Project activities in the work of a speech therapist. speech therapy project on the topic

Svetlana Chagina
Project activities in the correctional work of a speech therapist teacher

Chagina S.V.

Konosha village, Arkhangelsk region. MBDOU general developmental kindergarten "Teremok".

The number of children with speech difficulties is growing steadily. Standardized methods correctional work do not always give the expected result. To increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work used in the educational process project activities. Method projects is a pedagogical technology, the core of which is independent, research, educational, playful, creative, productive children's activities, in the process of which the child learns about himself and the world around him, embodies his knowledge into real products. In the educational process of preschool educational institutions project activities is in the nature of cooperation. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activities, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

Creative project"The Magic World of Fairy Tales"

View project: creative, long-term, group.

Participants project: children 5-7 years old attending speech therapy classes in a speech center, teachers, parents of pupils.

Relevance: Relevance is due to the need to resolve issues aimed at increasing efficiency correctional and developmental work with children of senior preschool age in a speech center. Fairy tales have a positive emotional impact on preschoolers. Relevance the project is that it combines means and methods for developing the child’s creative and speech abilities. The pedagogical feasibility of using collective theatrical and play productions in teaching, creating cartoons, and homemade books is explained by the fact that this allows you to increase the rate of speech development in general, by including the child in creative activities. activity. Based on this, it was decided to include creative activities in speech therapy work.

Target: correction speech disorders in older preschoolers, in the process of creative activities.


To develop the speech of older preschoolers through theatrical play activity;

Use modern technologies in speech therapy work;

Use methods and means to encourage children to engage in a vibrant, emotional process of speech development;

Create a special environment that encourages the child to be active in the educational process and strive for creativity;

Include children with disabilities in the educational process;

Involve teachers and parents in correctively- pedagogical process.

Implementation stages:

1. Initial stage. (Defining goals, setting goals, studying literature).

2. Productive stage. (Planning and implementation of joint activities implementation participants project).

3. Effective stage. (Product project: production of homemade books by children and parents; showing Russian folk tales using a tabletop theater for children of younger groups, participation of preschoolers in a regional competition of theatrical performances “This is how we can do it”, cartoon creation).

Directions project activities:

Work on speech development

To ensure a transition from accumulated ideas and passive speech reserve to the active use of speech means;

Develop the rhythm of speech, its intonation expressiveness, voice modulation;

Strengthen the correct pronunciation of sounds in theatrical and free speech activities;

Develop the ability to listen attentively to spoken speech, develop a reaction to intonation and facial expressions corresponding to intonation;

Improve the ability to answer questions fully, ask questions, conduct dialogue, and the ability to listen to each other;

Develop retelling skills. To teach the retelling of well-known fairy tales with visual support, the ability to convey the character of the hero.

Theater and play activity:

Provide the necessary level of physical activity;

Improve spatial orientation skills;

Develop communication skills based on common gaming interests;

Develop the ability to stage scenes based on familiar fairy tales;

Improve creative skills, the ability to interact with other characters;

To cultivate artistry, aesthetic feelings, imagination, fantasy, and the ability to transform.

Creative activity

Retelling Russian folk tales using a tabletop theater "Zayushkina's hut", "Ryaba Hen", "Masha and the Bear", "Teremok", "Kolobok".

Joint creativity of children and parents: composing fairy tales, stories, illustrating homemade books;

Presentation of homemade books by children;

Staging of the work by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom". Participation in the regional theatrical competition “This is how we can do it”;

Drawing illustrations for cartoons: "Lifesaver", "Apple";

Voice acting for cartoons.

Working with parents

Introducing parents to project at the first group meeting in September.

Homemade book competition "A Tale in a New Way";

Exhibition of children's drawings based on the fairy tale by V. G. Suteev "Under the mushroom", "Apple";

Presentation of cartoons for children and parents at the final meeting;

Distributing a copy of the cartoon to parents for home viewing.

Participation of group teachers in project

Introducing children to the works of V. G. Suteev. Reading fairy tales "Under the mushroom", "Mouse and Pencil", "Rooster and Paints", "Lifesaver", "Apple", "Different Wheels";

Watching cartoons "Under the mushroom", "Lifesaver", "Apple";

Drawing illustrations for cartoons.


Introduction of modern methods and technologies into correctional work;

Increasing the rate of speech development in general, by including preschool children in creative activities activity;

Unlocking the creative potential of preschool children;

Speech emancipation of the child, despite his existing speech capabilities;

Positive interaction between children, teachers and parents.


1. N. E. Veraksa, A. N. Veraksa manual « Project activities for preschoolers»

Nomination “Working with parents” (in preschool educational institutions)

One of the most important areas of my activity in kindergarten is working with parents of a child with speech disorders. The practice of working in preschool educational institutions shows that such influence is a rather complex process. Not all parents adequately perceive their child’s speech problems.

Some try not to notice the child’s speech impairments and ignore doing homework with the child recommended by the speech therapist. Others, on the contrary, show excessive anxiety, placing increased demands on the child’s speech. This position “slows down” and delays the correctional and developmental process. Therefore, the development of this project has become relevant.

Date: 9 months.

Participants: teacher-speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, parents.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of parental competence in matters of children's speech development.


  • to study the characteristics of parents of pupils, the level of their pedagogical competence on issues of speech development of the child;
  • develop and conduct a system of events for parents on the speech development of preschool children, through the organization of the “Speech” club;
  • compose and publish a periodic children’s and parent’s magazine “Rechevaya Polyanka”;
  • create a file cabinet for parents and children to practice at home: “Your home speech therapist”;
  • develop and accept uniform requirements of parents for the child regarding the general approach to education in the process of speech correction.

Expected results: increasing parental competence in matters of the child’s speech development, assistance in adopting the position of an “active parent.”

The implementation of the project involves work in stages III.

Stage I preparatory (information and analytical).


  • Questioning parents: “Are you concerned about the state of your child’s speech?” See Appendix 1;
  • release of information sheets: “Assess your child’s speech development.” See Appendix 2;
  • moving folder: “The role of parents in the development of children’s speech.” See Appendix 3;
  • collection of teaching materials for the card index and journal; development of events.

Stage II main (practical).


  1. Conducting a system of methodological activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children through the organization of the “Speech” club. See Appendix 4.
  2. Presentation of the file cabinet: “Your home speech therapist” (based on “Home notebooks for speech therapy sessions with children” by Yu.B. Zhikhareva-Norkina).
  3. Carrying out child-parent events: poetry recitation competition: “Spring Drop”, celebration of correct and beautiful speech “Birthday of Sounds”. See Appendix 13.
  4. Issue of the magazine “Rechevaya Polyanka” once every 3 months. See Appendix 2.
  • For curious parents.
  • We talk and play - we develop speech.
  • Read it.
  • Our hands are not for boredom.
  • Announcement.

Stage III is final (control and diagnostic).

Activities: analyze the effectiveness of a speech therapist teacher’s work with parents on issues of children’s speech development through a survey, feedback sheets, reviews and suggestions in the guest book of the Speech Club.

As a result of the implementation of the “Your Home Speech Therapist” project, the desired result: according to the survey, 85% of parents became better versed in issues of children’s speech development, 60% of parents took an active part in parent-child activities, 95% of parents learned to complete tasks from the “Your Home Speech Therapist” file cabinet. Parents who were unable to attend the Rechevichok club were offered event materials on electronic media (disk) and reminders. See Appendix 11, Appendix 12, information sheets, “Rechevaya Polyanka” magazines.


1. Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. St. Petersburg, 1994.

2. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M., 1994.

3. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment: education and training. M., 2000.

Project “Your home speech therapist”

Magazine "Rechevaya Polyanka"

In modern conditions, teachers and speech therapists in particular need to use a variety of pedagogical technologies when working with children. One of these technologies is the project method.

Project method- this is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem, which should end in a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another

The main goal of any project- the formation of various key competencies, which in modern pedagogy are understood as complex personality traits, including interrelated knowledge, skills, values, and the readiness to mobilize them in the necessary situation.

The project method allows the child to become a direct participant in all stages of the work. The age of participants can vary from junior to senior preschoolers. But the most productive activities are achieved by children of older preschool age. Because The main advantages of the project method in the work of a speech therapist are a significant reduction in the predominant activity of an adult, the possibility of correction and learning through a joint search for solutions, providing a preschooler with the opportunity for independence, cooperation, and co-creation on an equal basis.

Corrective and developmental thematic projects provide motivation for successful learning.

Older preschoolers are already able to accept a problem they have identified on their own, comprehend the goal that needs to be achieved and choose the path that will lead to success.

But the project method can be modernized by introducing into it an element of art therapy - phototherapy. This is exactly the kind of experimental project I want to talk about.

Phototherapy involves working with ready-made photographs and creating original photographs.

This can be the writing of stories, descriptions, the use of additional visual techniques and techniques (drawing, collaging, making figures from photographs and then playing with them, theatrical activities, artistic descriptions, etc.). Children's photographs become tools that serve to improve communication skills.

Starting from a certain age, children take pictures of everything around them with pleasure. The process of “communication” with the photograph begins: it becomes clear what emotions, feelings, associations or memories it evokes, why the child liked it, who took the picture and in what circumstances.

Projects using elements of phototherapy can be both long-term and short-term. A short-term project can be based on the lexical topic of the week, for example: autumn, vegetable garden, furniture, household appliances, clothing, etc.

I present to your attention a project with elements of phototherapy.

Project topic: Human.

Project type: informational and creative.

Target: to form the lexical and grammatical competence of preschoolers with SEN based on the practical experience of children (photography, writing stories, descriptions)


learning to write descriptive stories using photographs.

Project implementation timeline: short.

Project organizer: speech therapist

Project participants: children of the senior speech therapy group, speech therapist, teacher.

Project implementation stages

The project was implemented in three stages.

Stage I.


At the preparatory stage, we created photographs taken by both the teacher and the children themselves. Children were invited to play photographers - take photo portraits of their friends in a group.

At the same time, correctional and developmental work was carried out.

Stage II.


The main stage of the work was combined with the practical one. At this stage the following were carried out:

OUD Compilation of the story “Man” based on the photo.

Memorizing the poem “The Human Body” by M. Efremov

Reading fiction by G. Ladonshchikov “I washed my hands under the tap”, children’s encyclopedia “The Human Body” by M. Efremov

Didactic games: “Emotions”, “What color is the hair?”, “Girl-boy”

Role-playing game "Doctor's Examination"

Improvisation games “What can your body do?”

Practical tasks “Shading parts of the body”, “Trace and cut out the palm”

Outdoor games with a teacher “Fast and nimble legs”, “The sea is agitated once...”

Closing conversation

At this stage, we began to design the wall newspaper. For our work, we needed photographs of children, which helped children explain the purposes of parts of the human body and visually see their own emotions (laughter, sadness, anger). This was perhaps the most important moment, since it was then that the children began to want to learn more about the person. The children's stories were very emotional, and creative works provided visual support when composing the stories. The presence of formalized stories helped in organizing dialogues between children. Preschoolers willingly exchanged impressions about photographs in which they saw themselves and their friends.

Stage III.


The result of the work was the presentation and publication of a wall newspaper for the students of our group.

The experience of using the project method, which is based on photography, contributes to a deeper and more durable assimilation of the studied material, increases the motivation and cognitive activity of preschoolers.

In February, it is planned to create a project on the theme “My Favorite City”, timed to coincide with City Day, with the involvement of parents. The basis for this project will be photographs taken while parents and children were walking around the city. Monuments, architectural structures, squares and other attractions, or simply places in the city that for some reason the child likes, are photographed.

Strelnikova Olga Sergeevna, Ya/S No. 23 “Akniet”, Karaganda, speech therapist

To download material or!

State standards for general education of the new generation involve making significant changes to the structure and content, goals and objectives of education, shifting emphasis from one task - to equip the student with knowledge - to another - to form his general educational skills as the basis of educational activities. A graduate of a modern school must have practice-oriented knowledge necessary for successful integration into society and adaptation in it.

Creative teaching methods should play a leading role. In the arsenal of innovative pedagogical tools and methods, research creative activity occupies a special place.

The essence of the “project method” in education is to organize the educational process in such a way that children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, and an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.

“Everything I learn, I know, why I need it, and how I can apply this knowledge” - this is the main thesis of the modern understanding of the project method. It is also one of the methods of developmental education.

To increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in the educational process, along with speech correction, research work is used. And research work is one of the most important ways to solve this problem. Such activities, which place students in the position of “researcher,” occupy a leading place in modern systems of developmental education. Research work in primary school is now especially relevant, since it is at this stage that educational activity is leading and determines the development of the main cognitive characteristics of the developing personality. During this period, forms of thinking develop that further ensure the assimilation of a system of scientific knowledge and the development of scientific and theoretical thinking.

Project activities are aimed at the formation and development of children's communication skills, preparation skills for educational activities, proper time management, planning and self-control. Speech therapy training for schoolchildren is carried out through the interaction of an adult and a child. This cooperation helps children learn to independently search for ways and means of solving their own problems. The child ceases to be an object of pedagogical influence and becomes an active participant in creative activity, the purpose of which is to activate his own resources in the process of learning and development.

The project method provides the child with a unique opportunity to realize their fantasies and connect them with the dream of adulthood. Children of different levels of preparedness are able to work on the project. The main thing is to help the child believe in himself. Children most fully perceive what was interesting, what he himself found and proved.

You can always find something interesting and exciting in our lives and in our studies. You just need to find it and tell the children what will lead them to interesting and unusual finds and discoveries. By visiting a speech center, children not only learn correct speech, but also independently try to gain new knowledge, experiment, explore, and draw conclusions.

Corrective work at our speech center takes place during the active educational activities of schoolchildren, which ensures their development. And this determines the independent setting of tasks, the comparison of different methods of educational actions and the choice of the most adequate, the possession of all types of self-control and self-esteem. The main method of such development is educational research. Any research is collective in nature; it involves a comparison of positions, methods, and results. Classes are organized in the form of an extensive collective educational dialogue. To organize. To guide and support such a dialogue, the speech therapist teacher must master the technique of pedagogical communication “from the inside,” that is, be included in the dialogue as one of its participants. Students' knowledge moves through the close constant interweaving of new knowledge with previously acquired knowledge. The lesson can begin with a new question, the connection of which with previous experience the children realize independently or gradually with an increase in the amount of help from the speech therapist. Or the lesson unfolds in the form of a gradual deepening. The main thing is not the smoothness of the lesson, when children answer questions accurately, but the natural process of unfolding knowledge - with its mistakes, difficulties, emotions of pleasure, joy, grief, overcoming inertia and laziness. At the same time, children are revealed in many ways, therefore, opportunities are created for their full learning.

Working in this direction, I, together with children, have created and implemented several long-term creative projects (“Meet the orange”, “We develop speech with the help of our fingers”, “Oh, this fairy tale!”, “Tongue twisters...?”)

Their creation was prompted by the fact that mastering new knowledge helps and contributes to the compensation of the child’s speech underdevelopment, mental processes, and also contributes to the development of independence, perseverance, tolerance, and the formation of interest in speech therapy classes.

The project method helped in the formation of the child’s social and personal qualities - independence, activity, responsibility, patience, the ability to listen to each other, and work together in a team. Children have developed the intellectual prerequisites for successful further education.

The pedagogical result of project activity is, first of all, the activity itself. And from the children's point of view too. They did something, they had a lot of ideas and plans, they encountered unusual problems, overcame them, learned a lot of new things, and used their knowledge. It is very important to talk about this during the presentation. And the product is one of the embodiments of the plan.

The usefulness lies in the fact that we do not tell the child anything unnecessary. He has the right to choose the first step, course and even the goal of the project. Going towards this goal, he is faced with the fact that he has to “obtain” knowledge, and then connect disparate information, “string” it to some goal of his own. He draws only the necessary knowledge from different subject areas and uses it in the activities that interest him.

My task, as a speech therapist, is not just to give tasks and evaluate their implementation, but to skillfully guide the children towards their goal, help them select the necessary information from the general flow of information.

As a result of work on the implementation of projects, schoolchildren's vocabulary significantly expanded, the grammatical structure of speech was formed, and coherent speech developed. This project helped children gain research skills, involved schoolchildren in creative activities, and helped me realize many goals and objectives for working on children’s correct speech.

Building the educational process on the basis of developmental education, according to L.S. Vygotsky, “Training, which considers as its leading goals ensuring the development of higher mental functions of the individual as a whole through mastering external means of cultural development, is developmental and at the same time acquires a purposeful character. The result of such training is the level of personal development achieved by the child, his individuality.”


  1. Research and project activities of junior schoolchildren. Recommendations for teachers. Projects. Author compiled by V.F. Feoktistova. - Publishing house "Teacher" Volgograd, 2010.
  2. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. A manual for teachers. - Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature"
  3. Project activities in elementary school / author's compilation. M.K. Gospodnikova and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  4. Organization of project activities at school: work system / author-comp. S.G. Shcherbakova and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  5. Modern speech therapy lesson: work experience/ed. Comp. E.A.Lapp, N.G. Frolova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  6. Vygotsky.L.S. Thinking and speech. Psyche, consciousness, unconscious / L.S. Vygotsky. – M., 2001.
  7. Corrective and developmental training: organizational and pedagogical aspects / ed. S.G. Shevchenko. - M.: VLADOS, 2001.
  8. Internet resources

Work experience on the topic: Using the technology of joint project activities in the work of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution.

As practice shows, in recent years the number of children with speech difficulties has been growing steadily. Standardized methods of correctional work with children with speech disorders do not always give the expected result.

In this regard, the search for effective forms and methods, the need to include search activities in the content of a preschooler’s education that require the use of knowledge and skills in a new situation to solve new problems, becomes relevant.

Analyzing various forms of correctional work with children with speech disorders, we looked for those that would speed up the process of production, automation of impaired sounds, and, in general, the development of all components of speech, cognitive processes, communication skills, and came to the conclusion about modernizing joint children's projects into practice work of a speech therapist.

Our institution has experience in using the technology of joint project activities, which was disseminated by our teachers at the district, city, and regional levels.

In recent years, the following projects have been implemented at the preschool educational institution: “About rights while playing!”, “Day of Self-Government”, “Who to Be, What to Be”, “Sports Nanny”, “Sorceress - Water”, “Me and My Name”, “ My family, my pedigree”, etc. It was necessary to adapt the new technology to children with FND and FFND, taking into account the characteristics of children with speech pathology.

Our contemporary psychologist D.I. Feldshtein, exploring the peculiarities of the relationship between the world of adults and the world of children, came to the conclusion: new forms of their co-activity and co-creativity make it possible to find a source of not only emotionally rich experiences, but also development in general.

Such a source, in our opinion, is joint project activities. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, and develop creativity and speech.

By including in the work plan for the project reading fiction, talking about what they have read, watching cartoons, discussing problematic situations, we are working on the formation of coherent speech, teaching children to construct phrases so as to be understandable to their peers, teaching the rules of conducting a discussion, business dispute and expressing their opinion.

Many projects evoke delight and long-lasting memories for the children. Project participants are mainly children of senior preschool age, since it is at this age that the project activities of preschoolers actively develop. They accept the problem, clarify the goal, and are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity.

During this period, integration occurs between common methods of solving educational and creative problems, mental, speech, artistic and other types of activity. Through the unification of various areas of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the surrounding world is formed. The collective work of children in subgroups gives them the opportunity to express themselves in various types of role-playing activities. A common goal, joint activities that are significant for the child develop the communicative and moral qualities of the individual.

Children's projects “Magic Sounds of Nature”, “What is Good and What is Bad”, “The Kingdom of Books is a Wise State”, “A Journey through the City of Beautiful Speech”, implemented by a speech therapist teacher, did not leave a single child indifferent. During the work on projects, an atmosphere of co-creation with the child was created, and an individual approach was used. We tried to unobtrusively involve parents in working together on the project.

Work on the project includes the activities of the teacher and children. It is distributed as follows by project stages:

Activities of a teacher Children's activities
Stage 1 1. Formulates the problem (goal). When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined.
2. Introduces the game (story) situation.
3. Formulates the problem.
1. Getting into the problem.
2. Getting used to the game situation.
3. Acceptance of the task.
4. Addition of project tasks.
Stage 2 4. Helps in solving a problem.
5. Helps plan activities
6. Organizes activities.
5. Uniting children into working groups.
6. Role distribution.
Stage 3 7. Practical assistance (if necessary).
8. Directs and controls the implementation of the project.
7. Formation of specific knowledge and skills.
Stage 4 9. Preparing for the presentation. 10. Presentation. 8. The product of the activity is prepared for presentation.
9. Present (to spectators or experts) the product of the activity.

Project “Journey through the City of Beautiful Speech”

Goal: to train children in correct sound pronunciation in activities that are entertaining for children;

Goal for the children: go on a trip to the city of Beautiful Speech (using a guide map);

Project scale: temporary – 3 weeks.

1. Develop the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants.
2. Develop voice strength, intonation, and expressiveness of speech.
3. Cultivate sociability and communication skills in situations that arise in life.
4. Cultivate the desire to speak correctly and beautifully.
5. Develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills.
6. Instill a love for your native language.
7. Cultivate sociability and communication skills in situations that arise in life.

Broadcast of the project:

Presentation of the project to the children of the group
- Photo session for parents
- Speech at the pedagogical council

During the “trip” the children “visited” “skillful fingers and cheerful tongues”, “Grandma the Riddler”, “walked” along the “Prospect of Nursery Rhymes, Pure Twisters, Tongue Twisters”, along the “Street of Magic Wands and Words”, and learned a lot of interesting things.

The last stage of the project - defense - is always the most spectacular. We invite guests (teachers) and parents to the defense. It is at this moment that the highest point of emotional intensity occurs, and it must be strengthened by the social significance of the project. First, we explain for whom and why it was created and why it is needed. The form for protecting projects is bright, interesting, and thought out in such a way as to highlight and demonstrate the contribution of each child, parent, and teacher.

Thus, we are convinced that the design technology we have chosen allows us to solve important problems in the speech and mental development of a preschooler:

Expand children's knowledge about the environment, thereby expanding their vocabulary;
- improve the sound aspect of speech;
- develop the ability to create words;
- to form the child’s personal qualities;
- develop communication skills;
- achieve significant positive dynamics in the speech development of children.

Creative design requires the teacher to have patience, love for the child, and faith in his capabilities on the way to entering the world of adults.

The prospect of our research will be an attempt to adapt the technology of maintaining a child’s portfolio in order to develop the communication abilities of preschoolers and improve the quality of education.

Kharina Alfiya Salimzyanovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MADO "Child Development Center"
kindergarten No. 268″, Perm