Profession "design engineer". Profession designer About the profession car designer story for children

“Childhood illnesses need to be overcome in childhood,” said one good film about hobbies that are not always age-appropriate. What if these childhood “diseases” are capable of generating income, and a lot of it?

The heroes of our today's not-so-office stories (despite the heading) are adults who play games. More precisely, they assemble with Lego constructors. A vocation and hobby has grown into a profession that brings tangible dividends and great moral satisfaction.

Belgian Dirk Denoil, 47, received his first Lego when he was seven years old. Today he has three million pieces in his collection. During this period of time, Dirk managed to obtain an engineering degree, learn several languages ​​and become a comedian.

Ten years ago, no one would have agreed to this, says Dirk, sitting in his studio next to a giant Lego model of a residential complex. The construction of this complex was ordered by one developer. Dirk received about $20 thousand for his work. In addition to this complex, the studio is notable for its bust of Charlie Chaplin and Michael Jackson. In addition, the studio contains a mosaic panel depicting a homeless man on a London street. All these masterpieces, of course, were created using the mentioned designer.

Three years ago, Dirk received the official title: Certified Lego Professional. The title was bestowed by the company itself and is held by very few people - a couple of artists from New York, an Australian programmer and about ten other people from other countries.

You can't imagine how many children are jealous of my work! My competition is fierce! – Dirk’s fellow titleholder Sean Kenny from New York is confident. In 2002, he left Lehman Brothers Corporation to devote his full time to creating Lego models. - And, by the way, this is not limited to children - their parents are also not averse to exchanging sitting in the office for a construction set - I’m telling you that!

Mr. Kenny's annual salary once reached six figures.

But I left my position because all I wanted to do was build Lego. Today I earn almost the same amount by fulfilling orders from clients. For example, Marriott International ordered me several hotel models. Working!

And Nathan Sawaya was once a successful lawyer, a specialist in corporate law. Now he is one of those certified professionals whose work is even exhibited in museums. His specialty is gifts.

I make custom gift models for rich people - those who can buy anything for themselves, and who are difficult to please with a gift.

Nathan next to his work

"Adult" matter

By the way, if you thought that Lego was exclusively for children, you were wrong. Many adults, both with and without children, both ordinary people and celebrities like David Beckham, today can boast of very complex models assembled with their own hands. At the same time, having assembled the recently released model of the Taj Mahal from 5922 parts, some of them received a thousand dollars. Meanwhile, the company is already thinking about taking a serious look at its image as a manufacturer of children's toys.

We ourselves still see ourselves as a game developer and manufacturer. But the world challenges us! – admits Thormod Askildsen, senior director at Lego Denmark headquarters.

But the Japanese headquarters created an entire website called Cuusoo. Here everyone can post their own versions of models - those that are not yet on sale. By the way, among the participants in the competition, again, mostly adults. In general, an adult audience is some kind of new trend in the field of construction sets. As senior Lego designer Jamie Berard says, in some families there is even a new reason for a quarrel - “don’t touch my construction set!” Well, the children have already clearly learned that touching dad’s set is prohibited.

In general, it is not surprising that they are now trying to make money from Lego or at least use it in their work. Most often, designers are in demand in business for graphics, modeling and training. By the way, there was such an episode in Russian cinema: the main character of the film “Office Romance. Our days” Lyudmila Prokofyevna attended a training for businesswomen, during which the lecturer, performed by Ivan Okhlobystin, using the example of the Lego robot, explained what should have a place in life and what will only interfere with a career.

Profession designer

The designer is engaged in the development of technical projects, analyzes the structures laid down by the project, and checks the documentation. A specialist in this profession controls the detailed design and develops instructions for the further operation of the created structure. The responsibilities of the designer also include testing and adjusting experimental products and parts that are planned to be used in the future.

In Soviet times, working as a design engineer was prestigious and honorable. In the 90s, the state stopped funding research institutes, and the overwhelming number of industrial enterprises went bankrupt. Nowadays, there are a large number of private organizations and enterprises that require design engineers to create heating or cooling systems in industrial premises. In some companies, specialists in this profession are responsible for coordinating projects and selecting orders.…

For successful career growth, a specialist who has chosen the profession of a designer must be aware of the latest technologies and strive to introduce them into the production process.

Often, an organization has several engineers working together who are responsible for a specific part of the production process. Depending on his specialization, the designer works in production facilities, supervising the creation and testing of new parts and structures. The designer can also work directly at the construction site, checking the construction of the designed elements.

A designer must be able to not only design a device, structure or technological process. It is very important to bring the project to life, taking into account all the features associated with manufacturing. The work of a designer is extremely responsible, because incorrect calculations can cost lives.

If you dream of creating airplanes, sending ships into space, or participating in the process of designing complex technologies, then you should choose the profession of a design engineer. This profession can only be obtained at state universities equipped with specialized laboratories. A designer requires such personal qualities as analytical thinking, a technical mindset and increased attention.

Everyone knows what a project is. A designer, or design engineer, not only develops designs for buildings and mechanisms, but also brings them to life.




Entry barrier


The designer is a specialization. Design engineer is usually used as a profession title. This specialist is engaged in the design of equipment or structures. At the same time, he calculates all the loads and probabilities so that the creation of a finished product according to his design is possible.


The history of the profession goes back to ancient times. It was the designers who designed and calculated all the nuances during the construction of epoch-making structures, such as the tombs of the pharaohs and temples of Ancient Greece. In those days, the name “engineer” was born, which translated from Latin meant “capable of inventing.”

Over time, the profession was not separated from architecture and mechanics. Since this function was assumed by the creators of the first mechanisms, with the development of technology and the emergence of such a process as the arms race, the need for specialist inventors increased sharply.

For the first time, the design profession appeared as a separate link during the period of active military operations. This is 13-15 centuries. Specialists created exclusively military equipment and innovations. The branch into a more peaceful direction of construction appeared only in the 16th century, when they began to build reliable river crossings. This is how the civil engineering branch emerged.

The first specialists appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation thanks to Tsar Peter the Great. He sent young and promising people to study abroad. As a result, the science of design, modeling and creation of drawings appeared in our state. Modern engineering has a number of branch varieties. Almost every science has its own specialist in this segment. Likewise, when creating drawings, there is a responsible master - a design engineer.


The profession of a designer is quite popular these days. Not a single construction, not a single production takes place without the creation of drawings, according to which the object is assembled.

The range of activities of a designer includes a number of direct job responsibilities:

  • Project development. He creates a drawing almost from scratch, based on the functional requirements of the customer or management.
  • Analysis of the results obtained. This is necessary to identify and eliminate errors.
  • Direct participation in the creation of the unit according to its drawing.
  • Control of testing.
  • Setting up an object before demonstrating it to management.

The profession of a designer has a high level of emotional stress, because it involves responsibility for the result and the funds spent on development. If mistakes are made incorrectly in the construction of buildings, mistakes can cost people's lives. Therefore, the designer is one of the main responsible persons in any process of invention, construction and creation, because the project is the basis of his work.

What specialties to study?

Considering the fact that design is a specialization that is an integral part of engineering, for education you should choose:

  • Design and technology of electronic means.
  • Electronic and optical-electronic devices and systems for special purposes.
  • Ship's weapons.
  • Operation of ship power plants.
  • Laser equipment and laser technologies.
  • Photonics and optoinformatics.
  • Applied mechanics.
  • Chemical technology of energy-saturated materials and products.
  • Ground transport and technological complexes.
  • Construction, operation, restoration and technical coverage of roads, bridges and tunnels.
  • Mechatronics and robotics.
  • Water transport management and hydrographic support of navigation.
  • Applied mechanics.

There are other specializations that require a course in design and creation of drawings.

Where to study

To obtain this profession, you can choose one of the large universities with the appropriate specialization in any city of the Russian Federation. The most prestigious are:

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

A designer's working day is filled mainly with routine work. The list of his responsibilities consists of a number of mandatory processes:

  • Receiving an order for development. The order specifies the technical specifications indicating the volumes, loads and tasks of the equipment or building.
  • Concept development. First of all, the designer calculates the maximum loads, based on which he plans the design.
  • Creating a drawing. After conducting a thorough analysis of the requirements and considering the possibilities, the specialist begins to create a project on paper.
  • Analysis of drawings. The designer checks the data and calculations again.
  • Creation of the design. This specialist selects materials and takes part in the process of transferring the drawing into reality.
  • The designer tests the equipment, checking its compliance with all declared characteristics.
  • The final stage of the project is the presentation to the customer. The specialist demonstrates all functions and compliance with the requirements of superiors. When constructing a building, the presentation consists of putting the structure into operation.
  • The designer also has a full range of responsibilities for maintaining all related documentation and registering it with the competent authorities.

The specifics of the work of these specialists involve a lot of routine processes that require increased concentration and a high level of responsibility. Such professionals are highly valued and required in most areas of human activity.

Who is it suitable for?

The profession of a designer is suitable for people with a technical mindset, because the activity is directly related to equipment and miscalculations.

This specialist must be very careful. The slightest inaccuracy in the drawings can lead to tragic consequences, especially when constructing bridges and buildings.

A high level of responsibility is also indispensable.

Stress resistance. Quite often, customers constantly change and supplement requirements with new facts and features.

Because of this, as a result, you have to redo the finished drawing again.


The profession of a designer is quite in demand. This is due to the fact that we live in an era of technology and innovation in everything.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The earnings of designers are quite high. On average, these amounts range from 40-59 thousand rubles per month. The income could be more. It all depends on the type of project and financing of the work.

Is it easy to get a job?

Finding a job as a designer is quite easy. There are always vacancies. For employment, it is important to provide several successful projects or original developments. Experience will be an additional advantage.

The work begins with a simple task for a probationary period. Upon successful completion, you will confirm your qualifications and be hired on staff.

How does one usually build a career?

The profession does not imply career growth as such. The maximum level of development is the leading specialist of the project. However, given the solid level of wages and its dynamic increase, the position itself is already considered prestigious.


The design profession is in constant development. This is due to the emergence of new technologies. To achieve success, it is important to keep up with the times and constantly develop.

In the future, you can head a solid project, receiving, in addition to the rate, a percentage of the company’s income.

The high level of wages allows experienced designers to start their own business in a wide variety of fields.

Graduates of universities in the Russian Federation are highly valued in the European Union, the USA and Canada. This position is perfect for those who have set themselves the goal of immigration to a more economically developed country. The company can help employees who have proven themselves well in obtaining a residence permit.

And why knowledge of robotics is mandatory in the future

director of Prolego company

Oksana Stoetskaya knows like no one else that you can not just play with LEGO, but make it a tool that helps your child find his profession and the path to happiness. How? She spoke about this in an interview with the editor of the site Anna Pechernaya.

A fateful trip to the home of LEGO

For Oksana, LEGO is a family hobby that changed her life and grew into her life’s work.

In 2007, the Stoecki family went on the LEGO Inside Tour. As part of the tour, they visited the LEGO factory in Billund (Denmark), where they saw how construction sets are produced, met the designers, visited the LEGO Museum, the LEGOLAND amusement park and attended a presentation of the LEGO Education line of designers. It was this presentation that became the beginning of a new stage in life.

Upon her return, Oksana drew up a plan on how to integrate a new interesting direction into the Ukrainian school curriculum.

For example, in the USA, in 80 schools out of 100, students study in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) program. In many schools, this involves working with LEGO Education constructors.

Such classes are built on the 4C educational system (Connect, Construct, Contemplate, Continue):

Connection with the outside world,
- design,
- awareness of what has been learned,
- bringing something new,

when children immerse themselves in a new area of ​​​​knowledge, solve assigned problems, improve their knowledge with their conclusions and fill what they have learned with their own ideas.

LEGOin Ukrainian schools

Oksana tried to transfer this successful experience to Ukrainian schools.

“We have developed unique school methods for grades 5-7 with a robotics program. We brought this to the Ministry of Education and received the “Recommended” stamp. At that time this was a fantastic result. Difficulties began when we started coming to schools"

The hope of inspiring teachers was not realized. At that time, they were not ready for innovation and did not want to learn new things.

So in 2008, Oksana transformed her dream into a different plane - continuing to develop her company Prolego, the official distributor of LEGO Education in Ukraine, opening a network of Technical Studios in Ukraine "Vinahidnik".

“We started by studying LEGO's experience and began adapting their materials to our education system. And after some time, we began to develop our programs, consulting with leading methodologists in mathematics, physics, computer science, and preschool education. All our programs are based on the practical application of knowledge based on LEGO Education constructors. Now we are already completing the sets ourselves with LEGO parts, based on the needs of the training course.”

After several years, school principals themselves are showing interest in learning with LEGO. True, the issue with teachers remained relevant.

Therefore, the idea arose to create a platform where additional training could be conducted for teachers, using established methods as a basis.

And so in August 2016, the Prolego company opened an educational space - Education Hub, which now hosts teacher training, workshops for adults, family days, business training, and everything is based on LEGO bricks.

LEGOand career guidance

Of course, not all children who attend the Vinakhidnik Technical Studio or participate in LEGO Education programs in schools connect their lives with robotics, science, architecture, and design. But these children have a well-developed creative approach to learning in general. Because design also includes the development of engineering and logical abilities.

During the existence of the studio, a generation of children grew up who transferred their childhood hobbies of design into adulthood, making it their profession.

For example, one of the students of “Vinahidnik”, Alexey Tkachenko, being a multiple winner of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Robotics and a participant in the World Olympiad in Robotics, after graduating from school, he received an offer to study at the prestigious National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan, where he continues to study robotics.

In 2015, in his second year of study, he took first place at the World Robotics Olympiad in the student category of the Advanced Robotic Challenge, and in 2016, second. Alexey sees his future closely connected with robotics.

Another graduate of the Vinakhidnik Technical Studio, Vlad Androshchuk, is a 4th year student at the Faculty of Radio Electronics and Computer Systems at KNU. Shevchenko is also developing her own educational business - Singularity studio, where she teaches children how to program video games and other IT skills. In addition, Vlad teaches robotics to children in one of the Kyiv studios “Vinakhidnik”.

What skills are developed during games withLEGO

Children develop skills necessary for the future thanks to special training of teachers at the Technical Studio "Vinahidnik" and an atmosphere in which a certain value system is instilled.

“Children believe that with their projects, in which they invest their energy and knowledge, they can change the world for the better.”

Interest in the structure of the world and self-knowledge

Oksana reasonably noted that if parents consider their child a humanitarian, this does not mean that he does not need to know how the world works and how the laws of nature work. Robotics courses help you understand where the world is heading. Children, receiving fundamental knowledge, learn to better understand themselves, draw conclusions and solve specific problems.

“It is very important to switch a child’s interest from online games to real, interesting knowledge that is needed today, for example, learning programming, web design, creating their own websites and applications - the sooner they start applying knowledge, the easier it will be for them to decide on a profession.”

Communication skills

A person is happy when he does what interests him, but to find what he loves, you need to experiment, make mistakes, learn, surround yourself with passionate people and be able to work in a team.

“It’s great that children intuitively know how to communicate with gadgets, but it’s even more important to teach them communication skills: how to build relationships.”

Oksana noted that due to insufficient life experience, children do not always know how to build relationships correctly. And in studio classes, many situations, for example, conflict situations, are modeled and spoken out. In the future, communication skills will help children become excellent team players because they have already experienced different team roles and learned to value and respect the work of their colleagues.


The whole world is now talking about the need to develop creativity and the ability to think outside the box and approach problems creatively. We don’t know what awaits us in the future: what works now will be irrelevant for the future, so one of the goals of the studio is to teach us to move away from stereotypes and templates and not be afraid of bold decisions.

“Forcing a child to study is wrong. You can captivate and show perspective. For example, knowledge of robotics will help in the work of a physician, engineer, aircraft designer, logistician, etc. Robotics is the foundation; then the child will choose where to apply this knowledge and skills. But there is no doubt that it will be in demand; robotics is one of the ten specialties of the future.”

During studio classes, children are presented with specific problems and explained that the creation of the present and future is in their hands, and then the children develop a completely different interest in learning and in everything that they are doing now.

Openness to the world

The first All-Ukrainian Robotics Olympiad, the first trip of the winners to the World Robotics Olympiad in South Korea and winning 6th place there, as well as a special prize - the Judges' Sympathy Cup - for project work in 2009 - all this became possible thanks to great faith in their the opportunities and efforts of the entire team and the organizing team - the Prolego company.

“We give our students the opportunity to see the interesting world of future technologies, to feel present, to understand what knowledge they need to possess in order to be ready for adult life. When our children see the number of participants in the World Robotics Olympiad or the FIRST LEGO League Championship and appreciate the high level of preparation of their peers, it increases their level of interest in learning.”

It becomes clear to them what competition is and how much needs to be done to be competitive in the future. After the Olympiads, children get involved and begin to learn English, mathematics, and natural sciences. There comes an understanding that knowledge is serious and this is the future; they realize how important teamwork is.”

How to raise a happy person

Oksana advises talking more with children and remembering that behind every child’s question there is an interest and it is very important not to drown it out.

“Give detailed answers, discuss, ask more often than your children are interested in. It doesn't always work out right away, but you have to try day after day if you want to raise successful and happy individuals. Find out what their soul is about and gently guide them on their path through their dreams.”

You need to allow the child to try and make mistakes, holding back from categorical “no”. You just need to warn and definitely support to allow you to learn to make your choice. Many universities around the world have courses that teach students to learn from their mistakes while gaining invaluable experience.

“Give your child time to do nothing. When he goes about his business, plays, there is tremendous development. In our studios, we see that some children have a minute-by-minute schedule, they run from one section to another. This is the parents' choice. Try to join a game invented by your child, you will discover a lot about the inner world of your children, and about yours too. LEGO is a lifelong game, so say those who run this company today"

As for choosing a future profession, Oksana recommends that instead of imposing on children specialties that are in fashion or well-known today, let them find themselves.


For friends!


Until science stops developing and humanity ceases to need various technical devices, the profession of a design engineer will be very important and in demand. This specialist is a true inventor, he creates projects (from small parts to entire structures), is responsible for their testing and the ability to work harmoniously.

Observing how often models of phones, computers, and cars are updated, you can be convinced that the profession of a designer is very relevant these days.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Design engineer are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Design engineers.

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Description of activity

The beginning of the work of a design engineer is marked by receiving an assignment to develop a project. First of all, he thinks about diagrams of parts and mechanisms, and carries out mathematical calculations. The drawings drawn up by this engineer must be approved by management, after which the manufacture of the technical device can begin. The design engineer must participate in the process of production, assembly and testing of the product, give recommendations, and make comments if necessary. The designers themselves are also involved in drawing up instructions for using the device, technical data sheets and other similar documents. Design engineers, as real experts in the product they have created, often conduct business meetings with clients.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Design engineer really rare these days. Not everyone decides to become Design engineer. There is a high demand among employers for specialists in this field, so the profession Design engineer has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Design engineer You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Design engineer(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Design engineer.

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Job responsibilities

A design engineer is required to know the standards for manufacturing a technical product, take care of its safety, and provide for all possible risks when creating a project. This specialist will regularly make calculations, design drawings, and work with complex equipment - a computer-aided design system. In addition, he must monitor technical innovations and use the positive experience of competitors.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Design engineer refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Design engineers They are distinguished by their erudition, curiosity, rationality, and analytical mind.

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Features of career growth

The demand for the profession in the labor market does not allow design engineers to remain without work. However, novice specialists should take into account that their work will not immediately be highly paid. The salary level will depend on the experience, quality and place of work of the specialist.

Career Opportunities

Good conditions for a career

According to the majority of respondents, the profession Design engineer has good conditions for a career. Having taken the position of a simple worker in this field, you can quickly climb the career ladder, but, of course, if you have interest and personal efforts.

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