Brilliant prospects for the environmental profession: dire visions of the future will lead to increased demand for environmentalists. Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of ecologist What does an environmental engineer do



dated 05.07.2017 No. 490


About the establishment of the title

"The best ecologist of the Don"

In order to encourage employees who have made a significant contribution to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in the Rostov region, the Government of the Rostov region decides:

1. Establish the title "The best ecologist of the Don".

2. Approve:

2.1. P appropriation clauseand the title of "The best ecologist of the Don" according to .

2.2. Description and drawing of the badge "The best ecologist of the Don" according to .

2.3. sample form and the diploma "The best ecologist of the Don" according to.

3. This resolution comes into force from the day of its official publication.

4. Execution control present decrees to lay on First Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region Goncharov V.G.


Rostov region V.Yu. Golubev

Decree introduces

ministry of natural

resources and ecology

Rostov region

Application No. 1

to the decision


Rostov region

dated 05.07.2017 No. 490


on awarding the title

"The best ecologist of the Don"

1. The title "The best environmentalist of the Don" (hereinafter referred to as the title) is established to encourage employees of organizations that have made a great contribution to environmental protection and rational nature management in the Rostov region,as well as those who contributedevelopment of environmental protection activities in the Rostov region.

The title "The best environmentalist of the Don" is awarded to the most distinguished workers,who have worked inin the field of environmental protection and rational nature managementRostov region for at least 10 years.

The title is awarded:

behind long-term and fruitful work in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management of the Rostov region;

behind outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management of the Rostov region;

behind training of qualified personnel in the field of environmental protection and rational nature management in the Rostov region.

2. The title "The best environmentalist of the Don" is awarded annuallyto the professional holiday - Ecologist's Day.

3. The following persons may apply for the title:

local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Rostov region;

organizations that have made a great contribution to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources in the Rostov region.

4. Local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Rostov region, organizations that have made a great contribution to environmental protection and rational nature management of the Rostov region, send a package of documents on awarding the title to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region:

a petition addressed to the Governor of the Rostov region;

reference lens on the title submitted for assignment, certified the signature of the head of the personnel department of the organization, who have made a great contribution to environmental protection and rational nature management of the Rostov region and the seal;

a description of the title presented for assignment, indicating specific merits, revealing his labor, social and other activities;

certificate of the main financial and economic performance of the legal entity for the last 3 years, including: the volume of production;
about the average number; the amount of the average monthly salary; the presence (absence) of overdue wage arrears; profitability; the amount of taxes paid; availability (absence) of debts on tax and other obligations, as well as on accrued but unpaid fines and penalties to the budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds.

Documents for awarding the title are submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region annually, up to March 10 of the current year. Start Information And about the deadline for accepting documents is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region not later than 30 days before the start of their intake.

5. Candidates proposed for conferring the title are considered at a meeting of the Commission for Awards and Incentives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region (hereinafter referred to as the Commission), the composition and procedure of which are approved by a legal act of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region. Based on the decision of the commission, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region prepares a draft order of the Government of the Rostov Region on conferring the title and submits it to the Government of the Rostov Region in the manner prescribed by the Regulations of the Government of the Rostov Region.

6. The number of award recipients can be no more than 10 people annually. Re-assignment of the title is not made.

7. Persons who have been awarded the title of "The Best Ecologist of the Don" are awarded a badge, a diploma signed by the Governor of the Rostov Region, certified by a seal. The badge "The best environmentalist of the Don" is worn on the right side of the chest.

8. The badge "The best environmentalist of the Don" is presented by the Governor of the Rostov Region or, on his behalf, by the First Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region, another official in a solemn atmosphere.

9. Information about citizens who have been awarded the title is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region within 10 calendar days from the date of adoption of the order of the Government of the Rostov Region.

10. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Rostov Region keeps a record of persons who have been awarded the title"The best ecologist of the Don".

Head of Department


Application No. 2

to the decision


Rostov region

dated 05.07.2017 No. 490


badge "The best ecologist of the Don"

1 . Description of the sign "The best ecologist of the Don"

Sign "The best ecologist of the Don"(hereinafter referred to as the Sign) made of metal (brass).

The badge is a figured cartouche of silver color, above which, in O at the head is the coat of arms of the Rostov region incolor image, superimposedon a golden wreath. On the cartouche there are silver capital letters BEST/ECOLOGIST/DON without quotation marks in three lines. The height of the sign is 34 mm, the width is 28 mm.

The reverse side of the Mark has no images. On the reverse side of the Badge there is a device for fastening to clothing. The sign consists of two overlaid parts and has a small spherical surface.

2. Figure z nak "The best ecologist of the Don"

Front side

Back side

Head of Department

documentation support

Government of the Rostov Region T.A. Rodionchenko

Application No. 3

to the decision


Rostov region

dated 05.07.2017 No. 490


Diploma "The best ecologist of the Don"

Head of Department

documentation support

Government of the Rostov Region T.A. Rodionchenko

The profession of an ecologist is associated with environmental protection for many. Actually this is not true. People of this profession are engaged in the study of the processes occurring in nature, and the complex relationships that exist in it. This science has a lot of branches and is closely related to other disciplines, such as biology and chemistry. And the process of nature protection is only a small particle of modern ecology. This profession, like any other, has not only its advantages, but also certain disadvantages that must be taken into account before starting to learn how to work in this direction.

Profession of the future

To date, professions related to ecology are not very in demand. But at the same time, there is an opinion that the demand for workers in this area will grow rapidly in the coming years.

An environmental technician is a specialist on whom quite a lot depends on the enterprise, since he:

  • engages in the introduction of low-waste and waste-free production;
  • controls the quality of raw materials;
  • takes an active part in the operation of complexes that are environmental protection;
  • ensures technological safety of production;
  • supervises production processes;
  • confirms the environmental safety of all projects.

Today, applicants who really would like to work in this area are repelled mainly by a relatively low salary, although the disadvantages of the profession do not end there. But first things first.

The profession of an ecologist will become quite relevant in a few years. That's why. Already today, no construction begins to develop without a positive conclusion of environmental expertise. Plus, the activities of any company should be controlled by an environmental technician.


The description of this profession looks quite lively and is attractive to those who love nature and everything connected with it. The only thing left to do is to graduate from high school. So, upon admission to this specialty, you will have to take subjects such as:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • biology.

But this list is not completely accurate. The subjects required for admission will depend on the profile. Today, finding a university that would train environmental specialists is quite simple. And before starting to study, the student can choose the most attractive discipline for himself, which will be the basic one. This aspect complements the advantages of this profession. Going through the possibilities, many future ecologists stop at a natural science or technical education.

But it will take a long time to learn. First, the student must graduate from a higher educational institution and receive a diploma of the relevant professional education, after which he will need to enroll in graduate school or doctoral studies. This is the only way to fully master the chosen profession. And in order for the salary to become higher, it is advisable to additionally undergo training within the framework of one or more international programs.


Now it's time to find out the pros and cons of the job. Is there career growth? So, an environmental technician or environmental engineer, after completing his many years of training, can be hired:

  • in one of the public services;
  • environmental organization;
  • to factory;
  • to a construction company
  • to the research laboratory;
  • into the eco-structure at a single object;
  • to the factory;
  • to control and oversight bodies.

As a rule, an environmental specialist begins his career as a technical assistant. After some time, when the young specialist supplements his knowledge with a certain practice, the position of the coordinator follows. At this point, the ecologist can choose for himself any particular direction. Further, the coordinator becomes a curator over several other coordinators.

If a specialist in this area is busy working in one of the commercial organizations, then in this case his salary will be slightly higher than at budget enterprises. However, here the amount of salary largely depends on his experience and qualifications.

Already today, the most tangible demand for environmentalists is observed at industrial enterprises, somewhat less - in design organizations. At the same time, each employer will require from a specialist in this field knowledge of thematic audit, certification and management, as well as the ability to navigate the legal framework. In addition, an ecologist must understand environmental regulations and standards, have deep knowledge in the field of biology, physics and chemistry, and know how the examination is carried out.

Equally important in this work is the ability to write reports and have an idea of ​​experience in the field of nature conservation. If the activity involves business trips, then the employer will certainly require knowledge of foreign languages.

What personal qualities are needed?

Having analyzed the pros and cons of working conditions, it would be useful to talk about what qualities it is desirable for a potential ecologist to have. Since in the process of activity this specialist will be faced with the need to challenge the opinions and actions of higher officials, he must be characterized not only by civil courage, but also by flexibility, diplomacy and, of course, stress resistance.

The position of an ecologist involves very painstaking work, which will be facilitated by internal discipline, scrupulousness and accuracy. A specialist in this field must have an analytical mindset and the ability to scientific activity. A true professional ecologist is always passionate about wildlife, he knows how to work both independently and in a team.

Advantages of the profession

Some of the advantages of this type of activity have been noted somewhat above. Let's talk about the advantages in more detail and find out if their list can surpass the disadvantages of the profession.

An environmentalist doesn't just get paid. As a result of his work, which is aimed solely at improving the state of the environment, the specialist acquires great moral satisfaction.

The demand for ecologists is growing inexorably, and soon professionals in this industry will be able to direct all their energy to doing a good deed, and nature will receive only undeniable advantages from this.

During training, many universities provide the opportunity to do an internship at work, which simplifies career growth and makes it somewhat faster.

A qualified specialist with sufficient work experience can count on a position with a very good salary and at the same time choose between the construction, energy and petrochemical industries.

We also write down the pluses that the ecologist is an international profession, which is already quite in demand abroad. And this is the expansion of horizons, acquaintance with a foreign culture and mentality, with different people and distant countries.

Disadvantages of the profession

The turn has come to highlight the cons. The salaries offered to specialists in this industry by most enterprises and organizations leave much to be desired. In addition, with rather meager earnings, the environmentalist is often forced to work in difficult conditions and endanger his own health. Often this is due to laboratory studies, during which various substances and reagents are used. On this, fortunately, the disadvantages of the profession end.

In fact, not everyone is able to decide to become a professional ecologist. It is enough to pay attention to the pros and cons. Someone on these lists highlights for themselves convincing arguments for refusing this kind of activity, but there are also those who, in spite of everything, strive to contribute to environmental protection.

Every year people think more and more about the world around them, its state, resources and their depletion, ecology and so on. The green world that past generations knew has sunk into oblivion for several decades now. All filled with plants, factories, woodworking concerns. There are more and more cars on the streets, more and more emissions and exhausts go into the atmosphere. More and more heavy metals are deposited in the lungs of people and animals. Further we go, worse it becomes. And so people began to think about the danger for they finally realized that they had to take care of it and do it wisely. This is what the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management has taken up. But the staff for him and some other organizations involved in the state of our environment are being prepared by universities. This direction is called "Ecology and nature management". Let's analyze the characteristics and functions of this direction and specialty.

Direction characteristic

"Ecology and nature management" is a specialty that prepares students in three areas. Namely: geoecology, nature management, ecology. The principle for all areas is related, and specialists can work in the future in the same conditions. As it became clear from the preface, the profession is really relevant. And, most importantly, at the moment there are not very many specialists in it. This creates the possibility of more extensive career research and career growth, provided that the business is really interesting for the student, and in the future for the graduate and potential employee. However, you will have to work not only in a cozy office chair. "Ecology and nature management" is a specialty that involves working in the field, frequent trips for measurements and taking samples for analysis. In any case, at the beginning of a career it will be just that.

What students are learning

The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region needs specialists who can do their job with high quality. It offers many internships, internships and even vacancies to future graduates of higher educational institutions. But in order to get there, you need to know the core subjects perfectly. And, of course, it is important to be able to apply knowledge in practice.

The Committee on Ecology and Nature Management identified the most important skills of specialists in this industry. These include: knowledge of the biological diversity of species in the controlled area, their requirements for living conditions; the ability to analyze, interpret the results of environmental studies; prediction in connection with certain man-made actions; knowledge of environmental economics; understanding of the principles of environmental monitoring; the ability to rationally organize the extraction and use of organic and natural resources.

Required skills and knowledge

The Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region assumes the work of experts in exact science. It is not a liberal arts major in most cases. The student and the specialist will have to do a lot of calculations of a global nature. Each such specialist in the group of workers will be given a great responsibility for the result of their analyzes, systematics and the verdict. The direction "Ecology and nature management" is positioned by universities as a research direction. This means that the applicant must be aware of the need to be able to work with numbers and formulas, and also, it is likely, to develop new methods of calculation, analysis, monitoring and other methods of research and actions to protect the environment. Far from all people possess the ability to withstand great responsibility, as well as the craving for calculations, especially such complex and large-scale ones.

Prospects of the direction

Everything in this world is currently “sick” with environmental friendliness. Sustainable food, sustainable production of clothing and household items, sustainable mining and mining. In almost all spheres of society, ecology took first place in importance. Few people living today do not realize the importance of preserving the environment in its original, clean form. And since this purity, in fact, is gone, we must do our best to return it. In any case, the next few decades, both commercial organizations and government projects, will not force graduates of the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management" to ask themselves: "Who should work?".

Career ladder

Learning means being able to move on, not stand in one place. And any self-respecting person will not work all his life without any promotions. Be it salary, professional duties, range of functions, and so on. Life is motion. So, ecologists are one of the few specialists who really have a clearly defined career hierarchy and the opportunity to move up it. Starting with various research groups, communities and laboratories, continue working in large concerns, leading global industries. For environmentalists there is a pleasant opportunity to take high-ranking positions in the government apparatus. It is the view of society on the acute problem that will help move in the right direction.

"Ecology and nature management": who to work

Nowadays, people go to study not at the call of their hearts, but according to the market situation and the demand for specialists. Therefore, the list of vacancies that you can get after graduation is always interesting. This is where the question arises: "I graduated with a degree in Ecology and Nature Management. Where can I go to work?". A burning question for many who are interested in this direction.

So, having received the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management", who can work? These are: an agroecologist, a bioecologist, a geoecologist, a hydroecologist, an ecologist, an environmental auditor, an environmental inspector, an environmentalist-user of natural resources, and, of course, the most obvious, a teacher of the studied disciplines. An agroecologist is engaged in research and protection of the rational use of water and air, and carries out a set of measures to protect them from pollution. Also, his duties include the study, protection of plants and animals in agriculture from various viruses, fungi and diseases.

Bioecologists carry out their activities mainly in laboratories and research centers. Their task is to study the components of the ecosystem and develop measures to maintain their balance.

Geoecologists accompany all construction works. Any construction must have the conclusion of this specialist. Firstly, he must determine how damaging the construction of a new facility will be for nature, and secondly, how the environment will react, what cataclysms and accidents can occur.

The profession of a hydroecologist is associated with reservoirs, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their biological component and the degree of safety in terms of pollution. Development of treatment facilities, regulatory documentation on the use of water resources, reports on the work done - that's what this specialist has to do.

An environmentalist and an environmental engineer are required at all plants and factories, as well as in organizations involved in the mining industry. All actions of market participants must comply with environmental regulations, not exceed the permissible levels of pollution and safety. It is up to the ecologist to keep track of all this.

Auditors and inspectors in the field of ecology work in inspection bodies, various sanitary and epidemiological stations, state control services, and statistical bodies. Their duty is to check the fulfillment of orders, to impose sanctions on entities that violate the standards.

Prestige and demand for the profession

What is a prestigious job in our society? It is unlikely that it includes a sales assistant and a staff accountant. There are too many of these specialists on the market now. But researchers, designers, auditors - that's another matter. But environmentalists, in essence, can be all of the above. The work of an ecologist requires extensive knowledge and skills, which already weeds out a large audience when entering this specialty. An extraordinary mind and the ability to see what others do not see - that's what prestige does. And most importantly, they pay a good salary for it. The small number of environmentalists makes them the most sought-after specialists in the world, where they are in dire need at the moment. This means that the search for a job by a professional will be much faster and easier.

The essence of the work

Depending on the place where the specialist will settle and on the activities of the employer, his duties will be as follows: conducting environmental assessments and monitoring, creating and maintaining an environmental database, developing an enterprise policy regarding environmental behavior, preparing programs and action plans for environmental protection environment, making proposals to legislative bodies, compiling reports on the environment, the implementation of regulatory plans, calculating the noise level in the allotted territory and premises, implementing and maintaining an internal management system in the region. Such specialists are especially needed at manufacturing enterprises to monitor compliance with environmental standards. Specialists without work experience can start working in various laboratories, research centers, expert groups.

Salary expectations

The most important and interesting part of the article for many readers is how much the work of such a specialist costs. Is it worth studying in this direction. So, an environmental engineer will receive around 50,000 rubles a month, an environmental project developer up to 70,000 rubles a month, an environmental engineer will be able to increase his budget every month by 100,000. agreement", which means that your price as a specialist will be told to you after the interview.

Ecologist (environmental engineer) - a specialist who analyzes the situation and develops measures to reduce existing and possible harm to nature. An ecologist identifies the causes of natural disasters and develops ways to reduce the impact of the human factor on the environment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

In the future, environmental issues will become increasingly important. In connection with the growth of the emission of harmful elements into the atmosphere, environmental problems are put in one of the first places. The demand for professional ecologists will increase, but the requirements for them will also increase. The profession of ecologist will become one of the most demanded and important.

Environmentalists are trying to understand and explain, for example, why lakes dry up or its inhabitants die. They study the state of the earth, water, air, as well as the degree of impact of industrial production on people, plants, and animals. Ecologists identify the degree of pollution, analyze the causes and make a forecast of the situation in the future.

Environmental engineers are faced with the development and approval of documents in state environmental protection bodies that justify the environmental safety of various projects and industrial production. Specialists in laboratories conduct research on the content of specific and major pollutants in the air of cities.

At the moment, qualified ecologists are needed to conduct examinations at the beginning of the construction of any residential buildings, factories, transport road facilities. Without a positive conclusion, none of the construction projects will start work. Moreover, each enterprise must conduct its activities under the close supervision of environmental engineers.

Studying the fundamentals of environmental management is especially important in connection with Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to adopt and implement international ISO standards in the countries that are members of the WTO, providing a unified global system of requirements for managing the quality of services and goods. One of the most important world standards is ISO 14000. The subject of this standard is the environmental management system (EMS), the application of which makes it possible to effectively combine the economic growth of the company's income with the preservation of a favorable environment. Knowledge of the ISO series standards and their implementation in the organization are mandatory requirements for future ecologists.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be able to freely understand environmental legislation, standards and regulations;
  • knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, processes taking place in the environment;
  • have an idea of ​​the procedure for conducting an environmental review;
  • know the methods of environmental monitoring;
  • have computer modeling skills;
  • understand foreign and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection;
  • be able to draw up the necessary reporting and documentation on environmental protection;
  • knowledge of a foreign language (for the possibility of business trips or work abroad).

Personal qualities

  • diplomacy, flexibility, civic courage (to challenge the actions of officials, authorities, government agencies);
  • internal discipline;
  • stress resistance;
  • scrupulousness, responsibility, accuracy;
  • accuracy (no mistakes allowed);
  • Analytical mind;
  • passion for wildlife, the ability to scientific creativity;
  • skill to work in team;
  • independence;
  • decency;
  • performance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • obtaining moral satisfaction from the work done, in connection with the receipt of wages through the improvement of the environment;
  • qualified environmentalists are popular among employers and this demand will grow;
  • university graduates already have some work experience due to the necessary internships in production, which contributes to the acquisition of useful contacts and recommendations (this will simplify and accelerate career growth);
  • an environmental engineer who has received the necessary qualifications can count on a fairly profitable job in the petrochemical, construction or energy industries;
  • the ecologist profession is international, which makes it possible to work abroad (this profession is in greater demand abroad than in Russia);
  • The work of an ecologist is quite interesting and involves business trips.


  • low salaries of environmentalists;
  • the ability to work in extreme conditions;
  • health hazard due to the need to work with harmful substances.

Place of work and career growth

Environmental graduates can start their careers in state structures (for example, Rostekhnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, etc.). In environmental protection organizations, at large enterprises, in municipal structures there is a staff unit ecologist.

A young specialist usually starts his career as a technical assistant. Later, he can become a coordinator and take on a certain direction. The next stage of career development may already be the supervision of several coordinators.

In commercial organizations, environmental specialists have higher wages, but the experience and qualifications of an environmental engineer are of great importance in the formation of wages.

The highest demand for an environmental specialist is in industrial enterprises. However, you can also get a job in a design organization that provides services to various factories and construction companies.

The main places of work of ecologists:

  • Research Laboratories;
  • Environmental structures in the enterprise;
  • State structures, bodies of control and supervision;
  • environmental organizations;
  • Construction companies;
  • Plants and factories.

Irek Zigantdinov is a professional in his field, he is an environmental engineer who initiated the construction of the DOM environmental center and the creator (together with a member of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Kurbanova Elvira) of the MIB business board game.

Back in 2007, Irek received the specialty "Environmental Engineer" at the Kazan State Power Engineering University, then entered the postgraduate course in the direction of "Production Ecology". In parallel with his studies at the university, he was also engaged in commercial activities in the field of ecology, namely the development of scientific and technical documentation. Everything was great, but Irek wanted to grow in terms of the effectiveness of his activities for the benefit of society and the state. As you know, thoughts materialize!

Participation in the Republican project "The Year of Water Protection Zones in the Republic of Tatarstan" as a coordinator on environmental issues revealed one obvious problem - many people are familiar with the term "Ecology", but they see its meaning only in the cleanliness of the environment from household waste. School-age children generally believe that ecology and natural history are synonymous. Thanks to the support of the public, Irek managed to initiate the construction of an environmental center "DOM" (Let's Open the World) for children in the territory of one of the parks in Kazan. The goal of the new institution was to maximize the education of children and their parents in environmental issues, which will make it possible to educate conscious citizens who are fighting for the preservation of the environment. In addition, we managed to create a business board game "MIB" (Minister Inspector Businessman), aimed at teaching players the legal foundations in the field of ecology.

We decided to learn from Irek not only all the specifics of his profession, but also what are the main difficulties he faces as an environmental engineer.

What kind of profession is this - an environmental engineer? What goals does he set, what does he do?

In the course of choosing my main specialty, I did not think for a long time, because. from the first grade, he participated in city and republican championships in ecology, where he repeatedly won prizes. The profession of an environmental engineer has a narrow direction, in particular, he must deal with the control of the purity of production and the prevention of environmental pollution. For example, at thermal power plants, complex metallurgical and chemical industries.

Who are you working with? Who is contacting you? Where are you in demand?

Specialists in my specialty are in demand in manufacturing enterprises. However, with experience, you begin to understand that in order to achieve a comprehensive result in preserving the purity of the environment, it is necessary to implement large-scale projects, not only at one production site.

What difficulties do you face in your work? What do you need to be prepared for?

Most often, during the implementation of projects in the field of ecology, I encounter the so-called administrative barrier. Established rules in public institutions make it difficult to accept new ideas and strategies, which are often generated on the basis of acquired practical knowledge.

However, if you live by your brainchild, then you should never give up and you should always confidently move towards your goal!

What is the most interesting thing in your work?

The most interesting thing is the variety of activities in which a person increases his professional knowledge and expands his consciousness.

Was it difficult to master your profession? What kind of education do you need to get for this? Where to go to study?

The specialty "Environmental Engineer" can be obtained at any technical university. Learning is easy for everyone who knows exactly why he gets this or that profession. The peculiarity of this specialty is that you simultaneously master both the humanities and technical sciences, develop both the left and right hemispheres. Do you need any special qualities and skills for a person who has decided to become a specialist in this field?

You just need to love your native land, region, region and country! Where can graduate environmental engineers start their careers?

Environmental engineers are in demand at manufacturing enterprises. More often, a reference to a specific enterprise is given at a university.

Is this profession popular in Russia when compared with other countries?

No, the popularity of this specialty in foreign countries is much higher. Experts give an adequate assessment - the consciousness of society and the state in European countries and Western countries is focused on favorable ecology and cleanliness of the environment.

What do you need at work? What are the costs of the profession?

In work, one of the most important tools is time and the relevance of knowledge. Everything must be done in a timely manner and always take care of improving your professional skills.

How do you see your profession in the future?

It's hard for me to answer this question. The future is a very broad concept. I can say one thing, I wish all holders of the profession "Ecologist", "Environmental Engineer", and indeed young specialists of any specialty, to set large, global tasks. We all have the same goal - to improve the quality of life.

The profession of an ecologist is interesting and multifaceted. As with choosing any other specialty, it requires perseverance and patience to obtain qualifications and a prestigious position. By his example, Irek showed how important this profession is and how much everyone can do for the benefit of society and the environment. Today, Irek continues to work on his new project, which will save not only the ecosystem, but also personal savings for anyone who wants it, but that's another story.