Pregnant photoshoot ero vk. An interesting idea for a photo shoot of pregnant nudes

At first I wanted to write that this article is for the brave. Brave people who follow their hearts and are not afraid of public censure. But then I thought, this is an article for normal creative people. For people who are not alien to art, for whom beauty and naturalness come first.

Yes, this art is not for everyone. Not everyone understands and shares it, although practically no one passed by Virsavia Bryulova or Beauty Kustodieva in the Tretyakov Gallery. Or, let's say, a completely classic, presented in the Hermitage - Rembrandt's Danae.

You can discuss for a long time whether you like these pictures or not, this is everyone's business, but this does not cause indignation, and even more shame, in no one. Because it really is art. And photography is an art. Of course, it would be foolish now to compare oneself with such great masters, although one should always strive for the highest mastery.

Pregnancy is a special state and it is very important to show it beautifully and tenderly in photographs.

And of course there are many features. I communicate with many pregnant women before a photo shoot and most are upset that wrinkles have appeared, maybe stretch marks, somewhere overweight, the breasts change shape. They look at the perfect figures on various sites and think that they will not succeed.

This is a big, just a huge delusion. The misconception is that all sample photos are ideal people. I would say that this is the ideal work of a photographer and retoucher. Make it so that, without changing you beyond recognition, at the same time remove all the flaws and emphasize all the advantages. It's work, big work. Moreover, the work is not only a photographer, but also yours at a photo shoot.

A nude maternity photo session is one of the most difficult genres of photography. It requires precisely the skill of working with light, knowledge of the structure of the human body, the features of light reflection. Work experience matters a lot. Experience of working not only with light, but also with you, with expectant mothers. How to remove tightness and constraint, how to make a photo session interesting and easy, it comes only with experience. With an understanding of psychology, we understand the state in which the expectant mother is. It makes me want to say “we have it”. And we will be happy to share with you all the necessary information, tell you how to prepare for shooting, discuss the details and accessories, so that you get really professional photos, his piece of true art.

Pregnancy is a time when you and your body are completely changing, rebuilding to new mode, new wave live in expectation of a miracle. After the birth of a child, you will remember this period with great warmth. And to make your memories more colorful, arrange.

Professional photographer will make wonderful artistic pictures, show your beauty in the best angles, feel your mood and reflect it in photographs.

In photographs of pregnant women, the main angle is on the tummy. If you want to capture it for a long memory, for a photo shoot you should choose light clothes, airy dresses made of flowing material, beautiful underwear, peignoirs, or you can just pick up a beautiful fabric that will wrap around your chest, showing your tummy.

Future mothers also want to have a nude pregnancy photo session, which looks very reverent and tender. It's no secret that during pregnancy all forms are rounded, and a woman wants to remember these impressions.

It is best to conduct such a photo session in or at home, so that the woman is comfortable, warm and cozy.

Portfolio of photos of pregnant women in the Nude style from Lilia Savitskaya

The best poses for a pregnancy photo shoot, including nudes

1. In profile. So, of course, the tummy and rounded shapes are best seen. The number of clothes is better to choose the minimum. It will be enough underwear, and on the chest you can tie a piece of silky fabric that will develop. You will get very gentle and at the same time spectacular shots.

2. Flying gait. You can capture the expectant mother in motion when she walks at a leisurely pace. It will be beautiful if a woman wraps herself in a transparent robe that develops as she walks. You can stand up on your toes, creating a feeling of flight.

3. Three-quarter view. In this perspective, both the tummy and the mother beaming with happiness are equally favorably viewed.

4. Sitting posture, bending your legs under you and wrapping your arms around your stomach. All the beauty of the female body will manifest itself in this position, and the main focus will be on the rounded tummy.

5. Reclining. Leaning on pillows, in an easy chair or on a sofa, having gone into your thoughts and feelings. This is how a pregnant woman seems to everyone - calm, relaxed, happy, living in quivering expectation.

6. Lying down is the simplest and at the same time the most comfortable position for a pregnant woman. You can bend your knees, stretch your arms or spread them on the bed, or put them under your cheeks. All this will look cute and natural. The photographer can take pictures both from the side and from above.

7. Sitting, the photo is taken from above. Here the emphasis is not so much on the tummy, but on the radiant face of mommy. And the tummy is a kind of background and justification for the happiness experienced. Mom's eyes, her smile, the light emanating from her are depicted.

8. Close-up tummy. You can stroke the tummy, talk to him. Perhaps the baby will answer you - he will push. Then you get really unique photos. You can also attach tiny booties to the tummy, tie a ribbon around the stomach, make a touching inscription on it with natural paints.

Bringing to life different ideas of a pregnancy photo shoot, you will not regret it. Try nude photoshoot, different looks and styles. After all, this time in a woman's life flies by quickly, but you want to remember it for a long time. Entrust a professional photo session of your pregnancy to an experienced photographer and enjoy the beauty of your body and warm memories years later.

All photos on this page are taken by myself. For privacy reasons, I can't post most of the photos. I will be glad if you choose me as your nude pregnancy photographer in Moscow.

The vast majority of pregnant women photograph themselves naked every week to monitor the growth of the tummy. But this story can be left for cozy evening gatherings with the whole family. After all, if the pictures came to us, it means that simple pictures in profile weren’t enough here. Despite the delicate situation, the girls remain hungry females in search of something to plug their ever-growing hole. Photos of naked pregnant women will show how far desperate housewives on maternity leave can go to satisfy their desire.

Rounded tummies do not at all prevent the heifers from getting truly heavenly pleasure in a hellish way. Girls are no longer afraid to get pregnant, so they let any guy they like into their bosom with absolutely no protection. No gum will rub and the nymphs will be able to fuck crazy guys, to their delight. Photos of naked pregnant women cause a storm of inexplicable emotions, since spying on a pregnant girl is a mysterious and exciting thing, then everyone can find something of their own here. But leaving unsatisfied after viewing the pictures is unlikely to succeed.

Below are seven good, fun, creative and touching photography ideas. In some cases, Photoshop skills will be required, in others, a little preparation, planning and a couple of minutes of filming.

1. Reflection

The first three shooting options were performed in the "before and after" type. Therefore, here you need to plan one or more shoots during pregnancy, and then arrange a photo shoot after the baby is born. The results are definitely worth it!

A photo with a reflection is the easiest of the options. All you need is a little Photoshop proficiency and a reflective surface in the studio.

2. Basic form "before and after"

Before and after. Photo by: Mick Fuhrimann

This is a classic option, but it is not implemented as often, because such a shooting requires time and planning of details. During the second shoot, keep the first photo with you to match the model's pose and expression as closely as possible. This way you can achieve the best effect.

3. Time lapse time-lapse photography

Author of the photo: Igor Koshelev

The last kind of "before and after" shooting will require the most effort. You need to plan several shoots during pregnancy, and then even after the birth of the child. If you try, it will turn out beautiful and touching.

Again, pay attention to the staging. Try to tell a story, it will make the image much more captivating. In addition, subdued lighting and a little post-processing will help to achieve excellent results.

4. Baby is loading...

Loading. Photo credit: Marco Ciofalo Digispace

5. Soaring Mom

Small yellow ball. Photo by: Charles Brooks

If your Photoshop skills allow, add some fun, like Charles Brooks did, by imagining a pregnant woman like a balloon in danger of flying away. The couple in the photo are musicians, so they are with instruments, which makes the shot distinctive, but such props are not at all necessary.

6. Fun with animals

Baby sound ;-) Photo by Sasha Werner

Using animals in the frame, you can make a variety of curious pictures. For example, capture the moment when a furry pet sees a baby for the first time. It is even more interesting to take a photo before the baby arrives, for example, in the picture above, the dog seems to be listening to what is happening in his mother's stomach.

7. Phone game

Memories. Author of the photo: Ivan Gevard

Simple and very a good idea for shooting. Through a makeshift telephone line, one of the children can talk to the baby. If there is no brother or sister, let mom or dad talk.

Another idea: Bicycle pump

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