Military bridge training. Section: Low-water wooden bridges on the VAD: Educational


(name of topic according to the program)


For group lesson No. 13

(type of activity)

Exploration of the construction area.

(name of lesson)

Time –2 hours

Discussed at a department meeting

(subject-methodological commission)

"____" ___________________ 2014

protocol No. ______


1.Training and educational goals: After studying the questions of the lesson, listeners and students should know:

Selecting a bridge alignment;

Identification of the hydrological regime of the river;

Selection of cutting sites and locations for the deployment of a procurement point for bridge structures.

2.Calculation of working hours:

Lesson content Time, min
Introductory part: Report of the platoon duty officer. Checking the availability of personnel, uniforms, and readiness of the platoon for training. Announcement of the topic of the lesson, educational issues and purpose of the lesson, literature. A short survey on a previously covered lesson topic.

Give an introduction to the topic.

Study questions (main part) 1.Reconnaissance of the bridge construction area. ;

2. Preparation of bridge structures. ;

3.Documents processed by intelligence.

Conclusion on the topic.

Final part: Summing up the lesson. Answers to questions that have arisen. Checking the quality of learning the lesson material. Self-study assignment.

3. Educational and material support:


2. Educational literature: Military bridge training Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense 1977.

3. Slides on the topic of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson is to study general information about exploration of low-water bridge construction areas and procurement of structures.

In preparation for the lesson, you must:

Understand the topic and questions of the lesson according to the thematic plan;

In the final part of the lesson, the teacher sums up the lesson, answers questions from the cadets and gives tasks for self-study

1. Textbook: Military bridge training, Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1977. ;

2. Textbook: Military road bridges, Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1977. ;

3. Textbook “Restoration and operation of bridges on military roads” M. Voenizdat 1987;

4. Textbook “Technical conditions for the design of military road bridges and crossings” M. Voenizdat 1974

Topic No. 11. Exploration of low-water bridge construction areas and procurement of structures.


Study questions:

1. Exploration of the bridge construction area.

2. Preparation of bridge structures.

3. Documents processed by intelligence.

Exploration of the bridge construction area

Exploration of the bridge construction area

Exploration of the bridge construction area is carried out in order to obtain data that provides:

Choosing a bridge construction site;

Making a decision on the design of a bridge crossing;

Determination of required materials, forces and means; determination of places for procurement of materials and production of bridge structural elements;

selection of routes for the supply of materials and structures;

making decisions on the organization of work.

When preparing reconnaissance, the unit headquarters must study cartographic, reference and other sources, aerial photography and reconnaissance data from other branches of the military, characterizing the proposed area for the construction of the bridge. Based on the operational situation and a preliminary study of sources, the head of the reconnaissance group is instructed to:

· approximate area of ​​bridge construction;

· type of restoration;

· possible recovery methods;

· reconnaissance tasks indicating the sequence of their implementation;

· deadlines for submitting reports.

Intelligence establishes:

Place where the bridge was built;

The profile of the river cross-section, the profile of the banks, approaches to the bridge, the nature of the soils of the river bottom, floodplains and banks, the degree of erosion of the channel and changes in the configuration of the main channel in the area of ​​the bridge crossing;

The speed and characteristics of the current, the slopes of the river, the level of the horizon of low and high waters, the high and low horizons of ice drift;

Estimated horizon of navigation, types and dimensions of vessels, rafts and position of the navigable fairway;

The presence and condition of dams, locks, enclosing dams] on regulated rivers and other hydraulic structures;

availability of materials for building the bridge;

Availability of production facilities that can be used for the manufacture of bridge elements and forgings;

Availability and condition of roads in the area of ​​procurement of materials and construction of the bridge;

Necessary camouflage and defensive measures;

the presence and nature of obstacles on the water barrier and on the approaches to it.

To conduct reconnaissance, a reconnaissance group consisting of up to a platoon with two officers is appointed: the head of the group - an officer (bridge engineer) conducts reconnaissance of the obstacle, another officer conducts reconnaissance of the approaches to the bridge, construction materials and production enterprises.

The selected location for the bridge crossing should facilitate the construction of the bridge in the shortest possible time with the least expenditure of effort and money and meet the tactical and technical requirements.

As a result of exploration of the bridge crossing, | the following documents:

a) a map of the area of ​​the crossing area on a scale of 1:10000-1:50000 or a plan on a scale of 1:10000-1:25000 size: along the axis of the bridge - to the edge of the high water horizon plus 100m on each side, along the river - to double width spill in each direction. If the river is large, a plan strip up to 100 m wide above and below the crossing is filmed instrumentally in horizontal lines every 1 m; the rest of the section is photographed by eye. The map (plan) shows the main axis of the bridge crossing and options, approaches to the bridge, the boundaries of the river with a high water horizon, the location of the sawmill and construction yard, the supply routes for materials and bridge elements, the area where materials are stored at the bridge crossing, as well as existing auxiliary enterprises and the roads to them. The map must have an appropriate legend;

b) longitudinal profile of the transition indicating all established horizons, as well as geological and hydrogeological data;

c) a diagram of existing or destroyed bridges with basic data on them;

d) field journals (leveling, picketing, goniometric surveys, ground surveys and other work, if any were carried out during exploration);

e) an explanatory note with a brief description of the river regime, soil and geological conditions, information about existing (destroyed) bridges, information about local building materials and resources, considerations for organizing work, etc.

1.2Selecting a bridge alignment

To determine by the width of the river the points at which measurements of river depths or current speeds are made, in cases where direct measurement of the river width with a cable is impossible, the notch method is used (Fig. 1). To do this, the AC basis is divided on the original shore and the angle β is determined. Then the theodolite is installed on the other end of the base at point C, from where angles are measured by notching points 1, 2, ..., n, at which depth or flow speed were measured.

Distance from point A to the point n determined by sine formulas.

If there is a high bank, for control, vertical angles are also measured horizontally, if the angle of the slope is more than 4°. The distance to points 1, 2... n is determined with an accuracy of 1-2% using a range meter.

Rice. 1. Determining distances using the serif method

Based on the results of measuring the width and depth of the river, a profile of the living cross-section of the water barrier is drawn. For large volumes of work, the profile is taken using special devices: a PG-48 profiler, an AR-2 river reconnaissance apparatus (at depths of up to 5-6 m) and an IREL engineering reconnaissance echo sounder (measurable depth up to 20 m).

Profiling with these devices is carried out in accordance with the instructions in the special instructions for the devices.

The slope of the river is determined from large-scale maps that have marks of the water's edge, or by direct leveling of pegs hammered at the edge to the level with the water horizon.

Edge pegs are hammered in characteristic places: at the beginning, middle and end of reaches and rifts; the distance between the edge stakes should be no more than:

100 m with a channel width of up to 250 m;

200 m up to 500 m;

500 m up to 1000 m.

If at a distance of up to 5 km If there is a water metering post, then it is advisable to bring the longitudinal profile to it.


Pontoon-bridge park PMP

The term “pontoon-bridge park” means a set of equipment for building bridges across water barriers, the roadway of which rests on floating supports (pontoons). From the same property, as a rule, ferries can be assembled to ferry people and equipment across water barriers. In addition, the fleet may also include vehicles for transporting property (but not necessarily).

The pontoon-bridge fleet of the "PMP" brand, which has been in service with the Soviet Army since 1962, is intended for building pontoon bridges up to 227 meters long for 60t loads, pontoon bridges up to 382 meters long for 20t loads, as well as for assembling ferries of various carrying capacities. Allowable current speed is up to 2.5m. per second Unlike all its predecessors, the PMP bridge does not have separate pontoons and a separate roadway. Its upper part of the pontoons is the roadway

The PMP fleet includes 32 river links, 4 coastal sections, 2 pavements, 12 towing boats. To transport links and pavements, 38 specially converted KRAZ-255V vehicles are used (the first series of the fleet were transported by KRAZ-214 vehicles). Boats of the BMK-90, BMK-130 or BMK-150 type are towed on trailers or their own wheeled chassis by 12 Zil-130 (Zil-157) vehicles. When the fleet is equipped with BMK-T type boats, these boats are transported by 12 KRAZ-255V vehicles on vehicle platforms.

One KRAZ vehicle transports one link, consisting of two middle and two outer pontoons, connected by hinge joints. In the transport position, the link is transported folded on a vehicle platform. The picture shows a car with a river link.

In the picture showing the car with a link at the rear, two middle pontoons of a rectangular shape and two outer ones of a rounded shape are clearly visible. The bank link differs from the river link in its shape, which allows the bridge to be interfaced with the bank and the presence of folding ramps.

The flight crew should consist of a driver and two pontoons. According to the staff, the team consists of a pontoon driver and a pontooner. When building a bridge or assembling a ferry, the car drives in reverse into the water so that the depth at the point of release is about 1 meter; then brakes sharply; the pontoon located next to the car releases the stopper;

and the link, lying freely on the platform rollers, rolls into the water.

The picture shows the link in an open form (rear view). After locking the locks, the pontooners of adjacent links use hooks to bring their links together and connect them with locks. The bridge ribbon is thus assembled along the shore. The assembled bridge strip is held near the shore by mooring lines attached to the vehicles. As the tape is assembled, the machines drop the mooring lines and move to the collection area. The width of the roadway is 6.5 meters.

After the bridge strip is assembled, with the help of towing boats it turns across the river, the coastal links are secured with mooring lines near the shore, and the strip itself is held in the current by boats until the anchors available on each link are delivered and dropped. After tensioning the anchor cables and aligning the tape, the boats disconnect and leave. The picture shows part of the bridge tape (top view). The 6.5m wide roadway is shown in dark green. This width of the roadway allows tanks to move across the bridge at speeds of up to 30 km. per hour, and for wheeled vehicles without speed limits. Moreover, wheeled vehicles can move along the bridge in two columns, or simultaneous movement along the bridge in both directions is possible. With this assembly scheme from one set Who can assemble a bridge for 60t loads? length up to 227m.

For loads of 20t. The bridge layout is different. The link opens on one side and rotates 180 degrees. The bridge tape in this case looks like this: “a link in its usual form - an expanded link - a link in its usual form - …”. The width of the roadway is then only 3.3 m, but from one set you can assemble a mo st 382 meters long.

To ferry equipment and personnel across water obstacles, the width of which exceeds the capabilities of the bridge, from one set of PMP you can assemble 16 ferries with a carrying capacity of 40 tons, or 12 - 60 tons, or 8 - 80 tons, or 4,120 tons, or 4-170 tons . Towing of ferries is carried out by towing boats.

Each ferry represents a separate section of the bridge.

The complete PMP fleet is in service with an army or front-line separate pontoon-bridge battalion (OPOMB). The battalion consists of two pontoon companies (16 river, 2 coastal units, 6 boats and 1 liner in the company), a separate engineering and technical platoon armed with a set of bridge construction equipment KMS (or a bridge construction installation USM), a set of heavy mechanized bridge TMM. This platoon is designed to ensure the closure of banks using small bridges on supports when there is a lack of pontoons. In addition, the battalion has a repair platoon and a maintenance platoon. In total there are about 250 people in the battalion.
In addition, the engineering battalion of the tank (motorized rifle) division has a pontoon company (0.5 sets of infantry fighting vehicles). From this half of the kit you can assemble a half-length bridge or a corresponding number of transport ferries.

Time to build a bridge for 60t loads.

in the daytime 30 minutes, for loads of 20 tons. during the day 50 min.

At night the standard doubles. According to the combat regulations, the battalion advances to the river in the first echelon of the division. The construction of the bridge begins after the crossing of the water barrier by the first wave of landing forces on floating equipment (infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, PTS) as soon as the possibility of shelling the water surface of the barrier from small arms and mortars is excluded.

From the author.

By 1978, the Americans, without further ado, simply copied the PMP fleet with the only difference being that the pontoons were made not of steel, but of aluminum, and placed them on their cars. And even the number of bolts on the access hatches to the inside of the pontoon is the same.

In the sixties, Czechoslovakia produced a fleet of PMPs under license, placing them on its four-axle Tatra vehicles.

Theoretically, you can connect as many links as you like into one strip. The author observed the assembly of a bridge from two sets of PMP (430 meters).

However, such a tape is difficult to keep in the flow.

The anchors do not hold, and the motors of the boats holding the bridge quickly overheat. It is difficult for a commander to coordinate the work of a large number of boats. So the bridge is 227m. optimal. If the water barrier is wider, it is more advisable to cross by ferry.

For comparison: The predecessor of the PMP park, the TPP park, with approximately the same bridge length, was transported by 98 vehicles, assembled in 3-4 hours and required 995 people (pontoon-bridge regiment) to operate it.

1. Instructions for the material part and operation of the PMP pontoon-bridge park. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Moscow 1966

2.Military engineering training. Tutorial. Military publishing house of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Moscow. 1982

General provisions.

Military bridges on rigid supports are built to ensure that troops can overcome water obstacles and other obstacles along the routes of their movement, maneuver, transportation and evacuation. They make it possible to replace pontoon bridges and mechanized bridges to ensure the crossing of troops at subsequent water barriers. Mostly military bridges are built as single-track bridges, but if it is necessary to ensure intensive two-way traffic, double-track bridges can also be built. The width of the carriageway of single-track bridges is 4.2 m, double-track bridges are 7 m.

Military bridges are usually intended for short-term use. These include low-water and underwater bridges, as well as overpasses. Low-water bridges are built without taking into account the possibility of passing high waters, ice drift and ships under them. The underbridge height of low-water bridges must be at least 0.5 m. The low-water bridge consists of spans and supports, typical designs of which are given in the manual “Military Bridges on Rigid Supports”, Voenizdat, 1982.

Means of mechanization of bridge construction and preparation of bridge structures

During the construction of low-water bridges, the following standard mechanization means are used;

Bridge-building installations (Table 7) USM and USM-2;

Set of bridge construction equipment KMS-E;

Single-boom pile driver OSK;

Automotive cranes;

Trucks of various carrying capacities.

For logging and manufacturing bridge structures, the following are used:

Technical characteristics of bridge construction equipment


Weight of one vehicle, t

Rate of construction of a bridge from prefabricated elements, m/h

Bridge span, m

Deployment time, min

Coagulation time, min

Allowable flow speed, m/s

Calculation, persons

Crane lifting capacity, t

Number and type of diesel hammers

Drive type for installation mechanisms

Hydraulic 4 hydraulic pumps

Hydraulic 4 hydraulic pumps

Electric 2-AB4-G230

For welding and cutting metal, electric welding units, welding converters and transformers, acetylene generators and kerosene cutters are used.

USM and USM-2 bridge-building installations are designed to mechanize the construction of low-water bridges (overpasses) on pile (frame) supports from the shore and from the finished bridge section.

The USM (USM-2) bridge-building installation kit includes a bridge-building machine and an auxiliary vehicle. The auxiliary vehicle transports the NL-8 boat for conducting engineering reconnaissance and constructing supports, the Whirlwind outboard motor, chain saws, a DM-240 diesel hammer, life jackets, a set of forgings for a 100m bridge and spare parts.

The construction of a bridge using a bridge-building installation is carried out by sequentially performing the following operations:

Driving and filing four (six) piles in the support;

Installation of the nozzle and transverse contractions in the support;

Laying and fastening of the span.

Having completed the operations, the bridge-building machine moves to the finished section of the bridge, and the operations are repeated.

The KMS-E set of bridge construction tools is intended for the construction of low-water bridges on pile supports when constructing supports from the water.

The kit includes: a pile-driving ferry, intended for the construction of pile supports; a ferry with jacks on two DL-10 boats, designed for laying spans, and an auxiliary boat DL-10, designed for delivering support elements by water, installing transverse supports and performing auxiliary operations. The set can be transported on four ZIL-131 vehicles.

When constructing a bridge using KMS-E, piles are simultaneously driven, supports are constructed, spans are laid, and connections between supports are established.

Support structures

In military bridges, pile, frame and pile-frame intermediate supports are used, which can be flat (single-row) and tower (double-row), as well as cellular supports.

Pile supports are the main type of intermediate supports.

They are erected at a flow speed of up to 2.5 m/s in the presence of pile-driving means and when the soil allows driving piles. The pile support consists of piles, nozzles, horizontal and diagonal contractions. The height of flat pile supports is assumed to be up to 6 m.

Frame supports are usually used in the construction of bridges over dry lands, as well as through water barriers up to 1 m deep, with a current speed of up to 1.5 m/s with a rocky bottom, where driving piles is difficult or impossible. The frame support consists of racks, an attachment, a bed, diagonal scrambles and pads for the bed (for medium and soft soils). The height of flat frame supports is taken from 1.2 to 5 m.

Pile-frame supports are used in the same cases as pile supports, but when the span is located at a greater height above the water horizon, when the length of the piles is insufficient to obtain the required support. A pile-frame support consists of a pile base and a frame superstructure installed on it. The height of the support is assumed to be up to 8 m. Cage supports are usually used in dry and shallow areas with a current speed of up to 1 m/s, with sufficiently dense bottom soils. The cage support consists of several rows of edged logs stacked on top of each other, mutually perpendicular and fastened together. or


The height of the cell support is assumed to be no more than 1.2 m.

Along with these supports, military bridges use tower supports, consisting of two flat supports united by horizontal and diagonal battlements installed on the outside of the support, longitudinal logs and beams. The height of the tower support is assumed to be up to 8 m.

Nozzles and beds are made from logs, sawn into two edges, the length of the nozzle (bed).


The designs of spans depend on the required load-carrying capacity of the bridge, the type of material and the mechanization used during construction.

The structures of wooden spans are divided into spans: from track blocks; from blocks of simple or complex purlins with flooring panels; from separate elements with flooring made of boards and logs.

The track block is recommended to be used for bridge spans up to 5 m. It consists of five purlins combined by working and protective flooring. At the ends of the block purlins at a length of 60 cm, the flooring is not laid. These gaps are closed with embedded panels after the block is laid in the span.

The embedded board has a size of 224x60 cm and consists of working and protective flooring boards, fastened together with nails. Each shield is attached to all purlins with ten nails, five on each side.

A span structure from blocks of simple or complex purlins with flooring panels is formed from two blocks of purlins laid on supports, two or three roadway panels and two wheel guards.

Standard blocks of simple and complex purlins are recommended for use for bridge spans up to 6 m.

A block of simple runs consists of five runs, united from below by two transverse and one diagonal bouts. The contractions are nailed from the bottom of the block with three nails to the outer purlins and two to each intermediate purlin. The working flooring boards are nailed to each outer purlin, and to the intermediate ones after one in a checkerboard pattern. Protective flooring boards are nailed to the working flooring with two nails at the ends of the board and one nail every 100-150 cm along the length.

The span structure of individual elements with a deck made of boards and logs consists of simple or complex purlins, double plank decking and wheel guards.

Simple purlins are made from logs by hand. When making simple purlins, the logs are leveled on top to support the flooring, with the obligatory removal of the bark to its entire thickness. From the bottom of the purlins, only the ends are trimmed to a length of 60-70 cm so that the height of all purlins at both ends is the same.

A complex run is formed from two logs, laid one on top of the other with their butts in different directions and fastened together with three pins.

The cross deck boards are attached to the purlins with single nails in a staggered pattern through one purlin.

The protective flooring boards are joined above the supports or staggered and attached to the working flooring with nails (two nails at each end of the board, and one nail every 100 - 150 cm along the length).

Metal span structures include:

block spans made of all-metal track blocks and blocks of metal girders with wooden flooring panels;

spans made from packages of purlins with wooden flooring panels.

The girders along the width of the bridge in block structures are arranged in a track pattern, parallel to its axis at a distance of 45 cm from each other in the track; they are intertwined on supports and taken to be 50 cm longer than the design span of the bridge.

Purlins are made in block structures from one, and in structures from packages of purlins from two channels or I-beams.

Purlins made from single channels are installed in the span with shelves in one direction.

Construction of military bridges

B The tasks performed at the barrier during bridge construction include: engineering reconnaissance of the construction area and procurement of bridge structures, preparation of access roads to the bridge, preparation of unloading and storage areas for bridge structures, layout of bridge axes and support axes, deployment of mechanization equipment for bridge construction, construction of entrance devices, construction of intermediate supports, laying of spans on supports, installation of longitudinal connections, closing of the bridge.

In addition, frame (cage) supports of height can be assembled at the place of their installation and individual elements (purlins) of the closing span, linings, piles, etc. can be manufactured.

To carry out the tasks of constructing a bridge, a construction site is equipped on a section of the river with its adjacent banks, on which bridge construction equipment is deployed.

The construction of a bridge, depending on its length, available forces and bridge-building equipment, is carried out in one or several sections.

The bridge is being constructed in several sections:

in two sections - from the banks to the middle of the obstacle;

in three sections - from the banks to the middle of the obstacle, and in the middle section - from the end of one coastal section to the end of another coastal section;

in four sections - from the banks to the middle of the obstacle, and in the middle sections - from the middle of the obstacle to the coastal sections.

Rice. 9.1. Removing the shore profile using a spirit level:

1-level; 2-rails; 3-count

Rice. 9.2. Measuring current speed with a float:

1-float; 2-milestones

Rice. 8.2. Breakdown of bridge axes and supports: 1-pole (flag); 2-axle bridge; 3-line of extreme piles (racks); 4-reference stake; 5-stake (peg); 6-axis support; 7-axis of the coastal support log; 8 rope rectangle

Rice. 8.3. Determination of the position of the axis of the coastal support and its site:

a – distance from the reference stake to the axis of the support; h b – accepted elevation of the site for the coastal support above the water level; 1-reference stake; 2-col to indicate the axis of the coastal support; 3-rail; 4-level; 5-milestone

Rice. 8.4. Laying out the support axis using a protractor:

1-axle bridge; 2-pin; 3-pile; 4-nails; 5-rails; 6-axis support

Rice. 8.5. Layout diagram of the axis of the first intermediate support of the middle section with a water depth of more than 1 m:

1-reference stake; 2-auxiliary reference stake; 3-center steel rope; 4-mark on the centering steel rope, corresponding to the position of the axis of the first support of the middle section; 5-line of sight; 6-pile-driving ferry; 7-line of extreme support piles

Rice. 55. Scheme of organization of the construction site during the construction of a bridge on pile supports: 1-ready section of the bridge; 2-pile-driving ferry; 3-auxiliary boat; 4-piles and nozzle; 5-stack of piles and nozzles; 6-ferry with jacks; 7-vehicle crane; 8-car with superstructure blocks; 9-place for unloading elements of coastal supports; 10 places for unloading pontoon blocks of the piling-rigging ferry onto the water; A – flow direction; B - direction of movement of the ferry

Rice. 79. Places of calculation numbers

Rice. 8.16. Scheme of closing a bridge during its construction in two sections using two CMS: 1-border of sections A and B; a – driving piles of the last support of section A and the penultimate section B; b- removal of the pile-driving ferry of section A from the bridge line, construction of the last support of section A from the boat, driving piles of the last support of section B; c – construction of the last support of section B with pile-driving and lining pontoons close together, withdrawal of the pile-driving-structuring ferry of section B and laying of spans on the constructed supports.

Rice. 8.17. Scheme of closing the bridge during its construction in two sections using KMS and USM: 1-border of sections A and B; a – erection of the last support in section A and driving piles of the last support of section B; b – laying the span of the penultimate span of section A, removing the pile-driving ferry from the bridge line, constructing the last support of section B; c – laying the span in the last span of section B, laying the span in the closing span using a USM

Rice. 56. Scheme of organization of the construction site during the construction of a bridge on frame supports:

1-finished bridge section; 2-ferry with jacks in the bridge line; 3-vehicle crane; 4-car with superstructure blocks; 5-ferry with jacks under loading; 6-shield linings; 7-longitudinal diagonal contractions; 8-nozzles and beds; 9-racks; 10-elements of coastal spans; 11-assembled frame support on water; 12-logs

Rice. 13.11. Interface of the floating part of the PMP bridge with the overpass:

1-shore PMP link; 2-safety steel rope; 3-gangway of the coastal link PMP

Rice. 13.12. Interfacing a floating bridge made of barges with an overpass:

1-barge; 2-transition span; 3-end trestle support

Rice. 17.3. Strengthening the purlins by providing additional support:

1-additional support; 2-pair wedges

Rice. 13.13. Interface of the transition span with the overpass:

1-overpass run; 2-cross deck board; 3-mortgage timber; 4-support channel;

5-anti-theft corner; 6-run of transition span

Rice. 17.2. Strengthening the purlins of a wooden bridge:

a – track blocks; b – adhesives from individual logs (beams); 1-girders of the reinforced bridge;

2-track blocks; 3-track made of logs; 4-bracket; 5-pin

Rice. 17.4. Strengthening the nozzle by adding additional stands:

1-nozzle; 2-pair wedges; 3-additional rack; 4-leg; 5-lining

Rice. 17.5. Strengthening supports by installing additional frames:

1-reinforced support; 2 additional frames; 3-wedges; 4 contractions

Rice. 14.1. Connecting logs in booms:

a – chains; b – ropes (wire)

Rice. 14.2. Steel rope boom

and wooden floats:

a – scheme for attaching the floats; b- float design; 1-steel rope diameter

19-22 mm; 2-wire 12 m long; 3-wood float

Rice. 14.3. Anti-mine net barrier:

1-wire network; 2-float; 3-loads

Rice. 14.4. Protection of support piles with an inclined log “slime”:

1-strut; 2-inclined log “sliz”; 3-hole in the ice

Rice. 17.12. Restoring damaged purlins by striping boards:

1-damaged purlin; 2-boards; 3-nails

Rice. 17.13. Restoring a damaged wall of a board-and-nail truss:

1-restorable truss wall; 2 additional boards; 3-hole circuit

Rice. 17.6. Reinforcement of longitudinal metal beams with a metal span:

1 - purlin from channels; 2 - wooden lining wedge-shaped

forms; 3 - road surface; 4 - reinforced concrete slab;

5 - reinforced longitudinal beams; 6 - cross beam

Rice. 17.14. Restoring a straight brace branch of a Gau-Zhuravsky type truss:

1-new branch of the brace; 2-pair wedges; 3-bolt; 4-gasket

Rice. 17.15. Restoration of the destroyed branch of the upper chord of the Gau-Zhuravsky type truss: 1-insert; 2-pair wedges; 3-overlay; 4-bolt; 5-gasket

Rice. 17.17. Strengthening a bent wall of a metal beam:

1-squeeze; 2-gaskets; 3-bolt

Rice. 17.16. Restoring a destroyed pile:

1-new rack; 2-pair wedges; 3-new fight; 4-pads; 5-bolts

Rice. 17.18. Restoring the wall of a metal beam:

1-hole circuit; 2-line for cutting the wall using an autogenous gun; 3-welded seams; 4-overlay

Rice. 17.7. Cross beam reinforcement:

1 - additional metal cross beam; 2 - lining; 9 - reinforced transverse beam

Rice. 17.8. Strengthening the main trusses (beams) with additional support:

a – layout diagram of the additional support; b – detail of supporting the truss on an additional support; 1-additional support; 2-permanent bridge support; 3-support; 4-pair wedges; 5-longitudinal support beam

Rice. 17.9. Strengthening the brace of a metal truss to reduce its flexibility:

1-bars; 2-bolts; 3-reinforced brace

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The Military Low Water Bridge Manual provides guidance on the construction of low water and underwater bridges and overpasses on rigid supports constructed from local materials.

Chapter 2. Engineering exploration of the bridge construction area

Chapter 3. Structures of wooden spans of low-water bridges

1. Block spans

Superstructures made of track blocks

Superstructures made from blocks of purlins and roadway panels

a) Blocks of simple runs

b) Blocks of complex runs

c) Blocks of composite purlins

2. Span structures from individual elements with simple and complex purlins


Simple runs

Complex runs

Chapter 4. Designs of metal spans of low-water bridges

1. Block spans

Blocks of four runs

Blocks of two runs


2. Superstructures made of individual elements

Load-bearing structure with simple purlins and packages

Load-bearing structure with composite purlins


Chapter 5. Intermediate supports of low-water bridges

1. Pile supports

2. Frame wooden supports

3. Cellular supports

4. Ensuring longitudinal stability of the bridge

Chapter 6. Coastal supports and interface of the bridge with the banks

Chapter 7. Manufacturing and transportation of bridge structures

1. General Provisions

2. Manufacturing of structures for low-water wooden bridges

Logging work

Sawmill work

Works on the manufacture of wooden bridge structures

Manufacturing of track blocks

Assembly of purlin blocks

Manufacturing of span structures from blocks of purlins and roadway panels

Features of assembling blocks of complex runs

Manufacturing of composite purlins on steel cylindrical dowels and assembly of blocks from two purlins

Manufacturing of piles

Manufacturing of nozzles and support supports

Manufacturing of elements and assembly of frame supports

Peculiarities of manufacturing elements of bridge structures during the construction of bridges from individual elements

3. Manufacturing of metal bridge structures

General provisions

Manufacturing of metal elements

Manufacturing of roadway elements

Manufacturing of purlin blocks

Manufacturing of spans from individual elements

4. Transportation of bridge structures

Chapter 8. Construction of low-water bridges

1. General Provisions

2. Breakdown of the bridge axis and support axes

3. Means of mechanization of work during the construction of bridges

4. Depth of driving piles in supports

5. Organization of work during the construction of low-water bridges

General provisions

Construction of bridges on pile supports using a set of bridge construction tools KMS

Construction of bridges on pile supports using DM-150 diesel hammers with single-boom OSK pile drivers and DB-45 diesel hammers with PUS-1 devices for installing piles

Construction of bridges on frame supports using ferries with jacks from the KMS kit

Construction of bank supports and interfaces of the bridge with the banks

Construction of bridges from individual elements

Features of the construction of double-track bridges on pile supports

Features of the construction of bridges on pile supports with increased spans

Chapter 9. Underwater bridges

1. General Provisions

2. Design features of intermediate supports

3. Coastal supports and interface of the underwater bridge with the banks

4. Design features of underwater bridge spans

5. Features of the construction of underwater bridges on pile supports

6. Features of the construction of underwater bridges on frame supports

7. Features of the construction of underwater bridges with metal girders

Chapter 10. Features of the design and construction of bridges in special conditions

1. Winter bridges

2. Combined bridges

3. Bridges over water obstacles with high current speeds and rocky bottoms

General provisions

Intermediate supports

Features of building bridges on rivers with high flow speeds

4. Bridges over canals and narrow barriers

Chapter 11. Overpasses

Chapter 12. Operation and maintenance of bridges

1. Acceptance of bridges

2. Rules for driving on bridges

3. Operation of bridges

4. Elimination of damaged bridge elements

5. Preparing bridges to handle ice drift and floods

6. Passage of ice drift and flood

7. Bridge security

Chapter 13. Determination of bridge load capacity

1. General Provisions

2. Bridge inspection

3. Determination of the load capacity of steel and wooden bridges

Chapter 14. Calculation of low-water bridges

1. Basic provisions

2. Calculation of flooring and crossbars

3. Calculation of runs

4. Calculation of supports

Determination of pressures

Selection of pile and rack sections

Selection of nozzle and bed sections

Calculation of linings under the support of a frame support or under the coastal support

5. Example of calculation of a low-water bridge on pile supports

Appendix 1. Timber data

Appendix 2. Data on rolled metal beams and rails

Appendix 3. Data on composite purlins made of rolled I-beams and rails

Appendix 4. Data on forgings and nails

Appendix 5. Data on ropes and cables

Appendix 6. Determination of the strength of coniferous wood using the firearm method

Appendix 7. Engineering survey card for the bridge construction area

Appendix 8. Data on engineering reconnaissance means

Appendix 9. Forest exploration

Appendix 10. Field design of a low-water bridge on pile supports

Appendix 11. Specification of bridge elements and structures

Appendix 12. Diagram of the bridge structures procurement point and work schedule

Appendix 13. Tactical and technical characteristics of bridge construction equipment

Appendix 14. Data on machines for welding and cutting metal

Appendix 15. Data on truck cranes

Appendix 16. Vehicle data

Appendix 17. Consumption of timber and metal per 1 linear meter of wooden bridge span

Appendix 18. Indicative standards for the construction of low-water bridges

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05.11.1964 Approved
Published 1965

Guidelines for the Use of Expanded-Clay Lightweight Concrete In Road and Highway Bridges

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ki, should not exceed 1:500 in the vertical plane and I:250 in the horizontal plane of the beam;

The local curvature of the beam, determined by the ratio of the arrow of the local bend (dent) to its length, should not exceed 1:200 for chords and 1:100 for the wall; with greater curvature (general and local), the beams must be straightened before the manufacture of bridge structures begins;

The damage to beams (rails) by rust should not exceed 1 mm; if the damage is greater, but not more than 2 mm, the load-bearing capacity of the run is recalculated;

Cracks and local damage (flaws) in beams are not allowed;

Wear of railway rail heads should not exceed 15 mn in height;

Beams (rails) exposed to flames cannot be used if they have deformations, burns or cracks; signs of metal burnout are melted areas and scale films. Data on rolled I-beams and channel beams, as well as broad gauge railway rails are given in Appendix 2.

18. Metal forgings (pins, staples, clamps) necessary for connecting elements of bridge structures are made of round, square and strip steel.

The necessary data on metal forgings, as well as round steel and nails, is given in Appendix 4.

Data on hemp ropes and steel cables are given in Appendix 5.


19. The purpose of engineering reconnaissance of the bridge construction area is to obtain data that makes it possible to:

Selecting a bridge construction site (if it is not specified) and approaches to it;

Determination of places for procurement of materials and bridge elements;

Selection of delivery routes for prepared materials and bridge elements;

Drawing up a bridge diagram;

Determining the quantity of necessary materials and elements;

Making decisions on the organization of work.

20. Engineering reconnaissance establishes:

The main features of the obstacle and the place where the bridge was built (the nature of the bottom soil, banks and approaches, profiles of the banks and approaches to the bridge, the presence and condition of roads approaching the bridge, etc.);

Profiles of the live (cross-section) section of a water or other barrier in places possible for the construction of a bridge;

The regime of the water barrier in the area where the bridge was built (speed and characteristics of the current, low-water horizons, possible fluctuations in the water horizon during the operation of the bridge);

The presence of dams, locks and other hydraulic structures and the nature of their possible impact on

operation of the bridge under construction in cases of water leakage or destruction of these structures;

Availability of necessary building materials in the bridge construction area (standing timber, warehouses of finished forest materials, metal beams, metal for forgings, materials for various buildings, etc.);

Availability of production facilities that can be used for the manufacture of bridge elements and forgings;

Availability and condition of transport routes for materials and bridge elements from the procurement site to the barrier;

Necessary camouflage measures in places where materials and elements are procured, in the place where the bridge is built, as well as in the place where false bridges are built;

The nature and scope of work on the construction of shelters for crews, mechanization equipment and materials from possible enemy influences (trenches, cracks, etc.);

The presence and nature of obstacles on a water barrier and on the approaches to it.

21. To conduct engineering reconnaissance, depending on the width of the water barrier, a patrol consisting of:

With an obstacle width of no more than 50 m, up to one squad led by an officer, with a sergeant with two or three soldiers assigned to reconnaissance of materials, and the officer leading the reconnaissance with the rest of the soldiers carries out reconnaissance work on the water barrier;

If the width of the obstacle is more than 50 m - up to a platoon with two officers; the officer in charge of reconnaissance conducts reconnaissance work on a water barrier with soldiers; another officer and soldiers are assigned to scout materials.

22. Engineering intelligence data is entered into the engineering intelligence card (Appendix 7) and onto a map at a scale of 1:100,000-1:500,000. A profile of the live section of the obstacle along the axis of the bridge is attached to the engineering survey card (Appendix 7).

The map shows: the axis of the bridge, approaches to it, places of procurement of timber and bridge structures, routes for the supply of materials and elements from the procurement site.

routes to the construction site, the location of barriers and hydraulic structures, indicating their nature.

On the drawn profile of the live section of the obstacle, the following is indicated: the speed of the current, possible changes in the water horizon during the operation of the bridge, the nature of the soil of the bottom and banks, and the slopes of the banks.

23. The patrol assigned to engineering reconnaissance must have a map, compass, sapper range finder, binoculars, field hydrometric turntable or hydrospeedometer, engineering reconnaissance echo sounder (IREL) or river reconnaissance apparatus (AR-2), bottom probes, weight striker, measuring tapes or tracing cords, thin cable or wire, slats or poles with divisions, level, plumb line, entrenching tool, swimming suits, boats. In addition, the patrol must be armed with reconnaissance and obstacle crossing equipment, as well as one or two armored reconnaissance vehicles (BRDM) and communications equipment.

24. When conducting engineering reconnaissance, depending on the situation and the nature of the water barrier, the following methods are used to obtain the necessary data:

The profile of the live cross-section of a water barrier is taken using an engineering reconnaissance echo sounder (IREL), a river reconnaissance apparatus (AR-2) and direct measurements;

The width of the water barrier is determined by a sapper rangefinder, binoculars, theodolite, geometric method and direct measurement;

The speed of water flow is measured with a hydrometer, hydrospeedometer or float;

The nature of the soil of the bottom, banks and approaches is determined with a bottom probe, and the density of the soil of the banks is determined with a weight striker;

Profiles of banks and approaches are removed by leveling or spirit level.

25. When choosing a bridge construction site, the following tactical requirements are taken into account:

If possible, locate bridges, especially underwater ones, in bends or on sections of the river separated by rifts, characterized by increased protective

properties regarding the action of surface waves from a nuclear explosion;

Bridges should not be built in order to reduce the impact of enemy aircraft on them near populated areas, especially large ones and located on railway lines, warehouses, bases, etc.;

The distance between adjacent bridges, in order to exclude the possibility of simultaneous destruction of several bridges by one nuclear explosion, must be no less than twice the safe distance corresponding to the highest probable power of the nuclear weapon;

The approaches chosen for the bridge must be discreet, but ensure the movement of vehicles without delays or congestion;

The bridge construction area must allow for the installation of shelters for calculations, mechanisms, prepared elements and materials.

26. When choosing a bridge construction site, the following technical requirements should also be taken into account:

If possible, locate the bridge on a section of the river with the smallest width and depth of water, with a smooth change in depth and acceptable ground conditions;

It is advisable to place the bridge alignment on a straight section of the river with a regular straight-flowing flow;

It is necessary to assign the axis of the bridge perpendicular to the direction of the flow, and if the movement of the flow is not correct enough - perpendicular to the direction of the flow in the main, deepest part of the channel;

If it is necessary to build a bridge near the mouth of a tributary, remove the bridge at least 100-150 m from the mouth of the tributary downstream or at least 30 m upstream;

You should avoid such places for building bridges that require significant work on the construction of approaches and do not provide convenient placement of prepared elements and materials for building the bridge.

27. Removing the profile of the live section of the river with an IREL engineering reconnaissance echo sounder is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the IREL Description and Instructions

tion for its operation, and the river reconnaissance apparatus AR-2 - in accordance with the instructions of Appendix 8.

28. To obtain a profile of the live cross-section of a river, the width is measured by direct measurement and at the same time the water depth is determined in accordance with the instructions of Art. 29 and 30.

29. Direct measurement of the width of the river is carried out by pulling a cable, tracing cord, rope, or wire from one bank to the other, equipped with marks every 1-2 m. At night, to ensure visibility, scraps of white material are tied to them. On large water obstacles, steel cables are used, tensioned using winches, gates or a floating machine. In order to eliminate significant sagging, the cable is supported by buoys or boats.

30. Direct measurement of depths is carried out using a pole, hook, slats or lot, and simultaneously with measuring the width of the river. The measurement is taken from a floating vehicle or boat moving along the cable along the intended axis of the bridge. Distances between depth measurement points are assigned depending on the width of the water barrier (5 m on rivers up to 100 meters wide and 7-10 m on wider rivers) and taking into account the presence of significant local changes in depths that require additional measurements.

When building bridges on frame supports, the water depth is measured at the places where the supports are installed, at three points along the axis of the bridge and at the ends of the tracks.

31. Measuring the width of the river with a sapper rangefinder is carried out in accordance with the instructions in the Instructions for working with a sapper rangefinder and Appendix 8.

32. When measuring the width of the river with binoculars, they are sighted from parking lot A (Fig. 2) at two preferably vertical objects located at the edge of the opposite bank, and on the binocular rangefinder scale the number of divisions n is placed between these objects. Then


With the publication of this Manual, the Manual for Engineering Troops “Low-Water Bridges,” ed. 1955


1. The Manual on Military Low-Water Bridges contains instructions for the construction of low-water and underwater bridges and overpasses on rigid supports constructed from local materials.

2. Bridges on rigid supports made of local materials are built on the routes of troop movement through various types of obstacles:

To replace bridges from regular crossing facilities in order to quickly release them and move them to subsequent obstacles;

In combination with floating bridges across wide water barriers;

In cases where the use of standard means is impossible or inappropriate;

When restoring destroyed permanent bridges.

3. Military bridges on rigid supports include low-water and underwater bridges, overpasses, as well as high-water bridges.

Low-water bridges are built without taking into account the possibility of passage under them of strong ice drift, high waters and ships (on navigable rivers). These bridges have small spans, a simple design and a short service life.

Underwater bridges differ from low-water bridges in that the roadway during operation is under water, which contributes to greater secrecy and increased survivability when exposed to a nuclear explosion.

Overpasses are erected at the intersection of roads with heavy traffic in order to ensure the movement of loads at two levels.

High-water bridges are built taking into account their operation for a long time, the possibility of passing high waters, ice drift and ships (on navigable rivers) under them. These bridges have significant spans, large heights of supports and a relatively complex design.

4. The following basic requirements are imposed on low-water and underwater bridges, as well as overpasses built from local materials:

High pace of work, ensuring the construction of bridges within the given, usually short, time frame;

Possibly less labor intensity of work performed on the barrier, helping to reduce the required calculations and time for building bridges;

Reliability of bridge structures, ensuring repeated passage of design loads;

The survivability of bridges, ensuring, if possible, equal strength of individual parts and fastenings when exposed to a nuclear explosion, as well as the ability to pass loads if individual elements are damaged and quickly restore the bridge in the event of partial destruction;

The speed of mastering by calculations the methods of manufacturing bridge structures and methods of building bridges in various conditions.

Compliance with these requirements is ensured by:

Organization of work on a wide front with maximum use of mechanization for all types of work;

Widespread use of pre-fabricated elements and blocks, adapted for transporting them to the construction site and ensuring the possibility of carrying out mainly only assembly work on the barrier;

The use of simple bridge structures that allow the widespread use of mechanization in the manufacture and assembly of bridges on the barrier.

5. A military low-water bridge on rigid supports (Fig. 1) consists of a span and supports. The span structure is formed from the roadway and load-bearing parts. The roadway along which loads move transfers their pressure to the load-bearing part. The load-bearing part takes up the pressure from the load passing along the bridge and the own weight of the span and transfers them to the supports.

The supports, supporting the superstructure, transfer pressure from the transmitted loads and the bridge's own weight to the ground. The supports located on the banks are called coastal, and the rest - intermediate.

6. The span structure of low-water and underwater bridges and overpasses is based on the simplest beam split system. Its design is made up of:

Separate purlins of various types (simple, complex, composite) supporting the roadway made of boards;

Blocks of various types (track blocks and blocks of purlins with roadway shields).

7. In military bridges, the following basic definitions and designations are used (Fig. 1):

L p - river width along the calculated horizon;

Bridge length L is the distance between the axes of the shore supports;

Bridge span / 0 - distance between the axes of adjacent supports;

Design span I of bending elements is the distance between the axes of their support;


part" 1" g 1

Line of extreme piles

Rice. I. Scheme of a low-water bridge

Bridge axis

Support axis - a line running in the middle of the support width and perpendicular to the axis of the bridge;

The line of the outermost piles (racks) of supports is a line running along the bridge along the axes of the outermost piles (racks) of the intermediate supports.

8. The designs given in the Manual take into account the impact of the following loads on the bridge:

Self-weight of bridge elements;

Movable tracked or wheeled load;

Horizontal wind pressure;

Transverse force from the rotation of the moving load on the bridge;

Braking force from moving load;

Shock wave of a nuclear explosion.

9. The load capacity of low-water bridges is characterized by the largest weight of a single tracked load carried over the bridge.

For these bridges, two load capacities are installed on rigid supports made of local materials - 60 p 25 t.

Bridges with a load capacity of 60 tons can carry:

Track loads weighing up to 60 g;

Wheel loads with pressure on the wheel up to 8.0 g;

Road trains in the form of a tractor with a heavy-duty trailer with a total weight of up to 90 tons.

Bridges with a load capacity of 25 tons can carry:

Track loads weighing up to 25 g;

Wheeled with pressure per wheel up to 4.0 g.

Data on the calculated moving load are given

10. The dead weight of bridge structures is determined according to the designed dimensions or according to the tables given in Appendix 17.

When determining the dead weight of bridge structures, the following calculated volumetric weights of wood and metal are taken:

Pine, spruce, poplar - 600 kg/m3\

Larch, birch, beech - 700 kg/m3\

Oak - 800 kg/m3;

Siberian fir - 500 kg/m3;

Steel - 7850 kg/m3.

11. Low-water and underwater bridges, as well as overpasses, are usually built as single-track; Only low-water bridges on roads with heavy traffic in two lanes are built as double-track bridges. Double-track bridges are built with a load capacity of 60 tons.

The width of the roadway of military bridges on rigid supports is:

For single-track bridges with a load capacity of 60 g - 4.2 m\

For single-track bridges with a load capacity of 25 g - 3.8 m;

For double-track bridges - 6.0 m.

Single-track bridges are allowed to carry moving loads with displacement close to one of the wheel guards.

On double-track bridges, all wheeled and tracked loads weighing 25 g or less are carried in two columns, and loads with a total weight of more than 25 tons are carried in one column with a displacement relative to the bridge axis of no more than 0.75 m.

12. When constructing low-water bridges on rivers with flotillas operating on them, if necessary, provide for the installation of exit links for the passage of ships.

13. For the construction of bridges from local materials

Forest materials, rolled steel beams, broad gauge railway rails, forgings (bolts, pins, clamps, staples), nails, as well as various auxiliary materials are used.

14. Forest materials are harvested in the forest, used found in warehouses, and also obtained from the dismantling of various buildings.

The most widely used wood for building bridges is pine and spruce.

The necessary data on timber is given in Appendix 1.

15. The following requirements apply to timber materials used for the construction of military bridges:

Rot, wormhole (except superficial, from bark beetle), curling, loose and tobacco knots are not allowed;

Healthy knots are allowed with a diameter of no more than "/ 4 the diameter of the log or the width of the timber and board;

Cracks are allowed with a depth of no more than */3 the diameter of the log or the thickness of the timber and boards over each length of no more than */3 the length of the element;

Cross-layering is allowed no more than 15% in logs and 8% in beams and boards.

The most straight-layered timber with the fewest knots and cracks is selected for the outer purlins, transverse flooring, attachments and support supports. For piles and racks of frame supports, straight-layered logs are used, but the use of logs with knots and cracks is also allowed.

16. If there is any doubt about the quality of timber materials intended for the construction of bridges, their actual bending strength is determined using a Makarov pistol using the firearm method described in Appendix 6.

Determined by this method, the actual bending strength of timber suitable for use in bridge construction should not be less than 250 kg/cm 2 .

17. Rolled beams and rails used for bridges must meet the following requirements:

The total curvature of the beam (rail), determined by the ratio of the maximum bending arrow to the length of the beam