Additional professional education in labor protection. Occupational safety training Occupational safety engineer training

In this article, we will explain in detail what “Technosphere Safety” is, give a definition, talk about the history of the specialty, provide legislative acts of the Russian Federation and give recommendations on whether it is worth studying in this area. We will also explain who to work in the field of “Technosphere Safety” and whether to obtain a specialty in “Technosphere Safety”.

Let's begin...

Technosphere safety is direction of training specialists in the field of labor protection, ensuring industrial safety of technological processes and production both in normal conditions and in emergency situations.

So what is this specialty “Technosphere Security” and what do you need to know first?

  • This is the main specialty that a labor protection specialist needs to obtain to carry out his activities. You will understand this if you read this article to the end;
  • this is an enlarged area of ​​training among occupational safety specialties such as “Safety of technological processes”, “Safety of technological production”, “Protection in emergency situations”, “Protection of the environment” and so on. Therefore, we recommend this specialty to be acquired primarily by future, as well as current, occupational safety specialists.

The specialty is suitable for those people who want to deal with issues of industrial safety, industrial safety, fire safety, and environmental safety. Graduates of this specialty quickly occupy leadership positions. For example, they become heads of labor protection services.

Due to the fact that the state pays special attention to issues of labor protection at the enterprise, the demand for this specialty significantly exceeds the supply. Therefore, there will be no problems with employment. So, just go to any job site to see this.

Where to work in the specialty “Technosphere safety”?

Persons who have completed training in the specialty “Technosphere Safety” can work in the following professions:

— occupational safety specialist;
— environmental engineer;
— specialist of supervisory organizations in the field of labor protection and fire safety
– specialist of expert organizations in the field of labor protection, industrial and fire safety (conducting an expert assessment of working conditions, examination of labor safety, legislation, occupational safety training, etc.)

So, what kind of specialty is “Technosphere Security”? All professions in this specialty are not associated with physical labor. The necessary skills are, first of all, knowledge of labor protection legislation, compliance with job descriptions and regulations. The employee's analytical skills must be at an average level. These professions are universal. They combine both humanities and technical skills. The choice of who to work in this specialty is yours!

Specialty "Technosphere safety", demand

Occupational Safety Specialist- This is the most in-demand profession. You can read about this profession on the page

Environmental engineer is a specialist who deals with environmental conservation issues. In the course of his activities, an ecologist studies the state of the earth's surface and assesses the impact of harmful substances on the atmosphere. An ecologist can work in environmental enterprises, educational and healthcare institutions. Currently, the profession of an environmental engineer is considered not to be in great demand, but due to the fact that the state has begun to pay special attention to environmental problems, the profession of an ecologist will be more in demand in the future.

Specialist of supervisory organizations– this is actually the profession “State Labor Inspector”. A labor inspector is an employee of the labor inspectorate. It conducts inspections of enterprises for compliance with labor protection legislation. The profession of a labor inspector with a specialty in “Technosphere Safety” is in demand.

Specialist of expert organizations is primarily an expert in assessing working conditions at enterprises. Because All enterprises must undergo a special assessment of working conditions, so this profession is in demand.

Conclusion: the specialty “Technosphere Safety” is in great demand! All you have to do is make your choice as to who to work in the specialty “Technosphere Safety”. And then

What is the salary of Technosphere Security specialists?

When choosing any profession, you need to decide how interesting it will be and what the salary will be. “Technosphere security” - what is this specialty and what is the salary? We have answered the first question. As for remuneration, we can say that it is higher than in other specialties.

Labor remuneration “Technosphere safety” as of 2019 according to the websiteHeadHunter:

Average salary of a labor protection specialist:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 50-90 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 50-70 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 25-35 thousand rubles

Average salary of an environmental engineer:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 35-50 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 35-40 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 15-25 thousand rubles

Average salary of a state labor inspector:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 55 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 40 thousand rubles

Average salary of an expert for special assessment of working conditions:
Moscow and St. Petersburg - 45-65 thousand rubles
In the northern region of Russia – 40-50 thousand rubles
In the central region of Russia – 30 thousand rubles

Does an occupational safety specialist need to undergo training in Technosphere Safety?

If you are going to work, or are already working as an occupational safety specialist, you may have a question: Should you obtain a specialty in “Technosphere Safety”? We'll try to answer.

Currently, a labor protection specialist must conduct his activities strictly in accordance with. It contains a mandatory requirement for a specialist position. Persons with higher or secondary education in labor protection have the right to hold the position of occupational safety specialist. In the absence of proper education in labor protection, the specialist must


If you want to work as an occupational safety specialist, you simply need an education in occupational safety in the field of “Technosphere Safety”!

If you are already working as a labor protection specialist in an organization, then it is enough for you to have a specialty in the diploma “Technosphere Safety” or a similar one in labor protection, for example, “Life Safety”, “Safety of Technological Processes and Production”, etc.

The history of the emergence of the specialty “Technosphere Safety”, its significance

You have already learned what “Technosphere Security” is, now we will tell you about the history of the emergence of this specialty. Back in 2003 Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2003 N 276-st put into effect All-Russian Classifier of Specialties in Education (OKSO) OK 009-2003. It was created to streamline and conveniently record specialties in the Russian Federation.

An occupational safety specialist will be interested in the following OKSO codes:

Specialty code Areas of training

280100 Life safety
280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280102 Safety of technological processes and production
280103 Protection in emergency situations
280104 Fire safety
280201 Environmental protection

At that time, individuals who completed the training could be awarded the qualifications of “occupational safety engineer”, “environmental engineer”, or simply “engineer” or “technician”.

In connection with the transition of higher professional education in the Russian Federation to international educational standards, the terms and names of higher education qualifications have changed. A bachelor's degree with a duration of study of 4 years and a master's degree of + 2 years appeared. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the specialties specified in the OKSO to the international standard, and indicate which professions from the OKSO would correspond to a bachelor’s degree and which to a master’s degree.

In this regard, came out Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2009 N 337 “On approval of lists of areas of training for higher professional education”, which lists all possible majors for undergraduate and graduate degrees.

In this order, the first mention of the specialty “Technosphere Safety” appeared with qualification code 280700. It is indicated that both bachelors and masters are trained in this area.

The field of higher education training “Technosphere Safety” was equated to occupational safety specialties from OKSO. Yes, according to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2011 N 201 the following correspondence of the direction of preparation of higher professional education is established:

Order 337 of September 17, 2009 Resolution 276-st of September 30, 2003 (OKSO)

Technosphere safety


280101 Life safety in the technosphere
280201 Environmental protection
280102 Process safety
280103 Emergency protection
280104 Fire safety
280200 Environment protection
280202 Engineering environmental protection

In 2013, Order 337 of September 17, 2009 was replaced by Order 1061 of September 12, 2013 with an updated list of specialties. From the point of view of our specialty, this order did not change anything except the code for the direction of training. The code for the direction of training “Technosphere Safety” 280700 changes to codes 20.03.01, 20.04.01 and 20.06.01.

AT THE NIGHT "ODPO "TRAFECENTER" the following types of training are conducted for occupational safety specialists:

Advanced training and retraining can be carried out in such areas as investigation of industrial accidents, compensation from the social insurance fund (FSS) in connection with accidents, etc.

Occupational safety engineer courses are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation on labor protection, in agreement with the management of enterprises and organizations whose specialists are trained and certified at the NOCHU "ODPO "TRAFECENTER".

40 hours:

72 hours: a certificate valid for 3 years from the date of issue; minutes of the meeting of the certification commission signed by an inspector of the State Labor Inspectorate.

256 hours: a diploma of professional retraining in the field of labor protection, valid for 5 years from the date of issue with an attachment; Diploma Supplement.

Photos of classrooms

NIGHT" ODPO "TRAFECTION CENTER» has all the necessary equipment to clearly demonstrate the learning process.

NIGHT " ODPO "TRAFECTION CENTER» provides training for occupational health and safety engineers on favorable terms in Moscow. Our training center has such advantages as the availability of a material and technical base for training and certification, experienced teaching staff (many of them are former labor safety inspectors), and the possibility of full-time and distance learning.

Highly qualified labor protection specialist is the key to safety at the enterprise!

According to the law, labor protection engineers (specialists) are required to undergo professional retraining at least once every 5 years. To improve qualifications, special courses are also provided.

Features of distance learning for OT engineers

Distance learning for occupational safety and health engineers can be carried out on-the-job for specialists taking courses. In this case, hours are provided for independent study of materials provided for in the center’s curriculum. Regardless of the direction and form of training (full-time or distance learning), certification of labor protection engineers (specialists) is carried out by teachers of our training center. Detailed information about the directions, forms of training, and their schedule can be found by contacting our training center using the contact information provided on our website or using the feedback form.

A safety, health and labor standards engineer is one of the key specialists of the enterprise. He is responsible for compliance with the rules of organizing the work process, ensuring the preservation of the life and health of employees. Professionals who have received specialized education do everything possible to eliminate the likelihood of accidents at work and reduce the risks of slowing down work at the site. There are special requirements for the qualifications of occupational safety engineers, because these people instruct workers who come into contact with dangerous devices and perform technically complex tasks.

Requirements and wishes for specialists

The position of occupational health and safety engineer at an enterprise can only be held by a person with the appropriate knowledge and skills. He must have a higher technical education; work experience in his field, gained under the guidance of more qualified specialists, is welcome. Depending on the level of qualification, an employee is assigned one of three categories.

Requirements for a labor protection engineer:

  • availability of knowledge in the field of legal regulation of labor protection at industrial and hazardous facilities of various profiles;
  • an engineer for labor regulation and worker safety must constantly improve his professionalism and study changes in regulations in his field;
  • ability to interact with colleagues, senior management and inspection bodies;
  • the ability to remain calm in difficult and emergency situations, to think logically and, if necessary, act not only according to instructions, but also outside the box;
  • knowledge of computers and office equipment at the level of a confident user;
  • a clear understanding of the recommendations of the instructions provided by the specialty.

A labor standards engineer must comply with the same provisions, but he is additionally subject to a number of requirements. Firstly, it is a clear understanding of the nuances of a particular production, the ability to assess their impact on the employee benefits system. Secondly, orientation in the system of organizing the labor process and personnel management. The education of such a person includes basic knowledge of psychology, sociology and human physiology.

In terms of the personal qualities of a specialist applying for a narrowly focused position, the basic characteristics require resistance to stress, calmness and sociability. This should be a person who is not afraid to take responsibility for the well-being of other people. Career guidance will help you accurately determine your chances of success in a specific field. She will reveal a predisposition to this type of work or indicate qualities that may interfere with professional growth.

What does an occupational safety officer do?

A full-time labor standards or work process protection engineer must perform the functions specified in the instructions. Usually this is a standard list of provisions, which can be supplemented in accordance with the specifics of a particular area. In any case, the actions of a professional will be aimed at protecting the interests of the company’s employees and maintaining production processes at the proper level.

Basic responsibilities of a labor protection engineer:

  • monitoring compliance at the site with legal standards that provide employees with benefits and optimal working conditions;
  • carrying out inspections to assess the technical condition of the building and the functionality of the equipment;
  • the specialist’s key skills are aimed at preventing the development of emergency situations;
  • organizing educational events to reduce the risk of occupational diseases among workers;
  • providing methodological assistance to departments of the company or production;
  • conducting briefings, drawing up documents and reports, carrying out orders from senior management.

The responsibilities assigned to the engineer must be documented. The timing and methods of performing these functions are established depending on the specifics of the direction and the desired results.

A safety specialist is required to regularly take training courses and improve his qualifications, and confirm his level before the certification commission.

List of job responsibilities of a labor standards engineer:

  • development and implementation of indicators that allow the enterprise to function at the required level without causing inconvenience to employees;
  • conducting an analysis of the condition of workers in order to equalize the conditions of their activities at all stages of production;
  • monitoring the implementation of established recommendations and compliance with standards;
  • assessing the compliance of the number of employees with the workload level, changing the schedule depending on the staffing level;
  • a labor standards engineer conducts briefings and organizes specialist studies of various areas of production processes in order to reduce costs;
  • changing prices for employee activities in accordance with updated labor legislation.

A specialized specialist not only trains company employees, but also constantly studies changing market trends. He is responsible for introducing progressive methods for organizing the company's activities in order to obtain benefits and reduce the risk of losing qualified employees.

Pros and cons of the direction

The profession of a labor safety engineer involves constant contact with people. It can be a start for career growth, although not so much in terms of increasing the prestige of the position, but by getting a job at a more financially developed enterprise. The direction is considered in demand, even novice employees can count on employment. Every year more and more large enterprises, construction and mining projects are launched. Each of them requires occupational health and safety engineers.

The negative aspect is the need to constantly receive additional education in order to keep up with trends in a particular field or main direction. The ability of such employees to convey information to others is highly valued. If there are no communication skills and no opportunity to establish contact with people, the employee’s work will be of little benefit. Another disadvantage of the position is the high level of responsibility to the personnel and management of the enterprise.

How to become a labor protection engineer

The desired position on a permanent basis can only be filled by a specialist who has a higher technical education in the field of Life Safety. There are many universities to obtain the required diploma. The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is considered one of the most advanced.

To become a safety engineer on a temporary basis, you can get by with incomplete specialized education. In any case, categories will begin to be awarded to specialists only after receiving a university diploma, and without them it is impossible to advance up the career ladder.

Employee salary level

At the initial stage, the salary of a sector worker ranges from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. As the employee's experience and skill level increases, the numbers grow. Depending on the position, category, qualifications and field of activity, the average salary of a specialist ranges from 35 to 70 thousand rubles. Large enterprises have entire departments dedicated to this area. In this case, individual employees become senior engineers in their area. Their salary sometimes reaches 100 thousand rubles, and in commercial enterprises the figures exceed this mark.

The salary of a labor protection engineer can vary from 15 to 100 or more thousand rubles.

Engineers or occupational safety specialists are responsible not only for the working conditions of enterprise employees. The functionality of the equipment in the workshops, the speed of implementation of the plans, and the company’s profit largely depend on them. To achieve success in your chosen direction, you must not only focus on your professional field of activity, but also study the nuances of a given field. An employee's ability to optimize the organization's performance technically, socially and financially is highly valued by employers.

A labor protection engineer is a complex profession and you can’t just become one. Where do they train to become an occupational safety engineer? In what university can I study to become an occupational safety engineer? Let's find out!

A labor safety engineer is responsible for the safety of personnel during work. His duty is to preserve the life and health of employees and at the same time comply with laws and safety regulations.

Of course, such a position will not be entrusted to just anyone. To work in the profession, firstly, you will need to have work experience related to safety, and secondly, you will need to train as an occupational safety engineer.

An occupational safety engineer participates in the development of occupational safety documentation at the enterprise, monitors implementation, instructs new employees, monitors timely technical inspection of equipment, and certifies workplaces for compliance with standards. This is an interesting specialty, but it pays differently.

A labor protection engineer can receive from 15 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the region and the capabilities of enterprise management.

Today, the specialty of a labor safety engineer is one of the most in demand, since according to Article 217 of the Labor Code, if the number of employees exceeds 50 people, then this position is mandatory in the state, regardless of the form of ownership and desires of management.

And recently, there has been a tendency to mandatorily introduce a labor safety engineer into the workforce, regardless of the number of employees. This is especially true for enterprises associated with the technological process, since it can pose a danger to human life and health.

Where to study to become a labor protection engineer?

Becoming an occupational safety engineer is not easy: you need to obtain a technical higher education.

You can study to become a labor safety engineer in many universities in the country that provide technical education. Which university to choose? A future specialist needs to know that, according to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 559 of May 17, 2012, it is absolutely necessary to receive an education in the field of “Technosphere Safety” or something similar, for example, “Industrial Safety”.

Thus, a future labor safety engineer can choose any university, as long as the education received meets the requirements of the order.

Universities that train labor protection engineers

There are no specialized universities where occupational safety engineers are trained. But this specialty can be found in fire service universities, such as the Academy of the State Fire Service in Moscow, St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service.

It also exists in military educational institutions. For example, at the Institute of Military-Technical Education and Security there is a specialty “Protection in Emergency Situations”, developed for labor protection in such conditions.

There are many universities where they train to become occupational safety engineers, and there are various technological and polytechnic institutes. Their names are so numerous that the question of where to study to become a labor protection engineer is not even a question. You can study in many universities.

The specialization “Industrial Safety”, which is mainly concerned with the training of specialists involved in the economic activities of enterprises, ensuring accident-free operation and improving working conditions, can also be obtained in such educational institutions as the Russian State Social University, the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygina.

Where is the best place to study to become a labor protection engineer?

Nowadays, it doesn’t matter where to study as a labor protection engineer - in Moscow or the region. Education is equally good in many cities. Of course, if an institute cannot pass state certification, then there is a certain risk that the diploma will not be listed among employers.

But it is important to know that in different universities there is a division according to the profile of work depending on the specifics. Thus, in construction institutes, labor protection can be taught with an emphasis on construction topics; in railway institutes, the emphasis is on the safety of workers specifically in working conditions on the railway.

To monitor labor safety at a power plant, a labor safety engineer will be required to obtain group 4 in electrical safety and, in addition, the right to inspect. But the main requirement for the specialty is still knowledge of how to prevent an accident at an enterprise, protect the interests of workers from the arbitrariness of employers, and the interests of employers from inspection bodies, the ability to investigate accidents and mitigate their consequences as much as possible. A labor safety engineer is a kind of insurance for managers.

In addition to receiving education at universities, labor protection engineers must also take advanced training courses, and are also required to confirm their knowledge every three years.

By the way, it’s not uncommon for people to come into this profession from related specialties. Often, universities offer the specialty of occupational safety engineer as professional retraining for environmental engineers and specialists from expert organizations involved in life safety.

In general, you need to choose where to study to become a labor protection engineer based on the student’s goals. This could be any construction or railway university, technological or polytechnic institute. The main thing is to have accreditation.

So, you have made your choice: your future profession is a labor protection engineer. After reading this article, you will gain knowledge about the practical activities of an OT engineer.

The management structure of any enterprise with more than 50 employees has a labor protection service. This service is headed by an occupational safety engineer or the head of the occupational safety service, who reports to the occupational safety engineer. If for the head of an enterprise the chief accountant is the right hand, then the labor protection engineer is the left. Although these professions are completely different, we can safely put an equal sign between them in terms of importance for the enterprise. The training of occupational safety and health engineers often takes place at appropriate occupational safety and health training centers or occupational safety and industrial safety centers.

What is labor protection in an enterprise? What is the main function of an OT engineer? If we use the terminology of legislative language, then this is a system of legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary, hygienic, treatment and preventive measures and means aimed at preserving the life, health and ability of a person to work in the process of work. To put it simply, the main and primary task of an occupational safety engineer is to prevent accidents at work. The absence of a work-related injury is the highest assessment of an engineer’s work, an indicator that the training of labor safety engineers was not in vain, and the training of labor safety personnel at the enterprise entrusted to him is at a good level.

The responsibilities of an occupational safety engineer usually include: organizing and monitoring compliance with legislation, norms and regulations on labor protection; development of draft action plans to improve labor safety conditions; general issues workplace certification; investigation of industrial accidents; development and revision of labor protection instructions; Conducting introductory training on labor protection to employees of the enterprise; drawing up requests for workwear, personal protective equipment, special food, monitoring the timely issuance of workwear to employees; control over the timeliness of employees undergoing primary and periodic medical examinations; participation in the commission for testing knowledge on labor protection issues, in conducting regular seminars on labor protection and in the work of the certification commission.

Every employee of an enterprise, from the cleaner of office or production premises to the manager, has the right to safe working conditions. An OT engineer creates these conditions. The main thing that an engineer should know is information about the complete production and technological process of the enterprise. Each profession, workplace, equipment is subject to close control by an engineer and certification of each workplace must be carried out without fail. The life of an enterprise employee depends on the quality of control and preventive measures.

You should start working in this profession with the Law “On Labor Protection”. By carefully studying each article of the Law, you will arm yourself with legal knowledge. As a result, you will know, depending on the specifics of your production, the legal framework for labor protection, and these are: NPAOP, DNAOP, Regulations, standards, SNiPs, GOSTs, instructions, technical regulations - issues of environmental, industrial and fire safety (including including minimum fire training), rules for providing first aid to victims at the scene after an accident, etc. Compliance with these standards is the key to the success of your work. It is also mandatory to study the Labor Code, the Vacation Law, and a collective agreement, if available at the enterprise.

The labor protection engineer reports only to the first manager of the enterprise. Therefore, upon discovering a violation regarding labor protection issues, it is necessary to immediately report to the manager to take corrective action, especially when this elimination requires financial investments.
Every year, the enterprise is subject to inspection by the relevant state supervisory service, which examines the organization of labor protection training at the enterprise and other vital issues. A meeting with an inspector has its pros and cons for an safety engineer. Although the labor safety engineer and the inspector are on opposite sides of the “barricades,” in the end they do one common thing, aimed at preserving the life and health of workers. Don't hesitate to ask him substantive questions.

An occupational safety engineer must have a periodic subscription to a specialized magazine on occupational safety issues. You will always have current information about events in the legislative sphere at your fingertips, you will have the opportunity to exchange experience, and you will also be able to get free, qualified advice on the pages of the magazine on an issue of interest. To make the engineer’s work easier, be sure to use a computer and the Occupational Safety and Health software. Currently, every labor safety engineer whose training took place in the correct labor protection courses is required to have computer skills at a high level. The program will keep records and office work, and the person can devote part of the freed up time to his immediate responsibilities.

An engineer devotes part of his daily work to studying regulatory documents. Over time, you will gain experience working with documents, and therefore master legislative terminology. This means that, in addition, having familiarized yourself with other legislative acts in other branches of economics or law, you will be able to acquire a second specialty as a lawyer.

Like any profession, an occupational safety engineer has qualification categories, such as: no category (entry level), category 2, category 1, leading engineer. Once every three years, an engineer must undergo periodic