How to pay workers in construction and interior decoration. How much is an hour of work? Occupation rating

How much to pay, how to properly build relationships with employees, contract workers, domestic staff. (10+)

How to hire an employee, domestic staff and get the result you need - Pay level, the right relationship

Respect your employee

You are a professional in your field, he is a professional in his, otherwise why did you hire him? If you are unhappy with his work, let him know immediately. Do it in a calm tone, without emotions. For you, it is a mechanism that performs certain functions. It's pointless to get angry at the machine. The mechanism either works or is replaced. If the comments have no effect, fire the employee immediately. There is no point in educating and promoting someone else's person for your money. If the work is done well, then be sure to mark it, thank the employee. But do it also calmly, without unnecessary emotions, without familiarity. Do not pour a glass, give tea, it is rude, impolite. Enough to say thank you.

By the way, it is best when your employee also perceives you as a mechanism that gives out money in exchange for Good work, makes comments in response to a bad one, may stop giving out money if there are too many comments. All this - without any emotions and transitions to the individual.

A common mistake is not feedback. Roughly speaking, the employee does something not the way you want. But you do not tell him about it because you do not like to point out to people their shortcomings. Most people don't like to do this. You accumulate discontent in yourself until the red line is crossed. Then you give the person a dressing down, and, of course, in the process of dressing down, say a lot of unnecessary words. Often, during the dressing, the employee simply does not understand what they want from him, just listens, nods his head. In fact, he really has nothing to do with it. He did not even know that you were unhappy with something. It is perfectly normal to make comments to employees, correct their work., because you pay them money and should get quality work for this money.

Accustom yourself to calmly, without emotions, point out shortcomings to the staff, as soon as you notice them, praise them for good work. Here is important regularity. If for a week you have not made a single comment and have not praised even once, something is wrong. Either you are satisfied - then the employee deserves praise, or you are dissatisfied - then you need to point out the shortcomings.

Pay attention to another fact. People have their own specific psychological characteristics that a person cannot change at his own discretion. If an employee suits you, then determine for yourself whether you are ready to put up with his psychological characteristics. If not, then the employee will have to be fired. It is impossible to re-educate an adult.

Each person has personal time for which you are not entitled to claim if everything goes according to your agreements and plan. Respect the personal time of a person, do not disturb him, let him rest.

Employee discipline

If you do not need problems, immediately warn the hired employee that he must comply with discipline. For example, to appear at work (at your home) on time, be sober, do not use psychotropic drugs, drugs. Perhaps you have any additional requirements. Immediately upon hiring, warn the person about your requirements for discipline. Inform him that for violation of discipline, dismissal will follow immediately, without payment of any compensation and payment for work already completed. If it does not suit him, then let him refuse to hire. Having made such a statement, you will immediately dot the i's and make it clear that you will insist on your demands. Loafers, who themselves have a mustache, know everything themselves, plan everything, do not work for half a year, then they will do everything in a week, "like professionals", they will not work for you, but you don’t need them.


Do not create conditions when your hired employee will have contact with your valuables, money, secret documents, passwords, data. In the house you need to have a safe where to store money, jewelry, secret information. In public places, you can keep things that are of no value to you or your employees. There is absolutely no need to subject people to temptation.

Wage pay

The level of payment should be maintained slightly above the average market indicators. If you are looking for a worker through an agency, then they will tell you an acceptable level of payment, if through ads, then just call a few people and understand how much money they are willing to work for. To this amount, you need to add 20 percent to make your offer interesting and attractive.

If this is a project work, then, of course, you need to determine the cost of the entire project. Project work can be divided into stages with stage-by-stage payment. But agree to this option only if you are absolutely sure that each stage is completed, and the work at the next stage can be continued by other people without loss of time, money and quality. For example, pouring the foundation is a good isolated stage. Another team can build on the finished foundation. You don't have to pay in advance.

If the job is more or less permanent, then you need to agree on how long the employee agrees to work for you on the agreed terms. Of course, a person can quit at any time. Your circumstances may also change, the need for an employee may disappear. But make it clear to your employee that you will be ready to discuss and change the conditions of his work only after the expiration of the named period. If the conditions do not suit him at all, then let him go. Thus, we will protect ourselves from constant talk about salary increases. If it is immediately fixed that the discussion of this issue will take place every six months - a year, then it will be inconvenient for a person at the right time to ask for a doubling of the salary right away. So indexation will have to be carried out, but at a very moderate pace. And if this is not done, then the question of raising wages will be constantly raised.

It is better to pay weekly. This will make it easier for your employee to plan their expenses. There are different opinions about this. Discuss the pay schedule with your employee.

For good work on paydays, you can pay a bonus (up to 10% of salary). This has a positive effect on the quality of work. Additional work can also be paid separately if it is not part of the employee's duties and is performed on your behalf.

Congratulations on significant dates for a person, small monetary or non-monetary gifts for these dates work very well.

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Are you paying your workers too much? Or too few?

If you have a small construction or finishing business, then you have been thinking about how to pay your employees for the work (regardless of whether they are in your state or “for one object”).

In this article, you will learn about the four types of workers that are found in construction and decoration, as well as how to pay them.

First you need to figure out who can work for you.

Four types of workers in construction and decoration

I conditionally divide workers into four types: terrorist, student, hard worker and professional.


A terrorist knows how to work, what you expect from him, and what he gets paid for.

But doesn't do it out of principle.

He will harm you because he will always find a moral justification for it, will steal at every opportunity and will never admit his guilt.

You can’t work with terrorists, and if you understand that your employee is of this type, you need to drive him in the neck right away.


The fact that we call such an employee a student does not mean that he is studying at a university or technical school. This means that he still knows little and knows how.

He is energetic and considers his main advantage to be a quick learner. He is ready to take on any business, because he doesn’t really know how to do anything, but he hopes to learn quickly.

As a rule, he is ready to work for a penny.

Everyone starts as a student, but some live in this state for many years. It - harmful workers because they are unproductive and require a lot of attention from experienced workers.

hard worker

The most common type of workers.

Knows what needs to be done and how. Ready to work if he knows why. Often devoid of ambition, therefore does not show initiative.

Perfectly corresponds to the principle of the average employee. Rejoicing in the awards.

As a rule, he is fairly honest and expects the same from you or his immediate supervisor. Although, in a small way, he can steal, not considering it a sin. Here, by the way.

If he is dissatisfied with something, he will endure until he explodes.

in any stable construction company hard workers are the largest percentage.


It makes no sense to add anything to the article here, everything is so.

Methods of payment for work in the construction and repair of premises

Based on your knowledge of the types of workers, you can choose one of the methods of payment for construction or finishing work from the following.


The most common and reasonable way to pay workers in construction and decoration. “How much you have earned, so much you have earned.”

For piecework payment, you need to have clear rates and the work must be measurable numerically: so many cubes of concrete, so many squares of drywall.

When you consider a detailed estimate for an object, you have all this data, and you can use it when negotiating with the workers.

When we were renovating apartments, my partner simply gave the workers an estimate with the volumes and types of work, removing the prices for positions from it, leaving only the resulting amount. Or put down prices that we considered reasonable in order to coordinate them with the workers.

On the simple types for works such as siding installation, this is even easier to do: there is an agreed price per square, there is a calculated area.

The deal is clear to everyone, so hard workers and professionals respond well to it.


The salary has a number of disadvantages that make it unreasonable in most cases.

If you pay a person a fixed salary, which does not depend on how he works, then this will corrupt the person.

There are, however, exceptions.

First, there are people who always work the same way. Often this refers to people over 50, the old school. Their upbringing and ideological core do not allow freebies and hacks. Conscience will then seize.

The second exception is helpers, which may well be students (see the description of this type above). They do not know how, so it makes sense to put them on types of work that cannot be quantified.

In most cases, if you have a worker on a salary, then this salary cannot be large. Unless, this is a very good and stable employee, which is rare.

Salary + bonus

Rewards are a great way to add motivation. In addition, it can improve salary efficiency.

If your workers are formally registered, then under Russian law you cannot fine them for anything. But if you pay them according to the “salary + bonus” system, then this gives you an instrument of financial influence.

The salary is the base that you pay anyway, so it should be minimal.

The premium is calculated based on the implementation of the plan. It can have three meanings:

  • not fulfilled - no bonus;
  • completed — 70% bonus;
  • overfulfilled - a bonus of 70-100%.

An employee who has not received a bonus for three months in a row is likely to leave on his own. And if he does not leave, then it is better to say goodbye to him.

By the way, if we talk about encouragement, then it should be conscious and thoughtful. I wrote about it in this article:

Fix from the object

If all properties in your area of ​​business are the same, then you can negotiate a flat fee per property.

In general, such a system is more suitable for foreman salary at a small construction site, but this can also be applied to workers. Especially if you have stable teams that work the same way.

A fix is ​​somewhat similar to a deal, but easier for you. Especially if you have your own production.

For example, you make change houses or house kits for several projects: you know what types and volumes of work are included in the manufacture, and you can pay for the final result.

Total amount from the object

This method is suitable for experienced hard workers and professionals. You agreed with the customer on the amount of work and subtracted from this amount the profit you want to receive. What's left is what you're willing to pay the workers.

How much does a construction worker earn?

If the foreman or foreman knows his business, he will ask all the necessary questions about how to reach the result sold to the customer. This will let him know whether he is ready to take on the money offered.

If he sees that a lot needs to be done, but there is not enough money, he will either refuse or offer to raise the payment. And tell you how much.

With inexperienced workers, this form of payment does not work well: they are likely to agree immediately, but then they will peck at your brain with complaints about too low pay, and proposals to increase this pay. And the formula “you knew what you were doing” will not work with them, moreover, it can push them to terrorism.

A professional will think over everything, and if he fits in, he will do it right. An experienced hard worker can try to move you in the process of work, but without tearing your shirt on your chest and without loud statements.

It makes no sense to discuss the amount from the object with the student.

Percentage from the object

I think this approach is stupid, but some people do it.

You negotiate with the workers: I look for orders, organize, purchase, deliver and extort money from the customer, and you work.

And agree to share the money in a fair ratio. Often it is 70% for the workers, 30% for the organizer.

Why is this form of calculation unreasonable?

As you develop as a marketer and seller, you learn to sell at higher prices.

And if your workers take a fixed percentage of the cost of the object, then you are, in fact, working for them. They grow rich at the expense of your development, without doing anything for this.

Because the average market prices for works do not change, and the money they receive for these works grows as your development. Not their development, mind you.

This will reduce your motivation for development, because development should bring the greatest benefit to you first of all, and then to those who work with you with their hands.

The advantage of this approach is that it is very simple and transparent. Approach for lazy people.

time card

This method is the most rare. Usually it is associated with the use of equipment that is not permanently at the facility. For example, an excavator.

Sometimes this method of payment is practiced by installation supervision specialists.

It is difficult for me to imagine the use of time-keeping in construction and decoration in other cases.

On a temporary basis, either super-professional workers with precisely set and guaranteed labor productivity, or operators of leased equipment, usually work.

Update 2.11.2017.

Time bill can be used to pay immeasurable in meters, tons and square meters work. For example, small finishing touches when renovating an apartment.

It is a pity to put a brigade on such work, especially if there are signed objects where the brigade will bring more money. Therefore, in some firms, a special person is kept for finishing, experienced and attentive to details.

Such a person can be paid on time. It is better if it is a professional, completely autonomous.

You can do this:

  • show the object to the customer;
  • collect a list of claims and improvements;
  • send a wizard for correction;
  • remove payment for the time of the master from the team that worked before him.

In this scenario, you do not pay for the correction from the profit, and the team that works at the facility is motivated to work as efficiently as possible.

In addition, you can pay temporary help to helpers. Usually it is paid not by the hour, but by the day of work (per shift).

What method of remuneration to choose for the owner of a small construction or finishing company

How you pay workers will depend on what facilities you have and what workers you have.

The main thing that you must understand is that the payment must be such that bring you maximum profit while retaining the people you need.

Of course, you can’t achieve retention only with money, and methods of non-financial motivation will be required. I even have an article about it: .

Before officially registering your own business as an individual entrepreneur, a future businessman usually selects a convenient taxation system for himself. Depending on the type of activity, on the need for employees, on the amount of resources used, the entrepreneur will have to make a choice in favor of one of the 5 taxation options allowed for individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. The amount of money that the individual entrepreneur will need to pay to the state treasury in the future depends on how justified this choice will be. Therefore, it is very important to know some specifics with and without employees in 2017 applying different tax regimes.

Mandatory IP deductions in 2017

Whatever tax regime an individual entrepreneur chooses, in any case, he is obliged to make systematic deductions for himself. The peculiarity of this kind of deductions is that the individual entrepreneur does not have an employer, which means that there is no wages, but he has income from commercial activities. It is on the magnitude of this income that the size of the contributions paid in off-budget funds. Entrepreneurs who must pay taxes for an employee for individual entrepreneurs will see various innovations in 2017, which you can read about.

Important! Each individual entrepreneur must make contributions to off-budget funds for himself, and it doesn’t matter at all whether he actually conducts entrepreneurial activity and whether it brings him income.

The amount of money to be paid is calculated taking into account the minimum wage. It is necessary to transfer 26% of its value to the PFR and 5.1% to the FFOMS. The minimum wage in 2017 is 7,500 rubles. Based on this, all mandatory deductions can be calculated. For clarity, the data is presented in the form of a table:

Thus, the total fixed amount of contributions for an individual entrepreneur for himself is 27,990 rubles, and if his income exceeds 300,000 rubles. per year, then 1% of the resulting difference is added to this amount.

Important! In the Russian Federation, the maximum amount of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs has been legalized. In 2017, it is 187,200 rubles.

In addition to mandatory contributions, an individual entrepreneur can voluntarily transfer cash also in the FSS. The amount in 2017 is 2610 rubles. in a year. If this condition is met, then upon the occurrence of an insured event, the businessman will be entitled to receive appropriate benefits (for example, for disability).

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Taxes paid by an individual entrepreneur without employees

What other mandatory payments will the entrepreneur have to make? ? Consider, for starters, an individual entrepreneur who carries out its activities without involving employees. The types and amount of taxes paid by an individual entrepreneur without employees depend on the taxation system he applies (information about all tax regimes is located). The state gives the businessman the opportunity to choose between the main and special tax regimes.

The main taxation system (OSN) is assigned to an individual entrepreneur when registering his own business immediately “by default”. This is important to know, because if this system does not suit the individual entrepreneur, then he needs to set time apply for a transfer. DOS is characterized by the payment of several taxes at once to the state treasury, which together add up to a pretty decent amount:

  • personal income tax in the amount of 13%;
  • VAT in the amount of 10% or 18%;
  • personal property tax.

When using IP patent taxation system, you do not need to pay tax at all. It is only necessary to pay for a patent 6% of the basic profitability of IP.

The application of the unified agricultural tax is possible only for producers of agricultural products. Sole proprietors applying the ESHN pay 6% of their profits.

Taxes of individual entrepreneurs with employees

If the activity of an entrepreneur involves the involvement of employees with their subsequent employment, then he already acts as an employer. Accordingly, not only the payment of wages is added to his expenses, but also certain contributions for each person hired. So, let's consider what taxes an individual entrepreneur with employees has to pay:

  1. Personal income tax - personal income tax - is withheld from the employee's salary and amounts to 13% of its value. In this situation, the individual entrepreneur plays the role of an intermediary (tax agent) between the employee and tax office.
  2. Mandatory insurance contributions to off-budget funds:
  • PFR - 22% of wages;
  • FFOMS - 5.1%;
  • FSS - 2.9%.

In fact, personal income tax is not paid out of the pocket of an individual entrepreneur, but is deducted from the income of the employee hired by him. BUT insurance premiums- these are just those additional expenses of a businessman that are inevitable when hiring employees. When setting the salary, every entrepreneur wants to know how much the individual entrepreneur pays taxes for an employee in 2017. The individual entrepreneur must understand that in addition to her, he will have to transfer another 30% of the salary to extra-budgetary funds.

Is it possible to save for individual entrepreneurs with employees on 2017 taxes and insurance contributions? There are, moreover, quite legal grounds. There is a list of categories of payers who are entitled to use reduced rates of insurance premiums. These include, for example, individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, which are engaged in the production of food products, the production of games and toys, etc.

Important! In 2017, for the deduction of insurance premiums for employees in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the maximum annual salary was determined - 876,000 rubles. If the salary of a hired worker for a year exceeds this indicator, then the individual entrepreneur pays only 10% of the resulting difference.

What should an individual entrepreneur do to avoid problems with regulatory authorities?

In conclusion, I would like to add that modern entrepreneur You need to take a very responsible approach to the issue of paying taxes and transferring insurance premiums. If an individual entrepreneur has employees, what taxes he needs to pay should be found out in a timely manner, in the regulatory authorities. It is important to transfer all the necessary funds within the time limits established by law. This will avoid penalties and other undesirable consequences.

Income tax is calculated on the actual income of employees for the month and is 13% for residents of the Russian Federation and 30% for non-residents of the Russian Federation. The income of an individual for the calculation of income tax can be expressed in any form: in cash, material and intangible.

The role of tax agents

Tax agents are any organizations or entrepreneurs that pay wages and other remuneration individuals. The tax agent, paying wages to employees, is obliged to calculate the amount of tax, withhold it and transfer it to the budget.

It must be remembered that according to, the tax agent must withhold personal income tax from the income of employees when they are actually paid. But at the time of the advance payment, income tax is not paid.

tax reduction

For this purpose, specially applied deductions are prescribed in the Tax Code:

  • standard (used in the presence of children of a certain age);
  • social (used in case of submission of documents for treatment or education);
  • property (used when purchasing housing).

The above deductions are issued to the IFTS or the employer on the basis of a notification issued by the tax authority. The deduction for children is provided at the request of the employer with the application of the necessary documents.

At the end of the year, reports are submitted.

Fund Contributions

Insurance agents monthly accrue contributions to off-budget funds on the payroll of their employees. This provides insured persons with the right to receive pensions, medical care, sick leave benefits, and maternity leave.

Companies and entrepreneurs pay contributions from own funds not at the expense of employees. Reporting on contributions to extrabudgetary funds is submitted quarterly and yearly.

Payroll taxes for employees

Personal income tax at a rate of 13% is paid by resident taxpayers, 30% by non-residents.

Insurance contributions to off-budget funds are accrued and transferred at the following rates:

  • in the Pension Fund - 22%
  • in the FSS - 2.9%
  • in FFOMS - 5.1%
  • for injuries - from 0.2 to 8.5%

At work with difficult working conditions, in underground work, in hot shops, women tractor typists, drivers of locomotive crews are provided with additional rates for insurance premiums.

Contribution rates are fixed in.

The main part of the contributions is deducted to the Federal Tax Service. Only contributions for injuries are sent to the FSS. It is necessary to use the new BCC for insurance premiums to off-budget funds of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory IP deductions in 2019

Under any taxation regime, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to make systematic deductions for himself. Often, an individual entrepreneur does not have an employer and there is no payroll, in which case fixed payments are calculated from income. The amount of contributions to the funds depends on the amount of income received.

Since 2018, the insurance burden of individual entrepreneurs has been decoupled from the minimum wage, and the amount of contributions has become fixed. C indicates the amount of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance (OPS) and compulsory health insurance (CHI) until 2020.

By general rule, individual entrepreneurs are required to pay insurance premiums to off-budget funds:

  • to own OPS and CHI;
  • for compulsory social insurance (OSS) of employees, if the entrepreneur has them.

Also, individual entrepreneurs can voluntarily pay insurance premiums for OSS for themselves if they want to receive benefits from the FSS (for example, maternity benefits, child benefits, temporary disability benefits). To do this, you need to independently register with the FSS. How to do this is described in the article "". The amount of insurance premiums that an individual entrepreneur needs to transfer to the FSS, if he enters into voluntary legal relations with him under OSS, in 2019 is 3,925.44 rubles.

The essence of risk is GPC agreements, which actually regulate labor Relations, can be retrained as labor (). There are a number of things that courts pay attention to, recognizing labor relations.

The consequence of the re-qualification of the contract is the accrual of arrears, fines, penalties, liability for violation of labor legislation and labor protection, etc.

Registration of employees as IP

This is another option to minimize employee costs. For example, if you take an IP on the simplified tax system "income", then the amount of payment of the actual salary will be 6%, you also need to take into account contributions to the OPS - 29,354 rubles. and contributions to compulsory medical insurance - 6,884 rubles. If IP income exceeds
300 000 rub. per year, then plus 1% of the excess amount is paid.

In order to save money, employers even compensate the necessary amounts within 6%, which is also beneficial for individual entrepreneurs - in fact, the entrepreneur receives the full amount. In this case, the IP employee is deprived of all the guarantees provided for by the Labor Code.

An agreement with an individual entrepreneur, as in the previous case, can be recognized as labor if it contains signs that the individual entrepreneur is in fact involved in manufacturing process performs the same duties every day on an equal footing with staff members, and also works at the location of the company and uses its equipment. Tax takes into account the totality of signs and testimony of witnesses. If it turns out that the company really “hid” labor relations in contracts with individual entrepreneurs, then the tax office will go to court, and then additional taxes will follow.

“Transfer” of employees to self-employed

This scheme became known as soon as the tax on professional income began to operate, which allowed people who work for themselves to become officially self-employed.

From January 1, 2019, those who registered as self-employed pay a tax of 4% on income from transactions with individuals and 6% on income from transactions with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Some employers have decided to transfer part of the employees to professional income tax payers, that is, to dismiss them and re-register relations with them using GPC agreements.

Employers realized that the benefit from this is quite large: they cease to be a tax agent for personal income tax in relation to an employee who has become self-employed, and get rid of the obligation to pay insurance premiums. Accordingly, no guarantees Labor Code they don't have to comply either. Self-employed employees are left without severance pay, paid leave and temporary disability benefits.

However, it should be noted that in addition to obvious signs that may indicate the real status of "self-employed" (for example, the daily presence in the office former employee and his use of a particular workplace), there are also provisions of the self-employed law itself. They point out that tax exemption and the use of a special regime in the form of a tax on professional income is possible no earlier than two years later.