Accommodation Referral Program FAQ. What does it mean

Learning Outcomes Report

    1. Full name employee ____________________________________________
    2. Position of employee ___________________ Department _______________
    3. Topic of the seminar (training) _____________________________________
    4. When did you study _______________________________________________
    5. Where and with whom did you study ______________________________________________
    6. Name the main (brightest) moments that you liked during the training:
    7. Which of the things you heard during the training are you going to implement:

    8. What did the colleagues of your department, the employees of the Company, need to learn from what they heard during the training?

Evaluation sheet TO

    Date of_______________

Evaluation sheet AFTER

    Date of_______________
    Dear participant!
    The two days that you dedicated to training are over.
    We hope it was a good time!
    Please write your impressions about this program.

    To what extent were your expectations met? _______________________________________________________________________
    What part of the program turned out to be the most useful and relevant for you??_____________________________________________
    If you have attended similar programs of other companies, please note the main differences of this seminar (in content, organization, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________
    What other topics of seminars and trainings would be interesting and relevant for you? _________________________________________________________________________
    Please rate the level of organization of the event, its advantages and disadvantages. _________________________________________________________________________
    In addition, we ask you to rate the seminar on a ten-point scale according to the following parameters (highlight the correct rating):

    Relevance of the topics of the seminar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Its practical usefulness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Teaching excellence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Event organization level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Name 5 key criteria (factors) that allow you to make sales more successful:
    1). ________________________________________________________________
    3). _______________________________________________________________
    4). _______________________________________________________________
    5). _______________________________________________________________
    FULL NAME. participant _________________________________________________
    Participant position ________________________________________________

Competency portrait of an employee

No. p / p Name of indicator Grade Note
1 Focus on change- the ability to constantly question the results of work, the existing order of interaction with customers, business partners, management and colleagues, as well as use changes in this order to improve the ways to achieve the company's ultimate goals
2 Mastering and using new knowledge and skills- continuous learning and self-learning, and the use in work of the new knowledge, skills, own and other people's experience gained as a result of such studies
3 Effective Communication and Collaboration- the ability to work successfully together with other members of the organization, to achieve coordinated actions to achieve the goals of the company
4 Result Oriented- understanding by the employee of the tasks facing him and the company and the ability to systematically achieve their implementation
5 Corporativeness and loyalty- willingness to accept and implement the principles and norms of the organization
6 strategic thinking- analysis of the development of the situation in the long term, taking into account all existing factors; determining the potential impact of external forces on organizational performance; formulation and evaluation of development alternatives
7 Achievement of set goals- acceptance of a system of responsibility for the results and performance of work with a sense of responsibility for labor productivity;
8 Level professional knowledge and skills in their field
9 Ability to organize and plan your work- the ability to clearly organize and plan the execution of assigned tasks, the ability to rationally use work time, focus on the essentials
10 Analytical thinking- carefully considers, weighs the facts and opinions; makes the right decisions
11 Responsibility - demonstrates responsible behavior; fulfills these obligations; adheres to established procedures and agreements
12 Self-confidence - confidently expresses his ideas and opinions; assures one's ability to succeed
13 Initiative - prone to active action and pro-active advancement towards present and future opportunities
14 Stress resistance - able to remain calm, restrained and objective in stressful situations
Striving for excellence - demanding of himself and others in an effort to exceed standards and achieve excellence
For more information, please call tel. 8-903-593-73-53 (Galina)



The company offers you a product at a wholesale price with a discount of up to 30%, and the first type of profit can be earned by selling the product for 100% of the cost.

You must learn how to use these products yourself and teach your relatives, friends and acquaintances how to use them. They will soon recognize you as a person who not only understands good products well, but also uses them rationally.

They will gladly buy from you.

To be a professional in this business, you need to learn how to make a monthly turnover of 100 points. What is a score?

Point is an intra-company currency that plays a very important role in our business.

The thing is that any product in our system, in addition to the monetary value, also has a certain value in points.

For example: L.O.C. Multifunctional detergent:

price for you ………………………………189 rub.

value in points ………………………..4.01

In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the following example: the salary of a doctor in Germany is one, in Russia - another, in the United States of America - a third.

In our business, in whatever country you work, you will receive the same salary as an American or Japanese entrepreneur who has made the same turnover as you. Having equal opportunities with foreign entrepreneurs, you do not need to look for work abroad.

Of course, a turnover of 100 points is not a mandatory requirement. Moreover, in our business from you in general NOBODY and NOTHING has the right to demand.

Some people make big turns of 200-300 points, others - 20-50 points. This is your business. As you build it, so it will function, bringing the corresponding reward.

In our examples, we took 1 point = 40 rubles.

So, the first type of profit is getting up to 30% from direct sales.

If a person makes a monthly purchase for 100 points, then the profit calculation is as follows:

100 b x 40 rub. x 30% \u003d 1200 rubles;


The second type of profit is the "bonus system".

Depending on the turnover of your group, the company pays you money according to the “bonus system”:

1) If you find one person who wants to join this system and have access to a high-quality product with a discount of up to 30% and also makes a 100-point turnover per month, then the "bonus payment system" comes into effect.

Here, the calculation of profit is carried out according to the first item of the bonus system according to the table:

Your 100b + 100b of the person on your first line = 200b. (pic 1)


You are on the first level of the "bonus system" - 3%.

In this case, the company returns to you 3% of the turnover of the group consisting of you and the person on your first line. But in our business, everyone works only for themselves., therefore, the payment of money is carried out as follows.

Your partner, having worked, made a turnover of 100 points, and he can only count on the 1st type of profit:

Now let's determine how much you earned?

Since you and your partner on the first line together made a turnover of 200 points, the company credits this turnover to you as the head of the group, so your salary is calculated as follows:

    First, let's calculate your turnover in 100 points:

100 b x 40 rub. x 30% \u003d 1200 rubles;

    200 points (turnover of your group of 2 people) x 40 rubles. x 3% \u003d 240 rubles. is a bonus from the company for your efforts. Your total remuneration per month will be:

1200 + 240 = 1440 rubles

1440 rub. - this is the money that you can earn with a group turnover of 200 points (including the 1st type of profit). The annual income will be 17280 rub.

2) Calculate your reward if you personally have reached a turnover of 200 points:

200 b x 40 rubles x 30% \u003d 2400 rubles;

200 b x 40 rubles x 3% \u003d 240 rubles. turnover bonus (according to the table)

2400 + 240 = 2640 rubles The annual income will be 31680 rub.

3) if you have 6 people working in the first line who complete a turnover of 100 points each, then your group turnover will be 700 points (Fig. 2)

With such a turnover, you will be at the 2nd level of the "bonus system" - this is a 6% turnover (see table).

Your reward will be:

100 b x 40 rub. x 30% \u003d 1200 rubles;

700 b x 40 rubles x 6% \u003d 1680 rubles;

Your total remuneration per month will be 2880 rubles.

The annual income will be 34560 rub.

THEN. already at this stage, the bonus for the work of the group overtakes the value of the first type of profit.

Fig.2 1 + 6 = 7 people

As you can see, your reward is growing.

In this case, all your six partners will receive 1200 rubles. - the first type of profit.

4) suppose that your partners in the first line turned out to be not as quick as you and connected only four people to the system (Fig. 3).

In your group, 31 people will already work with you.

These people will also make a turnover of 100 points.

Fig.3 1 + 6 + 24 = 31 people

Let's see at what level of the "bonus system" you will find yourself:

31 people x 100b = 3100 points. According to the "bonus system" - this is the 12% level (see table):

3100 b x 40 rubles. x 12% = 14880 rubles.

But 3100 points is the turnover of your entire group and 14880 rubles. is the money earned by the whole group. Here everyone works only for himself.

Very important point: in our business money is paid upwards and not from top to bottom.

So, your six people who are on the first line have already reached the 500-point turnover of their group, and this is the level of 3% according to the “bonus system” (see table). The company returns them 3% of the turnover of their groups of five people each: 500 b x 40 rubles. x 3% = 600 rubles.

600 rub. - this is a reward (2nd type of profit) for each of the six people of your first line for the success of their groups in distributing products.

In total they earned: 600 rubles. x 6 \u003d 3600 rubles.

You will not receive this amount of money from your first line partners. And only after 3600 rubles. will remain with your partners, you will receive money that belongs to you:

14880 rub. - 3600 rubles. = 11280 rubles. - . bonus for the turnover of your structure

100 b x 40 rub. x 30% \u003d 1200 rubles;

Your total remuneration per month will be: 12480 rub.

The annual income will be: 149760 rub.

That is, first the people who are in your lower levels will receive the reward, and only then - you. Simply put, your partners will give you money for the goods minus their remuneration, which once again proves that you are not dealing with a "scam"

pyramid, and real business in which each participant receives a fair reward in proportion to their efforts.

5) Consider how the system works on the third line.

Let each of your partners of the second line have at least three of their employees on the third line (Fig. 4). Then 103 people will work in your entire group.

Fig.4 1 + 6 + 24 + 72 = 103 people

rozn. markup +PPB*

*PPB - Business Support Program bonus (see page 7)

If everyone makes a turnover of 100 points per month, then at what level of the “bonus system” will you find yourself?

103 people x 100 b = 10300 b.

This is the highest level of the "bonus system" - the level of 21% (see table).

Calculate the total reward for your entire group:

10300 b x 40 rubles. x 21% = 86520 rubles.

But all this money is earned by the group and, of course, you will not receive all this money.

Having no partners in the fourth line, the third line will receive only the 1st type of profit (retail margin), because each has only 100 points (Figure 4).

The second line people already have their own groups. They have four people each (together with the group leader) and their turnover is 400 points, so the second line people are at the level of 3%.

The remuneration of each of them is: 400 b x 40 rubles. x 3% = 480 rubles.

Each person from the first line has his own group of 17 people (together with the leader of the group). The turnover of each group is:

17 people x 100b. = 1700 points.

1700 points is the level of 9% of the "bonus system".

The remuneration of the organization of each person of the first line is:

1700 b x 40 rubles. x 9% = 6120 rubles.

6120 rub. - the total remuneration of each of the 6 groups of the 1st line. Subtract from this amount the reward of the second line:

6120 - 480 = 5640 rubles - This is the reward of each leader of the first line.

Your total remuneration per month will be:

86520 rub. - (6120 rubles x 6) = 49800 rubles. - . bonus for the turnover of your structure

100 b x 40 rub. x 30% \u003d 1200 rubles. - personal purchases

Total per month: 49800 + 1200 = 51000 rubles.

The annual income will be: 612000 rub.

In the future, when you connect to the business, you will not have to count the money of the second, third, etc. lines. To know your remuneration, it is enough to subtract the total remuneration of all your partners who are on the first line from the amount earned by your entire group (the last arithmetic operation that we performed with you).

Let's summarize the results of remuneration calculations for a personal turnover of 100 bp. (excluding bonuses under the Business Support Program - see page 7) in the following table:


Reward ( min ), rub.

Per month

The average time to reach the level of 21% is from 6 to 18 months.

We have just shown you how to reach the highest level of the "bonus system" - 21%.
What is the principle behind this concept?

Let's take an example of Mc Donald's fast food restaurants.

The concept of McDonald's restaurants is based on franchising (franchise - translated from English means "the right to something", in the American version it is a privilege).

In 1955, one Ray Kroc, a 52-year-old milkshake mixer salesman, became interested in a chain of seven fast food restaurants owned by Richard and Maurice McDonald. He bought the entire chain, along with its former name, for $2.7 million.

Krok understood that seven restaurants are just seven restaurants standing in one place and having their regular customers.

How can you increase profits?

You can increase the area of ​​the restaurant, make it several floors, but will the income increase from this? Very doubtful.

Kroc decided to expand the network by selling the right to use the McDonald's name. For $150,000, a trade privilege applicant was issued a license for a period of 20 years. As a result, the McDonald's restaurant chain has spread all over the world and, probably, there is not a single large city in the world where there is no McDonald's fast food restaurant. The owners of the restaurants who bought the privilege are completely independent entrepreneurs. They use the name "McDonald's" known to the whole world, all their advertising costs are advertising in the local newspaper announcing the opening of the McDonald's restaurant, and they are provided with customers.

In addition to buying a license, owners of restaurants that have bought a franchise in the name of McDonald's pay the parent company a percentage of trade turnover(on average, this amount is about 10%).

This is how Ray Kroc solved the problem of big profits. 10% from all McDonald's restaurants in the world is much more than 100% from its seven restaurants.

Today, every 18 hours, a new McDonald's eatery opens around the world. The success of this company lies in the detailed study of the entire technology of cooking - from the cut on the bun to the exit of the client from the restaurant. This system is well established and replicated in all McDonald's restaurants around the world.

The concept of our business is very similar to the concept of McDonald's - a lot of people, making a small personal sales turnover, as a result, earn big money, working in a group on the Network Marketing system, and at the same time being completely independent entrepreneurs.

Looked like this second type of profit.

Do you think it is possible to surprise an American with earnings of $1500-2000 per month?

Hardly, because The unemployment benefit in America is $800 per person.

So why are the Americans so active in our business, not to mention the Japanese, who make up a third of the company's sales turnover?


We will return to it a little later. For now, let's look at 2 questions:

    Where does Amway get the funds for such tangible benefits to its employees?

    How the Amway Newcomer Support System Works

To answer the first question, let's compare the scheme of traditional entrepreneurship:




Large wholesaler + %

Small wholesaler + %

Transport + %

Store + %

with the Amway business scheme:




Retail markup + 30% - 1st type of profit

Return bonus + 21% - 2nd type of profit

Leadership bonuses + 4% -4th type of profit

    Achieving Financial Independence

    Complete personal freedom

    No financial risk

    Pension and inheritance

2) To support newcomers, a special Business Support Program (BSP) is implemented:

    When registering:

With a one-time purchase of products for 100 points per month of registration, a discount is charged = 423 rub.

    In the following months:

    1. For monthly purchases from 100 points to 199 (starting from the 3rd month), a discount is charged = 10 €

      For monthly purchases of 200 points or more (starting from the 3rd month), a discount is charged = 30 € ( paid to taxpayers registered with the tax authorities )

Personal points

Payments of remuneration at the initial stage are made in the form of a discount for the next purchase, made approximately after the 10th day of the month. The discount (discount) is accrued in proportion to 20% of the purchase cost and is made until the total amount of the discount is equal to the accrued remuneration.

Consider an example:

Suppose, for 2 consecutive months after registration in October, you made purchases of 100 points, then in December you are entitled to a discount of 10 € = 360 rub. In this case, during the next purchases in December, at the time of settlement at the checkout, you will see:

Purchase date

Purchase amount

In the following months, when the amount of remuneration for the turnover of your structure will increase significantly, in order to receive it, it will be necessary to issue a PBOYuL and open a bank account. Amway will transfer your remuneration to this account.


By helping other ABOs in your organization reach the 21% reward level, you are eligible for a Leadership Reward of 4% of their group turnover.

10,000 b x 40 rubles. x 4% = 16,000 rubles.

But it might also look like this:

30,000 b x 40 rubles. x 4% = 48,000 rubles.

Impressive, isn't it? Why is this possible?

4% is a fixed amount, and the turnover of the group that disconnected from you will constantly grow.

The more groups that reach the 21% level are disconnected from you, the more royalties you have.


The fourth type of profit is a variety of payments.

When six groups reach 21% in your organization, you become a "diamond" and your royalties exceed the minimum $10000 per month due to seven additional incentives that the company pays at this stage.

If you have not planned how you will become rich, then most likely you are planning to be poor. You just don't suspect it.

Most people plan to be poor, they just don't think about it.

Robert Kiyosaki


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  • Rostislav Vladimirovich Aliev Storming the Brest Fortress Rostislav Vladimirovich Aliev Storming the Brest Fortress Foreword


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  • Today is my last post on Neoblogger. Another transformation that lasted all summer ended with reincarnation. And this happened in full accordance with the first law of thermodynamics: energy is never created or destroyed, but is transformed from one form into another. I leave this project, but this is just a new beginning.

    “In the southern seas, there comes a day in everyone’s life when he understands: it’s time to say goodbye to all his friends and sail away, and he does, and that’s the way it should be, because his hour has come”

    Neoblogger was created a year ago when I started studying website building. All this time it was educational for me in every sense. The chosen topic reflected interest then, but then became more and more burdensome. Several times a year I wanted to close the project, but my hand did not rise - as it happens when you put a lot of time and effort into something. I changed a lot in myself - "", and in the blog - "", but the problem remained.

    I liked everything here - from the idea to the implementation, but I no longer had any desire to continue working on the site. I decided to give myself time to think before autumn: I wanted not a simple emotional solution, but understanding. No more regrets and doubts.

    All summer I lived in the country, in nature, rarely turned on the computer and did what I liked. One of the inspirational things to do this summer was a new porch I was making. What a pleasure it is to see how the old dusty boards are turned into clean, smooth planks and folded into the desired shape. And so, pressing the planer, I think that sometimes I like to work with wood, but turn it into a business, do it all the time and devote my life to it ...

    My favorite planer. It's heavy enough to apply just the right amount of pressure to the wood, sharp enough to pick up chips, and fits comfortably in your hand. Good tool.

    The last thought - "devote your life to this" - became the key. I returned to the city with a firm resolve. No doubts, no regrets. If you look at the truth, it’s completely in the eye, completely far from mine true and permanent interests in life. I understand everything: the topic is popular, take it and do it, but. It was a good tool, useful in its time, I learned a lot thanks to it, but I can’t live with it any longer.

    It remains to decide what to do with the site. In such cases, they are usually either sold or simply abandoned. Two ways, but a third flashed on the horizon. What if…

    “Never let anyone fix the roof unless it gives them pleasure. When April comes, look around and ask: “Who wants to fix the roof?”

    And if someone is happy, smiles, you need him. ”

    Ray Bradbury. Dandelion wine

    At that moment, the lines from Ray Bradbury seemed to come to life in the flesh. I have known Sasha almost as long as I have been working on the site. He consistently supported my ideas, many of which disappeared as quickly as they appeared. He always has time to say a couple of kind words or click on the social media buttons under the articles. He generously shares rare courses that he writes on the Internet. And most importantly - he is very, incredibly much, and almost constantly learning - not theoretically, but testing everything by experience. She sat down and wrote him a letter, not really hoping for consent.

    When the answer came, she danced near the computer. Not even because Sasha agreed to continue the project and Neo remains under reliable supervision. And because he really happy, seeing in it a new path for me and opportunities in what has become a burden for me. This is the very moment when the ideal combination of circumstances for both sides comes into force, as if all contradictions are united at one point.

    You can get everything if..

    For the new Neoblogger and for everyone who is reading these lines now, the final quote from Ray Bradbury's book Dandelion Wine. In Mr. Jonas's mysterious van, in which he spent days driving around the city, collecting in one place and giving away in another, one could find and take anything for himself - from a needle to the cherished roller skates and other treasures. But Mr. Jonas said:

    “You can get everything you need, as long as you really need it. Ask yourself, do you crave this with all the strength of your soul? Will you live to see the evening if you don't get this thing? And if you are sure that you will not live, grab it and run. I will gladly give this item.<…>

    Occasionally someone would reach for a chessboard, or a string of beads, or an old chair, and meet Mr. Jonas' calm, gentle, inquisitive gaze. And the hand pulled back, and the search continued. And then the hand found something unique, desired, and no longer moved from its place.The head lifted, and the face beamed so that Mr. Jonas broke into a smile.

    at the end of the article is an envelope with a subscription to Sasha's blog updates.

    Sasha, have a good path to you. And thanks!

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