Billiard room business plan. billiard club

Own billiard club is a very profitable and interesting business. After evaluating a number of similar projects, the experts concluded that in many cases they have high profitability. In the article, we will consider how to open a billiard club from scratch.

If you are interested in this direction of business, then you will first need to draw up a business plan for a billiard club. Such work will require certain knowledge that a novice businessman is unlikely to have. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the approximate plan proposed in this article. It will serve as a kind of basis in which it is easy to make adjustments and additions specifically to the needs of your future business.

It is important to understand that visitors to billiard rooms are mostly successful and accomplished people who are ready to pay a lot of money for well-organized leisure. Consider the points on how to open a billiard club.

Description of the business plan

Billiard club - an institution that provides services for playing billiards. Therefore, it contains all the equipment necessary for this game:

  • tables;
  • balls of different diameters;
  • crayons and more.

The optimal organizational and legal form for such a business is individual entrepreneurship. This is beneficial due to the fact that most of your potential customers are individuals. It also simplifies accounting and tax reporting, and tax rates become lower.

According to many experts, a billiard club is a very profitable business, characterized by high profitability. But in this area you always need to be aware of current trends. After all, competitors will certainly try to get around you, introducing interesting innovations and depriving you of possible profits.

Types of services provided

A billiard room is a place where a person rents a billiard table and everything he needs to play (balls, cue, gloves, etc.). In addition, the organization in the field of food, as well as bottling of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, will not interfere. But remember that this will require obtaining special permits, which entails the collection of an extended package of documents.

Features of the billiard room services market

This section of the business plan contains the necessary information about the position in the market for such services and the characteristics of competitors, which are billiard rooms located in your area or city.

Keep in mind that your potential visitors are very wealthy and successful people who value comfort and good service. Therefore, they will prefer the establishment in which they will receive the best service. In this case, the location of the club will play a secondary role.

As a result, after studying all the competitors, you will understand what shortcomings they have in their work and what factors of their service will repel customers. Thanks to this, when organizing your own business, you will already take into account all these disadvantages, which will increase the chances of success.


The opening of any business begins with the choice of the form of the enterprise. If it is opened by one person, then novice businessmen are registered as individual entrepreneurs. But for several owners, the best option would be to open an LLC.

Think over the arrangement of a bar in a billiard room in advance - for this you will need a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages and the inclusion of the relevant KVED codes in activities. In addition, the choice of taxation options will decrease. Pay attention to fire safety - it is necessary that the room has at least two exits.

When opening an establishment in a residential building, you will be required to provide additional consent from its residents. This will cause some difficulties that cannot be ignored.

Production plan preparation

One of the important points is the right choice of premises. It should have every opportunity to become popular after organizing all the necessary amenities in it. Pay due attention to the choice of rented area. The premises can be of different types: a separate building or an object in a shopping or entertainment center.

Do not spare time for the selection of equipment, because people evaluate the billiard room as a whole by it. The main attribute of the club is a billiard table. Typically, the setting of a billiard room involves the placement of 3-4 of these tables, 1 small table and several tables for playing American pool. The final number of tables is affected by the attendance of the institution and the degree of popularity of different types of billiards.

Think of an automated system that can count the time spent in the game. It will help you avoid future expenses.

Responsibly treat the selection of staff, because it is on them that the convenience of the game itself and the popularity of the institution depend. When opening a small billiard room, 2 people per shift will be enough for you.

Before opening, do not forget about the advertising campaign. Future success largely depends on it.

Additional features

A pleasant addition to any modern business will be the use of modern technologies, which are a regular terminal for bank cards or automated systems for scoring and collecting balls.

Another mandatory element of billiards will be a time counting system. For this, special software is offered on the market. Customers will certainly appreciate the additional scoreboard next to the table, showing the time remaining or spent on the game.

Estimating Costs and Benefits

When opening a billiard room, the costs will include:

  • rent - about 100,000 rubles. monthly;
  • renovation of the premises 800,000 rubles. at the same time;
  • time counting system - 30,000 rubles;
  • equipment - 500,000 rubles. (10 tables);
  • salary to employees - 150,000 rubles. monthly.

As a result, one-time expenses will amount to 1.33 million rubles, and monthly - 250,000 rubles. The profit from the work of the club will be about 250,000 rubles. per month. The cost of opening a club with 10 tables will pay off in 4-5 months.

So, let's figure out how to open a billiard club. First of all, it is necessary to choose the organizational and legal form, the best option would be to register an LLC. This is due to the fact that you will have to obtain licenses for alcohol, without which billiard revenue will be much lower. Registration of an LLC today will cost four thousand rubles, plus an authorized capital of at least ten thousand.

A license for the sale of alcohol is issued for a period of one year, its cost will be forty thousand rubles. In order to avoid problems, take a part-time lawyer and accountant. They will be able to properly prepare the package of documents.

After registration and obtaining a license, you can deal with organizational issues: finding premises and purchasing equipment.

Remember: any entertainment business, including billiards, requires constant improvement, adding chips and original ideas. Otherwise, it will simply bore customers.


For a billiard club, you need to find a room with an area of ​​​​120-150 square meters. This area should accommodate the main hall, kitchen, toilet, a small storage room. In the main hall there are: 5-6 billiard tables, a bar counter, 5-6 tables for those who want to relax and have a snack.

The bar is a necessary thing in the billiard room, as people who come to relax do not mind missing a couple of glasses of whiskey, beer or cocktails. You can make good money on alcohol and drinks, but without them, the club may become uninteresting for customers.

The kitchen can be with a small assortment, several options for hot, salads, dessert. Periodically, you can update the menu, changing unpopular dishes for something else. Thanks to the kitchen, you can earn money from passers-by who come in for a bite to eat or drink coffee, thus expanding the circle of customers.

Important: make sure that the room passes according to the standards of the fire service and SES. Otherwise, you will face large fines.

It is best to rent a room in which there was a cafe. In this case, you can negotiate with the owner to add several tables for meals, an equipped kitchen and a bar counter to the rental. Thus, you can save a good amount at the initial stage, new furniture and kitchen equipment is expensive.

Club equipment

If you could find a room with furniture and a bar counter, then all that remains is to purchase billiard tables, cues, balls and the necessary little things. It is also best to invest in automated timekeeping equipment, this will facilitate the work of staff and avoid wasting money. The cost of such a system ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.

For an average club, you need a couple of tables for playing Russian billiards, one small table and two tables for American pool. In total, you need to purchase five tables. Their total cost will be about 350 thousand.

Tables, as a rule, are equipped with balls, but it’s better not to save money and buy spare ones (it will cost 4-5 thousand rubles). Also, five tables will require twenty cues, with an average cost of 2-3 thousand rubles.

Also, for each billiard table, you need to buy a lamp, five lamps with six lamps (for each table) will cost 70-75 thousand rubles.


For successful activity in the billiard business you need a professional marker. This is not just a person who is familiar with the rules of all billiards games, but also who owns a cue at a high level. He often has to play with clients, so he must be a good psychologist who understands what a person expects from him. He must be able to impose a fight on the most inveterate player in order to earn his respect and increase the credibility of the club. Also, his functions include the care of inventory and the resolution of emerging conflicts. Typically, markers receive daily pay, bonuses from management, and large tips from clients.

Also for customer service you will need

Bartenders (2 people, in shifts),

Waiters (4 people, 2 per shift),

Cooks (2 people, in shifts),

Administrators (2 people, in shifts),

Cleaning woman.

The profitability of your billiard club will depend on the correct selection of staff. People tend to relax in a place where they are politely answered, professionally served and not rude in any way. Therefore, carefully monitor the work of subordinates, train them, punish them for any negligence that affected the client.

Billiard club expenses and income

The example billiard club has several sources of income:

billiard table rental,

Let's assume that the billiard club will work 14 hours a day (from 12 noon to 2 am). The average cost of renting a billiard table is 300 rubles per hour. In this club, five billiard tables can be rented at the same time. The main flow of customers falls from 19 pm to 2 am. Then the average monthly income from the rental of tables will be 300-350 thousand rubles. A bar with such attendance can bring in 250-300 thousand rubles a month, and a kitchen 150-200 thousand rubles.

Total monthly revenue is 700 - 900 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to costs. At the same time, you will have to spend 460 thousand rubles on the purchase of equipment. This amount will include a time tracking system, five billiard tables, cues, balls, lamps. We will also add to these expenses the receipt of a license for alcohol - 40 thousand rubles. Total one-time costs: 500 thousand rubles.

You have to pay monthly rent, about 150 thousand rubles. Salaries for employees - 200 thousand rubles (15 thousand salary for a waiter and bartender, 15 thousand for an administrator and a marker, 20 thousand salary for a cook, 7 thousand for a cleaner, 5 thousand for a lawyer and accountant). Taxes - 35,000 rubles. Purchase of food and alcohol per month - 150 thousand rubles. Total monthly costs will be: 535 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the total costs for the year of the billiard club: 535,000 X 12 + 500,000 = 6,920,000 rubles. Payback at average turnover (800 thousand rubles per month) will take 9 months of work.

As we could see, a billiard club is a costly business, but it pays off very quickly and is promising. Therefore, if you decide to open an entertainment facility, then pay attention to the billiard business. According to experts, six out of ten such clubs are experiencing a payback period and continue to develop further. Good luck in your search for your business!

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

Russian International Academy of Tourism

Ural Institute of Tourism

Course work

discipline: "Business planning"

on the topic: "Business plan for creating a billiard club"

Yekaterinburg city


1. . Theoretical foundations of business planning…………………………..4

1.1 The role of business planning in strategic

planning the economic activity of the enterprise .................................... 4

1.2 The concept of a business plan. Purpose, tasks and features of compilation ...... .7

1.3 Structure of the business plan……………………………………………………9

2. Business plan for opening a billiard club "Three Balls"………...…13

2.1 Summary…………………………………………………………………....13

2.2 Description of the enterprise and service ……………………………………….15

2.3 Marketing Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.3.1 Market research and analysis……………………..…………....16

2.3.2 Analysis of competitors………………………….………………………..18

2.3.3 Marketing strategy……………………………………………..20

2.3.4 Pricing policy………………………………………………………..21

2.4 Production plan………………………………………………..23

2.5 Organizational plan…………………………………………………26

2.6 Financial plan……………………………………………………….29

2.7 Risk assessment…………………………………………………………..35




A business plan is a document that describes all the main aspects of a future commercial project, analyzes all the problems that it may encounter, and also determines how to solve these problems.

The purpose of developing a business plan is to give a reasonable, holistic, systematic assessment of the company's development prospects, based on the needs of the market and the company's ability to meet them.

A business plan is a working tool that, when properly used, helps an entrepreneur to effectively manage a company.

A business plan is an entrepreneur's tool for communicating his business ideas to all interested parties (investors, government agencies, professional consultants, etc.), including company employees.

The main objectives of the course work:

Deepen and consolidate knowledge in the discipline "Business Planning",

Develop skills in self-development of a business plan,

Gain experience in collecting and analyzing initial information for business planning, developing an enterprise development strategy,

Acquire the skills of forming an investment program,

Learn to evaluate the effectiveness of project proposals,

Acquire business planning skills.

1. Theoretical foundations of business planning

1. 1. The role of business planning in the strategic planning of the economic activity of an enterprise

The success of any business primarily depends on how well the business area is chosen, the market situation is correctly assessed, the strategy is chosen and the tactics for its implementation are developed. At the same time, it should be taken into account that modern projects require, as a rule, large capital investments (investments), which are not always available to the enterprise.

Making a decision about investments (both internal and especially external) is a strategic task, one of the most important and complex tasks of the company's management. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that almost all aspects of the enterprise’s economic activity are in the sphere of interests of a potential investor, ranging from the surrounding socio-economic macro environment, inflation indicators, taxation conditions, the state and prospects for the development of target markets, the availability of production capacities, material resources and ending with a financing strategy project.

When attracting external investment, an entrepreneur must take into account that potential creditors (investors) of the company are primarily interested in answers to the two most important questions for them: “What will they get if the project is successfully implemented?” and “What is the risk of losing their money invested?” Therefore, the entrepreneur must show the investor or partner the essence of their business by preparing a series of options that demonstrate to them the benefits of the proposed partnership and, most importantly, the returns (minimum, most likely and maximum) that they will receive.

The complexity of this task imposes special requirements on the economic mechanism created by the company's management, which should ensure the fastest adaptation of the company's activities to changing external conditions of the macro- and microenvironment through the use of modern methods of strategic planning.

Strategic planning is the management activity of creating and maintaining a strategic alignment between the company's goals, its potential material and technological capabilities and marketing opportunities and to achieve a strategic advantage over competitors.

Thus, the meaning of strategic planning is:

1) creating conditions for curbing the desire of managers only to maximize current profits to the detriment of achieving the long-term goals of the company;

2) orientation of managers to a greater extent on anticipation of future changes in the macro- and microenvironment of the company than on responding to changes that have already occurred;

3) determining the conditions for establishing reasonable priorities for the distribution of usually limited production resources in order to mobilize them to achieve the set specific goals;

4) reducing risk in economic activity and ensuring the concentration of available resources in selected priority areas.

One of the key elements of strategic planning is a business plan.

Business planning allows managers and economists not only to justify the need to develop an innovative project, but also the possibility of its implementation in the current market conditions.

A business plan is a document containing a rationale for the actions that need to be taken to implement a commercial project or create a new enterprise. Business plans are for our manufacturers a new type of on-farm or intra-company planning, which is most widely used in small and medium-sized enterprises.

The development of a business plan allows you to get answers to the following questions: how to start a business, how to efficiently organize production, when the first income will be received, what is the fastest possible time to pay off creditors, how to reduce possible risks.

A business plan, unlike intra-production planning, does not include the entire set of general goals of an enterprise or corporation, but one of the most important tasks that determine the specific content of planning a new type of activity or business project, assessing the prospective situation both within the company and outside it.

The business plan focuses mainly on the development of a new strategy or tactics for the development of the enterprise, while conventional planning may include various types of joint current and future activities.

Business plans are developed directly under the guidance and with the personal participation of the entrepreneur - the founder of the company.

Domestic experts do not yet have evidence-based methods for developing business plans in relation to our conditions of market relations.

Thus, a business plan is a special management tool that is widely used in almost all areas of the modern market economy, regardless of the scale and scope of the enterprise, form of ownership.

1. 2. The concept of a business plan.

Purpose, tasks and features of compilation

A business plan is a document containing a rationale for the actions that must be taken to implement a commercial project or create a new enterprise. It is recommended to make it for 3-5 years. For the first and second years, the indicators should be given on a monthly and quarterly basis, and then on an annual basis.

A business plan is required:

To develop the concept of doing business and the general strategy for the development of the enterprise;

To perform the planning function;

To assess and control the process of development of the main activity of the enterprise;

To raise funds;

To attract private investors, the effective use of investments, the competitive placement of public investments in high-performance projects.

A business plan is the result of a comprehensive study of various aspects of the company's activities (production, product sales, after-sales service, etc.).

The purpose of developing a business plan is to give a reasonable, holistic, systematic assessment of the company's development prospects, that is, to predict and plan its activities for the near future and the future, based on the needs of the market and the company's ability to meet them.

There are three main reasons why entrepreneurs plan their activities:

1) the very process of business planning, including the analysis of the idea, makes you look objectively, critically and impartially at your business from all its sides. A plan is a well-planned itinerary that shows the sequence of actions and priorities in a resource-constrained environment and helps to prevent mistakes in its implementation;

2) the business plan is the working tool that, if properly used, can help to quickly control and manage the company;

3) a completed business plan is a means to communicate your business ideas to all interested parties (bank manager, other financial investors, government agencies, professional consultants, etc.), including company employees.

A business plan helps to solve the following main tasks :

Determine the specific direction of the company, target markets and the place of the company in these markets;

Formulate long-term and short-term goals of the company, strategies and tactics for achieving them;

Choose the nomenclature and determine the indicators of goods and services that will be offered by the company to consumers, as well as evaluate the costs of their creation and implementation;

Assess the compliance of the company's personnel and the conditions for motivating their work with the requirements for achieving the goals set;

Determine the composition of the company's marketing activities for market research, advertising, sales promotion, pricing, distribution channels, etc.;

Ensure the viability of your company in a highly competitive environment;

Achieve profit maximization under specific conditions;

Assess the financial and financial position of the company.

By neglecting to write a business plan, an entrepreneur may be unprepared for the difficulties that may arise on his path to success, and will feverishly improvise, which often ends in failure both for him and for the business he is engaged in.

Therefore, it is better not to spare time and money and do business planning. The preparation of a business plan should not be neglected even in conditions when market situations change quite quickly, since the development of a business plan is an adaptive process, as a result of which decisions are regularly adjusted, the system of measures for the implementation of a specific program is revised, etc.

1. 3. The structure of the business plan

2. Description of the industry

3. Characteristics of the enterprise

4. Description of the product or service

5. Marketing plan

6. Production plan

7. Organizational plan

8. Financial plan

9. Risk assessment

10. Project efficiency


The executive summary is the section of the business plan that summarizes all the information.

The resume structure should consist of 3 parts:

Introduction: includes the goals of the plan, a short summary of the essence of the project;

Main content: a concise summary of all the key elements of the business plan and its main parts: type of activity, demand forecast, sources of financing, etc.;

Conclusion: Summarizes the factors for the entrepreneur's future success, may include a description of the entrepreneur's main course of action.

Description of the industry and enterprise

The description of the enterprise is compiled if the enterprise exists and has passed a certain path of development. The information in this section is mainly intended for external readers, therefore, when discussing the history of the business, it is necessary to name the real successes that the company has achieved in the past, the achievements of the company's employees. The results of the activities and the success achieved must be linked to the goals and targets set.

Description of products and services

Both the entrepreneur himself and his investors must know exactly what, what products and services are planned to be offered to the market. That is, the business plan must include a detailed description of the future product or service.

marketing plan

To be successful, a firm must create an efficient market for its product. The main steps to create such a market are described in the marketing section of the business plan. When describing an industry, it is important to show the absolute size of the market, whether this market is prone to growth or stagnation, the main market segments (consumer groups). It is necessary to determine how sensitive the market is to various internal and external factors, whether it is subject to cyclical and seasonal fluctuations, etc. It is necessary to describe your competitors, the market share they have captured, the segments they are targeting, take into account other industry factors.

It is important to draw a conclusion about the overall attractiveness of the market. If it is satisfactory, you need to determine your potential share, give a sales forecast for your products. It must be expressed both in monetary terms and in physical units.

Production plan

All major components of the production system should be described in the business plan. In addition to the technical description, the production plan must include economic calculations of production costs. The production plan includes the following items:

Basic production methods and technologies;

General structure of the production process;

Necessary raw materials and materials;

The main suppliers of the firm;

Necessary for the organization of production capacity, equipment;

Estimated cost structure;

Quality control methods;

Location of production;

The workforce needed to run production today and in the future.

organizational plan

The organizational plan introduces the form of ownership chosen by the firm, issues of leadership, distribution of powers and responsibilities, and the type of organizational structure of the firm. The structure of the organization is best depicted in the form of a diagram that clearly explains the internal structure of the organization, the interaction of various departments, the direction of organizational flows.

Financial plan

The financial section of the business plan includes three main planning documents: the balance sheet of the organization, the profit and loss plan, and the cash flow forecast.

Another important component of the financial section of the business plan is the determination of the sources of capital necessary for the activities of the company. This part of the financial plan is relevant for both small firms just entering the business, and for large enterprises that need additional capital inflow.

The name and list of sections of the business plan, their content and level of detail may vary depending on the complexity of the proposed project and the functional purpose of the business plan, but the form and structure practically retain the above form.

2. Business plan for opening a billiard club "Three balls"

2.1 Summary

Occupation of a segment of the sports entertainment market;

The activity of the company will be mainly directed to the consumers of Verkh Isetsky district.

The main field of activity of the company is the provision of billiard services.

An additional field of activity of the company is a bar.

The total number of personnel of LLC "Three balls" is 12 people.

To organize the club, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​400 square meters. meters in a building located at the address: Ekaterinburg, Opalikhinskaya st. 27 (former slot machine hall).

Based on the cost of 1 sq. meters at 400 rubles, the cost of rent per month will be 160,000 rubles. The rent will be paid monthly. The lease agreement is concluded for 5 years with the condition of its further renewal (i.e. extension). Thus, for the implementation of the business project, 1,920,000 rubles per year will be required for rent.

The building will be renovated. The total cost of repairs will be 1,000,000 rubles.

The need for borrowed funds for the implementation of the project is 3,546,750 rubles. A loan for a period of 4 years to cover the costs of the project is supposed to be taken from the bank at 20% per annum. Interest on the loan will be paid at the end of the reporting year for four years. The total costs associated with the return of the loan to the bank will amount to 5,024,565 rubles.

The total profit following the results of four years of the club's work amounted to 6621744 rubles.

The payback period of the project is 2 years.

The main competitors of the club is: a billiard room in the shopping center "Karnaval".

The main risks of this business project are:

Insufficient demand for billiard club services

Unforeseen costs, including due to inflation

2. 2 Description of the enterprise and service

The main field of activity is the provision of billiards services.

An additional field of activity is a bar.

As for the personnel necessary for the successful work of the club, an advertisement will be given in the newspaper on this occasion. A thorough competition will be held among workers who have applied for employment. Thus, for the efficient operation of the billiard club, the following staff will be required:

1. Director.

2. Chief manager

3. Accountant.

4. 2 bartenders.

5. 2 game room operators.

6. 2 waiters.

7. 2 guards.

8. Cleaning lady.

To implement the project, it is planned to take a loan from a bank at 20% per annum.

A place that combines the attributes of sports recreation will be a club located in a convenient location, offering the following types of services:

1) Billiards;

In order to play billiards, the visitor absolutely does not need special clothing. For example, in order to play bowling, a client needs to put on special shoes.

An important advantage of the club is the installation of professional billiard tables.

Customers will be able to use the services of the bar, which will serve a large number of soft drinks and cocktails, as well as a variety of wines and beers from alcoholic beverages. Stronger spirits in the bar will be sold at high prices, which will create demand among customers for light drinks.

Important attributes of the club will be a variety of high-quality fashionable music.

"Three balls" will be designed at a high level and provide quality services, which will make it competitive in this market segment.

The demand for sports entertainment is constant and does not depend much on such a factor as seasonality, so the issue of occupying a part of the market segment by the club is only a matter of creating advantages over competitors already operating in this market (Table 1).

Table 1

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of Tri Shara LLC

2.3 Marketing plan

2.3.1 Market research and analysis

As potential consumers of the services provided by the club, we can consider the population aged 18 to 65 years old, who have an income of more than 7,000 rubles per month.

The structure of billiards service users by age can be seen in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1

The structure of users of billiards services by age criterion

Explanation of the diagram: 60% - age from 18 to 35 years

35% - age from 35 to 55

5% - age 55 and older

Thus, the main part of our future clients will be persons from 18 to 35 years old.

According to statistics, the main proportion of people playing billiards are men.

Consider the market characteristics of the market segments, which are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Market segmentation

2.3.2 Analysis competitors

Touching upon the competition, it should be noted that it is advisable to classify as competitors those firms that provide services similar to those of our firm.

The main competitor of our club is: a billiard club in the shopping center "Karnaval".

A detailed analysis of competitors is carried out according to the following criteria:


· working hours,

the quality and style of the interior,

bar prices

presence of security

Number of billiard tables

the quality of billiard tables,

presence of a bar

Comparative evaluation of competitors with the company OOO "Tri shara" according to the above criteria is given in Table 3. Criteria are evaluated according to a 5-point system. Each criterion is scored from 0 (weakest) to 5 (strongest).

Table 3

Comparative assessment of Tri Shara LLC and competitors


Main competitor

OOO "Three balls"

Shopping center "Karnaval"
Description grade Description Grade


Opalikhinskaya 27 Khalturina 55

2.Working time

^ 10.00-2.00

3.Quality and style of the interior Excellent
4. Prices at the bar

5. Billiards

6. The presence of advertising

Signboard, print


Print, sign

7. Availability of security

2 people, signaling


2 people, sign

number of billiard tables

10 4
9.Quality of billiard tables High 5
10. The presence of a bar Eat 5

The advantage of a competitor is that it is an entertainment club in a well-known shopping center and mainly young people go there. Their service prices are high. there are very few billiard tables and a small room, and the Three Balls club has an inconvenient location, so our club intends to interest its future customers with low prices, large rooms, the quality of billiard tables and their quantity.

2.3.3 Marketing strategy

The primary goals and objectives of the enterprise are:

Creation of a new "niche" in the existing segment of the sports entertainment market

Occupation of a segment of the sports entertainment market

Payback of capital investments;

Getting a positive financial result.

The activity of the company will be mainly directed to the consumers of Verkh Isetsky district. A firm's market opportunity is determined by the maximum number of visitors a firm can satisfy in a given period of time. The market opportunity directly depends on the area of ​​​​the premises in which the club will be located, since it is necessary to limit the attendance of the club to the maximum number of people in which a comfortable environment will be maintained. The enterprise will operate on the basis of a concentrated marketing strategy, which means focusing on one or more, but necessarily profitable, market segments. With regard to the type of marketing, a type of marketing will be used such as synchro marketing, which involves the use of a flexible pricing system in the presence of demand fluctuations in different periods of time. Ultimately synchromarketing will be intertwined with supportive marketing, provided the enterprise operates effectively.

2.3.4 Pricing policy

The pricing analysis will take into account:

The cost of services

competitor prices

When creating a new club, prices will be set at a relatively low level, that is, not higher than those of competitors in order to attract the maximum number of consumers.

The company's pricing policy will be based on the principle of high quality - average price, which will create the necessary demand for our services in the first period of the company's operation.

Proceeding from the fact that the future consumer will be guided by the time of the club's work, it is advisable to introduce grace time to maximize the use of the company's capabilities (Table 4).

Table 4

Currently, advertising plays a primary role in creating the image and fame of the company. The task of the advertising company is to ensure attendance from the first days of the club's operation. A light shield will be installed on the building of the newly created company, informing about the new club.

The company intends to use the following types of advertising:

· Printing in newspapers.

Billboard advertising at the location of the club will inform about the emergence of a new sports and entertainment club. It will indicate the composition of the club's services: billiards, bar. Events like this discourage other competitors from trying to organize similar clubs.

2.4 Production plan

To organize the club, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​400 square meters. meters.

Based on the cost of 1 sq. meters at 400 rubles, the cost of rent per month will be 160,000 rubles. The rent will be paid monthly. The lease agreement is concluded for 5 years, with the condition of its further renewal (i.e. extension). Thus, for the implementation of a business project, only 1,920,000 rubles a year will be required for rent.

On the ground floor of the building will be located: 4 billiard tables, a bar, a wardrobe, a toilet. On the 2nd floor there will be 6 billiard tables.

The building will be renovated. The total cost of repairs will be 1,000,000 rubles. The repair costs include the cost of interior decoration of the premises (including plumbing work),

After the repair work, the company needs to purchase the main equipment. The cost of equipment is shown in Table 6.

Table 6

The cost of the main equipment

In addition to the main equipment, additional materials and equipment will also need to be purchased (Table 7).

Table 7

Additional expenses of the club

To operate the bar, the following costs for food and alcohol per month will be required:

Table 8

Monthly food and alcohol spending

The cost of food and alcohol per month will be 458900, for the year they will be 392100 x 12 = 4705200 rubles.

As practice shows, one person on average leaves about 200 rubles in a bar, taking into account the fact that one of the visitors is not limited to the specified amount and may exceed it several times, while individual customers may not use the services at all bar.

The price in the bar will consist of the purchase price of goods and a 50% markup. The purchase of goods for the bar will be made on the basis of KOR, Metro.

Estimated prices in the bar are shown in Table 9. The price was calculated on average for the assortment of each type of product.

Table 9

Bar prices

Based on this, to create a billiard club, it is planned to take a loan in the amount of 3,546,750 rubles for a period of 4 years at 20% per annum.

The loan is taken to cover the following initial costs:

1. Lease payments for 4 months 640,000 rubles.

2. Costs for the purchase of basic and additional equipment 1135000 + 356400 = 1491400 rub.

3. Repair costs 1,000,000 rubles.

5. The cost of purchasing goods for the bar for the first month 392,100 rubles.

2.5 Organizational plan

The organizational structure of the club management will look like this:

The above structure of personnel management can be attributed to linear. It allows the director to quickly manage the work of the enterprise and keep abreast of events.

Director's powers:

Acts on behalf of the enterprise, represents it in all economic and state institutions;

in accordance with the legislation and the charter of the enterprise, he issues orders, hires and dismisses employees, imposes penalties on them and determines incentives for good work;

manages the property of the enterprise;

Opens a current account in banks and disposes of funds in the accounts.

· resolves all financial issues related to the constant work of the club, and financial and organizational issues related to the use of part of the profits and directions for the development of the club are resolved jointly with the founders of the company.

The duties of an accountant include:

Maintains the accounting records of the company;

· pays salaries;

Prepares financial reports in cooperation with the director.

The chief manager acts as the director during his absence. Organizes the work of all employees of the company. Carries out purchases at specified prices in previously determined places of supply.

Operators in the gaming hall: is engaged in issuing the necessary accessories for playing billiards; exercise control over the time of use of gaming tables.

Bartenders are engaged in customer service: they sell all the products and drinks available, prepare alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. They accept money at the cash desk from employees in the halls - from operators of the gaming hall and security guards. They submit applications to the director for the purchase of goods necessary for the further operation of the bar.

The waiters are serving the tables of visitors. They refer customers' requests for the purchase of food and drinks to the bartender, clean tables, periodically change ashtrays in the bar and in the game room.

Security duties include:

Resolving issues related to the incorrect behavior of club visitors,

Maintaining the safety of furniture and equipment

Acceptance of payment for entrance to the club in the evening.

The cleaners clean all the halls of the club, take out dirty dishes and change ashtrays in the gaming halls. Carry out constant cleaning of toilet facilities, submit applications for the necessary accessories for the premises of Ch. manager.

All employees who work directly with customers must be neat and tidy. Management staff and accountant come to work every day. High qualification requirements are imposed on Ch. manager, accountant, security. Upon hiring, the employee goes through a probationary period.

The club's working hours are from 12.00 to 06.00, i.е. is 16 hours a day, therefore, it would be reasonable to establish a two-shift work schedule for staff. Thus, in accordance with the Labor Code, the working hours of bartenders, waiters, operators of the gaming hall are set two in two days with a break for lunch. The work schedule of administrative and managerial personnel is irregular with a break for lunch six days a week. The cleaning lady works during the day (until opening).

Table 11

Qualification requirements for employees

Job title Education Qualities experience

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, good knowledge of the wine list, knowledge of the cash register.

Required, at least 1 year
Waiter Secondary special or courses

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, accuracy.

Desirable but not required
Game room operators Specialized secondary

honesty, decency, conscientiousness, the ability to cook deliciously and quickly.

Required, at least 2 years
guards Secondary, secondary vocational or secondary specialized honesty, integrity, conscientiousness. Desirable but not required

With such a small number of specialists as in our company, the need to ensure their interchangeability during vacations, illnesses and business trips is obvious. For this purpose, it is necessary to clearly stipulate the procedure for such substitution by order for the enterprise.

2.6 Financial plan

The need for borrowed funds for the implementation of the project is 3,546,750 rubles. A loan for a period of 4 years to cover the costs of the project is supposed to be taken from Akibank at 20% per annum. Interest on the loan will be paid at the end of the reporting year for four years. The amount of repayment of borrowed funds and interest paid can be observed in table 12

Table 12

Payments of loan amounts and interest on it

Thus, the total costs associated with the return of the loan to the bank will amount to 5,024,565 rubles.

The calculation of the club's gross revenue for the year can be analyzed in table 13.

Table 13

Gross revenue of Tri Shara LLC for the year

So, the gross revenue for the year will be 12547780 rubles. The table shows that the bar will bring the main income. The income of the club was calculated based on:

1. The average workload of billiard tables is 50% on weekdays and 80% on weekends and holidays, and if on average 3 people play at the billiard table.

2. average attendance of the bar on weekdays - 90 people per day, on weekends and holidays - 130 people per day. Also, when calculating the income from the bar, it was taken into account that each person who visited the bar would leave an average of 250 rubles.

The initial cost of fixed assets is shown in table 14.

Table 14

Initial cost of fixed assets (excluding VAT)

Depreciation on fixed assets will be accrued on a straight-line basis over 5 years, i.e. the depreciation rate per year will be 20%. The amount of depreciation for 5 years can be analyzed in table 15.

Table 15

Amounts of depreciation deductions for fixed assets

The main thing Initial cost, rub. Depreciation deductions, rub.
1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year
Billiard table Stargate 711864 142373 142373 142373 142373 142373
Bar equipment (bar counter) 25424 5085 5085 5085 5085 5085
cue 118645 23729 23729 23729 23729 23729
Audio 63559 12712 12712 12712 12712 12712
Signaling 25424 5085 5085 5085 5085 5085
Sofa 16949 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390
Computer 33898 6780 6780 6780 6780 6780
TOTAL: 995763 194069 194069 194069 194069 194069

The wages of the company's employees, as well as the expenses of the club associated with it, are presented in table 16.

Table 16

Remuneration of employees of the club LLC "Three balls"

Position, rub. Quantity, pers. Salary rub. per month Salary rub. in a year Accruals, rub.
one Total
Director 1 14000 14000 168000 64680
Ch. manager 1 12000 12000 144000 55440
Accountant 1 11000 11000 132000 50820
Bartender 2 8000 16000 192000 73920
Waiter 2 7000 14000 168000 64680
Operator 2 6000 12000 144000 55440
Security guard 2 9000 18000 216000 83160
Cleaning woman 1 4000 4000 48000 18480
TOTAL: 12 76000 106000 1212000 466620

The structure of the company's annual fixed costs, excluding tax payments and loan amounts, will be as follows:

Table 17

Firm cost structure

Thus, taking into account all of the above, the expected result of financial activity for the 1st reporting year will be as follows (table 18).

Table 18

The result of the financial activity of LLC "Three balls" for the 1st reporting year

Return on sales based on the results of financial activities for the 1st year will be 102210 /12547780 * 100% = 0.81%, in other words, net profit is 0.81% of the gross revenue of the enterprise.

Since a certain demand for our services has already formed during the first year of the club's operation, further planned calculations provide for a 20% increase in prices in order to increase revenue and, consequently, net profit. It would also be reasonable to take into account inflation, in the 2nd year we will take it as 10%, in the 3rd - 9%, and in the 4th - 8%.

In the 2nd reporting year, the wages of the club's employees will be increased by 10%, in the 3rd - 15%, in the 4th - 20%.

Table 19

The result of the financial activity of LLC "Three balls" for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reporting year

Articles Amount, rub.
2nd year 3rd year 4th year
1. Loan payments 1330032 1182251 1034469
2. Labor costs 1846482 2123455 2548146
3. Energy costs 220000 239800 258984
4. Utilities 110000 119900 129492
5. Depreciation charges 194069 194069 194069
6. Expenses for the purchase of goods for the bar 5175720 5641535 6092858
7. Rental payments 1920000 1920000 1920000
8. Advertising expenses 204000 223014 240855
9. Unforeseen expenses 22000 23980 25899
10. Gross revenue 15057336 18068803 21682563
11. Tax payments 3613761 4336513 5203815
12. Net profit 421272 2064286 4033976

Return on sales in the 2.3 and 4 reporting years amounted to 2.8% (421272/15057336*100%), 11.42% (2064286/18068803*100%) and 18.6% respectively. (4033976/21682563*100%).

Thus, the profitability of sales reached the level of 11.42%. In the fourth financial year, the company settled with the bank on a loan, which was distributed among the founders as follows:

Khusaenov Aidar Nazipovich - 3310872 rubles - 50%,

Nigmatullin Rinat Anvarovich - 1655436 rubles - 25%,

Kanideev Yury Rimovich - 1655436 rubles - 25%,

Simple payback (RO), equal to the ratio of net investment to the average annual cash inflow from capital investments, and in addition to net profit, depreciation deductions are included in the cash inflow, can be found as follows:

ON = 3546750 / 1849505 = 1.92 years.

Although this indicator has a lot of drawbacks, in particular, the time factor is not taken into account, cash inflows must be the same, which rarely happens in real life, it allows you to deliberately exclude uncompetitive and unsuccessful projects.

NPV \u003d 102210 * 0.24 + 421272 * 0.24 + 2064286 * 0.24 + 4033976 * 0.24 \u003d \u003d 1589218 rubles (for four years)

2.7 Project risk assessment

The most important of all risks of the project is the risk of insufficient employment of the billiard club. The reason for this risk may be the poorly chosen location of the building.


A business plan is a necessarily written document summarizing business opportunities and prospects and explaining how these opportunities can be realized by the existing management team (managers). Writing a business plan makes the development process more efficient and keeps the plan organized and concise.

In this paper, the concept, development rules and structure of a business plan were considered, as well as the construction of a real business plan for opening a billiard club OOO "Three Balls".

Having developed this business plan, it is clear that opening a billiard club and engaging in this business is a very profitable business, and the implementation of the project to open a billiard club "Three balls" is economically feasible.

List of used literature

1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Manilovsky R.G. Business plan. Methodical materials. Second edition, revised, 2002.

3. Kovaleva A.M. Finance. –M.: Finance and statistics, 2003.

4. Methodology for these calculations and evaluation. Financial management. - M.: Prospect, 2002.

5. Ryan B. Strategic accounting for the leader. - M.: Audit, UNITI, 2002.

6. Kolesnikova N. A., Mironova A. D. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002.

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