Step-by-step presentation 1C 8 creating an order for a supplier. Methodology for using the supplier order document

Many trade organizations work “to order”. That is, the organization first receives several orders from customers. Then he finds suppliers and purchases the necessary goods from them. As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier, they are immediately shipped to customers.

In such a situation, purchasing managers must have convenient mechanisms for generating orders to suppliers and tracking delivery times.

In the program “1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3" a purchasing manager can do the following:

  • View the full list of products that need to be provided to customers.
  • Automatically create an order to the supplier for all goods needed by customers. In this case, the order to the supplier will clearly indicate for which customer orders the order was placed to the supplier. And the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they are automatically reserved for the client.
  • Indicate the deadline for receipt of goods for all orders to suppliers.
  • Monitor the timing of goods receipt, and if the deadlines are not met, cancel the order to the supplier.

Let's take a closer look at each of these possibilities.

To analyze the goods that need to be purchased for customers, you can use the “Customer Order Analysis” report.

Menu: Reports – Sales – Order analysis – Customer order analysis

The report can be generated for orders that have not yet been shipped. To do this, set the “Order shipment status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not shipped” and “Partially shipped.” Thus, we will receive a report on orders that have not yet been fully shipped:

The report shows all unshipped orders. For each order we see the required goods; the required quantity is indicated in the “Remaining to be provided” column. If this column is not empty, then the product is out of stock and has not been reserved - it must be ordered from the supplier.

Creating an order for a supplier

From the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report, we found out that our customers need to place an order with a supplier. But we don’t have to remember who is missing what goods. Directly from the report, you can create an order to the supplier for all missing goods!

Click on the button “Order to supplier – Create one order to supplier”:

A new document “Order to supplier” is created, which automatically includes all the goods necessary for the order:

For each product, the “Order” column indicates the buyer’s order for which the product is ordered from the supplier. Thanks to this information, the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, they will be reserved for the buyer automatically.

In the order you need to select a supplier, a contract, and fill in the purchase prices. We agreed with the counterparty "Mobil" on the delivery of this product on December 28, 2011. We indicate the expected date of receipt of the goods in the “Receipt” field:

Click the “OK” button to process and close the order to the supplier.

After placing an order with the supplier, we will again generate the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report. Now the “Remaining to be provided” column is empty, because we have ordered all the necessary goods from the supplier. Information that a product has been ordered to a supplier is displayed in the “Placed in orders” column:

Delivery time control

To control delivery times, we will use the “Analysis of orders to suppliers” report.

Menu: Reports – Purchasing – Order analysis – Analysis of orders to suppliers

We'll make a setup to see orders for which the delivery date has been missed. Click the “Settings” button.

In the settings form that opens, add a new selection “Order. Receipt date less than or equal to the current date” in the table below. To do this, click the “Add” button, in the field selection window that opens, find the “Order” field, expand it by plus and select the “Date of receipt” field inside:

In the main report form, we will also set the “Receipt Status” flag and mark the values ​​“Not Received” and “Partially Received”.

Click “Create” and as a result we will see all orders that should have been fully received before the current date, but this did not happen:

The “Remaining to purchase” column will indicate the quantity of goods that did not arrive on time.

Based on the results of the analysis, the manager may decide to cancel the order to the supplier. To do this, a document “Closing an order to a supplier” is drawn up. You can create a document based on an order to a supplier or manually.

Menu: Documents – Purchasing – Closing orders to suppliers

We will close the order based on. To do this, you can find the required order for the supplier in the list of orders:

Menu: Documents – Purchasing – Orders to suppliers

Or open an order to a supplier directly from the report.

To open an order to a supplier from a report, you need to double-click on it and select “Open order to supplier” in the list of actions that opens:

In the order to the supplier, use the enter button on the base and select the item “Closing orders to suppliers”:

In the document that opens, “Closing orders to suppliers,” the order to be closed, the counterparty, and the order amount will already be indicated:

You can also specify the reason for closing an order and then analyze the reasons for closing orders in the report:

Menu: Reports – Purchasing – Order analysis – Analysis of reasons for closing orders

Click the “OK” button and close the document.

After closing an order to a supplier, the program will no longer expect any receipts or payments for it. The order to the supplier will no longer be shown in reports:

In addition, if we generate the “Analysis of customer orders” report again, we will see that the product again appears in the “Remaining to be provided” column:

Now the purchasing manager should create a new order to the supplier for the missing goods and expect delivery of this product on time.

For the receipt of goods or services in 1C 8.3, it is necessary to create a corresponding document. In this step-by-step instruction, we will look at detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do this and what data to fill out. Let’s also look at the example of transactions created by the 1C program.

In the “Purchases” menu, select “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. A list form for this document will open in front of you.

From the list form that appears, you can create several different types of documents. Let's look at them briefly.

  • Goods (invoice). You will only have access to the tabular part for adding products.
  • Services (act). Similar to the previous one, but only for services.
  • Fixed assets. This document generates incoming and outgoing transactions that do not require installation. There is no additional need to take into account.
  • Goods, services, commission. Combination of goods, services and commission trading.
  • Materials for recycling. Here the name speaks for itself.
  • Equipment.– equipment. Acceptance for accounting is formed separately.
  • Construction objects. Receipt of fixed assets - construction objects.
  • Leasing services. To calculate the next lease payment when accounting for property on the lessee’s balance sheet.

Let's consider the first two types of operations, because they are the most popular.

How to deliver goods on arrival

When creating a new document, select the transaction type “Goods (invoice)”.

In the header, indicate the counterparty, contract and department where the goods will be received. You can also additionally configure VAT (included in the price and calculation method), consignee, consignor, etc.

The accounting account in this case is 41.01 – goods in warehouses. It can also be changed. Next, adjust the VAT rate if necessary.

At the bottom of the form, indicate the invoice number and date, then click on the “Register” button. The document will immediately be created automatically and a link to it will be displayed.

As we can see, the document made two entries: for the receipt itself and for VAT (account 10.03).

Watch also the video on posting goods in 1C Accounting:

Receipt of services

This time, when creating a document, select the type of operation “Services (act)”. We will not consider filling out this document in detail due to the fact that everything here is similar to the previous method. Only here item items with the “Service” type are added.

We attributed our lawn mowing service to account 26 and indicated the cost item “Other costs.”

In the case when you need to immediately reflect the receipt of both goods and services, use the “Goods, services, commission” transaction type.

It's no secret: in order to sell something, you must first buy something. Likewise, every trading organization, in order to sell a product, purchases it from suppliers. We offer instructions in which we will consider step by step how to place an order to a supplier in the 1C program: Trade Management 11.3. Registration takes place in the “Orders to Suppliers” journal, which is located in the “Purchases” menu section. Let's go in and do a short review. Near the name, at the top, there is an asterisk icon; by clicking on it, you can add this magazine to the “Favorites” group for quick access. The asterisk is located in the program menu, in the upper left part of the screen. Notice that the Menu bar is at the top and all open tabs are at the bottom. For convenience, the journal has several types of document sorting: by current status, by due date, by priority and by manager. There is a search, which is represented by the “Find” button. The required document can be found by number, amount, supplier, etc. Also, using the appropriate buttons, you can create another document based on it, generate a report and print it. Now that you've familiarized yourself with the interface, let's move on to placing an order with the supplier. Click the “Create” button and select “New”:

In the form that opens, fill in the fields:

    Supplier – select from the directory of contractors;

    An agreement is a contract with a supplier;

    Operation – purchase of goods;

    Warehouse – indicate the supplier’s warehouse from which the goods will arrive;

    Comment – ​​you can write down any necessary information.

If necessary, you can select a different agreement or make changes. You need to click on the three dots at the end of the field. A window will open asking you to select a contract from the list. Note that the counterparty may have one agreement or several, depending on the conditions. If you need to create another agreement with different conditions, then click on the “Create” button. To change an existing one, you need to select a line and click the right mouse button to select the “Change” function:

Let's see how the agreement is filled out. Consists of three tabs. The first is “Basic”, the main information on the contract is displayed here:

    The number is indicated on the basis of the printed form of the contract (if available), in order or by some designation so that it is easy to find and identify;

    Name, here you can write the name of the contract, for example, “Main contract” or its exact designation, for example, “Purchase of Samsung equipment” or “Purchase of office supplies”;

    Supplier – name of the counterparty;

    Status – valid or not;

    Validity period: this indicates the start date of the contract and the end date, although the latter may not be specified. Unless provided for;

    Operation – respectively, purchase from a supplier;

    Comment – ​​you can enter additional information;

    Manager – the name of the person responsible for purchasing will be displayed.

The next tab is “Purchase Conditions”. Here are the terms of payment, tax regime, pricing:

After all the items are filled out and checked, click “Record and close”. In the “Agreements with suppliers on purchasing conditions” window, select the required agreement and click “Select”. We return to the order to the supplier and go to the “Products” tab. Filling out the tabular part can be done using the “Add” button by selecting each product from the range. Or through the “Fill” function, here we select “Select products”:

The product selection window opens. There is a function for selecting a product through the search bar by name or article, and “By exact match”. In this case, the search will take place throughout the entire directory. You can select the necessary products from a group; to do this, select the group in the right window, and the main part will display a list of product items that are in it. Product selection is made by double clicking on the name. In the window that opens, enter the quantity of goods that you want to order and the price for one product unit offered by the supplier. The indicated cost will subsequently correspond to the type of prices indicated in the agreement with this supplier. Click “OK” and the product is placed in the lower field.

After the desired product is selected, click “Move to document”. The tabular part of the “Order to Supplier” document is filled in:

Checking the filling. You can specify a discount using the “Prices and Discounts” button and the date of receipt directly for each product. At the bottom there is a field “Desired date of admission”, you can also fill it out. If you check the box next to “Receipts on one date,” the shipment will be made on the date indicated as desired.

Please note that these items are completed provided that everything has been discussed and agreed upon with the supplier.

In the “Advanced” tab, fill in the following fields:

    Manager – responsible for procurement;

    Contact person – details of the manager on the supplier’s side, with whom it will be possible to discuss and agree on all the necessary information on the delivery;

    Delivery address – indicates to which address the supplier will deliver the order;

    Currency – in what currency prices will be displayed;

    The price includes VAT - if necessary, check the box;

    Taxation – select the required type from the directory;

    Register supplier prices automatically – if you check this box, supplier prices from this order will be automatically entered into the documents, which is very convenient;

    Order number according to the supplier – indicates under what number and from what date this order is registered in the supplier’s database;

    Print Information - This is where you specify any necessary or important additions that will appear when you print the document.

The order to the supplier is completed. Click “Swipe and close”. The document appeared in the magazine. Next, the completed order must be paid, for example, in cash from the cash register. Click the “Create based on” button and select “Cash expenditure order”.

There is no need to change anything here. We check and carry out.

The product has been ordered and paid for; based on this, the current order status has changed. In the “Current status” column the status “Awaiting arrival” is displayed. And in the “Due Date” column - the estimated delivery date.

The posting of goods is carried out through the “Create on the basis” button. From the list, select the item “Receipt of goods and services”:

A receipt document is automatically created and opened. The “Basic” tab displays information about which order the receipt was for (according to the data of the previously created order), the supplier, the contract for it and the payment status.

The “Products” tab contains a list of product items, quantity, price, etc. Situations often arise that a supplier ships the wrong quantity of goods. You can make changes manually by double-clicking in the appropriate field directly in the document. If some product was not delivered at all, then you can put “0” in the quantity column or delete the entire line using the “Delete” key.

All goods come with accompanying documents: waybill and invoice. The invoice number must be entered in the “Additional” tab, the “Incoming document number” field. We check and carry out.

Go to the “Acceptance Documents” journal. We find the created document and follow the link in the lower left corner “Register an invoice”. You only need to enter the number and date of the received invoice. We carry it out.

If, after posting the invoice, you return to the previously placed order, you will see that the status has changed to “Closed”. This means that this order has been fully completed.

Home 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 Procurement Management

Placing orders with suppliers

To reflect the preliminary agreement on the conditions and terms of delivery of the items purchased from the supplier, the procedure and terms of payment, the use of orders to suppliers is provided. Order to suppliers– a tool that allows you to organize the procurement process and monitor both the fulfillment of the supplier’s commodity obligations and your own financial obligations.

Orders to suppliers can be generated automatically based on the calculation of the needs for provision of goods in accordance with the supply parameters (delivery time of goods from the supplier, average daily consumption, etc.).

Also, an order to a supplier can be entered based on previously placed customer orders or transactions with a client. When placing an order under the agreement, the basic purchasing conditions (currency, type of supplier price, payment parameters, use of contracts, etc.) are automatically filled in.

Payment for goods ordered by suppliers is controlled in accordance with the payment date specified in the order to the supplier. In your order, you can indicate the desired date for receipt of goods. Based on an analysis of the expected delivery dates of goods, a schedule for the delivery of goods can be drawn up.

Monitoring the fulfillment of obligations by the supplier is carried out using document statuses and states. Statuses for a document are assigned manually.

Status – information about the order, which is calculated automatically based on what is available in the information database (status, payment, availability in warehouse, etc.).

In this lesson, we will register the goods receipt operation using orders to the supplier.

This type of document is intended for registration in the system of a primary agreement on the purchase of commodity items from a supplier, and is the basis for creating payment documents to the supplier and goods acceptance documents.

First, let me remind you where the functionality of using orders to a supplier is included in the program:

Let's go to the list of orders:

Creating an order for a supplier

Let's create a new document (options According to plan And According to needs We'll look at it in other lessons):

The document is in many ways similar to the goods receipt document. On the first tab, select the organization, supplier (counterparty, agreement and contract will be added automatically), warehouse and household. operation:

In addition to the purchase from a supplier operation, there are 2 options:

  • import purchase,
  • admission to the commission.

On the second tab, fill in information about the products (it’s more convenient to use the selection):

In the selection form, select the required products and click Transfer to document:

Because Since we have not yet registered supplier prices, the price fields in the product table are not filled in:

Let's indicate prices manually:

Automatic filling of prices is provided:

The last tab contains related information:

Because Since the program enables the use of supplier order statuses, we see the corresponding field in the document:

This functionality helps to track in detail the status of orders at different points in time. At the same time, you can create a receipt document only for an order with the status Confirmed. We also see a field nearby A priority- this field is intended for visual sorting of orders in the list (based on arbitrary criteria, we can set some orders to low priority and others to high).

From the document we can print the order form:

If some items need to be deleted from the order over time, then fill out the column Canceled for reason(we can, of course, just delete the line, but then there will be no story):

Subsequently, you can generate summary reports on the reasons for canceling items in orders to the supplier.

Registration of receipt for an order to a supplier

Now, based on the order, we will create a receipt document (done in two clicks):

A fully completed receipt document has opened, all that remains is to post it:

Now let’s make sure that the acceptance was completed correctly. To do this, we will first create a payment card with the supplier:

And now let’s make sure that the goods have arrived at the warehouse:

In the list of orders we see a change in the current state, but for some reason we do not see a reflection of the receipt amount. This is all due to the fact that we detail mutual settlements in the context of contracts (and the columns of the list of orders with the amount of payment and receipts are filled in only for order-by-order mutual settlements).