Own business: production of chain-link mesh. Chain link mesh production business plan: equipment, technology and necessary documents

It is best for a novice businessman to work in an area where there are large sales markets - even if you do not have enough experience to find a good client, there will still be buyers and profits, respectively, too. Producing consumables for the construction business has always been a profitable occupation, because the clientele will be constant, and the product cannot deteriorate by itself. Even if the price of the goods rises, they will still buy it - construction without a grid does not work. The main thing is to produce high-quality products, because if the client does not like your product once, then the next time he will simply buy it from a competitor. We will try to help you set up your production in such a way that it would bring only money, pleasure from work and joy for customers. If at first glance opening a chain-link mesh business seems like a difficult task to you, then just read the article to the end and you will understand that everything is not as scary as it might seem.

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In this business, and in any other, the main thing is to work and constantly develop, move forward. Constantly attracting several clients a week, it may seem to you that the profit is not growing much, but after a year of work you will notice the difference and, believe me, you will like it. Of course, if every person could take a little money from the bank and become a billionaire in this business in a month, then everyone would do just that. But not everyone manages to correctly distribute funds, arrange the supply of goods and an advertising campaign, which is why small business owners become bankrupt. We will try to prevent this.

How to open a chain-link mesh production: premises for rent

Mesh production is a rather complex process that takes place on several machines and installations, so putting all the equipment in a small room will not work. We need a spacious room of 60 square meters with good wiring, because the equipment draws a lot of electricity, if the wiring fails, everything will burn down. In principle, there are no more requirements for the premises, because we do not produce food or something like that. All you need to do is pass the fire inspection, they will then allow us to work indoors.

We are very lucky in the sense that our position will not affect the sales of goods in any way. We will search for all customers ourselves, using the Internet and direct advertising, the mesh is not sold by a couple of meters, it is sold in hundreds, so you still have to pay for delivery - even from the center of Moscow, even from more remote areas. The fact that we do not need to rent a room in the center, but can take it anywhere, will save a considerable amount on the operation of the enterprise. For starters, a room with such a square in the center costs 150-180 thousand rubles, on the outskirts - 15 thousand rubles a month. For a small business, this is perfect.

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Wiring plays a very important role, because we do not connect a kettle with a printer to an outlet, but heavy and powerful equipment with a huge consumption of electricity. It’s better not to risk it, after all, premises of such an area can only be found in old warehouse or factory premises, where everything has stopped working for a long time. We advise you not to be stingy and repair all wiring in order to prevent fires. The repair cost will be 8 thousand rubles.

Mesh production takes place in several stages, but the main one is mesh weaving on a special machine. We will consider all the requirements for the equipment, so that you understand what you are paying for and what is generally needed for successful production.

To begin with, the wire used to make the mesh must be sanded. Grinding even wire is many times easier than carrying out the same process with an already woven mesh. The wire grinding machine costs 70,000 rubles, which is not very much, given the duration of its work in the future and the amount of products it will process. The machine will pay off, in other words.

After the machine has polished the wire, it must be cut into several equal parts and loaded into the special connectors of the machine along the wire bundle. When buying this car, you may be a little scared when you see the price. Foreign cars cost from two million rubles, have many settings and features. We, for starters, advise you to buy a simpler domestic machine - it will cost you 215 thousand rubles, it will perform the same amount of work as a foreign machine, but it will not have such a pleasant spring look and settings. It seems to us that this is an ideal option for a new business, since spending a lot of money on buying expensive equipment is stupid - it may not pay off

The wire is bundled into sheets about 3 meters wide, while customers usually order half the width of the sheet. In order to satisfy the customer, we need to buy a wire cutting machine, as well as a simple machine that will wrap the wire into a compact form for transportation and sale. The grinder will cost us 8 thousand rubles, the machine 4 thousand.

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A single person will perform work on our machines, that is, you need to have only one worker. The work is not very difficult, you just place the blanks in the right place, turn on the machine, you get a polished product, which you then install into the machine along a mesh bundle, the resulting mesh is gradually twisted into a roll on the machine. Given that the mesh does not deteriorate, you can put it in compartments or leave it in some corner of the room, from where the buyers will then pick up the goods.

The salary in this area is 12-15 thousand rubles, we will take the minimum bar. A new enterprise with large start-up costs and a lack of regular customers cannot draw huge staff salaries, but you can promise an increase in the future. During the crisis, even good professionals will agree to such a salary. Our employee's salary per month will be 12 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that with the expansion of your business, that is, the purchase of more machines, it is not necessary to hire more staff. According to professionals, one worker can easily handle the work of two blank making machines and two net weaving machines. The process, after all, is gradual - first the worker receives the ground wire, then he installs it into the machine along the plexus, and so on in a circle.

Properly advertising your business: a few secrets

The main reason for low advertising costs is that we will not spend money on distributing flyers - we will not sell goods by the piece. We need to find a large hardware store or hypermarket, where they most often buy such products and invite them to sell your product. The benefit of the store is that we will sell them our goods for one price, and they will set another price, getting profit from the difference. In large cities, it will not be problematic to negotiate with a sufficient number of shops and construction hypermarkets. Someone will refuse, and someone will agree.

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Construction companies will be the second market for their goods. The mesh is constantly used at the construction site, it is needed in large volumes and constant supplies. Only a couple of construction companies will be able to provide us with the sale of all products that are produced in a month of work.

Business plan for the production of chain-link mesh: expenses and income

Our start-up costs mostly consist of equipment costs - 70,000 rubles for a wire grinding machine, 215,000 rubles for the purchase of a wire bundle machine, 8,000 for a grinder and 4,000 for a winding machine. We will also add here the purchase of boxes for storing products - 5 thousand, and the repair of the premises for 8 thousand rubles. In general, the costs will amount to 310 thousand rubles. The operating costs amount to 34 thousand rubles.

Every day our machine produces approximately 90-120 meters of finished mesh with a width of 3 meters. The cost of one square meter of the grid is 80 rubles, that is, if we sell all our goods, the net profit will be 600 thousand rubles a month. Of course, at the initial stage, it will not work to sell all the goods at once - focus on half of this money.

  • Capital investments: 2 650 500 rubles,
  • Average monthly revenue: 1 232 00 rubles,
  • Net profit: 113,606 rubles,
  • Payback: 2 years!

1. Business organization


As part of our business plan for organizing the production of chain-link mesh, this machine for the production of mesh-netting (China) was chosen as the main equipment.

Production characteristics of the machine:

The cost is 1,450,000 rubles. However, there are many other equipment for weaving chain-link mesh on the market with a more loyal price range (for example, the ASU-174 machine). It should also be noted that manual weaving equipment will cost less than automatic weaving. So, a semi-automatic machine for weaving chain-link mesh, with a capacity of up to 150 sq.m. per work shift (cell 55 * 55) will cost only 34,000 rubles. (The price is current as of April 2015).

Number of staff

For the operation of the workshop with one-shift work, 4 people are enough

Job responsibilities:

  • Director: general management, sales of products, purchase of raw materials;
  • Senior shift: control over production technology, functions of a storekeeper, control over workers;
  • Workers: production.

2. Sales organization

The need for a chain-link mesh is experienced by both individuals and legal entities (enterprises of all forms of ownership)

Products can be sold through the following channels:

  • through construction stores, hardware stores (final buyer individuals)
  • through wholesale companies selling various rolled metal products (the end customer is network construction stores and industrial enterprises)
  • realization on the industrial enterprises, through participation in tenders.

3. Financial model

Capital expenditure


Price, rub.

Basic equipment

Equipment delivery costs

Working capital (purchase of raw materials, monthly payroll, other)

Workshop revenue

With a one-shift operation of the workshop and an 8-hour working day, the maximum output (minus the time for a technical break and a lunch break) per month (22 shifts) is 15,400 square meters of finished products.

The price depends on the size of the grid cell and the material from which it is made, so the wholesale price of a galvanized wire mesh with a cell size of 35 * 35 * 2 starts from 80 rubles per 1 square meter.

Name of product

Daily output, sq.m.

Cost, per 1 sq.m.

Production per shift, in rubles

Monthly output/22 shifts

chain-link mesh 35*35*2 (galvanized)

Based on the price for 1 sq.m of the grid is 80 rubles and with a monthly output of 15,400 sq.m. monthly revenue is 1,232,000 rubles.

Cost price

For the production of 1 square meter of netting with a cell size of 35 mm * 35 mm, 1.5 kilograms of wire are needed.

In addition to wire, electricity is included in the prime cost, the consumption is 6 kW / hour or 48 hours per shift.

General expenses

Monthly expenses amount to 174 thousand rubles.

The following items are included in the expenses:

Profitability calculation

Payback calculation

According to the calculations made, the payback period for the chain-link mesh production shop is 2 years. If you can find sales markets, then the equipment can work in 2 shifts and 30 days, then with this option, the payback will be much faster.

4. Organizational form

For the workshop for the production of chain-link mesh, the organizational form is most optimal: "Individual Entrepreneur".

The most suitable form of taxation is the simplified taxation system (income minus expenses). Tax return is submitted once a year.

The following taxes are paid on this taxation system: income tax 15%, unified social tax (32%) and income taxes (13%).

Chain-link mesh as a structural material was invented and patented in 1878 by Karl Rabitza. They make a chain-link mesh from a metal low-carbon steel wire, more often with a polymer coating or galvanized. It is rare to find a chain-link mesh made of stainless wire.

Let's try in this business plan to figure out whether it is profitable to produce a chain-link mesh (hereinafter referred to as a chain-link) and how much you can earn on it.

Wire for the production of netting and its corrosion

There are two types of chain-link mesh in the form of cells: rhombic (acute angle of 60 degrees) and square. The chain-link, as a rule, is supplied in rolls, the height of the roll is 1.5 meters, the length is 10 meters. But you can order other sizes, for example, a height of 1 to 4 meters, and a mesh length of up to 18 meters. The ends of the mesh rolls are packed in thick paper, burlap or polyethylene.

90% of the mesh produced is used for fencing the territory, so protection from moisture is so important in the production of this material. They protect the chain-link in several ways: painting, galvanizing or polymer coating.

Galvanizing is the most common method. On galvanized wire (hot-dip galvanizing method), the zinc content is between 70 and 90 grams per m2. A mesh made from such material will not rust for 20-25 years. There is another method of galvanizing wire - the electrolytic method. With it, the zinc coating is from 10 g / m2. and as a result, a mesh of such wire will rust in two years.

In addition to rain, salt water can cause rust on the grid. Therefore, for such conditions, it is better to use a steel wire mesh with a polymer coating. If there are scratches or cuts on the coating, then such a mesh is not of high quality and soon the mesh will rust in these places, the coating will burst.

The painting of the chain-link is mainly done already at the installation site. If you paint it in production, then the paint will rub off in the roll and the protection will not be of high quality.

The strength of the netting depends on the size of the cell and the diameter of the wire. The smaller the mesh and the larger the wire diameter, the stronger the mesh. Since the cost of the chain-link mesh is the price of the wire from which it is made, some entrepreneurs overestimate the size of the mesh and reduce its diameter.

In civilian conditions, the wire diameter rarely exceeds 2 mm. The most commonly used wire is 1-1.5 mm. It is quite simple to calculate the wire consumption for the manufacture of 1 m2 of mesh. The formula for calculating 1m2 of chain-link:

13.40*D2/A, where

13.40 - coefficient corresponding to the consumption weight;

D2 is the diameter of the wire squared;

A is the size of the grid cell. If the size is 50 * 50, then we count 50, if 35 * 35, then 35.

For the calculation, we will use a galvanized low-carbon wire with a tensile strength of 560-900N / mm2, a diameter of 1.6 mm. Wire consumption per 1 m2 of chain-link according to the formula will be 13.4 * 1.6 * 1.6 / 50 = 0.69 kg. Now, in order to find out how much wire we need for a shift, for a month of work, we need to choose the right equipment for us and find out the production volume of the machine.

Wire mesh production equipment and production room

The bulk of the costs, as with many other types of business, goes to the purchase of equipment. If you go on the Internet and look for equipment for this production, you will see a lot of machines for making chain-link mesh from different “Kulibins”. We will not dwell on such manual machines for making chain-link mesh, but we will only consider what factories for the production of certified equipment offer.

Equipment for the production of netting can be semi-automatic and automatic.

Semi-automatic equipment for the production of chain-link mesh

When using this equipment, the use of manual labor is mandatory, even for such an operation as mesh folding. As a result, cell asymmetry and other imperfections can be seen in the finished product. The advantage of this equipment is the ease of assembly and adjustment, it takes up little space and is inexpensive. The cost varies from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Automatic equipment

Automatic equipment is more expensive, the cost starts from 200,000 rubles (used 150,000 rubles). For this equipment, the use of operator presence is minimal, high productivity, weaving accuracy.

For our business plan, we will consider the purchase of semi-automatic equipment, since a garage will be used for work. We will produce a standard roll 1.5 * 10, with a cell size of 50 * 50. 18 rolls can be produced per day on equipment with this cell size. The area for equipment is 1-1.5 m2, power is 2.2 kW / h. The cost of equipment, a table for a machine tool and other necessary tools is 30,000 rubles.

Choice of legal form

For this type of business, it is better to open an individual entrepreneur, it is easier and cheaper. It is more expensive to open an LLC, but you do not need to pay contributions to a pension fund with an individual entrepreneur. And since in the first months of the existence of a business, and maybe even a year, there may not be much profit, it is more profitable from a material point of view to open an LLC.

Taxation - STS (simplified reporting system), income minus expenses.

The production of chain-link mesh is regulated by GOST 5336-80. For the best sale of products, it is recommended to pass voluntary certification.

Calculation of income and expenses

Let's calculate the work of our production for a month.

Revenue. On the equipment we have chosen, 18 rolls of chain-link mesh can be produced per day. Thus, for a month 18*20=360 rolls. The cost of selling a roll is 500 rubles or 360*500=180,000 rubles.

Expenses. To run a business, you need one employee, a salary of 15,000 rubles, payroll taxes of 4,500 rubles. We will conduct business in our own garage, so there is no need to spend money on rent, electricity per month is 1,980 rubles, wire consumption is 18 * 20 * 1.5 * 10 * 0.69 = 3,726 kilograms. The cost of the wire is 35,000 rubles/ton, or 3,726*35=130,410 rubles. Others, including transportation and packaging costs, can amount to 10,000 rubles.

We collect all expenses: 15,000 + 4,500 + 1,980 + 130,410 + 10,000 = 161,890 rubles. It turns out that if you sell all the wire produced in a month, then the net profit will be 180,000-161,890 = 18,110 rubles.

The main channels for the implementation of the chain-link mesh

You can sell your product through retail stores, wholesale depots, agricultural markets, as well as direct sales to individuals. Implementation through tenders is also possible, but for beginners it is quite difficult.


The main conclusion on the manufacture of chain-link mesh as a business can be made that it will not be difficult to produce the products themselves, the main thing is to sell them.

Construction is a field of activity that continues to exist even in an economically unstable environment. Demand for building materials is seasonal, but the average annual figures remain very impressive. Thus, the production of chain-link mesh is a promising business. The advantage is a low entry threshold. However, we should not forget that this is accompanied by high competition. In order to successfully enter the market and recoup your investments within the first 2-3 months, you need to draw up a business plan that will take into account all the nuances of this business. This project is designed for a city with a population of more than 1 million people.

Key Success Factors:

  • low investment;
  • quality goods;
  • acceptable prices;
  • steady demand;
  • the presence of regular buyers and intermediaries.

The amount of initial investment is 340 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached at first month of work.

The payback period is from 3 to 6 months.

Average net monthly income 64 000 rubles.

Profitability of sales 16% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

Chain-link mesh is a building material, the scope of which is very wide:

  • creation of various fences(including construction sites, garden plots, flower beds, livestock enclosures, during thermal insulation work ) ;
  • screening of loose materials(for example, sand);
  • fastening of mine workings.

The main advantage of this material is that the chain-link mesh does not create shading of the fenced area, unlike solid fences made of wood or concrete. .

For the production of mesh, galvanized steel wire is used, which is twisted in a certain way on special equipment.

To start the project, it is enough to rent a production facility with an area of ​​20-25 m2, buy 1-2 machines and hire 2 operators. At first, you can work in one shift. With an increase in the customer base, it is necessary to establish the work of the workshop 24/7, hire 2 more employees, and also purchase an additional machine.

This type of business has a seasonality, in spring and summer, during the construction period, there is an increase in sales, in autumn and winter there is a decline, for which you need to be prepared and have financial reserves.

Chain-link mesh is classified according to the following criteria:

According to the material from which it is made;

By the size of the cells on the grid;

According to the thickness of the wire;

According to the size of the finished rolls.

The most popular is galvanized chain-link mesh in rolls 1.5 × 10 m in size with square cells 50 × 50 mm and a wire width of 1.6 mm.

Thus, in this business plan, we will carry out all calculations taking into account the production of this particular type of mesh.

For production, we choose an automatic machine. It has high productivity and quality of manufactured products, minimum dependence on the qualifications of the worker.

To maximize profits, as an additional service, it is possible to fulfill orders for the individual sizes of buyers.

3. Description of the market

In general, the sale of finished products in this business area can be carried out in the following ways:

  • independent sale;
  • deliveries to retail stores;
  • sale to wholesalers;
  • sale to industrial enterprises through participation in tenders.

As part of this work, we will consider retail and wholesale sales. However, in the process of activity, you can significantly expand the scope of implementation.

Recently, we have seen a constant growth in the construction industry. Thus, this niche has great potential. The graph shows the growth in the number of construction organizations from 2012-2016 (official website of statistics gks.ru)

The number of operating construction organizations in the Russian Federation.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The key goal is to open the production of chain-link mesh and maximize profits.

Room characteristics:

  • room area 20-25 sq. m;
  • availability of uninterrupted power supply;
  • location - industrial zone.


  • Registration of a legal entity - IP, LLC.
  • Registration with the tax authorities. (OKVED: Code - 25.93 "Manufacture of products from wire, chains and springs")
  • Choice of taxation system. (STS, income-expenses - 15%)
  • Documents on registration of the cash register in the tax office.
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement.
  • Documents confirming compliance with the requirements of sanitary, technical, fire, environmental safety.

Equipment selection:

For our project, we choose an automatic machine for the production of chain-link mesh ASU-174M.

Types of mesh produced on this machine:

  • mesh with diamond-shaped and square cells, from 15 to 60 mm in size and wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm,
  • galvanized wire mesh, PVC-coated (multi-coloured insulation), uncoated and not heat-treated,
  • chain-link with a mesh width of 0.5 to 2 m.

Selection of raw materials:

For the production of chain-link mesh, wire is used according to GOST 3282-74, uncoated, galvanized. It is most advantageous to use raw materials in rosettes, since the unwinding of such wire on the machine occurs without the formation of loops. For uninterrupted production, it is necessary to cooperate with several suppliers of raw materials.

6. Organizational structure

To start this business at the initial stages, it will be enough to hire one competent manager and two operators who will work in shifts 2/2 for 12 hours.

The main responsibilities of the manager include general management, product sales, and the purchase of raw materials. He also performs the functions of a storekeeper and exercises control over the workers. Consequently, the range of responsibilities is quite wide, therefore, for this position, you should hire a person to whom you can fully trust the above powers. At the start, the business owner himself can become a manager.

The production process is quite simple: a worker inserts a coil of wire into the machine, selects the necessary parameters for the mesh on the control panel (mesh size, length and width of the web), presses start. The machine pulls the wire to the right place, where it winds around the auger in spirals, which are then cut off, and one end of the wire is bent into a hook. Then such blanks are put on a shaft attached to a cutting device, it constantly rotates. The spring is stretched and another spring is wound around it, and so on, until the desired mesh length is obtained. The finished mesh is wound into a roll, and the end of the wire is cut off. After that, the rolls are treated with technical oil, packed in paper and stored on racks.

Thus, the main requirements for the employee are attentiveness, accuracy and accuracy; experience in this area is welcome.

The staff receives a fixed salary: manager - 30,000 rubles; operators - 20,000 rubles.

Payroll fund, rub.

Amount of workers





Insurance premiums (30% payroll)


7. Financial plan

In terms of sales, we will consider 2 main sources of income: wholesales and retail. The average market price of one roll of chain-link mesh at retail is 900 rubles, wholesale - 600 rubles. Machine output is 22 rolls per 12 hour shift. That is, under the scenario under consideration, we can produce a maximum of 660 rolls per month. The market price of the wire is 40 rubles/kg. It takes 10 kg of wire to produce one roll. Therefore, the consumption of raw materials for 1 roll in monetary terms is 400 rubles.

Demand will grow gradually during the first 5 months and by the 6th month it will return to its normal levels. The peak of sales will fall on the spring-summer period. Thus, the scenario under consideration is realistic, and with a successful entry into the market, the project has a reserve for increasing profits.

Sales plan for the 1st year of the project, rub.

Way of implementation


1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Retail sales

The price of one roll, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


The price of one roll, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


Way of implementation


7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Retail sales

The price of one roll, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


The price of one roll, rub.

Total quantity, pcs.

Total, rub.


Monthly costs include both fixed and variable costs (direct costs), depending on sales volumes.

The table below shows the fixed monthly costs, regardless of sales volume.

Variable costs are presented in the following table.

Variable costs of the 1st year of project implementation, rub.

Way of implementation


1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month

Retail sales

The price of 10 kg of wire, rub.

Total, rub.


The price of 10 kg of wire, rub.

Total number of produced rolls, pcs.

Total, rub.


Way of implementation


7 month

8 month

9 month

10 month

11 month

12 month

Retail sales

The price of 10 kg of wire, rub.

Total number of produced rolls, pcs.

Total, rub.


The price of 10 kg of wire, rub.

Total number of produced rolls, pcs.

Total, rub.


The financial result for the first year of operation is presented in the following table. The average net profit for the first year of operation is 64 671 rub. If you start activities in January, then the payback period will be about 6 months, if the project is launched in the spring-summer period, then it will pay off in the first 3-4 months.

Financial result of the 1st year of the project implementation, rub.

1 month

2 month

3 month

4 month

5 month

6 month


516 000

Netting is a good fencing. It is strong and durable. For its installation does not require special knowledge. The enclosing structure is erected quickly - a few hours, and a fence or an aviary for a dog, a corral for pets are ready. The mesh is relatively inexpensive. The main advantage is that it does not give a shadow, which is very important, for example, for small household plots. With its help, it is easy to sift sand, gravel and other bulk materials necessary for the foundation, cement screed, plastering or thermal insulation work.

Chain link mesh production

For the manufacture of universal building materials, steel wire is most often used. In specialized stores, you can find a chain-link made of galvanized wire, as well as polymer-coated wire. On an individual order, specialists can produce a stainless steel mesh.

For the production of chain-links, both simple, manual machines and special semi-automatic machines are used. Wire spirals are twisted together with a flat coil. The greater the power of the mesh weaving machine, the higher its productivity. It is easy to distinguish how the chain-link is made: machines, unlike manual machines, bend the ends of the mesh in a roll, thanks to which they are interconnected.

The cells of the netting, depending on the type of weaving, may be rhombus or square. "Drawing" performs an exclusively aesthetic function.

Netting is sold in rolls, their height is 1.5 meters, length is 10 meters. If necessary, you can make an individual order and get a mesh with a height of one to four meters and a length of up to 18 meters - technologically this is the maximum volume of a chain-link roll. For transportation safety, sharp edges must be wrapped with thick paper or polyethylene.

Successful business

Profitable is not only the large-scale production of chain-link, but also a small workshop. A small business can be a great start for new entrepreneurs in the construction business.

    The main advantages of a small chain-link mesh business are:
  • No need for large production areas - at first, an ordinary garage will be enough.
  • Starting capital on the shoulder of any person with an average income. Small investments will allow you to understand the intricacies of production, give the first profit.
  • Creating a customer base will allow you to expand production over time, increase its profitability and, accordingly, your income.

First investment

Investments for opening a small private workshop are calculated based on the cost of machines, wire and rent of premises.

The cost of a simple semi-automatic machine with electric foot control ranges from 1 thousand dollars. The machine consists of an unwinding device, a take-up and tension mechanism, a curling mechanism, and a special working table. The area required for its operation is only 2 square meters. Using a semi-automatic machine, you can make a diamond mesh with a cell volume of 25 to 75 mm. The most popular chain-link has cells of 55 mm and is “weaved” from wire with a diameter of 1.2-3 mm. In one shift on a semi-automatic machine, 250 meters of such a mesh can be made, which is 25 rolls 1.5 meters high each.

The equipment is easy to work with. The wire is wound onto a drum, then it is sent to a bending machine. At this stage, the required cell width is set, the machine bends the wire in the right places. Then it is cut into blanks - segments of the desired length. At the next stage, they are intertwined with each other, and the weaving of the chain-link mesh familiar to everyone is obtained.

At all stages, one person can serve the semi-automatic machine. At the same time, no special professional training is required from the employee to configure, debug and work. The productivity of such a machine, of course, is much less than automatic, where the worker only controls the equipment, but for the initial stage of the business this is an excellent solution. The cost of the equipment is quite acceptable, the quality of the products is high, which is important. After all, it is the quality that determines the number of buyers, and, therefore, the income of a small business.

The basic material for the manufacture of mesh is wire. The most running diameter is 1.6-2.2 mm. A reel of wire will cost about $600. It all depends on its quality and volume of purchase. It is cheaper to purchase unpainted wire, but the product obtained from a painted one is more attractive, which is important for design work on a personal plot. It is good to make a colored mesh according to individual orders. Because for most buyers, a netting is a diamond-shaped mesh made from unpainted wire.

The initial premises for the organization of the workshop most often becomes an ordinary garage. As a rule, the owner of a small business has it, so only the payment of membership dues is included in the costs. If necessary, you can rent a small non-residential premises. The main requirement is the availability of a source of electricity. The rental price is quite affordable, depending on the location and area, from $200.

Implementation methods

The first mesh rolls can be handed over for sale to specialized building materials stores, or they can be sold directly to consumers. To do this, you need to give an appropriate announcement in the local newspaper, on radio, television or on a special Internet site. The option of posting leaflets in the private sector and nearby villages is suitable. For greater turnover, you should consider the possibility of delivering rolls to the consumer. For these purposes, the usual "Gazelle" is suitable.

Become an individual entrepreneur

IP is the most convenient form of organizing a small business. With a simplified taxation system (namely, it is chosen by most entrepreneurs), it will be necessary to pay income tax, unified social and income taxes.

Profitability of production

Let's do some simple calculations. The initial investment is within $3000. The volume of production is 200-250 meters of mesh during one work shift. As you can see, the costs will pay off at the end of the first year of operation of the minishop.

Big ship - big voyage

In order to open a factory for the production of chain-link mesh, you will need a fairly serious start-up capital. You need to buy powerful automatic machines. They have high productivity and do not require large human resources. So, automatic equipment produces an average of 100 square meters. meters of mesh per hour, while the width of the web can be up to 4 meters.

The production line is 10 meters wide and 7 meters long. Its cost is from $30,000 to $45,000 plus equipment delivery (within $4,500).

The costs should include the cost of renting a production facility and wages for workers, and there should be at least three people per shift: a senior and two auxiliary workers.

The responsibility of the senior shift includes compliance with production technology, control over the activities of subordinates and the movement of goods in the warehouse. Of course, at the initial stage, this functionality can be performed independently. But the role of a specialist in production should not be underestimated. The quality of the finished product largely determines how quickly you recoup the costs and what profit you will receive.

Selling large-scale production is a complex issue. It is necessary to conclude agreements with partner firms, in parallel to work with building supermarkets, wholesalers, retail chains. As a rule, enterprises do not carry out direct sales to private individuals. Therefore, in the line of expenses, you should take into account the involvement of an experienced sales manager, who will look for customers.

The payroll, the cost of raw materials and planned costs amount to $ 30,000 per month in a large enterprise. Let's calculate the payback. So, if the production shop will work in one eight-hour shift for a month, then on average 13.5-14 thousand square meters will be manufactured. meters of netting. Its wholesale price is about $ 3 per square meter, depending on the width of the cells and the quality of the wire from which it is made. By simple calculations, it becomes clear that the profit of the enterprise will be about $ 30,000 per month. The cost is determined by the consumption of material, and this is 1.5 kg of wire for 1 sq. m chain-link with a minimum cell size. Plus, the cost of electricity is neither more nor less, but 6-7 kW per shift. As you can see, the profitability is not so high - only 9-10%. You will return the invested money after 2-2.5 years of continuous operation. If you have an experienced sales manager who will provide constant supply channels, the payback period can be reduced to 1.5 years.

The competition in the production of chain-link mesh is very high. However, demand in many regions of our country exceeds supply. Therefore, even a small workshop at minimal cost will allow you to return the investment and receive a stable income.