Electronic document management in the organization. Order on improving the procedure for document flow Order on the introduction of document flow

The introduction of an electronic document management system is advisable in almost every enterprise, since it can significantly increase performance discipline and significantly reduce the time required for document processing. Low costs and the ability to adapt to the specifics of the enterprise’s activities make the implementation of an electronic document management system the optimal solution to increase labor productivity and management efficiency.

From the article you will learn:

  • what does the implementation of an electronic document management system provide in an organization;
  • what are the goals of introducing electronic document management;
  • what are the main stages of implementing electronic document management;
  • what is contained in the order on the implementation of electronic document management.

Currently, the effectiveness of implementing an electronic document management system in an enterprise is no longer in doubt. With low costs for hardware and software, such systems can significantly improve executive discipline, the quality of document flow and labor productivity, significantly reducing the time for receiving and transmitting management signals.

Implementation of an electronic document management system in an enterprise

Optimization of documentation support for the activities of any enterprise is carried out in several directions:

  • improving the quality of the information content of documents: their development in the necessary and sufficient quantity, the names correspond to the content, the exclusion of documents that duplicate each other in essence and content; creation, execution and approval of documents in accordance with accepted state and local standards;
  • increasing the efficiency of the document flow system operating at the enterprise: routing with the ability to control deadlines, combining primary accounting and personnel records with the operational management process; reducing the processing time and passage of a document, the ability to quickly search for the desired document, organizing the storage of large volumes of information.

All these tasks are easily solved by introducing an electronic document management system in an organization, which allows you to automate the process of creating, developing and recording documents, controlling their distribution and movement, ensuring their prompt processing, search and storage.

Goals of implementing an electronic document management system:

The listed tasks also determine the advantages of implementing an electronic document management system, especially in those enterprises where the annual document flow is calculated in thousands of accounting units, and the archive in tens of thousands. The effectiveness of implementing an electronic document management system, of course, is determined by both its cost and the volume of documents processed, as well as the specifics of the company’s activities. Calculations show that, in general, the implementation of an electronic document management system pays off in a year or two.

Stages of implementation of an electronic document management system

Sooner or later, every manager whose goal is to optimize his production and organizational activities comes to realize the need to automate the document flow system at an enterprise. Its success largely depends on how well the basic principles of implementing an electronic document management system are observed:

  • interest and active participation in the implementation of the top management of the enterprise;
  • understanding the goals and compliance with the stages of implementation of an electronic document management system;
  • involving key users and specialists of the organization in the selection or development;
  • adaptation to current and future challenges facing the organization.

The process of implementing an electronic document management system will be implemented in several stages.

At the first stage, it is necessary to create a working group of specialists and managers who regulate document flows in the organization, and with their help, identify the “weaknesses” of the current document flow system. The group needs to identify the management needs of senior executives, as well as the user needs of ordinary performers. This will help to formulate the basic requirements for the system and present them in the form of technical specifications.

At the second stage, taking into account the developed requirements, a choice is made of the electronic document management system that will be optimal both in terms of functionality and cost. If the tasks solved by the company's document management system are quite specific, the electronic system can be developed on a turnkey basis, and then it is the members of the working group who will communicate most closely with the developers, formulating specific tasks for them.

At the third stage of implementation of the electronic document management system, it will be installed and, if necessary, the fleet of technical equipment will be updated, obsolete equipment will be modernized and new equipment will be purchased.

The fourth stage is trial operation and training of personnel in accordance with the approved implementation plan for the electronic document management system. At this stage, problems with the implementation of an electronic document management system are diagnosed and those that are caused by errors in technical or software solutions must be eliminated by the developers. As a rule, trial operation of the system takes place in real production conditions, so it can be combined with the last stage - putting the electronic document management system into commercial operation.

Order on the implementation of an electronic document management system

With this document, drawn up in any form, the head of the organization can oblige members of the working group or other responsible persons to carry out trial operation of the system or immediately put it into commercial operation. The list of requirements of the order may also include:

  • use of its capabilities in all workplaces;
  • entry into force of documents regulating the operation of the electronic document management system at the enterprise (instructions, guidelines, rules);
  • determining the circle of persons who are granted access to the system at the administrator level;
  • conducting general briefing and training of users;
  • appointment of persons responsible for the implementation of new standards of office work and delimitation of their responsibilities.

Today, electronic document management is boldly bursting into our lives, today almost all companies use electronic documents, use e-mail, electronic declarations, especially since for VAT taxation the mandatory declarations are established by law. Someone has moved on and uses electronic document management systems in everyday life and has converted all reporting and primary documents into electronic form.

The concept of electronic document management and the advantages of electronic document management

Electronic document management is a way of working with documents. Features of electronic document management are that electronic documents are signed with an electronic digital signature. Such a document, signed with an electronic signature, is equal in value to a document on paper.

Electronic document management has its pros and cons.

Pros and cons of electronic document management

Advantages of electronic document management Disadvantages of electronic document management
Ability to quickly find documents; Availability of a centralized document flow structure; Systematized storage of documents in an electronic archive; Ease of registration and approval of documents; The ability to sign and send documents via electronic communication channels, which saves time; Possibility of drawing up similar documents; Conducting an electronic auditThe need to purchase an electronic digital signature; Impossibility of use if the counterparty does not use electronic document management; Additional costs for electronic document management; Lack of unified document flow formats; Distrust of some users in electronic documents

At the same time, electronic document management is developing more and more. And there are prerequisites for this.

Firstly, electronic document management is provided for in tax legislation. For example, when submitting reports on insurance premiums or personal income tax, it must be submitted electronically if the company has more than 25 employees. Submitting reports electronically It is necessary to submit a declaration in electronic form. In addition, explanations if reporting is submitted electronically will also need to be provided in the form of an electronic document in 2017.

Secondly, electronic document management has been adopted in accounting. According to Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, the primary accounting document is drawn up on paper and (or) in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.
Thirdly, in 2017, electronic document management will receive even greater development in legal proceedings. Thus, many are accustomed to the fact that court decisions are published electronically on the Internet. According to Article 4 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, a statement of claim, statement, complaint, presentation and other documents can be filed with the court on paper or in electronic form, including in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, by filling out form posted on the official website of the court on the Internet. Similar provisions are established in the civil process.

Fourthly, electronic technologies have become an integral part of our lives in terms of the use of electronic document management in tender documentation and electronic auctions. According to the article of the Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ (as amended on 07/03/2016) “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs,” an auction in electronic form (electronic auction) is understood as an auction , in which information about the procurement is communicated by the customer to an unlimited number of persons by posting a notice of such an auction and documentation about it in a unified information system, uniform requirements and additional requirements are presented to procurement participants, the holding of such an auction is ensured on an electronic platform by its operator.

The fifth reason is due to the fact that today many companies operate in different regions, with different cities, so in order to organize an effective business it is necessary to speed up document flow and simplify the relationship between the parties. In this regard, intuitively, many companies are introducing electronic document management.

How to introduce electronic document management?

At the first stage, it is necessary to make a fundamental decision on the introduction of electronic document management. Such a decision is formalized by an order for the enterprise. Some companies develop special local acts that regulate document flow and coordination of documents within the company; such features include coordination of documents between departments, control, signing by management and storage of archival documents.

At the second stage, you need to choose which signature the company will use when drawing up documents.

A simple electronic signature is an electronic signature that, through the use of codes, passwords or other means, confirms the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person.

Non-qualified electronic signature is an electronic signature that:

  1. obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using an electronic signature key;
  2. allows you to identify the person who signed the electronic document;
  3. allows you to detect the fact of making changes to an electronic document after its signing;
  4. created using electronic signature tools.
Qualified electronic signature is an electronic signature that meets all the characteristics of an unqualified electronic signature and the following additional characteristics:
  1. the electronic signature verification key is specified in the qualified certificate;
  2. To create and verify an electronic signature, electronic signature tools are used that have confirmation of compliance with the requirements (Article 5 of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On Electronic Signatures.” However, in many cases documents are required for For security purposes, it is a strengthened qualified signature.
The third stage will be the selection of a special certification center. To select a company specializing in electronic document management, it is important to evaluate the ease of working with a particular company. It is important to establish the cost of the services provided, the possibility of additional functions, as well as electronic document management services; it is also important to establish what responsibility the company - the certification center - bears in the event of technical failures and problems in document management.

At the fourth stage, it is necessary to provide documents for concluding an agreement.

The fifth stage is concluding an agreement with a certification center. According to Article 2 of the Federal Law dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On Electronic Signatures,” a certification center is a legal entity, individual entrepreneur or state body or local government body that performs the functions of creating and issuing key certificates verification of electronic signatures, as well as other functions.

The sixth stage is the introduction of electronic document management in the company, the organization of a specific exchange of electronic documents. Invoices are drawn up in electronic form by mutual agreement of the parties to the transaction and if they have compatible technical means and capabilities to receive and process these invoices in accordance with the approved format.

What should a contract with a certification authority contain?

When concluding an agreement with a certification center, it is necessary to pay attention to the legal status of the certification center. Accreditation of a certification center is carried out subject to, in particular, its fulfillment of the requirements for the availability of financial security for liability for losses caused to third parties as a result of their trust in the information specified in the electronic signature verification key certificate issued by such a certification center, or information contained in the register of certificates , which is maintained by such a certification center, in the amount of no less than 1.5 million rubles.

When concluding an agreement with a certification center, it is important to pay attention to the subject of the agreement. According to Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, these are the conditions mandatory for contracts of this type. An agreement is considered concluded if an agreement is reached between the parties, in the form required in appropriate cases, on all the essential terms of the agreement. That is, it is important to spell out the subject of the contract as clearly as possible.

The subject of the agreement follows from the Law “On Electronic Signatures”.

Verification Center:

  1. creates certificates for electronic signature verification keys and issues such certificates;
  2. establishes validity periods for electronic signature verification key certificates;
  3. cancels the electronic signature verification key certificates issued by this certification center;
  4. issues electronic signature means upon request of the applicant;
  5. maintains a register of electronic signature verification key certificates issued and revoked by this certification center;
  6. establishes the procedure for maintaining the register of certificates;
  7. creates electronic signature keys and electronic signature verification keys at the request of applicants;
  8. checks the uniqueness of electronic signature verification keys in the certificate registry;
  9. carries out verification of electronic signatures upon requests from participants in electronic interaction;
  10. carries out other activities related to the use of electronic signatures.
The responsibility of the certification center occurs in the following cases:
  1. non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract for the provision of services by the certification center;
  2. failure to fulfill or improper performance of duties (clause 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ (as amended on 12/30/2015) “On Electronic Signature”).
Insurance may be provided as additional terms of the contract with the certification center.

How to organize electronic document flow within a company?

Within the company, electronic document flow should be organized like clockwork. It is important that electronic document management involves scanning documents and signing with an electronic digital signature. This means that a specialist is needed who is responsible for electronic scanned copies, and special software must be installed at the managers’ workplaces to allow signing documents.

The preparation, execution and approval of draft electronic documents is carried out according to the general rules of office work established for similar documents on paper. An electronic document must have all the details established for a similar document on paper, with the exception of a seal impression, since a seal is not a mandatory detail. Within the company, methods can be used to confirm actions with electronic documents in which an electronic digital signature is not used. For example, documents can be submitted for control without an electronic digital signature.

If you want to organize document flow with your counterparties, then you need to include the appropriate provisions in the agreement with the counterparty.

Documents are generated and signed electronically. The electronic digital signature tools used must be certified in the prescribed manner.

The easiest way is to organize electronic document flow with authorities, for example, with the tax service. To do this, you also need to obtain an electronic signature and enter into an agreement with a certification center. Most often, taxpayers provide declarations, explanations, and invoices to the tax authority. As a “feedback”, documents are generated by the tax authorities in accordance with Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 15, 2015 No. ММВ-7-2 /149@ “On approval of the Procedure for sending documents used by tax authorities when exercising their powers in relations regulated by tax legislation and fees, in electronic form via telecommunication channels and on the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of the order of the Federal Tax Service dated February 17, 2011 No. ММВ-7-2 /169@.”

Such documents include:

  1. requirements for providing explanations;
  2. notifications of controlled foreign companies;
  3. notifications about calling the taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent);
  4. tax notice;
  5. decisions to suspend transactions on the accounts of a taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent) in a bank and transfers of his electronic funds;
  6. decisions to cancel the suspension of transactions on the accounts of the taxpayer (payer of the fee, tax agent) in the bank and transfers of his electronic funds;
  7. decisions to conduct an on-site tax audit;
  8. other documents.
Thus, if we talk about intra-company electronic documents, then their circulation will be regulated by internal local acts, if we talk about relationships with counterparties, then such relationships are regulated by the parties, and if document flow is organized with authorities, then authorities will act in accordance with the electronic procedure document flow adopted for a specific company.

How to organize the storage of electronic documents?

The main regulatory act regulating the storage of electronic documents is the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents from the archival fund of the Russian Federation and other archival documents in government bodies, local governments and organizations (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2015 No. 526, hereinafter referred to as the Rules). This document establishes for the first time the rules for storing electronic documents.

How should documents be stored?

Firstly, it is necessary to prepare a list of affairs for a specific organization. The range of cases will vary depending on the company and field of activity.

The nomenclature of cases is used to group executed documents into cases, systematize and record cases, determine their storage periods and search for documents. The nomenclature of files is the basis for compiling inventories of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) storage, as well as for recording temporary (up to 10 years inclusive) storage.

Secondly, it is necessary to formulate cases. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the value of documents that will be stored electronically. Let us remind you that there are regulatory storage periods for individual documents. For example, accounting documents are stored for 5 years, and tax documents for 4 years.

Third, it is necessary to mark that the data is stored electronically in the file nomenclature. For example, “Working time schedules. Electronic documents".

Fourth, you need to archive documents.

Before storing an electronic file, it must:
— download from the electronic system (if the document is created in any special software product);
— protect from possible changes by saving in a suitable format;
— write to a storage medium.

The generally accepted format for storing and archiving electronic documents is PDF/A. It should be distinguished from the usual PDF, with each update of which new opportunities for working with files appear. PDF/A is designed for something else: it is a format for long-term archival storage of electronic documents.

Fifth step is the preparation of inventories. The inventory includes all electronic files that were generated in relation to electronic documents. However, instead of the number of sheets that is indicated when creating paper files, the volume of electronic documents is indicated.

The inventory format might look like this:

Name of the manager's position
structural unit
Signature Decoding
Signature date

Job title
head of preschool educational institution
Signature Decoding
Signature date

Archive Manager
(person responsible for the archive)
Signature Decoding
Signature date

In general, storing documents in electronic form is much more convenient, because there is no need to rummage through a whole room of paper documentation when searching for documents in the future. It is also easier to provide documents in electronic form at the request of the tax office, the Pension Fund, and other inspectors.

In some cases, it is necessary to destroy documents. For example, official notes have been stored for a long time, the storage period has expired and they need to be destroyed. In this case, an examination of the value of the documents is carried out. Such an examination can be carried out by a special commission. Based on the results of the examination, an act on the allocation of documents for destruction is drawn up. The form of such an act is developed by the company independently. And on the basis of the act, disks or other storage media are simply destroyed.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, of course, the future belongs to electronic documents. However, it is important to properly organize electronic document flow. Many companies are faced with problems of improper organization of document flow, when only one workplace in a department or even department is connected to electronic document flow, when most of the documents are still maintained on paper. Therefore, all issues regarding electronic document management must be resolved “onshore” at the stage of system implementation.

Administration of St. Petersburg

On the implementation of electronic document management systems
and office work

1. Assign responsibility for the preparation of computer facilities of office management departments and local area network (LAN) for the implementation of electronic document management and office management systems (hereinafter referred to as EDMS) in accordance with the requirements of the private technical specifications (Appendix No. 1 to Agreement No. 1008/25-2000 dated 23 August 2000) and the implementation of measures to ensure the technical operability of electronic records management systems, to the head of the department of information systems and databases of the department of economics and city procurement, Miroshnik M.I.

2. Assign responsibility for conducting trial operation of systems, training employees of office management departments, and implementation of EDS in territorial departments to the head of the affairs department, K.V. Gulyaev.

3. Head of the Department of Information Systems and Databases of the Department of Economics and City Orders Miroshnik M.I. and the head of the affairs department, Gulyaev K.V. together with the general executor of the ESED project - the State Enterprise "Center for Computer Development" - to ensure the trial operation of electronic record keeping systems, the preparation of technical means and the carrying out of acceptance work for the introduction of systems into commercial operation.

4. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Head of territorial administration

The text of the document is verified according to:
official newsletter

Sample form of an order to implement an electronic document management system (prepared by experts from the Garant company)

on the implementation of an electronic document management system

[ day month Year ]

For the purpose of [fill in as needed], I order:

1. From [date, month, year] introduce an electronic document management system [name] in [name of legal entity].

2. [Position, full name] within [day, month, year] develop and approve the procedure for electronic document management.

3. Appoint [position, full name] as responsible for maintaining electronic document management.

4. [Position, Full Name] organize an electronic archive of received and sent documents.

5. [Position, full name] introduce into the accounting policy of [name of legal entity] the rules for creating, receiving and storing electronic documents.

6. Appoint [position, full name] as responsible for the formation and signing of electronic documents.

7. The order should be communicated to all structural divisions of the organization.

8. I entrust control over the execution of the order to [position, full name].

The following have been familiarized with the order:

[position, signature, initials, surname]

Sample form of an order to implement an electronic document management system

Developed by: Garant Company, June 2016

The current version of the document you are interested in is available only in the commercial version of the GARANT system. You can purchase a document for 54 rubles or get full access to the GARANT system free of charge for 3 days.

If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request it via the Hotline in the system.

Regulatory support for the process of implementing EDMS

So, you are seriously thinking about the issue of implementing an EDMS. You are on the verge of a long journey, consisting of many stages: pre-project examination, selection of a software product, its preliminary configuration, user training, trial operation, introduction into commercial operation. However, in order for the electronic document management system to work “officially”, a corresponding paper document is needed. Today we will analyze all the stages of implementing the system and consider the regulatory documents that should regulate them.

Activities for the implementation of EDS at the enterprise must be supported by administrative documents. And the more clearly the list of necessary activities, the procedure for their implementation and the responsibility of officials involved in implementation are fixed in the orders/instructions, the faster and more efficiently the work on implementing the EDMS will be carried out.

1. Pre-project examination, selection of software product.

The administrative document (usually an order), issued by management at the first stage of implementation, contains the rationale for the need to implement the EDS, and the text indicates the responsible person, or several persons who must:

Determine by what forces the system will be implemented (our own or with the involvement of a work contractor);

Determine the general contractor for the work;

Determine the approximate scale of implementation and planned budget.

The result of work on the above order is most often a commercial proposal worked out on both sides.

2. Creation of a working group and approval of the work schedule.

After the software product and work contractor have been selected, it is necessary to create an administrative document that will define:

Head of the implementation team on the customer's side;

Composition of the working group;

Tasks for preparing a work schedule, involving other specialists involved in the implementation of EDMS (preparation of technical equipment, information and software, etc.).

In the future, it will be necessary to issue an order approving the work schedule for the implementation of the EDMS. Taking into account this plan, all subsequent stages of implementation are carried out.

3. Approval of the list of users and determination of the system administrator.

The administrative documents must contain a list of EDMS users, as well as a schedule for their training. The training schedule can be fixed by an independent order/instruction. This order will help regulate the process of conducting user training at the enterprise.

The next order will contain information about the appointment of a system administrator - this is a special user who ensures and controls the work of other users of the system; he must carry out work to identify, correct user errors, supplement and change reference data (reference information).

4. Launch of the system into trial and industrial operation.

Typically, after or during user training, the system is put into trial operation. The special order to put the system into trial operation must indicate:

Timing of trial operation;

List of departments (workplaces);

Time frame for equipping them with software and hardware;

Responsible for conducting trial operation in departments.

The same order may contain instructions on the approval of temporary regulations (rules, procedures) for working with the EDMS.

After trial operation, it is necessary to prepare a list of proposals or recommendations for the transition to an EDMS, which, as a rule, if the proposals were prepared by employees of the customer’s organization, are drawn up in the form of an internal official document. This document contains information about problems that arose during the trial operation, as well as proposals for additional configuration of the system.

After all disagreements and additional settings have been completed, the electronic document management system is accepted for commercial operation, which is fixed by a separate order, which must indicate:

the composition of the functions of the EDMS or its parts, hardware and software accepted for commercial operation;

a list of officials and a list of divisions of the customer organization responsible for the operation of the EDMS;

procedure and timing for introducing new forms of documents (if necessary);

the procedure and timing for the transfer of personnel to work under the operating conditions of the EDMS.

After completion of the commissioning work, it is necessary to make changes to local regulations (job descriptions, regulations governing work with documents, etc.). The instructions must take into account innovations related to the use of EDMS at the enterprise. We will discuss the correct execution of such changes in documents in the following articles.

Order to implement sed

The implementation of any electronic document management system has its own specifics. It consists of labor-intensive preparatory work aimed at creating optimal conditions for the use of automation tools. Methodological materials will help specialists in the implementation of document management systems master a new professional field. We are talking about documentation support for management.

Preparation for automation of document flow often results in an independent consulting project, during which the organization of document flow in the company is carried out and processes are prepared for inclusion in a new information system.

At the preparatory stage you should:

  • conduct an audit of document management processes and assess the current situation;
  • identify the needs of management and the problems that employees have in the processes of working with documents;
  • depending on the needs of management and identified problems, make changes to the current system or propose a fundamentally new system for organizing document flow;
  • regulate work with documents: prepare a package of regulatory documents that will establish the rules for working with documents and establish the legal framework for working in the electronic document management system.

The consulting project for preparing for document automation has a number of features.

Firstly, the share of consulting in projects for the implementation of electronic document management systems is quite high, and the preparatory stage itself has a significant impact on the effectiveness of implementation.

Secondly, the consulting project is at the intersection of two subject areas - documentation support for management and information technology (IT). Therefore, to successfully complete such a project, special knowledge is required, which implementation specialists often do not possess.

Thirdly, Russian office work has strong traditions and deep roots, which also has an impact on the automation of document management processes.

Based on the characteristics of the consulting project, you can draw up a portrait of a qualified consultant. Such a specialist has knowledge of the subject area of ​​documentation support for management and is able to speak with specialists in the field of office management in the same professional language. At the same time, he knows the functionality of the electronic document management system being implemented and is fluent in methods for examining and describing business processes.

From the professional portrait of a consultant, a logical question arises: where can one find such a consultant?

Developer Help

The 1C company, the developer of the 1C: Document Flow system, approached solving this problem systematically and thoroughly. A new area of ​​activity was opened - methodological support for projects for the implementation of electronic document management programs. Today there are two directions of methodological work:

  1. Development of ready-made methods for organizing document flow and surveying an enterprise.
  2. Training to work using ready-made methods.

As part of the development of ready-made methods for organizing document flow and surveying an enterprise, a methodological product “Set of normative documents” was created. Methodology for organizing office work and document flow.” The product is available in two versions, aimed at different business segments. Each set of documents is tied to the capabilities of a specific version of the 1C: Document Flow program.

In support of the methodological product, a two-day training course “Preparation for Document Flow Automation” was launched. The training course contains the basics of office work and explanations of how to work with sets of regulatory documents. During the training, students work with examples of documents, learn to evaluate current local regulations that regulate the work with documents, formulate comments on them and draw up new documents of various types.

The methodological product “Set of Regulatory Documents”, in its essence, is a ready-made technology, and not a textbook on office work. This is a collection of local regulations on the organization of office work, in which all processes are tied to the 1C: Document Flow program. The kit helps you prepare for implementation in a short time: organize paperwork in the company. And, importantly, the set of documents will require only minor modifications during implementation, taking into account the industry specifics of the company. According to experts, the amount of such modification does not exceed 30%.


Contents of the set of documents:

  • Order “On the launch of pilot/industrial operation of an electronic document management system.”
  • Order “On work in the electronic document management system.
  • Regulations on office work and document flow.
  • Regulations on the management documentation support service.
  • Job descriptions for employees of the management documentation support service (or job descriptions for a secretary-clerk for small companies).
  • Regulations on working with administrative, contractual and regulatory documents
  • Regulations on working with organizational and administrative documents.
  • Regulations on working with contractual documents.
  • Regulations on working with regulatory documents.
  • An album of unified document forms, which includes 26 templates and 8 document forms.

Let us dwell in more detail on each of the regulatory documents.

Order “On the launch of pilot/industrial operation of the electronic document management system” contains instructions:

  • adopt an electronic document management system;
  • provide access to the electronic document management system;
  • conduct training for employees on how to use the electronic document management system.

The order delineates the areas of responsibility between the management documentation support service and IT in terms of operating the electronic document management system. The order applies to all employees of the organization and obliges them to work in the new information system.

Order “About working in the electronic document management system” establishes a legal framework for working with electronic documents: it equates the actions of employees in the electronic document management system to actions performed within the framework of paper document management. These actions include:

  • orders issued within the electronic document management system;
  • endorsement of documents;
  • comments, judgments, conclusions posted in the information system to draft documents;
  • employee familiarizations carried out using electronic document management tools;
  • delegation of authority to execute documents and review draft documents.

Regulations on office work and document flow, included in the set of documents, is compiled in strict accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities (approved by Order of the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009 No. 76).

  • step-by-step description of all stages of preparing and passing documents;
  • recommended composition of organization documents;
  • rules for current and archival storage;
  • actions of specific performers in the electronic document management system.

The provision is aimed at ensuring the legal force of those documents that will be created within the information system, as well as at automating document flow processes.

One of the criteria for legal validity is the execution of the document in the prescribed manner. Therefore, the provisions of the document are aimed at creating conditions for the organization’s employees to be able to correctly select the type of document for a specific business situation, and its correct execution, namely:

  • bringing documents to uniformity (creating document templates based on unified texts);
  • reducing the number of types of documents used (unification of document types).

The Regulations indicate all operations that must be carried out in an electronic document management program (Fig. 1). This will greatly simplify the adaptation of employees to the new information system.

Rice. 1. An example of an operation that must be carried out in an electronic document management program

The set of documents contains ready-made regulations regulating the activities of the management documentation support service:

  • Regulations on the management documentation support service;
  • Job descriptions for employees of the management documentation support service.

Regulations on the management documentation support service establishes the organizational structure, defines the area of ​​responsibility of the service and contains a detailed list of tasks and functions performed by its employees.

The proposed list of tasks and functions is the most complete and has an optimal division of areas of responsibility between the departments of the documentation support service. If necessary, tasks and functions can be supplemented with missing ones or unnecessary ones can be removed from the list.

The description of the functions contains instructions for performing procedures in the electronic document management program (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Instructions for performing procedures in an electronic document management program

Job descriptions for employees of the management documentation support service developed in accordance with the proposed organizational structure of the unit and consolidate the distribution of tasks and functions among employees. In addition, job descriptions:

  • specify the job responsibilities of service employees: contain a detailed description of the operations performed;
  • establish qualification requirements for positions;
  • are the basis for job descriptions for the personnel selection service;
  • allow new employees to quickly master job responsibilities.

Job descriptions also contain instructions for performing operations in the electronic document management program (Fig. 3):

Rice. 3. Instructions for performing operations in the electronic document management program

When preparing to automate document flow, you need to pay attention to such important areas of work as administrative, contractual and internal rule-making activities.

Management activities are implemented by making management decisions. In every organization, many management decisions are made by managers at different levels. All these decisions must have such characteristics that ensure its rationality, feasibility, validity, timeliness, and economic efficiency.

Despite the apparent multitude of management decisions made, management activities are still characterized by the repetition of management functions. Therefore, it is necessary to identify similar management functions and develop uniform rules for them.

A well-functioning management decision-making system is a criterion for the effectiveness of management activities as a whole.
To organize a unified management decision-making system, it is necessary:

  1. To formulate rules for making management decisions by managers at different levels or various management bodies.
  2. Automate the procedure for making management decisions and monitoring its execution.

Regulations on working with organizational and administrative documentation regulates the process of making management decisions, both individual and collegial.

  • make the right choice of the type of administrative document;
  • create administrative documents using ready-made templates;
  • transfer the processes of passing administrative documents from the standard provision to the 1C: Document Flow 8 program;
  • organize timely and continuous monitoring of the implementation of decisions made;
  • organize storage of both electronic versions and originals of administrative documents on paper;
  • ensure timely updating of administrative documents;
  • build the work of collegial bodies of the organization.

Contract work is a priority for most companies. The quality of the organization of contractual work determines its effectiveness. Regulations on working with contractual documentation is aimed at building a contract work management system and contains rules for conducting contract work, as well as methods for its automation.

Compliance with the requirements of the document will allow:

  • prepare contract documents using standardized forms in accordance with accepted standards;
  • reduce the time for agreeing on contracts by using standard forms with pre-agreed conditions and possible deviations from these conditions;
  • minimize legal and commercial risks associated with failure to fulfill contractual obligations or loss of documents

One of the central places in ensuring management efficiency is occupied by the development, implementation, use and maintenance of regulatory documents. Requirements for the regulation of official activities are established by the GOST R 52294-2004 standard “Organization management. Electronic regulations for administrative and official activities.”

Regulations on working with regulatory documentation supports the requirements of the standard and contains rules for creating regulatory documents, standards for creating a unified regulatory framework for the organization.

The regulation establishes centralized control over the preparation of regulatory documents and their placement in a unified regulatory database, which makes rule-making work more transparent and systematic.

Compliance with the requirements of the document will allow:

  • reduce labor costs for developing new regulatory documents;
  • ensure compliance of newly created regulatory documents with the regulatory environment;
  • minimize risks associated with the lack of regulatory documentation or their irrelevance, inaccessibility or complexity of presentation;
  • create a platform for internal training of employees in their functional responsibilities;
  • reduce the time spent searching for regulatory documents.

Thus, the use of ready-made sets of regulatory documents reduces the time for preparation for automation of document flow, allows you to build the organization’s office work in accordance with current regulatory and methodological requirements, and also sets a unified corporate standard for working with documents in the organization. Linking all the regulatory documents of the set to the electronic document management program makes it less painful for employees to adapt to working in the new program, and the actions themselves in the system more effective.

Order and instruction: procedure for issuing at an enterprise

The procedure for issuing orders and instructions consists of separate stages that are carried out in a certain sequence. It would be wrong to begin the article with a direct examination of these stages. First you need to determine the main purpose of the order and instructions, identify the similarities and differences that exist between these types of documents.

Order and instruction: what are the similarities and differences

It is immediately worth noting that orders and instructions refer to administrative documents 1 issued under conditions of sole decision-making. In such conditions, power on all management issues at the enterprise as a whole belongs to its head, and on management issues within a structural unit - to the manager of the appropriate level.

Instructions and decisions contained in the text of an order or directive can be directed to:

● improving the organizational structure of the enterprise;

● selection of means and methods for carrying out the main (or production) activities of the enterprise;

● providing the enterprise with financial, labor, material, information and other resources;

● approval of organizational documents and changes to them, etc.

It should be noted that the instructions and decisions contained in orders or instructions are mandatory for execution by all or certain employees of the enterprise.

Now let’s try to identify the differences between the types of documents we are considering.

Order is a legal act issued by the head of an enterprise (its structural unit), acting on the basis of unity of command in order to resolve the main and operational tasks facing the enterprise.

Order 2 – this is a legal act issued by the individual head, mainly of a collegial body, in order to resolve operational issues; As a rule, it has a limited period of validity and concerns a narrow circle of officials and citizens.

Currently, several approaches are known in practice that determine in what cases orders should be created, and in what cases - instructions.

1.In small enterprises, where only the manager (or, in his absence, the acting manager) has the right to sign administrative documents, orders are issued for the main tasks (for example, for the tasks of the main activities of the enterprise, for the tasks of improving the organizational structure, etc.), and orders - on operational issues and issues of informational and methodological nature(for example, on issues of involvement in work on weekends and holidays due to production needs, on issues related to the organization of execution of orders, instructions, etc.).

2.The second approach is acceptable for medium and large enterprises, where not only the head of the enterprise, but also the heads of structural divisions have the right to sign administrative documents. In this case the head of the enterprise issues orders, which apply to the entire enterprise as a whole, and managers structural units issue orders, whose actions usually extend only to the structural unit subordinate to a given manager.

Orders and instructions are divided into three subtypes:

● by core activity;

● by personnel;

● on administrative and economic issues.

Stages of issuing orders and instructions

In the procedure for issuing orders and instructions, eight stages can be distinguished 3:

1. Initiation of the issuance of an order or instruction.

2. Collection and analysis of information to prepare a draft document.

3. Preparation of a draft order or regulation.

4. Approval of the draft document.

5. Finalization of the draft order or regulation based on the comments of the approvers.

6. Signing an order or instruction.

7. Registration of an order or instruction.

8. Bringing an order or instruction to the executors.

The above stages are carried out sequentially, from the first stage to the eighth, in addition, the fifth stage may be completely absent if there are no comments on the draft document at the approval stage.

Let's consider each stage separately.

Initiating the issuance of an order or instruction

Draft orders and regulations can be prepared in the following cases:

● on a planned basis (in accordance with a previously developed plan or program);

● on behalf of the management of the enterprise;

● on the initiative of heads of structural divisions or subordinate enterprises, as well as individual specialists.

The justification for the need to issue an order or regulation can be set out in a memorandum, a certificate of analytical or informational content, a proposal, a conclusion, an act, or an official letter. These documents act as the trigger for a decision.

Novostroyregion-A LLC receives a letter from the software developer OJSC Technologies of the 21st Century about the release of a new version of the warehouse accounting software product "Sklad+", as well as a CD with an update module and instructions for updating.

Having received this letter, the head of Novostroyregion-A LLC issues a resolution in which he instructs the warehouse manager A.V. Stepanov. analyze new capabilities of the warehouse accounting automation system and report on the need to switch to a new version of the program.

Stepanov A.V. prepares a memo addressed to the general director, in which he reports that the transition to a new version of the system will make it possible to more effectively organize the work of accounting for goods and increase the efficiency of staff work.

Having studied this memo, the General Director creates a new resolution in which he instructs to prepare a draft order for the commissioning of a new version of the warehouse accounting automation system.

That is, in this situation, the initiating documents for issuing the order were a letter from 21st Century Technologies OJSC and an internal memo from the warehouse manager A.V. Stepanov. Based on these documents, the head of the enterprise gave instructions for the preparation of a draft order.

Collection and analysis of information to prepare a draft order or regulation

This stage involves, first of all, the collection and analysis of objective, sufficient and timely information necessary to develop a management decision, which will subsequently be reflected in the issued order or regulation.

Sources of information may be:

● legislative acts and regulatory documentation;

● current documentation of the organization;

● documents coming from other organizations;

● publications in periodicals;

● scientific materials, etc.

The result of collecting and analyzing information is the development of a management decision. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the process of analyzing information, various solution options are usually worked out and, after a comprehensive assessment, one, the most acceptable, is selected.

Continuation of Example 1

In the case considered in Example 1, the sources of information include both internal documents of the organization and documents received from a third-party organization.

The internal documents of Novostroyregion-A LLC that are necessary for study include: the current regulations on work in the warehouse accounting automation system "Sklad+", the order that approved it, as well as a memorandum.

In addition, it is necessary to study in detail the applications sent by OJSC “Technologies of the 21st Century” with a letter dated January 9, 2007 No. 2/02-15.

Preparation of a draft order or regulation

Speaking about preparing a project, it should be noted that a specialist (or developer) prepares a project, not a document. The project has no legal force, and in order for the draft administrative document to become an order or regulation, it must go through the procedure of approval and signing. In addition, after signing, registration of the document is necessary.

A draft order or regulation is prepared by a specialist or specialists from structural units. If a draft document affects the interests of various departments, then, by decision of the enterprise management, a temporary commission should be created or a group of workers should be appointed to prepare the project.

Draft orders and instructions 4 are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" 5 (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003).

So, draft orders and regulations are printed on forms A4 format, i.e. 210 × 297 mm. Usually, special forms are developed for orders and instructions. According to GOST R 6.30-2003, they are called “forms for specific types of documents.” Such forms (except for letters), depending on the constituent documents of the organization, include the following details:

● State emblem of the Russian Federation (or the emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the emblem of an organization, or a trademark (service mark);

● name of the document type;

● place of compilation or publication of the document;

● as well as restrictive marks for details:

— registration number of the document.

The size of the form fields deserves special attention. Thus, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, the form must have fields of at least:

The left margin is used to file the document in the file. From this we can conclude that when developing document forms for long-term (over 10 years) and permanent storage periods (which include orders and instructions), it is better to set the left margin in the range of 30–35 mm, rather than 20 mm.

Table 1. Mandatory details of the order and instructions

name of the document type

no need to fill out, it is on the form

place of preparation or publication of the document

no need to fill out, it is on the form

document registration number

drawn up after signing at the time of registration of the document

title to text

drawn up when preparing a draft document

visa approval document (can also be, if necessary, document approval stamp)

are fully formalized during the approval of the draft document

drawn up at the time of signing the document

depending on the constituent documents, the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (or the emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the emblem of an organization, or a trademark) may be present 6

no need to fill out, it is on the form

Setting up for control and execution

control mark

drawn up when submitting a document for control

Removal from control and forwarding of the document to file

a note on the execution of the document and sending it to file

is drawn up when the document is removed from control and sent to the file

Now let's move on to consider the features of the design of draft orders and regulations. Let's start with rules for writing text. He always stated in first person singular and consists of two parts:

● stating (or preamble) and

IN ascertaining part the rationale for the prescribed actions is given. If the basis for issuing an order or instruction was a legislative or regulatory legal act of a higher organization or a document previously issued by this organization, its name, date and number are indicated in the ascertaining part. In this case, wording such as “Based on”, “In pursuance”, “In accordance with” can be used. If an order or instruction is issued proactively, the stating part formulates the goals and objectives of the prescribed actions and sets out the facts or events that led to the issuance of the order or instruction.

The stating part usually begins with the words “For the purposes of”, “In connection with”, etc.

There are cases when the ascertaining part may be absent due to the fact that the prescribed actions do not need explanation or justification 7 .

The ascertaining part in orders is separated from the administrative part by the word “I ORDER:”, and in orders – by the word “I OFFER:” or “I OBLIGATE:”. These words are printed on a new line from the field in capital letters.

Administrative part must contain a list of prescribed actions, indicating the performer of each action and the deadline for execution.

The administrative part is often divided into points due to the fact that it is assumed that there will be several executors for various tasks with their own deadlines.

Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003.

If the action involves a specific performer, the corresponding paragraph of the document must begin with an indication of the position and surname of the performer (the initials in the text are placed after the surname) in the dative case. Organizations or structural divisions may be indicated as performers.

Information about a managerial action is conveyed by a verb in an indefinite form and an object indicating the object of the action. For example:

1. Head of the International Operations Department A.D. Kotov prepare a draft “Instructions on the organization of work on. "

2. Head of the Legal Department S.G. Melnikov provide the International Operations Department with the necessary regulatory legal acts and methodological documents.

The indication of the execution period is given on a separate line and is issued as the date of completion of execution. For example:

3. Submission deadline: July 15, 2003.

The last paragraph of the administrative part indicates specific persons who are entrusted with control over the execution of the administrative document. For example:

Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Bank K.M. Sidorov.

Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536.

If the order changes or cancels any of its provisions, then one of the paragraphs of the administrative part of the text must contain a link to the document being canceled (document clause) indicating its date, number and title. The text of the paragraph must begin with the words “Recognize as invalid. "

The order should not include the clause “Order to be brought to the attention of. " The divisions (officials) to whose attention the order is brought are listed in the distribution index, which the executor prepares along with the draft order.

The text of any organizational and administrative document drawn up on A4 paper must be printed with one and a half line spacing.

An order or directive may have different annexes 8: provisions, regulations, lists, lists, graphs, tables, sample documents, etc. However The “Stamp on the presence of an application” detail is never issued on orders and instructions due to the fact that the link to the application is given directly in the text of the administrative document.

If the application is of a reference or analytical nature (diagram, table, list, etc.), then the text of the order or instruction contains a link “according to Appendix 2” or “(Appendix 2)”. In this case, on the first page of the application, the word “Appendix” is written in the upper right corner, and below is a link to the order or instruction. If there are several applications, they are numbered.

Appendix No. 2
to the order of JSC "Alternativa-M"
dated January 11, 2007 No. 1

If the appendix to the administrative document is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached).” And on the document itself, in the upper right corner of the first page, the attribute “Document Approval Statement” is written.

Heading must be formalized on all draft orders and instructions and include a brief summary of the document.

It should answer the question “about what (who)?”, for example, “On the approval of instructions for office work”, “On the certification of employees of Svyazinvestcom CJSC”, “On the implementation of the concept of improving documentation support for management”.

In this case, the title should occupy no more than five lines with a total length of up to 150 characters, printed from the margin (i.e., without paragraph indentation) through a single line spacing without quotation marks and not underlined, begin with a capital letter and end without using a period.

We will not dwell on the issues of completing the mandatory details of an order or instruction form, since this is described in detail in the article by E.M. Kameneva “Development of forms of organizational and administrative documents”, published in magazines No. 8’ and No. 9’ 2005.

When the draft order or regulation is prepared, the next stage begins - approval of the draft administrative document. It is inextricably linked with another stage - finalizing the project based on the comments of the approving officials. Therefore, we will consider both of these stages simultaneously.

Approval of a draft order or regulation and finalization of the draft based on comments from approving officials

Approval of the draft document implies:

● internal approval or approval (if internal approval is sufficient for issuing a document), which is formalized with the requisite “document approval visa”;

● external approval (if it is necessary to conduct an examination of the solution in other organizations). External approval of draft orders and regulations is rarely resorted to, so we will not dwell on it in this article 9.

Ensuring high-quality preparation of draft documents and their coordination with interested parties is the responsibility of the heads of departments that submit the draft.

Clause Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536.

Clause Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 8, 2005 No. 536.

Draft orders (instructions) and appendices to them are endorsed by the executor 10 and the head of the unit who submitted the project, by the heads of the units for whom the project provides tasks and assignments, as well as by the head of the preschool education service and the legal service (endorses draft regulatory legal acts). Objections to the draft order (instruction) arising during approval are set out in a certificate attached to the draft.

If fundamental changes are made to the draft order during the approval process, it is subject to reprinting and re-approval.

Draft orders (instructions) submitted to the manager for signature are endorsed by the deputy heads in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

The enterprise must develop a list of types and subtypes of 11 documents indicating the persons whose visas are required for approval, i.e. indicating the main approvers, or a sheet of document forms 12.

The stages of preparing a draft document, its approval and refinement based on the comments of the approvers can be carried out in the so-called “traditional” way or using an office automation and electronic document management system.

With the "traditional" method The draft administrative document is prepared on a form and submitted for approval in paper form.

In this case, the visas of the officials are affixed at the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of the draft document. The specialist preparing the draft order or directive can make the basis for further issuance of visas by indicating on the reverse side of the last sheet of the draft document the positions and names of those approving. The “document approval visa” details must be drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

P. 3.24. GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

Approval of the document is issued with a document approval visa (hereinafter referred to as the visa), which includes the signature and position of the person approving the document, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and the date of signing. For example:

Personal signature of A.S. Orlov


If there are any comments to the document, the visa is issued as follows:

Comments are attached
Head of Legal Department

Personal signature of A.S. Orlov


Comments are stated on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the document.

At the discretion of the organization, page-by-page approval of the draft document is allowed or the possibility of issuing document visas on a separate approval sheet. At the same time, the form of the approval sheet is not regulated by either GOSTs or legal acts, and in accordance with this, in different organizations the approval sheet may have a different form.

When submitting a draft administrative document on paper for approval, only one type of project route is possible: sequential. This means that at the same time the draft document can only be in the possession of one of the approving officials. In practice, there are often cases when a draft document must be approved by managers of the same level, and the order of their approval does not matter. Accordingly, a sequential document approval route is not always the optimal solution.

In addition, the “traditional” method of approval “eats up” quite a lot of working time for the company’s employees. After all, the draft document on paper must be independently submitted to the approving officials or transferred through the management documentation support service (hereinafter referred to as the DOU service). In the latter case, the approval of the document takes a long time, since first you need to take the project to the preschool educational institution service, then it is necessary for the secretary or the person responsible for office work of the required department to pick up the project from the preschool educational institution service and transfer it to his manager for approval, and after approval, return the project to the service DOW... This procedure should continue until the project is agreed upon by all necessary officials. As a result, at medium and large enterprises, approval of one draft document can last several days.

Coordination of draft documents using office automation and electronic document management systems has many advantages compared to the “traditional” method. With this approach, the developer of the draft document creates a project in the system, indicates the type of route for the draft document during approval, and activates the approval procedure.

The following coordination routes are possible:

● sequential: when the project first goes to the first approver; after he has approved the project, the project automatically goes to the second approver, etc.;

● parallel: when the project is submitted simultaneously to all approving parties at once and they approve the draft document in any sequence;

● parallel-sequential (or mixed): when the draft document is first received by one group of officials who can carry out approval in any sequence; and only after all officials from the first group have agreed, the project is sent to the next group of officials.

If we consider the coordination of draft orders and instructions, it can be noted that the most optimal would be a parallel-sequential route. In this case, coordination can be organized using the following chain:

● 1 group of approvers – the executor (or developer) of the draft document;

● 2nd group of coordinators – the head of the contractor;

● 3rd group of approvers - the head (or employee of the preschool educational institution service) who checks the draft administrative document for correctness;

● 4th group of coordinators – heads of departments for which the project provides tasks and instructions, as well as the head of the legal service;

● 5th group of coordinators – deputy (or deputies) of the head of the enterprise.

Coordination using automated systems also has a number of advantages compared to “traditional” coordination. Let's name the main ones:

1. The developer does not need to waste time delivering the project to approving officials, since this is done by the system in accordance with the given route.

2. The developer can indicate the time during which the official is obliged to approve the draft document.

3. The developer of the draft document can at any time see how the document is being approved, which of the officials carried out the approval and which visa was issued.

4. Approving officials will promptly learn that they have received a draft document for approval thanks to a special notification system.

5. The draft document is agreed upon as quickly as possible.

6. The draft document cannot be lost in the approval process.

7. The system can store all versions of the project, visas and approval notes.

Despite the above-mentioned, quite significant advantages of “electronic” approval, it is currently used in a small number of enterprises. And the reason for this is the following: it is possible to automate work with draft documents, including the approval stage, only if all managers become active users of office automation and electronic document management systems, because they are the main approving officials. Unfortunately, today's practice shows that in most organizations and enterprises the main users of automation systems are secretaries and those responsible for office work, whose competence does not include the approval of draft documents.

Now let's consider what happens if one of the approvers does not agree with the content of the draft document.

In the event of one or more approving comments of a fundamental nature, changing the essence of the document, the draft must be reprinted (i.e., a new version of the draft document must be created) and re-agreed.

If during the approval they were made editorial comments, do not change the content of the project, then the project is also subject to reprinting, but re-approval is not required in this case.

Signing an order or instruction

The agreed draft document is submitted to the manager for signature.

If approval visas were issued not on the reverse side of the last sheet of the project, but on a separate approval sheet, then in this case it is also necessary to transfer the approval sheet of the draft document to the manager.

The manager’s signature turns the draft document into a full-fledged document, after which it must be registered.

Registration of an order or instruction

Document registration is a record of accounting data about a document in a prescribed form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt.

In our case, registration will record the fact of document creation. It is worth noting that registration is also necessary for further recording of documents and organization of reference work.

Registration can be done in one of three ways:

● an entry about a document in a paper journal (journal registration form);

● by recording in a paper registration and control card (card registration form);

● entering information about the document into the office automation and electronic document management system (automated registration form).

It is worth noting that at present, automated registration of documents is advisable, since it has many advantages compared to journal and card forms of registration. Let's name a small part of these advantages:

● quick search of documents by any details or details;

● automatic generation of reports, summaries, conducting reference and analytical work on documents;

● automatic control over the execution of orders (documents);

● the ability to simultaneously register documents at several workplaces and others.

Moreover, automated registration of documents is possible without the introduction of specialized software at the enterprise.

In most small companies, this is done using the MS Excel program by filling out an ordinary table.

During registration, the document is assigned registration number and date of the document. The date of the order and instructions must be the date of signing, from which we can conclude that orders and instructions must be registered on the day of their signing.

Documents are registered within groups, depending on the name of the document type. In addition, orders (as well as instructions) on core activities, on personnel and on administrative and economic issues are recorded separately. This means that the above subtypes of orders and instructions will not have a common, but separate numbering.

Now we present the requirements for registration of the registration number and date of the document, enshrined in GOST R 6.30-2003.

P. 3.12. GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

The registration number of a document consists of its serial number 13, which can be supplemented at the discretion of the organization with a case index according to the nomenclature of cases, information about the correspondent, executors, etc.

The registration number of a document compiled jointly by two or more organizations consists of the registration numbers of the document of each of these organizations, separated by a slash in the order in which the authors are indicated in the document.

Section 3.11. GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

The date of the document is written in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year – in four Arabic numerals.

A verbal-numeric method of formatting a date is allowed, for example June 05, 2003, as well as formatting a date in the sequence: year, month, day of the month, for example: 2003.06.05.

Usually, a digital method is used to formalize the date of orders and instructions, for example, 02/05/2007.

Bringing an order or instruction to the executors

Bringing the administrative document to the executors means replicating the document, sending it out (as soon as possible) or transferring it to the executors.

In the “traditional” organization of office work, copies are most often made of orders and instructions, and extracts are less often made, which are then sent to the executors or employees of the organization in accordance with the distribution index (it is also drawn up and signed by the executor).

If a system of office automation and electronic document flow is used when working with documents, then in most cases (when an employee does not need to be familiarized with the document for signature, which is important, for example, when drawing up some administrative documents for personnel), the registered document is sent to employees using the systems. This approach allows recipients to receive a document in the shortest possible time, and also saves material and time resources that are spent with the “traditional” approach to copying documents and transferring copies.

It is worth noting that most administrative documents are subject to control by the preschool educational institution service before being delivered to the executors. However, control over execution is a separate big topic, which we paid enough attention to last year 14 , 15 .

The topic is continued in the article by V.P. Kozyreva “Development of draft administrative documents: interaction between the responsible executor and the records management specialist.”

When an experienced specialist shares his work, it is always interesting. And especially when it comes to establishing constructive interaction with colleagues from other departments. You will learn how to prepare a draft administrative document in compliance with the rules of office work and all the subtleties of the Russian language. GOST R 6.30-2003 sets out only the most basic requirements for the preparation of administrative documents. The author tells how they were finalized (expanded) and implemented in an interregional telecommunications company. Specific examples of wording for various situations and the presence of design samples make the article very convenient for its practical application in your work. The article was published in the July 2007 issue of the journal “Office Management and Document Flow in the Enterprise.”

1 Administrative documents – documents that record decisions on administrative and organizational issues of the institution’s activities (order, instruction, etc.). – A brief dictionary of types and varieties of documents. – M.: VNIIDAD. – 1974.

2 Currently, a decree is also a legal act issued individually by: – the head of state – the President of the Russian Federation; – the head of a collegial body of power and management within the competence granted to him, for example, an order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation; – heads of executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation – governors, mayors, etc.

3 See the operogram of the life cycle of an order for the main activity in the article by Yu.V. Khimich on page 32 of magazine No. 2’ 2007.

4 Some orders and instructions for personnel must be drawn up on the basis of Article 9 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” according to unified forms approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia of January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment."

5 GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature for all organizations except federal executive authorities. Despite this, the strict implementation of its provisions indicates a high culture of documenting information and working with documents.

6 If a commercial organization does not have an organization logo or trademark (service mark), then this detail is not issued.

7 For an example of an order without a stating part, see the article by T.A. Kuznetsova on page 45 of magazine No. 2’ 2007.

8 See article by E.M. Kameneva. “Some subtleties of application design”, published in No. 11’ 2006 on page 26 of the journal “Office Management and Document Flow in the Enterprise”.

9 For the external approval procedure, see the answer to the question on page 37 of magazine No. 6’ 2006.

10 The executor is understood as a specialist who is developing a draft document.

11 Type of document is the document’s belonging to the documentation system based on its content and purpose (for example, order, instruction, act, etc.). In this case, a subtype is understood as a group of documents of the same type, united by the nature of the issue stated in the document (for example, orders for training, orders for certification, orders for the creation of an expert commission, etc.).

12 The table of forms of documents used in the activities of the organization is a list of approved forms of documents that are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the functions and tasks of management activities, with a description of their legal status, stages of preparation and completion.

13 Serial numbers are assigned during the calendar year, i.e. from the beginning of next year, serial numbers will again begin with one.

14 See article by O.V. Ryskova “Control over the execution of instructions: requirements of regulations of federal executive authorities” on page 24 of magazine No. 1’ 2006.

15 See articles by E.M. Kameneva about methods of monitoring the execution of instructions on page 72 of magazine No. 9’ 2006 and on page 76 of magazine No. 10’ 2006.






dated December 23, 2011
No. 208-p/298-pr

About electronic document management.

In order to implement the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare dated December 22, 2011 No. 923 “On the procedure for the exchange of documents created in electronic form”


1. Heads of departments and territorial departments (Bogoslavskaya G.I., Solomkina L.B. Savchenko S.P., Pronicheva T.A., Namsinova E.I., Frantsuzov A.A., Dzhevakov E.O., Ubushiev A. .B., Kharinov V.G., Tarbaev A.I., Teldzhiev S.B., Utnasunov V.B.), Deputy Chief Physician of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" (Darbakova T.A., Mikhalyaeva L.B.) chief doctors of the branches of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution (Boichenko E.L., Lidzheev A.A.S., Nasunova N.N., Mankirov M.A., Ubushieva N.A., Ubushaeva G.S., Tserenov Sh. .B.) accept for execution the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing dated December 22, 2011 No. 923 “On the procedure for the exchange of documents created in electronic form.”

2. Document flow between the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Kalmykia, the FBUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia” and the central office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare shall be carried out exclusively in the form of electronic documents signed with the electronic signature of an authorized person, for excluding documents specified in the list (Appendix 1).

3. Cancel the delivery of paper documents.

4. The documents listed in the list (Appendix 1) must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor only on paper.

5. Preparation and approval (endorsement) of organizational and administrative documents in departments and territorial divisions of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Kalmykia, FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Kalmykia" should be carried out in the form of electronic documents.

6. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Office for Supervision in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Kalmykia D.N. Sandzhiev

Head: Yashkulov K.B.

Chief Physician of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "TsGiE" for the Republic of Kazakhstan Dzhambinov S.D.

Appendix 1 to the order

from "___" _______ 2011 No. ____


documents submitted to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on paper

  1. Draft decisions on the undesirability of the stay (residence) of a foreign citizen and (or) stateless person on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Plans for financial and economic activities of subordinate institutions.
  3. Budget estimates and estimates of income and expenses of territorial bodies and government agencies.
  4. Agreements on the procedure and conditions for providing subsidies for financial support for the implementation of state assignments for the provision of public services (performance of work).
  5. Acts of inspection of financial and economic activities of territorial bodies and subordinate institutions.
  6. Annual financial statements.
  7. Documents marked chipboard.
  8. Acts on write-off of fixed assets (in the form approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 21, 2003 No. 7).
  9. Acts on the write-off of motor vehicles (according to form OS-4a, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 21, 2003 No. 7).
  10. Acts of acceptance and transfer of real estate (form OS-1a).
  11. FSUE activity programs.
  12. Documents on the state defense order.
  13. Decisions on complaints against decisions in cases of administrative offenses.
  14. Documents on the execution of a private court ruling.

The special order to put the system into trial operation must indicate:

  • Timing of trial operation;
  • List of departments (workplaces);
  • Time frame for equipping them with software and hardware;
  • Responsible for conducting trial operation in departments.

The same order may contain instructions on the approval of temporary regulations (rules, procedures) for working with the EDMS. After trial operation, it is necessary to prepare a list of proposals or recommendations for the transition to an EDMS, which, as a rule, if the proposals were prepared by employees of the customer’s organization, are drawn up in the form of an internal official document. This document contains information about problems that arose during the trial operation, as well as proposals for additional configuration of the system.

Regulatory support for the implementation process

The effectiveness of implementing an electronic document management system, of course, is determined by both its cost and the volume of documents processed, as well as the specifics of the company’s activities.


Calculations show that, in general, the implementation of an electronic document management system pays off in a year or two.

Stages of implementation of an electronic document management system Sooner or later, every manager comes to realize the need to automate the document management system at an enterprise, whose goal is to optimize his production and organizational activities.

Sample order for approval of document flow

After the software product and work contractor have been selected, it is necessary to create an administrative document that will define:

  • Head of the implementation team on the customer's side;
  • Composition of the working group;
  • Tasks for preparing a work schedule, involving other specialists involved in the implementation of EDMS (preparation of technical equipment, information and software, etc.).

Example of an order to create a working group In the future, it will be necessary to issue an order approving the work schedule for the implementation of the EDMS.

Taking into account this plan, all subsequent stages of implementation are carried out.

Example of an order for approval of schedule 3. Approval of the list of users, and identification of the system administrator.

Implementation of an electronic document management system

Pre-project examination, selection of software product.
The administrative document (usually an order), issued by management at the first stage of implementation, contains the rationale for the need to implement the EDS, and the text indicates the responsible person, or several persons who must:

  • Determine by what forces the system will be implemented (our own or with the involvement of a work contractor);
  • Determine the general contractor for the work;
  • Determine the approximate scale of implementation and planned budget.

The result of work on the above order is most often a commercial proposal worked out on both sides.
2. Creation of a working group and approval of the work schedule.

  • control of the route and processing of each document, including compliance with deadlines for their execution and approval;
  • increasing executive discipline and minimizing the risk of loss of documents and unauthorized access to confidential information;
  • the ability to quickly search for any document or package of documents in accordance with requests generated by performers;
  • reducing the transit time of control signals both vertically and horizontally;
  • increasing the productivity of employees and the efficiency of the entire organization as a whole.

The listed tasks also determine the advantages of implementing an electronic document management system, especially in those enterprises where the annual document flow is calculated in thousands of accounting units, and the archive in tens of thousands.

Appoint [position, F.] as responsible for the formation and signing of electronic documents.

AND ABOUT.]. 7. The order should be communicated to all structural divisions of the organization.

8. I entrust control over the execution of the order to [position, F.

AND ABOUT.]. [position, signature, initials, surname] The following have been familiarized with the order: [position, signature, initials, surname] The current version of the document you are interested in is available only in the commercial version of the GARANT system.

You can purchase a document for 54 rubles or get full access to the GARANT system free of charge for 3 days.

Buy a document Get access to the GARANT system If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request it via the Hotline in the system.

March 5, 2018 Login Registration © NPP GARANT-SERVICE LLC, 2018. The GARANT system has been produced since 1990.

Order on implementation of sed sample

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Order for the implementation of an electronic document management system [day, month, year] N [value] For the purpose of [enter as necessary] I order: 1.

From [day, month, year] to implement the electronic document management system of [name] in [name of legal entity].

Position, full name] within [day, month, year] develop and approve the procedure for electronic document management.


Appoint [position, F.] to be responsible for maintaining electronic document management.

AND ABOUT.]. 4. [Position, full name] organize an electronic archive of received and sent documents. 5. [

Position, full name] introduce into the accounting policy of [name of legal entity] the rules for creating, receiving and storing electronic documents.

The group needs to identify the management needs of senior executives, as well as the user needs of ordinary performers.

This will help to formulate the basic requirements for the system and present them in the form of technical specifications. At the second stage, taking into account the developed requirements, a choice is made of the electronic document management system that will be optimal both in terms of functionality and cost. If the tasks solved by the company's document management system are quite specific, the electronic system can be developed on a turnkey basis, and then it is the members of the working group who will communicate most closely with the developers, formulating specific tasks for them. At the third stage of implementation of the electronic document management system, it will be installed and, if necessary, the fleet of technical equipment will be updated, obsolete equipment will be modernized and new equipment will be purchased.