The funniest statuses for social networks, hilarious and funny quotes! positive statuses.

As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration of life - good mood.

Carefully! I radiate positive vibrations!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Tell yourself a beautiful compliment, and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let us leave the past for winter, spring blooms in the soul, and summer mood!

Happiness is such an ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish positive, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good it is, I manage to do even better!

If life doesn't make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want change in your destiny? So start from within.

We are looking for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

You can't get away from the sun if it's inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves, by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself good man don't wish bad!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lies a trembling spring, and behind the cover of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

In vain in this world nothing happens! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, not obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you're just denying yourself too much? ..

Being happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Rather, take a ray of sunshine as a gift!

You noticed - you can change the world: you are sad - and the world is cloudy, smiled - and the world shone.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is excellent, even rolls over!

The mood is excellent - familiar in the spring!

I love spring for a great mood, a charge of emotions, a new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always a new life, rebirth, youth and good mood.

In the spring there is a lot of strength, I want big and bright, so why not start today? ..5

Rating 5.00 (4 votes)

Status is not only a social position in society, but also a concise statement that describes your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Statuses can be sad, joyful, positive, about love, friendship, betrayal, etc. We share our statuses with friends on social networks. To cheer everyone up (including yourself), you can pick up positive options and post them on your page.

The most positive statuses: examples

  • A real alcoholic drinks once a day - from morning to evening.
  • The inscription in the student canteen: do not feed cats with cutlets, two unfortunate creatures have already been poisoned!
  • The secret of happiness: never compare health, wife and salary with others.
  • The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman even for a minute.
  • If a fool is decently dressed, always full and smiling at life, then he is not so stupid.
  • There are no dead ends. There are unbroken tunnels.
  • There are three troubles in Russia: fools, roads, and fools who make these roads.
  • If time doesn't wait for you, don't worry. Just remove the battery from the watch and enjoy life.
  • It's not the date or the weather that makes a good day, it's the people.
  • If life has cracked, take it as a new design; and, taking this opportunity, change the interior, and change the situation.
  • Positive thinking is when you fell down the stairs and you think: Wow... How quickly you went down!
  • See life through the windshield, not the rearview mirror.
  • A bald spot is a clearing trampled down by thoughts.
  • If you are constantly laughed at, it means that you bring joy to people.

Statuses for social networks: positive and funny

  • Let all the idiots and fools out of your life, the circus must tour!
  • Sometimes a smile makes us forget about our problems, sometimes a smile works wonders, it decorates our world. Never stop smiling, even when you're sad, someone might fall in love with your smile!
  • You can see the stars better through the retracted roof.
  • Some life mistakes are just too cool to make just once!
  • Never despair in your life. One person drew a square and called it a picture. Happened. Here you will succeed!
  • If in the morning you got up on your left foot, then the day will go well. If it's right, it's even better. And if you can’t get up at all, then it was good yesterday.
  • Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile into it.
  • For Russian signs Swimming is FORBIDDEN!, Do not climb - KILL!, DO NOT TOUCH with your hands! - it's a challenge!.
  • Well, they got nasty at you in the supermarket - don't worry. Place the frozen fish in the bread section.
  • Save your statuses - they will help the psychiatrist with a diagnosis.
  • Life is boring and monotonous. But everything changes when they come... Money on the card!
  • That's why lemonade is made from artificial lemon juice, and detergents- natural?
  • Look at life more cheerfully: stepping on a rake, enjoy the fireworks.
  • The sun peeked in, the cat purred, Coffee was brewed, a new day awaits us!

Positive statuses: options for girls

  • I think I'm pregnant ... I'm sick of work and drawn to the salty sea.
  • I want the light in the purse, when I open it, to light up, like in the refrigerator!
  • Girl, do you have valentines with the inscription "to my only"? - There is! - Give me 16 pieces.
  • I'm tired of all. Tired. I will go to the monastery. In the male. For 3 days….
  • I heard this proverb: whoever is afraid of something, then it will happen to him. Now I am very afraid of getting rich and losing weight.
  • Girls are unique only in their logic. She alone is worth something to us.
  • In our time, if you are smart, shy and sweet - this is just some kind of vice.
  • Live while you live... Fall in love sometimes. Cry when you have to. And always have fun!
  • A reminder to husbands: There should be so many clothes in the wife's closet that no lover could fit there.
  • I have already come to terms with the fact that instead of a white horse, my prince will have a black hummer ... I am strong, I can stand it!
  • Give a girl a million scarlet roses, and she will say that she needs one, but white....
  • A woman knows that if she weeps loudly and throws a good tantrum, then two times two equals five.
  • If a woman wants something sweet, she can always convince herself that this cake is dietary.
  • Scandal for a woman is a kind of entertainment.
  • Previously, my mother was worried that I would give birth to a child at the age of 15 ... but now she is worried that she will give birth at least by the age of 30.
  • Husband gave a sea of ​​flowers! He took it to the field, said: “Everything is yours, collect it !!!”.

Perhaps the most funny statuses on the site! When you want to amuse your friends, look at Statuses-Here and you will find funny statuses for classmates, in contact or for others social networks. The main thing is not to lose heart, because you can always find positive statuses, thanks to which you will cheer up others, and gray everyday life will suddenly sparkle with new colors. Our most funny statuses they will help to make any princess Nesmeyana laugh, and now she is already laughing with you, and together you are reading hilarious statuses for classmates on! This is not surprising, because laughter, jokes, a positive and cheerful attitude prolong life, help maintain good relationships and make it easier to look at the world. Our most hilarious statuses about everything and everyone will give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd of gloomy and dissatisfied Internet users. Funny quotes and sayings are sure to cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to see them. The funniest statuses are here! Let's find the status together!

Selected funny statuses!

For us, funny statuses do not imply a frivolous approach, as we carefully monitor the quality of our content. Funny statuses will surely please your friends and cheer you up. Positive quotes as a status will reflect your positive attitude in life and will please everyone who sees them. In any situation, the main thing is to always think positively, and even if your day doesn’t work out in the morning, come to us and read our carbon monoxide statuses and you yourself will not notice how the situation will change in your favor. Everyone knows that life, it's like a zebra - today the stripe is white, and tomorrow it's already black. Let pessimists think so, but we are optimists, because our very funny statuses are on our pages in classmates and in contact!

The funniest statuses!

Your significant other wants to meet New Year on the seashore, and that the heat is +30? Our humorous statuses will help you take your companion's thoughts in a different direction. Parents tormented by talking about the dacha and already in December they are buying seeds? Our funny statuses about spring will help you, cheer them up. You can judge a person by their sense of humor. You do not want your friends to consider you a fan of Petrosyan or the Ponomarenko brothers? Then our statuses with humor will help you. And let them just say that Ivan Urgan is just handsome, now he has serious competition in your face.

Funny statuses are here!

So, the matter is small: we go to the appropriate section of the site, find carbon monoxide statuses and place them on our site. Just a few minutes of pleasant work, and a witty quote on your page. And the fact that the work of finding funny statuses is really pleasant can not even be disputed. After all, along the way, you will definitely look through more than a dozen funny quotes which will certainly delight you with excellent humor and charge you with excellent mood. Positive people are very fond of funny statuses. Because funny statuses are very simple, but incredible effective remedy to lift the spirits of everyone around. It's so easy to pick up a funny quote and place it as a status on your page. Everyone who visits your page will certainly pay attention to your status and at least smile. But this is already a lot! That is why funny statuses are so popular. It would seem that one or two lines of text, and the mood is already in the black. This is the whole essence and meaning of funny sayings and sayings.
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Statuses about life are positive

Life is divided into black and white stripes, but I don't care, I'm going on my own, purple!

I'm leaving to live on a rainbow, I'm tired of black and white stripes!

Sometimes the black stripe turns out to be a take-off.

Life like a zebra? Be smarter! Reached the white stripe and along, along!

You need to live in such a way that life, kicking you, breaks your leg!

While you are facing your past, you are facing your future! Let's turn back!!! :)))

If life has turned backwards, do not be upset, but adjust!)

You cannot change your life overnight, but you can change the direction in which you are moving. Jim Rohn

If you are oppressed by the old life, quickly forget about it. come up with new history your life and believe in it. Remember only your victories, and this will help you achieve what you want. Paulo Coelho

In the life of every man there should be something bright, for example, a blonde!

Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well - enjoy, it won't last forever... Well, if everything goes badly - don't be sour, it won't last forever either...

There is nothing to regret in this life! It was - draw a conclusion and live on!

Don't be afraid to lose someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who are sent to you for experience are lost. Those who are sent to you by fate remain.

There will come a time when you decide it's over! This will be the beginning! Louis Lamour

Sometimes you think: it's all over, period, but in fact - this is the beginning. Just another chapter. Ilya Erenburg

We ourselves invent problems, barriers, complexes and limits for ourselves, free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything.

Life is not about waiting for the downpour to subside. She's to learn how to dance in the rain.

If life hit you in the chest, do not crawl back, but by all means - forward!

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love those who treat you well, forgive those who are wrong, and trust that everything happens for a reason.

A person is able to change his life, changing only his point of view!

With confident steps, with fresh thoughts into a new life...

Our whole life is a game ... And happy in it is the one who knows how to play beautifully!

I want a black streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black Bentley.

I believe that I will not fall. I believe that I will find the strength to live. I believe in one victory for all. I believe and know that success will await me!

Life is short, but glory can be eternal.

Life is not an easy task, and the first hundred years are the hardest.

You need to live in such a way that everyone who communicates with you later regrets that you are not around.

Each dawn provides an opportunity to start a new life.