Pavel Kochkin. Legendary training “Destination” Pavel Kochkin P Kochkin

  • “How to find and attract a worthy man?”,
  • “How to become a happy and loved woman?”,
  • “How to find a common language with your husband?”

But look the answers to these questions for WOMEN are fundamentally wrong. After all, only SUCCESSFUL MAN will be able to tell:

  • WHAT woman is he ready to move mountains for?
  • WHAT woman does he dedicate all his achievements to?
  • WHAT woman can inspire him and take him out of his comfort zone and doing nothing?

Pavel Kochkin. Summary of the book.

If a woman cannot find a husband, if only mediocrities and scoundrels “get caught”, if her husband stopped giving flowers for no reason, if he forgot about all his goals, ambitions and dreams, then something needs to change. Change in men? Or in yourself?

A simple secret is revealed by a successful man - millionaire, business owner, psychologist, coach PAVEL KOCHKIN! Pavel Kochkin graduated from Harvard Business School, Psychology Department of Moscow State University, MEPhI, Executive MBA GUU.

Turns out, by changing your behavior model, CORRECTING 7 MAIN MISTAKES which almost every modern woman commits because of the stereotypes instilled in us, YOU WILL NOT BE LOOKING FOR A MAN, but he himself will find you. YOU WILL NOT PUSH HIM TO FIND A NEW JOB, but he himself will find her!

In the article I made it especially for you book summary. But I highly recommend reading it in its entirety. The book is small, but it can completely change your life. As is known, behind every successful man stood his reliable companion, his muse and inspiration. A woman has a huge influence on a man and can easily make him either a millionaire or a homeless person!

Who is this book for?

  • For girls who have not yet met the man of their dreams. From the book you will learn how to become such a woman that HE will find you!
  • For girls who have a loved one. From the book you will learn how to become the kind of woman who wants to propose, throw the whole world at her feet, become rich and successful!
  • For girls who have a husband. From the book you will learn how to become desired again, how to inspire him and help him become successful and rich!

So here's a summary of the book “7 women’s mistakes or why your man is not a millionaire.”

Why are you still alone?

Look at this description of a modern girl. Don't recognize yourself?

Everyone admires her, but no one realizes how lonely she is, how she cries into her pillow. But a new day is coming. She drinks her morning coffee, a hostile world awaits her again and she needs to be strong again.

Why did your husband forget about his ambitions and why is he now giving you a vacuum cleaner for your birthday?

Look at this description of the modern married woman. Don't recognize yourself?

Why has she not expected anything from him for a long time? Yes, because I tried many times to stir him up. She tried to hurt his male pride, using their mutual friend as an example, but he turned a deaf ear to her words.

She drew logical conclusions: if he can’t, do it yourself!

Girls, it is not your fault that you have become strong. Stereotypes of society.

Imperceptibly, back in the middle of the last century, girls began to be raised and prepared for adult life so that they would be independent from men, self-sufficient, and do everything themselves.

This was partly due to the war, which took the lives of many men. After the war, our grandmothers had to take on all their responsibilities. They forgot about beautiful dresses and got into their pants. They had to become strong.

And our mothers absorbed with their mother’s milk the fear that men might not be around. Therefore, you need to be able to do everything yourself, to be independent. Because of this pattern of behavior, their husbands became drunkards and became infantile.

A new generation of girls has grown up with the idea that you need to achieve everything in life yourself. They often earn more than men. They found their dream job or built their own business and realized themselves. We bought an apartment and a dacha, and go on vacation abroad 2 or 3 times a year. We completed extreme driving courses and received an excellent education.

But why then do strong women cry at night? Because they also have a weak side.

The weakness of a strong woman is difficulties in her personal life:

  • It is difficult to find a strong, worthy man;
  • And if you do, he’s been dating you for years and doesn’t want to get married;
  • And if you get married, then you don’t want to do anything, you just lie on the couch or hang out at the computer, you have to support your family yourself;
  • And if you get divorced, then often the next marriage repeats the scenario of the previous one.

But what to do? Give up your achievements? Not at all. You need to become a real woman, not a man in a skirt!

I highly recommend watching all the videos (FREE) on Pavel Kochkin’s website.

What should a strong woman do? Give up your achievements? NO! We must become a “real woman”!

You will be amazed at the magical changes that will happen to your men when you change yourself from the inside.

Rule #1. Assign responsibility for his inaction to yourself.

You've probably often come across examples in life when a woman finds identical men. They sit on her neck, don’t want to get married, drink, etc. What is the mystery and secret?

Right! It's not about them, it's about her. And a woman’s awareness of this is already a big step forward. To you you need to take responsibility for your life, and not put it on others (“all men are the same”, “all men are the same”, “let him change first”).

You need to change yourself. Become a real woman. And then other men will appear. Or your beloved man will change completely.

Rule #2. Exaggerate and exaggerate.

Often the practices and exercises will be difficult to perform and you will experience discomfort. For example, you need to come up with and say (!) some praise to your loved one. You say: “What?! This? He didn't do anything useful that day! I didn’t even take out the trash!” But to change it, you need to change yourself. And this is very difficult. So don't be afraid to overact. Exaggerate, exaggerate!

Every time you try to change yourself, you will think: “Again I look like a fool!” And if you haven’t praised your husband for the last 5 years, still close your eyes and force yourself to say: “You are very smart!” Maybe he will think that you are crazy, or maybe he will straighten his back and start believing in himself!

It will take many hours of practice to change. A habit is developed in 21 days.

For example, Pavel Kochkin’s course is actually just continuous practice.

Watch a fragment of this training about how a man’s behavior differs during the candy-bouquet period (a man and a woman change roles):

7 levels of relationships. 7 female mistakes. How not a “strong woman” behaves, but a “real woman”.

From uni you must remember Maslow's pyramid of needs. Surprisingly, even 5,000 years before Maslow's ancient Indian treatises on chakras the same levels have been described.

Chakras are centers of human power; in fact, they are levels of needs and desires that arise in men and women.

From your correct or incorrect behavior (the behavior of a real woman or the behavior of a man in a skirt) the realization of these needs and desires depends.

Level 1. The instinct of self-preservation, reproduction, survival. Real woman always in a good mood, energetic, demonstrating her sexuality. Strong woman emphasize fatigue and lack of strength.

Women's mistake #1. Forgotten sexuality.

A strong woman tirelessly repeats: I work hard, I’m tired. Be a real woman, feminine, fragile and gentle. Show off your sexuality by wearing skirts, heels, stockings. Demonstrate your well-groomed appearance and noble posture. Don't wear short hair.

Level 2. Desires, emotions, pleasures. Real woman fills the couple’s life with emotions, talks about desires, and shows care. Strong woman does not show emotions or desires.

Women's mistake No. 2. Complete negativity and lack of emotions.

Strong women are hysterical at work and continue to be hysterical at home about a “not that kind” gift and indeed about any reason. ATTENTION! IT IS IMPORTANT! I DIDN'T KNOW THIS, FOR EXAMPLE. A real woman knows that a man is responsible for bringing a mammoth into the house, and a woman is responsible for a pleasant atmosphere in the house. She must will take care of leisure time, vacation, book the “right” hotel, buy movie tickets, bake pancakes for breakfast, come up with a pleasant surprise. It is typical for a man to perform this function only during the candy-bouquet period. He cannot be responsible for this later in life, simply because he is a man.

Level 3. Social implementation. Real woman takes an interest in his affairs, takes his last name upon marriage. A strong woman criticizes her man, is not interested in his business, and does not take his last name.

Women's mistake No. 3. Not accepting his social status.

A strong woman will never become the wife of a millionaire, because she rejects his status (last name) and disparagingly discusses his shortcomings with her friends (“and mine…”). A real woman is proud of her husband’s last name, praises him in the presence of friends and acquaintances, and believes in him. She understands that the status of a successful man is transferred to the woman. By scolding her husband and not believing in him, a strong woman first of all lowers her status.

Level 4. Unconditional love. Real woman(like the wives of the Decembrists) believes in her man, accepts his endeavors and projects, she is his comrade-in-arms and muse. Strong woman does not believe in her man and his endeavors.

Women's mistake No. 4. Lack of faith in his strength.

A strong woman believes that everything rests on her and does not believe that her husband is capable of anything more. Men feel it. Behind every successful man there has always been a real woman. A man needs a muse. A real woman is ready to endure adversity in order to realize her husband’s dreams and goals. This is what Ford's wife did, Kiyosaki's wife and many other wives of successful men. It is in the nature of a real woman to give, just as she gives her milk to a child, despite the fact that he screams and brings a lot of worries. And if she does not give (for example, milk to a child or care to her husband), then she receives pain (the cry of a child or the immaturity of her husband).

Level 5. Self-realization, creativity. Real woman uses active listening techniques in conversations; she is sincerely interested in what he is doing. Strong woman does not listen to her man, is not interested in his affairs.

Women's mistake No. 5. Inattention to his projects and stories about them.

A man will first of all share his dream and new idea with his woman. A real woman actively listens to him, delves into all the details, and believes in his project. Reads his first book, tries his new dish. A strong woman ignores everything because she doesn’t believe in him and the man gives up.

Level 6. Intuition. Real woman points out opportunities and dangers, tells him that this is his idea, his intuition, his gift. Strong woman advises without trying to delve into the process.

Women's mistake No. 6. Lack of intuition.

A strong woman speaks directively and does not accept her man’s creativity. A real woman fully accepts his crazy creative ideas. And it tells him their specific application, specific solutions.

Level 7. Joining the cosmos, the level of the creator - at this level a man realizes himself independently and brings you as a gift everything that he has achieved. Real woman She has worked at all levels efficiently and for this she receives a reward - the success of her man. Strong woman gains nothing as a result of his wrong behavior.

Women's mistake No. 7. Lack of balance between all levels of needs.

The last, seventh level is dedicated to balance. You should be balanced, when everything is in harmony and all chakras are working well. This is contact with God, woman is Adam's rib inscribed in man. This is the case when together you are stronger than alone. It’s okay that a woman is 0 and a man is 1. After all, if the woman is in front, then it turns out to be 01. And if the man is in front, then it turns out to be 10!


So, the book has answers to the questions of how to get married? how to make your husband successful and rich? If you work hard on yourself, if you believe, support, listen, admire, share emotions, care, your man will have two options: either he will become the same millionaire, or near you another man appears. Because for such a woman in all eras and at all times there is increased demand.

To learn all the exercise practices, I recommend studying them on Pavel Kochkin’s website. Pavel is one of the leaders in the niche of finding your true purpose. He has both live trainings and webinars with online participation. WITH SCHEDULE trainings and marathons you can find it on his website.

And this is an almost 2-hour video for those who want to be confused to the end. I definitely recommend everyone to watch it. It turns out that you and I are doing a lot of things wrong in relation to men!

I wish everyone love and happiness!

Biography and success story of Pavel Kochkin.

Those who are interested in the topic of discovering their abilities, potential, and searching for their life’s work have probably heard about the project “Destination” by Pavel Kochkin. Currently Pavel Kochkin is the most famous expert in the field searching for purpose and finding the work of a lifetime, and for good reason. By the age of 27, Pavel himself had already fully realized himself in all areas: he had gained financial independence, found his purpose, and built a happy family. That is why he has every reason to help other people find themselves and realize themselves in all areas of life. This is not another “shoemaker without boots,” but a person who really lives up to what he teaches in his programs!

Biography of Pavel Vladimirovich Kochkin shows that the simplest guy from an ordinary family can reach seemingly unrealistic heights by the age of 30. Pavel was born in 1979, his father worked as a driver and his mother as a cook. Already at the age of 14, he earned his first money, and without participating in the business process: he organized people to carry out the work of unloading goods. At school, the guy also showed his talents and abilities - he took prizes in olympiads, including first places in mathematics and physics, thanks to which, after graduating from school, he was accepted into 4 different universities.

While still studying at the Lyceum at MIPT, Pavel Kochkin, at the age of 16, passed an interview and got a job as a programmer at the large IT company Schwing Stetter in Germany, where he was provided with an apartment and a personal driver. After several months of successful work in Germany, he finally returned to Moscow because he wanted to create his own business. So, he entered the Faculty of Cybernetics of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, and in parallel with his studies, he opened his own web design studio “Weboffice”, where he developed websites for large media companies.

At the age of 20, the aspiring businessman opened the election technology agency “Election Technologies 2000” and professionally organized elections in Mongolia. In addition, he launched a computer service center, where he created an effective system for motivating employees, and also managed his own studio, “Polyform design,” which deals with computer graphics and interiors.

In parallel with this, he, of course, continued to study. He graduated from graduate school, writing a master's thesis on the topic of adaptive web interfaces. He created such companies as the Library Fund for Assistance to Graduate Students and Applicants, and the QMS company ISO LLC. In 2008, he graduated from the State University of Management Higher School of Business, the “Executive MBA LWB” course, and in 2009 he graduated from the Harvard Business School, the “Launching New Ventures” course.

Between 2009 and 2011 the businessman traveled a lot around the world in search of new knowledge and experience. Pavel Kochkin was in Tibet in Daram-Sala, talked with the Dalai Lama, learned to be in the moment. Pavel Kochkin also visited Peru with the shamans of the Shipiba tribe, where he learned to transform thoughts into images, and while living with the aborigines in Australia, he learned the concept of mindfulness. It was all this knowledge and esoteric experience that was subsequently embodied .

According to the biography of this man, in 2011, having returned to Russia, Pavel Kochkin got married (his wife is Kochkina Elmira Vagifovna). This new stage in life stimulates the businessman to work even harder and become passionate about a completely new direction for him - coaching and consulting.

Coaching activity of Pavel Kochkin. Male and Female Purpose.

From that moment on, Pavel began writing books and creating courses and trainings. Pavel Kochkin devotes his materials to the search for purpose and self-realization in all areas. Pavel Kochkin brought fame as a coach , which became a real bestseller. Currently, this book has been revised into another edition - the quest book “Destination. A guide to finding your life's work." But it gained even more popularity , which replaced the book in a more student-friendly format.

This training on finding yourself and your purpose brings together all the experience and knowledge of the author, accumulated over the years of study and travel, as well as the experience of his students, because the “Purpose 3.0” training is already being conducted and a huge amount of feedback has been received from students who have taken first streams of training. Today, this course is the only expert course in Russia on the topic of finding a life’s work. Training “Destination” by Kochkin- not just some kind of motivational course, but a detailed system, divided into 3 stages for a deeper and more complete study of all aspects of purpose. You can take training in finding your Destination live, for example in Moscow or St. Petersburg, or online from anywhere on Earth. There is feedback from the project curators and personally from Pavel Kochkin. For many years, this training has been helping people of different ages, nations, professions, income levels, and different genders find their life’s work and realize their potential in it. The system relies only on the best scientific and educational developments of Stanford, Harvard, Moscow State University and the thousand-year experience of Eastern traditions.

Initially, when Pasha Kochkin launched , to help people find their strengths and their place in life, the material did not have any gender bindings; it was equally visited by both men and women. But then statistics began to appear, according to which 97% of women who attended the training said that their main interests lay in the area of ​​building relationships, creating a happy family and having children. And then one day one of his participants, Olga, approached Pavel after the training and suggested launching . This was the impetus for creating a separate step-by-step practical material for the fair sex.

And so it appeared from Pavel Kochkin and his team. Close family and friends of the team members were invited to its premiere, and it received tremendous feedback and impressive results. Thanks to this course, a huge number of women have been able to radically change their relationships, fill them with love, trust and mutual understanding, realize their feminine destiny and much more.

Having gained fame, Pavel did not stop there; he continued to develop himself and his life. For example, he completed training at the Moscow Institute of Modern Academic Education in the course “Psychological Counseling”, and also took the course “Families in Business” at Harvard Business School. The psychologist studied various areas of business, became interested in passive income, invested in American real estate, etc. A little later, he was also created , in which he, first of all, teaches how to build a large, strong family that will inspire and motivate a man to achieve greater heights in life.

Pavel also became a practicing trainer of lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences of various schools and directions (Steven Laberge, Robert Monroe, Carlos Castaneda, Nikita Tsertlikh, Andrei Lapin and Mikhail Raduga). He also released educational courses and trainings on this topic that became famous. This is, for example, , and others.

All the author’s courses and trainings are aimed at self-awareness, studying your inner world, exploring opportunities and finding yourself in life, and upgrading all areas. You can study the entire list of the author’s materials on various topics and choose the one that is most relevant to you!

Are there any reviews about “Destination” by Pavel Kochkin? Isn't this a scam?

Currently, Pavel’s project has helped more than 32 thousand people from 28 countries of the world find themselves, and most of them note enormous changes in their lives. Since Pavel’s materials are based only on his own experience and knowledge accumulated over many years, his courses and trainings are truly high-quality. This is confirmed by the huge number positive reviews about Pavel Kochkin, grateful reviews from women about the “Women’s Purpose” training, grateful reviews from men about “Male Purpose”.

Sometimes on forums you can see posts that "Kochkin Pavel - deception, scam." Someone writes that his trainings and courses are ineffective. But if you look deeper, these comments and negative reviews are unfounded. Usually negative things are written by those people who have not even studied the materials of a psychologist, or by those who do not want to change anything in life. Real reviews about Pavel Kochkin and his projects - these are only positive reviews with real results from real students. The very fact that Pavel Kochkin trained people who have now become successful businessmen, for example, the founders of the Business Youth project (Mikhail Dashkiev, Pyotr Osipov, etc.), Alexey Tolkachev, Sergey Knyazev, etc., suggests that that the “Purpose” training and others are really effective trainings!

In addition, a large number of well-known media also published information about Pavel Kochkin’s project. For example, a businessman was invited to the Livenews, Mir-24, HR-TV and others channels, the FINAM FM radio station, and well-known print publications wrote about him. In addition, Pavel Kochkin conducts a series of lectures on the search for purpose for Moscow State University students, and this also says a lot. At a minimum, this does not indicate divorce or deception))

If you want to get to know Pavel Kochkin’s courses and trainings better, download them, try the information for yourself, find out how the program is built, then first you can study the free materials that are freely available and make sure of their effectiveness. For example, you can take part

So, today psychologist Pavel Vladimirovich Kochkin continues to work in his projects, develops them and helps people find themselves and their purpose. Kochkin is also involved in several businesses (certification of organizational management systems, selling scents for Karofilm, a marketing agency, a library fund for helping graduate students and applicants). But, of course, the most important part of his life is his family (Pavel currently has 3 children).

As the psychologist says, he devoted his life to two things: creating a large, strong and happy family and unlocking human potential and studying motivation. He has conducted hundreds of trainings and helped thousands of people discover their purpose. The world is a single organism, where everyone has their own purpose and must perform their function. And if men and women realize the potential inherent in them by nature, then such relationships will be truly fruitful. This is exactly what he tells his students and, literally, opens their eyes to life.

If you are tired of a job you don’t like, want to add some drive to your life, tired of the drab everyday life, want to understand what to devote your life to, improve your life and change it for the better, if you want to understand your strengths and direct your focus there, and not to any other nonsense, then be sure to take the legendary trainings of Pavel Kochkin “Destination” (male or female)!

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Pavel's educational business in numbers:

  • Revenue from 2 to 5 million rubles per month for the product “Designed for Women”.
  • Profitability - 40% .
  • Total number of students - 10 thousand people.
  • Average checks - from 100 rubles to 100,000 rubles.

Video interview with Pavel Kochkin

From trainer to business owner

Pavel Kochkin is a coach with ten years of experience. By this time, he realized that it was time to build his own full-fledged educational business from start to finish. And the best place for business is the field of online education. “As a coach, I fulfilled my mission. I am a master, a trainer, and so on... Now it’s time to become a full-fledged business owner. I have to go back to the competence I know and finally build an educational business,” says Pavel.

Over two years of work, our hero built his business in such a way that all operational and technical tasks were assigned to the team, and for himself he defined 3 roles:

  1. The methodologist is on Pavel’s shoulders to prepare, develop products, and hone courses to perfection.
  2. As the owner of an online educational business, Pavel found two partners who are responsible for marketing and operational activities.
  3. Trainer - he runs several proprietary programs in his business.

The product is a masterpiece, it takes time and effort

Pavel's business covers three segments: trainings for men, trainings for women and “unisex” trainings for entrepreneurs. There are a total of 6 products in the portfolio, three of them are active and three are “in the low priority queue.”

Top product - “Destination is a matter of life” for women. Each marathon for this product involves 500 people.

The product that Pavel is now actively promoting is “Universal Purpose”. This course is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and age.

The third product “Male Purpose” has been in increased demand since May 2017. The fourth launch of the course surpassed all products in terms of revenue and activity.

The secret to the success of the course is that there is a “demand” in the market among men for trainings aimed at creating a strong family, a “clan”.

I didn’t believe it at all for a long time, I didn’t perceive men’s purpose as a product, it seemed to me that there was a pick-up, there was something about money, about survival, fighting, sports, and so on. And that there are men who are thinking about creating a clan, who want a strong family - there is no such market at all

Pavel Kochkin

How to attract clients

Pavel uses two channels to attract customers: warm traffic through mailing lists and social networks and cold traffic through the purchase of cold traffic.

In the first case, there is a subscriber base where, with the help of announcement letters and answers to questions, people “ripen” to the decision to purchase the course. In this way, a kind of community has been created where subscribers constantly receive feedback, some free materials, and communication with trainers. The conversion rate for webinars on warm traffic is 7-15%.

The main emphasis is on quality content and proper distribution on social networks.

The traffic flow comes either to the main page, where there are some free lessons, and immediately after registration you can start learning, or to the landing page with a narrow topic, which offers something “very tasty”.

"Show me the guy"

Pavel's business uses a process-oriented approach to management. An activity structure is created that allows you to constantly improve the product and make the business flexible. The project manager creates a team for himself either from existing resources or from external additional resources .

The key question for Pavel’s business is: where to get “projects”?

Several years ago, Pavel studied at Harvard, where he personally communicated with Jeff (Jeffrey Weiner, creator of LinkdIn), a venture capitalist. “I asked him a question: “What can I do for you, what narrow problem can I solve?” “Show me the guy,” Jeff replied. He told me, show me a guy whose eyes are sparkling, who is ready to sell an idea at least to me, and who is greedy for money. I realized that what is important is not the prospects of a niche, nor any business parameters. Give me a man - that's the main capital. And I thought: “I’ll go to Russia and see where I can get them,” says Pavel.

As a result, a number of criteria were identified by which potential employees are identified. For this purpose, Pavel developed a methodology
“how we identify initiative.”

This is what happens at our destination: 30 people on the course, 1-2 of them often fall under these criteria. I ask them: do we have common interests? Do you want to look for their intersection? So, for example, the “Man at the Stove” project appeared. It was headed by a cook from the course

Pavel Kochkin

Material motivation is not the main thing when working with personnel in Pavel’s business. Although the average salary of a project manager is decent and ranges from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

Coursera - entering a new orbit

An important stage in the development of both business and himself as an expert and scientist was the launch for Pavel of an online course together with MEPhI “Basics of finding your life’s work” on the Coursera platform.

There are two powerful international online education platforms - Coursera (Stanford) and EdX (Harvard). Harvard is “closer” for Pavel, but he began conquering the world community with cooperation with Coursera. This platform supports education in Russian, and Edx does not work with Russian-language courses.

Both platforms only work with universities. After negotiations with several Russian universities, Pavel’s choice fell on MEPhI. The result of long, high-quality collaboration was the launch of the first module of the “Purpose” course on Courser.

However, the miracle did not happen. After the start of the project, only two reviews were received: one from Pavel himself, and the second was devastating. The user was surprised how such a serious company as MEPhI could get involved in such a story.

“We analyzed everything and interspersed two components to get feedback. We gave an e-mail and encouraged users: “Please write if you see errors or some kind of heresy somewhere.” This gave us the opportunity to edit the course and correct errors. And the second thing we did was write a script-cast on how to give us grades. It turned out that on Courser it was not clear where to click to put stars for the rating.”

As a result, Pavel’s course score is 4.7 points out of 5 possible. More than 20,000 people have taken his course. The course is free, but it is possible to purchase a certificate of completion.

The first module is currently being translated into English for placement on the EdX platform, and the second and third modules of the course are being recorded.

Key “Tips” from Pavel for online business

  1. Storytelling- a key factor in attracting attention. The story must be very emotional in order to “press into the pain.”
  2. At the initial stage, to attract attention, it is necessary to support “ non-stop banter: strategy - 2 jokes per minute."
  3. The principle from simple to complex: first give “fun things”, simple interesting material, everything that gives fun, a game, from which a person can see the problem and see the expert. “Not a lot of science, a lot of fun,” the so-called “pre-products.”
  4. "Honest energy exchange": the more you paid, the more effective the practices.
  5. Gamification and the competitive effect with the most clear and transparent evaluation criteria, reward and punishment systems.

Initially, you need to understand that each person is a unique person with his own life purpose. Some devote themselves to business in order to become successful and wealthy, others use their talents, and still others set goals for themselves.

It doesn’t matter at all what you call it, because all of the above is the true purpose of life.

If you have already found your purpose, then you can be called happy. By implementing your business, what you love to do, the world seems to thank you.

Each person has the power to realize his own destiny, as well as find it within himself. And here you can do without anyone’s support and help. Some spend decades searching, making a huge number of all kinds of mistakes.

But it’s more rational to use the life experience of another person who has found the right path. You can read numerous positive reviews left by people who have already taken advantage of Pavel Kochkin’s training.

This man managed to realize himself in many directions. Not only is he a psychologist, but also a sought-after trainer throughout Europe and Russia for finding your true “I” in life,

In his search for purpose, Pavel managed to find a huge number of true friends, and most importantly, family. All this allowed him to find true happiness, which he spent more than ten years searching for, although he is only 30.

The main feature of Pavel Kochkin's skills lies in his unique abilities. He is able to literally get into the subconscious of any person, pull out important information from there, analyze all life preferences and goals, on the basis of which he can draw a conclusion about his true purpose.

Pavel does not hide the fact that his own training was based on techniques from Harvard, Tibet and even some Indian tribes, but they are the ones that help him find his purpose in life. Pavel will help you find your “I” in life and become not only a happy person, but also a successful one, with a solid income.

Why you should take advantage of the “Destination” training from Pavel Kochkin:

-If you have learned to make money, but do not feel happy;

-If you don’t know how to make a lot of money;

-If you have already tried all sorts of options to find your “I” in life, but nothing worked;

-If you want to be successful both in business and in your personal life;

Suddenly a person may realize that he has now lost his former motivation, reserve of strength, that same twinkle in his eyes to move forward in life. There is a peculiar feeling that you have stood in one place and are not moving anywhere - it’s worse if you go down.

In any case, you definitely need to try the above training from Pavel Kochkin called “Destination” in order to find yourself in this life, become a happy person and learn to earn a lot of money.

Live training usually takes place in Moscow or St. Petersburg. All interested people, as well as the coach himself, gather in one room. This format allows Pavel to penetrate much deeper into a person’s subconscious. After all, only in this case will he be able to decide on your goals in life.

You will gain valuable theoretical knowledge, learn some actions and tactics, and be given homework to practice new skills that will help you find your own life's work.

Know that you will only work on yourself. You will have to deal with this matter for 2-3 days. A whole range of various tactics and exercises that will be offered during the live training will help you find your “I” in life and find your true purpose.

Take advantage of the training from Pavel Kochkin called “Destination” to become the most successful and happiest person in life!

Sincerely ,

A free, exciting online psychological adventure in the form of the game “How to Find Your Life’s Work” from the “Destination” project

As a gift - the book “7 Women’s Mistakes or Why Your Man Isn’t a Millionaire?”

Biography of Pavel Kochkin

Pavel Kochkin has been a very purposeful person since childhood. This allowed him to receive an excellent education. He studied at Harvard Business School and the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University. He also has a diploma from MEPhI (Moscow Engineering and Technical Institute) and an Executive MBA from GUU. Defended his Ph.D. dissertation.

Kochkin was born into an ordinary family. He didn't have any cronyism. His mother worked as a cook. The father was a driver. Therefore, he owes his enormous success only to his determination, perseverance and work.

While still studying in high school, Pavel took prizes in various Olympiads, including first places in Olympiads in mathematics and physics.

Already at the age of sixteen, he worked as a programmer in a well-paid job in Germany, having a company car and a personal driver. But he soon left such a promising job and returned to Moscow to start his own business in Russia.

Pavel Kochkin's very first business project was a web design studio. And at the age of 20, he opens an agency called “Elective Technologies 2000”. In addition, he organized and ran his own studio for computer graphics for interiors.

Also, while still a young man, Pavel traveled a lot. In particular, he visited Tibet, where he communicated with the Dalai Lama, lived in India, engaged in spiritual practices in Indian ashrams, and also lived for some time with Australian aborigines. That is, Pavel Kochkin tried to find his calling in life from his youth.

And, thanks to such rich experience, his Internet project “Destination” appeared with amazing trainings.

Currently, Pavel is not only a successful trainer, excellent reviews of whom can be easily found on the Internet, but also a major entrepreneur who owns several serious businesses, who has already achieved complete financial independence at the age of 27.

Courses and trainings by Pavel Kochkin are dedicated to both women's and men's purposes. His first fame as a coach came from the book “Destination. A guide to finding something to do in life." Unfortunately, this book by Pavel, which became a bestseller, is currently withdrawn from sale, as some of the information in it is outdated. But now it is being successfully replaced by trainings and courses on how to find your calling and purpose in this life. Also in the largest online e-book store liters you can download the revised book “Destination” by Pavel Kochkin, which became known as “Purpose. 3 decision making strategies. 5 steps to happiness." This book is a quest book in format.

Pavel Kochkin. Quest book “Destination”

Currently, the name of Pavel Kochkin as an excellent trainer, combining knowledge from Harvard and the practice of Tibet, is well known. Sometimes he is called the city shaman.

In his trainings, he reveals the secrets of practical esotericism, in particular, on the topics of searching for purpose, intuition, lucid dreams, hypersensitivity, inner strength and much more. Many of his students write in their reviews of his trainings that Pavel’s “magical” esoteric practices work great in real life.

Free materials from Pavel Kochkin and the “Destination” project

Free master class by Pavel Kochkin “Women’s Purpose”

How to make him love, earn money and not cheat without using manipulation

A free, exciting online psychological adventure in the form of the game “How to Find Your Life’s Work”

Some paid online events of the “Destination” project, which are held periodically

Attention! If you are late for the online trainings or “live” events below, and also want to know about new training courses by Pavel Kochkin, then subscribe to his mailing list. To do this, you need to register in a free psychological game and download a free book.

The legendary training “Purpose 3.0” is a program that allows you to find your calling in life