Didn't get a job what to do. Why they don't get hired after the interview

For some people, it takes no more than a week to find a new job. Others are forced to go to interviews for different enterprises longer. When they don’t hire for a long time, it’s worth thinking about the fact that this is not just bad luck, but the person is wrong about something.

Errors may vary. It is important to understand the cause of numerous failures and correct the situation. Employers, by virtue of their professional activities, see in a person something that he himself may not notice.

Assumptions of the applicant about the reasons for refusal

Job seekers spend a lot of time looking for a new job and gradually come to the conclusion that they are just unlucky. This is only partly true. To get the desired place, you need to show your best side. Luck plays a role, but not the main one. Jobs are denied for a specific reason. It has nothing to do with luck.

Applicants believe that they are not hired without experience. A person is invited to an interview after considering his resume, which already indicates work experience in a particular field. Therefore, refusal to the applicant for this reason is unlikely. You need to analyze your unsuccessful attempts to find a job and understand what causes a negative reaction from a potential employer.

Employer's motives

Usually the reason for the refusal of employment is related to the applicant's mistakes at the interview. Everything matters: appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, etc. To understand the reasons for the refusal, you need to analyze everything that happened at the interview. The employer refuses the applicant for the following reasons:

  • negative personal characteristics;
  • unattractive resume;
  • mistakes during the interview;
  • bad reference from a previous job.

Applicants may tell lies in an interview if they want to get a job at a well-known firm. A person drives himself into a dead end: his words will be tested by potential leadership.

Candidates make mistakes in the first minutes of the interview. The recruiter asks the applicant to tell about himself. What a person says in response can spoil a favorable first impression of him. Interview rules:

- do not give too much information about yourself;

- talk about your attitude to work and hobbies;

Don't talk about your family and family workaholism.

Negative personal characteristics

The employer has certain requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a new employee. A simple example is an applicant being late for an interview. Every employer is looking for a responsible and punctual person. If the applicant is late, he can delete himself from the list of candidates. There are other reasons for rejection:

  • untidy appearance;
  • diffidence;
  • inattention during the interview.

The first impression of a person is his appearance. Communicating with a slovenly dressed person who chews chewing gum, the employer will not be long. It is important to think over all the details of clothing.

A calm and confident manner of conducting a dialogue will appeal to the employer more than nervous rubbing of the palms or a long silence instead of answering a question.

Inattention is manifested in the lack of interest in the interview. The person may leave the phone on during the interview or examine the items on the employer's desk.

Unattractive resume

A well-written resume is the first step to successful employment. The employer, before a personal meeting with candidates, can determine for himself a list of potential leaders. He makes his choice on the basis of submitted resumes and letters of recommendation.

A bad resume needs to be fixed. They refuse employment because the resume contains something that should not be:

  1. False information. During the interview, the qualities declared by the applicant, work experience and other information are easy to check.
  2. Template phrases. An experienced recruiter can easily identify such a resume.
  3. Information about excessive professionalism. A person who has already achieved a lot in his career is not needed by enterprises. Such an employee may become bored in the proposed position. He will quickly cope with his duties and ask for a raise in salary.

Problems with the resume can be discovered during the interview, after the interview or before the interview. The time to receive a refusal depends on the opinion of the employer about the resume. If he has doubts, the recruiter can meet with the applicant. If not, then the date and time of the interview will not be scheduled.

Mistakes during the interview

Regular invitations to interviews are a sign that everything is in order with a resume. You need to understand what goes wrong at the interview: does the appearance of the applicant correspond to the dress code of the company in which he came to get a job, does he behave with restraint and calmly. In addition to being late, there may be other errors:

  1. Unpreparedness for recruiter questions. "What do you know about our enterprise?" the recruiter will ask and get a vague answer. Or no response at all. This means that the candidate is not ready for the interview.
  2. Criticism of superiors or colleagues from a previous job. Such a phenomenon is not uncommon. It spoils the impression of the applicant. Criticism is characterized by experienced conflict situations. Nobody wants a conflict worker.
  3. Lack of interest in work. This indicates a lack of motivation in the candidate.
  4. Inadequate response to the proposed salary. This problem is the most dangerous, because high expectations indicate high self-esteem, and low ones indicate a lack of experience and self-doubt.
  5. impoliteness. Appears in people with a lot of experience. This phenomenon is similar to star disease. The employer won't like it.
  6. Refusal to answer questions or complete a test task. If a person refuses such a way to check his professionalism, then the employer will not consider his candidacy.
  7. Inadequacy of response to the features of the interview. Recruiters use innovative approaches to finding candidates for vacant positions: games, professional logic exercises, artificial recreation of the working situation, etc. The applicant may not be ready for such methods and make mistakes.

Look for every opportunity to correct your own mistakes. The sooner you do this, the better: soon you will be able to find a job.

Bad reference from a previous job

Failure awaits people fired from their previous jobs in the future. Information about serious violations can be entered in the work book. It happens that the denial of employment is associated with a negative review of a person from a previous job. If an ex-employee has a bad reputation, the ex-boss can point this out to recruiters.

If a person is denied a job, then the reason is in himself. The rejection of potential management can be related to an unattractive resume, mistakes during an interview, and even appearance.

To find a place, it is important to work on the mistakes. The main thing is to show your professionalism and readiness to perform any tasks that the employer sets.

If you say to yourself: “I can’t get a job,” it’s worth understanding the reasons so that you finally find a decent place.

Psychologists in vocational guidance often encounter a similar problem and give effective advice on how to solve it.

What are the reasons?

Why can't you get a job?

Why are they not hiring or why no luck with work?

There are many reasons why you can't find a decent place, starting with a banal lack of experience and ending with your personal qualities.

How are you looking for a job?

Do you visit those places?

Do you consider your abilities?

And do you really have the motivation to find a good place with decent pay?

It's worth asking yourself these questions to find the root cause of failures.

The main reasons why they do not hire:

Perhaps you are constantly go to different interviews, but they refuse you, they promise to call you back and do not call back.

This also has its reasons, and by removing them, you can finally find a suitable place.

Why are they not hiring?

Having learned reasons for failure and by adjusting your approach to finding a job, you will find a suitable job much faster.

What do you do if you can't get a job? To begin with, you should carefully study and understand the reasons why this happens.

Do not be afraid to realistically assess yourself and your strengths. Adequate is the first step to success.

If you can’t decide on the choice of specialty yourself, go to a psychologist working in the direction of career guidance, pass special tests to identify abilities.

What to do:

Basic Rules

Job search - it is a constant movement.

Stop being afraid of rejection - it is likely that this is not your company and fate took you away from an inappropriate position.

Schedule your interviews. Imagine that you need to ask a potential employer. Practice answering questions - have someone help you with this.

Necessarily find out something about the company where you go for an interview. Large organizations will certainly ask if you know where you are. Your interest in potential employers indicates that you are serious about interviewing, choosing your job carefully.

At the interview, it is important to prove yourself, to show that you are the best among the candidates presented. Pay attention to what you are wearing, what hairstyle you have, the smell.

Women a business suit, a skirt with a simple blouse, a minimum of jewelry and no strong perfume smell will do. men It's better to come in a suit.

Exception- companies with a creative focus, where, on the contrary, free style is welcomed. That is why you should find out in advance which company you are going to and what its dress code is.

Basic Rules:

Finding a job is often a lottery, but luck favors those who do not give up and boldly go to their goal.

If you know what you want then you will surely find the right one even if it takes some time.

Reasons for not hiring:

30.03.2017 05:56

Rejections are always unpleasant, but if you are actively looking for a job, you can’t do without them. Another thing is the reason for the negative answer. It, of course, according to labor legislation, must be justified and cannot but be connected with the labor qualities of the candidate. But the domestic culture of recruitment is such that the vague “you are not suitable for us” is enough even for an annoying applicant - it is not customary to name arguments. How to clarify them.

Although, you see, many reasons can be hidden under the refusal - from the inconsistency of education to dirty shoes at the interview. All these questions are purely individual - no one except the recruiter himself will be able to name the reason why you were not hired. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the ten most common reasons according to Careerist.ru, so that they do not cause at least your failure.

1. Experience

As obvious as it may seem, experience is the most common reason for refusing a job. Moreover, both its deficiency and its excess. Personal ambitions are, of course, good, but when a young applicant tries to hide his own incompetence behind them, this will not lead to a positive result under any circumstances. And it's not about experience at all - if an employer needs a lawyer with experience in business negotiations, a former assistant notary or, say, a secretary with a legal education, is hardly suitable for him. When there is more experience than the job requires, there can be a refusal ... but what, in fact, does it matter, if there is more experience, then you deserve more!

2. Non-compliance with the requirements in the vacancy

This reason will haunt all those who, in an attempt to find at least some work, sends out their resume to everyone whose vacancies correspond in the slightest degree to the desires of the candidate. “I don’t care that the education is not suitable or the qualifications are significantly lower, but I am ready to study ...”. Unfortunately, employers do not need interns, but ready-made specialists. Of course, there can be much more responses to resumes and invitations to interviews. - mass mailing does its job. But inconsistency with the requirements of the vacancy, be it professional, personal qualities or a banal age, reduces the chances of success. Although, if you were not weeded out at the resume stage, then ... what the hell is not joking!

3. Not punctual

Late for an interview - consider that you have already been refused. The only thing that will save is a super-objective and important reason for being late, like saving a mother of many children from a pack of rabid dogs or saving a baby from a fire. But even they can not help - 4 out of 5 recruiters will refuse to interview you without even listening to the reasons for your being late. Like, since I didn’t have time, it means that I’m not motivated enough, the work is not so much needed, and in general, I will still be constantly late for work. So try to always arrive early - in case someone is late, and you will be able to take his place ...

4. Appearance

The appearance of a candidate for employment must ALWAYS correspond to the status of the employing company. Well, if he, of course, wants to find a job. The traditional form of clothing should be business attire, an interview is a formal meeting, but they meet, as they say, by clothes. Therefore, a neat appearance can be the foundation of a successful passage and one of the central selection criteria. Dirty shoes, an unironed shirt, the bad smell of yesterday's fun, week-long stubble… all this will definitely alienate the recruiter, leaving you not even the slightest chance to win due to excellent competencies - the corporate culture "decides". But do not overdo it: you should not wear a formal suit when applying for a job in a supermarket or design studio.

5. Lying on a resume

Although it never works, young candidates continue to distort the information in the resume, trying to present themselves to the employer in the best possible light. This does not work for at least two reasons: 1) professional HRs have long been engaged in the selection of resumes, who, imagine, understand recruitment (even despite their young age, large breasts and iPhone), and can understand where lies and where Truth; 2) each of the selected resumes is subjected to a thorough check, including by calling former employers for recommendations. There, everything secret will definitely become clear. Well, overestimating your competencies, length of service, or the results of work in the past place, as you understand, is not the best way to make a good impression.

6. “Why did you leave your previous job?”

The answer to this question has always tormented the most persistent candidates. It is asked in 99% of interviews. Yes, this is a real test of strength, especially when you consider that the recruiter could already have phoned the employer and found out the true reason for leaving. Of course, it’s not a fact that the previous employer told the truth, but if his version of your departure had a negative connotation, then the best choice would be to talk about the conflict with the employer. But the majority do not follow this path, blindly following stereotyped formats, such as “I have reached the career limit”, “I was not satisfied with the salary”, “My job did not suit me” or even worse, they begin to “fuel” nonsense about unfair dismissal and bad employers . Can you imagine how many times a recruiter has to hear these repeated reasons? Yes, they even rank the most popular ... Let your answer be short, clear and sincere - the truth will increase your chances of success.

7. Inflated requests

The salary issue, if it is not defined in the vacancy, is usually decided directly at the interview. Here the range of candidates' requests is directly proportional to the mass nature of the profession. Inflated salary requests are relevant in cases where the employer is looking for a unique specialist, an expert with the highest competencies (technologists, high-class programmers, etc.) - anticipating the benefits received from him, the employer can even go beyond the previously pledged salary fork. If the position is massive, for example, the same legal adviser, then salary offers are unlikely to be higher than the average market ones. Therefore, if there are several candidates with the same competencies, the recruiter will obviously stop at the applicant with fewer requests.

8. Age

As unfortunate as it may be, older candidates are much more likely to be rejected “on the basis of age” than for any other reasons. The problem of candidates of the older age group is that the only way they can "win" the employer is unique experience and competencies - as experts say, good traumatologists, architects and engineers find work at any age. But this is typical for those professions where experience “decides”. Where the competencies of an older employee are equivalent to the skills of a young employee, the recruiter will obviously stop at a young employee. But do not lose heart - it is worth developing competitive advantages, and then no one will look at your age. Rough, but true.

9. Shyness / indecision / slowness

Remember, passive workers, unable to take the initiative, and each time shuddering at the pronunciation of their names, no one needs. Even if you have an excellent education, a red diploma, an internship abroad and a recommendation from Aunt Zina from the ZhEK, a timid and indecisive applicant will be weeded out in favor of an active three-year-old who "will not get into his pocket for a word." Yes, this is a harsh reality - interview confidence and unbridled work motivation will leave a great impression, even if the objective indicators of professionalism are frankly lame. You may be denied employment, but the formed opinion about you can help when the company has a new vacancy in the future, and you will already be “in mind”.

10. Social networks

Social networks, oddly enough, decide no less than your appearance at the interview. We know a lot of stories when candidates were rejected because they had few VKontakte friends or no Facebook page. Of course, it rarely comes to the point of absurdity, but the reality is that in large companies, where loyalty to the corporate culture is not an empty phrase, it is customary to monitor the social networks of candidates. Survey results show that at least 35% of employers in the labor market do this. So frivolous photos, frank confessions, sharp political discussions, obscenities, insults and other obscenities that can form a negative image need to be “wiped up”. Or at least hide from prying eyes. By the way, you should also refuse to participate in the flash mob #I Didn't Get Taken - according to recruiting agencies, 12% of employers have already warned applicants that such a hashtag on the wall can lead to negative consequences for them.

Didn't take - and good!

Let's go back to where we started: rejection is always unpleasant, but it is far from always a professional tragedy. History knows a lot of cases when the denial of employment resulted in the opening of new opportunities, the acquisition of a new profession or a much more prestigious position. Remember everything that is done - everything is for the better!

Primary source - careerist.ru

The process of finding a job is not only very laborious, but also quite painful for a person. It is hard enough to be in the position of being chosen, to wait for an answer, to receive refusals - all this invariably hits the pride and underestimates the self-esteem of a person.

“You do not suit us, we have chosen another candidate” - such a phrase is not easy to accept, especially if a person hears it not for the first time. There is a lack of confidence in their own abilities and competence, fear that they will not be able to find a job at all. “Did I do something wrong? Maybe take additional courses? Or should I have spoken more confidently?

It is possible to undergo additional training, and self-confidence has never bothered anyone, however, is it always all about us? After all, we often forget that on the “other side” there are living people, with their own expectations, motives and reasons not to hire this particular person.

Time bomb

Once I was present at the selection of candidates for a certain construction company for the position of an economist in the financial department. A lot of interviews were held, some of the applicants went to talk with the head of the department ... And then an amazing girl appeared - with a higher economics, fluent English (she trained abroad), work experience, etc. At the same time very friendly and calm. We were delighted - for once we found the perfect candidate! But the head of her candidacy "rejected". The girl then was perplexed - “I was suitable for all positions and I know even more than required, but they took a university student, without any experience!” Later, I heard the manager say to his friend - also the head of the department - “such an employee is like a time bomb, she knows the job better than me, I just immediately felt that in a year she would take my place. I'd rather take a girl in whose eyes I'll be a high-class professional."

Beauty is a terrible force

And in the difficult business of finding a job, it is usually not a hindrance, although sometimes this happens. My friend works as an HR manager in a small firm and she was assigned to find an employee in the sales department. For five days, she studied resumes, characteristics, talked with candidates, after which she called me - “I can’t choose! One has experience - no education, the other - on the contrary, the third - charming and sociable, but there is neither one nor the other.

The next day we sat down together for questionnaires.
"Masha!" I showed her the sheet, “Look! Here is a girl - both education and experience. Have you talked to her?" “Yes,” Masha answered, drawing circles on the sheet.
- And How?
- Fine. He knows how to communicate, speech is competent.
- Well, why are you complaining that there is no one? And pretty, judging by the photo... Call her and invite her to work. Will you call?
“No,” said Masha, continuing to draw with her pencil.
- But why?
-Yes, because! Pretty... She's not just pretty, she's a beauty, there aren't many of them! What am I, crazy, to plant such a miracle in the department for my Dimka? So that he admired her every day for eight hours? Well, I do not!
And Masha, having pulled out one from a stack of questionnaires, with a photograph of a girl of indistinct appearance, moved the phone towards her.

Wealth of choice

This story was told to me by a friend of mine, who a few months ago was actively looking for a job as an assistant manager or assistant secretary. She was invited to an interview at a food company, asked to bring two photographs with her - 3x4 and "unofficial, live." “I arrived at the office,” says Anna, “I filled out a detailed questionnaire, they interviewed me, however, very formally, basically, they clarified what was written in the questionnaire. According to the results, they promised to call at the end of the week. One passed, then another, but there was no call, and I decided to call myself, they answered me in a boring voice that I had not passed the selection and offered to take the photos ... "

When Anna arrived, the manager was not there and she was waiting for her in the hallway, the cleaning grandmother was immediately washing the floor. "Are you getting a job?" she asked. “No, I came to pick up something, but your employee is not there,” Anna answered.

"A! Maybe ask Oksana, the assistant director, maybe she will bring it to you? Anna asked: “And how is the new assistant?” "Why new?" - the cleaning lady was surprised - “old. It has been working for a year already ... ”“ How? - Anya was confused - "why were you looking for a new one?" Grandmother laughed - “Yes, they are always like that! They quarrel with the director, Oksana immediately threatens to leave, shouting - they will take me everywhere. And the director immediately orders an advertisement to be given, and then he shows Oksana photographs and papers - she saw, they say, how many for your place. Just whistle! Well, they will reconcile later, they have been working together for a long time, for seven years already. “I felt like a pawn,” Anna says, “I spent time, arrived, hoped for something, but I was simply used as an extra in the crowd.”

When we are looking for a job, employers evaluate not only our education, knowledge, skills, experience, etc., but also many other things. When we refuse, we painfully think what is wrong with us, why the preference was given to someone else. However, we must take into account the fact that when we come to an unfamiliar organization, we are completely unaware of the current situation, requirements and expectations for a new employee.

It must be remembered that the choice of a candidate is influenced by personal motives, and even those that we do not even know about. Therefore, you should not attribute all the failures only to yourself and consider yourself a bad specialist. It’s just that this particular place is not “yours”, which means that you will definitely find “your own”.

crisis, however. Unemployment, mass layoffs. In connection with all this, I was still going to do a small master class on interviewing. Fortunately, it just so happened, in recent years I have conducted many interviews. Several thousand. At all these interviews, living people, made of flesh and blood, sat in front of me. And these different people made the same mistakes day after day, month after month.

So. Here is a list of typical mistakes of applicants.

Mistake 1. Laziness

The main mistake, funny as it may seem, is the banal unwillingness to go to interviews. I have repeatedly seen people who “look for a job” for months and go to interviews not even every week.

This, of course, is not a job search, but only an imitation of a search.

Simple arithmetic. In many decent places, 10-20-30 people are browsing per place. Therefore, in order to be guaranteed a job, you need to go through about a hundred interviews. Lucky - less. No luck - more.

At a pace of one or two interviews a week, that's a year. At a pace of three interviews a day, that's one month.

So a job seeker's day should look like this. I woke up, looked at the latest vacancies. I sent out 20-50 resumes, filled with interviews tomorrow. Went to today's interviews.

Again, not wanting to look closely for work is mistake number one, by a wide margin. If you are not ready to attend several dozen interviews, it is better to resign yourself to the fact that you will eventually have to agree to a mediocre option.

Mistake 2. Picky about the company

Many, leafing through the newspaper, begin to select "fat". “This will not work, it is written from 15 thousand, but I need 25.” "This won't work, the packer said, but I need a senior packer." Well, and so on.

The root of this "pickiness" lies in the natural reluctance to go to interviews. Well, in fact, why not save time and cross out in absentia a company that might not fit?

The answer is simple. This is the case when it is better to take a chance and ride "at random" than to sit at home and watch TV. Be sure - if the employer likes you, he will find a way to offer you interesting conditions.

In the end, even if it turns out that the proposed conditions do not suit you, you will gain valuable experience passing another interview.

Mistake 3. Being picky about yourself

The mirror image of the second mistake is being too picky about yourself. Well, for example, it is written that you need experience of three years, and you have a year of experience. What, go straight to the next job?

Of course not! The requirements for applicants that are indicated in the vacancy are, almost always, nothing more than wishes. For the simple reason that if a person meets a long list of HR requirements, they are more likely to qualify for a higher salary.

Therefore, if you are satisfied with the offered position and salary, it makes sense to send a resume and call to check if it has been received.

Mistake 4. Being late

A significant part of personnel officers (including me) immediately refuses applicants who are 15 minutes late. There will be a lot of hemorrhoids later if it turns out that the employee hired is a pathological latecomer.

Latecomers are ready, grimacing, to endure only in semi-freelance or low-paid positions, such as couriers or distributors of cosmetics.

Therefore, coming to interviews at the wrong time, you almost several times lower the speed of your device to work.

Mistake 5. Whining

Nobody likes whiners. If you start the conversation by whining like “no one wants to hire people over 50”, you can be sure that you will be denied this place too.

Well, whiners look pathetic, while the employer needs a fighter in the team, not a disabled person. In addition, many personnel officers rightly fear that whiners will spoil the atmosphere in the team and hack. Indeed: what kind of work can be expected from a person who is dissatisfied with his position?

Just in case, I will decipher in more detail what not to do. Here you are for an interview. The employer asks how they got there.

No need to talk about nasty weather and terrible traffic jams. Simply say, "well done". Or: "no adventure." Or: “Great trip, the weather is fabulous. Like Pushkin: frost and sun.

Mistake 6. Previous place of work

Why not talk about your previous job? No need to tell what all the bastards were there and how they tormented you. In no case should you talk about conflicts, scandals, fights and courts.

Since the employer, asking you about your past work, wants to understand how you will work for him. Wants to understand if you will create problems, and how easily you will join the team. He wants to understand whether clients will call him later, complaining about your rudeness.

And if, for example, the system administrator tells how he was thrown, and in retaliation he erased the database for three years - well, you understand. Such an employee will not be hired - it's scary.

In general, if you want to make a favorable impression, forget about the negative. Nobody needs brawlers. Talk about a former employer and former colleagues as if they were dead - either good or nothing.

Yes, more. Just in case, a life story.

A comrade, 59 years old, came to me for an interview. I ask him where he works. It turns out that he works in the same office twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Well, it was just Tuesday.

I ask the security question - how did he get off work. And the candidate tells me that he is poorly controlled there, he works alone, and he can easily leave for two or three hours. The employer, they say, sucker and will not know anything.

Do you think I hired this man?

Mistake 7. Wrong resume

I'm scared now to even think about those thousands of workers whom I did not invite for an interview or for a job for the simple reason that I could not get through to them.

Someone did not have a mobile number on their resume at all, someone did not answer my call. Someone answered, promised to call back in 15 minutes and did not call back. And someone ran out of money on the pipe.

Therefore, it is very important that on your resume in a conspicuous place, the mobile phone number must certainly be indicated. A working cell phone.

Resume formatting is also important. But probably, it makes no sense for me to dwell on it in detail: type in Google “how to write a resume”, they will explain to you. Yes, another important point. Often, after a brief telephone conversation, the personnel officer asks: “Send your resume by fax.”

This does not mean that the personnel officer scoffs at you. This does not mean that you have just been rejected. This means that the resume must be sent by fax. The usual reasonable requirement.

Don't have a fax? Well, find somewhere. Stop by at lunchtime to visit a friend with a fax and send faxes from him. Your chances of finding a good job will increase.

Mistake 8. Wrong motivation

Do you know what motivation is? Motivation, in the understanding of the personnel officer, is the driving force that will make you work. And a good personnel officer will certainly check whether you have this motivation.

If you say you need money to pay rent and food, great. Everyone needs money, it's close and understandable.

If you say that you simply “want to develop” or, say, “love to work with people”, this is a minus for you. Because today, let's say, you want to develop, and tomorrow you have other interests - and goodbye to work.

Simply put, you must convince the employer that you really need a job, and you will not give up on it when you get tired of working.

Mistake 9. Long thoughts

Here you are for an interview. We talked. It seems like everything is fine, and you suit the employer, and he suits you. How much time do you have to decide whether this job is right for you or not?

In a good way, you need to decide right away. Or right during the interview, or, in extreme cases, in the morning of the next working day.

I'll tell you why. Here you are sitting at the interview, all such an angel. Do you think the personnel officer will see you through and through in half an hour, like an open book? Obviously not. In order to roughly understand what a person is like as an employee, you need to work with him at least one or two weeks together.

So it is with work. To understand what a company is like, you need to work in it for at least a few days. Therefore, thinking for a long time is completely pointless. Thinking for a long time, you risk being late, and earn a reputation as a person who does not know what he wants.

Mistake 10. Curling fingers

Some, when they come to the interview, begin to list their many skills and tell what large sums they are used to receiving in the form of a salary. This often does not please the employer at all.

Just imagine: a man of thirty-five years of age, with two higher educations, with fluent German and French and lines in his resume like “executive director” and “head of department” gets a position for a storekeeper. Will you take him to work?

I would not. Because this person, obviously, can apply for a higher paid position. So he wants to get a job with me temporarily, for a couple of months, until he finds another option. Or, perhaps, he has some hidden defects, such as addiction to alcohol or the habit of being half a day late.

Mistake 11. Refusal of tests

The employer often asks to do something. Fill out an application and take a written test. Do another simple task for 10 minutes.

If the employee performs the task - silently, calmly and accurately - this is a plus for him. If an employee begins to resent, such as “why is the questionnaire so long” or “but this question cannot be answered unequivocally” - this is a minus for him.

This is especially true for tests. Be sure if the personnel officer gave you a test, this is important. A decision about you will be made based on the results of the test. And if you fail this test, it will be a very serious reason to refuse your admission.