The awards of the year are comic for a large team. Comic nominations for the holidays

To raise the corporate spirit and motivate their employees, management, especially on holidays, simply needs to highlight the best and note the merits of each. And one of the original ways to do this is to arrange a ceremony with nominations, it can be humorous or solemn. , with real medals or comic, most importantly, the appropriate mood.

We present two options comic nominations for corporate honoring.

Idea number 1. Fruit and vegetable celebration of the team.

Often we compare our friends, colleagues and acquaintances with various fruits and vegetables: “miracle pea”, “potato dad”, “cool pepper”, “ruddy like an apple”, “sour like a lemon”, etc. the idea was born to develop .

Rewarding colleagues with fruits and vegetables is an opportunity to present inexpensive edible souvenirs with good humor. As they say, "inexpensive and tasteful", but also ecologically tasty and healthy! This material can be used both at the anniversary of the company, and at any professional or corporate holiday.

The foyer is decorated with flowers and photographs of employees, over which the inscription: “I know: (name of the enterprise) will bloom as long as there are such people in the Russian country!” (Surname, initials of the head.)

All words belong to the head of the enterprise

Hello, juicy and mischievous, flourishing and native, moderately drinking and singing well, forever young and forever drunk with happiness collective!

Today we celebrate our first anniversary! And the first anniversary is like the first class, like the first kiss, like the first love, it will be remembered for a lifetime! And I want you to remember this holiday so that the taste and interest in life do not disappear!
In general, speaking about our team, I would like to compare it with a large field in which various cultures live and grow harmoniously, helping each other, enriching each other, creating a healthy climate. And today, in the official part, I want to pay what they deserve to everyone who has worked and cultivated our field of activity for these 10 years! In honor of the decade, we present prizes in 10 juicy categories!

Cabbage. They are looking for children in this vegetable, there is a lot of vitamin C in it, but we hand it over for that “cabbage” that was in the reliable hands of our cashier ... (First Name Last Name)!

Cucumber. Handing over this symbolic vegetable, I want to remember that the cucumber is 90% water. So the success of our team for 90% consists of the work of this employee. (First Name Last Name)! And continue to be a cucumber-well done!

Garlic. As you know, this vegetable is extremely useful and popular all over the world. It has a persistent taste and unique aroma that repels all bacteria and germs. Garlic stands guard over the whole organism, like our protection in the face ... (First Name Last Name)!

Pomelo. As you know, it is the fruit of an evergreen tree. Some of them reach a diameter of 30 cm and have a mass of 10 kg. In China, on the New Year, these fruits are given to each other as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Today we present this gift ... (First Name Last Name) as a recognition of his weight in the team, fresh ideas and, of course, as a wish for prosperity and well-being!

Mandarin- the most popular New Year's fruit, which cheers up and saturates the body with vitamins. In the East, it is highly valued for its bright symbolic color that brings good luck. Today, with this gift, we encourage a new person in our team - (First Name Last Name)- and we wish him to grow to the size of a pomelo!

Orange the Italians call it the "apple of love". Psychologists say that it is preferred by energetic, loving natures who love to attract the attention of others. Undoubtedly, such a person in our team is ... (First Name Last Name).

Grape- one of the most noble plants on earth, which gives the most ancient alcoholic drink - wine and, of course, juice! A person who intoxicates with his charisma and squeezes the last juices out of himself and his department - (First Name Last Name)!

Pepper. This vegetable does not need special comment, but still, let me say a few words about ... (First Name Last Name). We saw this person in action, and he is really cool! You can say about him: “It's all about the pepper, all the pepper is in the business”! Thirdly, despite the small size of the cabinet, it achieves great results!

A pineapple is one of the most popular fruits in the world. It is mentioned in songs, poems, proverbs and sayings:

Small pineapple, but expensive.
One pineapple is good, but two is better.
Called pineapple - climb into champagne.

The popularity of our team is largely due to the charm ... (First Name Last Name). In a word, pineapple itself could envy its popularity!

Horseradish. This is a gift with a hint, and it was not made by chance, because it is a useful vegetable - once, a perennial culture - two, and, thirdly, an extremely popular vegetable among the people, and therefore in our team! I remember back in Soviet times in the army canteens there was a poster: “Eat carrots, onions and horseradish - and you will be slim like Sophia Loren!” Horseradish is also a frequently used word in the lexicon of a Russian person. Personally, when I talk about horseradish, I remember a joke: “If guests come to you and you don’t know what to put on the table, put horseradish on! Then at the end of the evening no one will tell you that you didn't have a damn thing! And if a lot of guests came to you, put horseradish in pickles, then at the end of the evening you can safely say to the guests: what the hell do you still need? The fucking prize goes to... (First Name Last Name)!

The “official” part ends, and I remember a good anecdote:
I am an avocado - the fruit that you need!
I am a plum - always beautiful!
I am a watermelon - beautiful as a toddler!
And I am a passion fruit, I don’t even know what to say ... Well, this passion fruit does not know what to say, but I know! (Raising a glass.) For you team!

Idea number 2. Awarding nominations to colleagues using a questionnaire.

Before holding a corporate party, especially if it is arranged on the occasion of the company’s birthday, professional orthere comes a moment of truth, when there is an irresistible desire to single out the most important, from the point of view of the manager, employees. For the purpose of secrecy and conflict-free within the team, it is often necessary to disguise this action by a simple method: make nominations and give PRIZES to the nominees. The nominations are naturally comic, but nevertheless, everything is as close to reality as possible, i.e. nominations are made by us, and the winners are chosen by the employees themselves.

The following text will help you conduct an easy survey of company employees.

Dear colleagues!

We sincerely ask you to fill out this short questionnaire. We will determine all together who we have "The most, the most, the most ..." and we will tell them all this, right in the face and in front of everyone! It is NOT NECESSARY to think and consult with each other for a long time, write those who first come to mind. Opinions will be taken into account in the aggregate, confidentiality is guaranteed. We really hope for you.

P.S. Only, please, one nomination - one surname, but at the same time one person can be nominated several times.

"Uma chamber":

This is the most, most ... head (of the company),

This is our most intelligent employee or collaborator,

This is our clever, erudite and intellectual,

He is capable of solving the most complex problems!

"Miss/Mr Antistress":

Communication with him brings you into a state of peace,

You want to communicate with him (her) again and again

"Tradition Keeper"

You can always find out from him or her ..... what date who did what in the company,

Why is this,

What is called exactly and who named it.

He (she) can endlessly tell stories from the history (of the company)

"Master of Golden Pens":

is dedicated to the employee, by the magic wave of whose hand will "clog" in

any office equipment.

"They only dream of peace":

It's definitely about him or her.

About those who are called the ringleader and "motor" of the company,

This is a sparkle in the eyes and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200benergy,

There he (she) is sitting at the next table!

"I looked back to see":

Men's Choice Award.

The woman is amazing and unpredictable,

When she walks down the hall I always try

turn around and look at her!

"He's our superman...":

Women's Choice Award.

He is strong, courageous.

The most gallant man in our company.

"The Unbearable Lightness of Being":

Genius carelessness and distraction.

He (she) is always and everywhere late,

But always and everywhere in time, although he (her) is never in place!

How does he (she) do it?

"Thought at the Speed ​​of Sound":

This is our smartest employee or employee.

You have repeatedly turned to him or her for good advice.

And, what is most interesting - they always received it!

"Artist of large and small stages":

Good in person...

Yes, the advantages of all can not be counted!

If you suddenly ask what you need,

The scene will suit you in an instant,

And marvel at the talent

Both a colleague and...

"Dear friend":

If you want, scream

Whisper if you want

If you want - be silent, like a dumb.

He (she) anyway: joy will hear,

Grief will feel

And, of course, share with you!

"The Da Vinci Code" (Keeper of Secrets and Passwords):

This is the most, most, most "secret" head of the company.

It is he who will beat everything out of you to the last

information to open access to a particular resource of the company.

And not the fact that you will receive it ....

"Speaker, voice of the people"

He (she) is the most eloquent employee, is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team,

Even if his (her) opinion is contrary to the opinion of the boss ...

"Hidden reserves"

He (she) recently came to "_____".

Quietly and calmly lives and works next to us.

But how many ideas are stored in this head?

He (she) will definitely show himself to everyone.

"Self-assembly tablecloth" (the most hospitable employee)

He (she) will always share the last crust of bread with a neighbor,

treat with tea, offer to drink and not only coffee…………

"A scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle"

The most attentive.

Nothing and no one will be missed, everything will be noticed and recorded.

"I am writing to you, what more?",

For the unique ability to write SMS messages in any place, position and pose,

For the efficient and uninterrupted use of all available forms of written communication

(E-mail, ICQ, sms)

"In step with the times"

For a responsible attitude to the work schedule:

despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms,

falling dollar and rising prices for gold and oil,

appear in the right place at the right time

If you think that a corporate party can do without an impressive final chord in the form of a comic award for employees, you are mistaken. Everyone is waiting for a cheerful, positive and bright end of the official part of the holiday program. Therefore, the main thing is not to deceive the expectations of employees and develop an awards ceremony that will emphasize the ideas of a corporate event and, at the same time, become one of the most memorable and key moments of the holiday.

However, it is not easy to think through such a conclusion, and the advice that can be found on the Internet is haphazard and scattered, which is why the achievement of the necessary results is immediately called into question. eventspro systematized the network experience of conducting comic corporate awards to help you choose the right areas for corporate employee promotion.

Miss, Mr. and even Mrs.

Remember the famous Hollywood blockbuster with Sandra Bullock "Miss Congeniality". Did you just gather employees around the festive table? There is nothing better than the fun awarding of comic awards and titles.

Mr. Idea Generator, Miss Grace, Mrs. Originality… You can cover all the traits of human nature: Mr. Dreamer, Dreamer, Optimist, Miss Mystery, Wisdom, Sociability… Nominations of this type are as diverse as the possible scenarios, and the presentation of prizes and souvenirs will be pleasant addition to the corporate evening.

By the way, character traits and human qualities are far from the only possible nominations. You can use well-known phrases, quotes, or even phraseological units: Mr. “Like a fish in water”, “Call me back”, “I'm busy”, “War is war, but lunch is on schedule”, “It's hard to be a god” and Miss “All men are their own ... "," The blonde behind the wheel.

New professions

The most important thing in this comic nomination is the use of professions that simply do not exist in your team. Observation and good knowledge of your employees will come to the rescue here. How have they proven themselves? For example:

  • makeup artist (likes to do makeup for her colleagues);
  • the head physician (in the drawer of his desk you can find medicines for any occasion);
  • master of "sado" (no, not at all what you think! "Sado" is the Japanese art of the tea ceremony. If your employee likes to brew a variety of teas and treats colleagues with them, he is quite worthy of such a nomination);
  • rescuer of the year (an employee who managed to eliminate the consequences of any difficult situations);
  • the best on plates, the chef (the one who has the skills to quickly put together a wonderful corporate buffet literally from nothing);
  • taster (lover to try sweets from each table);
  • a psychotherapist (for example, your system administrator or programmer, gently explaining to each employee the reasons for the non-working Internet or database);
  • supermodel (it also happens that beauty replaces working qualities);
  • a political or sports commentator (maybe you are used to listening to Cristiano Ronaldo’s praises in the morning or listening to indignation about the laws “about these guest workers”);
  • a privy councilor (or a gray cardinal - whatever you like. A person who, as if by chance, can throw a couple of phrases that can change the company's policy. And, at the same time, his position in it);
  • National Geographic correspondent (someone who likes to travel and talk about it, and his desk is littered with souvenirs from other countries).

Of course, you know your employees better than we do. Therefore, perhaps other fun and more appropriate nominations will come to your mind.

Hobby nominations

Feel free to use the passions and habits of your employees! And for greater effect, do not forget to add the word "Best", "Diligent", "Brave" and other similar epithets.
The name of the nomination depends only on your imagination and observation. So: Bird-talker (sometimes so), Master of Feng Shui, MMORPG-amateur (fan of online games), DJ (always with headphones), Anecdotoman (amuses with jokes), coffee lover and much, much more! We are sure that your employees are very versatile people.

Smarties and smarties

Collect in this nomination all the actions of employees (both serious and funny) related to any discoveries and ideas. Just Talent fits in perfectly here (for guessing crosswords or successfully solving grade 4 problems for the director's son), Kinder Surprise (for the youngest and most active employees), Breakthrough of the Year, Idea Generator, and more.

Golden Oscar

The simplest and most common type of comic award. The nominations correspond to the nominations of the famous Hollywood event and look like:

  • best director;
  • best script;
  • nomination for an unusual role;
  • nomination for Best Supporting Actor;
  • nomination for best episodic role;
  • for the best sound;
  • costume chief.

With this award option, it is necessary to provide Hollywood attributes (red carpet, outfits, camera flashes).

The “Oscar-winning” theme will be perfectly complemented by a high-quality and bright show program; you can find out about various show programs and their advantages in the article “Show at a corporate party. Who to invite? ".

We present diplomas

Of course, the most striking moment is the presentation of diplomas. The diploma must be:

  • funny;
  • such that you want to hang it on the wall (or above the desktop);
  • related to the specifics of the work of the office or enterprise;
  • unique (take your time and come up with words that will make each employee stand out from the rest).

In addition to diplomas, you can present diplomas and certificates and even certificates, it all depends on your imagination and the format of the solemn award. If you don’t surprise anyone with the presentation of diplomas, then the presentation of various certificates, permits and permits can surprise employees, especially when you present certificates such as “Mayor of the City”, “Killer” or permits for “Flying into space while intoxicated” to this or that employee. " etc.

Souvenirs, ready-made diplomas and cups

Here is an example text content:

Awarded to (such and such) for:

  • … entertaining employees from other organizations who come to the office with jokes;
  • … a successful make-up color scheme that fits perfectly into the interior of the office;
  • … daily familiarization of colleagues with the political events of our (and not only!) country;
  • ...a gentle voice on the phone, zombifying enemies and turning them into friends of the company;
  • … the best cabbage grown on a farm on a social network during working hours;
  • …excellent awareness of the personal lives of all colleagues;
  • ... saving colleagues from the harmful effects of nicotine (for the constant "shooting" of cigarettes in the smoking room);
  • ...improving the atmosphere of the office (reverent attitude to flowers in the lobby or office).

Come up with your own wording that will make employees laugh while at the same time (in a harmless and playful way) revealing their preferences, advantages or even shortcomings (the latter is the most important, because it helps people to work on themselves and improve themselves).

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of the nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to invent them yourself - just give employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notebook. The same applies to printed products. You can find letters where it will already be written “Just a Goddess”, “To the Master of Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Help is given ... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group, Roger Taylor, once remarked that in our world nothing is left without a reward - especially if a person tried. The manager's reward for a well-thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

To make the event a success, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the mistakes that are often made when organizing corporate events.

Ladies and Gentlemen! There is a holiday on the nose (February 23, March 8, Cosmonaut's Day), but you have no ideas how to spend the evening in an original way? Believe me, comic nominations for corporate employees will brighten up any dull celebration.

Just imagine, the people ate, rolled up a couple of glasses, I want humor and entertainment. And then the presenter comes out with a long list and small presents in beautiful boxes. Intrigue? And then!

Distribution of comic nominations at the holiday is a great idea to cheer up. You can assign several honorary titles at the very beginning of the event, and keep the rest secret. The audience will be waiting with impatience and slight excitement, what nomination will they get into? I promise it will be fun, lively and interesting!

So during the evening, in between dances and musical numbers, each of those present will receive their own pleasant comic surprise. It is important not to forget anyone! And let the guests of the corporate evening take with them a powerful charge of vivacity, joy and positive along with the gift. So…

Comic nominations for colleagues on February 23, March 8, New Year

Let's think together what honorary titles can be awarded to our men at the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Here are my ideas:

  1. "Russian hero"- a guy who descended from a painting by the great artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. Handsome, strong, daring, never gets drunk and the first does not get into a fight. The palm in this nomination is rightfully received by the strongest person in the hall, a real Russian hero N.N.
  2. “These will be taken to astronauts” This man is reliable in every way. Strong in body and spirit, educated and calm as a boa constrictor. Such a guy cannot be taken with bare hands, because he is ready for exploits and new discoveries. Did you guess who it is? Of course, the leader in this stellar nomination, dear Mr. N.N.
  3. "Dandy 2019"- a guy with a fashion for "you". He is always stylish, fashionable and with the perfect haircut. And his chic shoes are a matter of special pride. Ladies, do you pay attention to men's shoes? Yes, in the first place, and he too. So who is this man? You guessed it, this is our dude Mr. N.N.
  4. "Real Colonel"- the guy with whom all the ladies present are secretly in love. He is strong, self-confident and reliable like a monolithic wall. It cannot be broken, not moved, and during worldly storms it is easy to hide under the protection of its strong embrace. Did you recognize this man? I do! This is our dear Mr. N.N.
  5. "Like a dandy London..."- he is here! Look around and see the most elegant man, always smartly dressed and wearing smart shoes. Charm is his terrible strength, and a scarf is a trap for ladies! So, in the honorary nomination "Like a London dandy ..." our most sophisticated man - Mr. N.N.

And now men can relax, we announce women's nominations at the gala:

"A Lady Pleasant in Every Way" It's a beauty no matter how you look at it. Kind, smart and funny! It is so easy to communicate with her, and it’s nice to “talk about life” under a glass of wine. Did you recognize our nominee? Yeah it's sweet lady N.N.

"Guest from the Future"- a lady in an original stunning outfit. She seems to be from another planet, only today she visited our evening, and at exactly midnight she will go on a spaceship to other worlds. Yes, this is Miss Identity, she is amazing and amazing, our Mistress N.N.

"Ah, those black eyes" Will drive any man crazy! She is a sorceress and a bit of a witch, a goddess and just a beauty. When she stares, the guys are speechless, and the girls are embarrassed and a little jealous. So, the winner in this nomination, the owner of incredible magical black eyes, is Lady N.N.

"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"- no doubt! And among us there is that same blond miss who makes all the passing men look back. She is smart, stylish and very attractive. Who is she, guess? Yes, the main blonde of the team, Lady N.N., becomes the winner in this nomination.

"Woman Who Sings"- sweet, gentle, kind with a beautiful voice, like (name of the singer). When she sings something, it becomes quiet in the offices of our office (enterprise). Did you recognize our nightingale? Yes, it is she, a beautiful woman - Lady N.N.

"Marquise de Pompadour"- Powerful Lady! She is beautiful, smart, well-read, even high management does not argue with her. There is fire at work, and you won’t get bored with it on vacation. Did you recognize our heroine? Yes, this is the charming Marquise de Pompadour - Lady N.N!

"Super woman"- the best nomination! The strongest, the most beautiful and graceful, smart and educated wins in it. In a word - just a goddess. She has practically no flaws, and any man will give his life for the night with this incomparable beauty. You should not delay with the award, but the winner in this nomination is the true lady N.N.

Dear friends! And now let me introduce our comic New Year's nominations. All those present are waiting for gifts and pleasant surprises. Who do we start with? Of course, from the assignment of the main honorary title of the evening, and then we will go strictly according to the list:

  • Good Santa Claus- a real man with a beard, a lover of giving pleasant New Year's surprises. He is generous and fair, intelligent and considerate. And if you read him a poem, then he will fulfill his most secret dream. So who is he? The main Grandfather Frost of the New Year's Eve is our permanent leader, Mr. N.N.
  • Snow Maiden 2020- the snowiest and most sparkling star! Take a look around, who illuminates this hall with a bright New Year's light? Who grabs the attention of those present? Of course she is! The real Snow Maiden 2020 - Lady N.N.
  • The most beautiful Snowflake- who is she? Airy and tender, bright and sparkling! The most dressed for the occasion lady who is now present in this room. Take a look around, from whom the flickering light comes, and who illuminates the room in total darkness? Yes, she is the gorgeous snow lady N.N.

And now I want to present awards in the nominations "The most, the most, the most":

  • the most alluring- a real lion of the evening, a pastel safari tiger, Mr. N.N;
  • the most economic- our kind magician, caring and attentive friend N.N;
  • the most shy- a bud in a courageous flower garden from the gentlemen present, just a handsome guy, Mr. N.N;
  • the sportiest- the fittest, strongest and most attractive, the real Hercules of the evening - Mr. N.N;
  • the most elusive- Eternally busy at work, promising staff and the fastest in the execution of responsible assignments, Mr. N.N.

And finally, a few special awards for outstanding personalities:

  • sole of company- this is a bright person N.N, who warms and unites all those present in the hall;
  • dance floor star- the battery man who lights up our dance floor all evening, Mr. (Miss) N.N;
  • team guru- the most honored guest of our party, a veteran, an aksakal and just a respected person, Mr. N.N;
  • discovery of the year is the hope of the team, an active and promising employee, our wonderful Mr. (Madam) N.N.

All guests of a wonderful evening leave with worthy awards and honorary titles. It remains only to wish the fulfillment of desires, health, happiness and long years of a prosperous life.
What to give colleagues during the awards?

Oh, what is a holiday without gifts? To reward our wonderful nominees, it is important to prepare small, but very pleasant surprises in advance.

For lovely ladies:

  • Named Swiss chocolate- for the sugar life. The winners of "Oh, those black eyes" and "In chocolate" receive delicious sweets.
  • Original engraved lamp What could be brighter than light? Only the beauty of the winner in the nomination "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"!
  • Photo magnet set– an unusual prize for the winners in the “Just Like It” category, as well as an eloquent reminder of our wonderful evening!
  • Coffee set- a kind cozy little man! Congratulations to the winners of "Lady Pleasant in Every Way" and "The First Swallow".
  • Blanket with sleeves- warm with love on rainy days. We hand over the "Snow Maiden 2020" or "The Most Beautiful Snowflake"!
  • Name diary- these pages should keep records of great deeds. Great reward for "Super Woman" and "Gas Station Queen".
  • Box with a secret- as in every woman, this little thing has its own little mystery. Congratulations to the "Marquise de Pompadour" or "Guest from the Future"!
  • personal piggy bank- a great gift in the "Woman who sings" category. And now an encore surprise!
  • fitness set- a nice trifle for a sports figure. Goes to the winner in the nomination "The most athletic".
  • Set "Autolady" or a flash drive with a combination lock - a special prize for the nominee in the category "Dusya-aggregate"!

Following are the awards for the gentlemen present:

Engraved beer mug- so that rest is a joy, and work is not a burden! Especially for the winners of the nominations "Russian hero" or "Steady tin soldier".

Statuette "Oscar"- the most artistic and talented, the best award for the nominee in the Golden Voice category.

Board game- who can not sit idle and the main thing in business is victory! It is they who are awarded this prize, the winners in the nomination "They won't catch up with us!" or "Play, accordion"!

Sweet set- the real "Superman" or "Think Tank". Get fuel for a powerful body. Thanks for participating!

Zippo lighter- a stately and presentable man. We present a gift to the “Real Colonel” or “The Most Alluring Guy”.

Elegant cufflinks- to maintain style and impeccability in everything! Congratulations to the winners in the Like a Dandy London... or Company Face category.

Vinyl record clock– reliable, beautiful and stylish! Who else can be described in this way? Suitable for the nominations "First Violin" and "Commissioner Cattani".

Set of tools- a prize for the most skilled craftsmen. Meet the winners of the "Golden Hands" or "They will be taken as astronauts" nominations!

beard grooming kit- for courage and brutality! "Stilyaga 2019" and "Good Grandfather Frost" receive their well-deserved prizes.

Thermo mug- you need to keep yourself in shape, there are still many unconquered peaks ahead.

Fun rewards for men and women for learning new skills

At work, as in a big family, no events from the personal lives of employees pass by. Someone is annoyed by the attention of colleagues, and someone is pleased when their achievements are approved by a kind, attentive team. Let's think together about how to highlight and reward colleagues (friends, relatives) for mastering new skills during the festive events.

"Not gonna get us!" He (or she) sets goals and always achieves them. In whatever area our nominee starts to practice, he always achieves a high professional level. These are education, sports, building family relationships and interesting hobbies. In any case, he is number 1 and deservedly receives a prize in the nomination "They won't catch up with us!".

"Golden Hands" or "These hands are not for boredom!"— category for handy! It is in his calloused palms that a simple piece of wood turns into Pinocchio, and a soulless piece of iron into a work of art.

"Dusya-aggregate" with technique on "you". She will give odds to many courageous colleagues, she will easily cope with a car, tank, plane. This girl is a real super-mechanic!

“I recognize my Natalia by her waist”- a category for a lady who has lost extra pounds or has maintained an ideal shape for many years.

"Gas Station Queen"— the main beauty of the working team. It is she who unites men under the flag of solidarity and friendship, it is she who can cook a delicious dinner and drink hot tea in the cold.

"Exactly the same"- a nomination for a person who can imitate a popular star, a world-famous personality. He poshly parodies or dresses like a handsome media face.

"First Swallow"— an honorary nomination for a colleague who was at the origins of the enterprise. For many years he devoted himself to his beloved work and professional growth.

"Think Tank"- a title for a figure who constantly invents and implements something. Everyone in the team respects such a person, and the Think Tank improves the equipment (machine, program), on which he works all the time.

"The face of the company"- the head of the company or his secretary. Who keeps abreast and moves things forward? Or maybe this is a press secretary (lawyer, manager) representing the interests of the company. May the strongest win in this category.

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"- a comic title for those who work hard for 10-12 hours a day and are always in the ranks. The company (company, office) is based on such fighters, and the general director himself, Mr. N.N., comes out to award the winner.

"In a healthy body healthy mind"- a cool nomination, the victory in which is assigned to the winner in the competition, the drummer of the TRP, the best athlete in the team.

"Commissioner Cattani"- a charming handsome man, from whom all women are crazy. Thanks to his charm and assertive character, he is rapidly climbing the career ladder, and in a short time he won the trust of the entire team.

"Play, accordion"- a comic nomination in which amateur musicians participate. Someone plays the guitar wonderfully, someone has learned how to play the keys on the piano, and someone will win the category for his excellent saxophone playing.

"Baptism of fire"- for a young man who has passed the first test. This is a successfully completed project, a completed website or the opening of an online store. Any achievement of young professionals should be encouraged!

"Superman"- A hero who always saves the world. It was he who pulled the company out of the crisis or saved the business from collapse. To such fellows the main prize and universal approval!

"Nomad of the Year"- an employee of the company who changed 3 offices in connection with a promotion.

"Mistress Chistyulya"- a comic title that is awarded to the best cleaning lady or employee who constantly keeps order.
However, nominations can be not only laudatory, but also critical. It is important in a mild form and with consolation prizes to single out employees who are discussed by all colleagues and colleagues:

"Golden Fund"- the most thrifty, from whom you can not interrogate money for contributions.

"Aerobatics"- a colleague who masterfully composes tall tales about achievements in his career or personal life.

"Unique professional"- a person who can "everything", but in fact nothing!

"Leader of the Year"- An employee who spent a record number of days on sick leave.

"Smile of the Year"- a guy or girl laughing at the workplace with or without reason.

"Hope 2020"- a lagging nominee, on whom all colleagues, including managers, have high hopes.

All of these categories provide food for thought and spur fantasy. Invent your own comic nominations so that a corporate party or a festive evening on occasion become the funniest and most memorable.

Adults, like children, love when they are given gifts, and if they are prizes. It will be just a sensation. Therefore, I bring to your attention the nominations of the beautiful half of our team ... That is, the male half ... suitable for February 23 or the men's anniversary ...
First nomination "Fighter of the invisible front". The prize in this nomination is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts.
There are three nominees in this nomination: _____________________.
Nomination two "Mr Wolftail". The prize in this nomination is awarded for unbridled craving for winter extreme sports! In this nomination were presented ________________________________
The third category is called "Golden voice of the team".
And it is awarded for the most successful stories in the field of love relationships.
Nomination "Mr Charming Simulator" for hiding from the views of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight! and wins it after a long debate
Nomination “Mr. Punctuality is the team’s alarm clock_______________”
Sixth nomination “Awesome aura”, for filling the team with positive energy and relieving a stressful situation, smoothing out sharp corners. Awarded by ____________
. For patience with raids into your office for correctness, understanding the sympathy of the team. in the nomination "Mr Kindness" After a long debate, ________________ wins!!! (_______)
For proof of principle “Slower ride - you will continue” medal “Shy guy”!- awarded by _____________
For courage in combining business with pleasure and confirmation of the saying “Our urchin has ripened everywhere” - medal of the second degree "Cause - time, and fun - two“- are awarded _____

For courage in the pursuit of a better lifestyle medal “Foreigners will help us” rewarded ______________
For courage in the difficult task of keeping women's secrets according to the principle “I will not tell anyone ” Order “Chingachkuk”
2nd degree is awarded __________________
The Medal of the First Green is awarded to a young member of our team ___________________________
For courage in maintaining mystery, the medal "Mr. X" is awarded to ___________________________
For courage in the struggle to comply with the principle "There are no ugly women" "Ladies' Man" is awarded __ __________________________________

Medals can be any: Reckless, rich Pinocchio, Mr. Locomotive, Superman, hero of our time, exclusive macho, intellectual, Agent-007, plush Hercules, Schumacher.
“Order of the 3rd degree “Gallant Knight”

is awarded………
Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Here, take it and try it yourself!
You are by nature knights in everything,
And we will find nobility in everyone!
You have been given a good upbringing,
And on the shoulder of any test!
Oscar” in the nomination “Charming smile”
You are all big optimists,
Funny and comedians.
Let humor decorate your life
Turns problems into a joke!
No wonder you excelled in sports,
Learned how to win!
Let hardening help you
Personal success will multiply!

Oscar” in the nomination “Workaholics”
We know that patience and hard work
All difficult problems will grind!
We wish you the same great work
And achieve a lot in life!

Oscar "A Hero of Our Time"
Probably not without reason given to you
Such a fountain of energy!
Although it does not sit still,
But it will come in handy in real life!
Always helpful, no doubt
Have a position and opinion!
You are outstanding in everything
So let your life rise!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Crazy Hands"
is awarded to……………… dedicated to an employee, by magic
wave of the hand of which "will be hammered" into
any office equipment.
You have been given "golden hands"
And this is a plus in any science,
Both in personal life and at work!
In short, you will not be lost!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Technical vein"
is awarded
You and our technology are “on you”,
So let your dreams come true!
No wonder you are an example for everyone,
As a businessman, as an engineer!

"Oscar" in the category "Active volcano"
Let the energy spring
Doesn't run out for a moment
So that all things succeed,
So that life is full!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Growth to match the mind"
It is given to _________.
Admiring, we are glad that
What growth you have to match the mind!
So be high in spirit
Let the big takeoff await!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Intellectual"
is awarded
Your outlook helps
Have a free conversation.
With people like you know
Always interesting to be around!
This is our most intelligent employee, erudite and intellectual. He is capable of solving the most difficult tasks
"Oscar" in the nomination "Reliable Shoulder"
We often hear about these
What is possible with them, at least for reconnaissance!
And if you yourself are a true friend,
Everyone is drawn to you around!

Medal "Mr. antistress":»
This is the most, most calm voice of the company
communication with him brings you into a state of peace. You want to communicate with him again and again

Nomination "Keeper of Traditions": he can always do it
find out what date, who did what in the company, why it is what is called that way and who named it. He can
endlessly telling stories from the history of (company)
Nominations“He is our Superman…”:-Prize of women's sympathies.
our company.
Nominations "Peace they only dream of»:
This is exactly what you can say about them, the company started, the motor
Energizer. companies.
Nominations “Thought at the speed of sound»:
The most quick-witted, intellectual connoisseur of work, an indispensable employee for women, . You have repeatedly turned to him for practical advice. And, what is most interesting - they always received it! At once in a word - the Internet of collective.

Nominations”Artist of large and small stages“:
Let there be interruptions in hearing
But there is a loud voice
Good in person…
Yes, the advantages of all can not be counted!
If you suddenly ask what you need,
The scene will suit you in an instant,
And marvel at the talent
Both a colleague and...
Nominations "Hidden reserves of the team"- the core of the team, support.
Medal "In step with the times"
For a responsible attitude to the work schedule:
despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms, the fall of the dollar and the rise in prices for gold and oil, it will appear in the right place and at the right time.
Friends! We wish you to continue
Burn with work, friendship,
Develop your talents
Earn rewards with hard work!

Comic nominations are always met with a bang and with genuine interest. Often they also need awards and medals - the nominees are real, not joking)))!

Even presenting real awards is not always such a success.

To whom do we give and for what reason?

On a birthday or other holiday of one person (enrolling in school, university, work, retirement, setting a record, receiving a Nobel Prize, publishing the first article in a magazine, the appearance of a personal blog, winning a dog show, etc.) only to this person, the hero of the occasion;

At a celebration of several people (the victory of a team in sports, in KVN, in some project, etc.), we give all these people the same medals (or at least with the same inscriptions, and the pictures are close in meaning);

February 23 and March 8 - to all women and all men without exception (check a hundred times that no one has been forgotten. Just in case, make a couple of spare medals with a universal text (useful for unexpected guests as well). But! Here you need to make one shape and size , but with different inscriptions: the more individual, the more interesting.Everyone will be waiting, but what is invented for him?

What do we write?

Comic nominations of competitions and texts on medals.

By family ties:

The best mother (daughter, grandmother, aunt)

The coolest dad (son, grandson, grandfather, child)

The eldest beloved daughter, the youngest beloved daughter (I recently wrote something similar to someone in the comments)

By profession:

Most fashionable singer (doctor, stylist)

The most beloved teacher (artist, traffic police officer - or what is the name of the traffic police now?)

The coolest athlete (banker, hacker)

(Not necessarily literally here, it’s even better if with a noticeable exaggeration: cutting your neighbor’s hair is already the best stylist, managed to run to the bus – well, you are a tough athlete)

By positions:

The most democratic boss, employee, accountant

The most greedy chief accountant

Most flexible executive

The most economic caretaker

Important! And the boss, and the supply manager, and the chief accountant - they are always in the singular. But still write the word "most" - for humor and light irony, which I hope they will understand.

By actions:

I am the best ... gave the neighbor a chair (screwed the light bulb, blow smoke rings, make reports)

I am the fastest ... I know how to paint lips (I find a mobile in my purse, wash dishes (or I wash dishes faster than a dishwasher))), I count without a calculator)

The same, but for kids:

I am the fastest ... ate porridge (fell asleep in the afternoon)

I'm the best ... tied my shoelaces (buttoned my jacket)

For schoolchildren, I can’t figure it out yet: my daughter is a student, my nephews are kids)) I forgot a little school topics. But you understood the idea, you will come up with it yourself quickly, the main thing is to write it down right away. Here's a little for younger students:

Miss curly curls

Miss the most beautiful bows

Miss Longest Braids

mr neatness

Mister good manners

Our superman

Our protection and support

Our Secret Keeper

The most intelligent (decisive, brave, unyielding, persistent, obstinate, reliable, honest)

The most gentle (wise, smart, correct, modest, elegant, fashionable, cheerful)

By hobbies and cute features:

Newspaper Reading Star

World-class maestro in playing on the nerves

Our personal astrologer (for a lover of horoscopes)

Fashion item (for fashion item)

Our best florist (who loves to mess around with bouquets)

Our Sukhomlinsky (for a lover to educate)

Young Michurinets (cottagers of any age)

A student of Bill Gates (to someone who is well versed - or thinks he is well versed - in computer programs)

Our chocolate girl (the most obvious chocolate lover. This would be me by default))

Almost Hitchcock (horror movie fan)

Snow Queen (to the most prickly lady)

Iron Lady (whom you decide; usually at least one person, but it happens)

Comic nominations and their winners:

The winner of the nomination "The lady checked in the luggage" (find and quote part of this poem by S. Marshak. This is for a lover of a bunch of bags, packages, shopping bags))

The winner of the nomination "Here's someone down the hill" (who lives on a mountain, a hill, or likes hiking in the mountains, or ski resorts)

The winner of the nomination “You fooled me, you fooled me” (from the Ukrainian song - You deceived me, you let me down - for constant liars))

The winner of the nomination "On a small raft" (this is from the song by Y. Loza, for lovers of mountain rivers, if any)

The winner of the nomination “I will drive a bicycle for a long time” (a very beautiful song of my youth. A gift from me to cyclists)

Winner of the nomination "I'll send him to ..." (from the song of Lolita. To a lover of rough abuse of any sex)

The winner of the nomination "Orientation - North" (from another song by Lolita. To a person somehow connected with the word "north": he lived, served, worked in the Far North. Or lives in the area of ​​​​the Northern bus station (once there was such a and our student hostel was nearby), or works at the Donetsk-Severny station, for example.

The winner of the nomination “You got drunk, like a pig” (You got drunk like a pig - Verka Serdyuchka, one of the New Year's musicals. Do NOT hand this medal, but show it in advance and announce that it is, and if at the end of the evening there is a candidate for it, then he will publicly receive it, but you hope that it will not come to this)

For this block of nominations, it would be very good to collect these songs and include each one for 1 - 1.5 minutes, while a person goes to get a medal and back. In general, short musical inserts (1 - 3 minutes) at homemade holidays are always very, very helpful: they smooth out the roughness and create pleasant musical pauses when you need to prepare the next competition or the next speaker.

I remind you: how to make a medal, I painted in detail in. If you do not fit on the medal both the text and the picture, leave one thing, but in any case, announce the text and the nomination aloud: you, after all, have an award ceremony))

Another tip: when choosing texts and nominations for competitions for your company, immediately imagine who exactly it will suit. Only in this case it will be funny and fun. While I was composing and typing, I had fun myself, because I imagined everything that I wrote in relation to familiar personalities. If there is no suitable character, take something else, otherwise all my and your work will go to waste in space. And we need to hook people here on earth))

Wishing you bright nominations and nominees,

A very beautiful song and, in general, timeless. Listen!

P.S. The title of the next article is "A contest that is always with you." Look what's in there :)