Vcv sberbank questions. How does an interview for a consultant take place at Sberbank?

Among contemporaries it is unlikely that you will be able to find a person who has never heard of Sberbank. The company occupies a leading position among the country's financial institutions. The company was founded in 1841. Today its services are used by 70% of the population. The company has 17,493 divisions operating in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Bank strategy

Considerable importance in the enterprise development program is given to improving the quality of customer service. Therefore, it would not hurt for job seekers to clarify during the interview the requirements for personnel in this area and penalties for consumer complaints. To get a complete picture, try researching job reviews from past and present employees. This will help to form a more objective idea of ​​the specifics of working conditions.

About achievements

The organization pays special attention to improving functionality in the field of remote management of consumer accounts. Popular bank tools are available for this purpose:

  • Terminals and ATMs.
  • Online banking.
  • SMS notification.
  • Mobile app.

Millions of users use the bank's convenient functionality. Those who will work with the organization's clients will probably have to become well-versed in popular customer service tools.

Today, compatriots in the external appearance and internal structure of the organization no longer resemble Soviet savings banks. The enterprise is a modern project that can withstand competition in the financing and lending market.

In 2014, the organization took first place among banks in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as 33rd position in the TOP ranking of thousands of global financial institutions, according to The Banker magazine. According to Global Finance, the company provides consumers with the best level of services in the field of online retail banking.

The company's reputation is well characterized by the number of its clients. The bank's depositors are 34.7% of individuals and 33.9% of legal organizations in Russia. The institution’s clients include more than half of the state’s population, which is 110 million people. The establishment’s clients include more than 1 million enterprises. About 11 million people use the company's services abroad.

About career

Anyone applying for a job at Sberbank will have to go for an interview with the largest organization on which, without exaggeration, the Russian economy, or more precisely, a third of its banking industry, rests. The company provides a place for employment to every 150th family of compatriots. It employs more than 260,000 employees. Their actions are aimed at transforming the enterprise into the best international organization in the industry.

The range of activities of customer service personnel is wide and varied. They serve:

  • Traditional deposits.
  • Loan programs.
  • Bank cards.
  • Money transfers.
  • Insurance.
  • Brokerage services, etc.

Residents of such world powers as Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan can become employees of the enterprise. The company's branches operate in nine countries of Eastern and Central Europe. The company has representative offices in Switzerland, India, China, and Germany. In Russia, branches have been opened in many regions of the state. The location of branches can be clarified on the bank’s website or in large online services that provide maps of the Russian Federation.

Getting started on the career ladder

Those who want to get a job can use the advanced search function for vacancies on the company’s website. To do this, the applicant will have to indicate his region, city, bank branch, part-time or full-time employment and other application parameters. If all the conditions of the vacancy satisfy the candidate, he can respond to the advertisement online.

Educational programs

For candidates without experience, the organization offers training and internship at the enterprise. To become a participant in the educational program operating within the framework of the “Territory of Meanings” forum, you need to register on the website of a financial institution and apply for a vacancy as an intern or trainee. Of course, the actual working conditions in the organization will make it possible to best assess the climate in the team and other features of the bank. Reviews of the employer from experienced employees will help you collect preliminary information about the situation between colleagues, as well as find out about the attitude of the administration towards the staff.

Sberbank is a large and serious bank that constantly requires specialists. Working there is a tempting offer for both students and graduates, as well as those with experience in the banking sector. To be hired, you need to pass an interview at Sberbank. How the interview goes and how to prepare – this will be discussed further.

How to pass an interview for a consultant at Sberbank

The most vacant position at Sberbank remains a consultant position. This is the entry level. Next, you can get into sales managers. The bank monitors its reputation - it needs real professionals in their field, which requires serious selection.

The interview at Sberbank for a consultant and subsequent hiring takes place in several stages:

  • Interview with the HR manager. It often takes place in a group format and ends with testing, which eliminates most of the applicants.
  • Interview with a specialist.
  • Completing an internship for training.
  • Actually, the beginning of real work for the “survivors”.

Not everyone will be able to go through this difficult path, but let's start from the very beginning. Before you have an interview at Sberbank as a consultant, you should be well prepared, otherwise you can ruin everything at the very beginning. It seems that working as a consultant is easy, but it is not. You must have sufficient knowledge, patience, and the ability to communicate with a wide variety of types of people. To prepare, it is better to know in advance how the interview at Sberbank is going, what questions will be asked, and what future responsibilities will be.

The first stage of a career at Sberbank

Before being interviewed at Sberbank as a consultant, the applicant fills out a questionnaire and provides a resume. Then he will have to complete all of the above steps. The HR manager usually asks superficial questions during an interview at Sberbank, allowing you to determine how self-confident and purposeful you are. After this, testing will be required.

How is the selection of specialists carried out?

Testing is a popular modern way of identifying unsuitable candidates. How to pass an interview at Sberbank using the test? Look for similar online tests on the Internet - many banking companies use them to determine the sufficient intelligence, mathematical skills and erudition of a future employee.

Interview questions at Sberbank in the tests are of a psychological nature, tests for the ability to understand instructions and solve numerical examples.

Mass interviews at Sberbank have also become permanent, because there are a lot of people who want to get a job. In this case, first everyone introduces themselves, then they can show some situation and ask to solve it. How to complete such a task? It is important to show goodwill, sociability with the highest respect for the client.

Questions asked during an interview and their answers

An interview with a specialist is an even more serious stage.

Questions asked during an interview at Sberbank when communicating with a specialist may be of a personal or professional nature:

  • What is leasing, liquidity, shares, bills, bonds?
  • If the ruble falls – is it good or bad?
  • Why do you want to get a job at Sberbank? Plans for the future (career growth)?

Answers at an interview at Sberbank should be clear, concise, and to the point. If you are a specialist in your field (even if you are a student), finding answers will not be difficult. Of course, knowing what questions will be asked during an interview at Sberbank will make it easier to pass.

It is often suggested to play a role-playing game, for example, selling a deposit to an imaginary client. You need to be prepared for this too.

It is impossible to predict all the questions and answers during an interview at Sberbank - they can differ significantly, depending on who is conducting it and what position they hold. If you want to get a job as a consultant at a bank, they usually don’t burden you with any special financial definitions. It is more important for such a candidate to pass the test and be able to show goodwill and customer focus.

Feedback on the interview

Before going through an interview at Sberbank, you can search for reviews about it on the Internet. They are very different, because they also depend on the interviewer. But it’s better to be prepared for anything - studying them will come in handy. There are also descriptions online of how an interview at a Sberbank for a consultant takes place in the first person.

How to pass an interview for a position at Sberbank? This question is asked by everyone who wants to get a job in a bank. The proverb “meets you by your clothes” comes in very handy here.

Appearance of the applicant

Clothes should look clean and tidy. Use perfume, but in moderation.

  • Men should wear a formal suit. The shirt and tie should not be a bright (even fashionable) color. Elements of sports style are not allowed - T-shirts, shorts, sneakers.
  • We advise women to familiarize themselves with the nuances of business dress code and makeup. Skirts that are too short, sheer fabrics, or revealing cutouts are not recommended. Don't go to extremes and try to impress with an outfit from a fashion boutique.

The most advantageous option is clothing similar to the dress code adopted at the bank. The HR department employee will accept such an applicant as part of the existing team.

A lot will depend on how you present yourself. A neat appearance, calm business clothes, soft makeup, well-groomed hands with calm-colored varnish, clear, literate speech using professional terms, the ability to conduct a conversation and the presence of prepared documents - these are what people will pay attention to first.

Competent resume

The resume should be of interest to the employer, then he will send an invitation to an interview. This is the first opportunity to show yourself and stand out among other candidates for the position.

Your resume must contain information about your strengths, for example, about successful experience in a similar position. If there is no such experience, then it is necessary to highlight education that will be useful for future work.

Literacy and writing style are of great importance. It is better if the text is written in an official business style. Content is important - your resume should show the benefit you can bring to the organization.

Interview stages

When recruiting employees for such organizations, the personnel department selects applicants more strictly, since there are a lot of applicants. The applicant must be prepared to answer questions and take a psychological or lie detector test.

If you have a criminal record, have a bad credit history, are associated with questionable financial companies or people with a criminal record, then all of this can lead to a refusal to work.

Important candidate qualities:

  • Stress resistance.
  • Workaholism.
  • Ability to work in a team.
  • Customer focus.
  • Accuracy.
  • Energy and activity.

After you contact the department with an application, you will need to go through several interview stages:

  • filling out a form indicating your data.
  • personal communication, acquaintance, viewing information materials. You will have to communicate with a human resources manager who usually does not understand the specifics of the position for which you are applying. His questions will be of a superficial nature in order to determine how purposeful, active, persistent you are, and what your position in life is. At this stage, they can say goodbye to an applicant who cannot present himself correctly and is inactive.
  • passing a computer test for knowledge of basic economic terms and situations, logic, and intelligence. At this stage, a conversation takes place with a specialist, that is, with an ordinary employee occupying the position you are interested in. This could also be a senior operator or deputy department head. During the conversation, it is worth talking about your professional skills, level of training for such work, and your experience.

Example of an attentiveness test

  • personal communication with the manager - head or director of the branch. The main emphasis is on how ready a person is to work in a banking institution, whether he understands the amount of work ahead, as well as what the applicant’s expectations are and whether he is ready to make a significant contribution to the development of the company.
  • completing an educational internship, which lasts no more than 5 days and is paid according to the agreement (scholarship).

All these stages are conditional. The hiring of certain employees to the company is carried out in different ways.

What questions to prepare for?

You will be asked few economic questions; in most cases the questions will be general.

  • Is it good or bad that the ruble is falling?
  • List all your strengths and all your weaknesses.
  • How did you study, do you have a diploma with honors?
  • Goals in life, where you see yourself in the near future.
  • Tell us about yourself. Important biographical facts that the applicant wishes to provide are an essential part of the interview. There is no need to talk about your life step by step. You should briefly describe your professional development, qualifications, and suitability for the chosen position. You can talk a little about your family and hobbies.
  • What salary would you like to receive? This article describes approximately what numbers you should expect;
  • Why did you choose Sberbank? This question helps the employer understand how interested the applicant is in this particular organization and what his plans are. The answer should reflect an interest in banking and a specific position. It is definitely worth mentioning that you want to build a career in this bank. You should not answer that you want to make money, this will make a negative impression.

You can also say that you consider this banking institution to be stable, reliable, that you want to become part of the team of a promising bank and achieve success by applying your knowledge and experience.

Speech should be competent and concise, while remaining calm and friendly.

You will definitely need to complete several tasks that will determine your professional suitability. This could be reading a balance sheet, preparing financial statements, or role-playing.

All upcoming questions can be divided into several groups.

  • Personal (age, marital status, residential address, hobbies and interests).
  • Professional. You need to interest the employer in your skills and abilities - job responsibilities at your previous place of work, additional experience, reason for leaving your previous place of employment. The latter is necessary in order to determine whether the employee is conflict-ridden and incompetent. The best answer should contain a positive review of the previous job, and the change of place is associated with the desire to realize oneself more fully and move to a more interesting job.
  • Concerning wages. You will be asked how much you earned before, and how much you plan to receive while working at Sberbank.
  • About future work. The applicant will be asked how long he plans to work in the company, whether he plans to climb the career ladder, what his ultimate goals are and how the employee sees himself after several years of work in the institution. A normal answer should contain plans for career growth in the company. This will allow the employer to see that the applicant is looking beyond today.

Why do many specialists look for work at Sberbank?

You may be asked a similar question during an interview. You should know some things about the company's activities and read employee reviews in order to answer correctly.

  • Sberbank has a fairly high level of remuneration. The starting salary is not that high, but over time the salary increases significantly due to bonuses, bonuses and benefits. Therefore, experienced employees stay in this banking organization for a long time.
  • This is the largest bank in Russia, reliable and stable. Complies with labor laws. Employees' salaries are credited to a plastic card. Sick leave, medical insurance, and pension contributions are paid. Employee bonuses are calculated according to a specific algorithm.
  • Clear instructions for work. Each employee is informed about what to do in a given situation. The instructions spell out consumer service standards and clear algorithms for carrying out various banking operations.
  • Good training system. Trainings and seminars are conducted for employees. Before performing certain operations, you must pass special tests.

  • Each employee is responsible only for his own work.

What to prepare

Prepare a standard package of documents - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a completed resume, papers on receipt of primary and higher education (if available). If you have taken additional courses, certificates will not be superfluous.

For example, for the position of a consultant at Sberbank, it is enough to have any higher education. However, there is a difference whether you are applying for a vacancy in Moscow and St. Petersburg, or in a small town. In the first case, you will need a diploma from an economics or finance university, and in the second, even a secondary education will do.

Features of working at Sberbank

We list the main nuances, based on employee reviews.

  • A lot of work. Sometimes you have to perform several tasks at the same time, stay late or go on weekends.
  • Strict management requirements are not discussed. That is, you need to prepare for frequent criticism.
  • Working in a bank, in any bank, is not suitable for creative people because of the paperwork and a lot of numbers.
  • High degree of responsibility, since we are talking about large sums passing through this bank.
  • Strict dress code. Before employment, you need to update your wardrobe.
  • Nice gifts for the best employees, for example, gym memberships, movie tickets.
  • Opportunity to buy tours abroad at reduced prices.
  • Cozy working atmosphere and great team.
If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you definitely need to read this article. If you just want to get a loan on favorable terms, then click here. If you want to apply for a credit card, then follow this link. Find other posts on this topic here.

How to pass an interview at Sberbank


The interview is usually preceded by a telephone conversation, during which it is advisable for you to find out not only the availability of a vacancy, the address of the organization and the time when you should come, but also the requirements for candidates. In addition, try to immediately clarify all the points related to working conditions, so you can determine in advance whether the job is suitable for you or not.

Clothing should be in a classic style, since when working in a bank you will always have to adhere to a business-style dress code. Try to avoid flashy accessories and bright colors in cosmetics; you should look neat and modest. For jewelry, a girl can choose small gold earrings and a chain with a pendant; a man should choose a watch to give the impression of a punctual person.

Under no circumstances should you be late for an interview. In addition, you need to turn off your cell phone so that it does not ring in the middle of a conversation. Take with you documents that characterize you as a professional corresponding to the level of the vacancy: this could be a diploma, a certificate of completion of courses, a work record, recommendations from previous places of work.

Think in advance about the answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. Employers are especially concerned about where and with whom you previously worked, the reasons for your dismissal, why you want to work at Sberbank, what business qualities you consider the most important, and why you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position.

Be prepared that you may have to fill out a form, take certain tests, or complete assignments. An assessment of your professional qualities is a mandatory condition for employment in a branch of Sberbank of Russia.


The bank's security service will definitely check you and your relatives, and in some cases even interview friends and neighbors. If there are relatives who served time for robbery or theft, or vice versa, who work in responsible positions in other banks, then most likely you will be denied a job.

What do they ask at a bank interview?

Working in the banking sector means stability, reliability, and prestige. The selection of applicants is carried out strictly, the requirements are high. To get a job in a bank, you must have good knowledge, have a presentable appearance and adhere to ethical behavior.

Interview stages

The banking system provides for a competitive multi-stage selection. First, the HR department employee responsible for personnel selection gets acquainted with the applicant’s resume and a telephone interview is conducted. Selected candidates who meet the requirements are invited for an interview with their immediate supervisor or head of the personnel department, this depends on the hierarchy in a particular bank. Sberbank practices group interviews at the initial stage. During an in-person interview, you may be asked to take a test and answer a number of questions. A little later we’ll look at what questions are asked during an interview at a bank.

The final stage is a final interview with the head of the bank or bank branch. It determines how suitable a person is for the vacant position and whether he is ready for work. Often the hiring decision has already been made and the manager invites the candidate to verify the characteristics that the applicant received in previous interviews. This may be the final, but quite important stage of the interview. Therefore, take care of your appearance and arrive early for the interview.

Rules for a successful interview at a bank

Working with finances requires serious attitude and care. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the employment process in advance.

Making a resume

The theater begins with a hanger, and employment with a good resume. To create a resume, you can use the form of any job website or create it yourself. Try to describe your experience briefly and succinctly. Be sure to check the text for errors and typos; the banking industry does not tolerate inattention. Adapt your resume to the vacancy for which you are applying; you need to emphasize those skills and abilities that are specified in the requirements for applicants.

When attaching a photo, take where you are in a work environment, in business clothes. Vacation photos and home photos are not suitable. You can use a passport photo, but it is not very informative; it is better to take a photo specifically for your resume. You must attach a cover letter to your resume; do not duplicate the contents of your resume; briefly describe why you want to get this particular position.

Appearance at an interview

Choose a formal, business-like style of clothing. Wear classic, strict style clothes. You can choose the classic option: light top, dark bottom. The colors are dull, pastel shades. Pants or a skirt are suitable in black, gray, brown shades. A jacket will not be superfluous. For girls, shoes should be with low heels up to 4 cm, with closed toes, it is better to collect hair in a strict hairstyle. Use a minimum of perfume, as the manager may simply not like the smell. Light daytime makeup and manicure will complement the image of a serious applicant.

Behavior strategy

Choose a certain line of behavior; if you are embarrassed, practice in front of the mirror. Pay attention to body language, do not cross your arms over your chest, do not cross your legs. The pose should be moderately relaxed. Eye contact with the interlocutor will make it clear that you are interested in the conversation and will emphasize your confidence.

Helpful information

Bank employees working with individuals and legal entities must be emotionally stable, because clients are different. Therefore, even at the interview stage, the employer most often tests a potential employee for stress resistance. Read more about how the test is carried out here

Answer questions clearly, without lengthy arguments. Phrases must be complete and confident. Formulate your answers without using words that indicate self-doubt: “as if,” “maybe,” “possibly,” “probably,” etc. Try to use perfect verbs: “completed”, “did”, achieved.”

Sometimes candidates are tested for stress resistance, and the interview is conducted in a rather harsh manner. Don't be nervous, answer calmly and level-headedly. Remember that this is just a check established by the regulations.

Interview Questions

Questions and answers during an initial interview at a bank are usually standard, but they take into account banking specifics. Therefore, before the interview, it is necessary to prepare, read the legislation relating to financial and banking activities, and refresh the knowledge acquired at the university. The recruiter asks about employment goals and future career plans. Here is a sample list of the most common questions:

Tell us about yourself. This simple question confuses many, especially young applicants and yesterday’s university graduates. The self-presentation skill of a potential candidate is assessed. There is no need to describe your biography in detail, starting from childhood. You can tell an experienced applicant about previous positions, your achievements, and plans. Candidates without experience can describe their achievements over the years of study, plans, desire to work in the banking sector, and the reasons that prompted this. Tell us without unnecessary details, as concisely as possible.

Why do you want to work in our bank? This implies that the applicant is aware of the bank.

To successfully get a job at Sberbank, you need to pass an interview. The purpose of the interview for the employer is multifaceted - it is to test the applicant’s active life position, his professional knowledge and skills, assess the person’s psychotype, and much more. There is no need to be afraid of an interview, but you still need to prepare for it.

After reading our article to the end, you will learn what questions are asked during an interview at Sberbank and how you should behave with the interviewer.

How to behave during an interview

Let's start with the psychological moment of employment. How to behave at an interview?

Rule one. Try to smile at your potential employer. Your smile should not be on duty, feigned. Try to make it sincere - remember some funny moment from life, for example, how a cat fell from a shelf from a loud noise, a mother-in-law fell into a puddle, etc.

Rule three– watch your posture in front of the interviewer and gestures. Don’t fiddle with everything, don’t cross your legs, maintain constant eye contact with your interlocutor. Your look should exude calm and confidence. Don't gesticulate excessively - it definitely won't add points.

Rule four- take pauses in the conversation. You answered the question posed briefly and to the point, but the interlocutor remains silent and is in no hurry to ask the next one? Don't be nervous and try to fill the moment with at least something. This may be a banal psychological test.

Before answering, listen to the end of the question. If you don’t understand something, ask again, because the employer only needs useful information that interests him. When asking again, remain tactful. To do this, use the speech template “Did I understand you correctly?” For example: “Did I understand you correctly that you are interested in the reason for my dismissal from my previous job?”

What questions are usually asked during an interview at Sberbank?

Having prepared you psychologically, let’s now move on to specifics - what they ask at an interview at Sberbank.

All questions can be divided into four broad categories:

  • personal;
  • professional;
  • financial;
  • strategic.

Personal questions relate to age, marital status, current hobbies, place of residence, etc.

The list of professional issues includes the following:

  • what responsibilities were assigned to you at your previous job;
  • Do you have any additional experience and skills that will be useful at work at Sberbank;
  • why did you leave your previous place and are looking for a new one?

Financial questions: the interviewer will definitely ask how much you received before and what salary you expect now. Here you will need to prepare: before the interview, find out what salary level is accepted for the position you want to take. The easiest way to find out this information is on the Internet.

And finally, strategic issues. Have you come to this job temporarily or want to make a career at Sberbank, are you ready to take on increased responsibilities, where do you see yourself in 5 (10 years). The last question is especially popular. And not only at an interview at Sberbank.

How will the interview take place at Sberbank?

Get ready for the fact that you may have to talk not with one person, but with three different people - a human resources manager, a specialist, your future immediate superior (or branch director).

During an interview with a HR manager, “superficial” questions are usually asked, the purpose of which is to determine the determination and level of activity of the applicant.

At the second stage, the person’s professional training is checked. The interview can be conducted by an employee holding the same position, a senior operator or a deputy head of the department.

At the third and final stage, you will speak with your future immediate supervisor or branch director. You will be checked to see how ready you are for new responsibilities, whether you correctly understood their scope, whether you are ready to carry them out, and also make suggestions for improving your work.

Of course, the above gradation is arbitrary. The HR manager can also be a specialist in the banking sector, and then the number of stages will be reduced by 1. On the other hand, the boss can simply talk to you about life. But don’t relax: this is how they test the degree of your readiness to fit into an already established team.

Our article is only a rough guide. It may well turn out that you will be asked several tricky questions. In this case, you will have to use ingenuity, logic and get out of the situation with dignity. Good luck with your interview!

Looking for a job is definitely a responsible undertaking, and if you want to spend your working time in a positive mood, you need to approach your choice carefully, weighing the pros and cons. Before being hired, the candidate undergoes an interview. The more serious the position, the more prestigious the company and the higher the expected salary, the more difficult the tests for selecting employees will be. For many, an interview is an exciting event and in order to be more prepared and therefore more self-confident, such people seek as much information as possible about the upcoming event. Many applicants for a position in this financial institution are interested in how an interview at Sberbank is conducted, what type of questions need to be prepared for and how to present yourself so that they say “Yes” to you.

About Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest bank in Russia and the CIS countries. The bank offers a wide variety of vacancies, including international careers. According to Sberbank, graduates without work experience can start their careers here. In addition to work, the bank provides training opportunities. You can gain new knowledge without leaving your home using a computer connected to the Internet.

Health and sports are not just words for the founders of Sberbank. They perfectly understand the meaning of these concepts in everyone’s life, so they try to support and develop a love for a healthy lifestyle in their employees. To achieve this, master classes are held by experts on physical and psychological health, their own sports complexes are opened with reduced rates for employees, and mass corporate events are periodically organized, for example, to combat smoking. Sberbank was the General Partner of the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014. First, you need to pass an interview at Sberbank in order to take advantage of all the opportunities provided subsequently.

Interview at Sberbank: candidate’s appearance

An interview is an event where you are assessed quickly in all respects. The first impression, which is formed mainly by appearance, can play a key role. Therefore, if you want to know how to pass an interview at Sberbank, here is the first answer: make maximum demands on yourself in terms of appearance. It’s better to look one point better than what the dress code requires, but not worse. For both women and men, clothing should be in a classic style, clean and ironed, with a minimum of jewelry; for women, light makeup, preferably in natural tones, and shoes not with excessively high heels.

Stages of interview at Sberbank

Interviews at Sberbank for banking product consultants, private client service specialists, contact center employees, for basic positions are conducted in a group format. For management positions such as accountant, engineer, etc. The interview takes place in several stages, from two or more. The interview technology at Sberbank is developed taking into account all the requirements for the profession for which applicants are applying.

We will consider a group interview at Sberbank. All stages are designed to test the applicant's different abilities and skills. How suitable is he for the vacant vacancy and the bank? Since basic positions are based on working with clients, a mass interview at Sberbank can show how a candidate behaves in the company of strangers.

All candidates take seats in the room designated for the interview and are given an applicant questionnaire containing standard questions. Next, everyone present is given the opportunity to introduce themselves to others in the form of a short, but preferably succinct presentation. The ability to speak in public will come in handy here; if you don’t have one, practice with your family, friends, or in front of a mirror.

After the auto-presentation, each applicant passes tests for mental arithmetic abilities. Then you need to show your ability to smooth out conflicts and find a way out of the situation, here is an example of a task: a dissatisfied client comes to you with a complaint that he paid for utilities through a bank terminal, but the payment was not credited. Your actions?

To test attentiveness and logic during an interview, Sberbank conducts testing. It includes 43 questions that must be answered within 35 minutes. Interview tests at Sberbank are computerized.

At the end of the interview at Sberbank, a role-playing game of questions and answers follows. You will be asked to play the role of a bank employee, while the recruiter will be a client and you must sell him some banking product, so practice the sales stages in advance.

For the mass interview, we went through all the points. Provided that you performed well and showed the necessary knowledge, you will be invited to the final stage.

Interview at Sberbank: what questions are asked?

At the second meeting you may hear the following questions:

  • How can you be useful to Sberbank;
  • Where do you see yourself in 3-5 years;
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How much would you like to work with people and are you ready to help them?
  • Why did you choose Sberbank?
  • The main competitive advantage of Sberbank.

This is an approximate list of questions; in practice, they can be simpler or more complex; a lot depends on the person working with you. An important point in the entire dialogue will be your behavior; it should be open and confident, then you are guaranteed 50% of success.

Interview at Sberbank: reviews

You can find a lot of reviews about interviews at Sberbank. There are different opinions, both negative and positive.

Naturally, on forums, topics often go beyond just interviews and move into a discussion of working conditions, wages, and so on. It has been noticed that bank employees speak positively about their place of work, only adding that you need to work a lot at Sberbank, especially if you expect career growth, but it is obvious that this condition applies not only to Sberbank. There are also dissatisfied people who either didn’t work there, just heard enough, or didn’t pass the interview, or quit but didn’t work for long.

One can draw a banal conclusion: all people are different and what suits one person does not suit others. As we can observe, Sberbank is actively functioning, and people work there, so if you are unsure whether you will pass an interview at Sberbank, it is better to go and check, because no review will help you more than your own experience.

Video about interview questions

This video will help you navigate how to pass an interview at Sberbank, the basics of correct behavior that will endear you to the employer.