School Powerpoint Presentations. Presentation for the lesson on the surrounding world “reproduction and development of plants” gr.: plants need light

Project “Development of plants from seeds” Completed by: Arina Solodkaya, 3b grade student MBOU Secondary School No. 4 Head: Fedotova N.A. 2015 Goal: theoretical and practical acquaintance with the structure and development of seeds of flowering plants Relevance: studying this topic in a lesson about the world around us

  • Tasks:
  • learn the history of the appearance of beans in our country
  • find out the importance of legumes in human life, what is needed to grow beans
  • observe and study the growth of plants from seeds
  • Problem:
  • what is necessary for the growth of beans and peas
  • Hypothesis:
  • we assume that if beans are planted in the classroom, they will not grow, as they grow in the field or in the garden.

Stages of work.

Project - research, natural science, personal

Methods: observation, analysis, working with the Internet, with the textbook “The World Around us”

1.Preparatory stage:

Gathering information on the project topic, reading additional literature and

reference material

2. Conducting research and summarizing the results

observations of the growth of bean and pea seeds, comparative analysis, conclusions

3. Preparing for the presentation:

Summarizing your observations, conclusions, preparing visualizations

4. Presentation

The homeland of beans is the Mediterranean countries, from there they spread throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.

The history of the appearance of beans in our country.

Beans came to Russia from Greece. They were often bred in Russian villages. Usually they were planted along the edges of beds with carrots and onions as curtains for protection from the wind. But beans have not become widespread as a field crop in Russia. Only small-seeded varieties are sown, the seeds of which are used as feed, and straw is added when ensiling corn. Nevertheless, in 1999 Russia was in the top ten world exporters of grain beans.

Russian or fava beans. Legume family.

Beans are an annual bluish-green herbaceous plant from the legume family. They have a well-developed root system. The stem is erect, up to 2 m high. The fruits are large beans, brown or black in color when ripe.

L medicinal value of beans:

In folk medicine, a decoction of bean seeds is used for diarrhea as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent.

For external use, it is better to boil the seeds not in water, but in milk. Seeds boiled with milk are applied to abscesses. Heated seed flour is applied to boils, abscesses and inflamed areas of the skin. A poultice made from seed dough cures malignant ulcers and cleanses the skin.

Beans are indicated for diabetes.

I took out the seeds from the bean pods.

I saw that the bean was different in size, the same dark purple color, smooth, and had a depression at the top.

The seeds were dry. I put them in the lid of the jar. I saw that the bean was different in size, the same dark purple color, smooth, and had a depression at the top.

The seeds were dry. I put them in cups and poured water.

1. The embryo is a seed, a carrier of heredity.

  • Spine
  • 3. Seed coat – protection for long-term storage.

    4. Cotyledons – storage of nutrients.

Seed structure

What does a seed consist of?

The peas grew faster. The sprout is 8 cm, and the bean has just entered.

Peas are growing on the window. It already has flowers, many tendrils that cling to sticks, but the leaves begin to turn yellow and lack nutrition.

The bean grows on the window and is 53 centimeters long. It already has flowers, but the stem is thin and falls without a stick.

During the summer I attended a school camp and continued to watch my beans and peas. We have achieved an interesting result. Our bean has bloomed and produced fruit. The peas even managed to dry out and now the harvest is 1 pod with a pea

For seed germination you need: heat, light, water, soil, fertilizers.

The first root to emerge from the seed grows downward.

Then a stem appears on which leaves develop.

If the soil is fertile, the plant grows better and faster.

A weak plant grew in the sandy soil and soon withered.

Beans need to be watered and fertilized regularly.

We disproved the hypothesis that beans cannot be grown indoors. Can. You just need to take good care of it.

  • FROM. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin “The world around us.”
  • 3rd grade, “21st Century Association.” Smolensk 2007
  • Beans geo.1september.ru2001/31/4.htm
  • Beans. AGROzhurnal (Internet)


Thank you for your attention.

See you again!

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

The presentation can be a set of pictures (photos) framed with explanatory text, built-in computer animation, audio and video files and other interactive elements.

On our website you will find a huge number of presentations on any topic that interests you. If you have any difficulties, use the site search.

On the site you can download free presentations on astronomy, get to know the representatives of flora and fauna on our planet in presentations on biology and geography. During school lessons, children will be interested in learning about the history of their country through history presentations.

In music lessons, the teacher can use interactive music presentations in which you can hear the sounds of various musical instruments. You can also download presentations on MHC and presentations on social studies. Lovers of Russian literature are not deprived of attention either; I present to you my PowerPoint works on the Russian language.

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This development contains a lesson summary and presentation.

"Group Study"

Group Study No. 1

Purpose of the study:

    Sprout a bean seed and grow a mature plant to learn how the plant develops.

    Research and prove that plants need water to grow and develop.


    Place a cotton pad at the bottom of each glass.

    Place bean seeds in two glasses.

    In the first glass, leave the seeds dry, without water.

    Pour some water into the bottom of the second glass.

    Place both glasses in a warm, lit place.

Group Study No. 2

Purpose of the study:

2) Research and prove that plants need air to grow and develop.


3) Fill the first glass to the brim with water.

4) Pour some water into the bottom of the second glass.

5) Place both glasses in a warm, lit place.

Group Study No. 3

Purpose of the study:

1) Sprout a bean seed and grow a mature plant to learn how the plant develops.

2) Research and prove that plants need light for growth and development.


1) Place a cotton pad at the bottom of each glass.

2) Place bean seeds in two glasses.

5) Place the second glass in a dark place.

Group Study No. 4

Purpose of the study:

1) Sprout a bean seed and grow a mature plant to learn how the plant develops.

2) Research and prove that plants need heat to grow and develop.


1) Place a cotton pad at the bottom of each glass.

2) Place bean seeds in two glasses.

3) Pour a little water into the bottom of each glass.

4) Place the first glass in a warm, illuminated place.

5) Place the second glass in the cold.

Observation diary

Group No. 4

Target: growth and development of beans.


What we observed

01/27/16 (1 day)

Soaked bean seeds.

Observation diary

Group No. 4

Target: prove that plants need heat to grow and develop.


What we observed

01/27/16 (1 day)

Place the bean seeds in a glass of water and place in a cool place.

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"Technological map of the lesson"

Technological lesson map

Date: January 27, 2016 Class: 1 “B” Teacher: E. V. Moskalenko

Topic: “How a plant develops.”

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge. Lesson form: lesson - research.

Goal: Through research activities to form in students an understanding of the life cycle of plants and the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Planned results:

Subject UUD:

    Know about the variety of seeds, their importance in plant life;

    Name the conditions and sequence of development of plants from seeds;

    Be able to conduct experiments on germinating bean seeds;

    Conduct observations and record the results of observations.

Metasubject UUD:

Regulatory :

Will learn:

    understand and retain in memory the educational task of the lesson;

    independently formulate the purpose and objectives of the lesson after preliminary discussion;

    plan your actions in accordance with the goal;

    determine the degree of success in completing the work in accordance with the objectives of the lesson.


Will learn:

    analyze and highlight essential information from drawings and diagrams, draw on information from life experience;

    compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships, summarize the material of the section.


Will learn:

    cooperate with each other when working in groups;

    express your point of view and justify it;

    work with the text, draw conclusions.


    to form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity;

    moral and ethical assessment of the material being learned.

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activities

Formed UUD

1. Motivation for educational activities.

- Listen to the poem:

To become nature's friend,

Find out all her secrets,
You have to watch a lot.
Only together, only together,
You need to study nature!

- How do you understand the meaning?

- How will you work today?

- Who will be your assistant in class? Who will you thank for their help?

- Let's remember the rules of working in a group.

Creating an emotional mood for work, including students in the business rhythm.

Creating conditions for group work.

Analyze the poem. They draw conclusions. Displaying a positive attitude towards the learning process.




2. Updating knowledge.

- What did we talk about in the last lessons?

- Let's remember what we already know about plants and fill out the “Knowledge Basket.”

Creating conditions for updating knowledge.

Work in groups. Determining the boundaries of your knowledge.



3. Fixing individual difficulties and educational goal setting.

- I suggest watching a video about the life of plants.

- What process did you observe now?

- Formulate the topic of the lesson, what will we talk about today?

- What questions did you have after watching the video? Relate these questions to the topic of the lesson.

- Do you know how to germinate seeds correctly?

- What tasks will we set for ourselves? What do you need to know and learn?

- Today a science laboratory opens in our class. And you become scientists - researchers.

Physical education minute.

Creating conditions for fixing difficulties;

addressing the individual experience of students related to the topic of the lesson;

Initiates students to determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Groups discuss the video, formulate the topic and goals of the lesson.




4. Planning the method of educational activities.

- When we have questions, where do we find the answers? (in a textbook, with adults, etc.)

- How can we learn to grow plants and study the conditions for their growth? (conduct experiments and observations)

- What should a scientist do at the end of his research? (conclusion)

Focusing on the points of the lesson plan and adjusting them.

They name the basic knowledge that leads to planned activities and the creation of a lesson plan.




5. Learning activities.

- Open the textbook on page 76.

- What is shown in the illustration?

- Are these the seeds of the same plant or different plants?

- Compare them and draw a conclusion?

- What role do seeds play in the life of plants?

- Look at the following picture. What kind of experiment are they asking us to do? (Grow seeds).

- Discuss in groups in what sequence we will conduct this experiment.

- Will you and I be able to plant the germinated seed in the ground today?

- Look at the following illustration and explain. (Depicts the development of a plant from a seed).

- Let's determine the topic of your research (growing a plant from a seed).

- For what purpose will you do this? (Study how a plant develops from a seed)

- Every scientist conducting research puts forward a hypothesis and tries to prove it or not. And what is it?

- What hypotheses can you put forward?

- page 77 Look at the following picture, what is shown? (Conditions necessary for plant development and growth)

- Today you will conduct 2 studies at once: germinate seeds and check plant growth conditions.

1 g: plants need water.

2 gr.: plants need air.

3 gr.: plants need light.

4 degrees: plants need warmth.

On your tables are the necessary items for conducting experiments and instructions. Please read your instructions carefully.

- How will you conduct the experiments? Can you come up with a hypothesis?

Since you will be making observations, you will need to record your results. Each group will have its own “Observation Diary”. Let's fill out the first column.

In the next lesson we will continue our research. If the seeds germinate, each group will plant their own seeds and continue to monitor the growth of the plants.

Physical education minute.

Organizes a conversation based on previously learned knowledge.

Appeals to the experience of children.

Introduces a problematic situation. Appeals to the experience of children.

Creates conditions for formulating the topic and purpose of the study, putting forward a hypothesis.

Creates conditions for the implementation of research.

The seeds are compared, highlighting common and distinctive features.

Analyze the information presented using the figure and explain your choice.

Analyze information. Formulate the topic and purpose of the research. They put forward hypotheses.

Conduct experiments in accordance with the instructions.

They put forward hypotheses. Fill out an observation diary.















6. Control and correction of the method of achieving the educational goal.

- What goal did you set for yourself today?

- What did we need to achieve the goal?

- Meet in groups and tell us according to the diagram what you learned in the lesson, continuing the sentences:
- We learned…

- We realized that...
- It was interesting…
- It was difficult…
- We wanted...
- We made it…
- At the next lesson we...

Focuses attention on the final results of students' educational activities in the lesson.

Organizes reflection.

Formulate the final result of their work in class.




7. Evaluation of the result of the educational goal.

Organizes student assessment and self-assessment.

They evaluate themselves and each other.

