Search for information entered into the Unified State Register. How to obtain information about the state registration of a legal entity? Get help with the service

Information on individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. from Kontur

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What data needs to be entered (you can choose any of the parameters):

  • Name of company
  • Code (TIN, OGRN)
  • Legal address

What data can be obtained:

  • Full brand name
  • Abbreviated corporate name
  • Legal address (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Main industry (OKVED)
  • Region
  • Telephone
  • Name of legal form
  • Authorized capital (according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities)
  • Net asset value
  • Other messages and documents

The inclusion of information in the Unified Federal Register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities is carried out on the basis of Article 7.1 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (as amended by the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228 -FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the revision of methods for protecting the rights of creditors when reducing the authorized capital, changing requirements for business companies in the event of a discrepancy between the authorized capital and the value of net assets") from January 1, 2013 (clause 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 228-FZ).

Rosstat website

You can also use the Rosstat website (you need to click “get data on codes” at the top) (For Moscow, but there may be other regions). Find out your statistics codes (OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOGU, OKFS, OKOPF) by the INN number of an individual entrepreneur or organization.

Federal Tax Service website

Unified State Register of Legal Entities

What do you need to enter? It is enough to enter ONE of the fields: Name (simply Yandex, Gazprom, etc.) and/or OGRN/GRN/TIN and/or Address and/or Region and/or Registration Date.

What information will I receive?

  • Name of the legal entity;
  • Address (location) of the legal entity;
  • OGRN;
  • Information about the state registration of the organization;
  • Date of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (registration of a legal entity);
  • Name of the registering authority that made the entry (Tax);
  • Address of the registration authority;
  • Information on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • Information on state registration of changes made to the constituent documents of legal entities;
  • Information about licenses, registration as policyholders in funds, information about registration.

Information and data on registration of a legal entity

Basic information about all legal entities included in the register of companies of the Russian Federation and other states is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. A document such as an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is required quite often: when opening bank accounts, as confirmation of the status of a manager, when conducting auctions and large purchases on behalf of the company. Data from the register about the counterparty will be useful when concluding various types of transactions, investing, getting a job or starting cooperation: in these situations, it is important to check the registration information of the legal entity.

From the extract you can find out the OGRN and legal address of the LLC and companies with a different organizational and legal structure. To check the legal address of a company, it is enough to know its INN/OGRN or find the organization in the register by name.

Checking the registration of a legal entity

In the state register, information on the registration of a legal entity is filled out according to a single principle and contains information on the creation, re-organization or liquidation of companies and institutions, as well as copies of the documentation on the basis of which this data is entered into the database.

In addition to data on the registration of a legal entity and the founders of the company, the online extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities includes a lot of other useful information:

  • main type of activity of the organization;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • method of company formation (reorganization or creation);
  • information about legal succession;
  • data on termination of activity;
  • information about representative offices and branches.

The extended Unified State Register of Legal Entities report contains not only all relevant information, but also information on amendments made and changes in data, in particular on the composition of the founders.

Access to information from the State Register of a particular country is necessary not only for entrepreneurs, but also for citizens who enter into various types of transactions with companies. Every 20th of them can be potentially risky for a person’s financial well-being or result in losses for a business.

Checking the registration of the company's legal address

It is difficult to challenge such agreements in the future if at least a minimal check of the registration of a legal entity has not been carried out using the Unified State Register of Legal Entities database. Therefore, extracts are available to everyone.

When collecting information about a counterparty, the following are checked first:

  • registration information of a legal entity (does the TIN and type of activity correspond to those declared);
  • legal address of the counterparty (does it actually exist and is it not a place of mass registration of legal entities);
  • the fact of presence or absence in the Register of Unscrupulous Suppliers.

If the legal address of an LLC turns out to be a place of mass registration, this is one of the main signs of fly-by-night companies with which it is better not to deal.

In addition to finding out the basic data and checking the legal address of the company when concluding transactions, it is important to know who has the authority to sign contracts. Such persons are indicated in the register. A thorough check of the registration of a legal entity ensures the safety and purity of the transaction.

Information extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, available online, with data on the registration of a legal entity and the legal address of the counterparty - a document that may be needed in different situations. Enterprises and organizations can order a similar extract for their own institution to provide to partners. The Register of Legal Entities is the most reliable and accessible source for obtaining data on organizations around the world.

Most of the refusals to recognize expenses as unfounded and tax deductions as unconfirmed are usually associated with unscrupulous counterparties.

Note: counterparty – an individual, individual entrepreneur or organization with whom you enter into a transaction or agreement. For these persons, you, in turn, also act as a counterparty.

“Shell companies” or “transit companies,” as tax authorities call them, are a stumbling block for taxpayers and regulatory authorities. The latter insist that responsibility for unscrupulous business partners should fall entirely on the shoulders of those who enter into a deal with them.

It is worth noting that there is no direct reference in legislative acts to the obligation to check the counterparty, but there is Resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 53, which provides criteria for assessing the validity of obtaining a tax benefit.

Note: tax benefit - reducing the amount of tax payable to the budget through the use of deductions, accounting for expenses incurred, reducing the tax rate, using benefits, etc.

Examples of obtaining tax benefits are declaring VAT deductions and recognizing income tax expenses on the special tax system, taking into account costs when calculating the simplified tax system “income minus expenses,” applying benefits, etc.

In accordance with Resolution No. 53, a tax benefit may be considered unjustified (illegal) if it is proven that the organization or individual entrepreneur did not exercise the due degree of care and diligence when choosing a counterparty.

note that Resolution No. 53 does not contain clear instructions on what measures the taxpayer must take in order for the Federal Tax Service to recognize his actions as meeting the criteria of prudence and caution. In this connection, the tax office may refuse even if all possible measures to verify business partners have been carried out. This is due to the fact that tax authorities are vested with a much wider range of powers than ordinary taxpayers.

Cooperation with unverified business partners may also expose the entrepreneur to the risk of being subject to an unscheduled on-site inspection. This is directly stated in paragraph 12 of the Concept of the planning system for on-site tax audits.

How to check a counterparty

  • Free electronic services (Federal Tax Service, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Bailiff Service, Federal Migration Service, VAS, etc.);
  • Paid electronic services (My Business "Bureau", Contour "Focus", Taxcom "Dossier");
  • Requests to government agencies (IFTS, Rosstat);
  • Request a package of documents from the counterparty;
  • Assessing the activities of a business partner (checking business reputation, studying the counterparty’s website and reviews of people who collaborated with him);
  • A personal meeting.

Free electronic services

You can check your counterparty for free using a large number of electronic services provided by government agencies.

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation (“Check yourself and your counterparty”)

To obtain information, you must indicate the TIN or name of the supplier being checked.

Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Using this service, you can check the authenticity and validity of the passport data of the general director of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

Note: when conducting a verification of a counterparty, it is better to save all received information in the form of screenshots, so that later you can confirm the care and diligence shown.

Paid services for checking counterparties

You can also check the counterparty using paid Internet services:

  • My business is "Bureau";
  • Contour "Focus";
  • Taxi "Dossier" and others.

Written requests to government agencies

Tax office

You can request information from the Federal Tax Service regarding the existence of debt on mandatory payments from the inspected counterparty, as well as receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Note: the tax authority may refuse to provide information regarding violations of tax legislation and the presence of arrears on taxes and fees, citing tax secrecy, but the fact that this request was made will serve as further evidence of the taxpayer’s good faith when choosing a counterparty.

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities can be obtained by contacting the tax office in person, or by filling out a request on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The cost of a paper document will be 200 rubles (state fee for the service of issuing a document) if the document is produced within 5 days and 400 rubles for urgent issuance of a certificate.

Receiving an electronic statement is not subject to state duty.

Note: paper and electronic statements are considered equivalent.

Federal State Statistics Service – Rosstat

You can obtain data on annual financial statements by submitting a written request to the territorial statistics office.

Self-regulatory organization - SRO

If the counterparty’s activities involve obtaining a license or permission to perform certain types of work, you can verify the authenticity of the document provided by making a request to the SRO that issued the specified permit.

Requesting a package of documents from a future counterparty

List of documents that it is advisable to request from the counterparty:

  1. A copy of the constituent document;
  2. Certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  3. Decision on the appointment of the General Director;
  4. License (if the work performed requires it);
  5. Data on staffing levels;
  6. Annual financial statements;
  7. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  8. Documents confirming the rights of persons acting without a power of attorney;
  9. Card with sample signatures and seal impression (if available);
  10. Certificate on the status of settlements with the budget;
  11. Recommendations from persons who collaborated with the counterparty;
  12. Certificate of value of fixed assets.

Note: the signature of the general director or a person authorized to act without a power of attorney must be compared with those indicated on the card.

With the development of commercial activity, the number of entrepreneurs is growing steadily. To record the organizations they created, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was created. The short name of the resulting database is the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The register is a listing of all officially registered companies in the country and contains extensive information about each of them.

What is subject to registration with the Federal Tax Service

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities has existed in the Russian Federation since 2002. From now on, each organization must be included in the general database where accounting of legal entities operating in Russia.

Information about the company is entered into the state register in accordance with the approved form, so there are a number of mandatory points:

  1. Name of company. The full name (with abbreviations) and abbreviated name must be indicated. If the name contains foreign words, it is necessary to write them both in their original form and in Russian letters. The company name must also be present if it differs from the legal name of the company.
  2. Legal status of the organization. Information is required about the organizational and legal form of ownership: OJSC, LLC, CJSC, PJSC, JSC, cooperative, non-profit, unitary enterprise, partnership, etc.
  3. Date and method of establishment of the enterprise. A company may start from scratch, or it may be the result of a reorganization.
  4. Information about the founders, shareholders and owners of the legal entity. The names, passport details and tax identification number of all company participants, managers (Director or General Director), owners and other persons who have the permanent right to sign and manage the company are registered.
  5. Authorized capital. The register contains information about the size of the authorized capital of the organization, what it consists of (authorized fund, shares, equity capital, reserve capital, etc.) and what part of it is contributed by each participant.
  6. Constituent documents. It is indicated on the basis of which documents the company exists. Most often this is the Charter. This is where most of the information about a legal entity comes from. To be included in the register, originals or certified copies of these documents must be attached.
  7. Legal address of the organization.
  8. Information about the company's offices, representative offices and branches carrying out the main activities of the organization (as a rule, they are mentioned in the Charter).
  9. TIN of a legal entity and OKVED codes. When entering an organization into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it is necessary to indicate the areas of economic activity that make up the work of the enterprise. Engaging in unregistered activities is illegal.
  10. Information about available licenses. If a company is engaged in activities that can only be carried out with an appropriate license, it must be noted in the register.
  11. Information on registration of an organization with the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund.

Entering information about legal entities is carried out by the tax authorities at the place of registration of the company. Entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the creation of an organization are assigned a main state registration number ().

If the company has existed longer than since July 1, 2002, or is located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea, or in the city of Sevastopol, and was created before the inclusion of these territories in the Russian Federation, then the main registration number will be any first entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This number is subsequently considered one of the main details of the organization and is indicated in all necessary documents.

All subsequent entries are entered into the register in chronological order and also receive their own registration number (GRN). When changes are made, the main number does not change. At the same time, the OGRN is displayed in the records of changes and in the documents confirming this.

There are several cases in which it is necessary to enter information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  1. Initial registration of an organization.
  2. Making changes to an existing company.
  3. Indication of information about the termination of the activities of the legal entity.

For the initial registration of an organization in the Unified State Register, the following documents must be provided to the Federal Tax Service:

  1. , where all the required information is provided.
  2. Identification documents of persons, information about which will be indicated in the database.
  3. Constituent documents.
  4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Particular attention should be paid to filling out the application. In order to save time and effort, it is important to avoid mistakes; correcting them will require additional requests to the Federal Tax Service.

Changes can be made in two ways: exclusion of outdated data and their complete replacement with new or partial change of information. In both cases, registration will require a corresponding application from a representative of the legal entity.

If the organization has ceased to exist, data is also entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this situation, information about the legal entity is not deleted from the database; it still remains available, but includes a mark about the end of activity.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is maintained on electronic and paper media. The electronic version allows register data to be taken into account by other federal information networks. Documents submitted to the tax authorities during registration are stored on paper in accordance with established regulations. They serve as confirmation of the information contained in the electronic database; in case of discrepancies in information, priority is given to those displayed in paper version.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities Certificate

After completing the registration procedure in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the organization receives a Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This is a paper document printed on stamp paper, the OGRN is written on it and the date of the last change made is indicated. That is, after the expiration of time, one legal entity may have several certificates, but the main number in them will be one.

In the future, this document is needed by the organization to interact with other companies; it is included in the package of basic documents of a legal entity along with the Taxpayer Identification Number, Charter, etc.

Decoding the number

The number indicated on the certificate consists of 13 characters, and this is not a random set of numbers. Each combination has its own meaning.

  • 1st sign— sign that the record is assigned to the OGRN - “1”, “5”, to the State Register - “2”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”;
  • 2nd and 3rd signs— indicate the year the entry was made (its last two digits);
  • 4th and 5th signs- indicate a subject of the Russian Federation;
  • from the 6th to the 12th sign— number of the entry recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities during the year;
  • 13th sign- a check digit, which is calculated by dividing the number obtained from the remaining 12 digits by “11” (an integer from “1” to “9” is taken).

Access to information and its verification

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains personal information about the organization, therefore, for security reasons, the information is not available in full and not under the same conditions. Unlimited and free access to register data is available only to special bodies ensuring the legality of companies’ activities, namely:

  1. Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  2. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
  3. Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, etc.).
  4. Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Access to some bank details of legal entities and private information about founders and owners is open only to specific employees of the listed organizations and with appropriate permission.

In general, data from the registry, the disclosure of which does not threaten any consequences, can be obtained by any user. To do this, you must make a written request to the Federal Tax Service or use the electronic database.

To check the information, just download the electronic version. Currently, the service of open access to the registry is provided by many different Internet services, but for a certain fee.

Recently, you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or copies of attached documents in electronic form on the Federal Tax Service website This service is provided free of charge. The software uploads a file in pdf format, which contains all the information on the selected organization, including changes made, however, as users note, this does not yet work for all legal entities. To avoid receiving insufficiently up-to-date information, it is better to additionally use other services of the Federal Tax Service.

How to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - in this video.

Why do you need an extract?

The unified register exists not only to record the formation, liquidation of an enterprise and changes occurring in it. The data stored in it is often needed in various situations. Then interested companies or individuals turn to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is formed on the basis of all entered data about the organization at the time of the request.

Here are the cases in which it may be needed:

  1. For notarization of documents relating to the activities of the organization. The extract shows whether the manager or another representative has the same powers.
  2. To interact with other organizations. This is how companies, before starting to work together, check a future partner or counterparty, check the address, authorized capital, field of activity, legal status and current state of the enterprise (whether it is fictitious or in the process of liquidation).
  3. For working with banks. When opening a current account, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a mandatory document. Based on it, a conclusion is made about the reliability of the information reported by the company.
  4. To participate in auctions, trades and tenders. In these cases, confirmed information about the legal entity submitting the application is also necessary, since in order to obtain an order, unscrupulous organizations may try to distort information.
  5. To conclude contracts related to real estate.
  6. Also, Unified State Register of Legal Entities data is used when formation of the tax base.

Features of receiving

The method of obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities determines its type and scope of application:

  1. Unofficial(taken from Internet resources) - serves as a source of information, but is not presented at the place of request as a supporting document.
  2. Official(formed directly by the Federal Tax Service) is a certified document that has legal force.

If you need an official document from the tax office, certified by a signature and official seal, electronic uploading will not be enough; you must make a request to the territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service. To do this, an application is written in a special form, on its basis the tax service generates an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certifies it and provides it to the applicant.

For a person representing the organization itself, the document is prepared free of charge within 5 working days. When contacting a third-party employee, a fee of 200 rubles is charged. If an extract is needed urgently, the corresponding note is indicated in the application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Then the document will be ready on the next business day, but the cost of the service will increase to 400 rubles.

Depending on the desired period for producing statements, they can be divided into 2 types:

  • regular (within 5 days);
  • urgent (1 business day).

The finished extract must be dated and issued in two copies, one of which remains in the tax office, and the second in the hands of the applicant.

What changes are subject to registration?

During the existence of a legal entity, many characteristics may change. There are circumstances, changes in which must be reflected in the Unified State Register:

  • changing the name of a legal entity;
  • change in company management;
  • new passport details of the manager;
  • replacement of founders or another number of them;
  • another legal address of the company;
  • change in the size or redistribution between the founders of the organization’s authorized capital;
  • change or addition of the company’s areas of activity;
  • updating of some other significant provisions of the Charter.

How to register

To record the listed changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration with an application. It must be filled out using a unified form or P13001 (depending on the reason), have the signature of the head of the organization and be certified by a notary.

The application must be accompanied by identification documents, the founders’ decision to make changes and a new version of the Charter in two copies (or another statement of the changes).

If a legal entity changes its director, applications must be filled out on behalf of the new director, and his signature must appear everywhere.

Plus, a receipt for payment of the state duty should be added to these documents. The cost of state duty for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 800 rubles.

Deadlines for depositing

According to the current legislation, the deadlines for making changes by tax authorities are determined. After 5 working days, the tax office is obliged to provide completed documents. There are time limits for the organizations themselves.

No more than 3 days must pass from the moment the decision on changes is officially registered, otherwise a fine of 5,000 rubles will be imposed.

The request for amendments may not be made by the head of the organization himself; his presence will only be required when visiting a notary. An authorized representative of the company can contact the tax office; it is enough to draw up a power of attorney for him; it will also be used when accepting a package of documents.

When registering changes in the register, the applicant is provided with a Record Sheet. This is a government-issued document filled out according to form P50007. It is an official confirmation of changes regarding a specific legal entity. Unlike an extract, the Entry Sheet contains information only about the changes being recorded, and not about the entire company.

Reasons and consequences of exclusion from the register

When a legal entity is liquidated, it is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. An organization can be liquidated in two cases:

  • voluntarily- on the initiative of the founders themselves;
  • forcibly- by decision of the court or the Federal Tax Service.

When the liquidation of an enterprise is carried out by one’s own decision, it is necessary to notify the tax office about this by submitting a corresponding application.

Tax authorities can initiate exclusion of a company from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities if the organization does not report to the tax office within 1 year or if the company does not have a single transaction on its current account in at least one bank for a whole year.

After exclusion from the Unified Register, the organization ceases to be among the operating ones. If the liquidation was forced and as a result of legal proceedings the company was allowed to operate, restoration to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is possible. In case of voluntary cessation of activity, the process is irreversible. As a result, information about the legal entity remains available, but information about the company will contain a record of the suspension of the organization’s activities.

Find out how to get an official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in this video.

All information about entrepreneurs and the progress of their business activities is stored in a single database.
This base is called Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs .

What is its purpose

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) is a unified database that stores all the basic information about individual entrepreneurs.

The registration, re-registration or liquidation of an individual entrepreneur is recorded here.

EGRIP is a federal information resource that is the property of the state.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains information that:

  • an individual has registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there have been some changes in the data that were entered during the registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • The IP was liquidated.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs also contains information about the individual who was registered as an individual entrepreneur:

  • date of birth and age;
  • address of permanent registration;
  • passport details.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, a citizen receives a registration certificate. The details of this certificate are also in the unified register.

In addition, if the activities of an individual entrepreneur require additional permits or licenses, information about these documents is also available in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.

Regulatory regulations

The regulatory framework for individual entrepreneurs does not have a single document, and is part of other laws and regulations.

Therefore, entering information into the unified register is carried out on the basis.

Register of individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation

All changes that occur to the individual entrepreneur are also recorded in the registry.

As an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the register of certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs contains the following information:

  • Date of Birth;
  • permanent registration address;
  • passport details;
  • citizenship - Russian Federation or another country;
  • details of the document confirming the right of this citizen to reside in our country, if the individual entrepreneur is a foreigner.

As a subject of economic activity, an individual entrepreneur contains the following information:

  • information about the state registration of individual entrepreneurs - the number of the registration certificate and the date of its issue;
  • all details of various permits and licenses;
  • about a bank account;
  • date of registration of individual entrepreneurs in various funds - Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • date of registration with the tax authority, if the individual entrepreneur uses a preferential tax regime;
  • OKVED codes;
  • about the changes that have occurred with the individual entrepreneur;

    For example, when changing the surname of an individual.

  • on the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur as a business entity.

Video: how to get an extract

Where does this information come from in the Unified State Register of Enterprises?

All information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs comes from the tax service.

Tax authorities have all the data indicated in the register, since the individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide this information. Without them, registration of an individual entrepreneur or its further activities is impossible.

The exception is the details of permits and licenses. The entrepreneur does not need to independently bring copies of licenses for the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs. This responsibility rests with the licensing authority.

During 5 days from the moment an individual entrepreneur receives a license for a particular activity, the licensing authority is obliged to submit this information to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Exactly the same actions must be taken by the licensing authority if the individual entrepreneur’s license has been revoked.

deadline for updating information in the register

If the individual entrepreneur does not change his passport data, residence address or type of activity, then there is no need to update the information in the register.

As soon as an individual entrepreneur needs to change something, he contacts the tax office where he is registered and submits new information. Entry into the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs requires a change of citizenship of the entrepreneur, as well as a change or addition of a new type of activity.

To do this, within 3 working days after the change, the individual entrepreneur applies to the tax office with a package of documents, which includes:

  • application for amendments to the unified register in the form;
  • documents that confirm these changes;
  • document confirming payment of the state duty.

During 5 working days After submitting the documents, the information in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs will be updated, and the individual entrepreneur will receive a corresponding notification about this.

Provision of information

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain information about a particular entrepreneur. Most often, a request to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is made in order to make sure that this individual entrepreneur is actually carrying out its activities and has not been liquidated.

request for information about individual entrepreneur

An example of a completed receipt for payment of a duty by a legal entity can be seen in the appendix to this article.


But not all the information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be obtained upon request.

Personal information about an individual who is registered as an individual entrepreneur is not covered.

That is, in the Unified State Register of Enterprises you cannot find out:

  • IP passport details;
  • his place of residence;
  • other personal data that may be contained in registration documents.

But, if the constituent documents of the individual entrepreneur contain this information, then the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs will issue it to the person who requests the certificate.

service cost

The cost of issuing USRIP information is not free. If the applicant wishes to obtain an extract for himself, then he will not be charged a fee for this service.

When requesting information about a counterparty, the cost of the service will be equal to 200 rubles. Request is being processed 5 working days, and only then the applicant receives the necessary certificate.

If we are talking about an urgent extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the cost of the service will increase by 2 times. The applicant will have to pay 400 rubles, but the document will be ready the next business day.

is it possible to get it for free

You can receive a free extract if the applicant orders information about himself.

To do this, you also need to make a request, but you will need to present your passport to the tax officer to confirm your identity. A copy of your passport will need to be attached to your request.

You can also receive information from the registry for free:

  • police;
  • investigative authorities;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • other government bodies;
  • tax office;
  • off-budget funds.

An individual entrepreneur can also find out for free who requested information about him from the

You will find out how individual entrepreneurs register with the State Statistics Service

Request via Internet

You can request information about individual entrepreneurs from the registry using the Internet. This can be done at Federal Tax Service website. To do this you need to register on it.

The login on this site is the TIN of an individual or legal entity. But the password must be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration of the citizen or at the place of registration of the legal entity.

The application is also filled out on the website, the fee is paid using the Internet service.

When all documents are ready, the request must be sent. In this case, information about the individual entrepreneur is obtained from the TIN of this entrepreneur, if it is known.

You can receive the statement either in paper form or electronically in PDF format. The electronic document will be confirmed in the form of an electronic qualified signature of the head of the Federal Tax Service. The extract will be ready the next day, after the necessary documents are received on the site.

You can download it within the next 5 calendar days. After this period, the statement will not be valid.

The application itself to receive information from the register does not have to be confirmed using a qualified electronic signature key.


Any citizen or legal entity can obtain information about a particular individual entrepreneur. As a rule, this information is requested if it is necessary to obtain information about the existence of a counterparty.

If it has already been liquidated and is illegally carrying out its activities, then information about this will be reflected in the extract.