What is success in life? Success in a person's life

What does success in life mean to you? For example, for me it consists of several components that took many years to achieve. And now I understand that what I built day after day, month after month, has finally begun to bear fruit. What was created with such labor began to give me true satisfaction and joy. Something for which I had to give up many generally accepted and fashionable trends has become truly valuable for me and for my loved ones.

But there were moments, not so rare, when it seemed that "I'm going in the wrong direction", What “you have to be with the crowd, you have to live like everyone else”, “Why do all this, what if nothing happens”.

In moments of doubt, I always turned off my phone, took a backpack, a thermos of tea and a notebook with a pen for notes, and went to those places that give me strength and peace.

Spending time alone with yourself, walking surrounded by trees, plunging into the chirping of birds, regardless of external circumstances and internal doubts, you begin to stop. The pace of walking slows down, and the chaotic flow of thoughts slows down, which is the cause of doubt in oneself and one’s actions. In such moments we understand ourselves better. Such moments give us strength and confidence to move in the chosen direction.

To sum up the above, I want to say that if we consciously build our lives day after day, month after month, year after year, then in the end we get something we couldn’t even imagine. As a result, we get much more than we wanted. And first of all, it is inner peace, confidence, satisfaction with oneself and one’s life.

So what does success in life mean to you? How do you want to see yourself and your life in a few years? At one time, I wrote down the answers to these questions in a separate notebook, and then worked for several years to implement my answers. And this is what I finally came to.

For me, success in life is:

First of all, it is inner peace. Harmony of internal and external.

Inner peace appears when you stop participating in the general race. Most often it is a race for one or another promoted and fashionable material goods.

Quite often, at a time when a person does not have this or that fashionable thing that he could show off to others, he begins to experience internal tension.

He doesn’t think about how much effort and time it will take to earn money just to purchase this thing. He throws all his strength into “conforming”, “being no worse than others, and even better - cooler than Vasya Petechkin.” He does not think or analyze the aspect that the same money can be invested in investments that will later give him financial freedom and independence from circumstances, in training that will also bring professional growth and increase financial well-being.

Sometimes a person devotes all his efforts to creating an external gloss, to maintaining an invented image of “rich and successful.” But if you look deeper, quite often such people are mired in loans, in fear of being left without the income that they have now. After all, a decrease in income will directly affect the decrease in the number of fashionable and expensive toys, thanks to which a person gains a certain ersatz confidence.

Sometimes it’s quite sad to watch girls in fashionable brand clothes when they start listing the names of famous people in front of each other, the things from which look so awkward on them. And behind all this brandishness and aching pity for such girls, I just want to ask: “Honey, where are you in all this? What's your name? What are you doing? What do you like? What did you dream about as a child? What gives you strength and real, true happiness? It’s like when you were a child, when you ran barefoot on the floor, and your grandmother scolded you with great love for not putting on your shoes again. Or when you and your girlfriends whispered in the evenings about your first love, about how you would grow up and how happy you would become? What have you created? What good have you done in this world?”.

Giving up branding, fashionability and hype releases enormous inner potential and adds strength and energy. And thanks to this power, we can create, develop and do what makes us truly happy and calm.

At some point, you come to understand yourself and your true needs, and the main thing here is to gain confidence and begin to build your life in such a way that there is inner peace and a feeling of joy, which is basically impossible if a person is hyper-actively involved in the race for fashionable things and directions and associates his success with the number of things purchased.

You need to gain courage and confidence and abandon what has been planted, but which, with a detailed layout and analysis, is not only unnecessary, but causes a lot of problems and unnecessary fuss.

If you don’t need a car, you need to have the courage to admit it to yourself and give it up, even though now almost the first thing people ask is “ What kind of car do you have?. You don't have a car because you don't need it. And not only is it not needed, but you are well aware of how many problems will arise with its acquisition.

If you like Finland more, then you don’t have a complex about the fact that you don’t want to fly to a popular resort and then be able to brag about it to someone, but at the same time lose some kind of internal integrity and self-respect. You continue to fly to those places that give you strength, a sense of peace and happiness. You understand that this is not a fear of something new, but you just want it.

Don't you like fancy watches or fancy clothes from so-and-so? You don’t consider it necessary to spend a lot of money on a piece of iron or a piece of fabric, which in a few years will simply decay or become unusable. And you have the courage to give up what doesn't make you happy. And the main thing is to understand that, in fact, quite often fashionable, promoted things are far from beauty and harmony. And sometimes they really spoil and make people ugly.

Each person has his own “points”, the pursuit of which makes him unhappy and takes away his last strength and energy. What kind of inner peace can we talk about here, when all thoughts are occupied with the fact that “Now I’ll change my car to a newer and more fashionable one, I’ll go to my friends to show it off. Let them see and understand how “cool” I am.“And, as a rule, all these efforts are not justified. True friends don't care what car you drive. And if it doesn’t matter, then why such “friends”? And why try to bend in front of them, please them and meet the standards accepted by someone unknown?

Once upon a time I read an interview with a former intelligence officer. Unfortunately, I don’t remember his last name or the quote verbatim, but he said something like this: “ Previously, the problem was finding information. The problem now is to extract something useful from the deluge of information.”

The problem is not in learning to run, but in not running where you shouldn’t.

I agree that in our time it is difficult for many to resist advertised temptations. It is not easy to resist and not retreat from your principles under the pressure of public opinion. But this is only at the very beginning. The longer you live according to your inner needs and principles, the more independence and inner freedom you gain. The happier and calmer you become. When the external matches the internal, this is true happiness.

After I worked through several parental programs that made my husband and I’s family life unhappy, I took up habits that prevented me from achieving success in one area or another. One of the basic habits that I worked through and which at one time thoroughly ruined the life of me and the people around me was the habit of constantly being offended by everyone.

I gave myself such a great joy in life as the ability to forgive and not be offended by people. I agree, this requires titanic efforts, a lot of time in order to thoroughly forgive all those with whom we have been offended since childhood. But, in fact, it will still take much less time than the rest of your life.

For two years, I sat down almost every day and practiced the forgiveness technique for 20 minutes. I started by forgiving my parents, then myself, and life. Then I got to those men who left not very positive memories of themselves. Then she forgave friends, colleagues, and just acquaintances.

I think it’s pointless to talk now about what I felt “before” and what “after”. Not because I feel sorry for time or “paper”. There are simply no words to describe it. I cannot describe the feelings of resentment and bitterness that I carried within myself for many years. And especially not to describe that feeling of lightness, flight and complete acceptance of some situations, and first of all people, that I began to feel after many months of forgiveness.

If you ask me what one thing you would highlight that has greatly changed and improved your life, I will answer without hesitation - forgiveness.

After practicing forgiveness, my life changed. And not just like that, “my life has changed,” but “My life has REALLY changed for the better.” This is a completely different quality of life. This is not just an overwhelming inner feeling of freedom and independence from people and their actions. This also includes all external benefits, ranging from changes in health to the realization of those desires that simply could not be fulfilled for years. The technique of forgiveness is described in detail by the author, who is very respected by me, A. Sviyash. Or you can read it in my article “The power of forgiveness. How to become happy and save your family".

Thirdly, this is the periodic development of new skills or improvement of those that already exist.

On the one hand, this point seems understandable. But on the other hand, if you look at those who are a little over 30, you will understand that people stop learning something new and stop striving to improve their professional level. I’m not talking about isolated cases when a person ends up in a certain structure in which trainings take place on a voluntary-compulsory basis. I'm talking about the bulk of people.

How long has it been since you learned something new? Have you learned how to work in Adobe Premiere?

Didn’t know how to speak in front of an audience, but recently you dared and took public speaking courses?

Have you learned how to touch-type?

Have you learned Photoshop?

Have you learned to dance tango and waltz?

Have you improved your professional skills by taking a number of master classes and seminars?

When we periodically learn something new, or improve ourselves in our profession that we like, then of course we become more and more successful and in demand.

Fourthly, this is building relationships with like-minded people.

Recently, people have begun to communicate less and less. Many of us are constantly busy, in a hurry and in a hurry; there are often “urgent” matters that are forgotten on the second or third day. When I realized that I began to communicate less and less with those who are near and dear to me, I decided to change this course of things. And it happened like this.

One day, a good friend invited me to come and have tea with her. At that moment I was upset about something, plus there was a lot of work. Citing being busy, I declined the offer. I went up to the office and started working. But the work didn’t go well, and besides, there was a residue in my soul from the fact that I refused the invitation. At that moment, for some reason I remembered my childhood. How easily we went to visit each other, how easy it was for us to approach and get acquainted, make new friends. With what pleasure we gathered with one of our girlfriends and devoured all sorts of goodies.

So what happened to me? I was invited by a pleasant girl. It’s interesting to be with her, you always learn something new, we can discuss some plans for a long time and just chat “about nothing.” And what? What will happen if I allow myself to relax and spend time drinking a nice cup of tea? Since a person invites, it means he wants to see us as his guest. In any case, this is for sure about this girl, she will not communicate with those who are unpleasant to her.

I called her and asked if the invitation was still valid. She was very happy and confirmed the invitation. Surprisingly, after drinking tea and sharing joyful events, I did much more at work than I had planned in the morning.

Since then I have been trying to be more attentive to people. After all, we never know what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even tonight. We increasingly began to refer to being busy and urgent matters, and increasingly began to ignore people close to us. But what could be more valuable in this world if not the people dear to us?

What if tomorrow they are gone, and we didn’t finish the story, didn’t talk to friends, didn’t hug our loved ones, or simply didn’t spend time together, didn’t listen to their lives, what’s happening, what they’re striving for, what they’re planning, What makes them happy and what makes them sad?

At some point, I realized that building relationships with people requires certain skills and attention. And I began to develop them, worked through and eradicated from myself that which gives people close to me some kind of discomfort, and sometimes internal pain from what I said. The main thing that I have eradicated from myself is the habit of thinking that I know better how a person should live. And the habit of giving advice and getting into people’s lives. When I was working on myself, I thought about what kind of person I would be pleased to communicate with? And with which one it’s not very good...well, not very good.

An unpleasant person for me is someone who is constantly offended and afraid to say anything. There are people who react very violently to any joke, to any event or circumstance, then get offended and sulk for a long time. It’s scary to do business with such people, because you never know what phrase or action they’ll be offended by and what to expect from them later. An equally unpleasant person for me is the one who constantly interferes in my life with advice and teachings.

A person with whom I would be pleased to communicate was an attentive person who knew how to listen and ask questions, and at the same time was not offended and had a sense of humor. And most importantly - taking care of himself and his life, not interfering in my life. But at the same time he is quite attentive and understanding when and what kind of help I really need.

As I wrote above, I devoted several years to getting rid of touchiness. Then I worked for a long time and eradicated from myself the habit of giving advice when I was not asked, and even when asked too.

I don’t know if I managed to become the kind of person with whom I myself would enjoy communicating, but the number of friends, relatives and just good acquaintances began to increase exponentially. This makes me happy, because for me, communication with like-minded people is one of the most important and valuable in this world.

From the fourth point, the fifth logically follows, and this is to have the opportunity to relax, spend time with the people you love and care about, travel and sometimes just laze around.

For example, go to a friend’s house to drink tea and chat just “about nothing”, having first bought some goodies.

Call your friends and gather everyone for a delicious homemade cake. My husband and I and our friends like honey cake the most, see the recipe here

Cherish those who are still alive. The grandmother with whom I grew up has long since passed away from this life. But I still have two grandmothers, my own and my cousin. And I ask life for them to live as long as possible. Whenever possible, I try to go to them, although they live far away, or bring them to us.

Recently I went to visit a woman I know. We spontaneously had a bachelorette party, because... Several more girls came to her. So one of them complained about her grandmother, that she forces everyone to work in the country, etc. The girl is young, and I understand her. On weekends you really want to relax and sometimes do nothing. But this is now. Perhaps, in many years, she will so miss these grandmother’s grumblings and instructions that she needs to work in the summer so that in the winter she can eat everything healthy from her garden.

When my grandmother grumbles at me, I smile and agree with all her arguments on any point. After all, she grumbles with love and care for me. And I’m so glad that she cares about me, and that I still have this opportunity - to call and listen to instructions that I should dress warmer, eat better and take care of myself.

And, of course, relaxation, travel and doing nothing. For me, this part of life is integral to the complete concept of success in life. If I only work, I’m constantly striving for something and somewhere, then why do I need such success that it doesn’t allow me to take a good night’s sleep some day. Or spend a day off with your loved one. Or get ready and fly to our beloved St. Petersburg for a couple of days.

Sixthly, it is to love your profession and be a sought-after specialist. And, if possible, be one of the best in your business.

And for this you need to love the profession that you do. Until I realized what I liked to do most, I changed several professions. I always liked to work, so in any field I quickly achieved maximum results. Which, of course, always had a positive effect on financial rewards. But no matter how popular a professional I became, there was no joy or feeling of flight in my soul. Therefore, at a certain point, I stopped developing my professional skills and after a while went into another specialty. This habit of migrating when you achieve certain successes did not allow me to maximize my professional skills in one field or another.

When a few years ago I finally realized what gave me the most pleasure, what I could do endlessly and not get tired, I stopped thinking about how much I could earn in my profession, I began to think about how I become one of the best.

As it turned out, this is real happiness - doing what you like, developing in this direction, and even getting paid for it. It would seem, what is the money for, because you are already happy! This is how, having found ourselves in the professional field, we immediately improve our financial well-being. You can read about this in the article “Do what you love, and the money will come.”

And seventhly, it is to have the opportunity, in addition to your favorite profession, to do what you love.

What can I say here? I think everything is clear here. For me it's painting and sports. I like the graphics. When you write, you forget about everything. It’s such magic when a tree, stream, mountains, clouds appear on a piece of paper from under a pencil. Just recently there was a clean slate, and after a while - a whole life.

For some, embroidery becomes their favorite activity, for others it is growing flowers, for others it is photography, for others it is learning a new language or singing in a choir. You never know what is interesting and exciting in our lives. Don't forget this. Don't forget about your soul, about what makes it sing and vibrate. And then the feeling of success in life will be as complete and comprehensive as possible.

If you still have questions, you can get advice from the author of the article and books, A. Guy. Conditions

Sincerely, Anastasia Gai.

If you are asked what success in life is, can you give a quick and clear answer? If you ask your parents, friends, acquaintances about this, will your answers be the same or will they be completely different?

Sociologists who studied this issue in detail received the following data: subjects, depending on age, income, and social status, gave completely different answers. Some equated success in life with having their own car, apartment, business, or bank account; others pointed to the need to build a large, friendly family; among ladies, there were often answers about maintaining beauty by a certain age; teenagers talked about being famous in society. As we can easily guess, certain goals act as a guideline everywhere. As we know, after achieving one goal, a person quickly appears another, then a third, and this cycle can be repeated an infinite number of times.

From this we can conclude that success in life is characterized by the fact that a person achieves more and more new goals throughout his life. This is a correct, but not complete definition of success in life. It lacks the concept of human self-realization, which cannot be missed. After all, not a single person will call himself happy if he did not achieve his own goals, if he followed the guidelines set by his parents, friends, and society. On the website http://stories-of-success.ru/anny-khilkevich you can learn about the success stories of celebrities from both Russian and foreign show business.

A classic example is a child from a family of teachers. According to the commandments of the older generation, he goes to study at a specialized institute, goes to practice at a school, gets a job there, devotes himself to teaching, and receives praise. Has he achieved his goals? Yes. He is happy? Is not a fact. It may well be that he wanted to be an architect or a surgeon, an astronaut or a felinologist, but was doomed to study at a school he didn’t like... Don’t forget about this story. Don't change your life path.

We can talk endlessly about ways to achieve success in life, recalling Eastern philosophy, Western psychological schools, meditation, affirmations, training - each of these methods deserves separate consideration. In this article, I will focus only on the most important condition that determines a person’s ability to get everything from life. This condition is the psychological health of the individual, characterized by spiritual harmony and effective self-control. A psychologically healthy person easily adapts in life, adequately evaluates himself and those around him, manages his own life, is responsible for its results, easily communicates with other people, overcomes all obstacles, and is able to take care of someone else. We understand that it is much easier for a person who has all this to achieve success in life. How to achieve this? Develop, train, learn, remember that a person can improve himself throughout his life.

Let's summarize:

  • achieve your personal goals by outlining a new achievement, evaluate whether this desire is yours, whether it is imposed on you,
  • engage in self-development, take care of the health of your soul, work on yourself, and then success will accompany you every minute of your life.

What is life success? What is success in life and how do people understand it? To answer this question, each person has his own concept and vision of the world. People talk about life's problems, the ups and downs. The concept of inaction is foreign to humans. A person always strives for the best, sets more and more new goals, achieving which his further planning for the future becomes clear. The result of all these actions leads to success or failure. Many people believe that success in life lies in material well-being. This is their purely personal opinion and we cannot resist it. Success for me is, first of all, self-expression. It seems to me that the concept of success is very individual. By doing something, gradually acquiring new skills and moving to the next level of mastery, a person achieves small successes in this area every day. But whether he will be truly successful in any business depends on his desires and capabilities. In order to strive for success, you should identify an area of ​​activity in which you can solve problems, find tasks for yourself and the meaning of your life. This is where you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But first you should ask yourself this question: “Am I a person who creates problems or who solves them?” In what area of ​​work am I best able to solve problems or, in other words, achieve success? Our task is not to solve different problems every day. Our task is to discover an area of ​​activity in which you would be a leader! In this field of activity, you can show your abilities, stand out from the crowd and prove your uniqueness. In my opinion, success lies in a certain combination of such benefits as: mental balance, moral and physical health and material well-being. Only then can a person be happy and able to contribute to society. Teacher of Russian language and literature S. KudageldinovaWhat is success in life? What is success in life and how do people understand it? To answer this question, each person has his own concept and vision of the world. People talk about life's problems, the ups and downs. The concept of inaction is foreign to humans. A person always strives for the best, sets more and more new goals, achieving which his further planning for the future becomes clear. The result of all these actions leads to success or failure. Many people believe that success in life lies in material well-being. This is their purely personal opinion and we cannot resist it. Success for me is, first of all, self-expression. It seems to me that the concept of success is very individual. By doing something, gradually acquiring new skills and moving to the next level of mastery, a person achieves small successes in this area every day. But whether he will be truly successful in any business depends on his desires and capabilities. In order to strive for success, you should identify an area of ​​activity in which you can solve problems, find tasks for yourself and the meaning of your life. This is where you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But first you should ask yourself this question: “Am I a person who creates problems or who solves them?” In what area of ​​work am I best able to solve problems or, in other words, achieve success? Our task is not to solve different problems every day. Our task is to discover an area of ​​activity in which you would be a leader! In this field of activity, you can show your abilities, stand out from the crowd and prove your uniqueness. In my opinion, success lies in a certain combination of such benefits as: mental balance, moral and physical health and material well-being. Only then can a person be happy and able to contribute to society. Teacher of Russian language and literature S. Kudageldinova

"Success means...

© N.B. Enkelmann

What does success mean to you?

For an opera singer, success means an invitation to sing at the Metropolitan Opera; for a person who dreams of becoming an actor, it means being accepted into a famous theater school; for an aspiring model, it means becoming famous like Claudia Schiffer; for a football player - to score the decisive goal during the world football championship; for an accountant - to become a millionaire; for the head of a department - to become the chairman of the board of the company.

Success can be considered a complete cessation of smoking, reducing the time spent sitting in front of the TV, mastering the art of horse riding, receiving a higher salary compared to his brother, concluding more contracts than the best salesman of the company. Successes are nothing more than solved problems for me. We do not live in this world to feel like we are in heaven. We live in it to solve problems. And there are a great many of them, wherever you look. The problem provides an opportunity to show what kind of stuff you are made of. What problems exist in this world that we can solve? If there were no problems, there would be no responsibilities. In order to strive for success, you should identify an area of ​​activity in which you can solve problems, find tasks for yourself and the meaning of your life. This is where you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But first you should ask yourself this question: “Am I a person who creates problems or who solves them?” In what area of ​​work am I best able to solve problems or, in other words, achieve success? Your job is not to solve different problems every day. Your task is to discover an area of ​​activity in which you would be a leader! In this field of activity, you can show your abilities, stand out from the crowd and prove your uniqueness. Success is as different as people are different. There is professional success, success in personal life, financial success, success in sports or in the arts; you can succeed as a man or as a woman. This list can be continued as long as desired. Do you really want to succeed? Then the answers to the following questions are crucial for you:

  • Do you know what kind of success you want to achieve?
  • Are you ready to act with inspiration and enthusiasm, making every effort to achieve success?
And one more important addition: The will to succeed should be trained daily. In order not to let the gray everyday life suppress her. Questionnaire on the topic “Success”
  • What does success mean to you personally?
  • Since when did you have this idea of ​​success?
  • Who influenced you to have this idea of ​​success?
  • Has your idea of ​​success changed over time?
  • Can you remember past successes?
  • List them!
  • Which people do you consider to be successful?
  • And why?
  • Name ten people who you associate with the concept of “success”
  • Do you have role models in your aspirations for success?
  • When was the last time you achieved success?
  • What qualities do you think distinguish people who achieve success?
  • What is the difference between a successful person and a failure?
Now let's move on to your personal strategy for achieving success:
  • What character qualities do you have that help you achieve success?
  • What has prevented you from achieving significant success so far?
  • What goals have you set for yourself for this month, this week, today?
  • What goals have you achieved in the last year, last month, last week, yesterday?
  • How can you reduce the impact of external factors on the implementation of your plans?
  • What can you change to achieve your goals in a shorter time frame?
  • Do you help other people succeed? (To whom, how?)
Develop a strategy for yourself to achieve success. Write down your goals, keep a diary in which you record individual steps leading to success. Try to make your success visual: draw a “success curve” that would reflect your path to success. Then you will know exactly what stage of the journey you are currently on and where obstacles arise. Using such a chart, outline the direction of further movement. Remember that success is contagious. Success cannot be the result of a happy coincidence, this is not the case when you can be guided by the motto: “Once you achieve success, you will always achieve it.” Success is what follows actions. Success is the result of thoughts, aspirations and deeds. We live in the real world, so we have to build our lives and solve our problems. For me, every problem solved is a success. Only by constantly focusing your attention on your goals, working persistently, intensively and with enthusiasm, can you achieve success. No one can give you success, but no one can take it away from you. The starting point of success is only you and only thanks to you can success take place. You and only you can set milestones for yourself and move forward from one to the next, remembering that success attracts success. Everything depends on you. Steps to help you achieve success:
  • Clearly set goals.
  • Unlocking your charismatic abilities
  • Success-oriented mindset
  • Strategy for achieving success.

What is success? Each of us has asked this question more than once. Maybe this is some kind of one-time phenomenon or is it some kind of state that is accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction? Does success lie in the area of ​​professional activity or personal life? Is the formula for success about achieving financial well-being or gaining a prestigious status in society? We can absolutely say that success does not affect just one aspect of your life, but is a complex phenomenon, which we will now consider.


Success is a fairly multifaceted phenomenon that covers literally all areas of your life, be it family, work, financial situation, physical condition, spiritual development and more. This also includes relationships with others, a sense of security, as well as a feeling of satisfaction with all aspects of life. Achieving success begins with its formulation, that is, with defining what success is for you.

As life experience shows, achieving success in most cases lies in the area of ​​interpersonal interaction, that is, in determining what you can give to people and what you want to get from them in return. This approach has repeatedly confirmed its correctness, because no matter where you are and no matter where you go, you always interact with people in one way or another.

In fact, the ability to achieve success lies in developing the right attitude towards your environment, developing the necessary skills, choosing a direction in life and working on your character. Unless you live on a desert island, your success will always depend to some degree on the quality of your interactions with the people around you.

So, since we have already found out that success is a complex concept, its formula will consist of several components, of which there are no less than four, and it will look like this: life position + necessary skills + choice of direction + character formation = success. Now we will describe these components in the same order.

Life position

Your path to success will always be easier if you choose the right life position from the very beginning. You should never think or tell yourself “I can’t.” The attitude towards the surrounding reality and towards the set goals should always be considered from the point of view - “I am sure that I will succeed,” or at least “I hope that I will succeed.” Realize that no one likes a whiner. In the family, at work, in sports, anywhere. Your first step on the path to success is to develop a positive attitude in life. Below are several important points that will help you form the right attitude towards the surrounding reality.

  1. Develop a positive approach towards family, friends and colleagues. Learn to show tolerance, kindness, compassion, respect and consideration. These qualities will help you build good relationships in any team.
  2. Instill in yourself the desire for self-learning and self-education. We live in a world that is constantly and very quickly changing. It is extremely important to be “in the flow” all the time so as not to end up on the sidelines.
  3. Learn to be critical of yourself. Be realistic about your own capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. This way you can understand how realistic it is for you to achieve your goal.
  4. Look for the culprit only within yourself. In any life situation, if something happened to you, it means that you allowed it. Learn to understand situations not as if you were offended, but as if you allowed yourself to be offended.
  5. Train yourself to be more relaxed about everything that happens. You may have to fail more than once and make 2, 5 or 10 attempts on your way to success. Taking every defeat to heart, you will quickly give up.
  6. Master the skill of a positive attitude towards any life situation. Learn to learn positive lessons even from failures. No matter what happens, you should always remain in a good mood.

Required Skills

Of course, the right attitude towards your environment plays a significant role both in the development of personality and in achieving success. It allows you to achieve great results in life. But at the same time, without the necessary skills, your possibilities will always be limited, no matter how correct or positive your attitude towards the surrounding reality is. For example, a personal trainer cannot be just an enthusiast, he must be a specialist.

Enthusiasm must always be supported by the necessary knowledge and skills, Otherwise, such a person will not achieve any significant results in his field of activity and will not be able to realize his potential without the necessary preparation. That is why, without any doubt, a personal trainer must be well versed in the basic concepts and intricacies of his profession. Without these skills, it is unlikely that such a person can be called a coach at all.

Remember that motivation always precedes education. A person with the right attitude and the necessary level of qualifications will always be in demand in the industry, and will have every chance of achieving significant success in today's competitive labor market.

Choosing a direction

The direction of movement is always formed on the basis of a specific plan of action. No one goes on a hike without some reasonable plan for how the route will be laid out. However, it often happens in life that after graduating from school or university, people do not plan how they want to spend it as an adult. As a result, life turns into a continuous series of random events and spontaneous decisions that constantly change and lead nowhere. The choice of education or profession based on the fact that “everyone does it”, as a rule, does not lead a person to success, but only distances him from it.

Modern research in the field of behavioral psychology shows that people who have a clearly formulated goal, the path to which is outlined in stages, earn almost twice as much as those who have neither a plan nor a goal. In addition, these people, for the most part, are much happier, they have good health, and their family life is joyful and prosperous. Needless to say that order and peace also reign in other areas of their lives? It is quite obvious that these people have already achieved success in life.

The purpose of this article is to show you, using a simple example, that formulating your goals and planning your actions is a necessary condition on the path to achieving success. Setting a goal helps you understand what you want from life and what direction you need to go in. Planning, in turn, helps you anticipate possible obstacles in your path and make timely decisions on how to overcome them. Remember that the path to success will always be easier if you know in advance what you are striving for and have an idea of ​​how you need to move towards achieving your goal.

Character Formation

In the process of moving towards an intended goal, a person may, say, climb the career ladder, but still not consider or feel successful. It would seem, is this possible? Actually yes, and this happens quite often. The reason lies in basic things. A person who has risen to a certain position or earned a certain amount of money may simply be characterless, and the fact of reaching certain heights may be due to a combination of circumstances, ingratiation with superiors, or other factors that indicate a person’s lack of inner core.

To achieve material wealth or obtain other benefits, people often bend to their superiors, decide somewhere to remain silent, leave something unsaid, somehow dodge, hide some facts, frame some person, and so on. This is usually done by weak individuals who do not have a strong character and clear convictions. They always follow the path of least resistance and therefore never become leaders and are never considered truly successful.

In fact, if you don't have character, achieving any results automatically becomes much more difficult. In this case, neither the correct life position, nor knowledge and skills, nor the chosen path will help you. The essence of this statement is completely simple and absolutely logical. Any action that you need to take to achieve a certain result always requires specific efforts on yourself, and therefore the manifestation of character in situations where you encounter obstacles. Lack of character makes you give up at the first problems, give up and blame the failure on circumstances.

In turn, people with a strong, integral and strong-willed character in 99% of cases achieve success in any business they undertake. If you don't have a burden of fear, guilt or doubt behind you, your chances of success increase significantly.


So, in search of an answer to the question - “What is success?”, we first of all found out that it is not houses, cars, money or yachts, but a very large, collective concept that involves, first of all, maintaining a balance of many aspects of your life. Achieving success in one area cannot and should not come at the expense of sacrificing another. If you are successful at work, but your family is in chaos, in fact, you can no longer be called successful.

On the other hand, if you have complete order in your family, but you can barely make ends meet, this state of affairs cannot be called successful either. Only when the results of your activities in all areas of life (family, career, finances, character, life position, physical and spiritual development) become satisfactory for you can we consider that you have achieved success.