People who have earned millions on the Internet are real stories. How to make a million from scratch: some real stories

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about cherished dream probably every person, of course, I make an exception for such a dream for those people who already have a treasured million and who are probably now thinking how to increase it and become a billionaire. Well, okay ... now this is not about that. Now I want to open the topic of the question - IS IT POSSIBLE TO EARN A MILLION FROM ZERO? As far as possible, this is generally real and what are the real ways for this ...

Everyone who made a million started from scratch. The exception is those people who have inherited a million, well, or won the lottery, the casino. The popular game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", yes, you can really earn that same million in it, but knowledge and developed intelligence are also needed. There are many other games in which you can also earn a round sum of money. Other types of gambling are also welcome: bets on sports races or races, poker, roulette. Luck is required to earn them. Which will accompany you throughout the game or throughout life. In addition to luck, you need to know all the tricks and secrets of this game, have certain skills. If you ask yourself whether it is possible to earn a million and fulfill a dream, of course, this is impossible, high paying job, then, in a few years, you will become, fortunately, a wealthy millionaire. If you want to make a million, become a businessman.

There are some options for making your dream come true:

Network marketing- for this type of business you need minimum investment. Unlike the traditional one, in which minimum costs start from five hundred thousand rubles.

— Traditional business.

- Creation of a highly visited site that will generate profit.

- - training people and advising on issues that you understand, thus selling knowledge for money.

- - by buying shares and receive a percentage of their purchase. This option requires investment.

In order to make a million, you need starting investments, working tirelessly and many other nuances.

People who made millions from scratch:

1. Doherty Fraser - at the age of 14 he started his own business, his hobby was cooking, according to his grandmother's recipes he made jams. Soon after spreading the word about the delicious jam, Doherty had to take out a lease to build a factory that employed more than two hundred people.

2. Richard Branson - owns the Virgin corporation, consists of 350 divisions, in one of the networks of the radio station, car checkout, railway tickets. Richard owns Necker Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean.

3. Oleg Tinkov - reselling goods, earned his first money. Oleg Tinkov was engaged in cycling and had travel outside the city, transported scarce goods, then resold them. Oleg was engaged in the resale of vodka, during the day he bought it in stores, and in the evening, when all the counters closed and the evening festivities began, he resold them to students, inflating the price of vodka twice. Today, Oleg owns the Tinkov Credit Systems bank network.

4. Fourteen-year-old American Ashley, having nothing to do, created her own website To found it, she needed no more than a hundred dollars from her pocket money. On the site, the girl posted useful information for Internet users. For example, how to decorate your account, how to work with HTML and much more. Hearts, poems, depressive love songs, photos of idols. All this began to attract teenage girls from all over the world to the site, and Ashley began to receive money for this. Three years after opening the site, she earned her first million.

5. Aaron Ross is a true Internet genius. He created his first website at the age of 10, and at 15 he was already working at Netscape, while finishing school at the same time. Together with his colleague at the age of 19, he created a browser Mozilla Firefox, which ranks second in popularity in the world.

6. American girl Leanna had such beautiful hair that she decided to start her own line of cosmetics to care for them. She was sure that it was the masks and shampoos, which she herself created from organic products, that contributed to the rapid growth of beautiful hair. She sold cosmetics through her website When Leanna was only 13 years old, her income was about $200,000 a year. Not a million, of course, but she is not far from that.

This is, of course, an incomplete list of people who have made millions by starting their entire business from scratch. If you work hard, then after a while you can earn that same million. Let's now summarize - we have a goal - make a million, for this we need a good idea and implementation! On the way to advance the goal, it will be difficult and we will have a lot to learn and put it all into practice. It is necessary to bring something useful to society so that people reach out to you and be grateful, then over time you will understand that you can receive not only money, but also gratitude.

If you think that it is impossible to make a million from scratch, then you are sorely mistaken. The experience of others shows that modern world Anyone can become rich. How to earn your first million dollars from scratch? Let's see how others do it.

stories of real people

I want to tell you the stories of my friend, as well as famous and not so famous people who have already managed to earn a million dollars and are not going to stop there. This will be a lesson to skeptics, but to the rest - a good motivation or incentive. By the way, the stimulus (lat. stimulus) is a pointed stick, which was used to poke and drive animals. So get ready friends, we will encourage you to become millionaires.

The story of my friend who made a million dollars in two years:

My university friend Anton, after graduation, could not find a job for a long time. He hung on the neck of his parents, made empty plans, read smart books successful people and generously shared with us his grandiose business ideas on how to make a million dollars.

We didn't take him seriously, you know, it's hard to admire such an idiot. Long story short, Anton managed to get a job at an oil refinery. He worked there for exactly three months and quit. No, not because he was tired, but because he figured out how to make his first million bucks. He opened a license for cleaning up territories, collected some permits for providing services to oil and gas processing organizations. Naturally, I do not know all the details, so I give the main idea. With these documents, he went to the office of the oil refinery to make a deal.

His idea was simple: “my firm will clean up your territory and we will take out all the garbage ourselves.” I don’t know how he managed to agree, but he knocked out a contract for a year. According to Anton, it was possible to make money on used pumps, pumps, pipes and other scrap metal. All this was taken out as garbage, but in fact, many of the instruments were in a tolerable condition. He arranged with some workshop where used pumps and pumps were put in order and then resold. What could not be repaired was sold as scrap metal.

He earned his first million dollars in two years, but did not pull them out of the company, but spent most of the money on expansion.

To date, Anton is the owner of factories, newspapers and steamships, a large workshop for the repair of oil refining equipment, has a decent park trucks and big store selling pumps and pumps from the world's leading manufacturers. He also earns decently on the Internet on binary options. Anton, like me, is 25 years old.

How people make millions of dollars - stories that particularly impressed me:

The list is headed by a young woman in her 30s, Elizabeth Holmes. Forbes magazine called this woman's experience bloody amazing and here's why. Elizabeth, in her 30s, made several thousand million from scratch. Yes, she is a billionaire and started earning fabulous banknotes as a student at Stanford University, which she never graduated from.

At 19, she founded Theranos, Inc., which uses revolutionary technology to test blood with a special analyzer. Theranos offers to take blood tests at a discounted price and get the results as fast as possible. as soon as possible. The analysis process is automated and eliminates the human factor. This means that the error in the analysis results is minimized to 10%. According to the journal Clinical Chemistry, errors in results in existing (conventional) laboratories are as high as 60%.

The next story is about a young man from Perm, Alexander Agapitov. He made a million dollars from scratch brokering the exchange of cash for in-game currency in online games. As a freshman at Perm State University, Alexander and his friends wrote the Betsee algorithm in order to beat bookmakers. But the program did not give the expected profit. Still, only the casino wins in the casino. Simultaneously with Betsee, he creates an electronic currency exchanger and registers the domain.

By 2010, the company had already entered the international level and Agapitov was forced to change its name because the domain was taken. The owners did not want to give it away for $50,000. This, of course, did not stop the entrepreneur and he used this money for rebranding. The new name of the company became Xsolla, and the logo was made by Artemy Lebedev's studio. According to Forbes in 2013, Xsolla's revenue was about $17 million.

You can sit and wonder how people earn millions, or you can just go ahead and make a blueprint business and get rich. Andrey Guzairov, who opened CreditCardsOnline, went this way.

Andrey spotted an idea for a business in an American company where he worked for a short time and from where he was fired. CreditCardsOnline is engaged in the selection and sale credit cards Russian banks. Having promoted his company, Guzairov launched a couple more projects in 2012: the microfinance business and, which became the first online identification service in Russia.

In fact, no one can give universal recipes for how to earn your first million dollars. Because we are all different. Everyone has their own unique talent personal experience and some circumstances. But millions of dollars are earned by people like us, and not by mystical aliens or super-genius financiers. What stands between you and big capitals? Why haven't you made your million dollars yet?

How can one not recall the words of Franklin Roosevelt: "The only brake on the way to our tomorrow's achievements is our today's doubts." What are we afraid of, why do we doubt? How many examples of successful people need to be given in order for us to change our life positions? So that we start to think that we deserve better and more?

For me, the story of millionaire businessman Randy Best is particularly revealing. A native of Texas, in his 71 years he has been a millionaire more than once, making millions of dollars in various areas of business.

His last successful business, which he personally manages to this day: the company Academic Partnerships (eng. Academic Partnerships). The business model of Academic Partnerships is simple: the company helps colleges implement distance education via the Internet. Colleges benefit from partnering with an intermediary company for many reasons.

Academic Partnerships takes over technical support courses, content digitization, student acquisition, etc. The college pays 50% of the course fees for Academic Partnerships services. Indeed, everything is simple, but something else hooked me. The fact is that the creator of a multi-million dollar business - Randy Best can not read! He has an acute case of dyslexia and all documentation is read to him by his secretary. Amazingly, it turns out that you don't have to be able to read to make millions of dollars from scratch!

Well, how did you get inspired for feats? Do you know how businesslike is translated into Russian? Can be translated as "enterprising" or "business". So our dear members of the forum are simply destined to become business millionaires. And I will write reviews about each of you or we will all read articles about you in Forbes together. And we will all be terribly proud to meet a successful person who made his million dollars from scratch, but at the same time remained a good man. Good luck to all of us, friends!

Reader Comments

Polina, And you all inspire people to great deeds. Now it’s clear where you have so many plans, here are your goals and role models. Yes, there are many unique cases. Even teenagers come up with some entertainment programs and websites (simple, but original) and become millionaires. Everything ingenious is simple. There is something to strive for.

Great stories, immediately the motivation appears to work and still take an example from those who succeed! This is great! Where to put these doubts and continue to work for the good for the sake of such wonderful ideas. Yes, starting a company is not difficult, but choosing a niche is quite difficult, because you just need to work hard on this.

Kira, Lisel, girls, not gods mold pots! Let's make millions of dollars ourselves and have everyone ask us how to do it from scratch. And we, beauties, will be printed by Forbes.

Polina, did you make your own blog? If it’s not a secret how long this came out and more articles yourself, write in person. What is a blog for you, a desire to earn money or a lot of free time.

By the time it took him 3 days, no more. I write articles myself, with a creak and huge breaks that are simply unacceptable for a young blog.

The blog was created with the goal of making many millions of dollars (why not?). I believe that "for the soul" it is enough to start a page on Vkontakte or create a topic on our forum.

How to make money on a blog and what you need to do for this, I started learning just two months ago. I have not yet achieved any tangible results, but I am not going to give up.

You better answer the question for me: did this article inspire you to exploits?

Of course it did. And I'm going to make my first million through mediation or through an auction. It really doesn't work from scratch. It doesn't work for me to find a topic with zero, in absolute, attachment.

I heard that millionaires talk about the first million as the most difficult thing in their endeavor to earn the second or third million after the first - this is almost commonplace. By the way, there are many millionaires on the Internet - and I don’t take the creators of social networks, tweeters and some big portals ... even with trading skills, you can become a millionaire.

Polina, very interesting article! Indeed motivating! I thought that if some people succeed, then others should succeed. After all, we all deserve to be millionaires. But some will, and some won't. The difference is in thinking, in the direction of our consciousness. If the consciousness is tuned to success, then it will be, but the doubts that are mentioned in the quotes of this article cause defeat.

I'm pretty sure that in order to get your first million, you need to be psychologically prepared for this. Otherwise, life will protect you from this. You can recall the fate of many who won the lottery. Most spent the winnings very quickly and did not become happier from this.

Doctor X, I think in order to make a million, you need to have an idea and be a fan of it, work constantly and study all the nuances, and if you fully devote yourself to your work and develop in your chosen field, then a million will come. But with regards to zero investments, it is possible, but it will take a lot of time.

I propose this option: let's discuss together your every idea for making money. Create a topic on the forum and share with us your ideas, even if unrealistic, in your opinion. Each participant has some experience in earning money and if everyone shares their thoughts, you will be able to add up the whole puzzle.

Now I also set out to earn my first million dollars on the Internet. But since there is not much knowledge, any advice "from the outside" will be urgently needed. I'll probably make my own list and put it up for discussion. One head is good, but forum thousands of heads are even better.

I have read the same statement. It's hard to start from scratch. Here the law applies, when everything that is multiplied by zero will be equal to zero. It is necessary to jump over this “zero” bar and everything should work out. Well, or so it seems to me. The most important thing is to understand that people like us earn millions. With two hemispheres in the cranium. We do not set ourselves goals that have never been achieved by anyone. People were earning millions before us, and they will be earning after us. But I really want to join this cash flow. It remains to figure out how.

For some reason, often millionaires become people who were at school with two and three students, I can’t explain this in any way. I believe that the main desire and perseverance, also important in business, is the ability to communicate with people. Of course, there are brilliant people, such as in the example, they see ways to make money, in the most unusual places.

Therefore, they did not follow the plan at school: learn this, this and that. And when they were asked, they thought, quickly made decisions. They thought, but did not give out memorized school material. So it is in life. They think rather than cramming university materials, which are often outdated.

You need to think, people, think. Sometimes you can copy a business (gas station or car wash), but it’s better to come up with your own. And believe me - everyone can come up with something. But not everyone is doing something to realize this idea.

The article is really motivating. You start thinking about what to do.
But it seems to me that for success you need to burn with your idea, put your soul into it.
If you are doing something solely for the sake of making a profit, but you are not particularly interested in the matter, nothing will ever come of this worthwhile.

Enough interesting examples given in your post, you can earn on a lot of things really, you just need to have the desire, desire, perseverance and carefully look around. After all, each of us needs something, and this is how other people earn on us, while we say behind their backs that this is unrealistic.

And I translated the name for myself in the forehead - I like business ... Of course, this is not a literary translation. Like business. Lots of ideas. Despite the inability to read, the businessman, nevertheless, took up the education of other people. Yet, apparently, this interfered with him ... The article is interesting and motivates primarily by the fact - at least for me, that the chosen methods of earning were mainly in intermediary activities, and, moreover, were absolutely civilized. It was a "quiet pirate option".

Interesting you think. It's like a "shoemaker without boots", why not? Many business ideas come from personal passions or needs. And people get to earn their first million dollars from scratch on this.

I read a story about a girl librarian who loved her country town, which had several historical sites. From great love, she started a blog, where she spoke in detail about her town. Wrote about who used to own these historical places who visited them. There were heirs of the former owners abroad who were interested in their roots.

They offered her to conduct a tour, to arrange a visit to these places. Naturally for a fee. As a result, the librarian girl created her own tour agency and carries elite guests. Created several times balls, parties in the estate. Opened a small hotel. You can only get to her parties by appointment, and places in the hotel are booked several months in advance.

That's how the love for his town grew into a serious business. I don’t know if she managed to earn a million dollars, but I think this girl will be able to achieve good results.

At one time I had ideas for making money on the Internet using search engines - from help in searching to creating your own search engine. This difficult task was not brought to an end, but applied linguistics took a firm place in my mind.

In order to get their first million, many millionaires took risks. It is more convenient for us to earn on small but without risk. Even Steve Jobs himself said that his entire company is built on risk. He said that the initial investment is the most important, the more the better.

In the list, we have indicated the 5 most successful people on the planet. You don't have to imitate them, but it's worth trying to be inspired by them.

1. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Bill Gates made his fortune thanks to the company he founded Microsoft. The company itself appeared in 1975 and included 2 people in its staff, including Bill Gates.

Now the company employs more than 127 thousand people in various cities around the world. Microsoft is one of the largest multinational companies with an annual turnover of over $70 billion.

Bill Gates' fortune is estimated at 75 billion US dollars. Gates himself currently pays great attention to "clean" technologies and promising environmental areas - so, in 2015, Bill became an investor in a startup Impossible Foods— the startup is aimed at studying and growing plants that can replace meat in the future.

2. Amancio Ortega, founder of ZARA

Amancio Ortega founded Zara in Spain in 1975 with his wife. Initially, they carried out the tailoring and sale of lingerie and bathrobes. The company was so small that Amancio and his wife opened their first tailoring business in the living room of their own home.

Zara is now the world's largest clothing retailer. This was made possible thanks to the management talent of Amancio Ortega himself. The company, under the leadership of Amancio, pursues a very tough strategy for expansion in the market - the main investments of the company are directed to the opening of new stores, and the work of the entire company and each store individually is subject to strict instructions developed by Amancio Ortega.

As a result of this approach, Amancio Ortega's personal fortune is 67 billion US dollars. Which Ortega invests in the purchase of real estate in various countries.

3. Warren Buffett, the most famous investor in the world

Warren Buffett was born in 1930. At the age of 6, he made his first deal, bought a pack of soda for 25 cents for 6 bottles in his grandfather's store. Then he sold each separately for 5 cents, thus receiving 30 cents, earning 5 cents on the deal.

At the age of 11, he tries himself in the investment business, buying and selling shares.

In 1965 he buys Berkshire Hathaway, a textile company. In view of the decline in production in the industry, Warren is expanding the scope of the company's interests.

Today, Berkshire Hathaway is one of the largest investment company in the world.

Buffett does not like luxury in ordinary life. He lives in an ordinary house, which he bought in 1957. Prefers to eat at chain cafes fast food. Warren likes this chain so much that he bought it. When asked about his secret of longevity and well-being, he replies that he drinks 5 cans of Coca-Cola during the day, which help him get a boost of vigor and energy.

most the best investment in life, Warren Buffett names reading Benjamin Graham's book The Smart Investor, which he read in 1949.

4. Carlos Slim Elu, telecommunications

Carlos Slim Elu, born in Mexico, was the 5th child in the family. His father moved in 1902 to Mexico, after which he opened in business center Mexico City supermarket, where all his children worked, including Carlos.

It is in the store that Carlos, with the blessing of his father, reveals his talent in business. By the age of 17, Carlos Slim Elu had made his first million on investments.

Carlos is now worth an estimated $50 billion, is the owner or major shareholder of various telecommunications companies in Mexico, and also owns a large stake in Tne New York Times publishing house in the United States.

5. Jeff Bezos,

In 1994, Jeff decided to sell books online and was born. Bezos characterizes his business with the words - that you must always be ahead of competitors.

Since 2000, Jeff Bezos has been investing in advanced space technologies and developments. Owner since 2013 The Washington Post, where exactly the same approach is applied as in their Internet business - staying ahead of competitors and constant control.

Jeff's fortune is estimated at 42 billion dollars.

People joke that "happiness is not in money, but in their quantity." And as always, there is only a fraction of a joke in this joke. Indeed, in fact, everyone dreams of financial independence and stability, and only a few manage to earn millions. In our review, we will talk about the unusual and unexpected ways in which people were able to earn a lot of money. Perhaps some of our readers will find their business idea here.

1. Sale of native land

The idea sounds something like selling rocks from the moon. But when Pat Burke from Tipperary was about to move from Ireland to the United States, Irish-American acquaintances began to ask him to bring a handful of earth with him each. Deeply religious and attached to their historical homeland, the Irish wanted to throw at least a handful of their native land on the coffin of their loved one at the funeral.
This is how the "Official Irish Dirt" business was born. On the this moment The company has already sold 240 tons of land worth more than $1 million.

2. Hug service

There are more singles than married people in the US right now. This is partly due to the fact that the divorce rate has risen and many people prefer to remain free. Accordingly, there are a lot of lonely people who could use a little hug. According to scientists, everyone needs touch as it reduces anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and improves attitude towards life. Obviously, this was the main reason for the emergence of an unusual business, in which some people in Los Angeles, Japan and the UK earn up to $ 360 per day.

3. Game Coach

Around the world, more than 1.2 billion people play video games on a regular basis. 44 percent of all gamers play online games on their mobile devices and PC. Typically, this means that they are competing with other people who are playing the same game. There are professional coaches and game mentors who provide advice and guidance to those who do not have enough time to level up on their own.

4. Models of individual parts of the body

Those with well-defined abs, a high forehead, a taut ass, or any other body part that can be used in advertising can make some decent money. For example, Jason Sadler "sold" his torso and wears T-shirts with the logos of certain companies.

Every day he puts on a T-shirt of a new company, and sets the price for the work depending on the ordinal number of the day in the year. For example, on December 31, his services cost companies $365. Clearly, Sadlers' business idea is thriving as he began hiring new staff to help meet the growing demand.

5. Sale of virginity

Such a deal can be done only once, so the cost of the service is quite high. Innocence is now worth more than $ 700,000 - that's how much moneybags are willing to pay for their fantasies. Those who want to make money in this way should carefully check the buyer and request 50 percent in advance.

6. Sale of life

If people are buying land they've never seen, it's no wonder they're buying shares for someone's life, considering it a good investment. This is definitely one of the most unique and profitable ideas. There are a few people who have divided their lives into "assets", and shareholders have been able to purchase their various things, as well as make a number of decisions for their "property". For example, Ian Asher sold his life on eBay for $305,000, including his home, a potential job, his personal belongings, and even the opportunity to meet his friends.

7. Made in China

Over the past few years, the "Made in China" label has generated huge profits for many entrepreneurs. The concept is so simple that large companies also import Chinese products and sell them under their own label. Almost all brand-name fashion is made in China, which is not surprising, since companies make huge profits simply by buying low and selling high.

8. Loans with high risks at high interest

Many people who have lost their jobs over the past decade and still have large loans have decided to go into the lending business themselves. The ideal candidates for them were people with bad credit history.

Some of these aggressive "lenders" take money out of their credit cards at low interest rates and then offer it at high interest rates to desperate people. Naturally, there is a high risk that the money will not be returned to them, so contracts are drawn up with very strict conditions.

9.Opening packages with well-known brands

Who would have imagined that the owner of a Youtube channel called DC Toys Collector received $ 4.9 million in 2014 just for opening boxes of toys. Most of the money was earned by displaying promotional materials during more than 1,600 videos, which average 380 million views per month. All videos show the woman unpacking and then assembling the toys. A new video is posted almost every day.

10. Internet sites with strawberries

Intimacy has always been one of the main sales tools, because men attach great importance to "reproduction". Strawberry-focused sites have been at the forefront of making money online, long before Amazon or other modern e-commerce giants were around. Some of the most successful sites on the internet right now are nude webcam shows, dating or dating sites, and sites with adult content.

For those who are thinking about own business stories will be interesting. They surprise and inspire.

The Forex market is trading floor, where traders gather who sell and buy certain currency pairs. The foreign exchange market began to gain particular popularity at the beginning of the second millennium, when almost all the inhabitants of our planet gained access to trade. The Internet has become accessible to almost every person, and many have thought about the possibility of its effective use.

Forex provides a powerful support in this direction, although at first glance the system of currency speculation seems incredibly complex. Of course, initial investment necessary, but they can pay off already in 2-3 months of work. To do this, you just need to study all the rules of trade and strictly observe them. People who made money on Forex do not stop there, they constantly increase the invested funds.

Indeed, Forex pushes the boundaries of the usual earnings, here you can quite simply raise your capital. And the proof of this is outstanding personalities, trading legends, from which all beginners should take an example. Forex millionaires are conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Trading with their own money and earning through the use of a profitable strategy;
  • Professional traders who successfully manage other people's in cash and receive a certain percentage of the profits.

Both the one and the other way of working in the market allows you to get millions of profits. As for people who have made fortunes in Forex, as “live” examples are:

  • Larry Williams is a legendary figure in the currency and stock markets. He began trading in 1965, for the first time in the stock market. Five years later, he made his first 1,000,000 and became a millionaire. Williams' main strategy is scalping, which allowed him to earn 1.147 million in a year from an initial deposit of $10,000.
  • Richard Dennis. I got acquainted with Forex in 1970 when I worked as a messenger on one stock exchange. Gradually, Dennis began to make small transactions, to learn the principles of trading. After several decades of hard self-study and hard work, he increased his initial deposit of $400 to $200 million.
  • no less respect than people who make money on forex, deserve those who made their fortunes in the market valuable papers. Here it is worth noting Warren Edward Buffett, whose fortune is estimated at several billion dollars. The secret of Buffett's work is quite simple, it is based solely on fundamental analysis, where the main factor is the knowledge of upcoming changes in the economy of a particular country in the near future. A similar principle is also applicable to Forex trading, only currencies are the object of investment on it, and the main thing is right choice the desired currency for sale / purchase.
  • Alexander Elder is a psychiatrist who has proven own experience the influence of psychology on the trading process. Elder's main specialization is option trading and stocks. It should be noted that the lists people who made money on Forex, most often includes traders who traded preferably options. Alexander Elder is the author of several well-known books on the stock market and Forex trading, he heads the international training center for professional traders. He made millions more from writing books and teaching new traders how to trade than from Forex trading.
  • Curtis Face is one of the most popular Forex traders. According to official figures, his fortune totals more than three tens of millions of dollars. He is the author of a book with an interesting title, The Way of the Turtles: From Amateurs to Legendary Traders.

This book is a kind of bible for novice players, in it Face described his entire path to success in such an unpredictable and strange earning system. Turtles he calls traders who earn exclusively in the foreign exchange market. The book is built on communication between three colleagues (directly Face, William Eckhard and Richard Dennis), who went through the path together from "dummies" to "professionals". The book revealingly tells about the life of novice Forex users and the information presented in it gives a clear idea of ​​what we call people who have earned on Forex.

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My article will be interesting and especially useful for novice traders, I hope it will help them dot the question about the types of Forex accounts, their features and conditions. Start over. Forex account is a deposit, the funds of which are used by us for speculative operations in the market...