How to write a report. Progress report example


I wonder why this brace yourself

The technology of “Management by Objectives” - MBO (Management by objective) was proposed by Peter Drucker in the 50s of the twentieth century. At that time, the West clearly began to understand that Western methods required change and correction. Today, management uses many techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of both companies and individual employees. These are, for example, the balanced scorecard BSC (Balanced Scorecard), management by objectives MBO, business performance management BPM (Business Performance Management), management based on key performance indicators - KPI (Key Performance Indicators). In the Soviet Union in the 60-70s of the 20th century, the concept of program-target planning (PTP) became widespread; the ideas of this concept largely overlap with the ideas of MBO. Most American companies use MBO ideas in planning and management. This technology is taught in almost all American business schools. And some authors attribute the economic success achieved by America precisely to this approach. One of the functions of a manager is setting tasks for employees and monitoring their implementation. The efficiency of project implementation, competitiveness, and, ultimately, the company’s profit depend on the implementation of such tasks. Having a manager with a convenient task management tool is the key to his personal effectiveness and coordinated work of all employees. The key concept is SMART tasks - these are operational instructions and activities formed within the framework of the company’s existing goals. Each task is formed in accordance with the SMART principle. The task in this case is considered not as a task (operation) within the framework of a business process, but as a task-goal for an employee for a period. The task can be decomposed (isolated) from a larger task-goal formed for a long period. For example, as part of the task of creating a company website, an employee may be tasked with selecting a contractor for a month. Smart tasks have their own weight in the general list and must be approved by a senior manager. Unapproved tasks are not included in employee performance calculations. The initiative to formulate tasks comes from both the manager and the performer himself. An experienced employee is able to independently prepare a work plan using SMART principles. In this situation, the manager will only have to approve the tasks before execution, and then ensure control. At the end of the period, the employee must transfer completed tasks to the manager. In other words, responsibility for the task “handover” process lies with the employee. When summing up the results for the period, the manager evaluates the completion of the task based on predescribed criteria. This ensures a high level of objectivity in assessments.

Well, there is a lot of pseudo-scientific blizzard... In short, you need to experience it for yourself.
You won't take my word for it anyway.
Western, so to speak, style of work according to Western standards of “effective management”...

There is no leader who does not demand from his subordinates at least once a year a report on what has been done. And the problem is that with routine work, developing such a document seems to be quite a difficult task. And for some reason we are embarrassed to ask our superiors for examples of reports on the work done. What if he decides that we are not suitable for the position we occupy?

Who needs it

This question is asked by the performer who has received the task of reporting. Most often, company employees feel almost insulted by such demands. But everything has a meaning.

Firstly, the contractor himself needs a report on the work done. Not a formal, but an interested attitude to this process will allow you to find bottlenecks and weaknesses in your qualifications. This means that the directions in which it is possible (and necessary) to develop have been identified. After all, we all learn from our mistakes.

Secondly, the leader needs it. A progress report allows you to objectively assess the quality and speed of solving assigned tasks. Thanks to this document, many questions will disappear - from the most primitive “what are you doing all the time” to the complex “why should I change your computer to a more modern one?” Because the report will indicate that it takes a lot of time to save changes to the document. And this does not depend on the contractor - outdated office equipment cannot work faster. Actually, this is why it seems that the employee is drinking tea all the time - he is simply waiting for the operation to be completed.

And the question: “Why do you need to write a report on the work done for the month?” itself is incorrect. Because accumulating and filling databases makes sense for strategists, and not for them. It is simply easier to solve a problem than to talk about methods for solving it.

What to write

Examples of progress reports show that you need to write in great detail. Anything that seems like a small thing or insignificant body movement can turn out to be a key element in the performance of specific functions. But understanding of this will come only after studying several written reports.

If the work is routine in nature, for example, reconciling documents and identifying inconsistencies, then it makes sense to develop a tabular form. In this case, again, at first the table should be very detailed and contain many columns; Over time, the need for some columns will no longer be necessary, and the report form will take on a normal (read: reasonable) form.

In some cases, when compiling a report on the work done (teachers, for example), it is impossible to formally approach the issue of self-analysis. Indeed, in addition to the planned educational and methodological load and studying the necessary material, the school is also engaged in educational activities. This requires a special approach to drafting the document: it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lag of a number of students, to find ways to interest children in their subject. And at the same time, we must not forget about high-achieving (or even gifted) schoolchildren.

Purposes of reports

For proper preparation and minimal time expenditure, it is necessary to decide from the very beginning for what purpose and why the report on the work done for the year is being written. Let's name the most popular:

Justification of the real benefits of a specific position in the organization;

Confirmation of the qualifications of a particular employee;

Demonstration of effective work to management;

Obtaining funding for the next reporting period;

Obtaining consent to develop a direction (idea);

Justification for spending allocated resources and finances, etc.

The well-known formulation - the correct formulation of the problem provides 50% of the solution - works in this case too. The better we understand why a report is needed, the easier it is for us to write it. To the point that a document “for show” does not require a creative approach from us at all. And time consuming.

Document structure

If the company does not have one developed, then it has to be developed independently. Knowing the purpose of the document, it is necessary to think about its structure. Examples of progress reports suggest that a clear and simple outline is needed.

At the very beginning, the purpose and logic of presenting information should be explained. Explain the sequence of presentation and create a table of contents. For the table, it is necessary to give a brief explanation of why this particular form was chosen.

Within sections and subsections, unity of presentation should also be maintained. This will make the document more understandable and, as a result, easier to understand. In a report over a long period of time, illustrations and graphs are quite appropriate to make it easier to understand. But here you need to adhere to the rule of the “golden mean”: solid text, as well as exclusively visual materials, get boring very quickly.


For an ordinary employee, perhaps the most difficult thing to write is terminology and wording. A pretentious report will look unnatural and will cause a negative reaction from management. Too simple formulations (25 documents were xeroxed, for example) will also alienate the reader.

But you should avoid templates. The only exception is the document that no one will ever read. We sometimes encounter such problems, but in this article we are interested in real (not created for pro forma) reports.

In any case, you shouldn’t talk only about achievements. To highlight them, it is necessary to talk about the difficulties that we had to face during the work. Among other things, complexity analysis is about optimizing work for management employees. Examples of reports on the work done suggest that you should not use streamlined phrases like “unsatisfactory condition”, “difficulties encountered”, etc. It is better to call everything by its proper name: “broken photocopier”, “lack of access to the Internet”, “lack of or untimely receipt of information from the related department.” All this allows us to adequately and objectively assess the current situation in the company.

Evaluation of results

Each result obtained must be supported by numbers. Such specification provides an understanding of the dynamics of development.

In addition, it is necessary to set criteria for evaluating the results. Whether it is the previous one (if it is a quarterly report, for example) or, conversely, the percentage of fulfillment of the set goals, is up to the author of the document to decide.

In general, indirect indicators can tell a lot about the process of solving assigned tasks. There is also a lot of information here for further analysis. From determining labor costs to understanding the correctness of setting goals.

From problem to solution

Most reports are prepared on the principle of describing the progress of work. A document that clearly shows the problem-solution relationship looks more advantageous. The reader immediately understands what methods and techniques (if necessary) the performer used to complete the task in a timely and high-quality manner.

An even more detailed chain of “a specific problem - the reasons for its occurrence - setting tasks - solution” immediately suggests the need to present a daily report in tabular form. Moreover, the names of the graphs are already known. The information presented in this way is easy to read and analyze.

Presentation of quantitative indicators

In cases where the report consists mainly of digital data, the tabular form can be very difficult to understand. A continuous stream of numbers literally bores the reader after just a few minutes. Another thing is multi-colored charts and graphs. They are clear, understandable, and easy to read.

Each diagram must be commented on. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how the various graphs are interconnected; Clarifying cause-and-effect relationships will further facilitate analysis of the report.

If material resources were expended during the work, you should not simply list them all. Instead, the goods acquired should be indicated. The dry phrase: “Office equipment was purchased” will sound completely different if you write: “2 jobs were created, which made it possible to increase the department’s output.”

How to draw up a document

Despite the fact that there is no single form of preparation, a report on the work done can be prepared in accordance with GOST, which defines the main criteria for scientific work. It specifies the requirements for formatting, font type and size, etc.

As for the readability of the document, here are some tips:

Try to keep no more than 5 sentences in one paragraph;

Key indicators can be highlighted in font or color;

Break up the text so that the table or graph does not take up the entire page; be sure to leave space for comments on them;

Write a clear and concise summary of the report.

These tips will help make your report easier to perceive, and therefore will initially set the reader up for a loyal attitude towards the author of the document. Imagine that you are the boss. And make the report something that would be useful and interesting for you to read.

Each of us many times in our lives is faced with the writing and execution of various documentation. This documentation also includes a report that may be required both from the student in his studies and from the employee at his place of professional activity. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to write a report correctly and format it. Writing reports is a fairly broad topic and includes many nuances, because reports vary in form and content. We will limit ourselves to the most popular cases, tell you how to write a report on your studies and work, and also highlight the basic requirements for any kind of reports.

General rules for writing reports

How to write a report correctly? Any report must meet the following criteria:

  1. Brevity. The report must clearly and concisely present all the necessary information, using simple business language.
  2. The report must begin with a properly formatted title page (required for large reports).
  3. If you still need to write a large report, then you also need to create a table of contents and indicate the main thoughts and ideas of the report on one additional sheet.
  4. Clear structure. The report should be logically structured. At the beginning it is necessary to introduce the matter, indicating all the necessary data, in the middle - the main thoughts of the report, at the end - conclusions.
  5. Sentences in the report should be short and correctly constructed, there should be no huge paragraphs. The use of headings and subheadings is encouraged. The report must be readable.
  6. To reveal the topic, if necessary, draw up appendices to the report: diagrams, drawings, diagrams, tables.
  7. The report is best presented in a special folder.

Work report

Managers and directors often require special reports from employees on the work done. How to write a report in this case? Be guided by the form of writing and preparing reports that is accepted in your company; all the tips described above will also suit you. In addition, the following recommendations can be made for the working report:

The report does not have to be drawn up on letterhead if it is accompanied by a letter or explanatory note.

If a work report for a certain period is submitted to the boss, then a covering letter is not required in this case.

The trip report must be submitted along with all the necessary documents.

The report should be written on standard sheets (A4) and formatted in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

For a large report, you need to design a title page; for a small report, the title of the report can be indicated at the top of the first sheet. First you need to indicate the word “Report”, then its topic and the period for which the reporting is provided.

The working report begins with an introduction, which describes the problem, objectives and goals of the work performed. If the report is a standard document with a set frequency (for example, quarterly or monthly), then the introductory part is not needed.

How to format a report in its main part? Here you need to list and disclose all the types of work that you have completed, and you must indicate the deadlines for completing each specific task. If there are any, then you should indicate difficulties in performing the work or the reasons why the work was not completed properly, and explain why this happened.

At the end of the report there is a conclusion in which it is necessary to indicate the conclusions and evaluate the effectiveness of the work done in accordance with the assigned tasks.

A work report is not just a piece of paper, it is an important document that can seriously affect your career, so take its writing and design seriously.

Study report

Another type of report is student reports, the most popular among them is the practice report, so let's talk about how to write it correctly.

The internship report is an important document confirming the student’s successful completion of the internship.

The final grade for the internship, which will go towards the diploma, will depend on this report, so you need to take its writing and formatting seriously.

How to write a practice report, where to start? In the practice report, it is imperative to properly format the title page. Surely your educational institution has templates for designing title pages; you can use the most suitable one and design your title page using its example. The title page must indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, the company where you completed your internship, and the period of internship (from what date to what date).

The internship report begins with a description of the enterprise where you worked. Indicate the basic necessary data - what is the name of the company, what does it do, what are its main characteristics (how long has it existed, how big is the company, etc.).

If the internship was completely introductory and you did not take an active part in the work, then it will be enough to indicate basic information about the enterprise. The situation is different with industrial practice - most of the report should contain information about your practical activities and its results.

Next, you should indicate your goals and objectives (this will benefit you). A goal is what you want to achieve from practice; describe the goal specifically and accurately; you can specify different goals. For example, gain new knowledge related to the profession, consolidate and learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, etc. Objectives are ways to achieve goals. For example, a systematic visit to the enterprise where the student is doing an internship and a careful study of its work; conversations on professional topics with company employees; performing various types of work according to the instructions of the boss, etc.

The next important and basic point that should be described in detail is all the types of activities that you were involved in in practice.

Many teachers advise their students to write down all their activities in the report, even if it was a very short call to a client or a very light work assignment. One of the most convenient forms of writing this part of the report is as follows: first - the full date (note all days of practice in order), then - what the student did on each day of practice, and after - a micro-conclusion (what the student learned, what experience the student gained). You can not draw a conclusion from each entry, but draw it up at the end, entering all the necessary information there. Your main goal in this part of the work is to fully and competently talk about what you did in practice, what kind of work you had. You can also note the difficulties you encountered and indicate possible reasons for their occurrence or focus on what you liked most in practice and explain why.

The final part of the report on student practice is the conclusion. It is by the conclusions in the report that teachers will judge how well you mastered the profession, what you were able to learn, and how much you were able to apply your knowledge in practice. Pay special attention to the formatting of your conclusions. Clearly and in order (you can use a list) to state everything new that you have learned and mastered in practice. In any case, write honestly, there is no need to invent something that does not exist; an experienced teacher will notice artificiality. Let it be a simple and honest story, but detailed and detailed.

As for the design of the report, it must comply with norms and standards. You can ask your department about which one, they will probably tell you. Well, in general, the font should be simple (Times New Roman), size – 12 points, line spacing – 1.5. A clear division into parts, chapters, paragraphs and lists, if necessary, is encouraged. The report must be readable and meaningful.

Now you know how to write a report on work or educational practice. We have outlined all the basic requirements for this kind of reports, we hope that our advice will help you.

How to write a correct report

Every year, employees of firms, enterprises and organizations write thousands of reports on their work - monthly, quarterly, annual. And they are rewritten thousands of times over and over again. It seemed like he was talking about the work, but here he formatted it incorrectly, here he wrote it wrong, and the boss completely tore out the third page and threw it in the trash. The report must be presented in a favorable light.


Any report is, first of all, an analysis of your work over the past period, showing whether you have completed your tasks or not. Don’t be lazy to start collecting the indicators you need in advance. Otherwise, one of your colleagues will let you down by forgetting to provide you with statistics. And only when all the documents have been collected, start working on the report. Review the documents and come up with a clear plan for working on the report. Determine the importance of each position, how you will characterize it, what new and promising things you have done for the company during this period, whether the profit from your actions has increased (or the company’s funds have been saved). If something didn't work out, think about why. Try to reflect the most important indicators in the form of tables and graphs in comparison with last year. This will clearly show the growth of performance indicators, whether the plan for this period was fulfilled, which is important when preparing reports.

The language of presentation is official, businesslike. There is no need to “spread your thoughts over the tree,” clearly describe all the achievements during this period, what innovative ideas you contributed and what the result was.

The report is drawn up on A4 sheets, standard margins, Times New Roman font, size 12 or 14. It is better to use one and a half spacing, indentation “red line”, alignment “width”. This will make your report more readable. And don't forget about page numbering.

Helpful advice

A report on the work done is, first of all, a summing up of the results of your work, the plans and tasks you have completed, so do not treat it as a tedious official document, show patience, and somewhere imagination, and then your report will be appreciated more than once as an example to everyone else.

  • how to write reports correctly


How to write a correct report

How to write a correct report

Typically, the report is accompanied by an explanatory note or letter, so there is no need to write it on letterhead. If this is a report on a business trip, then it is attached to the entire package of documents, and if it is a report on work for a certain period, then it is transferred to the immediate superior and in this case a cover letter is also not required. Write it on a standard sheet of paper and format it in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

If this is a serious, multi-page report, for example, about tests carried out, then it is better to make a title page. For a short report, simply write the title at the top, on the first sheet. After the word “Report” in the title, indicate the topic of the report and the period for which you are reporting.

In the introductory part, describe the problem, goals and objectives of the work that you carried out. If this is standard reporting with a set frequency - a monthly, quarterly work report, then there is no need to write any introductory part - its essence is already stated in the title.

In the main text of the report, list the work that you performed as part of the assigned task and indicate the deadline for completing each item. After this, give a conclusion about how much you managed to complete the tasks that were assigned to you.

Analyze why, if any, you failed to accomplish everything you set out to do. This could happen due to time constraints, lack of materials or lack of necessary equipment. List all the reasons that influenced this. In fact, this part of the report is the most important, because here you must list the objective reasons that prevented you from doing the job conscientiously. Thus, you shift the responsibility for this to management, who failed to provide you with everything you need.

Based on your report, management is obliged to draw conclusions and take the necessary measures to provide you with all the materials and equipment necessary for work or to extend the period for completing certain types of work.

How to write a progress report

You will need

  • computer, internet, A4 paper, printer, pen, company seal, relevant documents

Enter the name of your organization on the form.

Indicate the document number and date of preparation.

Enter the enterprise code in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations.

Write the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee sent on a business trip.

Enter the personnel number of an employee in your organization.

Enter in the appropriate field the structural unit of the company where the employee works. Fill out the “Position (profession, specialty)” field by entering the position of the employee sent on a business trip. Enter the destination of the business trip, country, city, name of the organization where the employee is going.

Enter the start date of the business trip and its end date.

Indicate the total number of calendar days the employee is on a business trip and the number of days excluding travel time.

Enter the name of the organization that will pay for all upcoming expenses of the employee on a business trip, for example, hotel accommodation, travel, etc. The basis for paying the expenses of an employee sent on a business trip will be tickets, hotel payment receipts, etc.

The head of the structural unit in which the employee sent on a business trip works, and the director of the enterprise write their signature, transcript, and position.

Upon returning from a business trip, the employee makes a brief report about the business trip and enters it in the appropriate field.

The employee signs.

The head of the structural unit writes a conclusion on the completion of the task and puts his signature with the transcript.

The main purpose of a progress report is to record in writing the results of specific actions. Sample, template, example can be downloaded for free.

A progress report is an abstract concept. This document, accompanying any act of the subject of legal relations, has a free form of execution. The main purpose of the act in question is the written recording of specific actions. The page contains an example, template and sample progress report. Using a special direct link you can download the required text for free.

The simplest format will allow you to change some of the abstracts of the paper in the word text editor, and use the form in your own practice.

A report on the work done will be necessary for various professions and specialties: kindergarten teacher, chairman of the HOA, nurse and other professions. Since the pact under discussion has the goal of summing up some results, its writing requires special attention from the author. When compiling a report on the work done, you need to eliminate grammatical and punctuation errors in the text as much as possible. The content must be checked several times and only after that made public and publicized.

Mandatory items of the progress report

  • Director's approval, top right;
  • Title of the final regulations;
  • The period for which information is provided, the full name of the reporting person;
  • Then, performance indicators are entered in the form of a table or items;
  • At the end, the results are summed up, the person’s signature and a transcript are given.

The final regulations on the work done have unique properties and meanings. The information received by the reader in the process of studying materials must be assimilated and understandable. The process will not receive due attention and development if the results of the work done are not compiled with high quality and by a competent specialist. You should not add unnecessary facts to the content. However, presenting the full picture of the procedures performed is also important. It is worth maintaining brevity and simultaneous sufficiency in the presentation of material for the convenience of the reader.

Date: 2016-03-29

Sample progress report

(material prepared by I. Kurolesov, Leading Legal Adviser of SPAR RETAIL CJSC)

Increasingly, employers require reports from their employees about the work performed, and it does not matter what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, or how long they have been working in the company. And, as a rule, such an employer’s right is not specified in any internal documents of the company. Despite this, employees unconditionally draw up reports for the month, for the quarter, for the year - depending on the purpose of their preparation (after all, it is extremely difficult to object to the employer). In the article we will talk about why a report on work performed is needed, who and under what conditions can require it to be submitted, what it should contain, whether it needs to be approved
its shape and store according to all the rules.

What is the report for?

It is known that the need to attract personnel must be economically justified, because remuneration of hired workers for an organization is an expense item, and quite a significant one. Almost every head of a structural unit of an organization, when selecting workers through the personnel service, must justify the following important points to management:
— staffing level of the unit;
— the department’s wage fund;
— organizational structure of the unit;
— functionality of department employees;
— requirements for candidates (education, qualifications, work experience, professional skills, etc.).
Only after the motivated proposal of the head of a structural unit to hire workers is approved by management, will it be possible to open vacancies and search for candidates. However, justification for the need to “maintain” this or that employee is not
ends after he is hired. On the contrary, it is just beginning. So, he will need to perform a volume of work determined by his immediate supervisor. It must be said that in rare organizations production standards are calculated (this is usually done by economists and financiers, who, even if they work in the company, always have more important work to do). In practice, the task of distributing the amount of work between employees of a structural unit, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of the head of the unit, who must act according to the principle “every employee must be on the job.” At the same time, the head of the unit must plan the work of his wards. In turn, in order to work more efficiently, the employee must plan his own working time. After the plan is drawn up and approved by the head of the structural unit in the manner established in the organization, the manager must also adhere to it
structural unit, and subordinate employees. Of course, in order to take into account the work done both of the unit as a whole and of its individual employees, when comparing it with the approved plan, the need for a report arises.
Thus, an employee report is necessary for:
— justification of expenses for remuneration of employees of a structural unit;
— using it as a basis for the purpose of submitting reports to counterparties under civil contracts for the provision of services/performance of work by its personnel (including outsourcing and outstaffing agreements);
— creating a kind of order and maintaining discipline in the unit;
— quick establishment of communication: which employee performed what work, when and (for example, in the event of conflict situations related to the employee’s failure to perform or improper performance of his or her job duties).

When is a report required?

It is important to note that the issue of employees providing reports on work performed is regulated by law only if the employee is sent on a business trip.

As for other cases, it is obvious that it is mandatory to submit reports on the work done only to those employees whose job responsibilities include this, i.e.

who has this stated in their employment contract and/or job description. Let us cite as an example excerpts from these documents.

Who can demand an account?

The question arises: to whom exactly should the employee report? To answer this, it is important to understand to whom the employee directly reports. As a rule, this information is indicated in the employment contract, as well as the job description (if any). Consequently, this employee’s immediate supervisor has the right to demand a report from him. Moreover, he has the right to demand a report not only on the implementation of the planned work, but also on any other.
Please note: an employee’s report on work performed can be used as the basis for a bonus system, i.e. incentives for employees of the organization. Then its content may indicate the following indicators for the appointment and payment of bonuses:
— fulfillment of the standard;
— performing additional work within the scope of the employee’s job responsibilities;
— high-quality and prompt execution of particularly important tasks and particularly urgent work, one-time assignments from management within the employee’s job responsibilities, etc. And vice versa: if an employee was assigned to perform certain work, but for some reason he did not complete it, the report will help the immediate supervisor identify the reasons (more precisely, you yourself must demonstrate them to him in the report).

If the report is missing

“What if an employee refuses to submit a report on the work performed,” managers sometimes ask, “can he be punished for this?” Theoretically it is possible. Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for disciplinary liability for failure to fulfill or improper performance by an employee of his labor duties. Accordingly, if submitting a report on work performed is the employee’s responsibility (i.e., it is enshrined in the employment contract and/or job description), then for failure to fulfill or improper performance of this obligation, the employer has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions: reprimand or reprimand (depending on depending on the seriousness of the disciplinary offense).

Of course, it is unlikely that any employer in practice will punish an employee in this way for failing to submit a work report by the required time.

Moreover, the employer, rather, needs not the report itself, but the execution of the work. And usually an employee who has not submitted a report at the request of the employer has problems not with the report itself, but with
performing the assigned work. Therefore, it is more correct for the employer to apply a disciplinary sanction specifically for the employee’s failure to fulfill or improper performance of his direct labor duties, rather than for failure to submit a report.

What is included in the report?

The employee's report may contain:

- work performed (can be listed in quantitative or percentage terms, indicating the time the work was completed and without it, etc.):
— planned work;
— unscheduled work;
- FULL NAME. and the position of the person who ordered the work (or the name of the customer organization);
— status of the work (completed in full or only some part);
— the result of the work (a document was prepared, a meeting was held, etc.);
— to whom the result of the work was transferred;
— with whom the employee interacted while performing work;
— whether the work performed corresponds to the approved plan;
— the date the report was compiled, as well as the period based on the results of which the report was compiled.
Of course, these are only approximate components of the report. It may not be as detailed.

A simplified version of the report is appropriate in cases where an organization or a specific structural unit has established a system for employees to submit daily reports. In a simplified version, the report mainly contains the following elements:
- FULL NAME. and the position of the employee;
— the structural unit where the employee works;
— work performed (scheduled and unscheduled);
— the date the report was compiled, as well as the period based on the results of which the report was compiled.
Please note: the report must be signed by the employee and submitted to the immediate supervisor.

Do I need to approve the report form?

As is known, there is no unified form for an employee’s report on work performed.
Firstly, because the law does not oblige employees to make such reports.
Secondly, each organization has its own specific activities and leadership style. This means that it is, in principle, impossible to approve a single reporting form for everyone.

However, if the organization has established document flow, documents are properly taken into account and stored, then approval of the form of employee reports on the work performed will be quite adequate. You can approve it in one of the following ways:
— as part of a local regulatory act, for example, instructions on office work or personnel regulations (if employees report centrally on the work done);
- by order (if employees of only certain structural divisions are engaged in this).

Do I need to store the report?

Regardless of whether the employee report form on work performed in the organization is approved or not, such reports are subject to storage. The question arises, how long should they be stored? Regulatory legal acts do not provide for rules for storing reports on
work performed, the preparation of which is not mandatory. Nevertheless, here are some excerpts from the List of standard management archival documents of 2010.
We recommend, based on the above items of the List, to adhere to the following storage periods for reports:
- an employee’s report on the work performed (except for “travel” work) - within 1 year;
— a summary report on the work of a structural unit — for 5 years.

You will find this and other consultations on current issues in the “Accounting Press and Books” information bank of the “ConsultantPlus” system.

The labor process consists of setting tasks by the manager and their implementation by the company employee. From time to time, each employee writes a report on the work done. The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. Do not underestimate the importance of this document for management.

Why you need to be able to report on your work correctly

The work process can be represented as a complex mechanism in which each employee of the company is a gear. In this example, the head of the organization acts as an engineer who is responsible for ensuring that all mechanisms work smoothly and as quickly as possible.

Healthy! In real life, it is quite difficult for bosses to evaluate how well employees are doing their jobs if they do not see the results of their work. Therefore, in almost all enterprises, management obliges each employee to regularly prepare a report on the work done. Often this document is created at intervals of 1 week. In this way, management can see what employees have been doing, as well as how useful they were to the enterprise.

Wrong example

The document is drawn up in free form. Perhaps this is why there are a large number of reports that do not tell management anything or make them think that the worker is not coping with the functions assigned to him. At the same time, a particular employee can be a real hard worker and exceed his plan. The culprit is an incorrectly compiled report on the work done. A sample of such a document is given below.

Type of document: report on the work done for the period from 02/15/16 to 02/19/16.

The following was done:

  • the working hours of the production workshop were timed;
  • the timing results were entered into the work program;
  • new time standards have been calculated;
  • responded to requests from labor safety inspectorates, as well as several clients;
  • took part in a conference on improving labor efficiency at the enterprise.

Date of compilation: 02/19/16

Signature: Petrov Yu. R.”

If an employee draws up a report on the work done in this way, then management will consider that he is not busy enough.

What are the mistakes?

The above example clearly shows standard errors when drawing up documents of this kind.

The main ones are:

  • lack of specifics;
  • there is no analysis;
  • The employee’s lack of initiative is emphasized by the lack of proposals in his field of work.

The above requirements must be used both when preparing weekly forms and when generating a report on the work done for the year.

Suitable option

It is likely that you will not be able to produce a high-quality report the first time.

To make it easier for you to do this, we give an example of how it was necessary to write a report to the manager on the work done, indicated in the first example:

The labor process consists of setting tasks by the manager and their implementation by the company employee. From time to time, each employee writes a report on the work done. The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. Do not underestimate the importance of this document for management. progress report

In this article we will look at how to properly prepare a report on the work done, a sample of filling out the document and some tips for drafting it.

The main ones are:

  • lack of a list of tasks that were set for execution;
  • there are no plans for the next reporting period;
  • lack of specifics;
  • there is no analysis;
  • The employee’s lack of initiative is emphasized by the lack of proposals in his area of ​​work. report on
  • work done for the year

Healthy! The above requirements must be used both when preparing weekly forms and when generating a report on the work done for the year.

Suitable option

It is likely that you will not be able to produce a high-quality report the first time. To make it easier for you to do this, we give an example of how it was necessary to write a report to the manager on the work done, indicated in the first example:

“To: Head of the planning department Ivanov P.M.

From: 1st category economist of the planning department Yu. R. Petrov.

Report on labor results for (02/15/16-02/19/16)

For the reporting week, I was assigned the following tasks:

  • Carry out timing of work in the production workshop for which current time standards are missing or outdated.
  • Based on the measurements taken, prepare for approval new standards for the work of the relevant structural unit.
  • Take part in a conference on improving labor efficiency at the enterprise, scheduled for February 18, 2016, prepare questions and suggestions.

All assigned tasks were completed, namely:

  • 5 timing tests were carried out and the same number of new standards for the work of the production workshop were drawn up;
  • took part in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached.

Work was also carried out with incoming documentation, namely:

2 responses to IOT requests were compiled.

Answers to letters from gr. Yuryeva A. A., Zhakova S. I., Mileeva K. B.

A business trip is planned for the period from 02/22/16 to 02/26/16 to check the work of the structural unit of the Pechersk branch.

Date of compilation: 02/19/16

Signature: Petrov Yu.R.”

Agree that this version of the report is better read, and management can see how well one of the employees is working.

How to write reports for longer periods?

Of course, it’s not difficult to write a period of one week beautifully on paper. It is more difficult to prepare a report on the work done for six months or even a year. However, this is easier to do than it might seem at first glance. For example, if you have weekly reports for the required period, you can safely use them.

Maximum volume - 1 sheet of A4 format

At the same time, it is worth trying to enlarge the information somewhat so that the result fits on 1-2 pages. In the event that the organization does not hold weekly results, but you are required to create a report on the work done for the year, do not panic and become hysterical.

Let's sum it up

Above we have given some examples of how to write a progress report. The main thing is to describe the operations performed, indicating quantitative characteristics (so many times or such and such a number of pieces, etc.). This way, you will let management know exactly how much work you have completed.

We must not forget to indicate at the beginning of the report a list of specific tasks that you were given to complete.

An important part is the completion of the report. Be sure to write down what you want to implement at work in the near future. This will show that you look more broadly than just the area of ​​your immediate responsibilities and functions that must be performed according to the job description.

You can also consider the example given above

To make it easier to prepare such reports, you can write down the work done daily in a notebook or electronic document. You will spend only 3-5 minutes a day on this little thing. It's not that much. However, thanks to such records, you can easily create a report on your work for any period in the future.

The main purpose of a progress report is to record in writing the results of specific actions. Sample, template, example can be downloaded for free.

A progress report is an abstract concept. This document, accompanying any act of the subject of legal relations, has a free form of execution. The main purpose of the act in question is the written recording of specific actions. The page contains an example, template and sample progress report. Using a special direct link you can download the required text for free. The simplest format will allow you to change some of the abstracts of the paper in the word text editor, and use the form in your own practice.

A report on the work done will be necessary for various professions and specialties: kindergarten teacher, chairman of the HOA, nurse and other professions. Since the pact under discussion has the goal of summing up some results, its writing requires special attention from the author. When compiling a report on the work done, you need to eliminate grammatical and punctuation errors in the text as much as possible. The content must be checked several times and only after that made public and publicized.

Mandatory items of the progress report

  • Director's approval, top right;
  • Title of the final regulations;
  • The period for which information is provided, the full name of the reporting person;
  • Then, performance indicators are entered in the form of a table or items;
  • At the end, the results are summed up, the person’s signature and a transcript are given.
The final regulations on the work done have unique properties and meanings. The information received by the reader in the process of studying materials must be assimilated and understandable. The process will not receive due attention and development if the results of the work done are not compiled with high quality and by a competent specialist. You should not add unnecessary facts to the content. However, presenting the full picture of the procedures performed is also important. It is worth maintaining brevity and simultaneous sufficiency in the presentation of material for the convenience of the reader.

It is very important to compose a report on the work done clearly in order to briefly but succinctly present the results of your activities. Are there any special reporting rules that you need to know when starting to write such documentation?

Progress report - writing requirements

Why do you need to write a progress report? Reporting helps:

  1. exercise control over the performance of employees of their duties;
  2. identify problem areas in the work of a specific employee and the department as a whole;
  3. find out whether enough effort has been made to solve the task;
  4. maintain labor discipline in the team;
  5. justify the costs of paying employees.

What are the main requirements for the report? You need to talk about the results of your work in a business-like manner, briefly, but at the same time indicating the entire volume of work done.

An intelligent report will not only give you an idea of ​​how well you worked, but will also present you in a favorable light - as an employee who knows how to clearly express his thoughts, highlighting the main thing and not being distracted by unnecessary details.

Progress report - what types are there?

In terms of frequency, the report can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual.

Sometimes an employee reports on a specific event (for example, how the presentation of a new book was organized, the preparation and implementation of which took several days, or a three-day sales training).

The title of the report should indicate information about the timing, for example, “Report on the seminar on personnel records management on October 7-9, 2015.”

A business trip report is required for all employees, regardless of its duration.

A report on the work done can be written in text form and in statistical form. A text report is a coherent narrative, supplemented by various graphs, diagrams and tables.

And if you prefer a statistical form, then focus on illustrative materials, for which write explanations in the form of text.

Report structure

There is no single standard for writing a report on the work done, as well as an employee’s autobiography. Each organization may have its own requirements for the structure of such documents.

For example, the following presentation seems logical: the first section is “Introduction”, in which you succinctly describe the tasks assigned to you, the methods that were used to solve them, and the result obtained.

In the “Main Part,” describe the sequence of your work in more detail:

  1. preparation for project implementation;
  2. stages of its implementation (indicate all resources used: marketing research, analytical work, experiments, business trips, involvement of other employees);
  3. problems and difficulties, if they arose;
  4. suggestions for resolving difficulties;
  5. achieved result.

A report in table form will look more visual, structured and concise.

If you often have to prepare ongoing progress reports, it will be convenient to prepare a template into which you regularly need to enter the necessary data.

And in order not to forget anything important during the past working day, take a few minutes out of your schedule and write down everything you did. Otherwise, you will definitely miss something later.

When you draw up an annual report, analyze the dynamics of the results achieved, comparing with the previous year and giving a forecast for the next year.

As a supplement to the main part of the report, attach materials that confirm the stated facts - copies of letters of gratitude and entries in the guest book, press publications about events held, checks and invoices.

It is better to separate the financial part into a separate section, which should be filled out as required by the accounting department of your organization.

The progress report concludes the “Conclusion” section. In it, you formulate conclusions and proposals that emerged from the work done, if you consider them useful for improving the activities of your organization.

The report on the work done is printed using A4 sheets. The pages should be numbered and have a title page.

When your document is quite lengthy, create a table of contents separately - this will make your report easier to navigate.

There might be a report like this:

FULL NAME.________
Job title_________

Main achievements over the past period:

  • in professional activities;
  • in terms of personal development.

What failed and for what reason.
Need for additional training.
Suggestions for improving the organization of your work.
Desired areas of responsibility and career development.
Date of__________

The ability to write an intelligent report on the work done will help you provide concrete evidence that you are working conscientiously and coping with your responsibilities. And, besides, this is a powerful argument for your superiors if you decide to raise the issue of