Write a sample resume for a job as a turner. Resume of a carousel turner

A turner is a qualified specialist who processes metal using specialized equipment. This specialist is in demand in the manufacturing sector; he can work in enterprises producing cars, marine vessels, instruments, and so on.

Requirements for a turner

In order to work in this specialty, it is enough to obtain a secondary education at a college or technical school. At the same time, you must understand drawing documents and be able to work on various turning equipment, including modern automated installations. Knowledge of the technology of processing various metal parts on turning equipment is a mandatory requirement for this qualification.

Employers also place other demands on this professional - attentiveness, good reaction and excellent eye, as well as physical strength and endurance. In most cases, representatives of the stronger sex work in this specialty.

Responsibilities of a turner

The main responsibilities of this specialist include the following:

  1. Carrying out operations for processing metal products and workpieces (cutting, external turning, drilling, finishing workpieces, etc.).
  2. Work with various modifications of turning equipment.
  3. Personnel management and control of their activities.
  4. Monitoring the proper operation of turning equipment, timely detection of faults.
  5. If necessary, preparation of reporting documentation.

Additional information about the applicant

A turner is a professional who can work in public and private enterprises. Many factories hire such specialists even without work experience, immediately after graduation. As you master the profession and practice, you can improve your qualifications, which will allow you to increase your salary. The salary level depends on your work experience and the city in which you work.

A personal resume can rightfully be considered a business card for employment.

A resume is a short written presentation of oneself. It is with the preparation of a resume that the job search begins. And how fast and successful this search turns out to be largely depends on the quality of the resume.
What points should a resume consist of? Sample list:
Full Name. Can be placed as a header.

Experience. The list starts from the last place of work. It is necessary to indicate the position and duties performed.

Education. Educational institution, graduation date, specialty received.
Received additional education. Various courses, seminars, trainings.
Your professional skills and abilities.

Additional information. Your age, marital status, etc.
Contact Information. Address, telephone, e-mail.

The desired salary can be specified in the case when you obviously want to get rid of unfavorable offers. In other cases, this is not recommended.

A good resume may lead to a personal meeting with a potential employer or his representative, but it still does not guarantee that you will get the job you want.

When writing your resume, you must pursue the goal of making sure that the person reading your resume wants to meet you in person.

When writing your resume, you should pay attention to the following points.
The resume should not be too long. Unimportant information can be omitted.
You should not indicate information that is not relevant to the case (appearance, real estate, hobbies).

Never lie on your resume; the truth will come out sooner or later.

There is no need to create a resume for all occasions. Do not provide information that is not relevant to the specific vacancy.

The resume must be completed based on business standards: white pages, medium-sized black font, visual separation of individual blocks of information. Do not use monograms, colored paper or pictures.
Don’t write your resume hastily; devote at least 2-3 hours to this activity. Choose the best writing sample, highlight keywords, achievements and advantages over other candidates.

For example, consider the resume of a carousel turner

Stepanov Stepan Stepanovich, born in 1972.
Work experience 11 years. Robotic experience on machines: 1K62, 16K20, DIP300, 16D20, current-carousel. From 2000 to this day I have been working at the Kharkov Freight Car Building Plant as a 5th category turner-turner, repairing wheel sets.

Secondary specialized education. In 1999 he graduated from VPU-27 in Kupyansk, Kharkov region, as a 2nd category electric welder. There is no additional education.

Professional skills: long-term work with stainless and other non-ferrous metals.

Additional information: single, ready to travel, has a driver's license.