Scientific economic journals. Scientific economic journals Articles from periodicals on economics

    Banking services


    Banking in Moscow

    Bulletin of the Bank of Russia

    Bulletin of Moscow University (Series 6. Economics)

    NAUFOR Bulletin

    Bulletin of the Financial Academy

    Bulletin of the FCSM

    Economic issues

    Digest Finance

  1. Money and credit

    Shareholder magazine

    Investments in Russia



    World economy and international relations

  2. Tax newsletter

    Society and economy

    Russian Economic Journal

    Stocks and bods market


    Financial business

    Financial management

  3. Finance of Russia



  1. Business and banks



  2. Tax police

    Financial newspaper

    Financial Russia

    Economics and life

Appendix 3 Generally Accepted Principles for Conducting Securities Business2

Honest business in the securities market, market ethics, international standards are the key words to reducing financial risks on the Russian stock market, which are of great importance. We would like to introduce our future professionals to the "Universally Accepted Principles for Conducting the Business of Securities" adopted by the International Federation of Securities Exchanges in late 1992.

The material is translated by Ya.M. Mirkina.

"Widely Accepted Principles for Conducting Securities Business" cover relationships: broker-client, broker-broker, stock exchange - broker-member of the exchange, employer-employee (securities company employee).

1. Honesty and fairness

Fairness of the pricing mechanism

Since the pricing system of the securities market is the most important function of an exchange, members of the stock exchange community should maintain the integrity of the pricing of the exchange to which they belong.

Avoiding Misleading Acts or Representations

Members of the stock exchange community should go further than avoiding misleading acts or representations. They should refrain from any action that would interfere with or undermine the fair and orderly functioning of the market. They should not spread baseless or false information about listed issuers. Members of the stock exchange community should refrain from any action intended to mislead other participants as to the true state of the market. Therefore, attention should be paid to outlawing certain manipulative practices, such as trading without a change of ownership or trading that creates a false appearance of activity.

Testing new trading strategies

Although price manipulation (including insider trading) may be prohibited by law or stock exchange rules, certain trading strategies may not be prohibited. When allowing new trading strategies, stock exchanges must take into account the fairness of the pricing mechanism involved, ensuring, however, that such an approach is not used to justify anti-competitive decision-making practices.


Market transparency is an important element of fair dealing and should be encouraged, although exchanges may offer varying degrees of transparency based on their own determination of the balance between transparency and liquidity that is acceptable to them. However, stock exchanges must be provided with immediate and detailed reporting of transactions in terms of volume and prices.

Complaints and Dispute Resolution Mechanism

Stock exchange members should fulfill their obligations to each other and to clients. Exchanges should provide a mechanism, which may be informal, for the prompt and appropriate resolution of complaints and disputes among exchange members and between members and clients.

Despite the fact that the average reader strives to find, first of all, information that will interest and entertain him, not a small part of people still try to dig deeper than these desires and find for themselves not only interesting, but also useful, be it advice or analytical reviews.

This is precisely what can briefly explain the popularity of magazines, which, it would seem, are of interest only to a small circle of specialists, but thanks to their language and style they were able to attract the attention of readers and become a transitional link from specialized to generally accessible. It is these economic journals that we will talk about today.

The first magazine that can be called a kind of icon for the popularization of specialized topics is. There is hardly a person who has not at least heard about this magazine, and it is worth noting that the popularity of this publication did not arise out of nowhere. Founded in 1917 in New York, the magazine writes about successful projects, and projects that doomed themselves to failure, about the lives and activities of famous entrepreneurs, and later a column appeared with ratings of the richest people in the world (it is under this heading that many and know Forbes).

Published in 10 languages, with a circulation of more than 900 thousand copies (second in the world among business magazines), enormous popularity and high-quality, accessible material are what makes this magazine what it is at the moment. Despite the fact that the magazine publishes more than 60 analytical articles monthly, Forbes has not become a specialized economic publication. Thanks to the availability of its materials, it is bought all over the world, both by business sharks and entrepreneurs of various stripes, and ordinary people living with other problems are also not averse to learning about what is happening in the world of big business. In Russia, the magazine has been published since 2004 and was published every month, but in the USA, the homeland of Forbes, it can be seen on the shelves every week.

Next on the list of economic and business magazines, the undoubted leader in terms of circulation volume and more serious in its content, unlike Forbes, is BusinessWeek magazine.

This titan, although it appeared 12 years later than its competitor, nevertheless took its position among the economic journals of the world. The first issue of BusinessWeek was published in 1929, in the United States, right before the stock market crash. Talking about what is happening in the business world and publishing materials on marketing, finance and management, the magazine was originally intended for business executives. But already in 1970, the magazine changed its strategy, allowing people outside the business sphere to join the mysteries of the world of economics, making the materials more understandable and adding new sections.

The magazine gained momentum like a snowball; in the 1990s, the weekly audience of the magazine was almost 5 million people in 140 countries. Russia is no exception, where BusinessWeek is also published; its circulation here is 50 thousand copies (and the total circulation of the magazine is 986 thousand copies) and is published, as elsewhere, once a week.

The third position is occupied by English-speaking SmartMoney weekly, who, being the youngest of the listed trinity, managed to quickly climb to the Olympus of business journalism. SmartMoney was founded in 1992, but now its circulation is 812 thousand copies. It is also interesting that, unlike Forbes and BusinessWeek, the magazine has moved further away from the “regular” audience and addresses directly business leaders, successful professionals, etc.

The magazine's topics include not only economic ideas, investments and spending, but also covers the world of technology, automotive, fashion, music and food. So if you want to feel like a real businessman for a while (if you are not one), then you will like this magazine.

Even eminent experts and analysts cannot always predict the development of the situation in the financial markets. And it’s even difficult for ordinary people to understand the effectiveness of certain types of investments, the features of market indicators and other subtleties.
Magazines and newspapers devoted to economic topics help to keep abreast of events. The best of them are included in our today's Top 10 publications about finance.

The publication of the Association of Russian Banks has been published monthly for 8 years. The magazine contains a lot of useful information about financial markets, the banking sector, and the macroeconomic situation. The NBJ often publishes interviews and articles of successful practitioners in the banking and investment business.

This business weekly magazine talks about how to effectively manage a business, the situation, competitors, and the market. A distinctive feature of “The Secret of the Firm” is an analysis of the causes of events that occurred in the market, and not a dry statement of facts. The pages of the publication describe the technologies of modern business and its current problems, beautiful ideas and original solutions.

This monthly magazine is the first paper project of the RBC group in the business information segment, designed for a wide audience and covering a wide range of economic and business topics. Designed for both top managers and company owners, and the middle class - in short, all those for whom it is important to know about the latest events and trends in Russian and world business.

The weekly business magazine has been published since 1995. It is one of the most influential business analytical publications in Russia. The publication’s staff sees its main goal as assisting Russian companies in their development and helping them navigate the complex world of economics and business.

The monthly BANKS AND EXCHANGES magazine is distributed in Russia, the CIS and the Baltic countries. The publication is intended for managers and specialists of bank departments, as well as lawyers, analysts and other employees of banks and credit institutions. The magazine covers new banking technologies, monetary policy, and analyzes the main events of the financial market.

This is one of the oldest weekly economic publications in Russia. The newspaper is the official media of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Fingazeta was published in 1915-1941, and then revived in 1991 after a 50-year hiatus. The publication covers in detail the problems of the Russian financial industry.

This business newspaper has been published since 1999. From 2006 to 2009, the publication, in partnership with The Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times, published the SmartMoney Russia magazine. Today, the specialized publication is closed, and all financial news is published in a separate section of Vedomosti.

The magazine is aimed at senior and middle managers, financiers, economists, university teachers and graduate students. The journal's publications examine current problems in the theory and practice of finance, money circulation, banking, the securities market, financial law and tax policy. Bank reliability ratings, materials of scientific conferences, as well as historical reviews on the development of banking are regularly published.

This economic magazine talks about how you can earn, save and what is the best way to spend money. The publication's journalists cover a range of issues that may be of interest to almost anyone: protecting consumer rights, choosing the most reliable and profitable financial instruments, advice and recommendations on organizing your own business.

Forbes is one of leading financial publications and business magazines around the world. The magazine sees its mission as providing readers with information that will help them achieve success. The publication compares favorably with its competitors in that it calls a spade a spade and also conducts bold investigations. Forbes strives to provide its readers with important information at a time when it has the greatest economic value.

Alexander Muravyov. Photo from the portal

The National Research University Higher School of Economics has repeatedly published a list of the worst Russian journals, in which it does not recommend its employees to publish. And Doctor of Economics from the European University in Florence and Associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management at the Higher School of Management of St. Petersburg State University, Alexander Aleksandrovich Muravyov, published his ranking of the most worthy, in his opinion, Russian economic journals. Of the 215 theoretical publications on economic issues and problems indexed in the RSCI, only ten fell into the leading category. However, some British experts argue that in Russia there is not a single worthy scientific journal on economics.

In his research, the results of which were reflected in the article “On the scientific significance of Russian journals in economics and related disciplines”, published in the journal “Problems of Economics” (2013. No. 4, pp. 130-151), he was guided by the following criteria: journals should have a non-zero impact factor according to the RSCI (without taking into account self-citation), economic content in them should be no less 50% content. The unit of observation in the study was the reference lists cited by the authors of articles published in these journals. Additional criteria for assessing the quality of domestic periodicals were: the average length of an article, the proportion of links to international scientific journals, the average age of cited sources.

As Muravyov notes, there are usually few references in the works of Russian authors, and mainly to Russian sources, business periodicals, laws and regulations, as well as textbooks. In addition, there are practically no links to leading foreign journals.

The ten best Russian economic magazines according to A. Muravyov

This is what the top ten leading Russian scientific economic journals look like:

  1. Russian Journal of Management
  2. Economic issues
  3. Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics
  4. Applied econometrics
  5. Forsythe
  6. Economic policy
  7. Economics and mathematical methods
  8. Journal of the New Economic Association
  9. Economic science of modern Russia
  10. Managing large systems: a collection of works

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