Practical work "Study of human behavior in the environment" presentation for an ecology lesson (grade 11) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "society and the environment" Environmental management can be

The purpose of my essay is to reveal and show how the influence of society invades the natural environment, how its negative impacts affect many natural processes. The following tasks follow from this: - analyze the problem of the negative impact of society on the environment; - reveal the reasons for the negative impact of humanity on the world around us.

The relationship between man, society, nature. Man, society and nature are interconnected. Man simultaneously lives in nature and in society, is a biological and social being. In social studies, nature is understood as the natural habitat of humans. It is impossible to analyze society without taking into account its interaction with nature, since it lives in nature.

With the transition of the main part of humanity to a productive economy, the state of nature began to deteriorate. By plowing the earth, man dried out the soil and burned out forests. In the Middle Ages, the population grew, metal tools, the development of shipbuilding, and construction became widespread. All this increased the load on the ground. The depletion of soils and pastures and the reduction of forest area began. The negative impact of human economic activity has especially intensified in the era of industrial society. Interaction between society and nature.

Scientific and technological progress generates increasingly powerful sources of destruction and pollution of the natural environment. Every year, about 1 billion tons of fuel equivalent are burned, hundreds of millions of tons of harmful substances, soot, ash, and dust are released into the atmosphere. Soils and waters become clogged with industrial and domestic wastewater, oil products, mineral fertilizers, and radioactive waste.

Formation of human ecological consciousness Ecological consciousness is an understanding of the need to protect nature, awareness of the consequences of a careless attitude towards it. Each person is responsible for the preservation of both individual species of animals and plants, and life on Earth in general. In the process of life, every person is influenced by objects and phenomena, events and other people that make up the world around him. Unlike an animal, he definitely relates to his life activity, that is, to his own attitude.

Nature conservation The task of nature conservation can only be solved by the united efforts of peoples and countries around the world. Nature protection should be carried out by state authorities, industrialists, public organizations and citizens. Many countries have developed national environmental programs and adopted laws on environmental protection. Problems related to nature conservation are discussed by scientists, public figures, and politicians at international conferences on the environment. Everyone is well aware of the “green” movement - environmentalists.

In Russia, legislative acts have been adopted that define the rules of environmental behavior of industrial enterprises, organizations, and citizens. These rules are reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Environmental Protection”. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the duty of a citizen to preserve nature and the environment and treat natural resources with care.

The influence of society on the environment and the solution of environmental problems largely depend on the education of the younger generation. Overcoming the environmental crisis using technical means alone is impossible. Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. A state that does not pay due attention to environmental problems is depriving itself of its future.

Along with new modernization, humanity will have to create a new culture in relationships between people and with nature, the subject of which is man. It should be based on universal upbringing and education, which can naturally be called environmental.

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Study of human behavior in the environment Practical work was carried out by a student of class 11 “A” Kudrina Ekaterina

Goals and objectives: Pay attention to your activities and the activities of society in relation to the environment Draw conclusions and adjust your behavior Find ways to solve and help the environment

Human impact on the environment Impact is the direct impact of human economic activity on the natural environment. All types of impact can be classified into four main types: - intentional; - unintentional; - direct; - indirect (mediated).

Intentional influence occurs in the process of material production in order to satisfy certain needs of society. These include: mining, deforestation

Unintentional impact occurs as a side effect of the first type of impact, in particular, open-pit mining leads to a decrease in groundwater levels, air pollution, and the formation of technogenic landforms

Direct impacts occur in the case of direct influence of human economic activity on the environment, in particular, irrigation directly affects the soil and changes all processes associated with it.

Indirect impacts occur indirectly - through chains of interconnected influences. Thus, intentional indirect impacts are the use of fertilizers and the direct impact on crop yields, and unintentional ones are the effect of aerosols on the amount of solar radiation (especially in cities), etc.

In historical terms, there are several stages of change in the biosphere by humanity, which led to environmental crises and revolutions, namely: - the influence of humanity on the biosphere as an ordinary biological species; - intensive hunting without changes in ecosystems during the formation of humanity; - changes in ecosystems as a result of processes that occur naturally: livestock grazing, increased grass growth by burning autumn and spring dead wood, etc.; - intensification of influence on nature by plowing soils and cutting down forests; - global changes in all environmental components of the biosphere as a whole.

Human influence on the biosphere comes down to four main forms: 1) changes in the structure of the earth's surface (plowing of steppes, deforestation, land reclamation, creation of artificial reservoirs and other changes in the regime of surface waters, etc.) 2) changes in the composition of the biosphere, the circulation and balance of those substances which make it up (extraction of mineral resources, creation of dumps, emissions of various substances into the atmosphere and water bodies) 3) changes in the energy, in particular heat, balance of individual regions of the globe and the entire planet 4) changes that are made to the biota (the totality of living organisms) in as a result of the destruction of some species, the destruction of their natural places of existence, the creation of new breeds of animals and plant varieties, their movement to new places of existence, and the like.

I attribute my impact to unintentional and indirect. For example, in the city I don’t throw garbage in the wrong place, but I don’t separate the garbage and I’m not responsible for its disposal. So maybe I am polluting the environment. There is also a merciless waste of electricity and fresh water supplies. I always have a mother at home with a little brother who turns on the lights everywhere, even if you turn them off, he turns them on. But personally, as soon as I arrive, I turn on the computer right away and until late at night. We also waste a lot of water. The only thing that limits our waste is the meters.

But my behavior outside the city (in the village) is completely different. I deliberately influence the soil: I fertilize, water and pull out weeds, and we also fight rodent pests (mole and carbysh).

But in villages we separate waste into organic and inorganic. We take the inorganic to designated areas, and throw the organic into a pit for rotting for further use in the garden.

I can’t say that I pollute the environment a lot, but I also do little to save it, with the exception of cleanup days with a class from the school. But if each of us thinks about this problem and wants to help the world around us, then the small contribution of each person will be huge for humanity.