume of production per year.

The technology for manufacturing concrete grade M 250 will require the following number of components per year:

  • sand - 16.5 thousand m3.
  • crushed stone - 28.8 thousand m3;
  • cement - 13.86 million tons;

Mark M-350:

  • sand - 28.8 thousand m3.
  • crushed stone - 48 thousand m3;
  • cement - 26.88 million tons;

In total, it will take about 553,770,000 rubles a year to purchase raw materials for these two grades.

Concrete gradeMass composition, C:P:Shch (kg)Volumetric composition per 10l of cement, P:Sch (l)Quantity of concrete from 10l of cement (l)
M1001:4,6:7,0 41:61 78
M1501:3,5:5,7 32:50 64
M2001:2,8:4,8 25:42 54
M2501:2,1:3,9 19:34 43
M3001:1,9:3,7 17:32 41
M4001:1,2:2,7 11:24 31
M4501:1,1:2,5 10:22 29

Other costs

A small production should be served by 49 people. The salary rates for the year will look like this:

  • 4 drivers - 960,000 rubles;
  • 10 working units of support services - 2,400,000 rubles;
  • 9 workers of the warehouse of aggregates - 3,240,000 rubles;
  • 12 cement warehouse workers - 4,320,000 rubles;
  • 9 workers of the concrete mixing shop - 4,320,000 rubles;
  • 5 people of administrative and managerial personnel - 4,800,000 rubles.

To pay for their work, 20,040,000 rubles should be allocated. in year. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the costs of using equipment, workshop and general factory costs - about 2,385,836,500 rubles in total. in a year.


From the sale of concrete grade M 250 for the year you can get 1,404,000,000 rubles. The implementation of the M 350 brand will bring another 2,624,000,000 rubles. Excluding VAT for the year, you can get 3,302,960,000 rubles, and taking into account all deductions - 917,123,500 rubles.

According to experts, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches the level of 38%. The investment can pay off in as little as four months.

More and more citizens are trying to create their own business in order to independently control material income, but due to the great competition in most areas of trade, it is becoming more and more difficult to get a stable income. To guarantee yourself a regular profit, you should pay attention to areas of activity that are always and everywhere in demand by the end user, for example, the production of concrete.

Business Benefits

It is this building material that has been the most popular for many years, since it is the easiest to use and ideal for the price. Having drawn up a business plan for a concrete plant, you can be sure of its quick payback, since this production does not require serious investments, and a stable income will be guaranteed for more than one generation. The thing is that there is still no building material that would surpass concrete in all its quality and price indicators.

In addition to the standard composition and appearance of the concrete pavement, today there are many more varieties of decorative mixes. This gives reason to think about how to draw up a business plan for a concrete plant. Such a mixture differs from the usual composition not only in a variety of color options, but also in the addition of new components that increase the strength of the material and its resistance to external influences.

Benefits of colored concrete

Decorative concrete coating can be used for building decoration as an independent mixture or as a material for casting other side coatings, such as artificial stone. The production of concrete in these cases does not differ from each other.

All products made from colored concrete mix are superior to standard compositions not only in a presentable appearance, but also in:

  • strength indicators;
  • long service life;
  • increased sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness.

The latter is due to the fact that the finished mixture does not release into the atmosphere any harmful fumes either for humans or for the environment.

Depending on the scale of production, such a business can be created as a mobile concrete plant or its branch in order to provide customers from other areas and regions with faster product delivery. Separate from the main production, you can also organize your own points of sale for decorative or artificial stone of your own production, since this finishing material for garden plots and interior decoration of residential premises is becoming increasingly popular. And its cost is quite acceptable.

Initial investment

To open your own concrete plant, the price of which in working order is several million, you will need money in the amount of no more than half a million rubles. With such low costs and a high rate of return, it is best to start this business from scratch by drawing up a detailed business plan for a concrete plant.

Having a starting amount of half a million rubles in hand, you should also think about the need to support production for the first few months at the expense of your own savings, and not profit, since it may not be in the right amount from the moment of opening. To do this, it is necessary to carry out approximate calculations of monthly expenses for the purchase of materials for production, payment of utility bills, rent of premises and wages to workers. The average amount is 250 thousand rubles.

Room selection

Since even a mobile concrete plant needs a roof over its head, the first step is to decide on the choice of premises for production. For minimum cost-effective production volumes, a minimum of 70 square meters of usable area is required, and the premises themselves should ideally be located away from the city center. This will mainly affect the reduced cost of rent, which, depending on the region, can reach a maximum of 70 thousand rubles per month. In addition, production can cause discomfort to residents of nearby houses, so it is better to immediately provide free space around the plant.

No matter how good the business plan of a concrete plant may be, a convenient location also ensures high profits. To do this, the factory premises should be located near the roadway and have convenient parking and access. For the comfort of workers and the quality of future products, the building must be equipped with good ventilation and a heating system.

Costs for the purchase of equipment

Even when choosing a business for the production of colored concrete, you will not need to purchase many production machines.

Among the major investments, the need to purchase should be highlighted:

  • concrete mixers;
  • vibrating table;
  • racks;
  • industrial and household floor scales;
  • molds for filling finished products.

These equipment costs will be approximately 130-140 thousand rubles. Most of the money will be needed to purchase forms, since at least 50 of them will be needed. You also need a lot of racks, 60 pieces, but they cost half the price of forms. A vibrating table, scales and a concrete mixer are needed in a single quantity, but for this you need to choose equipment with a volume of at least 250 liters (for a concrete mixer).

Additional expenses

About 20 thousand rubles should be added to the main purchase amount for the purchase of additional working equipment.

This includes:

  • shovels;
  • spatulas;
  • scoops;
  • gloves and uniforms for workers and so on.

Raw material costs

To realize the business plan of the concrete plant, you will also need to purchase raw materials. Since all the ingredients of the mixture are publicly available, there can be no problems at this stage. Considering the large discounts of sellers when purchasing large quantities of materials and free shipping, you can save a decent amount.

To start making colored concrete mix, you will need to purchase:

  • river sand;
  • cement;
  • granite screenings;
  • plasticizers;
  • dyes.

Of course, all ingredients, except for the pigment, must be purchased by the ton, and the costs here depend on the volume of purchases and the cost of materials in the region.

Current expenses

In addition to a one-time investment in the business, you will need to pay monthly bills for electricity, water supply, sewerage, garbage disposal, heating, and so on. As a rule, for a production scale, this amount ranges from 15 thousand rubles.

In addition, workers will need to be paid. Among them must be a qualified accountant, foreman or foreman and ordinary workers. In this case, the amount depends on the region chosen for the business.


Since the productivity of the plant does not depend on raw materials, but on the work of employees, the hiring of personnel should be taken seriously. Workers must be experienced or at least easily trained, responsible and hardworking.

In order for an inexperienced citizen to be able to obtain a license to start production, he, like his employees, should undergo a special training course. This will allow you to learn more about the nuances of producing quality products, get technical documentation, work permits in this area and all the basic formulas for the production of colored concrete.

* Calculations use average data for Russia


The project involves the organization of the production of asphalt mix on the basis of a mobile concrete plant in the city of Stavropol. The company also provides installation services. The target audience of the project is private customers involved in landscaping, management companies of the housing and communal services complex, homeowners' associations, gardening associations, production organizations, etc. Thus, the project is focused not on large-scale road construction, but on servicing small orders on its own. It is planned to purchase a mobile asphalt concrete plant (China) used but in good condition with a capacity of 10 t/h and an asphalt mini-skating rink (Russia).

The advantage of a mobile asphalt concrete plant lies in the possibility of moving it to a construction site, which significantly reduces the logistics and time costs for the delivery of the mixture from a stationary asphalt plant. The mini-skating rink has a drum width of 780 mm, which allows you to work with it even in hard-to-reach places - narrow passages, alleys, garden paths, etc.

Table 1. Project performance indicators


The activity of the project, in fact, is connected with measures for the improvement of territories, financed by both the state and private investors. Against the backdrop of a decrease in the volume of construction of residential and commercial real estate, the volume of ongoing repair and improvement work is growing.

In particular, the municipal subprogram "Road activities and ensuring road safety, organization of transport services for the population in the city of Stavropol" of the program "Development of housing and communal services, transport system in the city of Stavropol, improvement and sanitary cleaning of the territory of the city of Stavropol for 2014-2016 " supposed:

    design, construction and reconstruction of public roads of local importance;

    repair of public roads of local importance, including sidewalks;

    accounting for public roads of local importance;

    provision of elements for the arrangement of public roads of local importance and the organization of road safety, including road signs, road barriers, traffic lights and other devices for traffic control, stopping points, footpaths, etc.;

    purchase of equipment for cleaning roads and sidewalks;

    ensuring the activities of the municipal budgetary institution "Unified Central Dispatch Service of Passenger Transport" of the city of Stavropol;

    implementation of passenger transportation by urban electric transport at tariffs below the established maximum level of the tariff for the transportation of passengers by urban electric transport (trolleybuses) along the routes of the city of Stavropol.

Thus, it is expected to implement a number of activities in which the goods and services of the project can be used. In addition, the analysis of each of the target audiences shows significant prospects for the development of the project.

Stavropol is the administrative center of the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation. Cultural, business and industrial center, one of the largest cities in the North Caucasus and the North Caucasian Federal District. Large enterprises of the machine-building and instrument-making industries are located on the territory of the city. According to the results of the All-Russian competition for the title of "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia" (2013, 2015 and 2016), Stavropol took first place, which indicates the high attention on the part of the Administration to the state of improvement of the territories of the city and the region. The city is located on the federal highway P216 Stavropol - Elista - Astrakhan and P269 Stavropol - Bataysk.

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The project assumes the organization of an enterprise for the production and laying of asphalt concrete mix in the territory of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. Acquired production facilities - a used mobile asphalt plant made in China, with a capacity of 10 t / h and a mini-skating rink two-roller made in Russia; in addition, hand tools are purchased for unloading the mixture, laying it and leveling it.

Consumers of goods and services of the enterprise are various categories of legal entities and individuals, non-profit organizations. The level of demand for goods and services of the enterprise is estimated as high.


The company's products are asphalt concrete mixture for various road works and landscaping works. Asphalt concrete is a building material produced by creating a mixture of a binder (bitumen, cement) and filling elements (crushed stone, sand) with its subsequent cooling. Depending on the laying temperature, asphalt mixes are divided into hot, warm and cold. Depending on the physical properties, asphalt concrete is divided into rigid, plastic and cast.

Table 2. Products of the enterprise and its description

The mixture is made to order in accordance with the specification of the customer. All products comply with the requirements of GOST. Self-delivery of products by the customer from the territory of production is supposed.

In addition, the company provides services for laying asphalt mix at a construction site. For this, an asphalt mini-skating rink with a drum width of 780 mm is used, which allows working in hard-to-reach and narrow places.

Table 3. Variable Costs and Selling Price


The target audience of the project is diverse. It can be attributed, first of all:

    Municipal beautification organizations

    Private enterprises for repair and improvement

    Horticultural associations

    Enterprises in the field of housing and communal services (management companies, HOAs)

    Road construction companies

    Private customers

To interact with organizations, the method of active sales is used: sales representatives negotiate with all types of potential customers to conclude a contract for the performance of work on the installation of asphalt concrete pavement. Some of the orders, especially those with state funding, take place in the form of auctions and tenders. The marketing policy of the project is focused on building long-term partnerships, increasing customer loyalty through reasonable prices, strict compliance with the terms and conditions of work.

Work with private customers is carried out through passive sales: using your own website, various electronic and printed catalogs of building materials, aggregators of goods and services. This direction is supervised by an Internet promotion specialist, who also accepts applications from individuals and processes them.

Demand has a pronounced seasonality and coincides, in general, with the course of the construction season. The maximum level of demand falls on the warm months, in winter there is practically no demand. Given the peculiarities of the climate of the Stavropol Territory, we can talk about full-fledged demand from April to October, as well as single orders in March and November in good weather. The seasonality factor is taken into account when planning sales, drawing up production and financial plans.

The level of prices for asphalt concrete mixtures of the project is approximately 5% lower than the market average. There is competition in this segment, however, almost all existing competitors have stationary asphalt plants and are focused primarily on large-scale road construction. Stationary asphalt plants are characterized by low flexibility, higher logistics costs and higher operating costs compared to mobile asphalt plants. Their only advantage can be considered high productivity, which determines the direction of the marketing policy.

Today, there are three mobile asphalt concrete plants operating in the region, two of which are in poor condition, which causes problems with the stability of the quality of the mixture produced. The level of prices for goods and services is on average 5-7% higher than the prices of the project.

Table 4. Planned sales volumes






Coarse-grained asphalt concrete, t

Fine-grained asphalt concrete, t

Sandy asphalt concrete, t

Vibratory roller rental, hour


10 018 900

4 305 800


For the production of asphalt concrete mix, the acquired mobile asphalt plant, which was in use, is used. Country of origin - China. The condition is very good, important components and assemblies have been replaced with new ones. Productivity - up to 10 t/h. Ability to produce asphalt concrete of various types - from coarse-grained to sandy high density. Delivery from the location to Stavropol is carried out by the project using special vehicles and is financially included in the cost of the equipment. Setting up, debugging the technology and training of personnel is carried out by a technologist who is part of the initial project team and has many years of experience at the asphalt plant.

For laying the mixture, a Russian-made mini-skating rink, which was in use, is used. Condition is good. Delivery from the seller is carried out by special transport at the expense of the project, the cost of transportation is also included in the financial plan. The equipment is stored in an open area rented from an industrial complex in Stavropol. For the winter, the equipment undergoes a conservation procedure, covered with moisture-proof materials.

Upon receipt of an order, a mobile asphalt plant moves directly to the place of work. The cost of transportation is included in the production (variable) costs. The asphalt mix is ​​produced on site, placed and leveled manually by workers, and then compacted using a mini-skating rink. At the final stage, tests of the cured coating are carried out.

Since sales are of a project nature, the production plan completely coincides with the project sales plan.


The organizational and legal form - IP was chosen. The taxation system is the simplified tax system, the object of taxation is “income minus expenses”, the rate is 15%.

The project team at the initial stage includes:

    a project initiator who has more than five years of experience in running his own construction business, possessing all the necessary knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, accounting and tax accounting, labor and administrative legislation, etc.

    technologist with experience in various positions in the production of asphalt concrete, cement concrete mixtures, including as a technologist - 4 years.

Thanks to the experience of the team, it is possible to close the key requirements for the project: ensuring sales and product quality.

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Despite the experience and high competence of the existing project team, high requirements are placed on the sales department employees who are directly involved in interaction with the company's customers. Basic requirement: at least three years of sales experience in the field of building materials; It is desirable to have a personal car.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.




Technologist / production manager

line operator

Ancillary workers

Vibratory roller operator


Sales Representative

Internet promotion specialist


231 500.00 RUB

Social Security contributions:

69 450.00 RUB

Total with deductions:

300 950.00 RUB

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise

Preparatory work on the project, including the purchase of equipment, recruitment, initial negotiations with potential clients, etc. last no more than one month. After that, the stage of mass production and reaching the planned sales volumes begins.


The project is not limited in time, since the demand for the products and services of the project, according to expert estimates, will not fall in the future. The financial plan has a planning horizon of five years, which seems to be the most appropriate period for planning.

The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the project. Income refers to the proceeds from the operating activities of the project; income from investment and the sale of fixed assets is not provided for by the project.

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Investment costs 6.83 million rubles, the bulk of the amount is directed to the purchase of equipment and the creation of a working capital fund until the company reaches payback. Own funds of the project initiator - 4.5 million rubles, the lack of funds is planned to be covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months, the rate is 18% per annum. Payment is made by annuity payments, credit holidays - three months.

Table 6. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.


Mobile asphalt plant

vibrating roller

Hand tool

office equipment

Intangible assets

Website development

working capital

working capital


6 920 000 ₽

Own funds:

4 500 000.00 RUB

Required borrowings:

2 420 000 ₽



Term, months:

Variable costs (Table 3) include the cost of purchasing raw materials and materials used in production, fuel and lubricants for equipment, and transportation of equipment to the construction site.

The volume of fixed costs is 115,666 rubles. per month, of which the bulk is directed to depreciation. In this project, depreciation is not included in production costs due to the rather complicated calculation of deductions in terms of a unit of production. When determining the amount of monthly depreciation charges, a straight-line method is used, the useful life of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets is ten years.

A detailed financial plan is given in App. 1.

Table 7. Fixed costs



Office rent

Parking lot rental

fuel and transport

Communication and Internet

Selling expenses

Administrative expenses



115 666 ₽


Evaluation of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the financial plan, simple and integral performance indicators.

To account for the change in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used. The discount rate is 10%. Revenue of the first year of the project - 54,020,060 rubles; net profit (after taxes) - 20,529,669 rubles. Annual revenue of subsequent years (after reaching the planned sales figures) - 62,117,180 rubles; net profit - 23,870,643 rubles. Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 6 months. Net present value (NPV) - 9,884,999 rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) - 20.23%. Return on investment ratio (ARR) - 29.4%. Profitability index (PI) - 1.43. All these indicators are high and testify to the high investment attractiveness and efficiency of the project.


When analyzing the risks associated with the implementation of the project, an analysis of internal and external factors is carried out. The main internal risk factor is the failure of equipment, primarily the asphalt plant, and, as a result, downtime and loss of profit. To neutralize this threat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the equipment, its routine maintenance and repair. Much attention must be paid to the conservation and re-preservation of equipment: follow the technology, maintain and clean all components and assemblies. Careful and attentive attitude to the equipment is a guarantee of the success of the project.

External factors include the actions of competitors: price reduction, the emergence of new players on the market. The last option in the context of the economic downturn in the country is quite unlikely. Price competition from existing players is much more likely. The pricing policy and pricing system of the project allows such a struggle to be carried out quite effectively, there is a margin for profitability and marginality. In addition, measures are envisaged to increase customer loyalty through a higher quality of service, compliance with deadlines and other conditions for the performance of work.

10. APPS

Annex 1

Financial plan

Denis Miroshnichenko

Modern concrete production as a business is very promising, but it is based on the need to use serious equipment, which requires the preliminary preparation of a competent and complete business plan. Plants for the production of concrete can be represented by independent enterprises or be a link in the chain of the construction process.

A less expensive form of organizing such a business is the opening of a mini-factory, which allows not only to reduce the time and cost, but also to get the most automated production, controlled by one person. In addition, the easy change of modules contributes to the rapid changeover of the plant to the production of concrete of a different brand.

Registration and taxation

The first step is to register the premises. There is no need to license this type of individual activity, and almost any legal entity can open such a business. Before organizing a mini-concrete production business, you should choose the most preferred legal form. It is advisable to register and open an account for an organization in the form of an LLC. The average cost of this procedure is about 15 thousand rubles.

The organizational and legal form of an LLC is more secure and provides significant opportunities for doing this business. In case of failure, all the risks of the founders fall only on the authorized capital.

With an income of less than 60 million rubles, taxation in the form of a simplified tax system should be issued, which will allow exempting production from taxes on income, property and VAT. With a larger amount of income, taxation according to the OSNO is required with the full scope of accounting and payment of all general taxes.

When drawing up organizational and legal documents, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 26.63, which is due to the production of ready-mixed concrete.

Requirements for the premises

If the production area is represented by a rented premises, then it should be noted that the minimum footage cannot be less than 400 m², and in addition, the production technology is based on the use of water. If there is no centralized water supply system, then additional expenses will be due to the need to drill your own well. In addition, stable operation requires the presence of electricity and sewerage.

equipment requirements

The most complex and costly stage, which should be reflected in the business plan for the production of concrete, is represented by the acquisition of the main block modules. A standard set of such blocks, as well as the installation of all production equipment, will cost several million rubles, which implies significant initial capital investments.

The necessary equipment is represented by blocks:

  • dispenser module;
  • bunker module for cement, water base and inert fillers;
  • storage module for cement;
  • screw feeder module;
  • automatic module equipped with a control system;
  • steam supply and water supply module.

Equipment costs in rubles

Stationary and mobile mini-factories have automated lines, including:

  • cement bunker with a volume of 40 cubic meters - 470 thousand;
  • dispensers for face and base concrete - 580 thousand;
  • face and base concrete mixers - 90 thousand;
  • auger - 130 thousand;
  • belt-type conveyor with a capacity of 50 cubic meters per hour - 90 thousand;
  • reducer and lift - 145 thousand;
  • return type of conveyor to the exit - 95 thousand;
  • rail-type loader - 85 thousand;
  • lamellar conveyor - 45 thousand;
  • batchers for cement and water - 155 thousand rubles;

The total cost of a standard automated line is about 2 million rubles. Prices for semi-automatic mini-production lines start at 450 thousand rubles.

Approximate calculations - mini-factory

When operating a semi-automatic concrete mini-plant with a capacity of about 10 cubic meters of M-400 concrete per hour.

  • mini-factory line - 450 thousand rubles;
  • a concrete mixer based on a KAMAZ vehicle - 2.75 million rubles.

Total: 3.2 million rubles.

  • crushed stone - 0.83 cubic meters;
  • cement M-500 - 329 kilograms;
  • sand - 0.43 cubic meters.

The approximate cost of the entire volume of the above materials is more than three thousand rubles. The standard business plan calls for a production line to operate one shift six days a week.

The minimum level of expenses for the payment of wages to personnel is about one hundred thousand rubles, including round-the-clock security, as well as the work of a forklift driver and operator. It is necessary to include in this article the payment for the work of an electrician and mechanic, which may be required in the production process.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for the cost of an advertising campaign in the form of advertisements in the media and posters. The final cost option, divided by the planned volume of produced concrete, reflects the cost of a cubic meter of production and amounts to just over two thousand rubles. Net profit after deducting all taxes and fees will be equal to ≈ 300 rubles per cubic meter. The standard monthly output is ≈ 6 thousand cubic meters per month. Established marketing allows you to recoup your investment in six months.

Estimated Calculations - High-Performance Plant

During the operation of a plant for the production of heavy concrete grades M-250 and M-350 with an annual capacity of 1 million cubic meters per year.

  • construction and installation works - 280 million rubles;
  • equipment - 2 million rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 million rubles.

Total: 302 million rubles.

  • cement 41 million tons - 470 million rubles;
  • crushed stone 77 thousand cubic meters - 60 million rubles;
  • sand 45 thousand cubic meters - 25 million rubles.

Total: 555 million rubles.

Staff salaries in rubles:

  • five employees of the administrative department - 4.8 million;
  • nine concrete mixing plant workers - 4.32 million;
  • twelve cement warehouse workers - 4.32 million;
  • nine aggregate warehouse workers - 3.24 million;
  • ten auxiliary workers, 2.4 million;
  • four drivers - 920 thousand rubles

Total: 20 million rubles.

Other expenses in rubles:

  • advertising - 97 thousand per year.
  • maintenance and service of equipment - 187 million per year;
  • shop expenses - 800 million per year;
  • general factory expenses - 825 million per year.

Technical and economic indicators:

  • net profit — RUB 918 million;
  • profitability - 38%;
  • payback period is just over four months.

When choosing equipment for the production of high-quality concrete, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of all options:

  • assessment of the prospects of the enterprise;
  • selection of plant capacity required for efficient operation;
  • accounting for planned downtime during maintenance and repair work;
  • ensuring a production reserve of at least twenty percent in case of an increase in production volumes.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the compliance of production characteristics with the following equipment parameters:

  • performance indicator;
  • bunker sizes;
  • automation of weighing and moisture determination processes;
  • quality characteristics of finished products;
  • mobile quality equipment;
  • ease of maintenance and operation.

The level of modern technology allows you to purchase an improved version of the control system, which has a built-in type of memory for several dozen concrete recipes.