Deciphering the prophecy of the Rothschilds for the year. The Economist cover transcript: religions will die, the Third Sun will appear, the Ruriks will return and the messiah will come

The Economist is an English-language weekly news magazine. Published in Great Britain since 1843. More than half of the circulation is sold in North America. Due to its global orientation, it is not considered an exclusive English edition. Owned by the Agnelli and Rothschild families. Journal editor John Micklethwaite, a frequent guest at Bilderberg conferences, which entitles him to receive insider information hidden from the media and the common people.

In November, The Economist publishes its annual cover with predictions for the following year. Knowing who owns this publication, and that the editors of the magazine have a pass to closed club meetings of a political direction, one can draw some conclusions about the plans of the world government. They love various signs, symbols, puzzles, gestures - well, let's use their weakness.

So, by 2017, there was a new cover of The Economist, which depicts tarot cards, with rather interesting illustrations. Let's decipher this work of art:

"The Tower" - "Tower"

  • By tarot cards- symbolizes the complete collapse, the destruction of the foundation that existed before this.
  • The Economist- The message is more than clear - a revolution in Russia, which many are waiting for in 2017, and the collapse of the state on the principle of the USSR. Judging by the map, the revolution will be carried out by leaders from outside, along religious and national lines. Alternative: a revolution in the post-Soviet space and a religious revolution in Europe due to the influx of Muslim refugees. The white leaf on the door is a revolution scenario that will be implemented with the help of the media.

"Judgment" - "Court"

  • By tarot cards- Despite the name, it symbolizes changes, both negative and positive.
  • The Economist- The newly elected president of America will change the course of US policy. He completely subjugated Europe and covered Russia, possibly China, etc. with his influence.

"The World" - "World"

  • By tarot cards- symbolizes the victory of man over material weaknesses.
  • The Economist- perhaps this card is not for you and me, but for secret societies. Various architecture points to Freemasons (Masons). The pyramid is the vertical of power. Theatrical masks - all life is theater / stealth. Books - knowledge (open and closed). A portrait (personality) close to the sun with rays (god, or the eye of Lucifer) is a person with the power of a god (masons of the highest degrees strive for this). 32 sectors created by the rays + the sun = 33 (all Masons strive to reach the 33rd degree - this is practically the goal of their life).

"The Hermit" - "The Hermit"

  • By tarot cards- A clairvoyant sage with a staff of knowledge.
  • The Economist- we are talking about the plans of the Council of 13 (the world's ruling elite). With the help of mass discontent, will cease to exist (STOP and NO flags are not crossed out): TTIP (crossed out flag) - Transatlantic trade and investment partnership; TPP (crossed flag) - Trans-Pacific Partnership; EU (crossed flag) - European Union. On the world map - China is separated by lightning - we are waiting for changes in this country. In the background are the pyramids, the moon and six stars.

"Death" - "Death"

  • By tarot cards- Inevitability, death.
  • The Economist- Death on a white horse - under the guise of a just cause, murders will be committed (it can also symbolize the rider of the apocalypse). Mosquitoes (the demon Beelzebub - the lord of flies) - these are our thoughts - propaganda will bring death. Dead fish in blue water - the lack of spirituality of both people and the ruling elites. Bloody (red) sun - global cataclysms. Nuclear mushroom - according to some predictions, the Third is planned for 2017 World War. Ten stones (gold coins) and three bushes - for a total of 13 - indicate Council 13. The stones also look like tombstones, and the flowers (a sign of spirituality) have withered.

"The Magician" - "The Magician"

  • By tarot cards- guides the way to the fulfillment of desires. Encourages action. The exaltation of the individual.
  • The Economist- Endless propaganda: how to live and think, what to do and get involved in, what to buy and wear. The letters VR on the glasses indicate that a kind of virtual life is being created for people, where the plot is already written, but the ruling elite of the states, which, in the eyes of the common people, is considered a saint, did not escape this fate (a halo in the background). 3D - people are clones, with the same needs and thinking (the era of consumption is artificially created)

"Wheel of Fortune" - "Wheel of Fortune"

  • By tarot cards- Fate. Ups and downs.
  • The Economist- above the ballot boxes the wheel of fate. Moreover, a wheel with a handle - which makes it clear the principle of its rotation - someone starts the wheel and stops it wherever he wants. Tied to the wheel are Marine Le Pen (France), Angela Merkel (Germany) and Geert Wilders (Netherlands). Marine Le Pen is on the rise, the sun is shining above her, or rather even the moon, hinting at the one who is spinning the wheel; Angela Merkel - on the descent, lightning strikes her, which indicates a loss of power; Geert Wilders - soon to be raised.

"The Star" - "Star"

  • By tarot cards- Hope for the best, for spiritual liberation.
  • The Economist- who are all these people? - although it doesn't matter. The card itself indicates the hope of being spiritually liberated in the Luciferian system. A burning comet is a harbinger of the apocalypse, or the Wormwood Star.

“The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water. The name of this star is "wormwood"; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” (From the Revelation of John the Theologian)

Thirteen people in the stars, this is the system in the face of the Council of 13. The fourteenth star is I (or you), which has the hope of spiritual liberation. Ten small white stars - a meaning related to the symbolism of Freemasonry.


  1. Only five colors are used in the drawings, yellow and blue are dominant, which is not fully characteristic of Rider-Waite tarot cards (perhaps a hint of the flag of Ukraine).
  2. The cards "Court" and "Star" tend to be turned over, and the inverted card has the opposite meaning: "Court" (to the right, with benefit, or left-hand rotation, which will have a different meaning - destruction) - loss of influence; "Star" (to the left, destructive, or right-hand rotation, which will have a different meaning - creation) - the loss of a chance for spiritual liberation (to get bogged down in matter). It can be assumed that these cards indicate uncertainty, unpredictability.

The Economist took the Rider-Waite tarot cards as the basis.

The Rider-Waite Tarot is one of the most popular tarot deck designs. Developed in 1910 by Arthur Edward Waite, a famous researcher of Freemasonry, Kabbalah and mystical teachings, a prominent member of the Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Golden Dawn is a magical order, which is an occult organization that operated in Great Britain during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, practicing theurgy, magic, alchemy and encouraging the spiritual development of its adherents. Produced one of the most powerful influences on Western occultism of the 20th century.

The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Winnie Westcott and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of the English Rosicrucian Society. Westcott is considered to be the originator of the original idea for the Golden Dawn.

The drawings of the maps were made under the direction of Waite by Pamela Colman-Smith, an English artist of American origin, also a member of the order. The first publisher of the deck was William Ryder (London), thus the deck was named after the names of the publisher and the main author. The author's explanation of the symbolism and interpretation of the cards of the deck is presented in the work of Arthur Waite "The Illustrated Key to the Tarot".

The magazine is considered the global mouthpiece of the Rothschilds, the planet's oldest financial clan. Every week it is published in different languages ​​around the world with a circulation of about 2 million copies.

The Rothschilds have a 75.42% stake in A edition. 100% of the shares in B - the regulars of the Bilderberg club, the famous Italian Agnelli family (the largest shareholder of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Ferrari, actually controls the brands Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Ferrari, Jeep, Lancia, Maserati, etc., the owner of the Juventus football club " and much more.)

The Economist is known for the hidden subtext for the elite, all sorts of symbols and the traditional encrypted cover at the end of November about the events of the coming year. Many perceive it as a political prophecy and at the same time a plan of action for the world elites.

Usually on the "cover of the year" there are world leaders, other iconic personalities and symbols. For example, in the Mir 2015 collage, a helicopter was circling in front of Putin, and below the boy was carrying the plane under the feet of the President of the Russian Federation ... Why would that be?

World in 2015

In the summer of 2015, under pressure from the United States, France actually terminated the contract on the construction of two helicopter carriers for the Russian Navy, and in the fall, terrorists blew up our A 321 liner in the Egyptian sky. All 224 people on board died. Here's a harmless picture...

On the cover of World 2016, British Prime Minister Cameron looked puzzled in the opposite direction from the world elite.

World in 2016

In the summer after Brexit, he actually resigned. Although few believed that Britain would leave the EU.

These are the strange “prophecies” of the magazine…

Trump Trump!

This time, however, The Economist came up with a surprise. Instead of the usual figures of world politicians, he brought to the cover of the issue "The World in 2017" ... 8 occult Tarot cards. Accompanied by a catchy inscription "Planet Trump". One of the trump cards depicts the new US president himself. Sitting on the globe. On the American flag. By the way, Trump in translation from English - Trump!

And the entire issue of The Economist "The World in 2017" is completely devoted to forecasts in the field of politics, economics, finance, science, technology, medicine, art. The authors are well-known experts, journalists of the publication.

World in 2017

Analysis of experts from the Institute for Scientific Research of the Third Millennium Ilya and Yuri Belousov.

Yuri, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" can also be written down as a prophet. Back in April, we published the article “The Rothschilds will cover America with Trump!”. In November, immediately after the elections, they stated: "The Rothschilds still covered America and the planet with Trump." You see, The Economist confirms this with the inscription on the cover - "Trump's Planet." This is not a statement, but a question.

Where is the question mark?

It is difficult for a reader uninitiated in symbolism to interpret this mystical cover. Therefore, first I will explain what tarot cards are.

Their history is very complicated. They came from the East, as evidenced by historical sources. At first they were purely playful. But in the 16th century, a documented tradition of divination appears. That was the era of the famous prophet Michel Nostradamus, a surge of unprecedented interest in predictions. In 1994, a manuscript with sketches of the Tarot cards "Nostradamus Vatinicia Code" was found in the National Library in Rome. Dated 1629. The soothsayer's son Cesar gave it to Cardinal Matteo Barberini, the future Pope Urban VIII. So it seems that Nostradamus himself had a hand in these cards.

The lasso "Wheel of Fortune" in the 1629 manuscript "Nostradamus Vatinicia Code".

In The Economist magazine, this lasso is the key.

In total, there are 78 cards in the deck, they are called arcana (sacrament). 22 seniors. On the cover of the magazine, only high cards. Trumps, or, in English, Trumps.

In order to correctly decipher the cover, it is important to understand what type of question it is trying to answer and compare it with a typical layout. There are a lot of them, each stands for its own unique way. In the case of The Economist, it looks like we are dealing with a rare Yes-No Oracle spread (two rows of four cards). Here you need to write down the question or problem on a piece of paper, formulated so that the answer is “yes” or “no”.

So, the inscription "Planet Trump" on the paper cover means the question - will the new US president determine world politics, economics or not?

The first position gives the answer "yes". The second one is "soon". The third is "obstacle". The fourth one is "no". On the cover of "Wheel of Fortune" hit the third position. This means that there will be serious obstacles in the way of Trump that he needs to overcome. Since the Major Arcana is in the layout, the situation is in the hands of Fate, and not the new US president.

It is curious that in the case of purchasing the "prophetic issue" of the magazine through the AppStore mobile applications, there is no inscription "Planet Trump" on the cover. And on the trump card, instead of Donald Trump, the eagle, the symbol of the US Federal Reserve, sits on the globe!

The same Fed, the owner of the Dollar, the body of the world's bankers? These globalist financiers were betting on Hillary Clinton.

Another point is important. The cover features some scenes from Arthur Edward Waite's popular tarot deck. It was created in 1910. Just that year, a group of large international bankers secretly agreed to create the Fed.

So what is a more global question that interests the "world behind the scenes" - who will win? Trump or the Fed?

Interpretation of political prophecy

"Planet Trump"

1. Map "Tower"

A prototype of Babylon. In the Middle Ages, the lasso was depicted in much the same way:

a tower with a crown burning under a lightning strike. The destruction of the Tower is an event long overdue, but bearing a revolutionary character. On one side of the Tower, the crowd carries a banner with a hammer and sickle, on the other, the crowd raised a crucifix. In 2017, when Trump's planet rises, the world will celebrate two important dates: the 500th anniversary of the Reformation of the Catholic Church and the 100th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. The leaflets on the door of the Tower are a reference to Martin Luther's 95 protest theses against the Pope, which he attached to the doors of the Castle Church in Saxony. This was the beginning of the Reformation, which gave rise to Protestantism popular with the Anglo-Saxons. The plot speaks of the destruction of the old ideological system of liberalism. It was represented by the Obama bloc, Clinton, Kerry and others. The destruction of the Tower has its reasons. The problems that once caused the Reformation and the October Revolution are still manifest today. This is the rejection of Western elites from Christian values, the distance from the social aspirations of the people. It was the protest vote for Brexit and Trump that led to the decline of liberalism on both sides of the Atlantic, writes the editor-in-chief of the magazine, a member of the Bilderberg Club in the article "Trump's Planet".

Inequality is growing. In the US in 1979, the top 1% earned 8% of income, and in 2007 it was already 17%. Globalization has thrown millions of people below the poverty line, giving rise to uncontrolled migration. It is difficult for liberals to preserve the remnants of capitalism, socialist ideas are back in force, the authors of the "prophetic issue" of the magazine believe.

There is panic in the ranks of the liberals, the world is plunging into an epoch-making crisis. But a new ideology has not yet emerged in society. The Hermit card on the opposite side indicates the state of the search. For our country, the "Tower" also means the weakening of the clan of liberals, people from the Yeltsin 90s (Chubais, Shuvalov, etc.). However, there is still no new ideological system in Russia either.

2. "Death"

Its location below the "Tower" reinforces the destructive idea. But, oddly enough, the card is positive. It means the end of the old world and the beginning of a new one. The map does not give us any choice - everything old will be destroyed, and we must part with it without regret.

The atomic "mushroom" on the map means the escalation of the nuclear confrontation. The magazine considers Russia, North Korea and ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation) to be the main centers of risk. However, the probability of a nuclear strike is extremely small. On the map, this is just the entourage of the modernized image of the “ten plagues of Egypt”, it has a purely symbolic meaning.

The number 13, corresponding to the number of this Tarot card, hints at the impending death of not only the political system, but also the economic one. It is represented by financier bankers led by the conditional Rockefellers, the US Federal Reserve.

13 is the key number on the US Fed dollar bill. The eagle has 13 arrows on the dollar, 13 leaves and 13 olives on the olive branch. Above the eagle's head are 13 stars in a blue cloud. On his chest is a shield with 13 red and white stripes. The pyramid has 13 brick levels. There are 13 bunches of grass nearby. The US Federal Reserve was founded in 1913.

Trump has already announced the need for an audit of the Fed. He will make an attempt to weaken this structure. However, it is not possible to dismiss the head of the US Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, until 2018. In law. To gain control of the Fed, he needs to gradually replace several more members of the Board of Governors as their powers expire.

In the most radical scenario, Trump may try to nationalize the Fed, which acts as the Central Bank in the United States. It is believed that the late John F. Kennedy had such an idea. Now the shareholders of the US Federal Reserve, unlike most other countries, are private banks. But the main questions for Trump are: “Is it possible to abandon the Obama legacy and zero out the US national debt, start controlling the Fed?”

Trump has already spoken in the spirit that playing with debts is his favorite thing, and he is ready to repay the public debt only at a discount. Many countries after that began to urgently get rid of US bonds, "dropping" the debt market, the US debt has already been priced at a discount. Trump probably wants this process to continue. Then the US will be able to start buying back its own debts for next to nothing.

As for the Fed, its assets consist of $1.7 trillion in purchased mortgage debt guaranteed by the infamous FannieMae, FreddieMac and GinnieMae. The net assets and market capitalization of these companies are junk. It is unlikely that the Fed will get something from this. The other part of the assets of 2.5 trillion US dollars is the US public debt, the value of which is now falling. There is nothing more. US dollars are not backed by anything, and the American economy too (this is another myth).

Can the Fed go bankrupt? On the one hand, no (many experts agree with this): after all, he can always issue as much money as he likes. And no, you can't file a claim. On the other hand, yes! First, issuing money will only temporarily close the hole. Second, issuing trillions of US dollars could also lead to collapse. Thirdly, many remember the crisis of the Irish financial system in 2009. And as it happens in Russia, there is no need to remind.

So, Trump has problems with 20 trillion US dollars of public debt and over 4 trillion in the face of the US Federal Reserve. Not to mention pension funds, there are still many trillions. The US annual budget is only 3.5 trillion and it is deeply in deficit. This means that debts will never be repaid. To start with a clean slate, Trump needs to collapse the debt market and write off all the problems on the Democrats. Most likely, he will do so. And after that it will be possible to nationalize the US Federal Reserve.

For our country, the weakening of the "bankers" is the weakening of the Gaidar school of economics, Kudrin, Nabiullina. Ulyukaev has already become the first victim.

3. "Court"

The map reflects the opportunities that await the world in 2017 with the rise of Trump. He sits on the flag of the United States and on the territory of the United States, in the hands of an orb and a scepter, which is a reflection of his great American ambitions.

Usually this card depicts the Last Judgment and the resurrection from the dead. The Economist made Trump the judge.

Trump is an economic nationalist. I am convinced that free trade is killing the American economy. It calls into question the obligations of the United States towards allies, calls for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico, imposing heavy duties on Chinese goods, and banning the entry of Islamic emigrants. All this is unusually radical for America. The US liberal elites are waiting for the Last Judgment in the face of Trump.

The fall of the "Court" card in the layout usually means the successful completion of the crisis. However, the map is tilted. This means that Trump's position is rather precarious. He will have to wage a difficult struggle with the clan of liberals and bankers. Does he have the political will? Will he finally fall into nationalism? These are the questions that plague the Rothschilds. There will be little left of the former pre-election bravado, TheEconomist believes. Trump will have to negotiate with the world's elites. And if not?

Oh, it's not for nothing that the card "Death" is included in the layout ... History knows a tragic example of conflicts between the US elites. President John F. Kennedy, who sought to take away the Fed's monopoly on printing dollars, was assassinated in 1963. In 2017, 3,063 Kennedy assassination documents will be declassified, the magazine hints.

The map is not upside down. This means that Trump is still implementing a number of his initiatives. It will nullify most of Obama's projects, including Obamacare, in the field of global warming and, possibly, the deal on the Iranian nuclear program. Will withdraw from many international trade agreements and try to roll back the "color revolutions" that carry democracy around the world by force of arms.

For Russia, Trump is an opportunity to become a partner of the US, the EU, etc. However, do not forget that Trump still wants to make America the first. He will resolutely raise the national oil industry. In addition, high US dollar rates mean a strong dollar and low oil prices. What is unprofitable for Russia.

4. "Mage"

Card number 1 of the major arcana (trump cards). In the Middle Ages, an alchemist in a mantle was painted on it. Map adapted to modern world. Instead of FOUR alchemical items (ring, amulet, helmet, gloves), a 3D printer is depicted that printed FOUR residential buildings. Above the head of the magician is the symbol of infinity in the form of an inverted figure eight. Mage is a magician. The whole situation is under his control. Unlike the "judge" Trump, he is in balance and manages the situation after the fact, and not visibly. The magician transforms the world for himself.

The map shows the huge opportunities that have opened up. "Mage" strengthens the card "Judgment"! And the "Tower" gives us a clear understanding that the countdown has begun. Together with the rest of the layout cards, we see the entire disposition: when events begin, how they will proceed, what consequences they will have. All this directly concerns our immediate future.

From the point of view of numerology, the unit is the beginning, the center of the world. And in this center of the world, in the role of a magician, the Rothschilds have not Trump, but, apparently, they themselves. Almost the same as if in a puppet theater a man from behind a curtain controls his puppet.

And the image of a magician with a halo in the face of Divine glory looks quite defiant. Usually only saints are depicted this way. However, history knows cases when the use of this symbol was quite free.

In our opinion, with a halo, the magazine's artist reinforces the overall picture of the possibilities that are opening up, considering them so limitless that the line between the human and the Divine becomes very narrow. This state of affairs inevitably coexists with "Death", the card next door to the left. The destruction of the Tower of Babel on the first map also reminds us that this happened at the very moment when a person wanted to reach out to God.

5. "Peace"

The map is located to the right of Trump, indicating a change in public consciousness in a new era. The magazine emphasizes that the world must remain united and at the same time multicultural.

A very positive card. "Peace" - ending life cycle, pause before the start of the next big cycle, contentment. The map, despite all the temporary difficulties indicated above, promises bright hopes for the future. The Star card also testifies to this in the layout. We see the expressed genesis of the situation from left to right. From the point of view of the plot, the map displays three civilizations: Ancient Eastern (Egypt), Greco-Roman (Antiquity) and Medieval Western (Christian). This is expressed in religious architectural symbols: a pyramid, an ancient temple and a Christian temple with a dome.

No less symbolic on this map is the unity of secular culture: theater, painting, literature - a reflection of the types of social consciousness in the epochs passed by man. Everything is closed by a single arch and displayed in the radiant sun.

The continents are also artificially merged together by the artist. Probably, the Rothschilds see the future model of the world as divided into five poles (according to the number of symbols of worldly culture):

North American Union (expanded to simply American);

European Union;

Eurasian Union(based on the Eurasian Economic Community, including India and China);

ASEAN (possibly including Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand);

LAS + AU (Arab and African states).

Today, the share of the US economy in the world economy has fallen from the post-war 50% to about 20%. The United States is neither economically nor ideologically pulling the role of hegemon. These five poles, in terms of the number of images in the sky on the World map, would correspond to the balance of power in the world. The five poles will be united, in turn, by a single UN-based treaty. This is evidenced by the Sun, embracing all the symbols on the map with its rays.

Arcana 21 "Peace" - the last of the trump cards of the Tarot. He completes the series, is the crown of magic, a prophetic number. 21 is three times seven. Three and seven are sacred numbers. Suffice it to recall the number of their uses in the Bible and the role they play in religions. The most prophetic meaning of the collage is contained in this lasso.

For Russia, this is an opportunity to become a more significant regional political leader and a full-fledged player on the world stage. Vladimir Putin will bask in the attention of Mr. Trump, will try to increase his foreign policy influence, the magazine believes.

6. "Wheel of Fortune"

Traditionally, the map depicts a wheel and figures of people. If the figure goes up, this is to prosperity, down - to poverty. And the poor man lies down in the mud. Here, next to the wheel, flags are depicted, and we can clearly see the figures. From the left, the Frenchwoman Marine Le Pen rises up - her ratings will grow ("I will rule"). Angela Merkel goes down from the right. Her ratings will drop ("I ruled before"). For added effect, Merkel's figure is pierced by lightning.

Below, Dutch MP Geert Wilders, with strong anti-Islamist views, dreams of becoming Prime Minister and destroying the European Union. As you can see, the magazine is full of pessimism on this score. ("I have never ruled and never will").

Even lower are the ballot boxes - in these countries elections will be held in 2017. All figures are tied hand and foot. They do not decide the fate of the world, but the magician located next door. 4 cards out of 8 in the collage promise us change. But the "Wheel of Fortune" is, first of all, unexpected changes. And here we again remember Trump, whose victory was a big surprise. Like Brexit in England. The trend, as they say, is obvious. This means that the outcome of the elections in these three countries will bring new surprises!

In our opinion, this is the key card in the layout, it, like in other rows, finally clarifies the meaning of the card above. Here on top is the "World", predicting the configuration of the new world order. This card in the alignment, however, it emphasizes that further events are in the hands of fate, and there will be many obstacles on the way to building a new world order.

Strengthening Marine Le Pen is beneficial for Russia. Merkel in recent times predominantly serves American interests. A change of political line in Germany could be a good opportunity for us. First of all, it is worth counting on the weakening or lifting of sanctions.

7. "The Hermit"

The highest manifestation of the previously designated genesis. This premonition and insight is, in fact, the symbol of the series "The World in the Coming Year". The hermit does not seek honors and glory, he is detached from worldly fuss. The lantern symbolizes knowledge, the light on the path of quest, and the staff symbolizes divine protection. This card is a rethinking, the most philosophical and deep in the alignment. At the beginning of any path, you need to understand the road where to move on. And this requires a spiritual search. And the need to reject the vanity.

In terms of plot, the map depicts anti-globalization demonstrations at the bottom (“No to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership”, “No to the EU”, “No to the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, etc.). This is another nod to the isolationist trend that will unfold in 2017.

Below we see a split ball. A single world split into two parts, moreover, in America. Which became the crown of this split in voting for Trump and Clinton. Above all this worldly bustle, the hermit monk rises.

The "Hermit" card is softened and supplemented by the previous card - "The World", in fact, its antipode. We still live in a single world that cannot be fully divided into parts or isolated. The model of the future world is to be realized by the hermit.

Liberals should be concerned, but the gloom won't last forever, the magazine says. The policy of isolationism will eventually discredit itself because its consequences are catastrophic.

Russia is currently benefiting from anti-globalism. Because the consolidation of EU forces according to the American scenario is unprofitable for us. The weakening of the line of globalism on the American foundation gives us the opportunity to strengthen our positions in the Middle East and at our own borders. Trump has already stated that he will not interfere in regional conflicts. However, it is likely that the new world order will exclude the possibility of a significant strengthening of positions outside the predetermined boundaries of influence.

The Hermit card makes it clear that real freedom is contained in the freedom of the spirit, in the triumph of personal development over the vanity and philosophy of consumption.

8. "Star"

The end of the Tarot spread and the antipode of its beginning - the Tower of Babel. Means the beginning of a new political and economic structure. How does it symbolize new era the second Star of Bethlehem against the background of 14 wandering stars (instead of the traditional seven - 7 + 7).

The card is in an unstable position. These are dreams and, of course, they are unsteady. After all, the future is completely unknown. The "Wheel of Fortune" on the left only confirms this.

Inside the stars are the faces of 14 young celebrities who wrote the forecast articles in this "prophetic" issue of The Economist. Dancer Isaac Hernandez from Iowa, actor Daisy Ridley from Los Angeles, Syrian refugee Hani Al-Mouliah, Executive Director innovative company Letitia Gasca from Mexico City, writer Louise O'Neill and others.

They symbolize the next generation. The old generation is leaving. Many influential people of the past era are at their most advanced age and understand that the world is changing very much. In the bottom row, this further confirms the plot of the "Magician" card with 3-D printers. In our opinion, here we are dealing with the author's idea - a shaky hope for a brighter future. And dreams, as you know, do not always come true, and young people do not always justify the hopes of the older generation.

Summing up, I want to say: for the Tarot, the zodiac picture of the world is very important, which in the 21st century has already entered a new era of Aquarius. According to astrology, this will be the era of the formation of a new social consciousness and a new type of person, and hence a new type of political organization of the world community. Will Trump and the world elites take these circumstances into account? Will they build a new Tower of Babel, or will they understand that in addition to human passions, there is also the natural course of history? Will the Wise Men go with them (cards "Hermit" and "Magician"), reminding that the number 8 (the number of cards in the layout and above the head of the "Magician") are natural circumstances, and not the deeds of the titans?


Are Putin and Trump blowing the same tune?

Yuri, and yet, can Trump defeat the US Federal Reserve? Or will the globalists wring his neck?

If Trump manages to reach an agreement with Putin, then the era of globalism, “financial bankers”, and the policy of the US Federal Reserve Service will be over.

For these words, the progressive Russian public will accuse Belous and Komsomolskaya Pravda of Kremlin propaganda.

Let all claims be addressed to the Rothschild Economist. After Trump's victory, an eloquent illustration appeared in the magazine for the article "The New Nationalism".

Illustration for the article "New Nationalism"

Three heroes: Putin, Trump and the hero of Brexit Nigel Farage, ex-leader of the British Independence Party, co-chairman of the European parliamentary faction "Europe for Freedom and Democracy". Behind them is Marine Le Pen.

But the Rothstilts are also financiers, the oldest banking clan on the planet. The Fed should be near and dear to them!

The head of the investment trust, Lord Jacob Rothschild (head of the London branch of the clan!) in his report to RITCapitalPartnersPlc, released in early 2015, said that the situation in the economy and geopolitics has developed the most dangerous since the Second World War.

Jacob Rothschild

But even more interesting is his statement in August 2016: “Over the past 6 months, we have seen how central banks continue what is without a doubt the largest experiment in monetary policy in history. Therefore, we are now in uncharted waters and it is impossible to predict how there will be unintended consequences of ultra-low interest rates, given that roughly 30% of the world's government bonds today have negative yields, as well as massive quantitative easing programs. … Many of the risks I identified in 2015 are still with us. The geopolitical situation in the world has worsened. The UK has voted to leave the European Union. The US presidential election in November is likely to be fraught with unusually high uncertainty. …Our significant holdings in US dollars are currently declining somewhat, and after the dollar has risen we have seen interesting opportunities to invest in other currencies, as well as gold, the latter reflecting our fears about monetary policy and ever-decreasing yields.”

Rothschild assets are not concentrated in the US. Globalism under the American banner has risks for them. The same attempts by Obama to impose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on the European Union. In fact, "eat" the Old World, their old fiefdom. Europe desperately resisted. President Clinton should have forced the EU to sign the treaty. One of Trump's campaign slogans was "No TTIP." Now the project of globalists has actually died…

Are you describing the prospects of Russian liberals in power and their global patrons too gloomily? Maybe personal political predilections affect?

Redirecting to the number of The Economist's forecasts with the cover of Trump's Planet. In an article of the same name, editor-in-chief and Bilderberg member Zanny Minton Baddows writes: “For liberals, 2016 has been a gloomy year. A wave of popular anger swept through the West, from the British who voted for a divorce from the European Union to the Americans who chose a tycoon with no experience. government controlled. In just a few months, voters on both sides of the Atlantic utterly disowned their political establishment and eventually let out a general roar of disillusionment with the politics of globalization. Realizing that it is a wiring that brings profit to the elite, solving purely their own interests.

These are blows to the very core of the liberal world order. How serious they were will become clear in 2017.”

And the last question, Yuri. How do you know so much about tarot cards? Maybe you moonlight as fortune-telling in your native St. Petersburg? In the city on the Neva, these cards are popular.

No, I don't. It’s just that for the last three years, my mother, my brother, and I have been carefully studying the era of the great Michel Nostradamus. His biography, creativity, prophecies, historical events of those years. Involuntarily, I had to deal with Tarot cards. Our book "The Other Nostradamus" has just been prepared for publication. And then suddenly the cover of The Economist with these cards appeared. Coincidence or Mystery?

I understood a few predictions (from left to right):
- Communists (advisers) and Orthodox patriots break the tower. Signed - "The Tower" - The Tower! That is, they are betting on a revolution in Russia!

Trump rules like a king with orb and scepter. At the same time, the US flag covered all of Europe and Russia. Signed - Judgment - Court. The role of the United States as the world's gendarme will increase.

- Picture "The World" - World. It is not yet clear what that means. Three capital buildings stand on the ground. They are also interconnected through Books, Art and Theater. An open book and a picture-portrait under the sun. Didn't understand what they mean. Perhaps these are some signs of the community.

- Picture "The Hermit" - Hermit. A crowd is drawn with flags on which TTIP, TPP and the EU are crossed out. That is, they put the EU-US and US-Pacific deals on failure. Also - the collapse of the EU. NOT crossed out flags - STOP and NO. At the same time - from below the land on which the United States breaks off a piece. Uncomprehending

- "Death". Nuclear fungus and death with a scythe. War. It is not clear what kind of "flies" over death.

- "Magician" - Magician. Technological breakthroughs. The growing popularity of addictive technologies (3D printing) is predicted. And they print at home. And virtual reality. The infinity symbol is at the top.